[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Officer Georgia Meros is leaving
[NEW ITEM] ISSI Heritage Illuminate session, 26 August, Zoom
[NEW ISSUE] News from MoAD @ Old Parliament House
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Australia ICOMOS Nominee and Proxy Nominee on the Blue Shield Australia Committee – deadline COB Wednesday 4 August
UPDATED INFORMATION: Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, 4 August 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
PRESENTATION: Portable Buildings in Australia by Miles Lewis, Melbourne or Zoom, 5 August
Book Launch, 6 August, Canberra: Fatal Contact: How Epidemics Nearly Wiped out Australia’s First Peoples
ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2021, 7 August, Canberra – register by 4 August
Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference, Dunedin, 14-17 November 2021 – registration open
WA Heritage Awards – nominations close 6 August
REB&CG and WHEA draft World Heritage Strategy Plan – submissions invited and close 14 September
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 6 August]
SITUATION VACANT Director, Heritage, Heritage Branch | QLD Department of Environment and Science, Brisbane [DEADLINE: 30 July]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 19 August]
SITUATION VACANT Senior / Principal Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan, Cremorne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Brisbane City Council, [DEADLINE: 4 August]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Associate or Associate Archaeologist, GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architectural Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, ERM, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior to Principal Level Heritage Consultant, ERM, Perth [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Officer Georgia Meros is leaving
After a stellar term of 14 years, Georgia Meros is moving on from her role as the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Officer.
Georgia is the public face, chief problem solver and all-rounder of our organisation. Our members and stakeholders receive lots of help from Georgia. However, the Executive Committee is the most direct beneficiary of her accumulated skills and knowledge. The regular turnover of Office Bearers and Executive Committee members means that we are all continually learning our jobs.
Georgia’s generosity of spirit and infinite patience is invaluable. We will miss her enormously.
From next week Australia ICOMOS will start a search for a new Secretariat Officer. In true Georgia fashion, she will stay on until we appoint someone so that we achieve an excellent handover towards the end of the year.
We hope (COVID permitting) that we can have a members’ event associated with the AGM to say thank you to Georgia. In the meantime, please thank Georgia when you speak with her and wish her well.
We know she will be successful in whatever she does next!
Helen Lardner
President, Australia ICOMOS
2. [NEW ITEM] ISSI Heritage Illuminate session, 26 August, Zoom
ISS Institute’s Illuminate sessions are back! We will be holding our first Illuminate session online, focusing on our heritage Fellowships.
When: 26 August, 2:30-4pm
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free BUT please register
For more information and to register, visit this link.
3. [NEW ISSUE] News from MoAD @ Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Australia ICOMOS Nominee and Proxy Nominee on the Blue Shield Australia Committee – deadline COB Wednesday 4 August
Blue Shield is an international organisation, working to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict and natural disasters.
Blue Shield Australia (BSA) is one of the national committees of the international Blue Shield.
The BSA committee comprises nominees from the following Australian peak industry organisations:
- ICA: the International Council on Archives, represented in Australia by the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA)
- ICOM: the International Council of Museums, represented in Australia by ICOM Australia
- ICOMOS: International Council on Monuments and Sites, represented in Australia by Australia ICOMOS
- IFLA: the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, represented in Australia by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
These four organisations work together to prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergency situations in case of armed conflict or natural disasters that could affect Australia’s cultural heritage.
For more information, visit the Blue Shield Australia website.
BSA is chaired for 2-year terms on rotation by the above organisations. The Chair is passing from ALIA to ASA for the 2021-2023 term.
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee refreshes its nominees on external committees every two to three years. Expressions of Interest are now invited from Australia ICOMOS Full International Members to fulfil the roles of 1) Australia ICOMOS Nominee and 2) Australia ICOMOS Proxy Nominee for the BSA Committee for the 2021-2023 term. The Nominee and Proxy are required to attend BSA Committee meetings and otherwise contribute to the BSA Committee’s activities. Detailed information is available in the BSA Committee Member Responsibilities 20201-04-14_RATIFIED document.
Expressions of interest should:
- Be of no more than 2 pages in length (plus attachments if appropriate of up to 3 pages)
- State the reason why the applicant seeks appointment to the role
- Confirm a commitment to the active participation in the BSA Committee for the 2021-2023 term
- Demonstrate experience in relation to the protection of cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict and natural disasters in their professional practice and advocacy roles
- Be sent by email to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB (AEST) Wednesday 4 August 2021 – please note: this deadline needs to be strictly adhered to
The next meeting of the BSA Committee is on Wednesday 11 August, and it is hoped that we can appoint these roles before then.
AUXILIARY NOTE: Other Australia ICOMOS members are invited and encouraged to contribute to BSA activities by the means described in the final section on page 6 of the BSA Committee Member Responsibilities 20201-04-14_RATIFIED document – this is something that members could do as interested individuals and it is not on behalf of Australia ICOMOS.
UPDATED INFORMATION: Caring For Country Webinar 1: “OCEANIA WISDOM FOR A CLIMATE CHANCE”, 4 August 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
Wednesday 4 August 2021, 12.00 noon AEST
(Webinar duration approx. 1 hour 30 mins)
Register at this link | Webinar N° 959 0721 9926 | Code: 718730
#ICOMOS #AustraliaICOMOS #ICOMOSNZ #ICOMOSPASIFIKA18 #climateheritage #climatecrisis
Join us for Webinar 1 in the Caring For Country Webinar Series rescheduled to 4 August 2021. This webinar series has been organized by the Caring For Country Committee, a Working Group of Australia ICOMOS with members from Australia ICOMOS, ICOMOS New Zealand, ICOMOS Pasifika and Non-ICOMOS members from Oceania.
‘Oceania Wisdom for a Climate Chance’ brings together a group of distinguished First Nations Australians, Ni Vanuatu, and Australian South Sea Islanders, who will present their insights on the impacts of climate change on their respective domains of land and water and the Indigenous responses to these.
Co-ordinated by (Waskam) Emelda Davis, Dr Anne Poelina and Dr Marie Geissler, it highlights the ‘climate chance’ that now exists, as a window of opportunity for governments and outside agencies seeking sustainable and long-term solutions from the impacts of climate change, to work alongside First Nations people. Through this process they will be informed of the ancient wisdom traditions and intimate knowledge of lands and their interconnected biospheres and seasons that First Nations peoples hold. This knowledge draws on thousands of years of successful natural resources management of country by First Nations peoples, where practices for land stewardship are highly individualized and responsive to the different circumstances of each habitat. Elders to speak include Aunty Shireen Malamoo, (Waskam) Emelda Davis, Dr Anne Poelina, Uncle Ben Harry, Pastor Ray Minniecon and Samson Vivil Fare. Dr Marie Geissler will give the introduction to the webinar.
For more information, download the Oceania Wisdom webinar 4 August 2021 flyer.
Read the Caring for Country newsletter – Issue 1, June 2021 v2.
PRESENTATION: Portable Buildings in Australia by Miles Lewis, Melbourne or Zoom, 5 August
Portable Buildings in Australia by Miles Lewis
5 August, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Cost $5.00
Please note: should the Melbourne lockdown continue until 5 August, this event will be delivered via Zoom and all attendees will be sent the Zoom details.
We are delighted to present this event in partnership with Engineering Heritage Victoria.
Miles Lewis’s presentation will look at why Australia’s large collection of portable buildings should be nominated as a group for UNESCO World Heritage Listing. Portable buildings, today referred to as prefabricated, were imported in larger numbers to Australia than to any other part of the world during the nineteenth century. They were made not merely of timber and iron, but of oilcloth, slate, zinc, papier mâché, and ‘portable brick’.
For more information and to book, visit the Royal Historical Society of Victoria website.
Book Launch, 6 August, Canberra: Fatal Contact: How Epidemics Nearly Wiped out Australia’s First Peoples
Dymocks Canberra and Monash University Publishing are delighted to invite you to the launch of
Fatal Contact: How Epidemics Nearly Wiped out Australia’s First Peoples
By Peter Dowling
When: Friday 6 August 2021 @ 6.00pm
Where: Dymocks Bookshop Canberra, Canberra Centre, Shop CL17, 148 Bunda Street, Canberra ACT 2601
RSVP (appreciated): by email or (02) 6257 5057
More information at this link.
ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2021, 7 August, Canberra – register by 4 August
ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2021: Heritage at Times of Crisis: Saving, Sustaining, Sharing
7 August 2021 | ANU Acton Campus
In a Land of Fires, Droughts and Flooding Rains, and now Climate Change, and a health pandemic,
what role at such times has a community’s heritage in maintaining its sense of place, of belonging, and continuity?
In this year’s Symposium, we will explore this question with a series of papers addressing examples of problems and solutions: case studies that assist us in dealing with such crises and change, including being locked down or out during a pandemic. Does our heritage assist us? We look to gain a wider understanding of how heritage can support us at such difficult times.
For more information and to register, see the ACT Heritage Symposium Registration Flyer 2021.
Registrations close 4 August.
Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference, Dunedin, 14-17 November 2021 – registration open

Engineering New Zealand’s Otago Heritage Chapter presents the Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference – The Future of the Past.
The theme – The Future of the Past – focuses on heritage engineering and technology that has endured, been redeveloped, undergone restoration or repurposing to claim a place in the future.
Read more about the conference theme
Pre-conference tour: 11-14 November 2021
Conference: 14-17 November 2021
Location: Dunedin
For more information, visit the conference website.
Download the Heritage Conference, Dunedin 2021 flyer.
WA Heritage Awards – nominations close 6 August
The Western Australian Heritage Awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to heritage conservation, adaptive reuse, interpretation, tourism and promotion in Western Australia.
Western Australians are urged to nominate their heritage heroes for the Heritage Council’s prestigious WA Heritage Awards.
Since the first Awards in 1992, the Heritage Awards have been an opportunity to showcase the excellent work being done by those within the heritage sector. The State Government Awards recognise the outstanding contribution of private owners, volunteers, professionals, organisations, local governments and State Government agencies who work hard to promote and conserve WA’s cultural heritage.
Categories include:
- Voluntary individual contribution
- Professional contribution
- Contribution by a community-based organisation
- Contribution by a private organisation
- Contribution by a public organisation (includes local governments and State Government departments)
- Interpretation project
- Heritage tourism product
- Conservation or adaptive reuse of a State Registered Place
Nominations are completed and submitted online. Register or login to the WA Heritage Awards portal, to start a nomination
More information on the Awards can be found at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website or by contacting the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage via emailing the Heritage Awards team.
Nominations close 4pm, Friday 6 August 2021.
REB&CG and WHEA draft World Heritage Strategy Plan – submissions invited and close 14 September
Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) World Heritage Environs Area (WHEA) draft World Heritage Strategy Plan (Strategy Plan).
The draft Strategy Plan and proposed planning scheme amendments are now available for anyone to view and respond to at the Engage Victoria website.
What is the World Heritage Strategy Plan?
As a place included in both the Victorian Heritage Register and the World Heritage List, the REB&CG must have Strategy Plan in accordance with the Heritage Act 2017 (the Heritage Act).
The Strategy Plan sets out strategies for the appropriate use of the WHEA, an area around the REB&CG. The WHEA acts as a ‘buffer zone’ to protect the world heritage values of the site. Areas within the WHEA are subject to height and set-back controls within the planning schemes of the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra.
The Strategy Plan forms part of the World Heritage Management Plan for the REB&CG and was completed in 2013. These plans must be reviewed every seven years, a draft Strategy Plan has been prepared to replace the 2013 Strategy Plan.
In addition to the draft Strategy Plan, draft planning scheme amendments have been exhibited to give effect to the Strategy Plan in the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. These planning scheme amendments are also available for public comment and are supported by an Explanatory Report.
Making a submission
Information on how to make a submission to the Heritage Council is available at this link.
The draft Strategy Plan will be publicly advertised until 14 September 2021.
Any submission in relation to the draft Strategy Plan and/or proposed planning scheme amendments must be made on or before 14 September 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 6 August]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is one of Australia’s largest heritage and archaeological consultancies, servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological, built heritage, heritage management and interpretation services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors. With teams based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart, Extent Heritage provides a single point of service for heritage assessment and management requirements across the country.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Senior Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Heritage Places growing team in our Melbourne office on a full-time, permanent basis.
The core business of our Heritage Places team is built heritage conservation, inclusive of heritage buildings and structures, landscapes and objects. The team works with a wide range of clients, including local and state government, architects, planners, developers and owners of heritage places to proactively identify, assess and manage heritage. This client base presents staff with many unique and diverse project opportunities.
The Heritage Places team prepare heritage advice and impact assessments, heritage studies, referrals to council statutory planning teams, architectural and building conservation, photographic archival recordings, strategic advice and policy, and conservation management documentation. The team also develops interpretation strategies and plans.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close 6 August.
SITUATION VACANT Director, Heritage, Heritage Branch | QLD Department of Environment and Science, Brisbane [DEADLINE: 30 July]
The Director, Heritage, leads projects and teams administering the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and delivering the state government’s commitment to protect the state’s historical cultural heritage. The Heritage Branch provides technical advice to the State Assessment Referral Agency on development applications under the Planning Act 2016 and assesses and issues exemption certificates under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.
The role requires someone with prior knowledge and skills in archaeology, architecture, cultural heritage management and history to make crucial judgements and provide advice for Ministerial decision making under tight timeframes. The position’s primary responsibility is delivering the government’s commitment to protecting the state’s historical cultural heritage, and delivering actions in the Queensland Heritage Strategy.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close 30 July.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 19 August]
Sustaining the past … unlocking the future
Lovell Chen offers the chance to work with some of the best minds in their fields in the country. We are leaders in heritage consultancy, and we are seeking an experienced heritage consultant to join our Melbourne-based practice. We offer the opportunity to work across many facets of contemporary cultural heritage management and architecture — with excellent scope for career growth and development — and the chance to inspire and be inspired.
The core role is the delivery of heritage services to a wide-ranging private sector and government client base, in Victoria and nationally. The primary responsibility is the preparation of — and contribution to —advisory, strategic and statutory heritage-related advice and reports. These include due diligence pre-acquisition advice, heritage appraisals, impact assessments, conservation and heritage management plans and master plans. Reflecting the dynamic nature of heritage management more broadly, a keen interest in contemporary heritage thinking is required, and an awareness of recent developments.
You will hold an honours or postgraduate degree in a relevant field, such as architecture, history, planning, heritage management or archaeology, and will have at least seven years’ experience as a consultant focused on heritage, or the equivalent experience in government. You will be able to demonstrate your ability to work effectively and collaboratively in a team environment.
More information and details on how to apply can be found in the Job description-LC_Senior Heritage Consultant_2021-07-23.
Applications close 19 August 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Senior / Principal Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
AECOM’s multidisciplinary team of dedicated heritage specialists has an exciting opportunity for a Senior to Principal Archaeologist / Cultural Heritage Specialist to join the team in Brisbane. This role will see you join a team of heritage specialists with experience in both Aboriginal and historical heritage, focused on delivering high quality work for diverse heritage projects around Australia in the Defence, renewables, infrastructure, and other sectors. We offer clients expertise in heritage management, impact assessments, excavation/salvage, and community consultation.
Reporting to the Cultural Heritage Team Lead, you will utilise your well-developed technical expertise to carry out cultural heritage assessments for a range of clients and stakeholders. You will undertake desktop assessments and complete field surveys to identify, document and assess heritage values under State and Commonwealth legislation and produce high quality reporting tailored to our client’s needs and expectations.
As a highly experienced Heritage Specialist, with significant background working within consulting or another commercial environment, you will lead and manage a range of projects, mentor our less experienced team members and assist the Team Lead in setting and implementing our business strategy. This role presents an excellent opportunity for a current Senior Specialist to take the next step in their career, or a seasoned professional who is looking to expand their experience working in a global organisation.
For more information, visit this link.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan, Cremorne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Trethowan has an exciting full-time opening for a dynamic and experienced (2 years’ min) Heritage Consultant.
Working within our multidisciplined studio in Cremorne, the role will be involved in a wide range of projects at various stages of design, planning and works on site.
If this is something you would be interested in and would like to find out more or wish to submit an application (CV and covering letter outlining why you are suitable for the role) please email the Trethowan Jobs Team.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Brisbane City Council, [DEADLINE: 4 August]
The City Planning and Economic Development Branch is responsible for the strategic direction of the future planning and to shape Brisbane through the development of the City Plan, local plans, city, and suburban projects.
As a Senior Heritage Officer, you will coordinate and deliver high profile projects and work programs by providing expert specialist advice for implementing conservation, heritage and character management practices to stakeholders and clients.
You will provide strong leadership to a highly professional team of dedicated heritage specialists responsible for researching and preparing citations for heritage places, as well as provision of expert advice for the conservation of heritage and character buildings across the city.
This is an exceptional opportunity to show your capability and have genuine input to Brisbane’s heritage architecture and character. You will be responsible for Council’s heritage trails and the development of key policy for the protection of Brisbane’s unique identity.
We are looking for someone with a depth of experience in cultural heritage best practice, character architecture and urban development of the city who can provide quality expert advice and leadership to support City Architecture and the Heritage team.
For more information about this role, visit this link.
Applications close 4 August.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Associate or Associate Archaeologist, GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About us
GML Heritage is one of Australia’s leading heritage consultancies. We have over 30 years of experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
At GML we share a commitment to provide heritage advice and services that are founded on bold thinking, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement.
We were recently recognised with the Best Heritage Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue) honour at the 2021 Client Choice Awards (that’s two years in a row!), and our projects and staff continue to win awards for innovative advice and solutions.
Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
Go to our website to find out more about who we are and read about the types of work we do.
The role
Due to significant growth, we have a new vacancy for a Senior Associate or Associate Archaeologist to join our Sydney team.
The right candidate will have a successful background in either Historical or First Nations Archaeology in consulting or another commercial environment.
Along with other senior staff you will mentor a highly talented team of early and mid career archaeologists and you will manage projects related to your skill set and strengths.
In return we offer you a great working environment, a highly competitive remuneration package and a range of other perks. Not to mention some of the most interesting, high profile projects in NSW and the opportunity to work with staff across our offices and across our disciplines.
We would love to hear from experienced and enthusiastic professionals today.
Please email Anna Kearsley, People and Culture Manager for a role description and application pack.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architectural Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Heritage 21 is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW, Qld, Vic and the ACT. Located in Alexandria, the firm assists clients with heritage projects within the private, public and government sectors through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research, and architecture.
The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects, preparing cultural heritage assessments and report writing. The successful applicant will work closely with the other team members and will report to the Studio Manager.
If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and attention to detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position by sending us your confidential CV.
For more information about this opportunity, see the Heritage 21_Heritage Architect Consultant_July 2021 position description.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Heritage 21 is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW and the ACT. Located in Alexandria, the firm assists clients with heritage projects within the private, public and government sectors through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research, and architecture.
The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects, preparing cultural heritage assessments, report writing and mentoring junior staff. The successful applicant will work closely with the other team members and will report to the Studio Manager.
If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and attention to detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position by sending us your confidential CV.
For more information about this opportunity, see the Heritage 21_Senior Heritage Consultant_July 2021 position description.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, ERM, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
ERM is seeking a Heritage Consultant to join our growing team in Sydney on a permanent contract basis. ERM’s National Heritage Team is comprised of highly-regarded archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage architects, interpretive specialists, and historians, working across all regions of Australia.
The position offers an excellent opportunity to be part of an industry-leading multi-disciplinary consultancy, and develop technical and professional skills in a supportive team environment.
The role will involve working as part of a team in the preparation of cultural heritage and archaeological assessments, consulting with and working alongside Traditional Owners, undertaking field survey, research, report writing and project management. This is an excellent opportunity for a professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
SITUATION VACANT Senior to Principal Level Heritage Consultant, ERM, Perth [Applications reviewed upon submission]
ERM is seeking an experienced Senior to Principal Level Heritage Consultant to join our team in Perth on a permanent contract basis. ERM’s National Heritage Team is comprised of highly-regarded archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage architects, interpretive specialists, and historians, working across all regions of Australia.
The position offers an excellent opportunity to be part of an industry-leading multi-disciplinary consultancy, and develop technical and professional skills in a supportive team environment, with access to an engaged international technical specialist community. The role will involve working as part of a national team in the preparation of cultural heritage assessments and management plans, Aboriginal stakeholder engagement and consultation, undertaking field survey, research, report writing and project management. This is an excellent opportunity for a professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader. We are seeking an enthusiastic, flexible and collaborative candidate who wish to see their work contribute real value towards environmental and heritage sustainability.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Tanner Kibble Denton Architects is seeking a Senior Heritage Architect, offering a great opportunity to work with our award-winning heritage team. We’re passionate about heritage conservation and adaptive re-use and we have some exciting projects across the full range of heritage practice – adaptive reuse, CMPs, heritage appraisals, archival records and fabric repairs.
We are looking for people who enjoy unique challenges, are focussed and have a range of skills and local experience in heritage architecture. Immediate start available.
Please contact George Phillips by email for more information. A detailed role description will be provided on request.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131