[NEW ITEM] Updated Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Regulations 2018
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Change Over Time journal, Spring 2020 issue – call for abstracts: deadline – 4 January 2019
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: National Policy on Indigenous Places Survey – invitation to participate; deadline 31 January 2019
[NEW ITEM] Cultural Stability or Conflict Symposium, 31 January, Melbourne
[UPDATED ITEM] International Scientific Symposium on Safety in Heritage, 7-9 May 2019, Madrid – call for contributions deadline extended to 15 January
[NEW ITEM] IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’, 27-29 March 2019, Portugal: early bird registration
[NEW ISSUE] ISS Institute Heritage Skills Initiative newsletter
[NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
[NEW ISSUE] News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
[NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Save the date – 2019 Australia ICOMOS conference (Canberra, 14-17 November) & call for conference committee members: deadline 24 December
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
Draft Practice Note released for comment by 12 January
HUNGRY TOWN symposium, 11 March 2019, Melbourne – call for papers deadline: 21 December
2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, 9-10 May 2019, Turkey – call for abstracts deadline: 9 January
Symposium of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC, 2-5 June 2019, Poland – call for projects deadline: 11 January
2nd International Conference on “Geomatics and Restoration”, 8-10 May 2019, Italy – call for abstracts deadline 11 January
Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers deadline 28 February
18th International Conference of National Trusts, Bermuda, 27–30 March 2019
National Trust of Australia (Victoria) EOI for Public Art Expert Advisory Committee: deadline – 21 December 2018
National Trust Architectural finishes training course, WA, February 2019 – register by 11 January 2019
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – application deadline: 20 January
George Proudman Fellowship – application deadline: 29 January
Scholarships for the European Master in Building Information Modelling | BIM A+ – application deadline: 31 January
Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme – Heritage Specialist
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Interpretation plan for Ninney Rise
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Nimbus Architecture and Heritage, Parramatta, NSW
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Architectural Assistant Graduate, Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners, Sydney
SITUATIONS VACANT Graduate and Consultant roles, GML Heritage
SITUATION VACANT Graduate and Heritage Consultants, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] Updated Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Regulations 2018
Cultural material is an important part of a nation’s identity. It includes artworks and historical, archaeological, numismatic, philatelic, science or technology objects. The Australian Government is committed to protecting Australian and foreign cultural property through legislation.
On 11 December 2018 the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Regulations 2018 (The Regulations) came into force. The Regulations support the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 and have been updated to implement some of the recommendations and principles of the Simpson Review.
The new Regulations can be found online here along with the Explanatory Statement which outlines the full details of all changes.
2. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Change Over Time journal, Spring 2020 issue – call for abstracts: deadline – 4 January 2019
The journal Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, published by the University of Pennsylvania Press, invites abstract submissions for the Spring 2020 issue.
9.2 SOUNDING HERITAGE | Guest Editor: Pamela Jordan
Material heritage is not constrained merely to what we see – what we hear conveys a broad range of information essential to shaping and recalling a sense of place. Sounds can enhance or dominate emplaced experience and be used to test, analyze, and sensorially reconstruct heritage. Yet the many roles played by sound remain largely unexamined in conservation practice. This issue seeks to draw together the various dimensions and neglected possibilities of sound in heritage towards their greater consideration in theory and practice.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 4 January 2019.
For more detailed information, see the COT Sounding Heritage CFA_FINAL.
3. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: National Policy on Indigenous Places Survey – invitation to participate; deadline 31 January 2019
Over the last ten years, there has been an emerging crisis regarding the preservation of Indigenous heritage places, as revealed by the national State of the Environment (SOE) reporting process, which looked at cultural as well as natural heritage Australia-wide. The 2016 SOE report has described these places as under incremental pressure.
Please take part in an online survey regarding whether the dismantling of Whitlam initiatives, active up until 2004 (eg. the Australian Heritage Commission and its grants program and the Register of the National Estate), has reduced or enhanced the effectiveness of national policy on Indigenous places.
The survey is being carried out by Prof Hilary du Cros as part of a study funded by the Whitlam Institute, within Western Sydney University. It is investigating aspects of the last 45 years of national policy on Indigenous places and will result in a consultation paper and an academic article on national policy on Indigenous places. This survey targets all groups of stakeholders concerned with the management of Australian Indigenous heritage places. The survey provides an opportunity for various stakeholder groups to share their views throughout the nation on how Indigenous heritage places policy can be enhanced.
The survey should only take about 15-20 minutes to complete and your response would be recorded anonymously. Please take the survey by clicking on this link.
The survey will be open until 31 January 2019.
If you have any questions prior to completing the survey, please email Hilary du Cros.
4. [NEW ITEM] Cultural Stability or Conflict Symposium, 31 January, Melbourne
Cultural Stability or Conflict Symposium
Date and time: Tuesday 31 January 2019
Location: Deakin Downtown
West Asia is a volatile region representing an ethnolinguistic and religious imbrication of peoples and their practices throughout history. Many of the nation-states in the region are recent geopolitical designations, either resulting from colonial machinations of warring European powers or the fall of the Soviet Empire in the last century. The arbitrarily drawn borderlines do not account for geographical, cultural, historical, and ethno-religious continuities or fissures in the region. Therefore, various forms of identification and their concomitant tangible and intangible heritages straddle these borders. This border-straddling heritage can conceivably play a dual role. At certain historical junctures — such as moments of national rivalries or regional conflicts — heritage can furnish a substantive alibi for historical or ethnocentric claims and counter-claims, secessionist movements and intrigue. By the same token, at least in theory, heritage can play a more constructive role by facilitating various forms of understanding and dialogue.
More details in this flyer. Contact Ali Mozaffari by email if you wish to attend.
5. [UPDATED ITEM] International Scientific Symposium on Safety in Heritage, 7-9 May 2019, Madrid – call for contributions deadline extended to 15 January
The International Scientific Symposium on Safety in Heritage will take place in Madrid, organized by the EKABA Foundation and with the participation of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage.
The Symposium will focus on safety in cultural assets, paying special attention to visitors. The Symposium key speakers will be: Glenn Boornazian, Joäo Carrilho da Graça, Mohamed Es Semmar, Jose María Ezquiaga, Gunny Harboe, Ward Miller, Pedro Salmerón, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Ana Tostões, Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero and Antoine Wilmering.
You may send your contribution to the Symposium by 15 January 2019, following the instructions at the symposium website.
For more information, including the updated program, as well as for those who might be interested in attending and as there are limited places, please register through the symposium website.
6. [NEW ITEM] IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’, 27-29 March 2019, Portugal: early bird registration
Early Bird fees for Symposium and Exhibition are available until 20 January 2019.
The IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’ will be held on 27-29 March 2019. The Symposium aims at providing an international forum for the debate on, among others, issues such as the sustainability of the built environment, risk assessment and asset management in infrastructures. In addition to Future Trends, the Symposium shall focus on cutting-edge issues, such as: Novel Management Tools for the Built Environment, Lifecycle Quality Control of Infrastructures, Advanced Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment and Risk Analysis Procedures. The Symposium is targeted at attendees from different stakeholders, respectively, from academia and industry.
Themes and Topics
1. Novel Management Tools for the Built Environment
2. Lifecycle Quality Control of New and Existing Infrastructures
3. Advanced Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment
4. Risk Analysis Procedures, from Theory to Practice
5. Future Trends in Structural Engineering
For more information and to register visit the symposium website.
7. [NEW ISSUE] ISS Institute Heritage Skills Initiative newsletter
Read the latest edition of the ISS Institute Heritage Skills Initiative newsletter
8. [NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
Please note – the above link goes to the previous issue but this will be fixed shortly.
9. [NEW ISSUE] News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.
11. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
Save the date – 2019 Australia ICOMOS conference (Canberra, 14-17 November) & call for conference committee members: deadline 24 December
Save the Date for next year’s exciting Australia ICOMOS conference to be held in Canberra on 14-17 November 2019. Heritage of the Air will reflect on 20th century heritage and how aviation has shaped the imagination and design of modernity.
Expressions of Interest are invited from members interested in being involved in organising the 2019 Australia ICOMOS conference in Canberra – see details in the Heritage of the Air 2019 flyer. Committee members might contribute in a number of roles related to: academic/practitioner focused program development, promotion and outreach, sponsorship, volunteer co-ordination, building links to GA2020 program, associated events and activities, etc.
Please email Tracy Ireland to express interest by 24 December. Please mention what kind of role you might contribute to. Committee members need not be based in Canberra. While a Canberra based core will be important, there will be roles for members in other areas.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from noonish Friday 21 December 2018 to Friday 11 January 2019 inclusive. The office will re-open on Monday 14 January 2019, and the first e-newsletter for 2019 will be published on Friday 18 January.
The final e-newsletter for 2018 will be published on Friday 21 December 2018.
Draft Practice Note released for comment by 12 January
DRAFT Practice Note 1: Built Environment
The NSCES (NSC on Energy and Sustainability) is happy to announce the Draft Practice Note on Sustainability and Heritage in the Built Environment – the first in a series of practice notes in energy, sustainability and climate change in heritage by the NSCES.
The purpose of this practice note is to promote the benefits and importance of the conservation of heritage places as part of the ongoing protection and sustainability of the world’s increasingly scarce resources, and to promote recognition of the sustainability inherent in heritage practice.
The draft document is available at this link.
We are happy to receive feedback or comments by 12 January 2018, by email to Noni Boyd.
HUNGRY TOWN symposium, 11 March 2019, Melbourne – call for papers deadline: 21 December
ACAHUCH (Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage) is planning its second one-day Labour Day (Monday 11 March, 2019) symposium, this time presenting new research and directions in the field of food, place and heritage. Dining trends come and go; the heritage of food consumption is often ephemeral. Fashions have, at turns, embraced beer gardens, wineries, the phenomenon of the celebrity chef, migrant cafes, the temperance movement, theatre restaurants, al fresco dining and more. In all cases design has played a crucial and formative part in shaping not only food culture or the built environment, but also social interaction itself. We are seeking contributors to sessions based around themes exploring the value, purpose, form and history of spaces for the purchase, consumption and even production of food.
For more information, see the full call for papers here or email the ACAHUCH team.
Abstracts of 250 words are due by 21 December 2018.
2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, 9-10 May 2019, Turkey – call for abstracts deadline: 9 January
2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism
Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey
9-10 May 2019
Deadline for Abstract submission: 9 January 2019
The 2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism is organized by Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University. The Conference brings together all the theories, manifestos and methodologies on contemporary architecture and urban spaces to raise the understanding for the future of architecture and urban planning. Overall, the conference of contemporary architecture and urban affairs aims to establish a bridge between theory and practice in the built environment. Thus, it reports on the latest research findings and innovative approaches, methodologies for creating, assessing, and understanding of contemporary built environments.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Symposium of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC, 2-5 June 2019, Poland – call for projects deadline: 11 January
Submit a candidacy for the Symposium sessions of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC – for presentation at the Symposium of the 15th World Congress of the Organisation of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), 2-5 June 2019, Poland
The aim of this call for projects is to identify relevant projects implemented in the member cities of the OWHC in order to present them at the 15th World Congress Symposium. The selected projects will be integrated into the various sessions dedicated to the theme “Heritage and Tourism: Local Communities and Visitors – Sharing Responsibilities”, to allow exchanges among the participants of the Congress.
The deadline for submitting a project is 11 January 12019.
For more information click here.
2nd International Conference on “Geomatics and Restoration”, 8-10 May 2019, Italy – call for abstracts deadline 11 January
2nd International Conference on “Geomatics and Restoration” – GEORES2019
8-10 May 2019
Milan, Italy
GEORES2019 is organized by: Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (DABC) & Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU).
Co-organizers: Università degli Studi Firenze (UNIFI) and Politecnico di Torino (POLITO).
The conference is organized as an ISPRS and ICOMOS-CIPA Heritage Documentation event.
The conference is also supported by ISPRS, ICOMOS-CIPA Heritage Documentation, AUTEC, SIRA, SIFET, ICOMOS, EU ERA Chair on DH, UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Cultural Heritage at CUT.
The conference is an occasion for the experts of the two worlds of Geomatics and Restoration of Cultural Heritage to meet, share, exchange and explore common needs and new approaches in domain of heritage management.
Extended abstract submission: 11 January 2019
Acceptance notification: 8 February 2019
Camera ready submission: 15 March 2019
Young Researcher Workshop: 6-7 May 2019
Abstract should be at maximum 5000 characters possibly with figures, accepted articles will be published in the ISPRS International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Selected contributions will be suggested for a Journal Special Issue.
During the Conference a set of Special Sessions will be organized in the form of GEO&RES co-working groups. Co-working groups will discuss specific topics for which the contribution of Geomatics and Restores is of primary importance, among other: HBIM – LOD, LOI, LOG and accuracy definition; Monitoring&Restoration: Built Environment and Infrastructure; Semantics and Big Data Hubs in Cultural Heritage; Interactive content based VR/AR/Virtual Museum. Oral Sessions will be related to the co-working group topics.
The workshop aims to establish the first contact between geomatics and restorers, to discuss and to interchange ideas about Cultural Heritage documentation and HBIM.
More information is available at the conference website.
Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers deadline 28 February
‘Local Communities, Global Networks’: Australian Historical Association 2019 Conference
8-12 July 2019, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba
How have the local and the global intersected, inspired and transformed experiences within and from Australia’s history? How do the histories of Indigenous, imperial, migrant and the myriad of other communities and networks inform, contest and shape knowledge about Australia today? The conference theme speaks to the centrality of history for engaging with community and family networks. Constructing livelihoods within an empire and a nation that have had a global reach, local communities have responded in diverse ways. The varieties of historical enquiry into this past enrich our understanding of Australian and world history.
We welcome paper and panel proposals on any geographical area, time period or field of history, on the conference theme ‘Local Communities, Global Networks’.
Abstracts due: 28 February 2019
For more information, visit the conference website.
18th International Conference of National Trusts, Bermuda, 27–30 March 2019
The next International Conference of National Trusts, 18th ICNT, hosted by INTO (International National Trusts Organisation) and the National Trust of Bermuda, will take place in Bermuda, 27–30 March 2019. The early-bird registration rate is open until 16 December.
The conference aims to strengthen the global National Trust network in the protection and preservation of heritage through a deeper engagement of its diverse local communities, and to bring member and like-minded organisations together to share information, best practices and inspiration.
The theme of the conference is “Arms Wide Open” and the recurring thread throughout the conference will be to discuss and explore how National Trusts and preservation societies around the world can be more diverse and inclusive, to ensure that the preservation and awareness of heritage is fully reflected across their communities.
For more information, visit the conference website.
National Trust of Australia (Victoria) EOI for Public Art Expert Advisory Committee: deadline – 21 December 2018
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) (National Trust) is calling for Expressions of Interest from interested experts and professionals for membership of the Public Art Expert Advisory Committee, which advises the National Trust Heritage Committee on advocacy issues. The Heritage Committee, a standing committee of the National Trust Board, guides the Trust’s advocacy work.
Due Date: Friday 21 December 2018
Contact: Jessica Hood, Community Advocate Environmental Heritage, email Jessica, ph: (03) 9656 9823
The Public Art Expert Advisory Committee works to increase the understanding, protection and appreciation of public art in Victoria and supports best practice in its conservation and enhancement. The committee does this through raising awareness of public art values, issues, threats and opportunities and in advocating for the protection and enhancement of public art. The committee also prepares classifications for significant works of public art and assists in the preparation of policies on current public art issues.
Expressions of Interest
EOIs must include a resume detailing qualifications and experience, and a one-page statement detailing the applicant’s proven commitment to public art protection, promotion and/or advocacy.
We are particularly looking for members with Public Art expertise in the following areas:
• Art conservation
• Art practice
• Community engagement
• Planning
• Urban Design & Place making
• Planning and Environmental Law
• Heritage Architecture
• Art History
Commitment Required
Expert Advisory Committees meet quarterly and report to the Heritage Committee. Meetings are generally held from 5-7pm at Tasma Terrace in East Melbourne. The 2019 committee meeting schedule will be confirmed in late 2018. National Trust staff may call on committee members for feedback and advice throughout the year. The Heritage Committee would also like to establish a register of experts and professionals who would be willing to contribute on an ad-hoc basis, be available to be called on for specific projects, advice or hearings.
National Trust Architectural finishes training course, WA, February 2019 – register by 11 January 2019
We invite you to join a practical 5 day workshop to learn professional colour investigation techniques.
Led by Dr Donald Elsmore, you will investigate historic colour schemes at Woodbridge in small teams of four. You will learn a technique to record paint and plaster samples by resin mounting these samples in a laboratory setting at the University of Western Australia. Information is provided in themed discussions with visual presentations, practical activities and site visits. The foundation research tools of paint sampling and photomicroscopy will be applied by participants at Woodbridge.
For more information, download the Architectural finishes training course flyer.
Participant fee $800 inc GST; Student Fee $500 inc GST
Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
One 5 day program: 9am, Monday 11 February 2019 to 2pm, Friday 15 February 2019
Woodbridge, Ford St, Woodbridge, WA
University of Western Australia, Crawley
Essential by 11 January 2019 – places are limited to 20 participants – register via this link
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – application deadline: 20 January
After 10 years of European funding, 350 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to 20 January 2019. This international course on the conservation of heritage structures was the winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and presents a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
This Masters Course, which is running its 12th Edition, is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, including the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).
The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, at the course website.
George Proudman Fellowship – application deadline: 29 January
Fostering the passion and skills of heritage stonemasonry in Australia
The George Proudman Fellowship provides opportunities for talented stonemasons to travel overseas to gain experience that may not be readily available in Australia. The Fellowship aims to provide individual skills enhancement for the benefit of heritage stonemasonry in Australia.
The George Proudman Fellowship was established to honour the legacy of the late George Proudman, who up until his death in 2000 was a passionate educator and advocate for the stonework conservation of culturally significant public buildings. As Master Mason of Department of Public Works in the 1970’s and 1980’s, George was instrumental in revitalising the craft of stonemasonry in NSW.
This program is open to trade qualified stonemasons working in NSW, who are citizens or permanent residents of Australia with two or more years of experience in traditional masonry works or repairs during apprenticeship or post apprenticeship employment.
Applications close on 29 January 2019.
For more information, visit the Minister’s Stonework Program website (& scroll down a wee bit).
Scholarships for the European Master in Building Information Modelling | BIM A+ – application deadline: 31 January
Applications for the European Master in Building Information Modelling, approved and financially sponsored by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, are opened up to 31 January 2019.
This Master Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed of University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications, as demonstrated by the significant engagement of industrial partners that are currently officially supporting the Master (>20).
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 25,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Full details on the programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, can be found at the BIM A+ website.
Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme – Heritage Specialist
The Australian and New Zealand Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme have activated the ‘Heritage Specialist’ category, which is now available to all heritage practitioners.
For more details, go the following webpages:
- CEnvP Application form
- CEnvP Heritage Specialist Guidance Notes
- CEnvP Heritage Application Fees
- CEnvP Heritage Renewal Fees
Forthcoming book on roads and road tourism
Rosemary Kerr, Roads, Tourism and Cultural History: On the Road in Australia (Channel View Publications, 2019)
This book explores how Australian travellers, writers and film makers have imagined, experienced and represented roads and road travel over time – from Aboriginal songlines to modern-day road trips. It also tells the stories of iconic roads, including the Birdsville Track, Stuart Highway and Great Ocean Road, and suggests alternative approaches to heritage and tourism interpretation of these important routes. The volume offers a new way of thinking about roads and road tourism as important strands in a nation’s cultural fabric.
For further information and to pre-order, visit this link. A 75% discount is available until 31 December 2018 by using the code KERR75 at the checkout.
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Interpretation plan for Ninney Rise
Friends of Ninney Rise (FoNR) invite consultants to submit a proposal to prepare an interpretation plan for Ninney Rise.
Ninney Rise was pivotal to the identification and protection of what are now two World Heritage Areas: the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics of Queensland. Ninney Rise is located overlooking both.
The place is entered on the Queensland Heritage Register and is of potential national heritage significance. The place is leased to FoNR who, in partnership with the owner (Queensland Government’s National Parks department), have prepared a Conservation Management Plan and Detailed Fabric Survey aligned with the Burra Charter.
The Ninney Rise Interpretation Plan Project Brief provides details to assist consultants in preparing a proposal.
Proposals should include the following:
- your proposed major activities, outputs and outcomes
- why you are the appropriate consultant
- your estimated fee
Proposals should be submitted by 6 February 2019 by email to Tony O’Malley and copied to Friends of Ninney Rise.
For any enquiries, please contact Tony O’Malley by email or on 0437 728 190.
FoNR has a number of potential sponsors to fund the successful consultant to prepare the interpretation plan. Following receipt of proposals, FoNR will assess the proposals and create a shortlist, with National Parks invited to participate in the assessment. FoNR will then provide the shortlist to the potential sponsors and negotiate funding for an agreed consultant.
The scope and start and end date of the consultancy is negotiable.
You are welcome to forward this information to other relevant consultants.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Nimbus Architecture and Heritage, Parramatta, NSW
Nimbus Architecture and Heritage is a vibrant and energetic multidisciplinary team environment with a positive atmosphere. Currently there is a vacancy for a Heritage Consultant role to assist with a large variety of work and projects. We are based in Parramatta NSW and close to public transport. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Christopher or give Christopher a call on (02) 9891 3564 or +61 0404 010 925 for a discussion and to arrange an interview.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Architectural Assistant Graduate, Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners, Sydney
Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners have a vacancy for an Architectural Assistant Graduate with demonstrated interest in heritage buildings for a full-time position. The applicant must have a bachelor or master degree in architecture. AutoCAD experience is an advantage. Please apply in writing with CV to Lucas Stapleton Johnson by email.
For more information about this role, visit this link.
SITUATIONS VACANT Graduate and Consultant roles, GML Heritage
GML Heritage is a vibrant, attentive, and sustainable interdisciplinary consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our team provides strategic advice in heritage assessment, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, and heritage studies. We have expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation.
We are currently recruiting at the Graduate and Consultant levels in our Heritage Places, and Public History & Research teams.
Visit the GML Heritage website for more information.
SITUATION VACANT Graduate and Heritage Consultants, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
Trethowan Architecture has vacancies for both Graduate and Heritage Consultant roles to assist with a large variety of work and projects. Great office environment. Based in Cremorne and close to public transport. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Mark Stephenson or give Mark a call on (03) 9421 5448 for an informal chat or further information.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
Context is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced heritage consultant an opportunity to contribute to our growing business. This is a full-time position based Melbourne. We are prepared to consider applicants who are seeking part-time opportunities.
About Context
Context is part of the vibrant and progressive GML Heritage consultancy group with offices in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne (Context). We collaborate with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, urban and heritage planning, cultural landscapes, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, cultural heritage management, history, collections, community values, consultation, and interpretation. We have an outstanding portfolio of challenging and exciting projects and you will work alongside experienced practitioners in an engaged and supportive environment.
The Position
In this position you will provide high level heritage advice across a range of heritage services, including provision of statutory and strategic heritage advice, heritage assessments, conservation management plans, heritage impact assessments and other heritage related services.
For detailed information about this opportunity, visit this link.
If you are keen to join the Context team, send a covering letter, addressing the requirements of the position description, and stating why you feel this role would be a good fit for you, along with your CV to Annabel Neylon via email.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Melbourne
Job Description
Are you ready for the next step in your career? RPS is looking to appoint a Heritage Manager who will play a key role in contributing to and identifying opportunities for the Heritage team to grow and expand their capabilities.
The Heritage Manager will also contribute to the Melbourne Heritage team by providing high quality technical and client management skills. As well as, working closely with the General Manager and Heritage Discipline Leader to provide operational support and functional reporting in order to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the Melbourne heritage team
This exciting opportunity will allow you to take that next step in your career whilst still directly contributing to existing and future projects throughout Melbourne.
For more information about this opportunity, click here.
Download the RPS Group_Heritage Manager, VIC position description.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131