[NEW ITEM] ‘Heritage of the Air’ conference, Canberra, 14-17 November 2019 – call for sessions & workshops
[NEW ITEM] Speaker announced | Jim Kerr Address | International Day on Monuments and Sites | 18 April 2019
[NEW ITEM] Parramatta North Heritage Core – Registration of Interest invited
[NEW ITEM] The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games conference, Munich, 7-8 November 2019 – call for papers
[NEW ITEM] SA Heritage Grants Program – applications open
[NEW ITEM] Funding of up to $7,000 for humanities sector women available
[NEW ITEM] PhD Scholarship in Critical Heritage Studies and the Belt and Road Initiative – UWA
[NEW ISSUE] Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – new issue available
[NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin
VICOMITES event – 22 February, Melbourne
The Burra Charter flow chart – PDF download available online
Historic Environment: Open Issue Call For Papers
International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, 17-21 June 2019, Bangkok – call for papers deadline 22 February
Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers deadline 28 February
CAMOC Annual Conference 2019, 2-5 September, Kyoto – call for papers deadline 1 March
CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – call for papers deadline 8 March
Hungry Town Heritage Symposium, 11 March, Melbourne
8th SSEASR Conference: Rivers and Religion: Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, 13-16 June 2019 – call for papers deadline: 30 March
2020 World Monuments Watch – nominations open: deadline 1 March
Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book) – call for papers deadline 1 March
Waverley Council’s 2019 Heritage and Design Awards – nominations close 1 March
Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards – submissions open until 3 March
Erasmus Mundus DYCLAM+ course on heritage and cultural landscapes – applications close 4 March
Living Heritage Grants Program – Round 4 applications open 4 March 2019
SITUATION VACANT Research Assistant – Heritage Places, Extent Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage WA, Perth
SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer – Australian Convict Sites, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Programs Officer (temp), NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Conservation and Infrastructure – Works Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] ‘Heritage of the Air’ conference, Canberra, 14-17 November 2019 – call for sessions & workshops

Deadline: 15 March
The ‘Heritage of the Air’ conference, organised by the Heritage of the Air ARC Linkage project and Australia ICOMOS, is happy to announce its call for session and workshop proposals.
This conference will attract a diverse range of delegates from academia, industry, communities and aviation heritage enthusiasts. We welcome contributions that combine diverse, cross-cutting conversations and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Conference Session Proposals
In line with the overall conference theme ‘Modernism, Machines, Migration and Memories’ we invite sessions addressing concepts of aviation culture, history, heritage and design, in Australia and the region, broadly interpreted. Sessions may address the following questions:
- How has aviation shaped, and been shaped by, the philosophies of modernism in diverse fields such as architecture, fashion and industrial design?
- How does aviation relate to technological utopianism, technology and culture, surveillance, AI, airmindedness, more-than-human assemblages, vibrant materiality?
- How has aviation created new kinds of communities: for example FIFO, transnational, corporate, and digital? How has aviation shaped migration globally and within Australia?
- How has aviation been remembered, collected, conserved and imagined through the 20th century through combinations of futurism and nostalgia?
We also welcome innovative, interdisciplinary proposals that address these conference themes in unanticipated ways!
Session proposals may take a range of forms:
Paper Sessions: Proposed length of papers (full papers 20 mins, short papers 10 mins – inclusive of question time) and the number of papers and discussants to be included. Alternative format proposals are welcomed.
Panel Sessions: Panelists discuss a specific theme, project or set of relevant issues pertaining to conference themes.
Workshop Sessions: Roundtable or other workshop format.
Exhibitions: Displays, screenings or exhibitions relating to conference themes.
Proposals for sessions should be submitted by 15 March for review and notification of acceptance by end of March. The call for sessions will be followed by a call for papers in April. Acceptance of papers will be notified by end of April.
Your proposal should include: title, time (number of papers or time in 1 hour blocks), rationale (300 words), names of participants if known.
Send proposals to Ashley Harrison via email.
2. [NEW ITEM] Speaker announced | Jim Kerr Address | International Day on Monuments and Sites | 18 April 2019
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce that Professor Bruce Pascoe will deliver the 2019 Jim Kerr Address. Professor Pascoe is the author of Dark Emu—the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards ‘Book of the Year’ 2016.
- ‘If we look at the evidence presented to us by the explorers and explain to our children that Aboriginal people did build houses, did build dams, did sow, irrigate and till the land, did alter the courses of rivers, did sew their clothes, and did construct a system of pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity, then it is likely we will admire and love our land all the more.’ — Bruce Pascoe
Venue, date & time: Utzon Room at the Sydney Opera House, 6:30pm, Thursday 18 April 2019
Tickets available soon. To reserve tickets or express interest in Alan Croker’s highly sought after pre-talk tour of the Opera House contact Don Wallace by email.
3. [NEW ITEM] Parramatta North Heritage Core – Registration of Interest invited
UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation’s vision is to inspire and enable the creation of extraordinary places.
In line with our vision, UrbanGrowth NSW is creating an aspirational place identity for Parramatta North’s publicly owned, nationally listed Heritage Core that is locally contextual, globally relevant and seeks to fill an unmet need in a rapidly developing urban landscape.
Submissions are now invited from organisations and individuals interested in working with us to realise the site’s potential.
We are looking for ideas for uses, programs, services and activities that could take place in buildings, and also the public spaces in between, to activate the Heritage Core.
Click here for more information and to submit your registration of interest today.
The Registration of Interest (ROI) has been extended for one week and will now close at 3pm on Monday 25 February 2019.
An additional site tour and ROI information session will be held this Saturday 16 February.
- Site Tour – 10.00am to 11.30am
- Information Session – 11.30am to 12.30pm
4. [NEW ITEM] The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games conference, Munich, 7-8 November 2019 – call for papers
“The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games. Historic Sports Facilities between Conservation and Conversion”
Munich, Olympic Park, 7-8 November 2019
A conference to be held by ICOMOS Germany and the City of Munich in November 2019 in cooperation with the Bavarian Heritage Conservation Authority and the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung (DASL). Using the example of the modern Olympic Summer Games, the event aims to analyse the role of sport in the modern society of the 20th century and explore and discuss the conservation chances and conflicts of Olympic Summer Game sites in a European and worldwide context.
For more information see the Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games_CfP.
Submission deadline: 15 March 2019
5. [NEW ITEM] SA Heritage Grants Program – applications open
In South Australia, we value our heritage places and want them to be protected, re-vitalised and invested in so that they continue to give our communities character and connect people with the stories of our state.
We have a rich architectural, historical and cultural heritage in South Australia and the state government wants to see the potential of our heritage places maximised, either by seeing them restored, adaptively reused, or by investing in them as tourism destinations.
We need to work hard to protect our 2,295 state heritage listed places so they can be enjoyed by generations of South Australians to come.
The state government has committed half a million dollars of grants to owners of state heritage properties to help them undertake vital preservation and restoration works.
Two grant rounds will be open with $250,000 in funding for each. Up to $5,000 will be available for simple projects, $10,000 for complex projects and $20,000 for major projects.
Applications are now open and will close on Friday 15 March 2019.
You can find more information and the application guidelines at this link.
Application deadline: 15 March
6. [NEW ITEM] Funding of up to $7,000 for humanities sector women available
Building on the success of last year’s ‘100 Days for Change’ campaign, Women & Leadership Australia is administering an initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s humanities sector.
The campaign is providing women with grants of between $3,000 and $7,000 to enable participation in a range of leadership development programs.
The scholarship funding is provided with the specific intent of providing powerful and effective development opportunities for humanities sector women; however the funding is strictly limited and has to be allocated prior to the end of March.
Expressions of Interest
Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form here prior to Friday 15 March.
7. [NEW ITEM] PhD Scholarship in Critical Heritage Studies and the Belt and Road Initiative – UWA
This scholarship is part of a research initiative on the use of history and heritage to advance 21st Century Silk Roads trade and diplomatic ties across Eurasia and the Indian Ocean Region.
Launched in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to ‘revive’ the overland and maritime trading routes, commonly known as the Silk Roads, for the 21st century. Driven by a highly ambitious language of regional connectivity, BRI seeks to build infrastructure, energy, foreign policy and people-people ties across Asia, Europe and East Africa.
For more information visit the University of Western Australia website or contact Tim Winter by email.
Applications close 5 April.
NOTE: The project managers reserve the right to make an appointment before the closing date if a suitable candidate is identified.
8. [NEW ISSUE] Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – new issue available
Engineering Heritage Australia’s Quarterly Magazine can be viewed here.
9. [NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage bulletin, click on the following link.
VICOMITES event – 22 February, Melbourne
Short talks series
Australia ICOMOS members, and prospective members, are invited to an evening of short talks and discussion on twentieth century Italian design and architecture. As well as presentations on Italian modern architecture (by David Wixted) and the city of Ivrea, home of Olivetti typewriters (Louise Honman), there will be a guided tour of the venue, the Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre, an 1860s common school recently refurbished as a community centre. The evening will be the first in a series of events to be held in Melbourne during 2019 where members or visiting guests will give short talks on topics ranging from current projects and recent trips to areas of specialist knowledge or interest. Refreshments will be provided.
Location: The Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre, 251 Faraday Street, Carlton
Date & Time: 5:30pm, Friday 22 February
RSVP: by email to Adam Mornement by Monday 18 February
The Burra Charter flow chart – PDF download available online
The Burra Charter flow chart is a graphical representation of The Burra Charter Process, which outlines the steps in planning for and managing a place of cultural significance. The download below forms part of the The Burra Charter, 2013. It may be reproduced in other publications, but must be done so in its entirety so that the headings and the citation in the footer remain intact.
>>Download The Burra Charter flow chart (PDF, 1.3MB)
The download above, the full Burra Charter, Practice Notes and other related documents are available at the Burra Charter webpage.
Historic Environment: Open Issue Call For Papers
The editors of Historic Environment, the refereed journal of Australia ICOMOS, encourage those undertaking critical interdisciplinary research in the field of cultural heritage and heritage conservation to put forward papers for publication in an open edition of the journal to be published during 2019.
Three issues of Historic Environment are published a year. Most issues are dedicated to special themes, but we also schedule open editions to include a more diverse range of current research. Recent issues of Historic Environment have covered themes including: ‘Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice’; ‘Conflict and Compassion’; ‘Digital Heritage’; ‘Asian Cities: Heritage, Image-Making and Nation-Building’; and ‘Sites of Consumption on the Fringes of Urban Heritage’.
All articles submitted to Historic Environment are double-blind peer-reviewed, and the journal was ranked ‘A’ under the former ERA classification scheme.
Please submit 500 word proposals to the Editor, Dr Tracy Ireland by email by 1 March 2019.
Full papers from selected proposals will be required by 1 May 2019.
For further information about Historic Environment and the guide for contributors visit the Historic Environment page.
Jewish Museum of Australia exclusive member’s tour, 26 February, Melbourne
Enjoy a free and exclusive member’s tour of the exhibitions and back of house of the Jewish Museum of Australia and a short question and answer session with the museum’s curators.
Date: Tuesday 26 February
Time: 2pm-4pm
Venue: Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda
Cost: Free, Museums Australia (Victoria) members only
International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, 17-21 June 2019, Bangkok – call for papers deadline 22 February
The 3rd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology is inviting papers on all aspects of archaeology in Southeast Asia until 22 February 2019.
The conference will be held from 17-21 June 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference will consist of three days of paper presentations, a day of site visits, and a day of workshops.
Please go to the conference website for a full list of sessions, and propose your paper through the online form. While all presentation and proposals must be in English, you are also highly encouraged to submit an abstract and title in the appropriate Southeast Asian language.
Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers deadline 28 February
‘Local Communities, Global Networks’: Australian Historical Association 2019 Conference
8-12 July 2019, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba
How have the local and the global intersected, inspired and transformed experiences within and from Australia’s history? How do the histories of Indigenous, imperial, migrant and the myriad of other communities and networks inform, contest and shape knowledge about Australia today? The conference theme speaks to the centrality of history for engaging with community and family networks. Constructing livelihoods within an empire and a nation that have had a global reach, local communities have responded in diverse ways. The varieties of historical enquiry into this past enrich our understanding of Australian and world history.
We welcome paper and panel proposals on any geographical area, time period or field of history, on the conference theme ‘Local Communities, Global Networks’.
Abstracts due: 28 February 2019
For more information, visit the conference website.
CAMOC Annual Conference 2019, 2-5 September, Kyoto – call for papers deadline 1 March
Call for papers and travel grants for the CAMOC Annual Conference 2019, which will be held within ICOM Kyoto on 2-5 September 2019
For the Kyoto meeting, CAMOC has established several very interesting partnerships – with the Regional Alliance ICOM-ASPAC and the ICOM-DEMHIST – and prepared a programme overflowing with ideas, experiences and inspiration. The exciting theme of CAMOC 2019 Annual Conference, City Museums as Cultural Hubs – Past, Present and Future, is a catalyst for the diversity of participants we are seeking this year as we look to examine the potential of connections between past and future.
You will find a detailed description of our planned sessions and activities in these documents: CAMOC Annual Conference 2019 CfP and CAMOC Annual Conference 2019 CfP – submission form
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2019
Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2019
Grant award notification: 10 April 2019
CHNT conference, 4-6 November 2019, Vienna – call for papers deadline 8 March
Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) conference
Monumental Computations: Digital archaeology of large urban and underground infrastructures
4-6 November 2019
Vienna, Austria
Call for proposals for sessions, round tables, workshops, and advanced archaeological trainings
In most countries, large urban development projects pose a challenge for organizations and individuals whose aim it is to preserve as much of the cultural heritage in the cities concerned as possible. Computational approaches are indispensable in all steps of a large urban development project because they:
– assist monument protection agencies in collaboration with urban planners to find the optimal compromise in terms of urban needs and preservation of known cultural heritage
– support the efficient documentation of monuments and archaeological sites before their destruction in the course of urban development activities
– include new and attractive methods of informing the public
A session proposal should identify a coherent topic within the broad theme outlined above.
More information about the call is available at this link.
Session organisers are responsible for soliciting high quality papers for the session and for overseeing the review process. Please note that for sessions consisting of 20 minute talks, contributors have to submit abstracts via this link.
Deadline for submissions: 8 March
Hungry Town Heritage Symposium, 11 March, Melbourne
Japanese Room, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne
Monday 11 March 2019, 9.15am-6.30pm
Join us for the annual ACAHUCH Labour Day Heritage Symposium. In 2019 we’ll explore new research into the value, purpose, form and history of spaces for the purchase, consumption and production of food. Dining trends come and go; the heritage of food consumption is often ephemeral. Fashions have embraced beer gardens, wineries, the celebrity chef, migrant cafes, the temperance movement, theatre restaurants, al fresco dining and more. In all cases design has played a crucial and formative part in shaping not only food culture or the built environment, but also social interaction itself. At Hungry Town we will discuss new understandings about the historical and heritage significance of the spaces and places of food.
Download the Hungry Town Flyer.
Bookings via this link.
8th SSEASR Conference: Rivers and Religion: Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, 13-16 June 2019 – call for papers deadline: 30 March
The Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) is organizing the 8th SSEASR Conference of the South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion on Rivers and Religion: Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia. The conference is scheduled for 13-16 June 2019 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
You are cordially invited to attend and present a paper on any subject covering the scope of the conference.
For more information visit the conference website.
The online registration form is at this link.
Important Dates
Early Registration Deadline: 28 February 2019
Panel Submission Closes: 15 February 2019
Last Submission of Abstract: 30 March 2019
2020 World Monuments Watch – nominations open: deadline 1 March
Nominations are now open for the 2020 World Monuments Watch – a program that uses cultural heritage conservation to empower communities and improve the sustainability of their cherished sites. Every two years, with support of founding sponsor American Express, we partner with citizens, activists, and experts in the field to recognize and take action at 25 significant sites in need around the world. The result? More resilient communities, enhanced social inclusion, and new skills in the conservation field and beyond.
Nominations will be accepted until Friday 1 March 2019.
Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book) – call for papers deadline 1 March
CfP: Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book)
Edited by Christina Lee and Erik Champion (Curtin University)
We are soliciting contributions for an edited book that will explore the affective landscapes – both real and imaginary – in screen tourism.
Screen tourism is a burgeoning global industry whereby tourists visit locations that are featured in or are associated with film and television texts (e.g. filming locations, theme parks, the creator’s former abode). This simultaneously niche yet mainstream market has now extended the bucket list of travel destinations to include the likes of Westeros (Dubrovnik, Game of Thrones), Middle-earth (New Zealand, The Lord of the Rings), and Platform 9¾ (London, Harry Potter).
The book will explore how affective landscapes in screen tourism are sights/sites of transformation, play and possibility. It will broach a spectrum of topics, ranging from the tourist’s/fan’s affective response to place, to the strategic design of ventures to enhance the experiential through creating senses of place and narrative. The book will further advance discussions of the future potential of the industry (e.g. use of mixed/augmented reality).
Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes will be a comprehensive collection of essays by international scholars and screen tourism practitioners, opening up a space for dialogue between the academy and industry. This interdisciplinary book will be informed by fields including cultural studies, tourism studies, media studies, cultural heritage and visualisation studies.
Possible areas of research include (but are not limited to):
- narrative and affective landscapes
- liminal spaces
- embodied experiences
- themed experiences and places
- augmenting place through technology
- modes of reality
- (popular) cultural heritage and authenticity
- the screen tourist’s gaze
- fandom communities and engagement
Chapters are expected to be approximately 6000–7500 words.
Proposals should be sent by email (in a Word document) to the Editors by 1 March 2019. This should include an abstract (250 words) and a short contributor bio (one paragraph including institutional affiliation, position and recent publications). Please note that the submission date for accepted papers is 4 October 2019.
Contributors, please address all inquiries and proposals to Dr Christina Lee by email.
Waverley Council’s 2019 Heritage and Design Awards – nominations close 1 March
Waverley’s Heritage and Design Awards acknowledge the building works, special accomplishments, projects and efforts which have furthered the goal of excellence in design and heritage conservation in Waverley. They recognise excellence and inspire better building design by promoting community awareness and acknowledging the architects and designers involved in enhancing distinctive character.
In 2019, a new category for Contribution has been established to recognise the efforts of an individual or group who have made a contribution to our heritage. This can include volunteers, professionals, organisations, community groups as well as events which showcase and promote our history, heritage and culture. Residents, owners, architects, designers, project managers and community groups are invited to nominate places and projects completed between 2017-2019 that meet the established eligibility criteria.
- Contemporary Design: Any contemporary project or study, including the design of public places
- Heritage: Any built heritage conservation project or study, or any adaptive reuse of a heritage structure
- Contribution: Any individual or group who have made a contribution to our heritage
For more information and to submit a nomination, please visit the Waverley Heritage and Design Awards webpage.
Contact: email the Heritage and Design Awards team.
Nominations close 1 March.
Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards – submissions open until 3 March
Submissions are now open for Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards.
The theme for 2019 is Reclaim and Restore.
The annual Awards celebrate Inner West Council’s rich cultural and architectural heritage. Council is specifically seeking imaginative and sensitive re-adaptions and renovations for the Marrickville Medal for Conservation, and creative eco-friendly buildings for the Sustainable Design Award.
The Inner West Built Environment Awards Marrickville Medal for Conservation – which has been awarded annually since 1995 – recognises building works that have positive conservation outcomes. This could include preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation or interpretation. The more recent Sustainable Design Award celebrates sustainable building design and practice in the Inner West local government area.
All the winners in the above categories will be chosen by independent panels of experts and specialists in the fields of heritage, architecture, photography, and sustainable design.
Applications close at midnight on Sunday 3 March 2019.
The awards will be held at Kirkbride Theatre and Foyer, Sydney College of the Arts, Balmain Road, Rozelle on Saturday 4 May 2019.
For more information please contact the Awards team by email or go to the Inner West Council website.
Erasmus Mundus DYCLAM+ course on heritage and cultural landscapes – applications close 4 March
DYCLAM+ (Dynamics of Cultural Landscapes Heritage Memory and conflictualities) aims to educate within 2 years (120 ECTS) experts and managers on restoration activities, sustainable exploitation, valorisation and numerical mediation of heritage and cultural landscapes. They will be able to understand the complexity of heritage issues (conflicts of interest, overexploitation of cultural sites, ideological and geopolitical manipulation, war…).
This study programme meets the needs that are identified by the European Union, UNESCO, international agencies and local communities. Moreover, by its scientific and technical content, its innovative methodology, its team of high-level lecturers, and its multidisciplinary spirit, DYCLAM+ aims to educate adaptable and operational practitioners, with a high potential of employability.
This Master grants a mobility scheme between the University of Jean Monnet in France for the 1st semester, the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar in Portugal for the 2nd semester, and the University of Babes Bolyai in Romania for 3rd semester. Furthermore, for the 4th semester, students have the choice whether to join the University of Federico II in Italy or to join one of the associated partners, who come from 14 academic institutions from 13 countries (Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Haiti, Japan, Netherlands, Senegal, Spain, United States) and 10 territorial actors of development and heritage protection (Blue Shield, CUECB, ICONEM, Institute Terra e Memoria, Herity international, CCIA Sibiu, Edinburgh World Heritage, Boquilobo National Park, the city of Firminy, and the UNESCO Chair on territorial cultural management).
The Master’s capacity can go up to 30 students per year, granting a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) in Planning, Urbanism, Humanities, Architecture, Engineering, Design, Art, Political Sciences, and Law. The teaching major language is French. DYCLAM+ delivers a joint degree of 3 national diplomas from each country. In addition, depending on the mobility path on the 4th semester, whether the student can receive an Italian diploma or a certificate from the hosting associated partner.
For more information, visit the course website (please note this website is in French only).
Applications close 4 March.
Living Heritage Grants Program – Round 4 applications open 4 March 2019
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage
Applications for Round 4 of the Victorian Government’s competitive community heritage grants program will open on 4 March 2019 and close on 10 May 2019.
Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register.
To find out if you are eligible, read the 2019 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions at the Living Heritage Program website.
The eligibility criteria include: requirements that the heritage place or object is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register; is ‘publicly accessible’; is for ‘eligible conservation projects’; and that the applicant is ‘eligible’ to apply.
Details on successfully funded projects in previous rounds, and more information, can also be found at the Living Heritage Program website or email the Living Heritage Grants Program team.
SITUATION VACANT Research Assistant – Heritage Places, Extent Heritage, Sydney
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is a leader in the field of cultural heritage management. Since 1998, our team has specialised in providing heritage and conservation advice for projects across Australia and the Asia-Pacific. We work with clients in both the public and private sectors to develop effective heritage management solutions for projects of all sizes and levels of complexity. We adopt a holistic approach to heritage management that balances the conservation needs of places against practical and timely commercial outcomes.
About the Role
The core business of our heritage places team broadly includes heritage advice and assessment, building conservation, interpretation, photographic documentation, and cultural heritage management.
This position will suit a highly motivated individual with well-developed research, writing and analytical skills, who enjoys working in a close-knit, supportive team environment. An understanding of New South Wales heritage legislation will be highly regarded.
To learn more about this exciting opportunity and to apply, click here.
Applications close COB Friday 22 February 2019.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage WA, Perth
About Extent Heritage WA
Extent Heritage WA is part of the Extent Heritage Pty Ltd family, respected heritage advisors to the public and private sectors across Australia and the Asia Pacific. Our team provide frank and informed advice to develop effective heritage management solutions for projects of various sizes and complexity. Our holistic, proactive and outcomes-focused approach to heritage management uncovers opportunities while balancing the conservation needs of places with practical and timely commercial outcomes.
About the Role
Extent Heritage WA has a permanent full-time opportunity for a Senior Heritage Advisor in our Perth office.
The Senior Heritage Advisor is responsible for carrying out a range of commercial consultancy projects, requiring skills in project management, stakeholder engagement, client liaison as well as key technical experience. The Senior Heritage Advisor will be required to undertake regular remote fieldwork throughout Western Australia and on occasion in other locations throughout Australia.
To learn more about this exciting opportunity and to apply, click here.
Applications close COB Friday 22 February 2019.
SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer – Australian Convict Sites, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney
Job Title: Executive Officer – Australian Convict Sites
Job Grade / Classification: Environment Officer Class 9
Location: Parramatta
Employment Type: Temporary up to 6 months (28 hours per week)
Closing Date: 24/02/2019 – 11:59 PM
Purpose of the role
This is a rare and unique opportunity to make a contribution to one of Australia’s internationally recognised World Heritage cultural sites, the Australian Convict Sites. The Australian Convict Sites comprises 11 sites across Australia and is 1 of 19 World Heritage listed properties in Australia. The Property tells the story of the forced migration of convicts to penal colonies in the 18th and 19th centuries and the global developments in the punishment of crime in modern times.
You will be working closely with the site managers and relevant government representatives that make up the Australian Convict Sites Steering Committee. You will be providing essential support and coordination to deliver the Committee’s World Heritage obligations for the Property across NSW, Western Australia, Tasmania and Norfolk Island. Experience in committee secretariat support is essential, as is demonstrated experience in working collaboratively. Some travel will be required.
A tertiary qualification in heritage and/or extensive heritage experience is desirable. An understanding of World Heritage matters is also desirable, but not essential.
0428 966 416 – Rochelle Johnston, Manager Statewide Programs
More information is available at this link.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Programs Officer (temp), NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney
Job Title: Senior Heritage Programs Officer
Job Grade / Classification: Environment Officer Class 10
Location: Parramatta
Type of Role: Temp up to 6 months
Primary purpose of the role
- Complete a Delivery Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Management Team that will implement the roll out of the Heritage Program across the Heritage Division
- Play a role in the management of all the Heritage Division’s programs, such as monitoring, evaluating, reporting and auditing
- Provide high level advice on program development and help develop the capabilities of teams within the Division to facilitate on ground program delivery
- Contribute to the delivery of the Heritage Division’s vision of Celebrating, Sharing and Connecting our stories, our history and places in NSW
For further information and to apply, click on this link.
Please contact Rochelle Johnston on (02) 9873 8548 for any additional enquiries.
Applications close 11.59pm, 19 February. (Note extended deadline)
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
GBA Heritage is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field with a good understanding of complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation, excellent project delivery skills, including the preparation of coherent, legible reports. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
For more information, click on the GBA Heritage Consultant position description.
This position is full-time.
SITUATION VACANT Conservation and Infrastructure – Works Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
Vacancy No: Works Manager (WM-19)
Closing Date: 5.00 PM, Friday 15 February 2019
Port Arthur Historic Sites is looking for a person with senior level experience in a built heritage environment and a background in heritage building and construction who is looking to join an experienced conservation and infrastructure management team. Engaging with World Heritage listed sites, and located at Port Arthur, you can make a significant contribution while working in one of the most beautiful locations in Tasmania.
The Port Arthur Historic Sites are important places of outstanding heritage values at local, state, national and international level. Come and be part of the team that works to conserve and protect these sites.
To fully appreciate how important PAHSMA is to our historical past and to Tasmania visit the Port Arthur website.
For more information on the position, contact Jane Harrington, Director – Conservation and Infrastructure on (03) 6251 2330 or email Jane.
For further information on the Statement of Duties and how to apply, click here.
SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
About Lovell Chen
Lovell Chen combines architects and designers with heritage consultants, planners, conservation specialists, historians, researchers, materials experts and other specialists in aspects of the built environment. We are a dynamic, innovative practice in the way we approach our work – bringing together strategic thinking, design skills, technical expertise, research and experience.
We are looking for an experienced Conservation Architect to join our team of dedicated heritage and conservation specialists to work on a broad range of heritage structures throughout Australia.
You should have an in-depth knowledge, technical expertise and experience in the conservation and restoration of historic structures. Technical knowledge of the repair and conservation of materials such as stone, masonry, stucco and plaster is a requirement.
Expected experience and qualifications:
- Minimum 8 years’ experience in a similar role
- Master of Architecture (or Bachelor equivalent)
- Post Graduate studies in Architectural Conservation or Materials Conservation an advantage
Immediate start available. The salary is negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience.
Please forward your CV to Lovell Chen by email.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131