[NEW ITEM] Vale Andrew Ward
[NEW ITEM] ASSI Recognition Week
[NEW ITEM] 2021 Membership Survey Report – Key Findings and Outcomes
[NEW ITEM] ICCROM seminar: RE-ORG: a brighter future for your museum collections in storage, online, 9 September
[NEW ITEM] TALK: Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings, 19 Sept (or 10 Oct if COVID strikes!), Romsey, VIC
[NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: The pros and cons of wet steam lubrication, online, 27 September
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium, 16-18 September 2021, online – registration closes 12 September
[NEW ITEM] Greenline – have your say by 3 October
[NEW ITEM] Fremantle Studies Day, 24 October, Fremantle
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – News
[NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
WEBINAR: The Cultural Value of the Night Sky, 15 September, 6pm AEST
Save the date: 2021 Duldig Lecture on Sculpture, 19 September, online
Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards 2021 – nominations close Friday 3 September
International Wood Committee (IIWC) “Minimal Intervention Challenge” – submissions due 20 September
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist, URBIS, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Maritime Heritage Officer, SA Department for Environment and Water, Adelaide [DEADLINE: 12 September 2021]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect (Registered in Victoria), Purcell, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect/Project Manager, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 October]
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultant & Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Andrew Ward
- Gordon Railway Station – before; Source: Victorian Heritage Register
- Gordon Railway Station – after; Source: Victorian Heritage Register
It was very saddening to learn that our dear friend and valued colleague Andrew Ward died last week. Andrew had been diagnosed with a particularly virulent brain cancer but outlived his prognosis by many months and, incredibly, succeeded in getting back to Australia from Canada quite recently. The funeral was held last Wednesday at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Olinda and the recording of the webcast will be available for the next four weeks at this link. There is hope that there will be an opportunity for a further post lockdown celebration of Andrew’s life.
Andrew was responsible for many of the early pre-amalgamation heritage studies in Victoria such as Brighton, Sandringham, Box Hill and Collingwood in the Metro area and Warrnambool, Echuca, Benalla and Swan Hill in the country. Post-amalgamation he did studies for Glen Eira, Monash and the massive Port Phillip Heritage Review. Andrew was the Heritage Advisor at Bendigo for many years and also advised at Ballarat, Campaspe and Glen Eira.
He also undertook an extensive range of assessments and conservation management plans for individual places such as the Echuca Wharf, Mildura Base Hospital, the Foy and Gibson Complex, and Bendigo Post Office. The most recent of these was a CMP for the Echuca Locomotive Shed, for which there is now funding for its restoration. He also did a number of systematic studies, of which one of the largest would have been the assessment of all historic properties owned by Australia Post in Victoria.
But of course Andrew was particularly well known for his railway heritage studies, especially his knowledge of railway architecture. While working at Bendigo he acquired the long-term lease and restored two signal boxes and a station! One of the signal boxes was his lodging when he visited as advisor. His latest book, A Storey of Stations was published only three years ago. This is a massive detailed study of railway stations across Victoria packed with historic plans and historic and contemporary photos.
All of this a remarkable resource regularly being sourced by his colleagues today.
Those that had the privilege and pleasure of having worked with Andrew describe him as ‘gentle and kind but with great inner strength’, ‘knowledgeable and personable who brought special skills to the task’. They recall his remarkable skill at drawing and sketching, skills that now seem ‘from another era’ that demonstrated great craft. He is also warmly praised for the professional time he has given to historical societies, railway historical societies and the National Trust where he served on the Industrial History Committee.
And Andrew was truly a hands-on heritage practitioner. Apart from his railway buildings in Bendigo, with the Railway Historical Society, he organised the complete restoration of the derelict Gordon Station on the Melbourne to Ballarat line. The restoration was largely done by volunteer labour with a substantial number of volunteers organised into regular shifts. It is now on the Victorian Heritage Register.
Andrew’s most recent gift to Bendigo’s heritage was the attractive Coath stone cottage near the Gold Mines Hotel. The building was gutted by the Black Saturday fires and was about to be demolished. Andrew saved it by buying it on the spot and following that up with a considered and appealing restoration.
It is hard to realise that Andrew is no longer just a phone call or an email away always ready to share his knowledge and ideas.
Ian Wight
Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Andrew’s family, friends and colleagues.
2. [NEW ITEM] ASSI Recognition Week
The article ‘A collective community voice for displaced Pacific communities’ was provided to ICOMOS by not-for-profit community representative Australian South Sea Islanders (Port Jackson) (ASSIPJ) who are based in Pyrmont Sydney NSW.
ICOMOS have been granted permission to share with our members this detailed article which pays homage to community advocates on ASSI recognition day which falls annually on the 25th August.
ASSIs have an evident kinship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as some 60,000 forebears were reaped from the eighty Islands of Vanuatu and Solomons which included Tuvalu, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and New Caledonia.
The genocide for SSIs continued after the mass deportation under the 1901 ‘white Australia policy’ of some 7,000 people and their families. Post federation SSI children were further absorbed under the 1930s Aboriginal Protection Acts on reserves, missions, stations and plantations.
Within the article are embedded references and videos in creating a greater understanding of this largely unknown community demographic.
Read the article: (final 130821) The continuum of Australian South Sea Islander recognition day the struggle for identity as a displaced Pacific community in Australia 2021
3. [NEW ITEM] 2021 Membership Survey Report – Key Findings and Outcomes
An Australia ICOMOS Members Survey was distributed to members by email in April and May 2021 and 226 responses were received, amounting to about a third of current members. The key finding of this survey have been collated by Tracy Ireland and Lucy Irwin and can be found in this document: Membership Survey Report
The Executive Committee (EC) would like to thank all members who contributed to the survey and for providing much needed feedback on the evolving strategic directions of the organisation.
4. [NEW ITEM] ICCROM seminar: RE-ORG: a brighter future for your museum collections in storage, online, 9 September
This year, ICCROM celebrates the 10th anniversary of the RE-ORG method, an innovative approach to reorganizing overcrowded museum storage.
For the many museums facing similar situations, the task may seem daunting. This seminar will invite users of the RE-ORG method from different countries to tell you about how they overcame the same obstacles and challenges you may face.
RE-ORG was initially developed by ICCROM with the support of UNESCO. The objective was to help small and medium-sized museums of all contexts and types create order in storage and regain control of their collections. In 10 years, thanks to unprecedented institutional and individual support, over 145 museums in 35 countries around the world have used the method, more than 550 professionals participated in 28 RE-ORG training initiatives, national strategies involving 10-30 museums each time were successfully implemented in countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Today, the RE-ORG method is a growing compendium of manuals, tools, videos and other resources available online in 5 languages for use by museums professionals to change the fate of millions of objects worldwide. It is also a community that can be mobilized to support each other progress.
Date: 9 September 2021
Time: 3.00pm (Rome, Italy) | 11.00pm AEST | 10.30pm SA & NT | 9.00pm WA
Location: Online
Registration is mandatory and FREE – register here
For more information, visit the ICCROM website.
If you miss the live event, we will make sure you can watch everything on the ICCROM You Tube channel.
5. [NEW ITEM] TALK: Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings, 19 Sept (or 10 Oct if COVID strikes!), Romsey, VIC
Join Portable Buildings Australia in Romsey for a presentation on
Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings
Presented as part of Romsey & Lancefield Districts Historical Society’s “Talking History” series, Portable Buildings World Heritage Nomination Task Force (PBWHNTF) member and esteemed Melbourne architectural historian Professor Miles Lewis will discuss Romsey’s 165 years old Seymour Cottage, Singapore cottages, and portable buildings. He will be joined by PBWHNTF members Andrew Muir and Tony Isaacson.
This is a special event not to be missed by anyone with an interest in architecture and history, or wanting to get out of Melbourne for a day as soon as it’s permitted and safe to do so.
Romsey Community Hub, 96 Main Street, Romsey VIC 3434
Sunday 19 September 2021
2:00pm to 4:00pm
$25 pp includes refreshments
The alternative date is Sunday 10 October if getting together or travel are not permitted on 19 September.
Here is the link to buy your tickets | Here is the flyer
6. [NEW ITEM] WEBINAR: The pros and cons of wet steam lubrication, online, 27 September
Join us in helping the UK’s Science and Industry Museum (Manchester) work out whether wet steam lubrication is right for their steam engines.
The Details
The UK’s Science and Industry Museum, Manchester (part of the Science Museum Group) has asked the Big Stuff community to help them work out an innovative plan for operating their steam engines in their newly designed Power Hall. They want to create a display that is exciting, informative AND environmentally friendly. However, their steam engines use large quantities of water which get contaminated with lubricating oil and have to be jettisoned as waste. So they are interested in using wet steam lubrication for the engines, but want to see how it works in practice and whether it will translate to the museum situation successfully.
Whether you have experience with this method or are just interested in knowing more please join us for a great debate. More information is available here and schematics of the proposed gallery plan and steaming plan are available at this link.
27 September | 8-10pm AEST
7. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium, 16-18 September 2021, online – registration closes 12 September
ICOMOS Slovenia invites you to the 4th International Symposium of ICOMOS Slovenia, which will be held via Zoom on 16-18 September 2021.
The theme this year is Resilient Heritage.
Keynote introductory lecturer will be Andrew Potts.
The symposium will be organized in three thematic sections:
- The situation and how prepared are we? Introduced and led by Rohit Jigyasu
- Key challenges Introduced and led by Roko Zarnic
- Cultural heritage as an example: experiences and case studies Introduced and led by Sandra Fatoric
The final program will be published on 5 September 2021 at the ICOMOS Slovenia website.
Registration: The deadline for registration is 12 September 2021.
More information and the registration form can be found at the symposium website.
8. [NEW ITEM] Greenline – have your say by 3 October
Have your say on our bold and transformational vision for the north bank of the Yarra River, Birrarung.
The City of Melbourne is taking the first step to deliver the Greenline initiative to transform the north bank along the Yarra River – Birrarung, with the commencement of community consultation on the Draft Greenline Implementation Plan.
The implementation plan sets out a bold and transformational vision for the revitalisation of the north bank of the river, guiding the prioritisation and development of five precincts covering four kilometres between Birrarung Marr and the Bolte Bridge.
Greenline will introduce:
- Opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate Aboriginal culture and knowledge on and along the Yarra River Birrarung to foster an understanding of the precincts’ Aboriginal cultural values, telling stories of Melbourne’s histories while re-introducing diverse ecologies to the central city
- Improved connection between public spaces to support access and seamless movement of pedestrians and cyclists, providing opportunities for varied experiences with the Birrarung
- Enhancement and reimagining of the north bank’s heritage assets through adaptive reuse, supporting an invigorated, lively river front precinct
- Immersive experiences and creative landscapes to invite public participation, play, education, and wonder in the central city, transforming the north bank into a truly iconic Melbourne waterfront with a global reputation
The Yarra River – Birrarung Strategy provides us with direction for the protection and enhancement of the river and surrounding environment, and is a key guiding document for the Greenline.
The City of Melbourne does not own or independently manage the waterways or banks of the Yarra River – Birrarung so the transformation of this area will be a collective responsibility of all Victorian Government partners and adjoining landowners.
For more information, visit this link.
Consultation closes 3 October.
9. [NEW ITEM] Fremantle Studies Day, 24 October, Fremantle
In the midst of the COVID pandemic the 2021 Fremantle Studies Day explores issues of migration including the need for and consequences of managing the arrival of people into Australia, the potential for issues like racism to emerge and the impact of other cultures on the very fabric of our town. What better place to hold this than the Woodman Point Quarantine Station, built to protect the nation from the ravages of the Spanish Flu.
Cost: Members $20, non-members $25
Venue: Woodman Point Recreation Camp (previously WP Quarantine Station) end of O’Kane Court, Coogee
Bookings: ESSENTIAL. Entry is via a code you will receive on registration; by Tuesday 19 October via email to the Fremantle History Society
Download the Fremantle Studies Day flier.
10. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – News
Click on the links below to read the latest from The Johnston Collection.
11. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Click here to read the latest news from The Best in Heritage.
12. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
Caring For Country Webinar 2: “Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage”, 8 September 2021, 12.00 noon AEST

Caring For Country Webinar 2: Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Wednesday 8 September 2021, 12.00pm AEST
(Webinar duration approx. 1 hour 30 mins)
Register at this link | Webinar N° 871 3554 0226 | Code: 217245
Join us for the second Webinar in the Caring For Country Webinar Series, rescheduled to 8 September 2021. This webinar series has been organized by the Caring For Country Committee, a Working Group of Australia ICOMOS with members from Australia ICOMOS, ICOMOS New Zealand, ICOMOS Pasifika and Non-ICOMOS members from Oceania.
Webinar 2: ‘Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage’ is presented by Polly Mitchell and Jason Wilson. We will hear about a project which aims to increase the capacity of NSW Aboriginal communities to discuss and consider adaptation decision-making around climate change impacts, and how climate impacts have been addressed on traditional land at Narran Lakes in central north New South Wales.
Polly Mitchell will outline the ‘Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage’ project which aims to increase the capacity of NSW Aboriginal communities to discuss and consider adaptation decision-making around climate change impacts. The project uses the most up to date information and co-designed adaptation pathways, to work with Aboriginal communities to identify options for protecting and adapting culture and heritage. The process enables the multiple points of views in the community to be heard, and fosters discussions that can form a considered strategy, rather than reactive response to individual climatic events. Enabling these kinds of discussions, and how strategies and actions are formed as a result, is the goal of this project.
Jason Wilson will talk about his work tackling Climate Change Adaptation with the Narran Lakes Joint Management Committee and the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) in this project. Narran Lakes country shows the effects of changes in climates over eons. Recent climate change has impacted Narran Lakes country and the cultural heritage embodied in the country. Mitigation measures have been taken by the Narran Lakes Joint Management Committee to protect this cultural heritage and country.
For additional information about this webinar and the speakers, please read the Newsletter prepared by the Caring For Country Committee.
Our thanks to Jaye Cook, Australia ICOMOS Associate Member and member of the Caring For Country Committee, for designing the graphics, logo, and templates for newsletter and presentations for the Caring For Country Webinar Series.

WEBINAR: The Cultural Value of the Night Sky, 15 September, 6pm AEST
15 September, 6pm
Prof Clive Ruggles | University of Leicester
Should cultural heritage sites be lit at night for tourists? What is the value of the night sky for cultures present and past? Prof Ruggles explores these questions from an archeoastronomy perspective.
Clive is Emeritus Professor of Archaeoastronomy in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester, UK. He has worked in many parts of the world and published numerous books, papers and articles including the 3-volume Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy (2014), for which he was editor-in-chief. He has ongoing fieldwork and analysis projects in Hawai‘i, Peru and Europe and from 2008 to 2018 was a leading figure in a joint initiative by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the International Astronomical Union to recognise, protect, and promote the world’s most important astronomical heritage sites. He was awarded the Royal Astronomical Society’s new Agnes Mary Clerke Medal in 2017 for a “lifetime of distinguished work in the overlapping areas of archaeology, astronomy and the history of science”.
>> Register here
Save the date: 2021 Duldig Lecture on Sculpture, 19 September, online
For the 2021 Annual Lecture on Sculpture we are honoured to welcome guest speaker Maree Clarke, a Mutti Mutti-Wamba Wamba-Yorta Yorta-Boon Wurrung artist, designer, curator and researcher. Maree will deliver an address that provides insights into sculpture in contemporary society in an online event.
We can’t wait to welcome Maree Clarke into the museum’s 2021 cultural program for this important flagship event, which is being presented in conjunction with the University of Melbourne.
Sunday 19 September, 2pm to 4pm
Register your interest via Eventbrite.
Australian Garden History Society National Conference, ONLINE, 10-11 September 2021
The Australian Garden History Society is excited to be bringing landscape history to life at our 2021 conference. Whilst we are unable to gather in September, we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to enjoy our lecture series on our theme Many Dreams // One Landscape virtually!
For more information and to register, visit the Australian Garden History Society website.
Download the AGHS 2021 online conference flyer.
Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards 2021 – nominations close Friday 3 September
Now in their 28th year, the Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards celebrate the wonderful achievements of the Victorian museum and gallery sector. We recognise that 2021 has been another year of upheaval and change and unfortunately because of the ongoing uncertainty our awards ceremony will again be a free online event. Please do join us to celebrate our sector’s resilience in times of uncertainty that has been 2021 and recognise the amazing work carried out by individuals and organisations even through these challenging times.
Objectives of the Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards
The Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards recognise outstanding achievements and service in the museum, gallery, and collecting sector. This prestigious event celebrates organisations and individuals whose passion and work build a strong Victorian museum and gallery industry. The objectives of the Awards are to:
- Raise awareness of museums and galleries as effective vehicles for engagement with ideas and communities
- Reward and encourage best practice by individuals and organisations
- Celebrate the value of museums and galleries to local and wider community groups
For more information visit the AMaGA Victoria website.
Nominations close 5pm, Friday 3 September.
International Wood Committee (IIWC) “Minimal Intervention Challenge” – submissions due 20 September
Wooden heritage is especially rich and diverse in examples that spread through every culture and latitude. Due to the specific characteristics of wood, its conservation involves specific approaches that might differ from those accepted in the conservation of heritage built with other materials, such as disassembling. The appropriateness of approaches in wooden heritage conservation is a constant discussion in meetings and Symposia. However, it is widely accepted that interventions should, as stated in the 2017 IIWC Principles, follow the minimal intervention criteria. In this context, the IIWC is launching a challenge to the community of wooden heritage conservation.
The aim is to have each one of us thinking in the concept of “minimal intervention”, with the desired output of having a number of definitions of the concept related to different cases and situations of wooden heritage conservation. For that, each one of those that are willing to participate would prepare a short presentation, in which to explain the approach to the concept of minimal intervention in that case.
The examples might be a part of a repair, disassembling, reconstruction, change of use, relocation, temporary and evolving heritage, and so forth. It can focus on tangible and/or intangible aspects.
The case can be a project in which you have worked, but it can also be any case that you might consider of interest to showcase a specific definition or approach.
The format is Pecha-Kucha, which means 15 slides that last 20 seconds each, this is 5 minutes.
The presentations should include the context of the case, the condition of the wooden heritage, the research carried out, the approach to its conservation, and finally the conservation process. It is requested that all presentations include in the last slide, the definition of ‘minimal intervention’ adapted to the specific case, which should be written in a few words. Please follow this template: TEMPLATE_IIWC_MIC (PPT file).
Queries can be directed to IIWC Bureau member Tanya Park via email.
Submissions should be sent to this email address by 20 September.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist, URBIS, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
A unique opportunity has opened for an experienced Senior Archaeologist, looking for career progression, to play an important role in Urbis’ archaeology team based in the Sydney office, servicing Urbis offices nationally, supported by the existing team of 26 built heritage and archaeology consultants with a great culture and collaborative environment.
We are looking for a lateral thinker and outstanding communicator who is seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects for a diverse range of private and public sector clients. As a senior member of the heritage team, you will be involved across a diverse, high-profile and challenging range of projects.
For more information about this opportunity please see the ad on the URBIS website or on Seek.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Maritime Heritage Officer, SA Department for Environment and Water, Adelaide [DEADLINE: 12 September 2021]
The Senior Maritime Heritage Officer is responsible for contributing to the development and implementation of Maritime Heritage projects, programs and policies to support the identification, protection, management, conservation and interpretation of South Australia’s maritime and underwater cultural heritage. The role also contributes to the effective management of maritime and terrestrial archaeological investigations in SA, and manages Heritage SA’s archaeological store and associated facilities.
The role provides leadership and specialist advice to support the effective administration of the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981 (SA) and the Australian Government Underwater Cultural Heritage Act 2018.
For more information and to apply, visit the iworkforSA website.
Applications close 11.45pm, 12 September 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect (Registered in Victoria), Purcell, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 14 offices in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design.
Our Australian team is expanding and is looking for an exceptional Senior Architect to join our Melbourne studio. The aim of this full-time, permanent role is to assist in the effective delivery of projects, either as project leader or project runner, in collaboration with wider teams. The role requires a demonstrated ability to work effectively, focussed and either individually or collaboratively in a team environment.
We’re after a results driven, tenacious, go getter to take on managing a mixture of bespoke conservation, heritage advisory and architectural projects with opportunities to support business development.
For more information about this opportunity, visit the Purcell website.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect/Project Manager, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 October]
Who is the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust?
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust was created by the Australian Government and is responsible for vision planning and management of Sydney Harbour sites including Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour, Woolwich Dock and Parklands in Woolwich, Sub Base Platypus in Neutral Bay, Georges Heights, Middle Head and Chowder Bay in Mosman, North Head Sanctuary in Manly, Marine Biological Station in Watsons Bay and Macquarie Lightstation in Vaucluse.
The Harbour Trust’s vision is to create and share extraordinary places on Sydney Harbour and amplify their stories. Our mission is to “bring to life our natural and cultural heritage and provide a lasting legacy for all Australians through conservation, remediation and the adaptive reuse of places in our care”.
Sites that were for many years hidden away from public view are now open for all, containing an extraordinary mix of historic buildings, magnificent harbour views, pristine natural landscapes and defence heritage. These public spaces and parklands now offer major events, exhibitions, venue hire, accommodation, tours and business tenancy.
What is the role?
The Harbour Trust is looking to engage a Heritage Architect/Project Manager whose role will be to develop and manage Capital Works and Operational projects, requiring project planning, relationship management, and resource negotiation to support the strategic, operational and heritage objectives of the Trust.
What are we looking for?
The successful candidate will be able to show how they have:
- Demonstrated experience and expertise in implementing and directing works programs in accordance with Commonwealth heritage, planning legislation and policy including design, contract management and administration to projects such as buildings, contract administration, heritage works, safety and procurement
- Demonstrated heritage expertise in providing whole of business heritage advice and support
- Proven ability to manage resources, both human and financial, across multiple projects with experience in preparing budgets and managing expenditure
How to apply?
Please refer to the position description – SHFT Heritage Architect Project Manager PD and send your resume and covering letter to the Harbour Federation HR Team by email. (NOTE: the email address link was updated on advice from SHFT after the e-news was sent by email).
Salary remuneration is between $108,336 to $120,376.
Position closes on Friday 1 October 2021.
You can refer to our careers page on our website for more information on who we are and what we do.
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultant & Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
NBRS Heritage Studio is continuing to grow and is working on some exciting new projects, and we are now on the look-out for Heritage Consultants/Advisors with varying levels of experience to join our team. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a wide range of projects encompassing all aspects of heritage management and conservation.
NBRS Heritage Studio
NBRS manage heritage sites of Local, State and Commonwealth levels of significance across a wide range of projects. We work across Australia and internationally out of our Melbourne and Sydney Studios.
In these roles you will report to the Studio Principal and will be involved in all areas of heritage management and conservation practice. This involves direct client and consultant liaison, assessment of heritage issues and provision of written advice.
You will have the opportunity to work independently as well as collaborating on larger, more complex projects. You will be involved in heritage assessments, nominations and studies; heritage impact statements; conservation management plans; conservation works schedules and interpretation plans.
For more information and to apply visit this link, and for any further details contact NBRS via email.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131