Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 857


  1. [NEW ITEM] Commonwealth State of the Environment Reporting – members’ input sought
  2. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
  3. [NEW ITEM] Draft Practice Note released for comment
  4. [NEW ITEM] 21st Assembly and International Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, “Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, 1-3 March 2019 – call for abstracts: deadline extended to 15 December
  5. [NEW ITEM] Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers
  6. [NEW ITEM] Forthcoming book on roads and road tourism
  7. [NEW ITEM] 18th International Conference of National Trusts, Bermuda, 27–30 March 2019
  8. [NEW ITEM] Blue Shield Australia Annual Report
  9. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  10. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM








1. [NEW ITEM] Commonwealth State of the Environment Reporting – members’ input sought

In the lead-up to the next cycle of State of the Environment Reporting in 2021, Australia ICOMOS is interested to hear from members about their views on the 2016 report. At this stage, just brief responses would be most helpful, perhaps addressing positive aspects of the 2016 report as well as any issues of concern or recommendations for the 2021 report. Please email your brief responses to Duncan Marshall by 16 December.


2. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season

The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from noonish Friday 21 December 2018 to Friday 11 January 2019 inclusive. The office will re-open on Monday 14 January 2019, and the first e-newsletter for 2019 will be published on Friday 18 January.

The final e-newsletter for 2018 will be published on Friday 21 December 2018.


3. [NEW ITEM] Draft Practice Note released for comment

DRAFT Practice Note 1: Built Environment 

The NSCES (NSC on Energy and Sustainability) is happy to announce the Draft Practice Note on Sustainability and Heritage in the Built Environment – the first in a series of practice notes in energy, sustainability and climate change in heritage by the NSCES.

The purpose of this practice note is to promote the benefits and importance of the conservation of heritage places as part of the ongoing protection and sustainability of the world’s increasingly scarce resources, and to promote recognition of the sustainability inherent in heritage practice.

The draft document is available at this link.

We are happy to receive feedback or comments by 12 January 2018, by email to Noni Boyd.


4. [UPDATED ITEM] 21st Assembly and International Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, “Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, 1-3 March 2019 – call for abstracts: deadline extended to 15 December

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism are pleased to invite you to the 2019 International Symposium “Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, to be held during the 21st General Assembly of the Foundation’s Life Beyond Tourism Movement, in Florence in March 2019.

The Life Beyond Tourism Movement got its take off with the past General Assembly (March 2018). The 2019 edition “HERITAGE as a BUILDER of PEACE” Symposium marks the following milestones:

  • The dissemination of the Foundation’s “Life Beyond Tourism Movement” into and out of the Foundation’s network, to actively contribute to see the World Heritage Sites as a great opportunity for letting people meet and promoting, thus, dialogue among cultures for the growth of the international Community in Peaceful Coexistence: “At Heritage Sites – which work for peace – heritage acquires a soul, protecting and enhancing itself and educating visitors, residents and all the actors of the travelling chain to protect all the heritage and planet Earth”.
  • The promotion of the Local Cultural Expressions – as artisans, local typical products makers, etc. – with the knowledge of their territory – as a great opportunity to make closer relations between visitors and local communities: an opportunity of starting a relationship of collaboration between these people on the way towards mutual understanding.
  • Exchange and debate on a platform between the International Community of academics and practitioners in environment, heritage and travel with the representatives of the local cultural expressions and intangibilities.
  • The launch of an appeal “Building Peace through Heritage” for a new way to look at Heritage Sites as a training ground for dialogue among various cultures.

More information about the Call for Abstracts is available at this link. Abstract submission deadline is 15 December 2018.


5. [NEW ITEM] Australian Historical Association conference, 8-12 July 2019, Queensland – call for papers

‘Local Communities, Global Networks’: Australian Historical Association 2019 Conference
8-12 July 2019, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba

How have the local and the global intersected, inspired and transformed experiences within and from Australia’s history? How do the histories of Indigenous, imperial, migrant and the myriad of other communities and networks inform, contest and shape knowledge about Australia today? The conference theme speaks to the centrality of history for engaging with community and family networks. Constructing livelihoods within an empire and a nation that have had a global reach, local communities have responded in diverse ways. The varieties of historical enquiry into this past enrich our understanding of Australian and world history.

We welcome paper and panel proposals on any geographical area, time period or field of history, on the conference theme ‘Local Communities, Global Networks’.

Abstracts due: 28 February 2019

For more information, visit the conference website.


6. [NEW ITEM] Forthcoming book on roads and road tourism

Rosemary Kerr, Roads, Tourism and Cultural History: On the Road in Australia (Channel View Publications, 2019)

This book explores how Australian travellers, writers and film makers have imagined, experienced and represented roads and road travel over time – from Aboriginal songlines to modern-day road trips. It also tells the stories of iconic roads, including the Birdsville Track, Stuart Highway and Great Ocean Road, and suggests alternative approaches to heritage and tourism interpretation of these important routes. The volume offers a new way of thinking about roads and road tourism as important strands in a nation’s cultural fabric.

For further information and to pre-order, visit this link. A 75% discount is available until 31 December 2018 by using the code KERR75 at the checkout.


7. [NEW ITEM] 18th International Conference of National Trusts, Bermuda, 27–30 March 2019

The next International Conference of National Trusts, 18th ICNT, hosted by INTO (International National Trusts Organisation) and the National Trust of Bermuda, will take place in Bermuda, 27–30 March 2019. The early-bird registration rate is open until 16 December.

The conference aims to strengthen the global National Trust network in the protection and preservation of heritage through a deeper engagement of its diverse local communities, and to bring member and like-minded organisations together to share information, best practices and inspiration.

The theme of the conference is “Arms Wide Open” and the recurring thread throughout the conference will be to discuss and explore how National Trusts and preservation societies around the world can be more diverse and inclusive, to ensure that the preservation and awareness of heritage is fully reflected across their communities.

For more information, visit the conference website.


8. [NEW ITEM] Blue Shield Australia Annual Report

To read about the latest activities of Blue Shield Australia, click here.


9. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


10. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.




VICOMITES Christmas drinks – 19 December, Fitzroy – and future event plans

ICOMOS members are invited to an end of year get together at the Standard Hotel, 293 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy, on Wednesday 19 December from 5.30-7.30pm. It will be a great chance to catch up in a venue that is described on the website as: ‘Gimmick-free and character-rich, The Standard Hotel has been dedicated to facilitating the fine art of good times since 1865. All and sundry are welcome with open arms, from the upper echelons of Fitzroyalty to wide-eyed out of towners’.

Despite it being self-described as ‘hard to find’ (and ‘easy to love’) the Standard is close to the No.11 tram line, which goes up Brunswick Street, from Collins Street. The venue is also easily walkable from the city.

Please RSVP by Wednesday 12 December to Megan McDougall by email.

We are also planning the first of a series of quarterly events in February, with a number of short talks/presentations (10-15 mins) by members and/or visiting guests on a range of topics from current or recently finished projects, overseas trips, areas of specialist knowledge or interest or technical issues. We would love to hear from willing presenters – please email Megan McDougall. Tentative date/time for the first event is Friday 22 February at 5.30pm, with the venue being the Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre in Faraday Street, Carlton.




Art&Archaeology2018, Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018 – full program online

The main objective of Art&Archaeology2018 is to bring to light recent R&D results in the analysis methods that advance the frontiers of knowledge connected with human cultural heritage. Heritage is our legacy from the past. It is our source for understanding the human mind, its capabilities and potential. Knowledge of the past influences our present day life and what we pass on to future generations.

View the full program.

Register here.

For more information about the event, visit the conference website.


International Scientific Symposium on Safety in Heritage, 7-9 May 2019, Madrid – call for contributions deadline 15 December

The International Scientific Symposium on Safety in Heritage will take place in Madrid, organized by the EKABA Foundation and with the participation of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage.

The Symposium will focus on safety in cultural assets, paying special attention to visitors. The Symposium key speakers will be: Glenn Boornazian, Joäo Carrilho da Graça, Mohamed Es Semmar, Jose María Ezquiaga, Gunny Harboe, Ward Miller, Pedro Salmerón, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Ana Tostões, Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero and Antoine Wilmering.

You may send your contribution to the Symposium by 15 December 2018, following the instructions at the symposium website.

For more information, including the updated program, as well as for those who might be interested in attending and as there are limited places, please register through the symposium website.


HUNGRY TOWN symposium, 11 March 2019, Melbourne – call for papers deadline: 21 December

ACAHUCH (Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage) is planning its second one-day Labour Day (Monday 11 March, 2019) symposium, this time presenting new research and directions in the field of food, place and heritage. Dining trends come and go; the heritage of food consumption is often ephemeral. Fashions have, at turns, embraced beer gardens, wineries, the phenomenon of the celebrity chef, migrant cafes, the temperance movement, theatre restaurants, al fresco dining and more. In all cases design has played a crucial and formative part in shaping not only food culture or the built environment, but also social interaction itself. We are seeking contributors to sessions based around themes exploring the value, purpose, form and history of spaces for the purchase, consumption and even production of food.

For more information, see the full call for papers here or email the ACAHUCH team.

Abstracts of 250 words are due by 21 December 2018.


2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, 9-10 May 2019, Turkey – call for abstracts deadline: 9 January

2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism
Alanya HEP University, Alanya, Turkey
9-10 May 2019

Deadline for Abstract submission: 9 January 2019

The 2nd International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism is organized by Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University. The Conference brings together all the theories, manifestos and methodologies on contemporary architecture and urban spaces to raise the understanding for the future of architecture and urban planning. Overall, the conference of contemporary architecture and urban affairs aims to establish a bridge between theory and practice in the built environment. Thus, it reports on the latest research findings and innovative approaches, methodologies for creating, assessing, and understanding of contemporary built environments.

For more information, visit the conference website.


Symposium of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC, 2-5 June 2019, Poland – call for projects deadline: 11 January

Submit a candidacy for the Symposium sessions of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC – for presentation at the Symposium of the 15th World Congress of the Organisation of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), 2-5 June 2019, Poland

The aim of this call for projects is to identify relevant projects implemented in the member cities of the OWHC in order to present them at the 15th World Congress Symposium. The selected projects will be integrated into the various sessions dedicated to the theme “Heritage and Tourism: Local Communities and Visitors – Sharing Responsibilities”, to allow exchanges among the participants of the Congress.

The deadline for submitting a project is 11 January 12019.

For more information click here.


2nd International Conference on “Geomatics and Restoration”, 8-10 May 2019, Italy – call for abstracts deadline 11 January

2nd International Conference on “Geomatics and Restoration” – GEORES2019
8-10 May 2019
Milan, Italy

GEORES2019 is organized by: Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (DABC) & Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU).

Co-organizers: Università degli Studi Firenze (UNIFI) and Politecnico di Torino (POLITO).

The conference is organized as an ISPRS and ICOMOS-CIPA Heritage Documentation event.

The conference is also supported by ISPRS, ICOMOS-CIPA Heritage Documentation, AUTEC, SIRA, SIFET, ICOMOS, EU ERA Chair on DH, UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Cultural Heritage at CUT.

The conference is an occasion for the experts of the two worlds of Geomatics and Restoration of Cultural Heritage to meet, share, exchange and explore common needs and new approaches in domain of heritage management.


Extended abstract submission: 11 January 2019
Acceptance notification: 8 February 2019
Camera ready submission: 15 March 2019
Young Researcher Workshop: 6-7 May 2019

Abstract should be at maximum 5000 characters possibly with figures, accepted articles will be published in the ISPRS International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Selected contributions will be suggested for a Journal Special Issue.


During the Conference a set of Special Sessions will be organized in the form of GEO&RES co-working groups. Co-working groups will discuss specific topics for which the contribution of Geomatics and Restores is of primary importance, among other: HBIM – LOD, LOI, LOG and accuracy definition; Monitoring&Restoration: Built Environment and Infrastructure; Semantics and Big Data Hubs in Cultural Heritage; Interactive content based VR/AR/Virtual Museum. Oral Sessions will be related to the co-working group topics.


The workshop aims to establish the first contact between geomatics and restorers, to discuss and to interchange ideas about Cultural Heritage documentation and HBIM.

More information is available at the conference website.


First announcement: International Conference “Water as Heritage”, 27-31 May 2019, Taiwan

“Water as Heritage” conference
27-31 May 2019

Why Water-as-Heritage?

Water is an essential and dominant component of human bodies and of the earth’s surface. Water is an integral part of the natural environment and is necessary for all life on the planet, including for human existence. Water is essential for drinking, agriculture, transportation, and energy generation, for example; and is integral to the worldviews of all human societies. However, in the contemporary world the functional and heritage dimensions of water management are typically treated separately. Thus, engineers are concerned with supplying/treating water and governments with regulating water supply and use; while local communities may use water for recreation as well as in rituals and ceremonies.

The phrase ‘water-as-heritage’ serves as a reminder that water is the heritage of the planet and of all human societies and non-human species. Water is life – literally, since up to 60% of the human adult body is water, about 71% of the Earth’s surface is water, and the oceans hold about 95.5% of all Earth’s water. Water is ‘living heritage’ as water and water bodies typically have functional, historical, spiritual, and aesthetic dimensions.

For more information and to register your interest, visit the conference website.




Heritage South Australia is compiling a Register of Heritage Trades and Contractors

If you have experience working on heritage projects you are invited to apply for our Register so we can share your details with thousands of heritage owners across South Australia. The Register of Heritage Trades and Contractors will be made available to local Councils and all State and local heritage owners, and will help to support the soon-to-be-launched SA Heritage Grants Program. Be part of the solution to conserve and activate our State’s remarkable heritage.

We are looking for experienced:

  • Heritage tradespeople and contractors such as stonemasons, painters, carpenters, roofers, fencers, glaziers, floor restorers, conservation specialists and ornate plasterers.
  • Architects and Heritage Professionals who prepare heritage documentation and advice such as Conservation Management Plans and Heritage Impact Statements.
  • Suppliers of heritage materials and products such as lime mortar, reclaimed stone and bricks, recycled fireplaces and joinery, corrugated-iron, heritage paints, etc.

Applications will be assessed by a panel of conservation architects and heritage specialists. Successful applicants will be selected based on evidence of experience, including quality of previous projects/products and references provided by relevant heritage professionals or heritage owners. The Register will also promote contractors who support specialised training via apprenticeships, etc.

Applications are NOW OPEN and can be made at any time

Apply by 14 December 2018 and you will be considered for the first edition of the Register to be launched by Christmas. This Register will be promoted to all heritage owners as part of the launch of the SA Heritage Grants scheme in December 2018.

Please apply via the website .

If you have any questions please contact Alison Othen by email.


Heritage Skills Initiative – Sector Analysis survey

The Heritage Skills Initiative project (ISSI) is asking tradespeople, heritage professionals and artisans with experience in advanced and traditional skills to undertake a short survey. The purpose of the survey is to create a data driven baseline of the sector which will be used to map progress and focus future goals. Survey questions are designed to gather opinions around educational needs, level of “risk” for individual trades, ideas for professional development and to create a map of engagement at a national scale. This is an excellent opportunity to represent your trade, express your opinions and help focus the project for the future. Please follow the link below to complete the survey, which should take around 10 minutes.

Click here to access the survey.

Take a few moments to complete this survey by 10 December.


2019 Western Australian Heritage Awards: nominations close 7 December 2018

Nominations are now open for the 2019 Western Australian Heritage Awards.

The awards showcase excellence in revitalising heritage places, setting standards for interpretation, conservation and adaptive reuse.

Nominate your heritage champions by 4pm, Friday 7 December 2018.

More information here.


National Trust of Australia (Victoria) EOI for Public Art Expert Advisory Committee: deadline – 21 December 2018

The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) (National Trust) is calling for Expressions of Interest from interested experts and professionals for membership of the Public Art Expert Advisory Committee, which advises the National Trust Heritage Committee on advocacy issues. The Heritage Committee, a standing committee of the National Trust Board, guides the Trust’s advocacy work.

Due Date: Friday 21 December 2018
Contact: Jessica Hood, Community Advocate Environmental Heritage, email Jessica, ph: (03) 9656 9823

The Public Art Expert Advisory Committee works to increase the understanding, protection and appreciation of public art in Victoria and supports best practice in its conservation and enhancement. The committee does this through raising awareness of public art values, issues, threats and opportunities and in advocating for the protection and enhancement of public art. The committee also prepares classifications for significant works of public art and assists in the preparation of policies on current public art issues.

Expressions of Interest

EOIs must include a resume detailing qualifications and experience, and a one-page statement detailing the applicant’s proven commitment to public art protection, promotion and/or advocacy.

We are particularly looking for members with Public Art expertise in the following areas:

• Art conservation
• Art practice
• Community engagement
• Planning
• Urban Design & Place making
• Planning and Environmental Law
• Heritage Architecture
• Art History

Commitment Required

Expert Advisory Committees meet quarterly and report to the Heritage Committee. Meetings are generally held from 5-7pm at Tasma Terrace in East Melbourne. The 2019 committee meeting schedule will be confirmed in late 2018. National Trust staff may call on committee members for feedback and advice throughout the year. The Heritage Committee would also like to establish a register of experts and professionals who would be willing to contribute on an ad-hoc basis, be available to be called on for specific projects, advice or hearings.



National Trust Architectural finishes training course, WA, February 2019 – register by 11 January 2019

We invite you to join a practical 5 day workshop to learn professional colour investigation techniques.

Led by Dr Donald Elsmore, you will investigate historic colour schemes at Woodbridge in small teams of four. You will learn a technique to record paint and plaster samples by resin mounting these samples in a laboratory setting at the University of Western Australia. Information is provided in themed discussions with visual presentations, practical activities and site visits. The foundation research tools of paint sampling and photomicroscopy will be applied by participants at Woodbridge.

For more information, download the Architectural finishes training course flyer.

Participant fee $800 inc GST; Student Fee $500 inc GST
Includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea

One 5 day program: 9am, Monday 11 February 2019 to 2pm, Friday 15 February 2019

Woodbridge, Ford St, Woodbridge, WA
University of Western Australia, Crawley

Essential by 11 January 2019 – places are limited to 20 participants – register via this link




[NEW] SITUATIONS VACANT Graduate and Consultant roles, GML Heritage

GML Heritage is a vibrant, attentive, and sustainable interdisciplinary consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our team provides strategic advice in heritage assessment, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, and heritage studies. We have expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation.

We are currently recruiting at the Graduate and Consultant levels in our Heritage Places, and Public History & Research teams.

Visit the GML Heritage website for more information.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Conservation Architect/Officer, Heritage South Australia

Senior Conservation Architect/Officer, Heritage South Australia
Half-time position (0.5 FTE), PO2, 18-month contract, Adelaide CBD
Applications close: 13 December 2018

The Senior Conservation Architect/Officer contributes to the management of South Australia’s non-Aboriginal cultural heritage by providing specialist, technical conservation advice and associated support to heritage owners and local councils as part of the development application process. The incumbent is responsible for:

· Managing the process from pre-assessment consultation through to assessment of development applications

· Monitoring and evaluating conservation projects to ensure they adhere to appropriate standards of Heritage Conservation

· Facilitating compliance with Development Application conditions

· Preparing Ministerial briefings, responses and other policy documents relating to State Heritage Places or within a State Heritage Area

· Contributing to strategic projects and policy development within Heritage South Australia

· Developing strong working relationships and networks with relevant planning professionals, contractors, community groups, Federal and State agencies, and local councils

· Providing mentoring and guidance to junior staff and interns

For more information, visit the iworkforsa website.


SITUATION VACANT Graduate and Heritage Consultants, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne

Trethowan Architecture has vacancies for both Graduate and Heritage Consultant roles to assist with a large variety of work and projects. Great office environment. Based in Cremorne and close to public transport. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Mark Stephenson or give Mark a call on (03) 9421 5448 for an informal chat or further information.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne

Context is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced heritage consultant an opportunity to contribute to our growing business. This is a full-time position based Melbourne. We are prepared to consider applicants who are seeking part-time opportunities.

About Context

Context is part of the vibrant and progressive GML Heritage consultancy group with offices in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne (Context). We collaborate with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, urban and heritage planning, cultural landscapes, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, cultural heritage management, history, collections, community values, consultation, and interpretation. We have an outstanding portfolio of challenging and exciting projects and you will work alongside experienced practitioners in an engaged and supportive environment.

The Position

In this position you will provide high level heritage advice across a range of heritage services, including provision of statutory and strategic heritage advice, heritage assessments, conservation management plans, heritage impact assessments and other heritage related services.

For detailed information about this opportunity, visit this link.

If you are keen to join the Context team, send a covering letter, addressing the requirements of the position description, and stating why you feel this role would be a good fit for you, along with your CV to Annabel Neylon via email.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Melbourne

Job Description

Are you ready for the next step in your career? RPS is looking to appoint a Heritage Manager who will play a key role in contributing to and identifying opportunities for the Heritage team to grow and expand their capabilities.

The Heritage Manager will also contribute to the Melbourne Heritage team by providing high quality technical and client management skills. As well as, working closely with the General Manager and Heritage Discipline Leader to provide operational support and functional reporting in order to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the Melbourne heritage team

This exciting opportunity will allow you to take that next step in your career whilst still directly contributing to existing and future projects throughout Melbourne.

For more information about this opportunity, click here.

Download the RPS Group_Heritage Manager, VIC position description.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
