[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS – Brisbane Social Drinks, Thursday 6 February
[NEW ITEM] Government House Open Day, 26 January, Melbourne
[NEW ITEM] Port Arthur Talk, 5 February 2020
[NEW ITEM] National Trust Advocacy Committee New Members – Cultural and Environmental Heritage Experts: EOI due 3 February 2020
[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 18 February
[NEW ITEM] 2020 South West Heritage Conference: – 28-29 May 2020 | Register your interest to present by 10 February
[NEW ITEM] REVISED SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) – submissions NOW DUE 17 April 2020
[NEW ITEM] CIIC – new website and 2020 Scientific Meeting, 10-17 February, México
[NEW ITEM] TERRA 2021 / 13th World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage, 8-11 June 2021, USA – call for abstracts deadline 1 March 2020
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: City of Stirling History and Heritage Awards – nominations close 14 February 2020
[NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news
ICOMOS GA2020 Bushfire Statement
GA2020 – Travel grant applications close 5 February / Book Qantas flights and contribute to carbon offsets
GA2020 Acting Convenor
ICOMOS GA2020 6-ISCs Joint Meeting – call for abstracts / poster: deadline 3 February 2020
Australia ICOMOS bushfire response – UPDATED INFORMATION
SAVE THE DATE: Future Forum 2020 on Aboriginal Heritage in WA, 20.03.2020
VALA2020 – Focus on the Future conference, 11-13 February 2020, Melbourne
Australasian Engineering Heritage conference, 19–25 November 2020, Dunedin – call for submission: deadline 3 April 2020
International DOCOMOMO conference, 10-13 September 2020, Japan
SDG Project Management Scholarship program – applications open and close 31 January 2020
Japan “Modern Architecture” Tour: 2-10 September 2020
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT World Heritage Delegation Representative (Indigenous), Department of the Environment and Energy
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Architecture (Sydney)
SITUATION VACANT Partnership Sales Manager, National Trust of Australia Queensland
TENDER OPPORTUNITY Storytelling and Interpretation Plan for the Kurnell Precinct, Kamay Botany Bay NSW
SITUATION VACANT Commonwealth Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, GML Heritage, Sydney and Canberra and Context, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS – Brisbane Social Drinks, Thursday 6 February
We invite all QLD ICOMOS members, and anyone interested in learning more about Australia ICOMOS, to meet for social drinks and nibbles (share food platters will be provided). This is an opportunity for us all to get to know each other better, network, and share the work that Australia ICOMOS is doing. It is not an Australia ICOMOS exclusive event, and we welcome all who work in heritage. Feel free to invite other heritage practitioners that might not receive this invitation. We look forward to seeing you there.
When: Thursday 6 February 2020, 5.30pm start
Where: An area has been reserved (under the name of Matt Whincop) at Ex Cargo, 37 McLachlan Street, Fortitude Valley
No need to RSVP – just come along!
2. [NEW ITEM] Government House Open Day, 26 January, Melbourne
Sunday 26 January 2020 | 10.30AM – 4:30PM
The Governor of Victoria invites the citizens of Victoria and visitors to the State to visit Government House, one of Australia’s finest buildings.
The Johnston Collection (TJC) and Government House Victoria have had a shared history of working together for nearly three decades! Since 1990, Government House has been using pieces from TJC’s collection to decorate the State Apartments, the Private Apartments and other public spaces.
More information and bookings at this link. (FREE! but please book).
3. [NEW ITEM] Port Arthur Talk, 5 February 2020
From quarry to workshop: convict labour at varying scales
presented by Dr Richard Tuffin
The official closing date for our Australian Research Council project Landscapes of Production and Punishment: the Tasman Peninsula 1830-1877 fast approaches. As it winds down, we are planning our next big research project – the archaeological investigation of Port Arthur’s workshops area. Both projects examine the processes and products of convict labour, asking how economic return was extracted from an unfree workforce. In this talk Dr Tuffin will share what we have learnt about the management of the convict labourer and how this shaped the landscape of the Tasman Peninsula. He will also discuss what we hope to learn about convict labour and its products from Port Arthur’s biggest archaeological excavation yet.
Richard Tuffin has worked as a Historical Archaeologist in Australia, the Pacific and the UK. Having worked for the Port Arthur Historic Site, followed by a stint as a commercial archaeologist, he is now attached to an Australian Research Council grant as a Research Fellow with the University of New England. His primary area of interest is the archaeology and history of the Australian convict system.
When: Wednesday 5 February 2020 at 5.00pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (the building behind the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
For more information on the talk call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the “From quarry to workshop: convict labour at varying scales” talk flyer.
4. [NEW ITEM] National Trust Advocacy Committee New Members – Cultural and Environmental Heritage Experts: EOI due 3 February 2020
The National Trust of Australia (QLD) is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for membership to our expert advisory committee, the Advocacy Committee.
- The work of the National Trust of Australia (QLD) is supported by expert advisory committees;
- The Advocacy Committee was formed in November 2016 to guide and support the Trust’s advocacy activities and campaigns;
- The committee’s role is to assist the National Trust achieve its objective of being a strong voice for Queensland heritage, and a respected and innovative advocate for Queensland’s natural, built and cultural heritage.
- The committee’s priorities are to:
- Advocate for improved legislation, regulation, management, resourcing, protection, celebration and interpretation of Indigenous, natural and cultural heritage by government at all levels, and with due regard to the Australian Council of National Trust’s role in national issues.
- Advocate for the protection and conservation of classified and registered places and places with demonstrable heritage significance under threat or at risk of destruction or major and irretrievable loss of significance.
- Advocate for the identification, protection, conservation and celebration of under-represented and emerging types and classes of heritage places and objects.
Cultural Heritage and Environmental Heritage Specialists
We are particularly seeking the appointment of experts in the areas of:
- Indigenous heritage (Indigenous background is not a requirement, but is preferred);
- Environmental (natural) heritage; and
- Communications or government liaison.
For more information, see the Call for EOI_New Members Advocacy Committee_January 2020.
EOIs are due 4pm, Monday 3rd February 2020.
5. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 18 February
The Influence of Islamic Architecture on the work of Jørn Utzon
presented by Peter Mould
Jørn Utzon’s work incorporated lessons from traditional cultures, and his travels allowed him to experience and draw from many traditional influences including Mesoamerica, China, Japan and Islam. His work shows a clear understanding of the principles that were inherent in traditional Islamic architecture and a creative and inventive reinterpretation of them in buildings and elements of all scales.
This talk looks at those aspects of Utzon’s work that are drawn from Islamic culture. It examines influences from both the grand formal buildings – mosques and palaces, as well as vernacular architecture – the courtyard house, the town layout, the modular nature of cellular construction, and the sculptural expression of traditional forms such as wind towers.
Peter Mould was the NSW Government Architect from 2006 to 2012. He has over 40 years’ experience in Australia and overseas in both the private sector and government. He regularly sits on design juries for competitions and projects in Australia and internationally. He has served on the Central Sydney Planning Committee, NSW Heritage Council and chaired its Approvals Committee, was Deputy President of the NSW Architects Registration Board, and a Councillor for the International Union of Architects. His projects have received numerous awards for architecture, urban design and adaptive reuse. His experience is in the design, documentation and construction of major public architectural and urban design projects. He writes and lectures on architecture with a particular interest in Islamic Architecture.
Time & Date: Tuesday 18 February 2020, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $15, non-members $20
Venue: GML Heritage, Australia Council Building, 372 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, 2010 (corner of Cooper Street)
RSVP / bookings: by Friday 14 February 2020 / bookings via Eventbrite are essential as places are limited
Queries: to Louise Cox by email
Australia ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO and NSW AIA Chapter members are all invited to attend
Download the Sydney Talks Series_Peter Mould talk_Feb 2020 flyer.
6. [NEW ITEM] 2020 South West Heritage Conference: SAVE THE DATE – 28-29 May 2020 | Register your interest to present by 10 February
2020 South West Heritage Conference
28-29 May 2020, Busselton
The 2020 South West Heritage Conference provides an opportunity for professional and business development, alongside extensive networking opportunities for private owners of heritage places, those currently working within government, the heritage sector, academia, small museums or galleries or heritage tourism and interpretation.
This year’s Conference theme ‘Encounters’ encompasses a diverse program that seeks to explore our State’s heritage from a wide range of perspectives, and will be of value to all those with an interest in Western Australian heritage. Integrating traditional and contemporary Aboriginal heritage and settler-focused heritage, with an emphasis on cultural exchange and truth telling, ‘Encounters’ will examine WA’s past through a new lens.
Expressions of interest are invited for presentations, workshops, discussions and other activities to create a quality event for the heritage sector.
Those with an interest in heritage, tourism, academics, government or anyone with an interesting heritage story to tell is invited to make contact with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. Further information on the conference and an Expression of Interest Form can be found on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Register your interest to present
To register your interest to present, please complete the Expressions of Interest form by 5pm, Monday 10 February 2020.
7. [NEW ITEM] REVISED SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) – submissions NOW DUE 17 April 2020
Last week Professor Graeme Samuel AC released a statement acknowledging the impact of the devastating bushfires on communities and our precious environment. He has extended the deadline for providing initial submissions in response to the discussion paper.
Submissions are welcome at any time and are now due by Friday 17 April 2020.
Members are encouraged to contribute to this review of the EPBC Act. Australia ICOMOS will also be formally considering a submission and other engagement with this process. If members do make a submission, it would be helpful if this could be shared with Australia ICOMOS. Please send a copy of your submission to Duncan Marshall via email.
Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 – Discussion paper released and public submissions open
Professor Graeme Samuel AC released a discussion paper as part of the independent review of the EPBC Act.
The discussion paper is to start the conversation about how the EPBC Act has operated and whether it is fit for the future. The discussion paper outlines the Act, what it does and where it came from. Potential areas of focus for the review are explored, and options for reform floated. These are not settled views, rather a starting point to stimulate discussion.
Read the discussion paper / Find out more about making a submission
All interested parties are invited to provide written submissions in response to this paper as early as possible.
8. [NEW ITEM] CIIC – new website and 2020 Scientific Meeting, 10-17 February, México
The International Committee on Cultural Routes (CIIC) has a new website. They will also be hosting their 2020 meeting, with the theme Living the Cultural Routes, from 10-17 February in Chihuahua, Chih. México.
See this link for more information about the meeting and to register.
9. [NEW ITEM] TERRA 2021 / 13th World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage, 8-11 June 2021, USA – call for abstracts deadline 1 March 2020
ISCEAH, the International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage, is happy to announce the Call for Abstracts for TERRA 2021.
World Congress
TERRA 2021 / 13th World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage: Looking back, Moving Forward – Advances in Conservation will take place in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, from 8-11 June 2021. The languages of the World Congress will be English and Spanish. 600 experts are expected to come from six continents to attend this event.
TERRA 2021 is being organized by The Getty Conservation Institute, the National Park Service – Vanishing Treasures Program, and the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design.
Main aim
This 13th World Congress will contribute to awareness raising, giving value to conservation efforts undertaken worldwide, to preserve one of our most diversified and universal, but also fragile and endangered heritage: the earthen architectural heritage.
- Southwestern US and Northern Mexico
- Archeological sites
- Historic Buildings and Structures
- Urban Settings
- Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes
- Advances in research
- History of Conservation
- Education and Advocacy
- Risk and Vulnerability
- Care by and for Communities
Deadlines and Contacts
The deadline for abstract submission is 1 March 2020.
Further information is available at TERRA 2021 website. Any questions can be addressed to TERRA 2021 email.
10. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: City of Stirling History and Heritage Awards – nominations close 14 February 2020
The History and Heritage Awards recognise and reward conservation efforts by individuals and groups within the City in the pursuit of conserving the City’s history and heritage.
Nominations for the 2020 awards are open!
We have separated history and heritage into two categories. The history category focuses on photographs from times gone by. The heritage category focuses on the conservation of the built environment, streetscapes, education and the promotion of heritage within the wider community.
Entries for the History and Heritage Awards close on Friday 14 February 2020 at 5.00pm.
For more information, click here.
11. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS-ICORP on the road
The ICOMOS-ICORP* ON THE ROAD team proudly announces that the first episode “Reconnecting the Sacred Valley Kathmandu” has been officially released!
The ON THE ROAD Project is bringing life to the five inspiring stories of post-disaster response and recovery of cultural heritage from local people and professionals around the world. To date, the filming of the five episodes were completed, bringing to life untold stories from Nepal, Turkey, Mali, Pakistan and Brazil.
For more information, please see the ICOMOS-ICORP On The Road website.
* ICORP is the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness
12. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news
To read the latest Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden E-news, click on the link below.
ICOMOS GA2020 Bushfire Statement
Communities around Australia have been experiencing unprecedented bushfires, with larger, more severe and more widespread fires, and an earlier than usual start to the season.
GA2020 organisers would like to extend our sympathies to all those members and people in the community who have suffered from the bushfires. As in the wider community, many of our ICOMOS members have been personally affected, losing homes, needing to evacuate urgently, or at the very least experiencing prolonged unhealthy air quality. Many ICOMOS members have been involved and will continue to be involved in helping communities in response and recovery action, and in improving their preparedness and developing mitigation strategies. Australia ICOMOS is further developing its online toolkit in emergency recovery and participating in a range of partnerships, such as with Blue Shield Australia, local meetings and strategic initiatives in affected areas.
Scientific evidence shows that as the world warms due to human-induced climate change, we will experience an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. On the basis of scientific evidence, the Garnaut Climate Change Review in 2008 clearly stated the bushfire danger: …fire seasons will start earlier, end slightly later and generally be more intense. This effect increases over time, but should be directly observable by 2020.
These fires, as clear evidence of climate change, reinforce the need for climate action by us all. We need to speak out and take action, both personally and professionally. Many heritage sites, including natural heritage, cultural landscapes and built heritage sites, have been severely affected or destroyed by the recent bushfires. A key part of our role as heritage professionals in disaster risk preparedness is to develop appropriate planning tools, adaptation/mitigation strategies, conservation responses and recovery action now and into the future.
ICOMOS states that climate change has become one of the most significant and fastest growing threats to people and their cultural heritage worldwide. ICOMOS embraces a dual approach to the issue that emphasises both responding to the risks that climate change poses to cultural heritage and also champions heritage as a source of resilience and an asset to climate action, whose potential is unlocked through better conservation and management of the world’s tangible and intangible cultural resources.
Sessions at the GA2020 will be addressing some of the ways cultural heritage practice has responded to the bushfire emergency and how we can all engage in climate action. We encourage you to join these conversations at GA2020 by registering at the GA2020 website.
GA2020 – Travel grant applications close 5 February / Book Qantas flights and contribute to carbon offsets
GA2020 Travel grants
The International Secretariat is now accepting applications for travel grants to attend the 20th triennial General Assembly of ICOMOS in Sydney, Australia from 1-10 October 2020.
For more information on who is eligible, etc, visit the ICOMOS website.
Qantas flights and carbon offsets
Now is a great time to find good international and domestic flight deals with our official Airline Partner Qantas.
GA2020 delegates and travel partners are eligible for special discounted fares, which can be booked online through our dedicated booking portal.
Contribute to a sustainable General Assembly by opting to pay for carbon offsets – Qantas will match your contribution dollar for dollar!
Find out more at the GA2020 website.
GA2020 Acting Convenor
Richard Mackay will be on leave and working overseas from 13 December until early February 2020. During this period, Dr Steve Brown will be the Acting Convenor of ICOMOS GA2020. He can be contacted on +61 409 308 909 or contact Steve via email.
The GA2020 Project Team at Arinex can be contacted on +612 9265 0700 or contact the GA2020 Project Team by email.
ICOMOS GA2020 6-ISCs Joint Meeting – call for abstracts / poster: deadline 3 February 2020
The 6-ISCs Joint Meeting aims to provide a forum for considering the various threats (whether natural cause or human error) in cultural heritage, regarding how to address and where to start by shared responsibility. By creating new tools and guidance among interdisciplinary fields, it shall lead us to achieve a shared future – thus the meeting theme of “Advancing Risk Management for the Shared Future”.
We hope this joint meeting will be an opportunity to bring participants together from any discipline across the heritage sector from all over the world, whether they be academic or professional, to come together to discuss topics and case studies relating to this theme.
Important Dates
20 November 2019 – Call for abstracts
20 November 2019 – Registration open
03 February 2020 – Abstracts submission close
29 April 2020 – Notification of acceptance
31 July 2020 – Author registration deadline
21 September 2020 – Registration close
For more information and to download the abstract submission form, visit the meeting website.
Submissions close 3 February 2020.
Download the 6ISC_CFA poster.
Australia ICOMOS bushfire response – UPDATED INFORMATION
Australia ICOMOS is distressed and deeply saddened by the losses sustained in the devastating bushfires that have swept across Australia in recent months. While impacts on lives and communities are, of course, the principal concern at this time, the extent of the impact on our cultural and environmental heritage is also becoming clear.
Bushfire toolkit
Recognising that fire seasons in Australia are starting earlier, lasting longer and are increasingly intense, Australia ICOMOS has started preparing an online toolkit to provide guidance for bushfire preparedness (preventative measures), response and recovery. We are appealing to Australia ICOMOS members to forward details of policies, procedures and toolkits that have proved effective in addressing these issues. Examples may be from Australia or overseas – eg. wildfires in California during 2019 burned over 100,000 hectares of land. If you know of relevant precedents please provide the name of the webpage/publication, an electronic link and a short summary of the website, webpage or publication to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by the end of January.
Australia ICOMOS & Blue Shield Australia have created the following Rapid Assessment Sheet template to assist Council heritage officers with recording damage to heritage items: Rapid assessment sheet-heritage_AICOMOS & BSA rev 2 – refer to the Rapid Assessment cover sheet for guidance on how to use the Assessment Sheet. Note that this resource will be adapted as we receive feedback on it. A Word version can be requested by sending an email to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office.
Bushfire guidelines
Australia ICOMOS is also reviewing and updating the Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Places Damaged by Fire that was prepared as a draft in response to the January 2003 Bushfires in South East Australia. The intent is to provide concise, practical guidance that identifies preventative measures (such as ember screens and aerial delivery of fire retardant), as well as measures to be implemented in the event of fire and following fire. The toolkit and guidelines are being prepared as a matter of urgency and will be made available at the earliest opportunity. More information will be available in future e-news issues and we will also send notifications through our Social Media (see links at the end of this newsletter).
Blue Shield Australia
Throughout this terrible fire season, Australia ICOMOS is working closely with Blue Shield Australia (BSA), the Australian arm of an international organisation that works to protect the cultural heritage threatened by natural and manmade disasters. ICOMOS is one of four ‘pillars’ or founding members of Blue Shield. For further information about BSA and its activities visit the Blue Shield Australia website and also this specific page on fire-related resources.
Finally, a reminder that the most effective way of supporting communities affected by the bushfires is to donate cash, not goods. Donations can be made via the Australian Red Cross website.
SAVE THE DATE: Future Forum 2020 on Aboriginal Heritage in WA, 20.03.2020
The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. (AACAI), the Anthropological Society of Western Australia (ASWA) and Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) will host this event, referred to as Future Forum 2020.
Future Forum 2020 will take place as follows:
Date: 20 March 2020
Venue: Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle
The intent of Future Forum 2020 is to bring together heritage practitioners – in Aboriginal communities, representative bodies, industry, consultancy bodies, academia and government – to explore and discuss what the future of Aboriginal heritage management could look like in this state. It also aims to showcase current achievements and future plans for enhancing Aboriginal heritage management, including Aboriginal community-led research, innovations and collaborative projects. The symposium will be a remarkable opportunity to connect, share and discuss visions, aspirations, innovations and anticipated challenges, as a collective of people working and engaging with Aboriginal cultural heritage within the state.
Download the Future Forum 2020 Save the Date flyer.
VALA2020 – Focus on the Future conference, 11-13 February 2020, Melbourne
VALA2020 – Focus on the Future – is the 20th VALA Biennial Conference.
To be held in Melbourne on 11-13 February 2020, VALA 2020 will be the year’s must-attend event for everyone who works or aspires to work in the information and technology environment of the GLAM Sector.
Once an event for library IT practitioners, the increasing common ground that exists within all collections management agencies sees VALA’s doors open to colleagues and collaborators across libraries, galleries, archives and museums. This “coming together” is reflected in our Conference Organising Committee, our Keynote line-up and our program.
For more information visit the conference website.
**VALA – Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc. is an independent, Australian based not-for-profit organisation that actively supports the use and understanding of information technology in libraries and the GLAM sector.
Australasian Engineering Heritage conference, 19–25 November 2020, Dunedin – call for submission: deadline 3 April 2020
Australasian Engineering Heritage conference
19–25 November 2020
Titled ‘Engineering in a 2020 World – The Future of the Past’, the conference will spotlight how heritage engineering and technology has endured, developed and undergone restoration and repurposing to claim its place in the future.
Abstracts, formal conference papers and proposals for presentations will be accepted until 3 April 2020. Full details can be found at this link.
Engineering New Zealand’s Otago Heritage Chapter together with Principal Sponsor, Naylor Love, look forward to bringing you this much anticipated event. We hope to see you in Dunedin.
Download the 2020 Australasian Engineering Heritage conference poster.
International DOCOMOMO conference, 10-13 September 2020, Japan
16th International DOCOMOMO Conference: Resilient Inheritability – Sharing Values of Global Modernity
10-13 September 2020
Tokyo, Japan
The 16th International DOCOMOMO Conference will take place in Tokyo, organized by DOCOMOMO Japan, with the theme “Resilient Inheritability: Sharing Values of Global Modernity”.
Today, not only in Europe, but in Japan, South America, Africa and throughout the world, the architectural cultural heritage that we call the “Modern Movement” (MoMo) has been exposed to the major force of conscious/unconscious destruction.
We can trace the causes to three reasons:
1. Popular Ignorance of the MoMo
2. Self-Vulnerability of MoMo
3. Skepticism towards MoMo-Ideology
Hence, we are embarking on a mission to mitigate these three elements of threat that are endangering the MoMo. We are calling for those experts who are directly and indirectly connected to the movement, but also all the people interested in the protection of the MoMo in a renewed future, to come together to offer knowledge and experience. There are, also, three types of knowledge that we must collect from the global community. From the experts:
1. Knowledge of revitalization and reinterpretation;
2. Technology, methodology and policy to revitalize the value and the vitality of the MoMo. And, from the adults gathered around the experts and the children who will carry our world towards the future;
3. Knowledge of education and enlightenment.
For more information visit the DOCOMOMO Australia website and also the DOCOMOMO website.
SDG Project Management Scholarship program – applications open and close 31 January 2020
Applications are open for the current round of the SDG Project Management Scholarship program, run by Elemental Projects in partnership with the UNGC Australia Network.
Essentially, any project that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can apply for the scholarship; the UNGC then selects the project with the strongest SDG-alignment to receive the scholarship.
The scholarship includes complementary attendance for the project manager and up to four of their team at a 6-day flagship course “Elemental Project Management” (valued at $15,000), where they will workshop their project management plan live in the training room. Elemental Projects also produces a 2-3 minute video about the project for use in social media to promote the project, the organisation that delivered it, the SDGs and the scholarship.
This scholarship will be offered three times this year (ie. every time the course is delivered publicly). The next course is kicking off in February and places are still available. More information about the course content is available in the Participant Info Kit.
Applications close on 31 January 2020 for the first cohort; and one month before cohorts 2 and 3 (cohort dates available here). To apply for the scholarship, project managers simply complete and submit the application form.
Industry Sponsorship
Any organisation can contribute to the scholarship program as an Industry Sponsor, which will enable the scholarship to be extended to more projects (one scholarship per $4,950 of funding). This is a non-profit program for us, so all funds contributed by sponsors go directly towards supporting the SDG project teams. We’ve built in some additional value-adds for sponsors too, to further incentivise them to sponsor the scholarship – these are outlined in the Sponsor Info Kit.
Japan “Modern Architecture” Tour: 2-10 September 2020
Japan is globally renowned for innovative and fascinating architecture and is also home to some remarkable examples of Modern Architecture of the 20th Century.
The 2020 JAPAN “MODERN ARCHITECTURE” TOUR offers the opportunity to see and visit some outstanding examples of Modern Architecture, including buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Kenzo Tange, Le Corbusier, Fumihiko Maki and many more famous Japanese architects. Combine this with some wonderful contemporary architecture by the same architects, as well as art exhibitions and of course, Japanese food and culture; the 2020 JAPAN “MODERN ARCHITECTURE” TOUR will be a truly memorable experience.
This unique 8-day tour will visit the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, the ancient city of Kyoto and nearby Osaka and will be personally conducted by Australian Architect, former Japan resident and Japan Expert, Robert Day FRAIA.
The next International DOCOMOMO Conference will be held in Tokyo from 10 September 2020, so if you are planning to visit Japan for the conference, this tour is the perfect complement. Even if you are not attending the conference, it will be a great opportunity to visit Japan and experience the amazing architecture and culture of Japan.
For more information visit this link or email Robert Day.
**(Disclaimer: Note, the 2020 JAPAN “MODERN ARCHITECTURE” TOUR offered by Robert Day Travel is not associated with the 16th International DOCOMOMO Conference Tokyo Japan 2020 nor is it endorsed or organised by DOCOMOMO International, DOCOMOMO Japan or DOCOMOMO Australia).
New publication: Values in Heritage Management: Emerging Approaches and Research Directions
A new publication within the Getty Conservation Institute’s long term research and convening focused on the values and economics of cultural heritage, which spans more than 20 years, is now available.
Values in Heritage Management: Emerging Approaches and Research Directions
Edited by Erica Avrami, Susan Macdonald, Randall Mason, and David Myers
Over the last four decades, heritage professionals have increasingly engaged in public processes that have required responding to diverse concerns of stakeholder groups and related political, economic, and cultural dynamics. As definitions of what constitutes cultural heritage have expanded, norms of heritage practice and heritage management approaches have evolved to place values at their core.
This volume, with contributions by leading international practitioners and scholars, considers how heritage relates to broader societal concerns including politics, cultural identities, economic trends, changing models of governance, and climate change and sustainability; reviews how values-based management approaches have been applied and adapted in a variety of geographic and cultural contexts; takes stock of emerging approaches to values in heritage practice and policy; identifies common needs and challenges; and proposes areas for developing approaches and future research to help improve conservation outcomes.
We hope this publication will be a useful resource to practitioners as well as educators and students for dealing with the challenges of heritage place management.
You may access a free e-reader version at this link.
A free PDF version is available at this link.
And print versions are available for purchase at this link.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT World Heritage Delegation Representative (Indigenous), Department of the Environment and Energy
EOI – APS5/6 EL1 – World Heritage Delegation Representative (Indigenous)
The International Heritage and Whales Section in the Department of the Environment and Energy is the Focal Point for Australia’s engagement on matters related to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The convention aims to protect and manage natural and cultural places of Outstanding Universal Value for future generations. The World Heritage List includes the iconic Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Willandra Lakes, the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids of Giza. Australia is one of the 21 members currently elected to form the Committee, which brings added decision making responsibilities.
At the last World Heritage Committee meeting, Australia made a number of interventions to shape international heritage policy. Australia also listed the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, a nomination driven by the Gunditjmarra people, representing the earliest living example of aquaculture in the world with a history of eel farming dating back over 6,000 years.
Australia’s World Heritage delegation (a team of six) reports to the Head of Delegation – Mr Stephen Oxley, First Assistant Secretary from the Heritage, Reef and Marine Division. Recordings of the 43rd World Heritage Committee can be seen on YouTube (13min into 6 July 2019 AM).
The opportunity
This vacancy is an exciting opportunity for an Indigenous Australian person to actively participate in the preparation leading up to and attend UNESCO’s 44th World Heritage Committee meeting in Fuzhou, China (29 June – 9 July 2020). While this is a non-remunerated position, it provides a unique and rewarding professional development opportunity like no other. This position is targeting emerging Indigenous Australian professionals with an interest in heritage.
Applicants must first obtain approval from their employer to participate for approximately 25-27 business days interspersed from early April to mid-July 2020 as well as approximately 2 business days equivalent in 2021. Travel costs associated with domestic and international meetings will be covered by the International Heritage and Whales Section.
NOTE: This is a non-remunerated development opportunity. Internal staff will remain attached to their current position. Travel expenses will be covered by the International Heritage and Whales Section.
We welcome external staff to apply. See the 2020 – Indigenous Representative WHC44 – Job Description Jan 2020 for further details.
Applications close midnight 9 February 2020.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRS Architecture (Sydney)
The Role
Working within the Heritage Studio and as part of a dynamic team, you will be responsible for writing reports and providing heritage advice to external clients and NBRS architectural projects.
Utilising your excellent writing and advisory skills, the role will see you prepare reports on development feasibility with respect to heritage management issues; recommend maintenance strategies to remediate deteriorated fabric and maintain buildings and sites; and assist in the development of precedents of services and products.
The role is responsible for providing advice across all areas of heritage management and conservation practice including: heritage studies, thematic histories, heritage assessments, nominations, impact statements, conservation management strategies and conservation management plans, condition assessments, conservation schedule of works, maintenance schedules, expert evidence, archival recording and interpretation plans.
In addition to Heritage knowledge, you will also have excellent interpersonal skills to liaise and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
This is a ‘hands on’ role and we need a real team player with a positive attitude to take on each new task, no matter how big or small.
For more information about this opportunity, read the full job ad.
SITUATION VACANT Partnership Sales Manager, National Trust of Australia Queensland
The National Trust of Australia Queensland (NTAQ) is a membership-based community organisation and registered charity that works to protect, conserve and celebrate the Environmental, Built and Cultural heritage of our State, and is affiliated with the Australian and international National Trusts. The NTAQ collection includes Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and eleven other properties across Queensland, including the signature Brisbane property Wolston Farmhouse at Wacol. Please refer to our website for more details.
Position details & duties
Reporting directly to the CEO of NTAQ, the key responsibility of this role is to directly facilitate company profitability, achieved by sound business development (BDM) activities. This will entail being a professional and effective ambassador for NTAQ. Duties will include forming and maintaining effective partnerships within the SEQ region at both corporate and community level to drive growth in individual memberships and growth in corporate partnerships and sponsorships.
For more detailed information about the role and how to apply, visit this link.
Whilst no deadline for applications is stated in the advertisement, prospective applicants should note that interviews will be held on 28 January in Brisbane.
TENDER OPPORTUNITY Storytelling and Interpretation Plan for the Kurnell Precinct, Kamay Botany Bay NSW
New tender: Storytelling and Interpretation Plan for the Kurnell Precinct, Kamay Botany Bay NSW
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is seeking the services of a qualified specialist to develop a Storytelling and Interpretation Plan for the Kurnell Precinct, Kamay Botany Bay, NSW. 29 April 2020 will mark the 250th anniversary of the contact between Aboriginal Australians and the crew of the HMB Endeavour. The upcoming anniversary has precipitated a fresh look at the Kurnell Precinct of Kamay Botany Bay National Park and the opportunities it offers to respectfully present this multi-layered, nationally significant place. The purpose of this project is to investigate and present opportunities to enhance the visitor experience at this highly-visited precinct through the development of a detailed Interpretation Plan consistent with the concepts developed in Kurnell Master Plan available on the NWPS website.
Please visit the NSW eTendering website for further information.
This is an open tender process and submissions close on 28 January 2020.
SITUATION VACANT Commonwealth Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
GML is a vibrant, attentive, and sustainable interdisciplinary consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our consulting team has expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation. We work all over Australia and have a great portfolio of challenging projects and you will work alongside experienced practitioners in an engaged and supportive environment.
GML Heritage is seeking a dynamic heritage specialist/project manager with Commonwealth heritage experience at a senior level. This is a full-time position based in Canberra.
Click on the following links for more information:
- Position Advertisement – Commonwealth Heritage Consultant (Canberra)
- Position Description – Commonwealth Heritage Consultant (Canberra)
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, GML Heritage, Sydney and Canberra and Context, Melbourne
GML Heritage and Context have multiple opportunities for Heritage Consultants to join our Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne teams. You will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of built heritage or archaeological services. The roles involve working on architectural, planning and infrastructure projects for public and private sector clients. Depending on your disciplinary background you could find yourself working on an archaeological excavation, assessing significant places or areas, engaging communities, and preparing reports, project proposals and tender submissions, including scoping tasks, timeframes, and budgets.
We are seeking motivated, enthusiastic and talented heritage consultants with a strong interest in heritage conservation. Both temporary and ongoing full-time and part time roles are available in our Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne offices.
To learn more and apply visit the GML Heritage website.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131