[NEW ITEM] Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 24 October
[NEW ITEM] Talk on visitor accessibility and experience at heritage sites and museums, 25 October, Sydney
[NEW ITEM] Duldig Lecture 2018, Melbourne, 24 October
[NEW ITEM] Heritage Conservation of the Queensland Government’s Community Sustainability Action grants – now open
[NEW ITEM] Online course: ‘Public Life of in-between Elements in Historic Buildings’, starting 11 November
[NEW ITEM] Twelfth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, 7–9 November 2019, Argentina – call for papers
[NEW ITEM] WA Heritage Council 2019 conference, “Handle with Care”, 29-30 April 2019 – call for presentations
[NEW ITEM] Important notice: Management of the Conference ‘Critical issues in Heritage Interpretation and Sustainable Tourism’, Florence, Italy, 23 -25 October 2018
[NEW ITEM] Defying destruction – alternative use for techniques used to digitally preserve heritage
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Master of Arts in Creative and Cultural Futures, University of Canberra – applications open
[NEW ITEM] Nominations open – 2019 Western Australian Heritage Awards
[NEW ITEM] The Best in Heritage report
[NEW ISSUE] Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
[NEW ISSUE] International Specialised Skills Institute newsletter
[NEW ISSUE] Sydney Open – New Focus Tours Announced!
[NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Caring for your Collections workshop, 27 October, Sydney
Copyright for Collections masterclass, Sydney, Thursday 25 October
Docomomo Victoria Slide Night and Book Launch, 24 October, Uni of Melbourne
Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja, 25 October, NSW
SA Planning Reform Open House Sessions October to December 2018
SHATiS’19 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, 25-27 September 2019, Portugal – abstracts invited: deadline 19 October 2018
The Thrill of the Dark conference, 25-27 April 2019, UK – call for papers deadline: 31 October
“Tree avenues – from war to peace”: International symposium, 12 & 13 November 2018, France
QLD National Trust 2018 Heritage Conference, 16-18 November 2018 – first keynote speakers announced
21st Assembly and International Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, “Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, 1-3 March 2019 – call for abstracts: deadline 30 November
Deakin University-BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Dual Award Masters Program 2019 – EOI deadline extended to 19 October 2018
PALRC scholarships for Protected Area Management – applications close 30 October
Heritage Reporting Survey – invitation to participate: deadline 16 November
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Old Observatory Interpretation Project, National Trust of Western Australia
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Thematic Study Project, National Trust of Western Australia
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect, URBIS, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Department of Planning & Environment
SITUATION VACANT Commonwealth Heritage Manager, KAVHA
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Architect, Hocking Heritage Studio, Perth
SITUATION VACANT Architect, Purcell, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Architect, Purcell, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, RPS, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 24 October
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by Dr Billy Griffiths (Alfred Deakin Institute), on “Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Australia”.
When we talk about the past 230 years of Australian history, we do so in the context of over 60,000 years of human experience on this continent. This paper is about coming to terms with that deeper story. It offers a collective biography of some of Australia’s pioneering archaeologists, exploring their lives, passions, methods and mistakes. But this is also the story of Aboriginal leaders and their fight to be involved in decisions about their land and their heritage.
This paper draws on my recent book Deep Time Dreaming, which investigates a twin revolution: the reassertion of Aboriginal identity in the second half of the twentieth century, and the uncovering of the traces of ancient Australia. It explores what it means to live in a place of great antiquity, with its complex questions of ownership and belonging. It is about a slow shift in national consciousness: the deep time dreaming that has changed the way many of us relate to this continent and its enduring, dynamic human history.
Billy Griffiths is a historian and research fellow at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. He is the author of The China Breakthrough: Whitlam in the Middle Kingdom, 1971 (2012) and Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Australia (Black Inc., 2018), which was recently shortlisted for the History Book Award at the 2018 Queensland Literary Awards.
Free of charge. All welcome. Bookings not required.
Date: Wednesday 24 October 2018
Time: 5.00-6.15pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12
Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.
Further enquiries: email Steven Cooke
2. [NEW ITEM] Talk on visitor accessibility and experience at heritage sites and museums, 25 October, Sydney
The Urbis heritage team is proud to be hosting an Australia ICOMOS presentation.
To investigate the best new global models of visitor accessibility and experience at heritage sites and museums
Our guest will be the dynamic Dr Caroline Butler-Bowdon, Director of Strategy & Engagement at Sydney Living Museums. Spanning 20 years, her stellar career has been dedicated to cultural leadership that connects diverse audiences to history, arts and heritage through a broad range of public engagement programs, including festivals, exhibitions and literature. She is also a 2017 Churchill Fellowship recipient.
Time, Date & Venue: at 5:30pm for 6:00pm sharp, Thursday 25 October 2018, at URBIS, Tower 2, Level 23, Darling Park, 201 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
Cost: This presentation is FREE. Bookings are essential as places are limited.
RSVP: You are welcome to attend this presentation and drinks afterwards where you will mix with some of the leading heritage practitioners in the country. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by Friday 19 October 2018 via email to Brittany Bailey
For more information, see the AICOMOS talk at URBIS 25 October 2018 Butler Bowdon flyer.
3. [NEW ITEM] Duldig Lecture 2018, Melbourne, 24 October
Charlotte Day, Director, Monash University Museum of Art
WHEN: Wednesday, 24 October, 6.15pm – 7.30pm
WHERE: Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre A, Spencer Road, The University of Melbourne, Parkville
In 2014 Monash University unveiled a new public art master plan and began an ambitious program of public art commissions. The University has experimented with a range of models of commissioning and roles for artists in relationship to architectural and landscaping projects. This lecture provides a great opportunity to discuss the commissions undertaken so far, review what has worked well and also the challenges, along with future plans. Public art is a reinvented genre that can be many things – both playful and place making but also disruptive and provocative. While its effect and impact can sometimes be contentious, its publicness is its great strength. This lecture also provides an opportunity to speculate about where public art can take us.
Charlotte Day joined Monash University Museum of Art as Director in 2013. Previously she worked as an independent curator and Associate Curator at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA). Charlotte has worked across a range of public and private contexts, from curating major exhibitions nationally and internationally, to advising on temporary and permanent urban-sited artworks and acquisitions for public and private collections. She has over twenty years’ of experience curating contemporary art and in arts management.
Download the event flyer here.
For further information please contact Assoc Prof Alison Inglis by email.
Inaugurated in 1986 the Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture commemorates the life and work of the sculptor Karl Duldig and his wife, the artist and inventor Slawa Horowitz-Duldig.
Admission is FREE. Bookings are required as seating is limited.
4. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Conservation of the Queensland Government’s Community Sustainability Action grants – now open
Grants of up to $40,000 are available for projects that seek to conserve places entered on the Queensland Government’s Heritage Register.
Activities funded under the grant program may include urgent repair works, roofing, stumping, painting, point work and other similar repair works.
Grants of up to $15,000 are also available for the preparation of new, or review of existing, Conservation Management Plans.
Funding will be provided to individual owners of heritage-listed places and not-for-profit organisations that are responsible for managing the places.
A two-phased application and assessment process consisting of an Expression of Interest (EOI) stage followed by an Application stage will be used for this round of Heritage Conservation funding.
EOIs close 4:00pm on 8 November 2018.
More information about the grant program, including program guidelines and the EOI form can be found on the Queensland Government website.
For more information, email the Grants Team.
5. [NEW ITEM] Online course: ‘Public Life of in-between Elements in Historic Buildings’, starting 11 November
Dr Anuradha Chatterjee is delivering an 8-week online course titled ‘Chaukhat, Darwaza, Jharokha: Public Life of in-between Elements in Historic Buildings’ through ACEDGE, an online education provider in India. The course link is here. The course cost is 1800 Indian Rupees. More information is available at this link.
The course emerges from her interest in the urban agency of architectural surfaces and thresholds, which she has explored in “Vital Surfaces and the Making of Architecture,” in Surfaces: Transformations of Body, Materials and Earth, edited by Mike Anusas and Cris Simonetti. London; New York: Routledge (forthcoming in April 2019 – more information here), and her interest in historic buildings/fabric in India.
In this course, participants will become able to generate new meanings and insights regarding threshold elements in historic buildings. They will think closely about the ways in which these highly articulated and decorative elements do more than decorate: they articulate a connection between the private and the public, as well as position the exterior to the public life in/of the city. The course expects that participants are not reliant on textual sources alone, and that they will undertake original contextual study of at least one building where threshold elements as well as the building are examined and understood in their urban context.
The course does not follow a delivery-only mode. In addition to the presentation via Zoom and interaction via Facebook and the Learning Portal, participants will be expected to initiate and undertake field-based study. The course is non-hierarchical in that it can be undertaken by anyone who is interested in developing their capacity as an architectural theorist of historic environments but also anyone who is interested in continuing professional development as an academic and researcher. Even though the course is titled ‘Chaukhat, Darwaza, Jharokha’, it is not limited to participants in South Asia: it is open to anyone who has access to historic environment/fabric/building and is willing to engage with the building in the city.
A completion certificate will be provided. Copyright of the content produced by the participant remains with the participant. Enrolments are open now. The course commences on 11 November 2018. If you have questions, please email Dr Anuradha Chatterjeeat or email the course facilitator, Ms Sonam Ambe.
6. [NEW ITEM] Twelfth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, 7–9 November 2019, Argentina – call for papers
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Twelfth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, held 7–9 November 2019 at the Muntref, Museum of Immigration in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
We invite proposals in English and Spanish for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, innovation showcases, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks.
Deadline for proposals: 7 November 2018
For more information, visit the conference website.
7. [NEW ITEM] WA Heritage Council 2019 conference, “Handle with Care”, 29-30 April 2019 – call for presentations
The WA Heritage Council is pleased to announce that their second conference will take place in April 2019 with the theme “Handle with Care”.
Places, stories and collections face many threats. Environment, time, misuse, neglect or even misguided good intent can corrode, corrupt or devalue. As custodians and curators we are familiar with conservation and care in the physical context. This conference, however, also seeks to explore other elements of heritage, history and collections that may need to be ‘handled with care’.
The core conference will take place over two days on 29 and 30 April 2019 at The Westin Hotel, which is situated in the heart of Hibernian Place. Additional events will be scheduled around the conference dates.
Expressions of interest are now invited for the submission of presentations for this event – MORE INFORMATION HERE. Deadline for EOIs is Friday 2 November 2018.
For more information, visit the conference website.
8. [NEW ITEM] Important notice: Management of the Conference ‘Critical issues in Heritage Interpretation and Sustainable Tourism’, Florence, Italy, 23 -25 October 2018
ICIP (the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation) very much looks forward to welcoming participants to the 2018 conference: ‘Critical issues in Heritage Interpretation and Sustainable Tourism’, taking place in Florence, 23-25 October 2018.
However, please note as a matter of importance that, as of now, this conference is now managed solely by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), which is the parent organisation of ICIP.
The official conference website for the 2018 conference: ‘Critical issues in Heritage Interpretation and Sustainable Tourism’ remains the same and is located here. Please do not register via any other site.
Any registration payments still outstanding are payable only to ICOMOS. No other party is authorized to collect registrations. Payments made to any account other than the ICOMOS one will be the responsibility of the payer.
If you have previously registered and paid, please contact this email address as soon as possible and attach a receipt of your registration payment. This will guarantee your continued participation in the conference. If you still need to pay – please contact this email address for payment instructions and options.
Please also note that ICOMOS is the only party authorised to correspond or make announcements about the conference; please disregard any material you may receive from TIES. If you are a member of TIES and registered to attend the conference, please feel free to contact this email address with any questions.
The program remains as advertised and has a range of exciting speakers, workshops and events.
We look forward to seeing you in Florence!
Sue Hodges
President, ICIP
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation
9. [NEW ITEM] Defying destruction – alternative use for techniques used to digitally preserve heritage
Prosecuting crimes such as genocide and cultural destruction is difficult, but the same techniques used to digitally preserve heritage can also be used to provide evidence of its destruction.
Deakin University art historian and archaeologist Dr José Antonio González Zarandona recently lent his expertise to a multidisciplinary team working on innovative methods of digital design and image capture to enable on-the-ground DIY cultural heritage documentation and preservation.
As part of a sought-after British Academy Visiting Fellowship, Dr Zarandona, an Associate Research Fellow with Deakin’s Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADI), worked with UK research agency Forensic Architecture on the UK entry for the London Design Biennale, held last month.
10. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Master of Arts in Creative and Cultural Futures, University of Canberra – applications open
Applications are now open for the University of Canberra’s new Master of Arts in Creative and Cultural Futures. This versatile Masters will prepare you to be a leader in the rapidly changing cultural sector. Based in the national capital of Canberra – home to Australia’s major cultural institutions and an ever-increasing creative community – you can use the course’s interdisciplinary learning environment to expand your knowledge and networks, build or update your digital skills, develop your leadership and entrepreneurial potential, and apply your creativity in real-world settings using Australian and international industry case studies.
This expertise and industry knowledge will help you to establish or build a sustainable career in the creative and cultural industries, in fields such as heritage and conservation, GLAM sector, community arts, cultural policy and planning. The course is capped by a thesis or professional/creative project in an area of your choosing, and if you are already employed in the sector, you will be encouraged to use your past or recent experience to reflect on current industry practice, problems and issues.
Email Tracy Ireland for further info and apply via this link.
11. [NEW ITEM] Nominations open – 2019 Western Australian Heritage Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2019 Western Australian Heritage Awards.
The awards showcase excellence in revitalising heritage places, setting standards for interpretation, conservation and adaptive reuse.
Nominate your heritage champions by 4pm, Friday 7 December 2018.
12. [NEW ITEM] The Best in Heritage report
Read about this event: The Best in Heritage 2018 report
13. [NEW ISSUE] Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.
14. [NEW ISSUE] International Specialised Skills Institute newsletter
Read the latest edition of the International Specialised Skills Institute newsletter at this link.
15. [NEW ISSUE] Sydney Open – New Focus Tours Announced!
For more information about the upcoming Sydney Open event, 3-4 November, click here.
16. [NEW ISSUE] The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Click on the link below for upcoming events at the Johnston Collection.
TAS Heritage Symposia, Port Arthur tour, Open House Hobart: 9-12 November 2018
Australia ICOMOS Heritage Symposia
Exploring Cultural Landscapes & Science Heritage
Initial Information & Call For Papers
Hobart, Tasmania, November 2018
Australia ICOMOS is holding two back-to-back Symposia in Hobart over 10-12 November 2018. The Cultural Landscape Diversity & the Implications for Management Symposium (10-11 November) and the Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage Symposium (11-12 November) are timely fora to review and discuss the identification and management of these two aspects of cultural heritage – one an established, but rapidly developing area, and the other relatively invisible and little known. A joint symposia field excursion on Sunday 11 November will present symposia participants with the opportunity to visit some outstanding and diverse Tasmanian cultural landscapes and science heritage sites within southeastern Tasmania.
More information on the two symposia (including the full call for papers) can be found at the Australia ICOMOS website.
Registrations: grab your accompanying person and take them on a Field Excursion!
Registrations are now open – click here to register
Attendees who wish to register their accompanying person for the Joint Symposia Field Excursion can do so by choosing the “Joint Symposia Field Excursion – For accompanying person” option during the registration process.
The symposia registration fees are:
- Cultural Landscapes Symposium – $85 per person
- Science Heritage Symposium – $85 per person
- Joint Symposia Excursion**^^ – $95 per person
**Please Note – registration for the Symposia Excursion is only open to individuals who also register for either/both of the symposiums.
^^Exception – All symposium attendees are able to nominate one accompanying person, who doesn’t need to register for either of the Symposia, to register for the Joint Symposia Field Excursion. See above!
Open House Hobart, 10-11 November: even MORE reasons to come to Tassie!
This year, Open House Hobart will coincide with the Australia ICOMOS Tasmania Symposia – a great opportunity to combine your travels south to Hobart! Open House is about showing off secret places to architecture fans, mystery lovers and sticky beaks. Coming to Hobart Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 November. The program will be launched next week but to keep ahead of the events, tours and booking, visit the Open House Hobart website and register for the newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out.
Port Arthur Historic Site – Pre-Symposia Tour Opportunity
One of the eleven sites that make up the World Heritage listed Australian Convict Sites, the Port Arthur Historic Site comprises more than 30 convict-built structures and substantial ruins in a picturesque and relatively undisturbed landscape of 136 hectares. The extensive suite of structures and their layout reflect the importance of the penal station, its self-sufficiency and the evolution of penal practices over several decades.
The Port Arthur Historic Site can also be seen as part of a broader cultural landscape of the Tasman Peninsula that provides an insight into the use of convict labour for production and punishment.
Symposia delegates are invited to visit the Port Arthur Historic Site on Friday 9 November for a pre-symposia tour. You will need to organise your own transport. Port Arthur is around a 1.5 hour drive from Hobart. Arrive at the Site at 10am for a guided tour of the site with conservation staff – highlighting some of our recent conservation projects and research, followed by a light lunch and time to independently explore the site before returning to Hobart. There is no cost involved.
Contact Vicki Skeggs (03) 6251 2339 for reservations.
With many thanks to our Port Arthur Historic Site colleagues for their very generous offer.
Symposia publication update
Australia ICOMOS will be publishing the presentations from each of two symposium as digital ‘Symposium Proceedings’ (ie. one for each symposium) if sufficient papers are received for publication. This approach has been taken to ensure that the valuable and largely review-type comment presented in each of the symposia can be accessible as a set of proceedings on the relevant themes without undue delay. An early-mid 2019 publication date is envisaged.
Caring for your Collections workshop, 27 October, Sydney
Caring for your Collections: Conservation Workshop at Tulkiyan with Robert Griffin
27 October, 10.00am-12.30pm

We all have our own ‘Special Collections’ – furniture, ceramics, silverware and other metal objects, glass, paintings, photographs, books or textiles. Whatever their material or form, these collections need special care. Too often, keeping these objects in the wrong conditions or using the wrong cleaning materials can shorten the lifespan or damage these objects that are dear to us. To help you care for your collections, these workshops will introduce you to a range of straightforward conservation methods, cleaning materials and techniques that will help you care for them.
Presented by curator Robert Griffin and drawing on the extensive collections of the State Heritage-listed house, Tulkiyan, the workshops will provide practical advice and demonstrate cleaning methods that will ensure the proper care and conservation of your ‘Special Collections’.
Cost: HHA Members $75, General $100 (per workshop)
Bookings: click here
Presented by the Historic Houses Association of Australia (HHA).
Copyright for Collections masterclass, Sydney, Thursday 25 October
Ian McDonald, Special Council, presents up-to-the-minute legal and practical guidance in this Masterclass. The Masterclass will include a review of the provisions in the Copyright Act that enable collecting institutions to use copyright material without a clearance and an in-depth exploration of digital copyright and licensing issues. For further information, contact Lucy Clark on +61 2 9217 0318 or via email.
Time: 9.30am-1.00pm, Thursday 25 October 2018
Venue: Boardroom, Level 5, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, 500 Harris Street Ultimo, New South Wales 2007
Cost: $40 for Museums Galleries Australia members, $50 general admission (includes morning tea)
Bookings: via this link
Docomomo Victoria Slide Night and Book Launch, 24 October, Uni of Melbourne

We are turning Japanese in October!
Join us to look at pics from recent Japanese jaunts – from Simon Reeves, Jenny Mitchelhill, Philip Goad, Andrew Murray…and more.
And to celebrate the launch of the book Samurai Castles by Jenny Mitchelhill, Tuttle Press, 2018.
Date & Time: 24 October @ 6.00pm
Where: Japanese Room, Level 4, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne
RSVP: to Hannah Lewi by email
Bring a gold coin donation to cover sushi and saki.
Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja, 25 October, NSW
Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja
Presented by the Australian Garden History Society, Southern Highlands Branch
Thursday 25 October 2018
Australian Garden History Society Southern Highlands Branch are pleased to present a symposium to be held in an evocative state-heritage area, Joadja Creek valley, 30kms west of Mittagong, the location of an abandoned nineteenth-century kerosene and shale oil mining town. The site is recognised for its heritage significance:
‘The isolation and beauty of Joadja valley, the comprehensiveness of its physical testimony to a great Australian industry, a vigorous Scottish community and a vanished technology make Joadja an extremely important element in the heritage not just of Wingecarribee Shire but of Australia and the world.’ – State Heritage Register Statement of Significance.
After a Welcome to Country by Gundungurra Elder, Trish Levett, a barbeque lunch will be provided on arrival in the valley. Owner Valero Jiminez and historian, Leonie Knapman, will take you on a tour of the valley including the ruins, the retorts, ‘Carrington Row’ and former orchards. Discussion will continue in the distillery café, led by Professor Emeritus Helen Armstrong AM. The particular focus will be on time and conflicting narratives of ‘gardening’ in the broader landscape. Dr Charles Massey OAM, author of ‘Call of the Reed Warbler’, will bring his deep knowledge of regenerative attitudes to land.
Individual $150
Students: $70
>> Book online
For further information please contact the Australian Garden History Society office on (03) 9650 5043 or 1800 678 446 or via email.
SA Planning Reform Open House Sessions October to December 2018
The SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) invites you attend their series of Open House Sessions, being held by the DPTI Planning Reform Team, from October to December 2018. Click on this link for more information: DPTI_Open House _PlanningReform
SHATiS’19 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, 25-27 September 2019, Portugal – abstracts invited: deadline 19 October 2018
The next SHATiS’19 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures will take place on 25-27 September 2019, in Guimarães, Portugal.
The submission of abstracts is open via this EasyChair link until 19 October 2018.
Submitted papers will be selected for publication in special conferences issues of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Taylor & Francis and Buildings, MDPI.
For more details about the conference, please visit the conference website.
The Thrill of the Dark conference, 25-27 April 2019, UK – call for papers deadline: 31 October
The Thrill of the Dark: Heritages of Fear, Fascination and Fantasy
25-27 April 2019
Birmingham, UK
Call for papers deadline: 31 October 2018
Over recent years there has been tremendous interest in ‘dark heritage’ and associated ‘dark tourism’ but still we struggle with the powerful attraction of the darkness, the thrill it can provide, where (and if) we draw boundaries around its commodification, its representation, and the experiences we seek from it. This conference seeks to explore the multiple relationships we have with the concept of darkness, and asks:
· How is the thrill of darkness expressed through the widely framed notion of heritage?
· How do we experience, negotiate, represent, commodify, valorise or censor the heritages of darkness?
· What and where is the thrill of the darkness and how is it negotiated across cultures, generations and gender?
We invite researchers from the fullest range of disciplinary perspectives to consider these and other questions in an open-ended and thought-provoking manner.
Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham UK, in partnership with the Collaborative for Cultural Heritage and Management Policy, University of Illinois, USA and Department of Ethnology/Critical Heritage Studies Network, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
Visit the conference website for more information.
Download The Thrill of the Dark CfP V3.
“Tree avenues – from war to peace”: International symposium, 12 & 13 November 2018, France
Memorial avenues have been planted in the Commonwealth and in Italy during and after World War 1. There memorials, where each tree honored a soldier, have something to do with the tree-lined roads that criss-crossed the European continent at that time. Alexander Douglas Gillespie, a British officer, and Lemire, a French parliamentarian, both wished “one long avenue” to be planted “from the Vosges to the sea”. The symposium will explore this history, and it will precisely take place in the Vosges.
How can we continue and write the history of peace with avenues? What are the issues of management and conservation ? How can we take advantage of these ecological corridors which are physical links, but also symbolic links, between people? These are the key questions that will be addressed during the symposium, an important milestone for all actors wishing to create cultural and touristic routes around tree avenues.
For more information, visit the symposium website.
QLD National Trust 2018 Heritage Conference, 16-18 November 2018 – first keynote speakers announced
16-18 November 2018
The National Trust of Australia’s (Queensland) mission is to protect, conserve and celebrate Queensland’s environmental, built and cultural heritage. Our 2018 conference seeks to explore these themes and how they are relevant to Queensland’s heritage in the twenty-first century.
This conference opens the doors for innovation, collaboration and celebration of heritage in Queensland. Join us for an inspiring and informative program of keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops and networking events exploring the ways you can protect, conserve and celebrate our heritage.
First keynote speakers announced
Closing Keynote Presentation: Heritage & Community – A Retrospective
We are thrilled and excited to announce that Don Godden and Sharon Veale will be joining us to close the conference. This heritage retrospective will feature three passionate advocates and heritage experts discussing heritage, community, advocacy and involvement.
Join our three closing keynote speakers as they settle in and meander through the early days of the heritage industry and the National Trust, discuss how the community drove the growth of heritage protection in Australia, ponder why this involvement has changed and how we have gone from no heritage protection, through to the days of strong protection, to a current environment of weak legislation and little community involvement.
Essentially, this conversation will look at where we have come from and what we need the potential future for heritage to look like.
Access the full speaker biographies at the conference website.
Download the preliminary program.
>>Pricing information bookings
21st Assembly and International Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, “Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, 1-3 March 2019 – call for abstracts: deadline 30 November
The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism are pleased to invite you to the 2019 International Symposium “Heritage as a Builder of Peace”, to be held during the 21st General Assembly of the Foundation’s Life Beyond Tourism Movement, in Florence in March 2019.
The Life Beyond Tourism Movement got its take off with the past General Assembly (March 2018). The 2019 edition “HERITAGE as a BUILDER of PEACE” Symposium marks the following milestones:
- The dissemination of the Foundation’s “Life Beyond Tourism Movement” into and out of the Foundation’s network, to actively contribute to see the World Heritage Sites as a great opportunity for letting people meet and promoting, thus, dialogue among cultures for the growth of the international Community in Peaceful Coexistence: “At Heritage Sites – which work for peace – heritage acquires a soul, protecting and enhancing itself and educating visitors, residents and all the actors of the travelling chain to protect all the heritage and planet Earth”.
- The promotion of the Local Cultural Expressions – as artisans, local typical products makers, etc. – with the knowledge of their territory – as a great opportunity to make closer relations between visitors and local communities: an opportunity of starting a relationship of collaboration between these people on the way towards mutual understanding.
- Exchange and debate on a platform between the International Community of academics and practitioners in environment, heritage and travel with the representatives of the local cultural expressions and intangibilities.
- The launch of an appeal “Building Peace through Heritage” for a new way to look at Heritage Sites as a training ground for dialogue among various cultures.
More information about the Call for Abstracts is available at this link. Abstract submission deadline is 30 November 2018.
Deakin University-BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Dual Award Masters Program 2019 – EOI deadline extended to 19 October 2018
Expressions of Interest are now OPEN for the 5th intake for the Dual Award Program, which allows a small international cohort of students to study for two Masters degrees – the Deakin Master of Cultural Heritage and the BTU-Cottbus-Senftenberg Master of World Heritage Studies.
This is a unique opportunity – starting full-time and on-campus in Melbourne in March 2019. EOI’s close on 19 October 2018.
For more information and easy application process, please visit our blog.
PALRC scholarships for Protected Area Management – applications close 30 October
The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) is proud to launch a new round of scholarships for students and leaders to undertake study in 2019.
PALRC scholarships support capable, high-achieving students and emerging leaders who have a career ambition to advance the protection, sound governance and effective management of natural and cultural heritage protection, stewardship and conservation management. Scholarships range from $2,000 to $5,000 and support students to complete a range of short courses, Graduate Certificate and Masters courses, all of which specifically address selected competences from the IUCN ‘A Global Register of Competences for Protected Area Practitioners’. Browse the range of courses here.
To date, PALRC has supported dozens of students and practitioners from across the globe to undertake study and professional development at leading Australian Universities.
Applications will close 30 October 2018.
Heritage Reporting Survey – invitation to participate: deadline 16 November
Have you ever wondered how Australian heritage is reported in the annual reports of those organisations taking charge of them? Do you believe a monetary value should be placed on the heritage items/place? Getting an answer to these sort of questions is the aim of this survey.
This survey is carried out as part of a PhD study aims at investigating the relationships between stakeholder information needs and heritage information disclosed by the Australian government bodies in their annual reports.
This survey is targeted at all groups of stakeholders in Australian heritage. Whether you are a heritage consultant, a director of an organisation taking charge of any Australian heritage item/place, a resident staying in the vicinity of a heritage site or a visitor to a local museum, your views are equally important in shaping the future of heritage reporting! The survey provides an opportunity for various stakeholder groups to share their views on how information related to heritage is to be disclosed in the annual reports of Australian government bodies.
The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete and your response would be recorded anonymously. Please take the survey by clicking on this link below (copy and paste this URL if link doesn’t work:
The survey will be opened until 16 November 2018. (Note extended deadline)
If you have any question prior to completing the survey, please email Peir or call (02) 6933 4481 for clarification.
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Old Observatory Interpretation Project, National Trust of Western Australia
The National Trust of Western Australia is seeking proposals for a project to develop and produce interpretation about the Old Observatory and the work of the National Trust.
More information and the project brief can be found here.
Submissions close 9am, WST Monday 5 November.
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Thematic Study Project, National Trust of Western Australia
The National Trust of Western Australia is seeking proposals for a project that will assess how places in the National Trust’s portfolio of heritage places matches against identified themes within the Australian Historic Themes Framework.
More information and the project brief can be found here.
Submissions close 9am, WST Monday 5 November.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect, URBIS, Sydney
Heritage Architect
· Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team of industry experts & leaders
· Deliver projects across a diverse range of projects & client
· Be truly influential in strategically advising clients
Urbis is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm offering services in heritage, planning, design, property, social policy, economics and research. With over 600 staff nationally and internationally and 190 in the Sydney office, our people provide the research, analysis and advice upon which major social, commercial and environmental decisions are made.
Urbis heritage is led by a senior leadership team of heritage industry experts and is currently in a period of substantial growth. This is an exciting opportunity for future career progression in a collaborative team environment.
Urbis provides excellence in cultural heritage conservation with strategic advice at the highest level. Our experienced team is highly regarded for our critical expertise in every aspect of cultural heritage conservation, including heritage studies, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation, archival recording, heritage architecture, conservation supervision and expert witness representation.
Currently, an opportunity has arisen in our Sydney office for a suitably qualified and experienced heritage architect with a professional work history of 5 + years in heritage advisory consulting.
As a key member of the team, you will be involved in working across a diverse and challenging range of projects, providing documentation including drawings and reports and strategic advice to our clients.
For more information, download the Architect – Heritage URBIS October 2018 position description.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Department of Planning & Environment
Senior Heritage Assessment Officer position (EO10) at the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)
Total Remuneration Package: Up to $137,134 Package includes salary ($112,181 – $123,712), employer’s contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading.
This role involves the assessment of heritage issues related to highly complex development proposals, provision of advice, compliance activities, and reports relating to the Heritage Act 1977 and review of assessment reports prepared by team members. You will liaise, negotiate and provide feedback to a range of diverse stakeholders as a representative of the Heritage Division and the Heritage Council.
You will be supporting team members through review of their reports and helping with negotiating heritage outcomes as required and Assisting the Senior Team Leader in managing the team and if required, act as a delegate of the Heritage Council to determine applications.
More information about this role can be found online at this link.
Closing Date: 22 October 2018, 11:59 PM
Contact: Rajeev Maini (02) 9873 8592
SITUATION VACANT Commonwealth Heritage Manager, KAVHA
The Norfolk Island and Jervis Bay Territory Branch of the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities is looking for an experienced manager of cultural heritage sites, to lead the conservation, protection, and improvement of Norfolk Island’s Kingston and Arthurs Vale Heritage Area (KAVHA). KAVHA is one of the 11 sites that make up the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property.
The job description and information on how to apply can be found on the Department website.
Application deadline: 11.59pm AEDT, Sunday 21 October 2018
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Manager, RPS Group, Melbourne
Job Description
Are you ready for the next step in your career? RPS is looking to appoint a Heritage Manager who will play a key role in contributing to and identifying opportunities for the Heritage team to grow and expand their capabilities.
The Heritage Manager will also contribute to the Melbourne Heritage team by providing high quality technical and client management skills. As well as, working closely with the General Manager and Heritage Discipline Leader to provide operational support and functional reporting in order to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the Melbourne heritage team
This exciting opportunity will allow you to take that next step in your career whilst still directly contributing to existing and future projects throughout Melbourne.
For more information about this opportunity, click here.
Download the RPS Group_Heritage Manager, VIC position description.
SITUATION VACANT Architect, Hocking Heritage Studio, Perth
About the business and the role
Hocking Heritage Studio is an award-winning multi-disciplinary practice specialising in heritage architecture, urban design and strategic planning. Our reputation and expert knowledge of heritage and planning is recognised by the industry and local authorities and makes us highly sought after.
This role will suit an Architect who has a proven track record of running projects independently from start to finish with the support of a dedicated team. Experience with working within the heritage field would be an advantage. We have projects throughout the state and the successful candidate may be required to travel. Initially a fixed-term contract, with opportunity for long-term employment.
For more information, see the Hocking Heritage Studio, Architect (Aug 2018) position description.
SITUATION VACANT Architect, Purcell, Sydney
Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 18 offices in the UK, HK and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design, we create thoughtful architecture that enhances its context.
Our Sydney team is looking for a full time Architect to join the Practice. This is an excellent opportunity to join a talented team, work on exciting projects and help the studio move from strength to strength. The Sydney Studio has a wide range of projects including places of regeneration, infrastructure and public buildings.
For more information and to apply, visit the Purcell website.
SITUATION VACANT Architect, Purcell, Melbourne
Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 18 offices in the UK, HK and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design, we create thoughtful architecture that enhances its context.
Our Melbourne team is looking for a full time Architect to join the Practice. This is an excellent opportunity to join a talented team, work on exciting projects and help the studio move from strength to strength. The Melbourne Studio has a wide range of projects including places of regeneration, infrastructure and public buildings.
For more information and to apply, visit the Purcell website.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, RPS, Melbourne
With a diverse work portfolio in Victoria and across Australia, RPS is looking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant who will play a key technical role in the Heritage team, as well as contributing to the growth of the division and expansion of capabilities in Melbourne.
This exciting opportunity will allow you to continue to develop your knowledge and expertise within the field whilst being recognised as a key contributor to various existing and future projects throughout Melbourne. This role will also be responsible for providing mentorship and guidance to junior Heritage graduates, making it a fantastic mix between a technical and managerial role. Interested? Apply for this opportunity today!
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131