Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 860


  1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Hans Dorn
  2. [NEW ITEM] Sydney Talk Series, 14 February
  3. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS University Forum Workshop “Thinking and planning the future in heritage management”, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-14 June 2019 – call for applications
  4. [NEW ITEM] National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage: Become a Member Today!
  5. [NEW ITEM] PhD grants available on Masonry Structures – EOI deadline 31 January
  6. [NEW ITEM] ‘Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture’ Film Screening, 30 January, Melbourne
  7. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Roofing workshop, Holbrook, NSW, 8 February
  8. [NEW ITEM] 2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, Turkey, 9-10 May 2019 – call for papers deadline extended
  9. [NEW ITEM] CIPA International Symposium, Ávila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019 – call for papers, news and updates
  10. [NEW ITEM] Management of Historic Buildings Training Course, Turkey, 10-13 February 2019
  11. [NEW ITEM] Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book) – call for papers
  12. [NEW ITEM] Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards – submissions open
  13. [NEW ITEM] Book on the history of wilderness conservation in Australia
  14. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  15. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin
  16. [NEW ISSUE] ISS Institute ‘Update’ Newsletter
  17. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM
  18. [NEW ISSUE] Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter








1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Hans Dorn

Dear Colleagues,
It is with great sadness that we advise of the passing away of Hans Dorn, on 31 December 2018 in Frankfurt. A significant figure in the global landscape architectural profession and friend of many.

Hans’s contribution to the profession is in many fields and the influence of his works and actions has been important in the global development of the profession and in practice.

In particular, Hans is remembered as a man of integrity, strength and wisdom. His leadership within the International Federation of Landscape Architects, particularly as Chair of the ICOMOS IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, is significant and has led to a greater understanding of policy and practice within this field. Hans’ friendship was shared by many within IFLA over a long period of time.

I first met Hans in 2000 where he distinguished himself with his global understanding of both the landscape architectural profession and the rapid emergence of cultural landscapes as one of the defining attributes of our profession. His influence was not only within IFLA, but also his representation extended to ICOMOS and UNESCO. I will remember Hans as a man of intelligence, style and humility. Our sincere condolences for his loss.
James Hayter
IFLA President

Read the Hans Dorn Commemoration-ISC CL ODonnell 10Jan2019.

Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Han’s family, friends and colleagues.


2. [NEW ITEM] Sydney Talk Series, 14 February

A CONVERSATION: All about Paddington

The first major history of Paddington in forty years was initiated by the Paddington Society, published by UNSW press in 2019. It provides a fresh and revealing perspective on this celebrated heritage suburb with leading historians and specialists exploring the makeup of Paddington’s diverse community – including its indigenous, colonial, post-war migrant, bohemian and LGBTQ residents and a succession of gentrifiers, discussing the evolution of the suburbs unique architecture and landscape.

Dr Greg Young, editor, will chair a conversation with a selection of chapter authors including Paul Irish, Rob Brown, Sharon Veale and Sheridan Burke. 

Time & Date: Thursday 14 February 2019, 5.30pm for 6pm start

Cost: Students $10, Members $15, Non-members $20; payable in cash at GML Heritage

Venue: GML Heritage, Level 6, Australia Council Building, 372 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, 2010 (corner of Cooper Street – south from Central Station North Concourse exit to Elizabeth Street). Please report to the reception desk on the Australia Council Ground Floor on arrival to be ticked off on the list and to obtain a Visitors Pass

RSVP: by Monday 11 February 2019 via email to Jane Vernon. Bookings are essential as places are limited

Australia ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO Australia, NSW Chapter AIA members are all invited to attend.

Copies/orders for sale of the freshly printed book on Paddington, published by NewSouth Books (UNSW Press) will be available at the talk. 

Download the Paddington talk at GML Feb 2019.


3. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS University Forum Workshop “Thinking and planning the future in heritage management”, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-14 June 2019 – call for applications

Call for applications to participate in the ICOMOS University Forum Workshop “Thinking and planning the future in heritage management”, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-14 June 2019, organised by the UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures at Linnaeus University, Sweden, and the School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, in collaboration with ICOMOS and ICOMOS Netherlands.  

Open to ICOMOS members and in particular emerging professionals. Only 10 places available – limited number of travel stipends available for emerging professionals.

See the ICOMOSUnivInitiative_AmsterdamWorkshop_Call_201901 for more information.

Application deadline: 8 February 2019.


4. [NEW ITEM] National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage: Become a Member Today!

What does Intangible Cultural Heritage mean to you? The Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH) aims to provide a focus for professional development, building awareness and advancing practice in relation to the intangible cultural heritage associated with places and environments, both natural and cultural.

Membership of the NSC is open to all Australia ICOMOS members with an active interest in, and/or professional experience or expertise concerning intangible cultural heritage in relation to place. If you would like to get involved with the Coordinating Group as well, we’ll be happy to hear from you!

To find out more about becoming a member, please visit our website or contact Lisa Sturis by email.


5. [NEW ITEM] PhD grants available on Masonry Structures – EOI deadline 31 January

The Historical and Masonry Structures at ISISE, University of Minho, will soon be opening two PhD grants on Masonry Structures. If you are interested in any of these positions, please send your résumé and indicate your subject preference to Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço by email by the end of January.

The PhD grants will address: (1) Experimental characterization of the performance of mixed cement-lime mortars in structural masonry applications focusing on bond, restrained movements and earthquake engineering; (2) Application of numerical tools and development of design rules for seismic strengthening of masonry-concrete mixed buildings, using near surface mounted twisted steel bars and shear walls tying.


6. [NEW ITEM] ‘Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture’ Film Screening, 30 January, Melbourne

‘Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture’ Film Screening
Date and time: Wednesday 30 January 2019, 6:00 – 7:30pm 
Location: Ian Potter Centre, NGV Australia – Federation Square

Taq Kasra, also known as the Arch of Ctesiphon, is considered the largest brick vault in the world. The iconic palace is a symbol of the Persian Empire in the Sasanian era (221–654 AD), when a major part of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) was part of Persia. The mysterious monument was abandoned after the Arab invasion of Persia (Iran) in the 7th century AD but has remained a source of inspiration for archaeologists, poets, and other travellers. Today, the monument is part of the shared memory of both Iran and Iraq. Taq Kasra was in serious danger of ISIS attacks in 2015–16 and this was the main motivation for documentary-maker Pejman Akbarzadeh, based in Holland, to travel to Iraq at that time and film the arch before it was potentially destroyed.

‘Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture’, the first-ever documentary film about this arch, explores various aspects of the site with respected architects, archaeologists, and scholars from around the world. The film also portrays the huge impact of the 20th-century wars and ideological policies on this ancient building.

Watch the trailer here

Register at this link


7. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Roofing workshop, Holbrook, NSW, 8 February

The Woolpack Inn Museum Holbrook Inc., in conjunction with Period Building Conservation, Stanley, Vic, and the Office of Environment and Heritage invite you to participate in a one-day workshop on the conservation of traditional roofing, materials and practices, to be held at the Anglican Community Centre, 36 Young Street, Holbrook, on Friday 8 February from 8am to 3pm.

The workshop will cover all types of materials and techniques likely to be found on roofs in the district, including corrugated iron, slate, terra cotta tiles, metal tiles, Asbestos Cement tiles, lead, copper, etc, with a particular emphasis on galvanised iron & steel roofs, flashings, gutters & rainwater goods, which are the most prevalent in the district.

For more information, see the Heritage Roofing Training Day leaflet.

Please register your interest for the event by emailing the Museum. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Museum’s Secretary, Wendy Swan, on mobile 0488 062 669. 

There is no charge for this event. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.



8. [NEW ITEM] 2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, Turkey, 9-10 May 2019 – call for papers deadline extended

2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism
Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey
9-10 May 2019

We, the conference organisers, are pleased to announce that at the request of authors and considering the massive number of abstracts received to date, the deadline for abstract submission for ICCAUA209 has been extended to 9 February 2019.

Other news about the conference is as follows:

– We have doubled the number of prospective authors who will get certificate of “Best Scientific Paper”
– We have doubled the number of prospective papers that will publish in the Scopus and the other available journals
– We have increased the discount for the accommodation (Conference venue) for the authors to 50 percent (all-inclusive – breakfast, lunch, dinner)
– We have also invited three more keynote speakers to the conference and are awaiting two more keynote speakers to get their confirmation to announce

For more information, please visit the conference website.


9. [NEW ITEM] CIPA International Symposium, Ávila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019 – call for papers, news and updates

CIPA International Symposium
1-5 September 2019
Ávila, Spain

The CIPA International Symposium is Open for Paper Submission – more information here

CIPA – International Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry – is an international non-profit organisation that applies technologies for the benefit of recording, conserving and documenting cultural heritage in all its possible forms. CIPA keeps up with technologies and ensures their usefulness for cultural heritage conservation, education and dissemination. CIPA, co-founded by ISPRS and ICOMOS in 1968, organises every odd year an international symposium.


22 February 2019: Deadline for Full Papers to be submitted in the ISPRS Annals

4 March 2019: Deadline for Abstracts to be submitted in the ISPRS Archives

Click here for more news and updates and also visit the symposium website.


10. [NEW ITEM] Management of Historic Buildings Training Course, Turkey, 10-13 February 2019

Management of Historic Buildings Training Course
10-13 February 2019
Istanbul, Turkey

A training course is organized, in partnership, by HeritageForAll Initiative and Al Fawz Management Training Center, to benefit professionals working at the heritage sites and historic buildings-based museums around the world. 

The course fee is 600 euro. There are only 30 places.

For more information, please visit the following links:

Event page

Registration page

HeritageForAll full e-newsletter – January 2019

Enquiries about the training course can be directed to the training teamwork by email.


11. [NEW ITEM] Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book) – call for papers

CfP: Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book)
Edited by Christina Lee and Erik Champion (Curtin University)

We are soliciting contributions for an edited book that will explore the affective landscapes – both real and imaginary – in screen tourism.

Screen tourism is a burgeoning global industry whereby tourists visit locations that are featured in or are associated with film and television texts (e.g. filming locations, theme parks, the creator’s former abode). This simultaneously niche yet mainstream market has now extended the bucket list of travel destinations to include the likes of Westeros (Dubrovnik, Game of Thrones), Middle-earth (New Zealand, The Lord of the Rings), and Platform 9¾ (London, Harry Potter).

The book will explore how affective landscapes in screen tourism are sights/sites of transformation, play and possibility. It will broach a spectrum of topics, ranging from the tourist’s/fan’s affective response to place, to the strategic design of ventures to enhance the experiential through creating senses of place and narrative. The book will further advance discussions of the future potential of the industry (e.g. use of mixed/augmented reality).

Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes will be a comprehensive collection of essays by international scholars and screen tourism practitioners, opening up a space for dialogue between the academy and industry. This interdisciplinary book will be informed by fields including cultural studies, tourism studies, media studies, cultural heritage and visualisation studies.

Possible areas of research include (but are not limited to):

  • narrative and affective landscapes
  • liminal spaces
  • embodied experiences
  • themed experiences and places
  • augmenting place through technology
  • modes of reality
  • (popular) cultural heritage and authenticity
  • the screen tourist’s gaze
  • fandom communities and engagement

Chapters are expected to be approximately 6000–7500 words.

Proposals should be sent by email (in a Word document) to the Editors by 1 March 2019. This should include an abstract (250 words) and a short contributor bio (one paragraph including institutional affiliation, position and recent publications). Please note that the submission date for accepted papers is 4 October 2019.

Contributors, please address all inquiries and proposals to Dr Christina Lee by email.


12. [NEW ITEM] Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards – submissions open

Submissions are now open for Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards.

The theme for 2019 is Reclaim and Restore.

The annual Awards celebrate Inner West Council’s rich cultural and architectural heritage. Council is specifically seeking imaginative and sensitive re-adaptions and renovations for the Marrickville Medal for Conservation, and creative eco-friendly buildings for the Sustainable Design Award.

The Inner West Built Environment Awards Marrickville Medal for Conservation – which has been awarded annually since 1995 – recognises building works that have positive conservation outcomes. This could include preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation or interpretation. The more recent Sustainable Design Award celebrates sustainable building design and practice in the Inner West local government area.

All the winners in the above categories will be chosen by independent panels of experts and specialists in the fields of heritage, architecture, photography, and sustainable design.

Applications close at midnight on Sunday 3 March 2019.

The awards will be held at Kirkbride Theatre and Foyer, Sydney College of the Arts, Balmain Road, Rozelle on Saturday 4 May 2019.

For more information please contact the Awards team by email or go to the Inner West Council website.


13. [NEW ITEM] Book on the history of wilderness conservation in Australia

Rescuing the Wilderness – the history of wilderness conservation in Australia
by Dr Geoff Mosley

An authoritative historical account that describes the campaigns that established national parks throughout Australia. This book will appeal to anyone interested in Australia’s wilderness, national parks and the political history of nature conservation.

For more information see the Rescuing the Wilderness flyer.


14. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.


15. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage bulletin, click on the following link.


16. [NEW ISSUE] ISS Institute ‘Update’ Newsletter

Read the latest edition of the ISS Institute’s Newsletter.


17. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


18. [NEW ISSUE] Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter

Click on the link below to read the latest newsletter from The Center for Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage.




Cultural Stability or Conflict Symposium, 31 January, Melbourne

Cultural Stability or Conflict Symposium
Date and time: THURSDAY 31 January 2019 (NOTE CORRECTED DATE)
Location: Deakin Downtown

West Asia is a volatile region representing an ethnolinguistic and religious imbrication of peoples and their practices throughout history. Many of the nation-states in the region are recent geopolitical designations, either resulting from colonial machinations of warring European powers or the fall of the Soviet Empire in the last century. The arbitrarily drawn borderlines do not account for geographical, cultural, historical, and ethno-religious continuities or fissures in the region. Therefore, various forms of identification and their concomitant tangible and intangible heritages straddle these borders. This border-straddling heritage can conceivably play a dual role. At certain historical junctures — such as moments of national rivalries or regional conflicts — heritage can furnish a substantive alibi for historical or ethnocentric claims and counter-claims, secessionist movements and intrigue. By the same token, at least in theory, heritage can play a more constructive role by facilitating various forms of understanding and dialogue.

More details in this flyer. Contact Ali Mozaffari by email if you wish to attend.




IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’, 27-29 March 2019, Portugal: early bird registration deadline 20 January

Early Bird fees for Symposium and Exhibition are available until 20 January 2019.

The IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’ will be held on 27-29 March 2019. The Symposium aims at providing an international forum for the debate on, among others, issues such as the sustainability of the built environment, risk assessment and asset management in infrastructures. In addition to Future Trends, the Symposium shall focus on cutting-edge issues, such as: Novel Management Tools for the Built Environment, Lifecycle Quality Control of Infrastructures, Advanced Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment and Risk Analysis Procedures. The Symposium is targeted at attendees from different stakeholders, respectively, from academia and industry.

Themes and Topics

1. Novel Management Tools for the Built Environment
2. Lifecycle Quality Control of New and Existing Infrastructures
3. Advanced Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment
4. Risk Analysis Procedures, from Theory to Practice
5. Future Trends in Structural Engineering

For more information and to register visit the symposium website.


Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers deadline 28 February

‘Local Communities, Global Networks’: Australian Historical Association 2019 Conference
8-12 July 2019, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba

How have the local and the global intersected, inspired and transformed experiences within and from Australia’s history? How do the histories of Indigenous, imperial, migrant and the myriad of other communities and networks inform, contest and shape knowledge about Australia today? The conference theme speaks to the centrality of history for engaging with community and family networks. Constructing livelihoods within an empire and a nation that have had a global reach, local communities have responded in diverse ways. The varieties of historical enquiry into this past enrich our understanding of Australian and world history.

We welcome paper and panel proposals on any geographical area, time period or field of history, on the conference theme ‘Local Communities, Global Networks’.

Abstracts due: 28 February 2019

For more information, visit the conference website.




Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – application deadline: 20 January

After 10 years of European funding, 350 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to 20 January 2019. This international course on the conservation of heritage structures was the winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and presents a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

This Masters Course, which is running its 12th Edition, is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, including the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).

The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, at the course website.


George Proudman Fellowship – application deadline: 29 January

Fostering the passion and skills of heritage stonemasonry in Australia

The George Proudman Fellowship provides opportunities for talented stonemasons to travel overseas to gain experience that may not be readily available in Australia. The Fellowship aims to provide individual skills enhancement for the benefit of heritage stonemasonry in Australia.

The George Proudman Fellowship was established to honour the legacy of the late George Proudman, who up until his death in 2000 was a passionate educator and advocate for the stonework conservation of culturally significant public buildings. As Master Mason of Department of Public Works in the 1970’s and 1980’s, George was instrumental in revitalising the craft of stonemasonry in NSW.

This program is open to trade qualified stonemasons working in NSW, who are citizens or permanent residents of Australia with two or more years of experience in traditional masonry works or repairs during apprenticeship or post apprenticeship employment.

Applications close on 29 January 2019.

For more information, visit the Minister’s Stonework Program website (& scroll down a wee bit).


Scholarships for the European Master in Building Information Modelling | BIM A+ – application deadline: 31 January

Applications for the European Master in Building Information Modelling, approved and financially sponsored by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, are opened up to 31 January 2019.

This Master Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed of University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications, as demonstrated by the significant engagement of industrial partners that are currently officially supporting the Master (>20).

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 25,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

Full details on the programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, can be found at the BIM A+ website.


National Policy on Indigenous Places Survey – invitation to participate; deadline 31 January 2019

Over the last ten years, there has been an emerging crisis regarding the preservation of Indigenous heritage places, as revealed by the national State of the Environment (SOE) reporting process, which looked at cultural as well as natural heritage Australia-wide. The 2016 SOE report has described these places as under incremental pressure.

Please take part in an online survey regarding whether the dismantling of Whitlam initiatives, active up until 2004 (eg. the Australian Heritage Commission and its grants program and the Register of the National Estate), has reduced or enhanced the effectiveness of national policy on Indigenous places.

The survey is being carried out by Prof Hilary du Cros as part of a study funded by the Whitlam Institute, within Western Sydney University. It is investigating aspects of the last 45 years of national policy on Indigenous places and will result in a consultation paper and an academic article on national policy on Indigenous places. This survey targets all groups of stakeholders concerned with the management of Australian Indigenous heritage places. The survey provides an opportunity for various stakeholder groups to share their views throughout the nation on how Indigenous heritage places policy can be enhanced.

The survey should only take about 15-20 minutes to complete and your response would be recorded anonymously. Please take the survey by clicking on this link.

The survey will be open until 31 January 2019.

If you have any questions prior to completing the survey, please email Hilary du Cros.


Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme – Heritage Specialist

The Australian and New Zealand Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme have activated the ‘Heritage Specialist’ category, which is now available to all heritage practitioners.

For more details, go the following webpages:




[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Lecturer – Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies, Deakin University

The role

Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at Deakin is internationally renowned for excellence in teaching and research. Our graduates go on to do amazing work as curators, collections managers, museum directors, and cultural heritage management planning, to name a few.

The Lecturer will be responsible for teaching, research and program development in the area of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies. This role will suit someone who has demonstrated potential to take on leadership opportunities within the discipline and School.

This is a full-time, on-going role based at our Melbourne Burwood campus; however, occasional travel between our Geelong and Burwood campuses will be required.

For more information, see the job ad on Seek.

Applications closes on 3 February 2019.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Lovell Chen, Melbourne

About Lovell Chen

Lovell Chen combines architects and designers with heritage consultants, planners, conservation specialists, historians, researchers, materials experts and other specialists in aspects of the built environment. We are a dynamic, innovative practice in the way we approach our work – bringing together strategic thinking, design skills, technical expertise, research and experience.

We are looking for an experienced Conservation Architect to join our team of dedicated heritage and conservation specialists to work on a broad range of heritage structures throughout Australia.

You should have an in-depth knowledge, technical expertise and experience in the conservation and restoration of historic structures. Technical knowledge of the repair and conservation of materials such as stone, masonry, stucco and plaster is a requirement.

Expected experience and qualifications:

  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in a similar role
  • Master of Architecture (or Bachelor equivalent)
  • Post Graduate studies in Architectural Conservation or Materials Conservation an advantage

Immediate start available. The salary is negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience.

Please forward your CV to Lovell Chen by email.


[NEW] SITUATIONS VACANT Various, Heritage Victoria

Heritage Victoria positions

VPS 4 Heritage Officer (Permits) (Position no 822081) – ongoing role

VPS 5 Senior Project Archaeologist (Major Transport Projects) (Position no 930511) – fixed term three years

VPS 5 Senior Project Heritage Officer (Major Transport Projects) (Position nos 920103 and 921297); two roles – fixed term three years

For the above roles, please go to the Vic Gov Careers website and search for them – note that these jobs may not yet be posted. This ad will be updated when more information is made available to us.

VPS3 Project Support Officer (Major Projects) – fixed term three years: direct weblink to this role


TENDER OPPORTUNITY Interpretation plan for Ninney Rise

Friends of Ninney Rise (FoNR) invite consultants to submit a proposal to prepare an interpretation plan for Ninney Rise.

Ninney Rise was pivotal to the identification and protection of what are now two World Heritage Areas: the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics of Queensland. Ninney Rise is located overlooking both.

The place is entered on the Queensland Heritage Register and is of potential national heritage significance. The place is leased to FoNR who, in partnership with the owner (Queensland Government’s National Parks department), have prepared a Conservation Management Plan and Detailed Fabric Survey aligned with the Burra Charter.

The Ninney Rise Interpretation Plan Project Brief provides details to assist consultants in preparing a proposal.

Proposals should include the following:

  • your proposed major activities, outputs and outcomes
  • why you are the appropriate consultant
  • your estimated fee

Proposals should be submitted by 6 February 2019 by email to Tony O’Malley and copied to Friends of Ninney Rise.

For any enquiries, please contact Tony O’Malley by email or on 0437 728 190.

FoNR has a number of potential sponsors to fund the successful consultant to prepare the interpretation plan. Following receipt of proposals, FoNR will assess the proposals and create a shortlist, with National Parks invited to participate in the assessment. FoNR will then provide the shortlist to the potential sponsors and negotiate funding for an agreed consultant.

The scope and start and end date of the consultancy is negotiable.

You are welcome to forward this information to other relevant consultants.


SITUATIONS VACANT Consultant role, GML Heritage

GML Heritage is a vibrant, attentive, and sustainable interdisciplinary consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our team provides strategic advice in heritage assessment, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, and heritage studies. We have expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation.

We are currently recruiting at the Consultant level in our Heritage Places, and Public History & Research teams.

Visit the GML Heritage website for more information.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne

Context is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced heritage consultant an opportunity to contribute to our growing business. This is a full-time position based Melbourne. We are prepared to consider applicants who are seeking part-time opportunities.

About Context

Context is part of the vibrant and progressive GML Heritage consultancy group with offices in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne (Context). We collaborate with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, urban and heritage planning, cultural landscapes, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, cultural heritage management, history, collections, community values, consultation, and interpretation. We have an outstanding portfolio of challenging and exciting projects and you will work alongside experienced practitioners in an engaged and supportive environment.

The Position

In this position you will provide high level heritage advice across a range of heritage services, including provision of statutory and strategic heritage advice, heritage assessments, conservation management plans, heritage impact assessments and other heritage related services.

For detailed information about this opportunity, visit this link.

If you are keen to join the Context team, send a covering letter, addressing the requirements of the position description, and stating why you feel this role would be a good fit for you, along with your CV to Context via email.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
