[NEW ITEM] ICAHM Webinar, Sunday 15 November 2020, 12:00 GMT
[NEW ITEM] Invitation to the Launch of OurWorldHeritage, 16 November, 14.00 CET
[NEW ITEM] 37th Annual SAHANZ conference, 18 – 25 November 2020 | KEYNOTE by Tim Winter, Wednesday 18 November, 2pm AWST
[NEW ITEM] Save the Date! Symposium: The Sustainable Shine Dome: Envisioning Sustainable Futures for Heritage, 4 December, 1.30pm AEDT – IN REAL LIFE!!! (and online)
[NEW ITEM] Revised Planning and Design Code Consultation (SA) – closes 18 December 2020
[NEW ITEM] Getty Internships for Emerging Professionals | application deadline: 14 January 2021
Call for Expressions of Interest for IIWC Membership: deadline 15 November 2020
Call for Expressions of Interest for ICIP Membership | deadline 23 November 2020
Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden upcoming events, 15 & 26 November
ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges – next session, 17 November
Designing Canberra: The Moir + Sutherland Collection | Book Launch, 20 November
Port Arthur Talk, Thursday 26 November
2020 Online Lecture Series: ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ – FINAL session, 26 November
Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU, 24-25 November 2020, online delivery
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, online, 20-21 May 2021 | abstract deadline: 30 January 2021
City of Adelaide Draft Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2020 – 2035: have your say by 16 November
SA Draft Heritage Tourism Strategy public engagement – closes 17 November
Melbourne MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: next delivery starts 18 November 2020
Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2021: Study in Australia and Germany – and earn two Masters qualifications | DEADLINE EXTENDED to 30 November 2020
In Situ. Revue des patrimoines journal – Heritage values of 20th century architecture: what recognition?: call for papers | deadline 15 December 2020
Call for Articles: Heritage Special Issue “Smart Heritage: Converging Smart Technologies and Heritage” | see note re: deadline
Reconnecting with your Culture: Draw your heritage – a program for children
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Executive Director, Museum of Chinese Australia, Sydney
[UPDATED] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Archaeological survey: Greenough farmland Western Australia [DEADLINE EXTENDED: 23 November]
SITUATION VACANT Paper Conservator, Endangered Heritage, Canberra
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
SITUATION WANTED Master’s student seeking work experience
SITUATION WANTED PhD candidate seeking professional opportunities
1. [NEW ITEM] ICAHM Webinar, Sunday 15 November 2020, 12:00 GMT
The ICOMOS ICAHM – International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management
presents an ICOMOS Webinar on
archaeological heritage and tourism
Hear from various ICAHM luminaries on this topic; moderated by Dr John Peterson, ICAHM President.
Sunday 15 November 2020, 12:00pm GMT
[11:00pm AEDT | 10:00pm QLD | 10.30pm SA | 9.30pm NT | 8:00pm WA]
>> more information in the archaeological heritage and tourism webinar_15 Nov flyer
2. [NEW ITEM] Invitation to the Launch of OurWorldHeritage, 16 November, 14.00 CET
Launching a Global Initiative ‘OurWorldHeritage’
14:00 CET
[12:00am 17 Nov AEDT | 11:00pm QLD | 11.30pm SA | 10.30pm NT | 9:00pm WA]
“supportheritage protection, stoppoliticization, and engagecivil society”
You are cordially invited to join the launch event of OurWorldHeritage Initiative on Monday, 16 November at 14.00 CET (UTC +1). We will have an hour-long broadcast to highlight the key issues World Heritage is facing today, and kick-off a yearlong debate which will address the critical issues of World Heritage conservation and management through a series of 12 monthly Thematic Discussions in 2021.
“With the world in crisis, threats from pandemics to economic depression, exploitation of resources to politics, conflicts to climate change, development pressure, disasters and more, also strain the very core of World Heritage. Join us as we mobilize to review and reinforce the heritage protection for the next 50 years. Without action, the legacy of the past will not be here for tomorrow’s generations. If we fail to protect our World Heritage, we fail to protect our planet.”
Follow the broadcast on Facebook Live and YouTube Live.
Please visit the OurWorldHeritage website for further information about this network and the launch event.
3. [NEW ITEM] 37th Annual SAHANZ conference, 18 – 25 November 2020 | KEYNOTE by Tim Winter, Wednesday 18 November, 2pm AWST
37th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ)
18 – 25 November 2020
online delivery
Keynote Forum and Public Lecture, Tim Winter presenting
‘Reimagining the Past Through the Sea: The unfolding futures of architectural history and heritage
Wednesday 18 November, 2pm AWST
[5pm AEDT | 4pm QLD | 4.30pm SA | 3.30pm NT]
Zoom link will be posted to the SAHANZ conference website shortly!
>> more information in the SAHANZ 2020 Tim Winter Keynote & Public Lecture flyer
4. [NEW ITEM] Save the Date! Symposium: The Sustainable Shine Dome: Envisioning Sustainable Futures for Heritage, 4 December, 1.30pm AEDT – IN REAL LIFE!!! (and online)
Save the Date! 4 December, 1.30pm AEDT
[12.30pm QLD | 1.00pm SA | 12.00pm NT | 10.00am WA]
Shine Dome, Canberra & Online
Symposium in-real-life at the Shine Dome and on line — followed by a Drinks Reception!
The Sustainable Shine Dome: Envisioning Sustainable Futures for Heritage
The University of Canberra has partnered with the Academy of Sciences, GML Heritage and GHD Engineering, to develop an innovative sustainability plan for a net-zero emissions future for the National Heritage Listed Canberra landmark, the Shine Dome.
The multidisciplinary research team led by Michael Jasper, Professor of Architecture, and Tracy Ireland, Professor of Cultural Heritage, will investigate innovative approaches to ensure progressive energy and emissions reductions that contribute to the future protection and promotion of the Shine Dome’s unique heritage values. As part of this project, there will be series of Workshops that aim to build a conversation around heritage values and sustainability.
To kick off the series, please join us on 4 December for a hybrid (in person and on line) workshop to begin the conversation on sustainable heritage futures. Featuring local and international experts, including the Getty’s Susan Macdonald and Dr Caroline Noller of The Footprint Company, the workshop will introduce the Sustainable Shine Dome project, explore the Shine Dome’s heritage values, and then examine case studies of sustainability and heritage places.
Free event but bookings essential – bookings will open soon.
For more information email Hakin @ the Uni of Canberra.
5. [NEW ITEM] Revised Planning and Design Code Consultation (SA) – closes 18 December 2020
The SA State Planning Commission has now released a revised version of the Planning and Design Code for the State’s metropolitan areas and large regional cities Code for a further six weeks of public consultation.
This additional consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to experience the Code in the ePlanning platform and to see how feedback received has informed the Commission’s proposed changes and improvements to the draft Code, prior to a final recommendation being made to the Minister to implement the new planning system in 2021.
To assist in the understanding of the changes in the revised Code, a range of supporting materials has been developed including a Summary of Post-Consultation Amendments, which outlines the Commission’s recommendations and key changes in response to previous feedback received on the draft Phase Three Code. This and a number of other instructional guides and factsheets are accessible from the PlanSA portal.
How to have your say
Browse the full Code in its electronic format and submit comments on specific parts of the Code via the ‘Code Feedback Tool’ at this link.
Consultation closes 18 December 2020.
6. [NEW ITEM] Getty Internships for Emerging Professionals | application deadline: 14 January 2021
Getty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust – the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation, as well as in Getty Publications and Getty Digital – to graduate students who intend to pursue careers in the visual arts. Training and work experience placements are typically available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, publications, information management, public programs, digital projects, and grantmaking. To learn more about the Graduate Intern experience, follow the #GettyGrad conversation on Facebook.
Due to complexities related to COVID-19, the number of positions offered for 2021–22 is unusually limited, and the evaluation process may be more highly competitive as a result. Therefore, please be sure to confirm your eligibility before applying.
For detailed information, visit the Getty Foundation website.
Application deadline: 5:00pm Pacific Time, 14 January 2021
Call for Expressions of Interest for IIWC Membership: deadline 15 November 2020
Expressions of interest are invited from ICOMOS members of various professional backgrounds who have experience, knowledge, or particular interest in the preservation of wood in historic buildings or structures to join IIWC, the ICOMOS International Scientific Wood Committee established in 1975. There are two categories of individual membership: Expert members (with a speciality in the field of wood conservation) and Associate members (who wish to gain knowledge and build up an expertise in a given field through active volunteer work).
An Expert Member of the IIWC will be accepted on the basis of their individual profile, particularly knowledge of / associations with the conservation of wooden cultural heritage, application of the IIWC principles and the diversity of their application in different cultures and contexts. IIWC was formed largely by the original authors of the Nara Document on Authenticity, which came to be fully realised in the formation ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage committee.
Individuals who wish to become members of IIWC, whether in the Expert or Associate category, must also be members of ICOMOS. All members are expected to contribute to the activities and objectives of the IIWC.
We encourage early career ICOMOS members (Emerging Professionals) to apply. Emerging Professionals are individual members of ICOMOS who are students or in the early stage of their careers. An Emerging Professional may be an Expert Member or an Associate Member as described above.
For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit the IIWC website. Any queries in relation to the IIWC can be directed to Tanya Park by email. Tanya is an Expert member of this ISC and is also the current voting member representing Australia ICOMOS.
Apply by 15 November 2020.
Call for Expressions of Interest for ICIP Membership | deadline 23 November 2020
Expressions of interest are invited from those with an interest / experience in the interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites to join ICIP—the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites.
ICIP researches and promotes the understanding, protection, conservation and management of the interpretation of cultural heritage sites. Interpretation is one of the most important areas of ICOMOS. It helps people understand why heritage sites should be valued and protected, addresses topical and relevant issues such as climate change, rights-based heritage, sustainability, the decolonisation of history and heritage, and recovery from COVID-19.
Membership is available as a General Member, Expert Member or Associate Member.
We particularly encourage early career ICOMOS members (Emerging Professionals) to apply. Emerging Professionals are individual members of ICOMOS who are students or in the early stage of their careers. An Emerging Professional may be a General Member, Expert Member or an Associate Member.
For more detailed information, download the Call for Expressions of Interest for ICIP Membership_FINAL and visit ICIP website and read the Mission Statement of ICIP | download the ICIP-EOI-form-Membership_FINAL.
Apply by 23 November 2020. Please email questions to Ms Kerime Danis, Secretary General of ICIP.
Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden upcoming events, 15 & 26 November
The Dunera Association & Emanuel Synagogue present a Special Event on the Art and Life of Karl Duldig (1902 – 1986)
Sunday 15 November, 4.00pm – 5.15pm
The annual Duldig Lecture for 2020, presented by Dr Arie Hartog, Director of Gerhard Marcks Haus, Bremen Germany
Thursday 26 November, 7.00pm – 8.30pm
To find out more about these events, click here.
ICOMOS Webinar Series: Cultural heritage solutions for water challenges – next session, 17 November
The overall aim of the webinar series is to inform water professionals and heritage experts about the Water and Heritage initiative and its activities, which aim at recognition by water managers that water related heritage can contribute significantly toward water challenges. The specific objective of the webinars is to encourage national working groups to be initiated with the longer-term objective to mobilize support to have Water and Heritage discussed at the UN International Water conference to be held in New York in 2023; see the Chair’s Statement of the symposium ‘Water and Culture’ held on February 3 in Tokyo.
Webinar 3: Telling examples and assessment methodologies
17 November 2020,12.00-13.30 Central European Time (click here to check your local timings)
For more information all on the sessions, visit this link.
Download the ICOMOS Water Heritage webinars 2020 leaflet.
Designing Canberra: The Moir + Sutherland Collection | Book Launch, 20 November
Join Peter Freeman and Dr Rachael Coghlan as they explore the lives of early Canberra architects Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland – their work, their impact on the developing city, the times in which they lived, and the legacy that remains.
Peter Freeman is an author and Conservation Architect. His new book, THOROUGHLY MODERN: Moir + Sutherland Architects, studies the life and work of these two architects pivotal in the development of Canberra. Peter will be launching his book on Friday 20 November at the DESIGN Canberra Festival. More information about the book launch can be found at this link.
Dr Rachael Coghlan is CEO of Craft ACT: Craft and Design Centre, and Artistic Director of the DESIGN Canberra Festival.
>> watch the The Moir + Sutherland Collection video
Port Arthur Talk, Thursday 26 November
Three Capes Track project: construction and current operation
presented by Sam Lennox
Stunning landscapes and some of the world’s highest sea cliffs are encountered on one of the largest nature tourism projects undertaken in Australia, the Three Capes Track, on the Tasman Peninsula. Commencing in 2012, and with most of the physical labour undertaken by hand, the 48km track was officially opened in late 2015. Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Ranger, Sam Lennox, will detail aspects of the project delivery, covering the planning and approval phase, construction and current operations.
Currently a Ranger at the Tasman Field Centre, Sam Lennox worked as track construction supervisor on the Three Capes Track Project.
When: Thursday 26 November, 12 noon
Where: 1830 Restaurant and Bar, Visitor Centre, Port Arthur Historic Site
RSVP NOTE: Attendance by booking only. For bookings phone 1800 659 101 between 10am and 4pm or email Port Arthur Reservations
Physical distancing requirements will be observed at all times.
Download the “Three Capes Track” talk flyer.
2020 Online Lecture Series: ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ – FINAL session, 26 November
The preparatory office for the International Centre for Interpretation and Presentation of the World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO (hereinafter the Centre) is pleased to announce that the preparatory office for the Category 2 Centre, newly approved at the 40th session of the General Conference (2019), was launched in late May under the supervision of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of the Korean government. The Centre will play a pivotal role in World Heritage interpretation and presentation, which contributes to raising public awareness of the value of World Heritage and the importance of protecting it.
In 2020, the Centre will be holding an online lecture series titled ‘Understanding World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’, starting on 10 September (next session is on 26 November).
The previous sessions are now available to stream from the YouTube and Facebook links below.
The lectures will be made available to the public via the Cultural Heritage Administration and the Centre Preparatory Office’s YouTube channel and the Facebook page. The lectures and Q&A sessions will be conducted in English and publicly accessible for viewing without prior registration. Videos of the sessions will be uploaded to the YouTube channel and Facebook page after the Live stream to be viewed at any time. The time schedule of lectures will be adjusted according to the local time in the region of the speaker’s residence, and the time will be announced in advance on the preparatory office’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Download the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Online Lecture Series leaflet for more information.
>> Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea’s YouTube & Facebook
>> Preparatory Office for the Centre’s YouTube & Facebook
Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU, 24-25 November 2020, online delivery
Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU Culture and Cultural Heritage in Europe – strengthen – promote – develop
24-25 November 2020
The German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and the Italian National Governmental Agency for Territorial Cohesion invite you to attend the Digital Forum Urban Agenda for the EU on 24-25 November as part of the EU Council Presidency. During the Forum, the Action Plan on cultural heritage will be discussed and finalized.
Register at this link.
For more information, download the Digital Forum_Urban Agenda – Nov 2020.
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, online, 20-21 May 2021 | abstract deadline: 30 January 2021
4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism
Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey – Online
20-21 May 2021
The organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA 2021) invites abstracts for this conference. The ICCAUA 2021 conference will be held online at Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey, on 20-21 May 2021.
The general conference topics are listed below, with more information at the conference website.
– Architecture and Technology
– Sustainability and Urban Design
– Heritage and Cultural Landscapes
– Habitat Studies and Infra Habitation
– Civil engineering
The publication opportunities can be explored here.
The deadline for abstracts is 30 January 2021.
City of Adelaide Draft Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2020 – 2035: have your say by 16 November
From the city layout to the surrounding Park Lands, Kaurna heritage, built heritage and the many layers of cultural heritage, there is much to celebrate and value in our city. The City of Adelaide’s highly successful Heritage Incentives Scheme has assisted owners in the care and preservation of their heritage properties for over 30 years. We want to continue protecting, promoting and preserving our heritage into the future. The Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2035 will guide heritage management in the City of Adelaide for the next 15 years.
Visit the Have Your Say website for more information.
Consultation is open until 5pm, Monday 16 November 2020.
SA Draft Heritage Tourism Strategy public engagement – closes 17 November
Engagement on the draft Heritage Tourism Strategy and Action Plan is now open, closing 5pm Tuesday 17 November. Read the Media Release here.
People are invited to provide feedback via survey, online discussion and written submission using the YourSAy platform.
This engagement period is the time which you and the organisations you represent can use to provide more detailed feedback on the draft.
At the close of the engagement period, the feedback will be compiled ahead of the Heritage Tourism Alliance meeting for a final time to review and consider any changes to the strategy and action plan.
Melbourne MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: next delivery starts 18 November 2020
The Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of professional development short courses.
The ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series is designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Our four online short courses draw upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within the Centre.
Statutory Heritage (Inaugural Delivery: November 2020)
An ideal introduction to urban and cultural heritage practice, statutory heritage schemes, and the key players in the field.
Introduction to Values-Based Heritage (Inaugural Delivery: early 2021)
Learn about cultural heritage values, the Burra Charter and established approaches to managing heritage places.
New Approaches for Heritage Significance (Inaugural Delivery: early 2021)
Explore new ways of approaching and assessing the cultural significance and diverse values of heritage places.
New Tools for Documenting Heritage Fabric (Inaugural Delivery: mid-2021)
Discover the new technologies changing the ways that historic buildings, structures and materials are documented.
To learn more about the ACAHUCH Melbourne MicroCert series, please contact the dedicated Student Support Team.
Our next lunchtime information session will be held in January 2020.
Deakin University DUAL AWARD 2021: Study in Australia and Germany – and earn two Masters qualifications | DEADLINE EXTENDED to 30 November 2020
Master of Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies (Deakin) and World Heritage Masters (Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany): DEADLINE EXTENDED to 30 November 2020
Applications are now OPEN for 2021 entry to Deakin’s internationally recognised post-graduate programs in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies.
Expressions of Interest are also now OPEN for our unique dual award with our partners at the World Heritage Studies program at BTU-Cottbus in Germany. Join our 2021 cohort beginning in March:
- Apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies (Professional)
- Send your CV and an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email by 30 November 2020.
For further information, visit our blog or contact Kristal Buckley by email.
In Situ. Revue des patrimoines journal – Heritage values of 20th century architecture: what recognition?: call for papers | deadline 15 December 2020
CALL FOR PAPERS — Heritage values of 20th century architecture: what recognition? Critical review and international forward-looking vision
The journal In Situ. Revue des patrimoines offers heritage professionals and researchers the opportunity to disseminate and promote the results of their work on the knowledge, conservation and transmission of works and objects for which they are responsible or which they are studying. Its ambition is to promote exchanges between the different players and between the many disciplines that make up the heritage sciences. It makes the knowledge thus produced available to the public.
General context
The heritage values of 20th century architecture, whether they be cultural, social or technical, remain relatively complex to assess, and thus to share, due to lack of perspective and knowledge. The architectural and urban production of the second half of the 20th century was particularly prolific, sometimes remarkable, even exceptional.
The energy, ecological transition, the changing habits and lifestyles are leading to the gradual transformation of this built heritage reaching to the end of its life cycle.
Today, many countries with a post-industrial economy are confronted with the challenge to bring about changes in these buildings and neighbourhoods in order to meet the increasing social demand, without compromising their original architectural interest and qualities.
For more information, visit the In Situ. Revue des patrimoines website.
If you would like to contribute to this issue, we thank you for sending us by 15 December 2020 a summary of your proposal with a maximum of 1,500 characters.
Call for Articles: Heritage Special Issue “Smart Heritage: Converging Smart Technologies and Heritage” | see note re: deadline
Smart technology and artificial intelligence are expanding into novel research and practical fields to create innovative solutions for society. Next in this evolutionary expansion is the heritage discipline, from which the convergence forms the unique Smart Heritage discourse. Smart Heritage is the convergence of autonomous and automatic technologies with the subjective processes associated with interpreting and valuing the past.
This Special Issue of Heritage (ISSN 2571-9408) provides a platform for examining, investigating, and proposing the convergence of smart technology and artificial intelligence with the heritage discipline. The issue welcomes contributors to explore this convergence in the areas of heritage, digital information technology and computing, museum studies, architecture, governance and policy, and urban planning.
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Marc Aurel Schnabel, Mr. David Batchelor, Dr. Michael Dudding; Victoria University of Wellington
More Information is available at this link.
NOTE: Whilst the publisher deadline is 31 December 2021, the editors will progress with an issue once they have sufficient numbers of articles, and publish later articles in a part-two following issue.
Reconnecting with your Culture: Draw your heritage – a program for children
EdA Esempi di Architettura International Research Center together with UNESCO University and Heritage and coordinated by Olimpia Niglio have organised this project in order to bring the younger generations closer to the theme of cultural heritage. The project is addressed to all schools in the world and to children between 5 and 17 years old.
The first presentation of the project will be held in Lima (Peru) on 31 July. Other presentations will follow in Latin America and then move on to Asia and Europe. Everything will be done through webinars. The main languages of the project are English, French, and Spanish (UNESCO languages).
For more information, visit this link.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Executive Director, Museum of Chinese Australia, Sydney
Summary of Position
The Museum of Chinese Australia is a new museum that will be housed in the former Haymarket Library at 744 George St, Sydney.
The Executive Director (ED) is a key member of the leadership team with responsibilities for the implementation of the strategic plan for the organisation. This includes responsibility for the operation and performance of functions that include finance; fundraising, business systems and reporting; marketing; and facilities planning.
The successful applicant is able to work closely with the Board of Directors to to lead and implement the strategic planning efforts of the Museum.
For more information, visit this link.
[UPDATED] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Archaeological survey: Greenough farmland Western Australia [DEADLINE EXTENDED: 23 November]
The National Trust of Western Australia (the Trust) seeks to commission a suitably qualified consultant team to undertake a desktop review and site survey to identify zones of archaeological significance to be excluded from a farming lease associated with three properties on the Greenough Flats: Cliff Grange, Clinch’s Mill and the former Greenough Hotel.
Tenders close 9am, Monday 23November.
Contact Kelly Rippingale by email or on (08) 9321 6088 for more information.
SITUATION VACANT Paper Conservator, Endangered Heritage, Canberra
Endangered Heritage is looking for a technical expert in paper conservation with extensive private sector experience to assist in the corporate growth of the company.
We get some of the most challenging and exciting paper items from ancient rare books to Dali’s paintings, fragile documents and loved shed art. Stretch your mind and I am sure our clients will stretch the love, with items in such need of love you will be driven to try new and exciting treatments to resuscitate them.
This role is much more than task oriented treatment, although you will be expected to have a record of high level treatment experience and treatment turn over success. You will be expected to manage the paper department, mentor staff and manage interns, manage budgets including the ordering and sourcing of consumables.
You will need to have documented experience in treatment, with a portfolio and examples of report writing.
The role will provide professional mentoring and guidance to advance your position in the private sector. The opportunity for research and publication will be supported. The role comes with a base pay with measured incentives and rewards on deliverables. This role requires a person who is driven, energetic, ambitious and dedicated and it is a full-time position with a 3 month probation period.
Apply at this link.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
Lovell Chen has an exciting and challenging stream of work ahead of us, and we are looking for an exceptional, highly motivated Heritage Consultant to join the heritage team in our busy East Melbourne office.
The primary responsibilities attached to the position are the preparation of and contribution to the full range of heritage reports, including heritage appraisals, heritage impact assessments, and conservation and heritage management plans. The role also involves supporting the management and delivery of all types of heritage projects, located in Victoria and nationally, and is integral to the development and management of client relationships. The position has excellent potential for career development and provides an opportunity to mentor other heritage team members.
For more information, see the Senior Heritage Consultant_Lovell Chen-2020-10-12 position description.
SITUATION WANTED Master’s student seeking work experience
Vivian Lu is a Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage student at the University of Melbourne and is seeking an internship and/or general work experience in the field of heritage interpretation, grassroots preservation and research within Victoria. She also holds a Honours degree in History and has a particular interest in cross-cultural and diasporic heritage. Vivian can be contacted at this email address.
SITUATION WANTED PhD candidate seeking professional opportunities
Olufemi Adetunji is currently a PhD candidate (finishing November 2020) at the University of Newcastle, Australia, conducting research on connections between cultural heritage, climate change and adaptation. He is seeking opportunities for part- or full-time employment and/or other work experience in heritage conservation, research, teaching, etc, in any state and territory within and outside of Australia. Also, he is undertaking a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Anyone who might have a suitable opportunity for Olufemi is encourage to email him at this address for more information.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131