[NEW ITEM] GA2020 Scientific Symposium: Call for abstracts closes on 13 January 2020
[NEW ITEM] GA2020 Scientific Symposium: Call for reviewers – EOI deadline 10 January
[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS GA2020 6-ISCs Joint Meeting – call for abstracts / poster: deadline 3 February 2020
[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall
[NEW ITEM] Canberra Summer School returns but at Longford Academy, 9-15 February 2020 – limited places left!
[NEW ITEM] SAVE THE DATE: Future Forum 2020 on Aboriginal Heritage in WA, 20.03.2020
[NEW ITEM] New book: Contested Space Revisited, authored by Dr Gwynn Jenkins
[NEW ITEM] Upcoming book about the Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
[NEW ISSUE] Newsletter ISISE 2019_02 now available
ICOMOS talk, Perth, Thursday 12 December
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
After-life: the digital future of visual history archives symposium, Melbourne, 9 March 2020 – call for presentations: deadline 6 January
3rd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, 6-8 May 2020, Turkey – call for abstracts: deadline 6 January 2020
Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Switzerland, 6-8 April 2020 – early bird registration closes 15 January
Women In Design 2020+ conference, 8-10 January 2020, India
Australasian Engineering Heritage conference, 19–25 November 2020, Dunedin – call for submission: deadline 3 April 2020
‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows – deadline COB Monday 9 December
City of Stirling Draft Better Suburbs Strategy – have your say by 12 December
2020 Western Australian Heritage Awards – nominations open and close 13 December
Call for host organisations: US/ICOMOS 2020 International Exchange Program – deadline: 11 January 2020
PhD position available – Masonry Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Portugal: application deadline – 15 January 2020
Call for Projects for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign 2020 – application deadline 19 January
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications close 20 January 2020
Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) – submissions due 14 February 2020
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultants, GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Architectural Services, Collie Roundhouse Conservation Project, WA
SITUATION VACANT Professorship Heritage Conservation, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus–Senftenberg
SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Planner, City of Perth
SITUATIONS VACANT Various, World Monuments Fund
1. [NEW ITEM] GA2020 Scientific Symposium: Call for abstracts closes on 13 January 2020
The call for abstracts for the GA2020 Scientific Symposium is open and extends until 13 January 2020. We are seeking full session proposals as well as abstracts for individual papers and posters. For more information on the symposium or to submit a full session proposal and/or an abstract for an individual paper or poster, please follow the directions available at the GA2020 website.
If you are seeking collaborators with whom to develop an abstract, there are two options:
- First, speak with the Co-chairs of the relevant Scientific Symposium Theme. Information on the six themes, including the names and contact details of the seven International and six Australian co-chairs, is available at this link
- Second, contact the Australian members of a relevant International Scientific Committee. The names of these members are available from the Australia ICOMOS website
2. [NEW ITEM] GA2020 Scientific Symposium: Call for reviewers – EOI deadline 10 January
We are seeking volunteers to be part of the group who will undertake reviews of the session proposals and individual paper/posts abstracts. The reviews will take place in the period from the end of January until 16 March 2020. The task of the reviewers is to evaluate submissions against the following evaluation criteria:
- Relevance to GA2020 Scientific Symposium Theme;
- Substance: originality and quality of subject matter;
- Discussion value: capacity of proposal to inspire reflection, discussion and debate;
- Diversity: ensuring regional, cultural and gender diversity.
If you wish to be a reviewer, please provide the following information:
- name;
- email address;
- preferred Scientific Symposium Theme (select one or more from: Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared Responsibility, Indigenous Heritage, Marginalised Heritages) or area/s of expertise; and
- confirm availability to undertake reviews between 1 February and 16 March 2020.
To express your interest in being a reviewer, email Steve Brown using ‘GA2020 SS – Reviewer’ in the subject line by Friday 10 January.
3. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS GA2020 6-ISCs Joint Meeting – call for abstracts / poster: deadline 3 February 2020
The 6-ISCs Joint Meeting aims to provide a forum for considering the various threats (whether natural cause or human error) in cultural heritage, regarding how to address and where to start by shared responsibility. By creating new tools and guidance among interdisciplinary fields, it shall lead us to achieve a shared future – thus the meeting theme of “Advancing Risk Management for the Shared Future”.
We hope this joint meeting will be an opportunity to bring participants together from any discipline across the heritage sector from all over the world, whether they be academic or professional, to come together to discuss topics and case studies relating to this theme.
Important Dates
20 November 2019 – Call for abstracts
20 November 2019 – Registration open
03 February 2020 – Abstracts submission close
29 April 2020 – Notification of acceptance
31 July 2020 – Author registration deadline
21 September 2020 – Registration close
For more information and to download the abstract submission form, visit the meeting website.
Submissions close 3 February 2020.
Download the 6ISC_CFA poster.
4. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall
Australia ICOMOS made a submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the Proposal to Raise the Warragamba Dam Wall. We are concerned by the proposal to raise the Warragamba Dam wall by 14 metres, thereby allowing for periodic inundation of parts the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area (GBMWHA) and adjacent areas, and particularly by aspects of the environmental impact assessment process relating to cultural heritage. The submission can be read here.
Letters pertaining to this issue were also sent to the following Ministers: The Hon. Don Harwin MLC, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts; The Hon. Matt Kean, Minister for Energy and Environment (NSW); and The Hon. Sussan Ley MP, Minister for the Environment (Federal).
5. [NEW ITEM] Canberra Summer School returns but at Longford Academy, 9-15 February 2020 – limited places left!
Longford Academy is excited to advise that David Young’s Summer School has returned and registrations are open!
The Summer School, formerly run at University of Canberra and run by David Young, was a “must do” for those in the heritage industry and now it is available again, in collaboration with the Longford Academy at the World Heritage Sites of Woolmers and Brickendon Estates in Tasmania. David has revised and updated the course material and it is destined to be an intensive week in wonderful surrounds.
Download these items for more information: LA 2020 Summer School Flyer | LA 2020 Summer School Reg Form (PDF) | LA 2020 Summer School Reg Form (Word)
There are limited places available, with the course already half-full before advertising, so if you wish to attend, you are encouraged to respond promptly.
Enquiries can be made to Greg Owen by email.
6. [NEW ITEM] SAVE THE DATE: Future Forum 2020 on Aboriginal Heritage in WA, 20.03.2020
The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. (AACAI), the Anthropological Society of Western Australia (ASWA) and Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) will host this event, referred to as Future Forum 2020.
Future Forum 2020 will take place as follows:
Date: 20 March 2020
Venue: Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle
The intent of Future Forum 2020 is to bring together heritage practitioners – in Aboriginal communities, representative bodies, industry, consultancy bodies, academia and government – to explore and discuss what the future of Aboriginal heritage management could look like in this state. It also aims to showcase current achievements and future plans for enhancing Aboriginal heritage management, including Aboriginal community-led research, innovations and collaborative projects. The symposium will be a remarkable opportunity to connect, share and discuss visions, aspirations, innovations and anticipated challenges, as a collective of people working and engaging with Aboriginal cultural heritage within the state.
Download the Future Forum 2020 Save the Date flyer.
7. [NEW ITEM] Upcoming book about the Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne
Melbourne University Publishing is set to publish a book about the very special local Melbourne escape and national treasure, Abbotsford Convent.
From nunnery to eatery and cultural epicentre, The Convent: A City Finds its Heart traces the vibrant history of the national treasure.
What was behind the wall and the wire? The local people knew: fine courtyards; an old swimming pool; dilapidated tennis courts and a remnant garden, now wild and sprawling. The Abbotsford Convent was this haunted place, left to languish for years after the last of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd had gone. In its prime it had been a school, a refuge, a retreat, a workhouse and a prison – the single largest charitable institution in the southern hemisphere. In the late 1990s a proposed high-density development threatened the idyllic riverside location, sparking outrage in the local community and further afield. Years of protesting, negotiating and fundraising followed and the convent, now on Australia’s National Heritage List, has started a new life as a vibrant centre for art and culture.
The Convent: A City Finds its Heart tells the story of the site’s rich history and the efforts to preserve it. It is an uplifting tale of community activism – a tangible reminder that the magic of the past can endure and what people-power can achieve.
Whether you are a regular visitor to the convent or have dropped-in from interstate to enjoy a stroll in the stunning gardens, events or workshops, historical buildings, or to soak up the sun at one of the cafes, The Convent: A City Finds its Heart is one for you. This is the fascinating history of a building that has stood the test of time.
RRP is $39.99 and we are offering a free copy of On Quiet with pre-orders until 15 December 2019.
Contact Dominika Greinert by email with any queries.
8. [NEW ITEM] New book: Contested Space Revisited, authored by Dr Gwynn Jenkins
Contested Space Revisited: George Town, Penang, Before and After UNESCO World Heritage Listing
authored by Dr Gwynn Jenkins – a George Town-based practicing consultant in heritage architecture and cultural/urban anthropology
This book explores the cultural, social and physical history of the East India Company’s historic port settlement of George Town and its multi-ethnic population, tracing its urban evolution, the cultures and traditions of its diverse communities and the reflection of these influences in their architecture, urban forms and ways of living and celebration, as well as their perpetuation, adaptation and/or demise.
In order to understand the challenges of tangible heritage in the intangible context, the histories of six built heritage sites, and their ‘owner’ communities, are followed through both pre- and post- UNESCO World Heritage Listing in 2008. In contrast to this tangible ‘form’, the interstitial space of the urban street is reviewed as an ‘unseen’ cultural space where funerals, processions and festivals take place in accordance to the cultures, faiths and traditions of the communities. It is also the pathway for the adhan (Muslim call for prayer), the daily route from home to work, to worship, to market or to school and back again.
In the ten years following UNESCO World Heritage inscription, these same historic George Town streets “have filled with trinket markets, tour buses, shoals of tourists, and all the accompanying freeloaders hoping to make a ‘buck’ or two, as well as ‘outstation’ cars scrambling for parking outside the latest gentrification treat. What was once respectfully shared has become a contested space.”
For more information and to purchase, visit this link.
9. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Click here for information on upcoming events at the Johnston Collection.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin, click on the following link.
11. [NEW ISSUE] Newsletter ISISE 2019_02 now available
Read the latest edition of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) newsletter (links to 13MB file).
ICOMOS GA2020, 1-10 October 2020, Sydney: Register now and be the first to secure your place!
The GA2020 Organising and Executive Committees and Australia ICOMOS are delighted to announce that registration for GA2020 is now live!
We encourage you to register early to secure your preferred events as part of your registration. There are a number of options available to registrants – review these here to make the most of your cultural heritage experience at GA2020.
GA2020 registration includes:
- Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
- Luna Park ‘Just for Fun’ party
- The Greater Blue Mountains Day Trip
- Closing Ceremony and Gala Dinner
- All ICOMOS Statutory Meetings for Eligible Delegates
- Scientific Symposium and Plenary Sessions
The Greater Blue Mountains day trip has a number of options based on level of physical activity required. The tours include scenic landscapes, locations with great historical and cultural significance, breathtaking views, Australian fauna and flora and more.
Pre and Post Tours have been designed to cover a number of cultural heritage places throughout Australia. Depending on your tour of choice you can visit World Heritage listed sites, historic mining sites, convict sites, geological wonders, snorkel the Great Barrier Reef or experience spectacular Australian landscapes.
The GA2020 side events program has been created to ensure you have a myriad of options to maximise your experience in Sydney. These tours are all optional and include boat trips, exclusive behind the scenes tours, and a number of specialty heritage tours.
Accommodation can also be booked with your GA2020 registration.
Individuals who register before the early bird registration deadline of 3 June 2020 will secure the best registration rate.
A note about ICOMOS member registration rates: the member rate is only available to individuals who are current financial members of ICOMOS via their ICOMOS National Committee. The membership status of all registrants will be cross-checked to ensure the member rate is only applied where applicable. ICOMOS members are encouraged to keep their financial status current and continuous to facilitate this process.
ICOMOS talk, Perth, Thursday 12 December
Professor Tim Winter will delight us with his presentation on “Geocultural heritage: China’s ambitions to revive the Silk Roads for the 21st century”.
WHEN: Thursday 12 December, from 5:30-8pm
WHERE: element’s Boardroom, Parmelia Hilton, Level 18, 191 St Georges Tce, Perth
COST: free
Q&A, wine and nibbles will follow.
Please register here – note that numbers are limited.
Download the ICOMOS Dec 2019 talk flyer.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from noonish Friday 20 December 2019 to Tuesday 14 January 2020 inclusive. The office will re-open on Wednesday 15 January 2020, and the first e-newsletter for 2020 will be published on Friday 17 January.
The final e-newsletter for 2019 will be published on Friday 20 December 2019.
Please also note that the office will be staffed from a remote location during the week of 16-20 December 2019, inclusive.
AMaGA Victoria End of Year Celebration, 10 December, Melbourne
Celebrate the end of the year with friends and colleagues at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art and enjoy a private viewing of the new summer exhibition Feedback Loops and a welcome talk by Miriam Kelly, ACCA’s Curator of the exhibition. Includes drinks, prizes, entertainment and canapés.
Date: Tuesday 10 December
Time: 6pm-8.30pm
Venue: Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA), 111 Sturt Street, Southbank
Cost: $60
AMaGA = Australian Museums and Galleries Association
After-life: the digital future of visual history archives symposium, Melbourne, 9 March 2020 – call for presentations: deadline 6 January
After-life: the digital future of visual history archives
ACAHUCH: Melbourne School of Design
Glyn Davis Building, The University of Melbourne
Monday 9 March 2020

Design practices and collecting institutions are united in grappling with the management and preservation of born-digital records and the ever-growing demands of digital archival collections.
The event
The annual Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) symposium for 2020 will bring together international and national experts, local professionals and designers. Speakers will assess lessons learned as we seek to continue to preserve, edit and share architectural and design-related documentation, and will discuss how to manage enduring access to digital design records including photographs, moving image, CAD, BIM, and 3D modelling.
Keynote speaker
Martien de Vletter Associate Director of the Collection at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal, where she is responsible for the digital preservation and access program. Prior to this she was a curator at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI), Rotterdam, and has also published widely on architecture and urbanism in the Netherlands and Indonesia.
Call for contributors and participants
We are seeking a limited number of presentation contributions on the following issues:
* How are leading cultural and academic institutions and architecture design practices considering current and future digital archival collections, communication strategies and accessibility issues?
* How are practitioners and curators creating and maintaining records and projects in the virtual environment, and how are historians and designers responding to and re-thinking the research value of digital archives.
* How does the digital continue to open new possibilities for re-thinking Indigenous cultural collections and their repatriation to places and communities?
* How might new collaborations be envisioned that can help us imagine the digital future of the archive and participate in planning what next steps are both desirable and pressing?
Submission Details
Please submit a 250 word abstract and a 100 word biography by or before 6 January 2020.
Submission email address is []
Contact Hannah Lewi by email for any queries about the event, or visit the symposium website [LINK NOW LIVE]
The symposium is hosted by ACAHUCH (the After-Life Symposium committee) and the Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne.
3rd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, 6-8 May 2020, Turkey – call for abstracts: deadline 6 January 2020
3rd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA2020)
Alanya HEP University, Alanya/Antalya, Turkey
6-8 May 2020
The main aim of ICCAUA2020 will be to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research both through the conference podium and double-blind refereed publications opportunities. Additionally, ICCAUA2020 intends to provide opportunities for academics to receive informal, in-depth feedback through discussions, and to enable them to establish contact with professionals in other countries and institutions.
Abstracts for Oral, Virtual and Poster presentations and proposals for the special sessions listed below are invited.
- Architecture and Technology
- Sustainability and Urban Design
- Heritage and Cultural Landscapes
- Habitat Studies and Infra Habitation
For more information about the topics and submission process, visit the conference website.
ICCAUA2020 will be held in both English language and Turkish language.
Submission deadline: 6 January 2020
Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Switzerland, 6-8 April 2020, early bird registration closes 15 January
Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Conference
6-8 April 2020
The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 4th International Conference, will bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the leading question: How to succeed in attracting tourists while simultaneously engaging all stakeholders in contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?
HTHIC2020 is organised by the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) and consultancy Elgin & Co. (Netherlands) in collaboration with UNESCO-UNITWIN Network “Culture, Tourism, and Development”.
We are pleased to announce that registration for the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 4th International Conference is now open. Early bird registration ends 15 January 2020. We look forward to meeting you in Mendrisio, in the Italian speaking canton Ticino in Switzerland.
HTHIC2020 will evolve around the theme “Living Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” and bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss aspects of preservation, presentation, promotion, profit (in the sense of benefits for all involved) and purpose (well-being and the co-creation of thriving places).
Participants are invited to attend the Processioni della Settimana Santa di Mendrisio: a fascinating example of ‘living’ heritage. The Processioni are currently under evaluation to be included in the UNESCO Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Visit the conference website for more information.
Women In Design 2020+ conference, 8-10 January 2020, India
Women In Design 2020+ is an International Conference and Exhibition curated by The HECAR Foundation, which aims to share stories of women around the world who have excelled in the field of architecture, construction and other related design fields.
To push the boundaries of architecture and design, the conference will delve into discussions on a wide spectrum of disciplines such as photography, art, film and literature that relates to the architectural profession.
Over three days, women from India and around the globe will share their work, thoughts and ideas. The event will showcase the immense capabilities, accomplishments and innovative genetic abilities of women in architecture and design that will be a landmark event for both women and men architects, design professionals, students and enthusiasts.
For more information, visit the Women In Design 2020+ website and/or download the Women In Design 2020+ POSTER.
Australasian Engineering Heritage conference, 19–25 November 2020, Dunedin – call for submission: deadline 3 April 2020
Australasian Engineering Heritage conference
19–25 November 2020
Titled ‘Engineering in a 2020 World – The Future of the Past’, the conference will spotlight how heritage engineering and technology has endured, developed and undergone restoration and repurposing to claim its place in the future.
Abstracts, formal conference papers and proposals for presentations will be accepted until 3 April 2020. Full details can be found at this link.
Engineering New Zealand’s Otago Heritage Chapter together with Principal Sponsor, Naylor Love, look forward to bringing you this much anticipated event. We hope to see you in Dunedin.
Download the 2020 Australasian Engineering Heritage conference poster.
‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows – deadline COB Monday 9 December
ABC’s new season of Restoration Australia is seeking restoration projects.
Whether it is restoring the decaying ruins of an historic inner-city terrace or returning a tired heritage home to its former glory, they are on the lookout for exciting residential projects with an interesting story.
Key details as follows:
- They are looking for residential homes with historic or heritage elements that will be restored to their former glory to feature on Restoration Australia in 2021. The entire building doesn’t need to be a 100% restoration project but there does need to be a significant historic element or elements of restoration involved
- They are looking for projects that will be starting early next year to be completed by September 2021 at the latest
- They’d like passionate homeowners who are willing to share their restoration project with us and are happy to be filmed at several stages during their renovation/restoration. Over the course of the next 18 months they plan to follow the restoration journey of several homeowners, offering advice and delving into the past to discover and connect with the building’s history.
- The show is not a competition; it is simply a celebration of these wonderful properties and the fascinating stories behind them. The size and budget of the project doesn’t matter but passion and history does.
This is a great opportunity to showcase the work of everyone involved in the restoration process (builders, architects, designers), as well as create a video journal that can be enjoyed for many years to come.
View previous episodes of the show via iView.
Download the Restoration Australia casting call out flyer. Queries can be directed to the Restoration Australia team via email.
Apply to be on the show via this link.
City of Stirling Draft Better Suburbs Strategy – have your say by 12 December
Since 2016, the City of Stirling has been developing the Better Suburbs Project as a long-term plan to cater for growth in our north-eastern suburbs.
The project covers Balga, Dianella, Mirrabooka, Nollamara and Westminster, incorporating some parts of Balcatta, Hamersley, Tuart Hill and Yokine near Wanneroo Road and Morley Drive.
The City developed the plan after extensive engagement with the community and stakeholders.
The City is now seeking community comment on the Draft Better Suburbs Strategy. The strategy and associated planning framework documents will be available to the public as of today, closing at 5.00pm on Thursday 12 December 2019.
To view the Strategy and make comment, visit the City of Stirling website.
2020 Western Australian Heritage Awards – nominations open and close 13 December
Nominations are now open for the 2020 Western Australian Heritage Awards. The Awards celebrate those working to promote heritage tourism and interpretation. Nominations in the heritage tourism category may be a walking tour, historic trail, festival, event, bed and breakfast, hotel, accommodation, cruise or performance.
Visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website to find out more, including information on the award categories and criteria as well as how to submit a nomination.
You have until Friday 13 December 2019 to nominate your heritage champion or project.
Call for host organisations: US/ICOMOS 2020 International Exchange Program – deadline: 11 January 2020
The US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program (IEP) is a professional development internship that has been running since 1984. In that time, over 700 students and young/emerging professionals have participated in the US and 70 other countries around the world. In 2019, fifteen participants representing seven nations interned with six hosts in the US and three other nations. It is a transformative experience, both professionally and personally.
The US-ICOMOS Call for 2020 IEP Hosts letter details the requirements for applicants, and provides a link to the online application form. This information is also available on the US/ICOMOS website. Please share this announcement broadly across your networks, consider participating as a Host in 2020, and/or consider donating directly to the program.
The deadline for Host applications is 11 January 2020.
The program is hand-built each year by the IEP Committee, comprised of Trustees Caroline Cheong, Ellen Delage, Zoe Leung, Darwina Neal and Brian Lione. Applications for Hosts are reviewed by the Committee. The average cost to host an intern in the US is $7,700 for the 12-week summer. This cost covers the orientation and closing sessions in DC, room and board, and travel for each intern. The cost to be a Host can be reduced if a Host can cover some or all of the cost (free housing is a popular option for many hosts).
Please direct questions via email to:
Brian Lione
Member, Board of Trustees
Chair, International Exchange Program
US National Committee, International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS)
Contact Brian via the IEP email
PhD position available – Masonry Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Portugal: application deadline – 15 January 2020
The Historical and Masonry Structures at ISISE, University of Minho, Portugal, has one PhD student position in Masonry Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology to join a European Research Council Advanced Grant recently started.
Interested applicants with excellent academic / scientific qualifications, please send an application to Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço by email, providing the documents outlined at this link.
The PhD subject will address numerical or experimental approaches for the out-of-plane behavior of masonry structures, including processing of the seismic signal, shaking table testing, analytical tools, numerical modeling or design concepts.
Applications close 15 January 2020.
Call for Projects for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign 2020 – application deadline 19 January
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is pleased to announce the Call for Projects for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign 2020. This Call welcomes the participation of all interested organisations and institutions. In addition, it offers a new opportunity to apply for not only one-year cycle, but also two-year cycle process, with the aim to foster and encourage the commitment to World Heritage.
What is the World Heritage Volunteers Initiative?
The World Heritage Volunteers Initiative (WHV) was launched in 2008 to encourage young people to undertake concrete actions and to play an active role in the protection, preservation and promotion of World Heritage sites. It consists of action camps organized by youth organizations or institutions in cooperation with multiple stakeholders and partners, which work all together for the state of conservation of World Heritage sites. The initiative mobilizes national and international volunteers through hands-on and awareness-raising activities for the conservation of our common cultural and natural heritage.
Please submit your application at the latest by 19 January 2020, Midnight (Paris Time GMT+1).
Visit the UNESCO website for more information.
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications close 20 January 2020
After 10 years of European funding, 400 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to 20 January 2020. This international course on the conservation of heritage structures was the winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and presents a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
This Masters Course, which is running its 13th Edition, is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, including the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).
The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, at the course website.
Visit also the SAHC blog and connect via LinkedIn.
Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) – submissions due 14 February 2020
Members are encouraged to contribute to this review of the EPBC Act. Australia ICOMOS will also be formally considering a submission and other engagement with this process. If members do make a submission, it would be helpful if this could be shared with Australia ICOMOS. Please send a copy of your submission to Duncan Marshall via email.
Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 – Discussion paper released and public submissions open
Professor Graeme Samuel AC released a discussion paper as part of the independent review of the EPBC Act.
The discussion paper is to start the conversation about how the EPBC Act has operated and whether it is fit for the future. The discussion paper outlines the Act, what it does and where it came from. Potential areas of focus for the review are explored, and options for reform floated. These are not settled views, rather a starting point to stimulate discussion.
Read the discussion paper / Find out more about making a submission
All interested parties are invited to provide written submissions in response to this paper as early as possible.
Submissions will close on 14 February 2020.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultants, GML Heritage, Sydney
GML Heritage has multiple opportunities for Heritage Consultants to join our Sydney team. You will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of built heritage or archaeological services. The roles involve working on architectural, planning and infrastructure projects for public and private sector clients. Depending on your disciplinary background you could find yourself working on an archaeological excavation, assessing significant places or areas, engaging communities, and preparing reports, project proposals and tender submissions, including scoping tasks, time frames, and budgets. We are seeking motivated, enthusiastic and talented heritage consultants with a strong interest in heritage conservation. Both temporary and ongoing full-time and part-time roles are available in our Sydney office.
To learn more and apply visit GML Heritage.
SITUATION VACANT Architectural Services, Collie Roundhouse Conservation Project, WA
The National Trust of Western Australia (the Trust) aspires to awaken the community to the value of heritage. The National Trust is a statutory authority that works under an Act of Parliament, but at the same time it is also recognised as a not for profit, community based organisation and a registered charity. The National Trust works both for Government and for the community.
The Trust has been successful in an application to the Collie Futures Industry Development Fund (CFIDF) for funding that will enable remediation of the Collie Roundhouse site and conservation of the iconic structure.
Collie Roundhouse is located on the outskirts of the Town of Collie, 190km south of Perth and 55km east of Bunbury. On the Coalfields Highway 850 metres west of the Collie Visitor Centre, it sits on crown reserve land assigned for railway use since being gazetted in 1919.
Detailed information is available in the Collie Roundhouse Conservation brief_Nov 2019; queries can be directed to the Project Manager, Karl Hillier by email.
All submissions should be clearly marked “Collie Roundhouse architectural services consultancy” and submitted no later than 5pm on 16 December.
SITUATION VACANT Professorship Heritage Conservation, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus–Senftenberg
The Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning of Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus–Senftenberg, invites applications for this role, commencing at the earliest opportunity.
The professor is expected to represent the field Heritage Conservation in all its aspects. She or he should possess a wealth of experience in research on places of cultural significance in various countries and epochs as well as in appropriate interventions in such places. She or he should have a network of international contacts and contribute actively to the international discourse on Heritage.
Teaching focusses on the international master programs World Heritage Studies and Heritage Conservation and Site Management (taught in English) as well as Building and Conservation, Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning (taught in German). It also comprises training of doctoral candidates. The professor is expected to contribute actively to the DFG-funded Research Training Group on Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings and to BTU’s Graduate Research School.
For more information on this opportunity, see the full Position Description.
Application deadline: 1 January 2020
SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Planner, City of Perth
Cultural Heritage Planner
$95,351 – $101,156 per annum, plus superannuation
Permanent, Full time
The Cultural Heritage Planner role sits within the Activation and Cultural Experience Unit and Community Development Alliance.
This role manages and develops the City’s heritage program and focuses on high conservation outcomes and the City’s strategic objectives. The Cultural Heritage Planer builds and maintains community partnerships based on shared values and undertakes expert heritage assessments on development applications and proposals affecting places of cultural significance.
For more information about this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications close: 5pm, Friday 13 December 2019
SITUATIONS VACANT Various, World Monuments Fund
Since World Monuments Fund (WMF) was founded over half a century ago, it has been a ground-breaking organization conserving in an innovative way the world’s irreplaceable treasures — architectural and cultural sites that span the history of human civilization.
Cultural heritage sites are under constant attack by time, neglect, natural forces, and human actions. Preserving this heritage has from the beginning been the principal mission of WMF—working with local partners around the globe to provide financial and technical support for preservation, restoration, and long-term sustainability of these sites.
Roles available
- Vice President of Programs
- Conservator-in-Residence, Beijing, China
- Archives Intern – note deadline 15 December 2019
- 2020 Graduate Intern – Modernism Program – note deadline 20 December 2019
More information about all of these opportunities is available at the World Monuments Fund website. No application deadlines (other than those stated above), but note that applications will be reviewed and evaluated upon receipt.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131