[NEW ITEM] Vale Nancy Wilkie
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Honorary Membership for Sheridan Burke and Jane Lennon in 2020
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Attingham Trust courses – apply by 27 January 2021
[NEW ITEM] 16th International DOCOMOMO Conference, 29 August – 2 September 2021, Japan – call for papers deadline: 31 January
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Italy Conference: National Scientific Committees, 30 January 2021, 9.30am Rome time, via Zoom
[NEW ITEM] Port Arthur Talk, 9 February 2021
[NEW ITEM] WA Heritage Council of Western Australia’s Heritage Grants Program – applications close 12 February
[NEW ITEM] 2021 ICAHM Annual Meeting, 21-23 June 2021, online – abstracts due 15 February
[NEW ITEM] Heritage NSW – some updates [including Heritage Grants program – applications due 8 February]
[NEW ITEM] OurWorldHeritage – Call for Sustainability Case Studies: deadline 15 February
[NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria’s State of Heritage Review report available online
[NEW ITEM] Archaeological dig at Port Arthur – follow its progress
[NEW ITEM] ISCES Update on Elections and new Bureau, from Past President Peter Cox
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
[NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
[NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
Berlin State Monument Office’s study award – applications close 15 February 2021
Nominations open – 2022 World Monuments Watch | deadline: 1 March 2021
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Graduate Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney [DEADLINE: 15 February]
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Experienced Architect, Hector Abrahams Architects, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 March]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, GML, Canberra
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, ERM, Brisbane
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant (Mid to Senior Level), ERM, Sydney
1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Nancy Wilkie
Australia ICOMOS’ colleagues from Blue Shield Australia have informed us of the passing of Nancy Wilkie. Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Nancy’s family, friends and colleagues.
- I write with the very sad news that Nancy Wilkie died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. Nancy was one of the founders of the USA’s national committee of the Blue Shield and served as Secretary from 2006-2013 and as President from 2013-2020. Nancy was an elected member of the Interim Board of Blue Shield International 2014-2017 and of the Board 2017-2020.
Nancy was the William H. Laird Professor of Classics, Anthropology and the Liberal Arts, Emerita at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. She served on the U.S. Cultural Property Advisory Committee—a group of experts and members of the general public who advise the President of the United States on requests from foreign governments for import restrictions on their archaeological and ethnological artifacts in accordance with the USA’s Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act. Nancy began her archaeological career in 1968 and worked on archaeological projects in Greece, Egypt, and Nepal, and served as President of the Archaeological Institute of America from 1998 to 2002. A graduate of Stanford University, she received her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.
Her calm reflective mind and eye for the smallest of details will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with her family.
Professor Peter G Stone
President, Blue Shield
2. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Honorary Membership for Sheridan Burke and Jane Lennon in 2020
At the ICOMOS General Assembly late last year, Honorary Membership was conferred upon two Australians who have rendered distinguished service to ICOMOS. Australia ICOMOS is very pleased to announce that Ms Sheridan Burke and Dr Jane Lennon were honoured amongst a small number of international recipients. Both have enjoyed outstanding careers in Australia and internationally, including being honorary members of Australia ICOMOS.
Sheridan has been a founding member and major contributor to the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage and a Scientific Council Officer of the ICOMOS Advisory Committee. Sheridan has undertaken World Heritage site monitoring missions and provided advice to ICOMOS and UNESCO, as well as helping the Emerging Professionals Group.
Jane is an outstanding cultural landscape conservation specialist, an honorary member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, a recipient of the Australian Government’s Centenary Medal, and a Member of the Order of Australia – “For service to conservation, the environment and heritage issues”.
All Australians should take pride in the achievements of Sheridan and Jane and we congratulate them both on their well-deserved recognition!
Helen Lardner
President, Australia ICOMOS
3. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Attingham Trust courses – apply by 27 January 2021
Since its foundation in 1952 The Attingham Trust, an educational charitable trust, has enjoyed outstanding success within the worlds of arts and heritage. The alumni of its courses make up an influential, international network of professionals, many of whom represent major cultural institutions.
The Trust currently runs three annual residential courses, The Attingham Summer School, The Attingham Study Programme and Royal Collection Studies and, in alternate years, two non-residential courses, French Eighteenth-Century Studies and The London House Course.
All course details for 2021 will be available on their website in early October and new applications will be encouraged.
Closing date for receipt of all applications will be 27 January 2021.
4. [NEW ITEM] 16th International DOCOMOMO Conference, 29 August – 2 September 2021, Japan – call for papers deadline: 31 January
16th International DOCOMOMO Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1
Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities
29 August – 2 September 2021
Tokyo, Japan
Due the COVID-19 pandemic, DOCOMOMO International and the Japan conference board of the DOCOMOMO2020+1 decided to set up the 16th International DOCOMOMO Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1, 29 August – 2 September 2021, with a hybrid format, through a mixed system between online and face-to-face (if possible, depending on the pandemic situation) lectures.
For more information, click here.
Applications for the third round call for papers are open until 31 January 2021.
5. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS Italy Conference: National Scientific Committees, 30 January 2021, 9.30am Rome time, via Zoom
ICOMOS Italy is pleased to invite participation in the 1st Conference of the National Scientific Committees, to be held via ZOOM. During the Conference, the newly elected Coordinators will present the activities in progress and/or which they intend to carry out in the coming years to the National Scientific Committee.
More information is at the ICOMOS Italy website.
Register by sending an email to ICOMOS Italy.
6. [NEW ITEM] Port Arthur Talk, 9 February 2021
Creating an Imagined Life
presented by Robert Jarman
Robert Jarman is one of Tasmania’s most accomplished theatre artists. As a Director, performer, writer, or designer he has featured in all Ten Days on the Island festivals. Robert has worked with all major Tasmanian performing arts companies and is a co-founder of Hobart’s Blue Cow Theatre. In 2000 Robert received the Federation Medal for his services to Performing Arts.
In October 2020 he spent a month at Port Arthur as part of the Artist in Residence program*. During Robert’s Artist Residency at Port Arthur he aimed to make some order out of a mess of ideas he had for a new show. His time here proved more than just an opportunity to clarify his thoughts; the raw material he gathered and the inspiration he found has led to his creating a rich new work that will blend theatre history, queer history, and Tasmanian colonial history. Robert will talk about the many starting points, the long creative process, and the importance of his Artist Residency at Port Arthur in the creation of this new work.
When: Tuesday 9 February, 12 noon
Where: 1830 Restaurant & Bar, Visitor Centre, Port Arthur Historic Site
RSVP NOTE: Attendance by booking only. For bookings phone 1800 659 101 between 10am and 4pm or email Port Arthur Reservations
Physical distancing requirements will be observed at all times.
Download the ‘Creating an Imagined Life’ talk flyer.
*Assisted by the Minister for the Arts through Arts Tasmania.
7. [NEW ITEM] WA Heritage Council of Western Australia’s Heritage Grants Program – applications close 12 February
The Heritage Council of Western Australia’s Heritage Grants Program is currently open for applications. The Program provides funding assistance to owners of State Registered Heritage Places for urgent conservation works and conservation management planning. The 2020/21 grant round additionally provides support to not-for-profits, businesses and local governments undertaking heritage events and activities, or interpretation projects that celebrate heritage places and promote best practice conservation.
For more information visit this link.
Applications close 12 February.
8. [NEW ITEM] 2021 ICAHM Annual Meeting, 21-23 June 2021, online – abstracts due 15 February
2021 ICAHM Annual Meeting – Archaeological Heritage Management: Towards a People-centered Approach
21-23 June 2021, online
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) is happy to announce that the 2021 ICAHM Annual Meeting will be organised online in close cooperation with Dutch partners: Faculty of Archaeology (Leiden University), Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Reinwardt Academy and the LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development.
This meeting is free of charge and open to all. There will be morning and afternoon parallel discussion sessions to allow participants from around the world to attend.
For more information, visit the ICAHM website.
Abstracts NOW due 15 February.
9. [NEW ITEM] Heritage NSW – some updates [including Heritage Grants program – applications due 8 February]
Heritage Grants – now open
The 2021-23 round of NSW Heritage Grants is now open. See our website for more information and the funding guidelines. Applications close 8 February 2021.
Heritage Management System (HMS) – new system coming 2021
in 2021 we will launch a transformational digital system for lodging Heritage Act applications and searching heritage information. The HMS will replace existing systems and paper-based applications. See our website for more information and further updates as the go live date approaches.
Standard exemptions – new exemptions apply
From 1 December 2020 new standard exemptions apply for items listed on the State Heritage Register or subject to an Interim Heritage Order. If you are planning works, check if you still need to apply for approval or notify Heritage NSW of the works – they may now be covered by an exemption. See our website for more information about the types of exemptions that apply.
Conservation Management Plan review – changes
From July 2020 the Heritage Council of NSW ceased offering the review and endorsement of conservation management plans. We still recommend the preparation of CMPs as best practice heritage management documents and we’re currently updating guidance material to support this process. See our website for more information.
10. [NEW ITEM] OurWorldHeritage – Call for Sustainability Case Studies: deadline 15 February
OurWorldHeritage (OWH) is a new and exciting initiative that may become an important player in the World Heritage ecosystem in the coming months and years.
Among the group of concerned individuals and experts who are contributing to OWH are several ICOMOS members, who are contributing in their own capacity or with other affiliations. One of the streams is a Sustainability theme, as part of the OWH 2021 Thematic Debates.
Call for Case Studies of the Sustainability theme – deadline: 15 February 2021, 11.59pm CET
The Case Studies project involves the collection, discussion and showcasing of examples illustrating the relationship of heritage and sustainable development in sites on the World Heritage List and Tentative Lists, whereby case study applicants can become OWH partners in creating policy recommendations to improve sustainable management of World Heritage.
11. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria’s State of Heritage Review report available online
In December 2020, the Heritage Council of Victoria released its State of Heritage Review report, examining local cultural heritage practices and management across the state.
More information and the report can be found at the Heritage Council of Victoria website.
12. [NEW ITEM] Archaeological dig at Port Arthur – follow its progress
There is currently an archaeological dig taking place at Port Arthur. Follow the links below for more information on this project.
– updates for January, including the video from the trenches on 11 Jan
– and the Bedtime reading section includes a link to the online map
13. [NEW ITEM] ISCES Update on Elections and new Bureau, from Past President Peter Cox
December 2020
Dear ICOMOS Members,
It has been my pleasure to bring the ISCES (International Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability) to the level it is now. I am surprised it has been 9 years in the making. It started at the 2010 ADCOM in Dublin, my native city, when our then ICOMOS President asked me to head up a working group to look at how the drive for energy efficiency might threaten our built heritage. ISCES was accepted at the Beijing ADCOM. Since then we have progressed into an active committee that has promoted its subject matter around the world and also developed two very active and successful mirror National Scientific Committees – NSCES Australia and NSCES Ireland.
We have recently had a membership drive and can boast a healthy and enthusiastic membership from around the world. Just last week we received our ISCES election results. We are pleased to announce a new larger Bureau to take this essential ISC to the next level:
- Franziska Haas – President (Germany)
- Rosa Milito – Secretary General (Canada)
- Khalid El Harrouni – Vice President (Morocco)
- Rachel Jackson – Vice President (Australia)
- James Ritson – Vice President (United Kingdom)
Our new President, Franziska Haas, has already convened an informal meeting of the new bureau and wishes to stress the bureau will work cooperatively as a team. Along with the election of the bureau we held a simultaneous vote on our By-Laws which were supported and are with ICOMOS for approval.
I could not have led ISCES to this point without the enormous contribution from Helen Wilson (Past Secretary ISCES), Peter Philips (active member) and many others along the road that encouraged and cajoled us to where we are today.
I am sincerely pleased with the new Bureau and rest assured that the ISC is in excellent hands. I wish them well and of course Helen and I will be available to assist in the coming months and years.
My involvement in this ISC has opened my mind to the great risk of Climate Change and in the important role our built heritage can play in Climate Change mitigation. We are witnessing a real surge in the realisation that the “Embedded Carbon” locked within our built heritage can make a huge contribution in reducing our international carbon footprint whilst also saving our built heritage from demolition. The importance of adaptive reuse cannot and should not be underestimated and we as an industry must accept and embrace change in the aim of saving our planet. Our ISC must also continue to impress upon the research and development of new low carbon and sympathetic solutions to retro-fitting our built environment whilst ensuring “Maladaptation” is wiped out. The ISC should also not just limit itself to traditional and heritage buildings but promote a low carbon overall construction market.
Again, I cannot thank Helen enough for her tremendous support, dedication and enthusiasm for the subject matter. I have so enjoyed her support and her friendship even though we are at the other end of the world from each other. We had many enjoyable online meetings from different parts of the world over the period. I also greatly thank Peter Philips for his knowledge, experience, guidance, mentoring and common sense on this journey. We hand on the baton with total confidence that this ISC has an exciting and pivotal role to play in saving our heritage and contributing hugely to the battle against Climate Change.
I would finally like to encourage more cooperation between all ISCs and ICOMOS working groups. The potential for this was seen very clearly at the recent 6 ISC Meeting a couple of months ago, and there is another cooperation of several ISCs planned for August 2021 in Sweden and online. I encourage all National Committees to nominate a member to this ISC and to seriously consider developing a mirror NSCs on this subject in your country.
Happy Holidays and please stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Cox FRSA
Immediate Past President, ISCES+CC
14. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
TJC is proud to announce a new lecture series presented as part of the Melbourne Fashion Festival’s Independent Program: Ideas 2021.
This series of six lectures will feature some of Australia’s most esteemed fashion and textiles history academics and writers. Lecture topics will cover the history of fashion from 1550s through to present day. For information on these and other events at The Johnston Collection, click on the link below.
15. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
To read the latest news from World Monuments Fund (WMF), click here.
In conjunction with the 2022 World Monuments Watch, WMF is also highlighting past Watch sites that engage with priority themes for the 2022 Watch: underrepresented heritage, climate change, and imbalanced tourism.
16. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Click here to read the latest news from The Best in Heritage.
17. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
PANORAMA Nature Culture ‘Community’
The Marker Event for ICOMOS GA2020 included the launch of the PANORAMA Nature Culture ‘community’, an initiative of ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN.
We are very pleased to showcase the following opportunity to contribute to the PANORAMA initiative:
Nature-Culture Thematic Community on the PANORAMA platform is looking
for more inspiring case studies from all around the world!
PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. The new thematic community, coordinated jointly by ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN, is a space for heritage practitioners to share and reflect their experiences from their heritage places, and to learn with their peers how similar challenges have been addressed around the globe.
The Nature-Culture thematic community highlights the importance of integrated heritage protection and management for sustainable development looking at inspiring approaches to heritage management and conservation, which include the use of local and Indigenous knowledge and the engagement of local communities. It aims to form a global community of practice in places valued for their cultural and natural significance, across indigenous peoples’ territories, rural and coastal landscapes, seascapes and urban landscapes.
Please read through the template and manual in the links below and share your practice with us!
The solution template and user manual can be downloaded here.
An introduction to the platform with a step-by-step video guidance can be found here.
Have a look through the 240+ solutions already included in the Nature-Culture Thematic Community.
>> read the above communique in French & Spanish
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, online, 20-21 May 2021 | abstract deadline: 30 January 2021
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism
Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey – Online
20-21 May 2021
The organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA 2021) invites abstracts for this conference. The ICCAUA 2021 conference will be held online at Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey, on 20-21 May 2021.
The general conference topics are listed below, with more information at the conference website.
– Architecture and Technology
– Sustainability and Urban Design
– Heritage and Cultural Landscapes
– Habitat Studies and Infra Habitation
– Civil engineering
The publication opportunities can be explored here.
The deadline for abstracts is 30 January 2021.
Berlin State Monument Office’s study award – applications close 15 February 2021
The Berlin monument landscape is as diverse as the city: modern settlements and old village centers, intimate house gardens and extensive public parks, mixed Wilhelminian style quarters and wealthy villa suburbs, technical infrastructures and globally operating industries, world-famous icons of modernity and sensational archaeological finds. The forms of occupation within are as diverse as the monument landscape: building and urban historical research, renovations and conversions in line with historic monuments, participation offers and mediation tasks are important foundations of Berlin monument preservation.
The Berlin State Monument Office’s study award recognizes and promotes employment at universities and colleges with the Berlin monument landscape. It is awarded annually on the occasion of the Berlin Monument Day for outstanding bachelor and master theses that relate to the Berlin monument landscape and deal with topics relevant to Berlin monument preservation.
Students at all universities and technical colleges in Germany and abroad are eligible to participate. There is no restriction to certain disciplines or subject areas such as art history, monument preservation, architecture, garden architecture, restoration or archeology. The only decisive factor is the thematic focus of the thesis.
The Berlin State Monuments Office’s study award is awarded to up to three Bachelor or Master theses each year. Each prize is worth 1,000 euros. The Berlin State Monuments Office decides on the awarding of the prizes.
Please note: Bachelor and master theses that have been completed and assessed at a university or technical college within a period of up to two years prior to the award of the study prize are eligible. For the 2021 study prize, this corresponds to the period from 01/01/2019 to 15/02/2021.
The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2021.
Editorial note: the above text was translated from German using Google Translate with minimal editing, and is originally from this website.
The submissions can be made in German and English version. Since the Landesdenkmalamt Berlin only has the necessary documents as German downloads, eligible and interested students should send any queries to this email address.
Nominations open – 2022 World Monuments Watch | deadline: 1 March 2021
World Monuments Fund (WMF) is now accepting nominations for the 2022 World Monuments Watch.
The World Monuments Watch is a two-year program that seeks to discover, spotlight, and take action on behalf of heritage places facing challenges or presenting outstanding opportunities of direct relevance to our global society. Every two-year cycle of the Watch includes 25 heritage places from around the world, selected for their cultural significance, the need or opportunity for urgent or timely action, and the potential for World Monuments Fund to make a meaningful difference.
Through the Watch, WMF collaborates with local partners to design and implement targeted conservation programs – including advocacy, planning, education, and physical interventions in the historic built environment. The ultimate goal of the program since its inception has been to improve human well-being through cultural heritage preservation.
The 2022 cycle of the Watch is taking place amidst circumstances that have revealed the profound interconnectedness of our world. Together, we can innovate to create a more harmonious world where the past and present cohabitate, where local communities and their cultural heritage are recognized and respected, and where we and future generations have the capacity to appreciate our history, respect our differences, and better understand each other.
We are looking for nominations with clear potential to respond to the global need to ensure equitable representation for all, and the pressing challenges of climate change and imbalanced tourism.
To learn more about the nomination process, click here.
Submissions will be accepted until Monday 1 March 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Graduate Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney [DEADLINE: 15 February]
Design 5, an inner city practice, specialises in built heritage conservation, adaptive reuse and associated new work. We have a broad range of interesting and challenging projects, primarily in NSW, from new structures in significant contexts, to detailed conservation work.
We are seeking an architectural graduate, with a minimum of 1-2 years’ experience in writing reports and an interest in conservation and adaptive reuse to join our team on a full time basis.
The role includes:
- preparation of reports including Heritage Impact Assessments and CMPs
- archival research
- assisting with design and documentation including DAs and construction
- liaison with clients and consultants
Key attributes:
- Good research and communication skills including technical report writing/proof-reading, verbal communication
- Training in architecture / heritage preferred
- Competence with Microsoft Word and familiarity with InDesign
- Competence with CAD/Vectorworks or similar – optional
- Confident attitude, highly motivated and willingness to contribute positively to the culture of the practice
An attractive salary package will be offered commensurate with level of experience. Our practice has a strong culture of fostering involvement through training and mentoring.
Please forward your CV by email to Design 5, prior to COB Monday 15 February 2021.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Experienced Architect, Hector Abrahams Architects, Sydney [DEADLINE: 1 March]
Hector Abrahams Architects is looking for an experienced architect to lead projects in our Practice
Applicants should demonstrate that they:
- Enjoy exploring ideas and problems through drawing
- Have an interest in old and existing buildings and how they can be maintained and adapted
- Have an interest in and knowledge of how buildings are put together, detailing, materials, process, construction and craftsmanship. A particular interest in and knowledge of traditional materials and craftsmanship will be a significant advantage
We have and pursue projects ranging from the conservation of heritage buildings, through new building and creative re-use, to strategic thinking and planning for a variety of institutional and community clients. It is a very interesting collection of problems to explore.
Applicants should have about 5 years’ experience post-graduation. Applicants should be registered architects in NSW or in an equivalent system (e.g. the UK or NZ).
Please send us a letter of introduction, CV, Sample portfolio to Hector Abrahams Architects by email before Monday 1 March 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, GML, Canberra
GML Heritage is one of Australia’s leading heritage consultancies. We have over 30 years’ experience and a reputation that sees us working on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in heritage.
At GML we share a commitment to providing heritage advice and services that are founded on bold thinking, intellectual rigour, industry best practice and effective community engagement.
We were recently recognised with the Best Heritage Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue) honour at the 2020 Client Choice Awards, and our projects and staff continue to win awards for innovative advice and solutions.
Our people are creative and committed specialists including archaeologists, architects, historians and built heritage experts.
We are looking for our next team member to join the Canberra office and if you meet the selection criteria, we would love to hear from you.
As a Senior Heritage Consultant, you will need to have around 5 years’ experience, preferably undertaking Australian Commonwealth heritage consulting projects, be living in or willing to relocate to or close to the ACT and preferably have some experience or qualifications in heritage architecture.
In return you will get to work in a supportive environment where you can stretch your skills and knowledge working on interesting and engaging projects alongside industry leaders.
If you think this is your next role go to the GML website for a full role description and selection criteria. Only applications that address the selection criteria will be considered.
Please call Rachel Jackson on (02) 6273 7540 if you would like to discuss this role in more detail.
Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted so thanks for your interest in working with GML Heritage.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, ERM, Brisbane
ERM is seeking a Heritage Consultant to join our growing team in Brisbane on a permanent contract basis. ERM’s National Heritage Team is comprised of highly-regarded archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage architects, interpretive specialists and historians, working across all regions of Australia.
The position offers an excellent opportunity to be part of an industry-leading, multi-disciplinary consultancy, and develop technical and professional skills in a supportive team environment.
The role will involve working as part of a team in the preparation of cultural heritage and archaeological assessments, undertaking field survey, research, report writing and project management. This is an excellent opportunity for a professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader.
For more information about the role and how to apply, see the ERM Heritage Consultant Dec 2020 position description.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant (Mid to Senior Level), ERM, Sydney
ERM is seeking an experienced Mid-Level to Senior Heritage Consultant to join our growing team in Sydney on a permanent contract basis. ERM’s National Heritage Team is comprised of highly-regarded archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage architects, interpretive specialists and historians, working across all regions of Australia.
The position offers an excellent opportunity to be part of an industry-leading, multi-disciplinary consultancy, and develop technical and professional skills in a supportive team environment, with access to an engaged international technical specialist community. The role will involve working as part of a team in the preparation of cultural heritage assessments, undertaking field survey, research, report writing and project management. This is an excellent opportunity for a professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader. We are seeking an enthusiastic, flexible and collaborative candidate who wishes to see their work contribute real value towards environmental and heritage sustainability.
For more information about the role and how to apply, see the ERM Heritage Consultant (Mid to Senior Level) Dec 2020 position description.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131