Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 922


  1. [UPDATED ITEM] International Day for Monuments and Sites 2020 – Sharing and Showcasing Science Heritage
  2. [NEW ITEM] Zoom Lecture: ‘Towards the Rising Sun’: The Making of the John Monash Centre, 21 April, 1-2pm AEST – NOTE RESCHEDULED POST PUBLICATION 
  3. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO supports culture and heritage during COVID-19’s shutdown
  4. [NEW ITEM] Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation Virtual Benefit Under the Stars, 9 May, 6-7.30pm AEST
  5. [NEW ITEM] Living Heritage Grants Program – new application closing date: 12 June 2020
  6. [NEW ITEM] Exploring abandoned spaces (virtually)
  7. [NEW ITEM] Heritage in Times of COVID – a message from ICCROM
  8. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  9. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund
  10. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update








1. [UPDATED ITEM] International Day for Monuments and Sites 2020 – Sharing and Showcasing Science Heritage

As part of celebrating the 2020 International Day for Monuments and Sites, Australia ICOMOS will start sharing and showcasing some of Australia’s significant science heritage – the forgotten and invisible, as well as the well-known.

Science heritage is a heritage that is shared across scientific disciplines and technologies and between scientists/technologists and heritage practitioners; it is a shared responsibility that should be shared more broadly with the community. This sharing of knowledge is an excellent fit with this year’s theme for the International Day for Monuments and Sites, Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared Responsibility.

Greater profiling of Australia’s science heritage was also a key recommendation from the 2018 Australia ICOMOS Science Heritage Symposium Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage. We also see this initiative as potentially being a starting point for a Science Heritage Inventory, another key recommendation of the Symposium. (Note: The Proceedings of this symposium are due out soon).

How will we ‘share and showcase’ Australia’s science heritage?

Australia ICOMOS has created a Science Heritage Showcase page. We will progressively upload images and summary information about Australia’s science heritage on this page.

How can you help?

Australia ICOMOS will be relying on scientists/technologists, heritage practitioners and members of the community, ie. you, to populate this page. So, if you have a favourite (or several favourite) science heritage examples (these can be landscapes, places, features, objects or documents) please let us know about them.

For more information about this initiative and guidelines on how to contribute, visit the Science Heritage Showcase page.


2. [NEW ITEM] Zoom Lecture: ‘Towards the Rising Sun’: The Making of the John Monash Centre, 23 April, 1-2pm AEST – NOTE RESCHEDULED POST PUBLICATION

Please join the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design & Planning for the second presentation in our online Alumni Series. Curated in partnership with the Alumni Association, this talk will feature Tim Williams.

In the lead-up to ANZAC Day, Tim Williams will discuss the making of the Sir John Monash Centre. This interpretation centre tells the Australian story of the Western Front. In collaboration with Cox Architecture, Hector Abrahams and John Lampros, Tim Williams was involved from the initial sketches of the architectural competition to the opening of the centre on the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Villers Bretonneux, Anzac Day 2018.

Tim Williams will talk about the process, the context, and the meaning of the project as well as the experience of being a project architect for 3 years in France.

Date: Thursday 23 April
Time: 1:00 – 2:00pm AEST
Cost: FREE
Venue: via Zoom, RSVP on EventBrite for the link

NOTE: This is a free event, however there is limited capacity so please be sure to RSVP.


3. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO supports culture and heritage during COVID-19’s shutdown

UNESCO is launching initiatives to support cultural industries and cultural heritage as billions of people around the world turn to culture for comfort and to overcome social isolation during the COVID-19 sanitary crisis, which is hitting the culture sector hard.

“The global nature of the COVID-19 crisis is a call for the international community to reinvest in international cooperation and intergovernmental dialogue” said Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO. “UNESCO is committed to leading a global discussion on how best to support artists and cultural institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, and ensure everyone can stay in touch with the heritage and culture that connects them to their humanity.”

On Thursday, UNESCO launched a global social media campaign, #ShareOurHeritage, to promote access to culture and education around cultural heritage during this time of mass confinement.

UNESCO is also launching an online exhibition of dozens of heritage properties across the globe with technical support from Google Arts & Culture.

>> read more about this initiative


4. [NEW ITEM] Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation Virtual Benefit Under the Stars, 9 May, 6-7.30pm AEST

COVID-19 crisis invites creativity – Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation invites you to celebrate the 2020 Benefit Under the Stars – a virtually charged global event!

As a result of the unprecedented pandemic we have had to move our onsite event to a first of its kind virtual gala. The 2020 Benefit Under the Stars has not been cancelled, our guest list will be larger than ever as we open ticket sales to the whole world.  

“Due to COVID-19 and the current social isolation rules we have had to change the dynamics of our event however, I look forward to welcoming guests in a virtual space, from the comfort of your own home, to the 2020 Virtual Benefit Under the Stars,” said Dr Michael Pyne, Senior Veterinarian of Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.  

DATE: Saturday 9 May 2020
TIME: 6pm – 7.30pm (AEST)
LOCATION: Tune in from anywhere in the world!
COST: $25

>> more information and link to buy tickets

Download the CWH Virtual Benefit_2020_Invitation_A4_LR and the 2020 Hospital Benefit Under the Stars SPONSORSHIP FINAL

This event is sponsored by various organisations, including the National Trust of Australia QLD.


5. [NEW ITEM] Living Heritage Grants Program – new application closing date: 12 June 2020

With the ongoing situation surrounding COVID-19, Heritage Victoria understands that it may have been difficult to finalise applications for Round 5 of the Living Heritage Grants Program before 9 April 2020. To assist with this, the application closing date has been extended to 12 June 2020. 

Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register.  To find out if you are eligible, read the 2020 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions available at this link

To apply, follow the link to the online application portal.  

If you have already submitted an application and would like to make further edits as a result of the extended deadline, please contact the Living Heritage Team is via email to discuss.

Applicants are required to contact the Living Heritage team by 29 May before applying.   

For more information, visit the Living Heritage Grants Program website or contact the Living Heritage Team is via email.


6. [NEW ITEM] Exploring abandoned spaces (virtually)

None of us can venture far in person right now – but there’s no harm in taking a virtual tour.

Over the years, photographer Brett Patman has often set foot where few dare to tread: deserted roadside motels, shuttered hospitals and abandoned factories.

Through his photo-essays he’s explored White Bay Power Station, Callan Park Hospital, The Terminus Hotel, Newington Armory and many other important parts of our heritage fabric.

The Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW recently added a small selection of Brett’s images to their website, with a link through to his complete galleries. 


7. [NEW ITEM] Heritage in Times of COVID – a message from ICCROM

Dear members of the ICCROM Community,

Like all of you, we have been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic, implementing a range of measures to ensure the safety of our staff while continuing to carry out our mission to promote the conservation of cultural heritage around the world. This is first and foremost a health crisis, and our thoughts go to those who are unwell, anxious or grieving.

With lockdowns in place in the host countries of both of our offices – Italy and the United Arab Emirates – staff are working from home, planning for the postponement of some of those activities slated to take place in coming weeks, while at the same time seeking out new ways to provide content and support for conservation professionals and institutions within our Member States.

We are firm believers in the power of cultural heritage, and its ability to help make the world a better place. By providing an enabling environment for Member States to preserve their cultural heritage, we aim to contribute to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of communities. Now more than ever, we are thinking about what our work means to the people we train, the communities they serve, and our vast network of partners from around the world.

COVID-19 has placed an enormous burden on institutions and colleagues who must care for and manage cultural heritage of all types. Our team has been working to prepare a dedicated web area that will offer resources and advice in dealing with Heritage in Times of COVID, which includes assessment forms, but also stories coming from our network about culture’s role in these difficult times. We open up the space to others to help us share relevant information that can benefit conservation professionals and institutions in every area of the world. We are extremely grateful to those in our network who have shared their knowledge with us, and to all those that have reached out to us during this period.

We have also a declaration and call to action for those in our field to come together to seek ways to use heritage as a tool of recovery and resilience, while protecting its vulnerabilities and those who represent our vast sector.

We salute the efforts of all heritage workers and institutions who are facing an extremely challenging and unprecedented situation. Know that we are here to help, and together we will work united to safeguard our heritage and enhance its value as a driver of development and well-being.

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8. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.


9. [NEW ISSUE] News from World Monuments Fund

To read the latest news from World Monuments Fund, click here.


10. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update

Read the latest news from The Best in Heritage: The Best in Heritage 2020 Goes Digital_April 2020.




Coronavirus GA2020 Statement 2 – April 2020

Australia ICOMOS and the GA2020 team continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and extend their best wishes to ICOMOS members and their families.

It is apparent that owing to global and domestic travel restrictions, altered economic circumstances and general risk and uncertainty, it will not be possible for GA2020 to proceed as originally envisaged in October 2020.

We are examining alternative scenarios, including modification, deferral and cancellation of the event in Sydney. A final decision (including consideration of refunds, where applicable) will be made and announced during May 2020.

In the meantime, the GA 2020 registration process and marketing activities are currently suspended and other preparatory activities will be scaled-back or adjusted.

We will continue to place the health and safety of GA2020 delegates and ICOMOS and venue staff at the forefront of our decision making. We will follow the advice of the World Health Organisation and will comply with the requirements of the Australian Government.

Australia ICOMOS remains committed to supporting and enriching the global work of ICOMOS.




Two PhD scholarships investigating the role of cultural fire on traditional Aboriginal food production – EOIs due 17 April

La Trobe University is now advertising two PhD scholarships to carry out research on the role of cultural fire on traditional Aboriginal food production. The scholarships are offered by the Centre for the Study of the Inland and the Centre for Future Landscapes in partnership with the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation and Central Victoria Biolinks Alliance.

Expressions of interest are required by 17 April 2020, with a view to commencing in Semester 2, 2020. Aboriginal people are particularly encouraged to apply. Further details are below.

Historic mapping PhD

Aims to collate archival sources in a GIS database as a means of mapping historic cultural burning and food production activities.

>> click here for more information

>> contact Prof. Susan Lawrence, Centre for the Study of the Inland by email

Plant ecology PhD

Focussed on botanical survey, plant population ecology, glasshouse trials and monitoring of cultural burns at research sites on country to increase knowledge for the on-going protection and management of traditional yam-field grasslands.

>> click here for more information

>> contact Dr. Jim Radford, Centre for Future Landscapes by email


George Alexander Foundation International Fellowships – applications open and close 24 April

Are you aged 18-35, have an innovative idea to improve your sector and would like a Fellowship to carry out international applied research? Then read on…

The George Alexander Foundation and the International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) are offering five (5) international applied research Fellowships in the amount of $10,000 (less GST) each.

The 2020 George Alexander Foundation International Fellowship provides an opportunity for individuals to acquire higher-level skills and drive leading practice and innovation in Australia. It is intended that the Fellowship will demonstrate potential benefits for, and application in, Australia.

Applications should focus on the following areas:

  • Environment and Sustainability (this area can include heritage)
  • Alternative Energy
  • Education Sector
  • Conservation

However, if you have an innovative or significant Fellowship Proposal in an alternative field this may also be considered. Applications are welcome from residents of any state in Australia.

For more information, visit this link.

Please note: if you are considering applying for a Fellowship, travel times can be negotiated due to current/potential travel restrictions.

Applications are now open and close at 4pm, 24 April 2020.

Download the 2020 GAF International Fellowship flyer.


2020 Community Heritage Grants – applications close 4 May 2020

Applications for the 2020 Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program are now open.

The CHG program provides grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as libraries, archives, museums, genealogical and historical societies, multicultural and Indigenous groups. The grants are provided to assist with the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant collections of materials that are publicly accessible including artefacts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs, and audio visual material.

For details on how to apply, see the guidelines and application form.

Applications close 5pm, Monday 4 May 2020 (AEST).

Download the 2020 Community Heritage Grants flyer.


Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications close 20 May 2020

After 10 years of European funding, 400 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to 20 May 2020. This international course on the conservation of heritage structures was the winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and presents a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

This Masters Course, which is running its 13th Edition, is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, including the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).

The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, at the course website.

Visit also the SAHC blog and connect via LinkedIn.


Change Over Time journal – call for abstracts deadline: 5 June 2020

Abstract submissions are invited for the next issue of the journal Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, published by the University of Pennsylvania Press.

10.2 INTEGRITY | Guest Editor: Jukka Jokilehto

The concept of “integrity” is central to the organizing principles and values of heritage conservation and is frequently evoked in international charters, conventions, and official recommendations. Generally speaking, integrity refers to the wholeness or intactness of a tangible object, place, or property and is a measure by which UNESCO determines the Outstanding Universal Value of a site. As a guiding principle of conservation practice, the concept of integrity has evolved from 19th century ideas of the artist’s intent, which located integrity in a moment in time (Viollet le Duc), to 21st century framings of integrity as an emergent condition as proposed by the 2005 Faro Framework Convention, which suggests that integrity is neither fixed nor static but is understood through a process of interpreting, respecting, and negotiating complex, and at times, contentious values.

Abstracts of 200-300 words are due by 5 June 2020.

For more detailed information, see the CoT_Integrity_CFA_FINAL.




Closed by COVID-19 – Checklist for GLAMs and Historical and Heritage Sites

Our colleagues at Blue Shield Australia and the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) are pleased to release this Guide, which has been produced to provide guidance for people who are responsible for closing collections of movable cultural heritage in collecting organisations such as archives, galleries, herbaria, historical societies, libraries and museums and at heritage sites.

>> Visit the AICCM webpage

>> Visit the Blue Shield Australia webpage


Certificate III in Heritage Trade Skills approved

A Certificate III in Heritage Trade Skills has been approved by the national training regulator ASQA. This is the first stage in being able to offer practical heritage trade skills training at heritage listed locations.

The qualification includes a number of units that can be broken up into short courses. The course is suitable for existing tradespeople, pre-vocational students and heritage property owners. The qualification includes an “Introduction to working on heritage sites” unit that can be delivered as a one-day course at a heritage site. This unit is suitable for both tradespeople and heritage home owners. It provides people with the skills and knowledge to understand the types of building materials that should and shouldn’t be use on listed sites, what heritage protections mean and the roles and responsibilities of people working in the industry.

Course materials are being developed with the view for training to begin in 2021. The qualification, and units that sit within the course, will be available for licensing for delivery from that time. Trainers will need to hold a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, be trade-qualified, and either ICOMOS members or be able to demonstrate suitable experience working on heritage projects. Details of the course are available at this link and by contacting Trisch Baff by email.




SITUATION VACANT Lecturer in Heritage Studies, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge is looking to appoint a new Lecturer in Heritage Studies. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in the further development of research and the future direction of the Department and the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre.

The closing date for applications is 8 May 2020 and further information and a link to apply can be found at this link.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, WOLFPEAK – Environment & Heritage, Sydney

WOLFPEAK – Environment & Heritage

WolfPeak is currently seeking an experienced Heritage Consultant to join our heritage team and assist with a variety of work and projects. Based in the Sydney CBD, we offer a friendly office environment with flexible working arrangements. Salary commensurate with experience and skills.

To undertake this role it is preferred that you have:

  • Relevant tertiary and professional qualifications in History, Archaeology, Heritage Management or a similar discipline OR equivalent experience
  • Demonstrated experience in archaeology / heritage management in either a consulting or public-sector environment
  • Sound understanding of the NSW legislative and policy framework for heritage approvals
  • Demonstrated experience in the preparation of heritage assessment documentation such as heritage impact assessments, archaeological survey reports, statements of heritage significance, cultural heritage assessment reports and heritage management plans
  • Excellent time and project management skills
  • A focus on client service excellence
  • Ability to build positive stakeholder relationships
  • Current drivers’ licence
  • Willingness to travel if required, including to regional / remote areas

Diversity and Flexibility

Fostering gender balance, diversity and acceptance of flexible working for men and women is central to the way WolfPeak does business. WolfPeak is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunities and invites applications from people of all nationalities, genders and cultural backgrounds, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Email your CV to Kylie or give her a call on 0418 218 151 for further information.

We are looking to appoint this position as soon as possible so encourage applications to be lodged ASAP.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
