[NEW ITEM] Planning Flood Recovery Work
[NEW ITEM] Woollahra Design Excellence Awards – Nominations open 29 March 2021
[NEW ITEM] Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage bid and the Happiness Index Survey
[NEW ITEM] AGHS Walk – Badangi Walk: A pre-1788 landscape, 28 March, 2pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] AGHS Webinar – “Colin Randall – The Gardens of Garden Island”, 14 April, 7pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] 20th Century Heritage Society NSW Walk and Talk Program – “A Street of Strange Delight”, 24 April, 2pm AEST
[NEW ITEM] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
[NEW ITEM] Newsletter ISISE 2021_01 now available
[NEW ITEM] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
PLEASE NOTE: E-news issue #968 (1 April)
Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Mentors! Submit an EOI by 9 April
IMPORTANT information from Australia ICOMOS
JSC-ANZCORP – Applications for Membership Welcome | deadline: 9 April
EOI invited – Securing the Next ICOMOS Generation: Transitioning the Advisory Committee | deadline: 30 March 2021
ICAHM TALK Vol. 1, 27 March, 12.00pm Paris time | 10.00pm AEDT
WEBINAR: On Photography with Debra Hess Norris, 27 March, 9.30am
ONLINE PRESENTATION: Waterfront: Victoria’s Rivers and the Gold Rush, 29 March 2021, 6.30pm
Architectural Drawings by Miles Lewis: online launch, 4pm AEDT, 28 March
Webinar series: Human Rights and World Heritage | #1: Friday 2 April
Online discussion: “Outstanding 20th Century Heritage – How to Live in it & What are the Advantages?”, 6 April 2021, 7pm CET | 4am AEST
Port Arthur Talk, 13 April 2021
SAVE THE DATE: International Day on monuments and Sites, NSW event, 18 April
IDMS event: ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group Africa-U.S. Collaboration, 14 April
(re)create: art and the activation of heritage, one-day symposium, 21 April, Canberra
Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail, 10-11 April 2021
6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, ONLINE, 16-18 June 2021 – call for papers deadline 31 March
Encounters, 2021 South West Heritage conference, 22-23 April, Busselton, WA
National Trust (NSW) 2021 Heritage Awards – UPDATE submission deadline extended to 6 April 2021
South Australian Design Review – new member EOIs welcome until 6 April
Climate Change and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage virtual course, 2021 edition – starts 10 April
Position available on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (PhD Student) – EOI deadline 11 April
ALIPH Call For Projects that protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflicts – deadline: 16 April
Professional Development: ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: now from April 2021 onwards
YRSB22, Prague, 4 July 2022 – call for abstracts deadline: 1 June 2020
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Associate Historical Heritage Consultant/Archaeologist, Jacobs, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Graphic Designer, SHP (Sue Hodges Productions Pty Ltd), Melbourne [DEADLINE: 29 March]
SITUATIONS VACANT Experienced Archaeologists (2 positions), GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Secretary General, Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), Québec City, Canada [DEADLINE: 16 April]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologists, NSW, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [NEW ITEM] Planning Flood Recovery Work
Australia ICOMOS acknowledges the hardship and property damage occurring due to the disastrous conditions in NSW and beyond. We extend our best wishes to the communities involved and offer this information to help plan flood recovery work for heritage places.
Catherine Forbes, Co-Chair of the Australia/New Zealand Joint Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness, suggests the following resources:
- The best available advice at present on drying out buildings is available at this link.
- Another useful link to flooding and historic buildings is located on the Historic England website.
- The FEMA (USA): Restoring Family Heirlooms after Flood fact sheet is available at this link.
Please note that when the Secretariat returns to full staffing levels, these links will also be provided in the Toolkit on the Australia ICOMOS website.
2. [NEW ITEM] Woollahra Design Excellence Awards – Nominations open 29 March 2021
It is with great pleasure that we announce the Woollahra Design Excellence Awards are returning in 2021.
The Awards highlight and acknowledge examples of buildings and places that make an excellent contribution to the unique character and heritage of Woollahra.
Nominations open next Monday, 29 March 2021.
Local residents and their architects, planners, builders or consultants are encouraged to nominate projects from within the Woollahra Local Government Area completed within the last five years, up to 29 March 2021.
Category winners will receive official recognition through the presentation of the Award at a private ceremony in July 2021.
This year we are pleased to welcome comedian and architecture enthusiast, Tim Ross, as our guest speaker at the Awards ceremony.
Head to the Woollahra Design Excellence Awards website to view the judging criteria and what you need to get your entry ready!
3. [NEW ITEM] Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage bid and the Happiness Index Survey
An Australian first is being launched on March 20, the International Day of Happiness, across the thirteen local government areas that make up the Central Victorian Goldfields region. The Happiness Index survey – a powerful global tool that asks communities about their quality of life – is helping put the region’s communities front and centre in tourism planning for the Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage bid.
The survey findings allow tourism stakeholders to consider the highs and lows of a destination’s well-being and determine what policies, projects, and actions are needed to strengthen linkages between tourism development, World Heritage management and the quality of life of host communities. Deployment of the survey is a partnership between the World Heritage bid’s thirteen local government partners, Planet Happiness and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
Find out more at the Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage bid website.
4. [NEW ITEM] AGHS Walk – Badangi Walk: A pre-1788 landscape, 28 March, 2pm AEST
James Quoyle and Phil Hunt will lead a walk on the Gadyan track of Berry Island and highlight the significance and values of the remarkably intact Badangi landscape (Wollstonecraft foreshore), which enables an appreciation of Sydney Harbour as it was prior to 1788.
In 2019, James and his colleagues Colleen Morris and Christine Hay were acknowledged by the National Trust and the Institute of Landscape Architects, both State and National, with awards for their study: AILA (NSW) Landscape Heritage Conservation Listing Project. The study included ten sites for listing on the State Heritage Register – we hope the first to be elevated will be Badangi. The study area for this proposed listing began as a fragmented group that evolved to be understood as an amalgamation of two of the listings and the area considered essential for retaining and interpreting its heritage significance was expanded threefold over the time it has been under consideration by the Heritage Council of NSW.
The Badangi Natural and Cultural Landscape is a largely intact natural landscape situated on Sydney Harbour. It is the characteristic landform of the Sydney escarpment and includes remnant bushland and a rare remaining estuarine tributary: small forested stream, flowing to an intertidal mud flat and into the harbour. The land comprises a series of public reserves around the Wollstonecraft peninsula. To the west, around Gore Cove are Holloway Park, Greendale Park, Smoothey Park and Milray Reserve. To the east is Badangi Reserve and to the south is Berry Island Reserve, which is now connected to the mainland.
Date: Sunday, 28 March 2021
Time: 2:00-4:30pm (arrive 1:30pm for 2:00pm start)
Cost: AGHS members $20; Non-members $30; Students $5 (includes refreshments)
Location: Berry Island, meet at the end of Shirley Road Wollstonecraft.
5. [NEW ITEM] AGHS Webinar – “Colin Randall – The Gardens of Garden Island”, 14 April, 7pm AEST
The talk covers three topics:- the ship’s garden; the naval garden on The Hill; and the lost gardens of Garden Island.
The ship’s garden was first planted on Garden Island just 16 days after the first fleet arrived in Sydney Cove in February 1788. These were gardens created to provide fresh food to ward off the dreaded scurvy. The origin of the gardens as well as its eventual use as the site in 1874 of the first lawn tennis ground in Australia is discussed.
The naval garden on the northern hill of Garden Island was created from 1885 with the re-establishment of the lawn tennis court from its original location.With Royal and vice-regal visits to Sydney The Hill became a place for tree plantings as well as locating items of naval interest. The use of the naval garden and its vistas for formal photographs is covered. The presence of the naval and dockyard families and their use of The Hill as their playground and backyard influenced the design of the garden.
With the construction of the Captain Cook Graving Dock from 1941 until 1945 dramatic changes were made to the shoreline of Potts Point. The war time imperatives forced the compulsory resumption of land and the necessity to erect a concrete batching plant, destroyed in part two remarkable gardens.The gardens that were affected were those of Clarens and Wyldefel. The talk covers the two “lost”gardens with images of their original state and current situation.
Date: Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Time: 7pm sharp, call begins at 6:45pm
Cost: AGHS members $10; Non-members $15; Students $5
Location: Zoom, Digital Webinar.
6. [NEW ITEM] 20th Century Heritage Society NSW Walk and Talk Program – “A Street of Strange Delight”, 24 April, 2pm AEST
In September 1935, in a double-page feature, The Home magazine described Hastings Road, Warrawee, as ‘A Street of Strange Delight’.
The editor of that long-departed journal observed how the inhabitants had ‘…striven harmoniously to preserve the rustic flavour that characterises the district’ and had succeeded in ‘making a simple street one of the most notable in NSW’.
The Home enthused about ‘Rivenhall’ – with its exotic Japanese tea house – and ‘many other residences of pleasing design’.
Today, Hastings Road is still known for grand residences such as ‘Wirepe’ (pictured above), and ‘Pibrac’, designed by Canadian architect John Horbury Hunt.
We hope you’ll join us in this exciting first step in the revival of our Walks & Talks program. Our guide will be architectural historian Dr Zeny Edwards OAM. We’ll be entirely outdoors, with social distancing guidelines being observed.
Date: 24 April 2021
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Cost: $35
Location: Hastings Road, Warrawee (meeting place to be advised)
7. [NEW ITEM] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.
8. [NEW ITEM] Newsletter ISISE 2021_01 now available
Read the latest edition of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) newsletter.
9. [NEW ITEM] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
PLEASE NOTE: E-news issue #968 (1 April)
E-news issue #968 will be published and emailed on Thursday 1 April due to the Easter weekend. Items for this issue will need to be submitted by no later than 2pm, Wednesday 31 March and this deadline will be strictly adhered to.
Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Mentors! Submit an EOI by 9 April
It’s here again! We need Australia ICOMOS members based in New South Wales and Victoria to step up and join us as mentors for students from the University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Latrobe University and Deakin University.
We are celebrating a milestone birthday – after a pilot phase in the ACT, Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in 2011 and supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students planning careers in heritage. The program has been enthusiastically received by both mentors and mentees.
We usually have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we rely on the generosity of ICOMOS members so that as many students as possible can be paired.
What is required?
We ask mentors to meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests. This year, we will be providing some extra ideas to help mentoring pairs use these exchanges well.
Also new this year – we are planning a virtual national launch in late April so that mentors and mentees from across Australia can join together. The ‘save the date’ will be announced soon. We hope to host face-to-face social state-based closing events in October/November. Mentoring pairs will also be supported to attend State-based events organised during the year by Australia ICOMOS.
There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return.
How do I get involved as a MENTOR?
If you would like to be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Friday 9 April 2020.
Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience, interests and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.
Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible.
Mentors in other States and Territories: we sometimes have mentoring opportunities in other States and Territories (for students studying by distance through one of the participating Universities). So, if you are keen, but don’t live in Victoria, NSW or WA – please send us your EOI. We will see what’s possible!
How do I get involved as a MENTEE?
Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. Please contact the person at your university as a first step.
When do we start?
We will be matching students and mentors and hosting the launch event at the end of April. We will circulate additional information about our ‘launch event’ once we are more certain about it.
We hope that all members based in participating States will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support students and emerging professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.
for the 2021 Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Teams
Kristal Buckley (Victoria)
Kerime Danis (NSW)
IMPORTANT information from Australia ICOMOS
E-newsletter sending issues
We are aware that some members and e-news subscribers have not been receiving the e-news directly from the Secretariat. We are aware of this problem and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to share the link or forward the email widely.
Reduced staffing at the Secretariat Office
The Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office will be staffed at a reduced level between 19 March and 5 April inclusive.
Though the Secretariat will be staffed intermittently, responses to queries, processing of publications orders, etc may take longer than usual.
The e-news will still be published. Please ensure all submissions for the e-news are submitted by 2pm Thursdays – this deadline will be strictly adhered to.
Australia ICOMOS appreciates your patience during this time.
JSC-ANZCORP – Applications for Membership Welcome | deadline: 9 April
The Joint Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness (JSC-ANZCORP) is inviting new membership applications.
The purpose of the JSC-ANZCORP is to assist Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand to:
- promote the protection of cultural heritage in times of disaster, whether natural or human made, fast or slow onset
- promote cooperation with government, emergency services and civil defence and the inclusion of cultural heritage in emergency plans at local, regional, state and national levels
- build the capacity of heritage professionals in disaster risk management planning and emergency response for cultural heritage, and
- establish a network of professionals that can respond responsibly to emergencies as they arise in the Australian and New Zealand context
Members of the committee come with a broad range of expertise and experience – architects, engineers, conservators, anthropologists, cultural heritage managers, museum specialists and specialists in emergency management. They work in the public, private and educational sectors. They have had experience in developing guidance on managing risks to heritage places pre-, during and post- disaster, undertaking post-disaster damage and needs assessments, emergency salvage operations and post-disaster recovery. They have worked in areas affected by cyclone, flood, building fires, bushfires, earthquakes, tsunami and more. If you wish to join the group, to contribute or to learn, you can access our terms of reference here.
Please complete the membership application form and return by email to Catherine Forbes (Australia ICOMOS) or by email to Amanda Ohs (ICOMOS New Zealand).
All applicants must be willing to contribute to the committee’s activities. Applications are welcome from emerging heritage professionals as well as highly experienced professionals.
EOI invited – Securing the Next ICOMOS Generation: Transitioning the Advisory Committee | deadline: 30 March 2021
During the Advisory Committee meeting in 2020 a recommendation was passed to seek volunteers to shadow and support the work of the Advisory Committee Officers (ACOs) in driving the work of the ACOs and implementing the recommendation of the 2020 Advisory Committee meeting. ICOMOS members are invited to actively volunteer to support the implementation of these Advisory Committee resolutions.
This initiative aims to facilitate and encourage ICOMOS members to share, experience and communicate the role of the Advisory Committee and the work of the ACOs, to share the lively debate and experience and increase the pool of future candidates standing for election as ACOs and to help support and increase the efficiency of the work done by the Advisory Committee and ACOs.
Advisory Committee Volunteers would be working directly with the ACOs on organisational and scientific project co-ordination and development. Assignments are varied and include – amongst many others – the development of the new Triennial Scientific Plan, working on the Sustainability and Communications Task Force, an ICOMOS mentoring scheme, developing regional National Committees communications, groups and meetings, and supporting World Monuments Watch reviews.
The Advisory Committee Volunteer EOIs should take the form of a brief email including a short description (250 words) about your professional background, any past roles with ICOMOS and other relevant experience.
We seek expressions of interest (EOI) from members to support the work of the Advisory Committee and ACOs in 2021. Interested ICOMOS members should send their EOI to Deirdre McDermott by email by 30 March 2021.
If you have any questions please email the ICOMOS Secretariat by 30 March 2021.
ICAHM TALK Vol. 1, 27 March, 12.00pm Paris time | 10.00pm AEDT
The International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) presents
27 March 2021 – 12:00PM (Paris time)
ICAHM Talks are online conferences aimed at bringing together the ICAHM membership together with the wider ICOMOS membership and other interested professionals in exploring and discussing together case studies and challenges being faced in the management and conservation of archaeological places worldwide.
Download the ICAHM Talk 27 March 2021 doc for more information.
REGISTER NOW at this link
WEBINAR: On Photography with Debra Hess Norris, 27 March, 9.30am
The AICCM Book & Paper SIG warmly invite you to join in the conversation with Debra Hess Norris, Professor of the Art Conservation Department at the University of Delaware (Winterthur). Debra will share her experiences on the Preservation of Photographic Heritage, on why photographs are loved, on why they are important, and why we must advocate to preserve them.
Delving into the significance of advocacy and the importance of engaging communities, Debra will showcase how far the conservation profession has come to and where it needs to go now. The talk will be followed by a Q&A session.
27 March, 9.30am–10.30am
FREE online event
Bookings required
ONLINE PRESENTATION: Waterfront: Victoria’s Rivers and the Gold Rush, 29 March 2021,
The 19th-century Gold Rush was one of the defining episodes in Australian history and has left a rich legacy in terms of culture, architecture and archaeology. Many Gold Rush stories are well-known, but the profound environmental disruption associated with this period is all but forgotten. For decades, a deluge of sand, silt and gravel poured from the mines. New research is showing how, 100 years later, the effects of this sludge continue to shape Victoria’s rivers and floodplains. This legacy has implications for the management of cultural heritage, river remediation programs, catchment management, public health and debates about how people and environments interact.
>> more information and bookings
Event co-presented by Heritage Council Victoria. Waterfront is proudly presented by Centre for Architecture Victoria | Open House Melbourne, in partnership with Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and East Gippsland Shire Council. Waterfront is part of Melbourne Design Week 2021, an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the NGV.
Architectural Drawings by Miles Lewis: online launch, 4pm AEDT, 28 March

Architectural Drawings by Miles Lewis
This book illuminates the art of architectural drawings.
The best trained and most experienced librarian or curator is likely to confront difficulties in dealing with architectural drawings. Even an architect will be unable to understand some aspects of drawings a century old.
Professor Miles Lewis, a leading architectural historian, in conjunction with the International Confederation of Architectural Museums (Australasia) demonstrates to professional curators how to collect, interpret and conserve these ephemeral works of art. In so doing he reveals fascinating insights and wonderful images for all who appreciate and practise fine art and architecture.
The Author
Miles Lewis AM FAHA, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning, at the University of Melbourne, is an architectural historian specialising in the cultural history of building.
He edited the international text Architectura, and is an honorary life fellow of the Comité International d’Architecture Vernaculaire. He also has a specialised architectural library collection, some hundreds of titles from which have recently been digitised and added to the online Building Technology Heritage Library (USA).
More information
Online Launch
An online launch for the book is being held on 28 March at 4pm as part of the NGV Art Book Fair. Registration is free but bookings are required – book at this link.
Webinar series: Human Rights and World Heritage | #1: Friday 2 April
The month of April revolves around the stories of Human Rights in World Heritage Sites.
The human rights dimension in World Heritage processes has been neglected from a multiplicity of angles, with serious implications for people living in and nearby World Heritage sites.
The Our World Our Heritage team is holding a series of webinars to explore this, details as follows:
WEBINAR #1 – Friday, April 02
Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights and the Evolution of Business Standards: Perspectives for the Future of Heritage Preservation
WEBINAR #2 – Monday, April 19
Eviction and Resettlement Issues in World Heritage Sites: Perspectives from India and Jordan
WEBINAR #3 – Friday, April 30
The Protection of Heritage in Situations of Protracted Conflict: Perspectives from Turkey
WEBINAR #4 – Monday, May 17
The Protection of Heritage in Situations of Protracted Conflict: Perspectives from Palestine and Syria
For more information and to register for these, visit the Our World Our Heritage website.
Online discussion: “Outstanding 20th Century Heritage – How to Live in it & What are the Advantages?”, 6 April 2021, 7pm CET | 4am AEST
The Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt invites you to participate in an online discussion event on world heritage sites of the 20th century on Tuesday 6 April at 7 pm CET | 8 pm IDT.
“Outstanding 20th Century Heritage – How to Live in it & What are the Advantages?”
The key participants will be:
– Ben Buschfeld, inhabitant & activist of world heritage site in Berlin (confirmed)
– Cornelius Boy, inhabitant & renovator of one of the May-housing in Frankfurt (confirmed)
– Brad Pinchuck, architect, inhabitant of the White City Tel Aviv (confirmed)
– Local politician of Tel Aviv or of Haifa
Plus, during the discussion session ICOMOS and DOCOMOMO members and other experts as well as the audience can participate – we always include the questions and comments we receive via the different streaming channels.
The upcoming online discussion is part of an international discussion series called “Context, Contrast, Continuity” (download Context Contrast Continuity poster) which the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (German architecture museum) launched together with the Max Liebling Haus – White City Centre in Tel Aviv, the ernst may gesellschaft, ICOMOS Germany and Israel, and DOCOMOMO.
The series started last November and the discussions were always lively and everybody enjoyed the exchange and different viewpoints and experiences. All recordings of the 4 events are still on view on the DAM’s youtube channel:
11.02.2021 – our first evening on world heritage of 20th century
14.01.2021 – Ernst May Haus and Max Liebling Haus
10.12.2020 – market halls Haifa, Frankfurt and more
12.11.2021 – White City Tel Aviv and Neues Frankfurt today
Our next event – the start of the 2nd season of our series – picks up where we left off last time: world heritage sites of the 20th century. On 6 April we want to focus on community and communication. What do inhabitants think? How is the relationship between inhabitants and heritage preservation experts? What challenges and benefits do all of them see?
Each event shall last about 1 to 1.5 hours and we connect via Zoom and we stream via Zoom, Youtube and Facebook. The recording continues to be available on Youtube and Facebook.
Port Arthur Talk, 13 April 2021
The Landscape Archaeology of Point Puer
presented by Caitlin D’Gluyas
Caiti is an historical archaeologist whose core interests are Australian archaeology, spatial history and the archaeology of children. She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of New England. Her research focuses on Point Puer as well as early nineteenth century juvenile criminal management in colonial Australia and internationally.
Hidden within the bushy peninsula of Point Puer is a rich archaeological landscape that reveals a remarkable range of insights into the history of the site and the lives of the convict boys who were sent there. This presentation shares new research into the archaeological landscape of Point Puer and what the findings tell us about the experiences of the occupants and the ideology and colonial practices that created one of the world’s first separate juvenile prisons in such an isolated location.
When: 13 April, 12pm
Where: 1830 Restaurant & Bar, Visitor Centre, Port Arthur Historic Site
RSVP NOTE: Attendance by booking only. For bookings phone 1800 659 101 between 10am and 4pm or email Port Arthur Reservations
Physical distancing requirements will be observed at all times.
Download the “The Landscape Archaeology of Point Puer” talk flyer.
SAVE THE DATE: International Day on monuments and Sites, NSW event, 18 April
Title: Kinchela Aboriginal Boys Home – the journey towards healing
Date: Sunday 18 April 2021
Time: To be confirmed closer to the date
A presentation by Alan Croker in association with Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation will lead the conversation on the 2021 theme of the Day – Complex pasts: Diverse Futures.
IDMS event: ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group Africa-U.S. Collaboration, 14 April
ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG) Africa-U.S. Collaboration
Intergenerational Conversation on Society and Heritage: Perspectives from Africa and the USA
Date: Wednesday 14 April 2021
Time: Accra: 17:00-18:15 (UTC) | Lagos: 18:00-19:15 (UTC+1) | London: 18:00-19:15 (UTC+1) | DC: 13:00-14:15 (UTC-4) | Sydney: 03:00-04:15 (UTC+10)+1 day
Leveraging heritage for a better future is gaining prominence across national, continental and international discourses, as heritage is not simply a record of the past but a cultural process reflecting the social realities of today. What is the role of heritage in tackling societal challenges including equity, diversity and inclusion in and among communities? How should heritage be integrated into decision-making processes to ensure sustainable development at the local and regional levels? What is the relationship between broader societal forces and heritage?
The leaders of governments in Africa envisioned a future where the continent is free of conflict, poverty, human rights violations and disasters. The vision encapsulates the significance of heritage within the society in the seven aspirations of African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want reflecting the desire for inclusion, equality and integration for everyone regardless of gender, ethnicity and age. To this end, heritage defines people’s identities and histories and helps to rebuild communities after disasters, create new shared understanding of the past, stimulate local development and create opportunities for a better future.
In the United States, recent national discussions and protests have spotlighted unresolved racial issues and inequalities that continue to divide the country. Exploring the issues, struggles and contributions of different communities in historic places are critical to charting a path toward national healing and an equitable future.
The event is led by ICOMOS EPWG representatives from the USA and the Africa region (Zoe Leung and Olufemi Adentunji), to support intergenerational exchanges critical to safeguarding and promoting heritage. The program will feature a conversation among established and emerging professionals in heritage preservation from the United States and African countries, moderated by a USA participant.
>> registration link
REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY to participate in this event
(re)create: art and the activation of heritage, one-day symposium, 21 April, Canberra
(re)create: art and the activation of heritage
One-day symposium, Wednesday 21 April 2021, 8:45am–5pm
Ann Harding Conference Centre, University of Canberra
(re)create is a one-day symposium exploring the role of creative art practice in the activation of heritage places, practices and projects.
(re)create brings together artists, curators, heritage professionals and other researchers to explore the new perspectives that art can bring to heritage interpretation, engagement, community participation and collective problem-solving.
Speakers will discuss their involvement in reanimating archives, reimagining histories, place and ecologies, and drawing inspiration from collections and things. Whether it be the activation of dormant seed banks, endangered mammals on the edge of suburbia, or the values of mid-century modern buildings, art has a role to play in how we frame our future heritage.
>> visit the symposium website for more information
Download the re-create symposium flyer.
Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail, 10-11 April 2021

The Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail will be held on 10 and 11 April with early bird tickets to the event now on sale.
Over 120 local and guest artisans will demonstrate rare trades that helped build the Bathurst region including blacksmithing, saddlery, dry stone walling, whip making, glass artistry, tapestry, embroidery, carpentry and joinery, violin making and more.
Early bird tickets are just $15 and tickets can also be purchased on the weekend of the event.
For more information, visit this link, follow the event on Facebook and download the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail 2021 flyer.
Individuals who are interested in demonstrating at the event – download this document EOI to demonstrate at the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail for details.
6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, ONLINE, 16-18 June 2021 – call for papers deadline 31 March
The organisers of the 6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, which will be held online on 16–18 June 2021, invite papers that address the theme “Heritage and Development”.
Proposals for 20-minute presentations should include a brief biographical note with your title and institutional affiliation and a maximum 150‑word abstract in English. They should be submitted by email by 31 March 2021.
Visit the conference website and download the call for papers for more information.
Encounters, 2021 South West Heritage conference, 22-23 April, Busselton, WA
Encounters, 2021 South West Heritage conference
22-23 April, Busselton
The program for the 2021 South West Heritage Conference has been released. Program highlights include:
Cultural encounters in Gatharraguda, the Shark Bay World Heritage Area
Harry Oakley, Dr Jade Pervan, Aidan Ash, with Malgana Rangers
Aboriginal healing and truth-telling through digital heritage preservation
Reena Tiwari and Professor John Stephens
Positive outcomes for hopeless cases
Ian Boersma
Developing the Busselton Cultural Precinct
Maxine Palmer
Encounters with WA’s iconic heritage places
Nerida Moredoundt
Reimagining the visitor experience at Strawberry Hill, Barmup
Kelly Rippingale
Aboriginal engagement at National Trust WA places in Noongar boodja
Leanne Brass
Conserving Woodbridge
Caroline Stokes
Delegates will also have the opportunity to choose from site visits to iconic South West heritage destinations such as Busselton Jetty, Busselton Cultural Precinct, Old Butter Factory Museum, Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse and Ngilgi Cave or Wonnerup House.
The conference will feature practical advice and hands-on workshops that focus on the care and conservation of heritage places, with specialists demonstrating basic conservation and maintenance tips that can be adopted by any property owner or manager.
A local government workshop will provide local government delegates with practical advice and updates on current practice for community heritage, assessment of local heritage places and heritage in planning.
The program is available to be viewed online alongside information on presenters and topics.
Follow the Heritage Council on Twitter or visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website to be the first to know when registrations open later this month.
National Trust (NSW) 2021 Heritage Awards – UPDATE Deadline extended to 6 April 2021
Do you know any projects completed in the last 12 months which promote, preserve or protect the built, natural or cultural heritage of New South Wales?
Projects large and small can be entered by organisations, individuals and community groups that demonstrate excellence in conservation, advocacy, education, interpretation and communication – including a new specific category for projects that promote greater conservation, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal heritage.
Considering the adaptation of the heritage, culture, arts and community sector in a virtual world over the past year, we encourage any online programs, exhibitions, experiences and community activations and events to be submitted.
Entries close on Tuesday 6 April 2021. COVID-19 regulations pending, the National Trust Heritage Awards will be presented at the highly anticipated luncheon ceremony on Thursday 13 May 2021 at heritage-listed Doltone House in Pyrmont.
Click here to watch last year’s virtual ceremony, or click here to view the 2019 ceremony highlights, live from Doltone House.
For more information, key dates, entry criteria and the entry process, visit the National Trust Heritage Awards website, or contact The National Trust’s Event Coordinator Jilly Clark via email.
South Australian Design Review – new member EOIs welcome until 6 April
Are you passionate about good design in South Australia?
Are you a strong, clear and confident communicator with experience reviewing significant construction projects?
The South Australian Design Review program is seeking new members for its Design Review Panel.
Since the Design Review program was established in 2011, 474 design reviews have been undertaken of over 216 significant projects throughout South Australia, with a total value of $8.4 billion.
The Design Review Panel assists the Government Architect in delivering independent design advice to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP), informed by all aspects of best practice urban design.
The Office for Design and Architecture South Australia (ODASA) is seeking applications from all sectors of the design community to join the existing Design Review Panel, particularly professionals with experience within the fields of urban design, medium density residential design, sustainable development, education, landscape architecture, infrastructure and heritage. New members will be selected to complement the existing skills within the panel and build a broader range of expertise.
Successful applicants will be invited to be a member of the Design Review Panel for an initial term expiring 30 June 2023 (with an option to extend), and would attend approximately five to ten half-day sessions per year. There will also be an opportunity for suitable candidates to join the panel periodically as the Design Review Panel is now an open panel.
If you are interested in supporting good design in South Australia, please apply through the Tenders website. Applications close Tuesday 6 April 2021.
If you require any further information or have questions please contact Rose Chard, Program Officer Design on (08) 8402 1886 or visit the ODASA website.
Climate Change and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage virtual course, 2021 edition – starts 10 April
Virtual Course on Climate Change and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage
2021 Edition available in Spanish, Portuguese and English
Considering the current climate emergency and its impact on heritage conservation, the general objective of this virtual course is for participants to acquire tools to characterize a cultural institution based on the analysis of its building and its collections, in order to evaluate the risk to which its heritage is exposed.
Graduates and students of technical and university careers linked to the management of cultural heritage. Professionals in architecture, design, museology, conservation, restoration, related specialties, cultural managers and public officials.
Duration of the course
The course will last ten weeks (equivalent to 30 hours), will begin on 10 April 2021. The contents and activities of the course modules will be published each week.
More information about this course is available via this link.
Position available on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (PhD Student) – EOI deadline 11 April
The Historical and Masonry Structures (HMS) group of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho, Portugal, plans to open soon a position PhD student (duration of the contract planned for 3 years) to join the STAND4HERITAGE project, which is funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant.
The position will focus on the stochastic analysis of the seismic signal with the aim to generate a representative variation of ground motion records (both source and structure-sensitive), and to examine the influence of the signal on the dynamic (seismic) behavior of masonry structures.
Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Civil Engineering or Earthquake Engineering with some background in seismic engineering, stochastic analysis or geophysics. Additional experience in regional ground motion simulation (e.g. physic-based including deterministic, stochastic, hybrid or site-based approaches) or similar qualifications would be considered an asset. Students completing their MSc degree this summer are invited to demonstrate their interest in the position.
If interested, please send your résumé with a copy of your BSc and MSc certificate to Dr Shaghayegh Karimzadeh Naghshineh by email until Sunday 11 April (23:59 GMT). If your MSc certificate is not yet issued, please provide your current courses certificate and GPA.
ALIPH Call For Projects that protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflicts – deadline: 16 April
ALIPH (the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas) invites applications for projects that protect or rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflicts around the world.
The projects must develop protection measures or deliver concrete conservation or rehabilitation outcomes.
In addition, they must:
- Contribute to local capacity building at all levels of expertise, in particular by offering on-the-job training
- Contribute to awareness raising on cultural heritage protection
- Promote cultural diversity and gender equality
- Contribute to economic and social sustainable development, reconciliation, and peace-building
For more information, visit the ALIPH website and/or read this document.
Applications close 16 April.
Professional Development: ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: now from April 2021 onwards
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of professional development short courses. The ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series is designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Our next lunchtime information session will be held on Wednesday 24 March 2021.
Our four online short courses draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within ACAHUCH.
Introduction to Values-Based Heritage (April 2021)
Gain an understanding of the leading approach to heritage management.
New Approaches to Heritage Significance (June 2021)
Learn cutting-edge techniques for assessing the cultural significance of heritage places.
New Tools for Documenting Heritage Fabric (July 2021)
Discover the technologies changing the ways that historic buildings, structures and materials are documented.
Statutory Heritage (September 2021)
An ideal introduction to urban and cultural heritage practice, statutory heritage schemes, and the key players in the field.
To learn more about the ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series, please contact the Learner Support Team.
YRSB22, Prague, 4 July 2022 – call for abstracts deadline: 1 June 2020
We are pleased to announce that the fourth iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building 2022, which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 4 July 2022 just opened a call for abstracts.
The event will be focused on actual PhD research development in the field of sustainable building. The mission of the conference is to bring young doctoral researchers in sustainable building together to share research outcomes, discuss and get feedback from their colleagues, along with their participation in the peer-review process of the conference.
The previous YRSB conferences were held in 2013, 2016 and 2019 also in Prague and had a large success among doctoral students. Last time, 26 active PhD participants from 21 countries all over the world enjoyed the event, including all the social parts.
The themes for YRSB22 are:
• Adapting buildings to climatic goals
• Innovative materials, products and systems for sustainable buildings
• Integration of principles of circular economy into building design process
• Decision-support tools and assessment methods for sustainable built environment
• Sustainable retrofitting of existing buildings
• Sustainable urban development
For more information, visit the conference website.
Abstracts deadline: 1 June 2020
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Associate Historical Heritage Consultant/Archaeologist, Jacobs, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
Jacobs’ Heritage Consulting Team includes Archaeologists, Architects and Cultural Heritage Advisors with extensive experience in State and Federal government sectors and environmental consulting. Our team has experience working in all states of Australia and we have members of the team based in several offices throughout the country.
With a strong pipeline of work in New South Wales, we’re seeking an Associate Historical Heritage Consultant / Archaeologist to provide technical and professional leadership, project management and business development support within our Cultural Heritage team in Sydney. Our current and emerging projects span a variety of sectors including transport infrastructure, power and energy, water, renewables, waste to energy, Defence and industrial. This solid pipeline provides our team with tremendous career opportunities, signature projects and a diversity of invigorating work.
In this role you will lead and contribute to identifying, sourcing and winning opportunities by building strong relationships with our clients. You will lead and/ or write proposals; lead and support the delivery of historical heritage; supervise and undertake historical heritage assessments, significance assessments and Heritage Management Plans. Based in Sydney, you’ll have the opportunity to work on a variety of cultural heritage projects across Australia and New Zealand. You’ll mentor junior staff, nurturing new technical experts and leaders. You’ll grow your career as you interact with key clients to grow our business, and we’ll provide you with the tools to do so.
You are an accomplished practitioner, having delivered a variety of heritage projects with excellent outcomes for clients and the business. You have broad experience – across sectors, project size and project life cycle – enabling you to provide a range of solutions to clients. A creative and innovative thinker, you will see opportunities to do things better, bringing value to clients and to the business.
Other key requirements include:
- Extensive experience in Cultural Heritage consulting and/or heritage regulation
- Extensive technical experience in archaeology and/or cultural heritage with an emphasis on historical heritage
- Excellent report writing skills
- Coaching and mentoring capabilities
- Business acumen
- Effective communication
- Successful networking abilities to pursue new opportunities
For further information and to apply, please see the Jacobs website.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Graphic Designer, SHP (Sue Hodges Productions Pty Ltd), Melbourne [DEADLINE: 29 March]
About the Role
SHP (Sue Hodges Productions) is looking for a highly-skilled graphic design professional. The Senior Graphic Designer role involves delivering high quality concept designs and accurate artwork for a wide range of projects, including signage, exhibitions, digital media and print media.
We are looking for someone with a genuine interest in heritage and in creating contemporary interpretive design solutions, with a focus on history, place and people.
This is a full-time role based in Melbourne.
About SHP
SHP (Sue Hodges Productions Pty Ltd) began in 2001 and is now one of Australia’s leading heritage interpretation companies. We work around Australia and overseas. We are a multi-disciplinary consultancy. We specialise in heritage interpretation but work across the whole heritage sector. We also deliver bespoke design solutions for non-heritage products.
SHP delivers projects from start to finish, to ensure the careful heritage planning is taken through to implementation on site. Our clients include government, communities associated with heritage sites, property developers, local history societies, museums, architects and landscape architects.
For more information about this opportunity, please download the SHP Senior Graphic Designer job description.
SITUATIONS VACANT Experienced Archaeologists (2 positions), GML Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
GML Heritage is seeking two bright, dynamic and experienced Archaeologists to join our consulting team. These are full-time positions based in Sydney.
About us
GML Heritage is one of Australia’s leading heritage consultancies. We have over 30 years’ experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
At GML we share a commitment to provide heritage advice and services that are founded on bold thinking, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement.
We were recently recognised with the Best Heritage Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue) honour at the 2021 Client Choice Awards (that’s two years in a row!), and our projects and staff continue to win awards for innovative advice and solutions.
Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
Go to our website to find out more about who we are and read about the types of work we do.
The Position
In these roles, you will work with experienced and energetic consultants across a range of heritage services. The roles sit in either the Sydney Aboriginal Cultural Heritage team or the Sydney Historical Archaeology team but might work with colleagues from all over Australia.
You will conduct archaeological field work and support the productions of high-quality reports as you would expect, but no two days will be the same.
You will use your knowledge of Archaeology to support a wide range of projects – large and small – with public and private clients.
How to Apply
A position description can be accessed on our careers page.
You must read the position description before applying.
If this role sounds like you and you are ready for the challenge, please send your CV and a covering letter addressing the essential criteria noted in the role description to GML Heritage via email noting which role you are applying for.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission. Please note only applications that address the selection criteria will be considered.
SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
AECOM’s multidisciplinary team of dedicated heritage specialists has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Archaeologist / Cultural Heritage Professional to join the team in Brisbane. This role will see you join a team of heritage specialists with experience in both Aboriginal and historical heritage. We offer clients expertise in heritage management, impact assessments, excavation/salvage and community consultation.
Reporting to the Cultural Heritage Team Lead, you will utilise your well-developed technical expertise to carry out cultural heritage assessments for a range of clients and stakeholders. You will undertake desktop assessments and complete field surveys to identify, document and assess heritage values under State and Commonwealth legislation.
You will produce high quality reporting tailored to our client’s needs and expectations. You will have a client-focused approach, with a passion for fostering positive relationships with clients and communities, and for delivering above-expected outcomes.
This role will give you the opportunity to work in a professional team of specialists who are focused on delivering high quality work for diverse heritage projects around Australia in the Defence, renewables, infrastructure and other sectors. You will be encouraged to grow and develop your career with our business.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Secretary General, Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), Québec City, Canada [DEADLINE: 16 April]
The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) is looking for a Secretary General.
The OWHC is looking for a leader whose main objectives will be to develop and maintain strong bonds among World Heritage Cities and partner organizations, increase the OWHC’s membership, develop a fundraising strategy and represent the interests of the organization around the globe.
Candidates selected for an interview will be contacted in May 2021. These selected candidates will be invited for an interview by the OWHC Board of Directors, which will take place virtually late Spring, early Summer. The Board of Directors will select, among the applicants, three (3) candidates to be proposed to the OWHC General Assembly. These candidates will be invited to the World Congress and General Assembly of the OWHC to be held in Québec City from 7-10 September 2021. The travel expenses of these candidates will be covered by the OWHC*.
For all applicants: the deadline to submit your candidacy is 16 April 2021. This application must be sent exclusively to Ms Andréanne Charest by email. Any questions related to the post and the submission of candidacies must also be sent to Ms Andréanne Charest.
More information about this opportunity can be found here.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for a Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Sydney office Heritage Places team on a full-time basis.
The core business of our heritage places team broadly includes heritage advice and assessment, architectural and building conservation, interpretation, photographic documentation, and cultural heritage management.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologists, NSW, Extent Heritage, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors.
Our team of archaeologists and heritage specialists have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients. With extensive experience and the ability to resolve complex heritage management issues, our highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
About the roles
We have a number of senior roles to fill in our NSW Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Services Team. We are looking for candidates with experience managing a range of commercial consultancy projects across Aboriginal and/or historical archaeology. Project management, stakeholder engagement, client liaison, archaeological assessment and excavation, and reporting are critical.
Positions will suit highly motivated and experienced individuals with well-developed research, writing, analytical, project management and technical skills. An understanding of New South Wales heritage legislation is essential and you must love working in who enjoys in a close-knit, supportive team environment.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Heritage Studio, Sydney [Applications reviewed upon submission]
NBRS Heritage Studio is continuing to grow and we are now on the look-out for a Senior Heritage Consultant to join our experienced team.
This is a rare opportunity for a seasoned professional with a passion for heritage advice and conservation to join our multi-disciplinary practice and contribute to the growth and development of a high-performing team.
The Role
Working within the Heritage Studio and as part of a dynamic team, you will be responsible for writing reports and providing heritage advice to external clients and NBRS architectural projects.
The role is responsible for providing advice across all areas of heritage management and conservation practice including: heritage studies, thematic histories, heritage assessments, nominations; impact statements; conservation management strategies and conservation management plans; condition assessments; conservation schedule of works; maintenance schedules; expert evidence; archival recording and interpretation plans.
Utilising your excellent writing and advisory skills, the role will see you prepare reports on development feasibility with respect to heritage management issues; recommend maintenance strategies to remediate deteriorated fabric and maintain buildings and sites; and assist in the development of precedents of services and products.
In addition to heritage knowledge, you will also have excellent interpersonal skills to liaise and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
This is a ‘hands on’ role and we need a real team player with a positive attitude to take on each new task, no matter how big or small.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will be reviewed upon submission.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131