Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 937


  1. [NEW ITEM] 2020 Western Australian Heritage Award winner
  2. [UPDATED ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020, Vienna – COVID-19 update & call for papers, posters and apps: extended deadline 21 August
  3. [NEW ITEM] Our Knowledge Our Way in caring for Country: Indigenous-led approaches to strengthening and sharing our knowledge for land and sea management
  4. [NEW ITEM] 2021 Summer Scholarships at the National Library of Australia – applications close 28 August








1. [NEW ITEM] 2020 Western Australian Heritage Award winner


Aquinas Chapel restoration and alteration.
Builder: Crothers Construction
Architect: John Taylor


Australia ICOMOS member John Taylor was recently a 2020 Western Australian Heritage Award winner for his work at the State heritage-listed Aquinas College Chapel.

The enlargement of the Aquinas College Chapel was also fortunate enough to take out the 2020 Margaret Pitt Morison Award for Heritage Architecture from the Australian Institute of Architects (WA).


2. [UPDATED ITEM] CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2020, Vienna – COVID-19 update & call for papers, posters and apps: extended deadline 21 August

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Artificial Intelligence : New pathways towards cultural heritage
4-6 November 2020
Vienna, Austria

COVID-19 Update

Due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases worldwide, the CHNT committee has decided to convene the conference “CHNT 25, 2020” in a purely digital format.

The schedule of CHNT 25, 2020 is based on the program. There will be plenary blocks, keynotes, parallel sessions, round tables and advanced archaeological trainings, all of which will be held virtually.

Presentation will be “LIVE” – we want all of you online for the duration of the conference.

If for whatever reason it is not possible for you to give your talk live, you should discuss with the chairs of your session about the option to send a video instead.

Call for papers, posters and apps

We know how to digitize our heritage, so what is the next step: making our Cultural Heritage more accessible to the general public / researchers, and even accessible when it is not there anymore.

In recent years, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches has increased rapidly in cultural heritage (CH) management and research. A main driver is the availability of remote sensing data, allowing us to detect new archaeological sites and to monitor the preservation of known monuments. Due to advances in computer power and a wide range of free machine learning tools, large amounts of remote sensing data can be processed automatically for CH purposes instead of covering only small areas by expert inspection

>> more about the theme

More information about the calls are available here for papers and posters and here for the app.

Deadline for submissions: extended to 21 August

The organisers have also started a “Culture = Future” page, for which they invite statements and thoughts from you about colleagues who have lost or will lose their jobs, because there are less excavations, less projects, the money is needed for something else but not for archaeology, museums and cultural heritage – view this and consider submitting your thoughts.


3. [NEW ITEM] Our Knowledge Our Way in caring for Country: Indigenous-led approaches to strengthening and sharing our knowledge for land and sea management

Empowering Indigenous people to lead “Our Knowledge Our Way” in land and sea management.

Indigenous Australians rights of ownership and management have been recognised over nearly half of Australia and their knowledge systems connect them to their Country and cultures. As significant landowners, managers and custodians, Indigenous peoples are applying their knowledge s in caring for Country, generating many benefits. Indigenous peoples are learning from each about how to build on these successes. Researchers and, policy makers tasked with solving Australia’s complex environmental challenges are noticing many beneficial outcomes from Indigenous peoples applying their knowledge in management and seeking ways to grow these positive impacts.

However, there are many challenges for both Indigenous peoples and their partners in working with Indigenous knowledge—misappropriation and misuse of knowledge is common.  Too often Indigenous knowledge has been commercially exploited without benefits flowing to communities, used without consent and in ways that are considered harmful by Traditional Custodians. Examples of good, Indigenous-led practices for strengthening and sharing knowledge are urgently needed.

The Our Knowledge Our Way in caring for Country Best Practice Guidelines, gives a voice to Indigenous land and sea managers who have found good ways to strengthen their knowledge and build partnerships for knowledge sharing in caring for Country.

For more information about these Guidelines, visit the CSIRO website.


4. [NEW ITEM] 2021 Summer Scholarships at the National Library of Australia – applications close 28 August

Do you know anyone who has started his/her PhD and require access to the National Library of Australia’s world-class collections?

Summer Scholarships support Australian PhD students to spend six weeks at the National Library, from 11 January to 19 February 2021, researching the collections.

Scholars receive a stipend of $6000 to cover travel, accommodation and living costs, access to the Fellows room with office facilities, as well as special and supported access to collections.

Up to five scholarships are available:

  • Two Norman McCann Scholarships* for research into Australian history, Australian literature, librarianship, archives administration, or museum studies
  • The Seymour Scholarship* for biographical research
  • The Carol Moya Mills Scholarship for a scholar from regional or rural Australia
  • The National Library of Australia Scholarship*, with preference given to Indigenous scholars

*some age limits apply

For more information, visit the National Library of Australia website.

Applications close 5pm (AEST), Friday 28 August 2020.




SAVE THE DATE – GA2020 MARKER EVENT: Wednesday 7 October 2020, 8.00 – 10.00pm AEDT

Australia ICOMOS invites members and heritage colleagues to join us at our GA2020 MARKER EVENT to acknowledge the work undertaken to organise the 20th Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS that could not be hosted in Sydney in 2020.

The Marker Event will be a live-streamed panel discussion on the theme of Shared Cultures – Shared Heritage – Shared Responsibility; and will include the launch of a special ‘legacy’ issue of Historic Environment on this theme.

More information will be provided closer to the time.




Performing The City Online Symposium, 7 August, 10am – 4pm, AEST

Please join the University of Sydney School of Literature, Art and Media for their online symposium. This event is co-presented by Sanné Mestrom, Ian Maxwell and Luke Hespanhol, University of Sydney.

Public space is always contested. Competing interests vie for access to sites, proposing divergent—sometimes compatible, but frequently conflicting—uses, meanings, aesthetics, aspirations.

The discourses and practices engaging directly with the question of public space range from those of the physical/structural industries associated with the built environment (landscape architecture, urban planning), through to the cultural, sociological, and the phenomenological (the public realm as experienced directly through embodiment). And of course, everyone—not only scholars and other professionals—has a stake in the game: we all share—and contest—the places in which we live, work, play, and gather.

‘Public art’, as a specific set of practices and ideas, is a key player in these contests. More, in its capacity to engage imagination and playfulness in the materiality of made objects and environment, public art has the capacity not only to participate in the struggles, but, by grounding interdisciplinary perspectives in that materiality, to serve as
an organising logic for place itself.

For more information and to register, visit the University of Sydney website.


Web-EuroMed2020 on Digital Cultural Heritage, Online, 2-5 November 2020 – call for papers deadline: 15 September 2020

The newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage are announcing the International Web-Conference EuroMed 2020 dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection.

The 8th biannual European-Mediterranean (EuroMed-2020) conference is co-organised by the UNESCO and the EU ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage. It brings together multidisciplinary researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows, practitioners and stakeholders to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony.

Topics and themes

Researchers and practitioners willing to participate to the Web-EUROMED 2020 conference are invited to submit papers on original works addressing the following subjects and research themes:



More detail information regarding the themes can be found at this link.

Submission of Papers

Submissions for the event are completely electronic through the online submission.

The 10 best submitted papers will be published on a special issue of upcoming International Journal Heritage in the Digital Era.

Paper submission deadline: 15 September 2020 (24:00 London-UK time)

Due to the pandemic Covid-19 the conference will be this year online and free of charge, however registration is mandatory.

There will also be workshops associated with this conference.


International Hagia Sophia Symposium: Architecture and Preservation, 24-25 September 2020, online delivery

International Hagia Sophia Symposium: Architecture and Preservation, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, 24-25 September 2020

Since its construction, Hagia Sophia has always been a symbol of admiration and attraction, a mystical edifice where one can observe both Ottoman and Byzantium legacy under one great dome. Through the ages, Hagia Sophia has possessed various identities and has served several functions and communities.

This symposium focuses on the changes that the building and its built environment have undergone due to social, economic and political conditions. It aims to draw attention to this edifice loaded with multiple historical layers. Thus, it encourages scholarly evaluation of the changes since its construction in Late Antiquity to the present, as expressed in the art, culture and building technology of the populations actively involved in its transformation.

For more information, visit the symposium website.



The Australian Garden History Society (AGHS) 41st Annual National Conference has been postponed to Spring 2021. The AGHS is looking at dates and further information will be included in this e-newsletter as it comes to hand.




EOI for vacancies on the ACT Heritage Council – applications close 14 August

Expressions of interest (EOI) are invited from persons in the ACT Region who may be interested in being considered for appointment to the ACT Heritage Council (the Council).

The Council has a statutory role to register places and objects of heritage significance in the ACT and provide advice on their management and conservation through the land planning and development process. Council members also serve on various taskforces to provide advice on complex registrations, development applications and other issues. Some members have a key role in appearing as expert witnesses in ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal cases relating to the Council’s decisions on heritage matters.

Expressions of interest for six vacancies on the Council are invited from people with experience in: Aboriginal culture; Aboriginal history; archaeology; architecture; engineering; history; landscape architecture; nature conservation; object conservation; town planning; or urban design.

Expressions of interest are also sought for positions representing: the community; the Aboriginal community; and the property ownership, management and development sector.

These positions will commence on 2 March 2021.

Application forms and further information are available from the ACT Heritage website. A completed application form, current CV and brief letter outlining suitability for appointment are required to be sent by email to the ACT Heritage Team. The application period closes on 14 August 2020.

Applications will be kept on a register for three years and should vacancies occur, the register may be used to appoint new members.

Additional information about these vacancies is available from the Secretary, ACT Heritage Council via email or telephone 13 22 81.


Heritage Fund Open for Expressions of Interest – deadline: 31 August

Have you been thinking about or planning a project to transform your heritage building? The Landmark and Community Buildings Fund opened on 1 July for Expressions of Interest.

The fund is open to:

  • not-for-profit, charity or community-owned or occupied heritage buildings. The fund will contribute between 50 and 100 per cent of the project cost. In exceptional circumstances the fund will be allocated to one project but is most likely to be split across multiple projects.
  • privately owned heritage buildings that are landmarks or prominent features in their local areas. These are buildings that are well known, easily recognisable or well-loved, and may have an interesting story to tell. The fund will contribute up to 60 per cent of the total cost.

To find out more and to see if your project is eligible, visit the City of Melbourne website.

The site explains the criteria for the fund and has a short online Expression of Interest form. The EOI is open between 1 July and 31 August. If your project meets the criteria we will contact you to invite you to apply for funding.

The amount an individual project receives depends on the number of projects funded in any given round of funding. The committee of the Victorian Heritage Restoration Fund (VHRF) has the final decision on how the fund is allocated. The VHRF Committee will make decisions about the Landmark and Community Buildings Fund at its meeting on 26 November.

For more information contact Jackie Donkin, Project Officer Heritage, on (03) 9658 7078.


Call for applications: PhD students in Marie Curie ITN SUBLime (Sustainable Building Lime applications via Circular Economy and Biomimetic Approaches) – deadline: 14 September 2020

Dedicated and highly motivated Early Stage Researchers (ESR) are invited to apply for PhDs that will craft the future of lime mortars/plasters in new construction and conservation of the built heritage.

We are recruiting 15 international PhD students to be trained as European experts in Sustainable Building Lime applications via Circular Economy and Biomimetic Approaches (SUBLime). SUBLime is an European Training Network (ETN) program that will start in February 2021, as a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie action (Innovative Training Network – ITN) involving 9 countries in Europe.

This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your international career prospects:

Original research projects within a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (Horizon 2020 grant 955986)

  • Consortium of 17 European partners (6 highly specialized universities and 11 worldwide leading Industrial Partners)
  • Collaboration with network partners including visits during secondments
  • Participate in worldwide training workshops
  • Very attractive PhD student salary
  • Enrolment in host institutions’ PhD programs

For more information please check the SUBLime website.

Applications close 14 September 2020.


Change Over Time journal – call for abstracts deadline: 15 September 2020

The journal Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, published by the University of Pennsylvania Press, invites submissions for:


Historically, human societies have isolated outsiders and transgressors to defend themselves against perceived danger. Occasionally, we have isolated ourselves to protect others. The locales in which we have performed isolation range from elaborate complexes and stately edifices to prosaic makeshift shelters. Places of isolation, detention, and quarantine reveal often unspoken truths about the states and the societies that created them. This issue will explore the ways in which communities have preserved and remembered the liminal sites they once designed to tame and physically contain their fears.

Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 15 September 2020. Authors will be notified of provisional paper acceptance by mid-October 2020. Final manuscript submissions will be due mid-March 2021.

For more information, visit the Change Over Time website.


Call for applications: Master in “World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development”, November 2020 to November 2021, blended delivery (online/Italy) – deadline: 27 September 2020

The call for applications for the new edition of the Master in “World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development”, offered by the University of Turin, the Polytechnic of Turin and the International Training Centre of the ILO, in collaboration with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), is now open.

The programme is intended for professionals involved in the management of World Heritage properties and/or professionals and specialists involved in the preservation or promotion of cultural heritage.

For more information, visit the course website.

Applications close 27 September 2020.




SITUATION VACANT Built Heritage Conservation Specialist/Architect, RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants, Melbourne

Based in St Kilda, RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants is an agile and independent, medium-sized team of built heritage experts and architects, including conservation specialists, heritage consultants and historians.

We seek a forensically-minded conservation specialist/architect to both lead and advance our building science division. A thorough understanding of technical preventive and remedial building fabric conservation is necessary as is a passion for the scientific materials as well as architectural analysis of historic structures.

We are equal parts technically proficient, philosophically sophisticated, research-driven and innovators – qualities that enable us to apply a rigorous and multidisciplinary lens across the breadth of our work, which spans a diverse range of typologies, sectors and regions.

Candidates should have:

  • Experience with building fabric/materials analysis and best-practice conservation practice
  • Honours or Masters in Architecture/Conservation or similar
  • A broad understanding of traditional construction techniques (mid-19th century to late 20th century) and Australian architectural/building history
  • Familiarity with the BCA/NCC and relevant Australian and international Standards
  • Familiarity with and ideally, proficiency, in AutoCad, Revit and Adobe
  • Familiarity with the current analogue and emerging digital and AI diagnostic tools
  • An investigative nature
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Is this you? If so, we encourage you to explore our website and get into contact with our Director, Roger Beeston, for an initial/confidential discussion — (03) 9525 5666. Cover letters and CVs can then be sent to Roger via email.

A first-rate benefits package and salary commensurate with experience and internal equity will be provided. Immediate start. Interstate and international candidates welcome.

RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants is an equal opportunities employer.


TENDER OPPORTUNITY REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: Heritage Council of Victoria Project: Heritage and Climate Change

The Heritage Council of Victoria is inviting submissions for a project on the subject of heritage and climate change.

The project will give the Heritage Council of Victoria and Heritage Victoria a clear understanding of how the projected effects of climate change will impact the state’s cultural heritage places and objects in the short, medium and long term. It will deliver a set of principles that can be easily communicated to government and the wider community. It will also provide a high-level assessment of the risks confronting different types of cultural heritage places and objects in the Victorian Heritage Register, and make recommendations regarding the adaptation and resilience options that may be appropriate for their conservation and protection. Additionally, it will highlight the ways in which conservation of cultural heritage can contribute to climate mitigation, thus enabling the Heritage Council and Heritage Victoria to communicate the value of heritage in this time of change.

Please contact the VIC Heritage Council by email to receive the Request for Quotation document, which contains details about this project.

The closing date for quotations is Friday 7 August 2020 at 5:00 pm.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Heritage 21, Sydney

Heritage Consultant – PERMANENT POSITION
Minimum 5 years’ experience in cultural built heritage

With their recent growth in business Heritage 21 is seeking the right candidate to join our team.

We could tell you how fabulous we are…though you really wouldn’t know until you start working here!

If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and a keen eye for detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position.

Heritage 21 is a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW and the ACT.

Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research and architecture.

The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects and mentoring junior staff. This role involves varied tasks, from site meetings to writing reports. The successful applicant will work closely with the Studio Manager.

This role is a permanent full-time position located at Alexandria. The successful applicant will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. Applicants with a relevant unrestricted working right can apply.

An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered. Heritage 21 offers a flexible workplace and tries to ensure a good work/life balance for their employees. Heritage 21 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We respect and seek to empower each individual and support the diverse cultures, perspectives, skills and experiences within our workplace. All employment is decided based on qualifications, merit and business needs.

Please email your resume to Sue; or for a confidential discussion/enquiry regarding this position, please contact Sue on 0412 486 777.

Closing date for applications: 7 August 2020.

Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Recruitment agencies will not be considered, however, if we believe we require your assistance, we will be in touch.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Brisbane

RPS is seeking to appoint a Heritage Manager on a full-time basis in our Fortitude Valley office to grow our Heritage team and diversify our client offer. If you have senior technical experience, great client management skills, business development acumen and would like to help us build a team we are interested in talking to you.

Follow this link for more information about this opportunity.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
