Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 846


  1. [NEW ITEM] CULTURE: Conserving it Together conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – UPDATES!
  2. [NEW ITEM] MORE UPDATES! Tasmanian Cultural Landscapes & Science Heritage Symposia, 9-12 November 2018
  3. [NEW ITEM] Protecting Our Heritage – Ballarat Heritage Watch: 2018 Public Meeting, 14 October 2018
  4. [NEW ITEM] Major British Museum collections coming to National Museum of Australia – National Museum of Australia media release
  5. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Reporting Survey – invitation to participate
  6. [NEW ITEM] ACT Heritage Awards 2018, 15 October 2018
  7. [NEW ITEM] Save the date: Duldig Lecture 2018, Melbourne, 24 October
  8. [NEW ISSUE] News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network










1. [NEW ITEM] CULTURE: Conserving it Together conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – UPDATES!

CULTURE: Conserving it Together conference
1-5 October 2018
Suva, Fiji

As we all get ready for this conference, ICOMOS Pasifika and Australia ICOMOS would like to extend a big warm thank you to all those who have sponsored the conference and made it possible to hold it in far away Suva, where we can connect with our colleagues from around the Pacific and from many other places, including representatives from all over Asia, Europe, New Zealand and the USA. View the LIST OF SPONSORS.

This is going to be a great conference. Wish you were there! Oh wait – you can still register!!

Perhaps the CULTURE Conference 2018_FINAL Delegate Info (print) (PDF, 27MB) will inspire you to make a last-minute registration.

(View the smaller file version CULTURE Conference 2018_FINAL Delegate Info_(web) – PDF, 5.5MB)

Don’t forget the CULTURE Photo Competition! We have extended the deadline

Also we are extending the deadline for the Conference Photographic Competition! It now closes on the last day of the conference, Friday 5 October 2018. So get your image of cultural places and values from the Pacific region uploaded onto Instagram using the hashtag #ICOMOSPasifika18 as soon as you can. Its open to all ICOMOS members!

The first prize is a Tivua Island Day Cruise for two donated by Captain Cook Cruises, Fiji.

Detailed information available in the following docs: ICOMOSPasifika18_PhotoComp_FINAL (PDF) or ICOMOSPasifika18_PhotoComp_FINAL (Word)

Read the abstracts!

The paper abstracts can now be accessed at this link.

We’re being sustainable!

To reduce the impact of this conference on our environment, we will be implementing various sustainable practices.

>>Visit the conference website for more on the conference


2. [NEW ITEM] MORE UPDATES! Tasmanian Cultural Landscapes & Science Heritage Symposia, 9-12 November 2018

Australia ICOMOS Heritage Symposia
Exploring Cultural Landscapes & Science Heritage
Initial Information & Call For Papers
Hobart, Tasmania, November 2018

Australia ICOMOS is holding two back-to-back Symposia in Hobart over 10-12 November 2018. The Cultural Landscape Diversity & the Implications for Management Symposium (10-11 November) and the Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage Symposium (11-12 November) are timely fora to review and discuss the identification and management of these two aspects of cultural heritage – one an established, but rapidly developing area, and the other relatively invisible and little known. A joint symposia field excursion on Sunday 11 November will present symposia participants with the opportunity to visit some outstanding and diverse Tasmanian cultural landscapes and science heritage sites within southeastern Tasmania.

More information on the two symposia (including the full call for papers) can be found at the Australia ICOMOS website.

Registration update – Excursion accompanying persons option now added

Attendees who wish to register their accompanying person for the Joint Symposia Field Excursion can do so by choosing the “Joint Symposia Field Excursion – For accompanying person” option during the registration process.

The symposia registration fees are:

  • Cultural Landscapes Symposium – $85 per person
  • Science Heritage Symposium – $85 per person
  • Joint Symposia Excursion**^^ – $95 per person

**Please Note – registration for the Symposia Excursion is only open to individuals who also register for either/both of the symposiums.

^^Exception – All symposium attendees are able to nominate one accompanying person, who doesn’t need to register for either of the Symposia, to register for the Joint Symposia Field Excursion. See above!

Registrations are now open – click here to register

Port Arthur Historic Site – Pre-Symposia Tour Opportunity

One of the eleven sites that make up the World Heritage listed Australian Convict Sites, the Port Arthur Historic Site comprises more than 30 convict-built structures and substantial ruins in a picturesque and relatively undisturbed landscape of 136 hectares. The extensive suite of structures and their layout reflect the importance of the penal station, its self-sufficiency and the evolution of penal practices over several decades. 

The Port Arthur Historic Site can also be seen as part of a broader cultural landscape of the Tasman Peninsula that provides an insight into the use of convict labour for production and punishment. 

Symposia delegates are invited to visit the Port Arthur Historic Site on Friday 9 November for a pre-symposia tour. You will need to organise your own transport. Port Arthur is around a 1.5 hour drive from Hobart. Arrive at the Site at 10am for a guided tour of the site with conservation staff – highlighting some of our recent conservation projects and research, followed by a light lunch and time to independently explore the site before returning to Hobart. There is no cost involved.

Contact Vicki Skeggs (03) 6251 2339 for reservations.

With many thanks to our Port Arthur Historic Site colleagues for their very generous offer.

(Don’t forget the) Call for papers

We are now calling for papers for presentation at the Symposium. The deadline for submissions is Monday 8 October (for Science Heritage papers) & Monday 15 October (for Cultural Landscape papers) . Submissions should be sent to the Symposium Coordinator, Anne McConnell by email, and should include the presenter’s name, contact details and affiliation, and an abstract of no more than 250 words of your proposed paper. The full call for papers can be found at the Australia ICOMOS website.

This is a rare opportunity to discuss cultural heritage in a Tasmanian setting and to visit some special and unusual Tasmanian heritage places. We welcome your participation.

If you have any queries about the symposia, please contact the Symposium Coordinator, Anne McConnell by email.


3. [NEW ITEM] Protecting Our Heritage – Ballarat Heritage Watch: 2018 Public Meeting, 14 October 2018

Date: Sunday 14 October 2018
Time: 2:00 – 3.30pm
Venue: Ballarat Mechanics Institute: Humffray Room
Cost: Free

Come and join the conversation about how to best protect heritage. The meeting will begin with short presentations from leading experts including: Professor Michael Buxton, Environment and Planning, RMIT and Architectural historian, Professor Miles Lewis, the Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning at the University of Melbourne. The President of Ballarat Heritage Watch, Ballarat Historian, Dr Anne Beggs-Sunter will chair the discussion.

Download the Ballarat Heritage Watch 2018 Public Meeting flyer.


4. [NEW ITEM] Major British Museum collections coming to National Museum of Australia – National Museum of Australia media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the National Museum of Australia, dated 20 September 2018.

Museums sign new Memorandum of Understanding

More exhibitions from the British Museum’s world-renowned collection of art and objects will come to the National Museum of Australia in Canberra over the next five years under a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) announced by the two institutions.

The new MoU builds on the existing collaboration which has resulted in three major exhibitions in London and Canberra over the past four years.

Under the MoU, the two museums will develop another major exhibition to be hosted at the National Museum and look for opportunities to work together on other special exhibitions and research projects, including those relating to the British Museum’s holdings of Australian Indigenous cultural materials.

Such projects will include engagement with relevant Aboriginal communities and researchers, and provide opportunities for an exchange of knowledge and staff between the two institutions.

National Museum Director Dr Mathew Trinca said the joint collaboration which resulted in the 2015 exhibition Encounters: Revealing Stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Objects from the British Museum, demonstrated that together the two institutions can tackle important issues which resonate in Australia and abroad.

‘The British Museum holds one of the world’s most important collections of art and antiquities from ancient and living cultures and we are delighted to work with them over the next five years to bring more extraordinary objects to Canberra for Australians to enjoy,’ said Dr Trinca.

‘We look forward to exploring opportunities to work together on projects relating to the common interests of both countries and their shared histories,’ said Dr Trinca.

British Museum Director Dr Hartwig Fischer said, ‘I am delighted to continue our partnership with the National Museum of Australia by signing this new Memorandum of Understanding. It has been a pleasure to work with the National Museum of Australia and I look forward to cementing our friendship further and collaborating again in the future.’

The announcement of the new MoU coincides with the National Museum’s launch of Rome: City and Empire, which draws on the British Museum’s extensive collection to feature stories of Ancient Rome.

Rome: City and Empire is the National Museum’s third show in its current collaboration with the British Museum, following Encounters: Revealing Stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Objects from the British Museum (November 2015 to March 2016); and A History of the World in 100 Objects (September 2016 to January 2017).

Rome: City and Empire is on show in Canberra from 21 September 2018 to 3 February 2019.


5. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Reporting Survey – invitation to participate

Have you ever wondered how Australian heritage is reported in the annual reports of those organisations taking charge of them? Do you believe a monetary value should be placed on the heritage items/place? Getting an answer to these sort of questions is the aim of this survey.

This survey is targeted at all groups of stakeholders in Australian heritage. Whether you are a heritage consultant, a director of an organisation taking charge of any Australian heritage item/place, a resident staying in the vicinity of a heritage site or a visitor to a local museum, your views are equally important in shaping the future of heritage reporting! The survey provides an opportunity for various stakeholder groups to share their views on how information related to heritage is to be disclosed in the annual reports of Australian government bodies.

The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete and your response would be recorded anonymously. Please take the survey by clicking on this link below (copy and paste this URL if link doesn’t work:

The survey will be opened until 31 October 2018.

If you have any question prior to completing the survey, please email Peir or call (02) 6933 4481 for clarification.


6. [NEW ITEM] ACT Heritage Awards 2018, 15 October 2018

Please join us when National Trust member Mick Gentleman MLA will present awards to this year’s Heritage Awards nominees.

Date: 15 October 2018
Time: 5.30pm for 6.00pm
Venue: Canberra Museum and Gallery – Theatrette, London Circuit, North Building, Civic Square.

Please RSVP by Thursday 11 October – (02) 6230 0533 or via email

Download the ACT Heritage Awards 2018 Invite.


7. [NEW ITEM] Save the date: Duldig Lecture 2018, Melbourne, 24 October


Duldig Studio is pleased to announce that the Director of Monash University Museum of Art, Charlotte Day, will give the 2018 Duldig Lecture at the University of Melbourne on 24 October 2018, 6.30 – 7.30pm. She will be speaking on ‘Public Art: Out and About’.

Charlotte Day joined Monash University Museum of Art as Director in 2013. Previously she worked as an independent curator and Associate Curator at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA). Charlotte has worked across a range of public and private contexts, from curating major exhibitions nationally and internationally, to advising on temporary and permanent urban-sited artworks and acquisitions for public and private collections. She has over twenty years of experience curating contemporary art and in arts management. 

Further details to come.


8. [NEW ISSUE] News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network

To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.




Scientific Symposium for GA 2020 – EOI Invited for Australian Co-Chair: deadline 28 September 2018

Expressions of interest are invited for the position of Co-Chair of the Scientific Symposium to be held between 5 and 9 October 2020 as part of the Twentieth Triennial General Assembly of ICOMOS, which will be held in Sydney (GA 2020). The Australian Co-Chair will also become a Member of the Executive Committee for GA 2020, which currently meets monthly in Sydney, but is likely to meet less frequently from early 2019.

The GA 2020 Scientific Symposium will be overseen by two Co-chairs; one appointed by Australia ICOMOS and the other appointed by ICOMOS. It is intended that the Co-Chairs will be supported by a small sub-committee, which will also be selected following a further ‘Expression of Interest’ process. It is expected that future EOIs will invite proposals for specific sessions, and session conveners, papers or other program ‘content’. Selected posters from the Scientific Symposium will be included in a public ‘Heritage Expo’ to be staged at Sydney’s International Convention Centre during the course of the Scientific Symposium and over the following weekend.

The theme of GA 2020 is ‘shared cultures – shared heritage – shared responsibility’. Within the three streams of this overall theme, a range of sessions may be offered covering different subjects, in a variety of formats and of varying lengths. Some sessions may be traditional ‘conference-style’ presentations whereas others may be less formal workshops or facilitated discussions. Building on previous ICOMOS events and responding to the interests of GA 2020 project partners, some sessions – such as the ICOMOS / IUCN ‘Nature-Culture Journey’ and programs that connect National ICOMOS Committees with local multicultural communities – will need to be included, while others will be selected by the Scientific Symposium Co-Chairs and Sub-committee through a wide-ranging consultative process. On 8 October 2020 participants in the Scientific Symposium will enjoy a full day trip to experience the cultural and natural values of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

Expressions of interest are encouraged from energetic, experienced and engaged Australia ICOMOS Members who have suitable personal attributes, skills and experience, including: a public profile, appropriate academic credentials, good connections within the cultural heritage sector, experience in conducting similar events and processes, a combination of creative and critical skills, team leadership and demonstrated commitment to inclusiveness, ethical conduct and the principles of the Burra Charter, as well as the necessary time and energy.

Expressions of interest should:

· state the reason why the applicant seeks appointment;

· indicate relevant skills, experience and interests of the applicant;

· include at least one written reference and a one page summary CV;

· be no more than 4 pages in length (inclusive of the one page summary CV and reference); and

· be sent by 5pm Friday 28 September 2018 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email

Depending on the applications received, interviews may be held (in Sydney) and/or additional information may be sought from shortlisted applicants.




Historic Houses Association upcoming events – September

To explore the latest events hosted by Historic Houses Association the click here. Upcoming events include:


Various workshops, South Australia, September and October 2018

Jacka House Conservation Project
Burra, South Australia
24-28 September 2018

The Australian Artisan Trades Academy (AATA) will hold an intensive heritage training course from the 24th – 28th of September 2018 at Burra, South Australia.

AATA facilitates heritage skills training for architects, heritage advisors, town planners, surveyors, engineers, archaeologists, builders, and homeowners.

Participants are invited to join architectural stone mason and conservation expert Keith McAllister as he leads this hands-on training course, detailing a range of techniques in correct conservation and restoration practice.

This course will cover:

• Stone Replacement
• Solid Line Rendering/Plastering
• Crack Stabilisation
• Traditional Limewashing
• Lime Mortar Technology
• Traditional Roofing/ Plumbing
• Salt Damp Remediation
• Repointing Techniques

Accommodation, meals, course notes and tools will be provided.

Course Cost: $1200 non-members, $195 for CITB members

For more information visit this link or call us on 1300 853 003.

This project is delivered in partnership with the National Trust of South Australia and the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).


Archaeological Excavation and Workshop at Z ward
Glenside, South Australia
8-10 October 2018

Presented by Stefanie Blackmore and Erin Finnegan of Environmental Resource Management (ERM)

This 3-day workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to be involved in an urban archaeological excavation at one of South Australia’s most iconic state heritage-listed sites, Z ward for the Criminally Insane at Glenside Hospital.

This a practical, hands-on workshop will introduce participants to some of the issues encountered when undertaking excavation work at heritage-listed properties and will acquaint you with the key methods employed in archaeological heritage management.

The workshop focuses on the process of heritage resource management, from project inception and basic archaeological assessment, to a true ‘field experience’ with site test trenching led by professional archaeologists. The aim is to teach participants to think strategically about project design, project implementation and project management.

Course Cost: $1900 per person (includes lunch, refreshments, and learning materials)

For more information visit this link or call us on 1300 853 003.


West Fest, a celebration of the culture and heritage of Western Sydney, 6-21 October

West Fest is a two-week festival that will be held in multiple locations across Western Sydney from 6-21 October 2018. West Fest will enliven the intangible heritage of the West through a variety of hands-on experiences that will provide you with unique opportunities to engage, share and celebrate our heritage.

The theme for the event is intangible cultural heritage; the traditions inherited from our ancestors that are not tied to a physical place but are carried within a person or a community. These include social practices, festivities, stories, language, costume, food, dance, performing arts, practices, and the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.

There is vast cultural diversity across Western Sydney, contributed by the many migrant groups over the decades who have made the region their home. West Fest has been designed to highlight and celebrate the broad and significant cultural heritage of the people who live there.

From food tours and forums, to poetry slams and fashion shows, there’s something for everyone at West Fest this October.

>>Explore the full program


West Fest Forum ‘Culture, Diversity and the Future of Heritage’, Thursday 18 October, Parramatta

Heritage plays a vital role in defining who we are. Reflecting our identity, heritage is made up of our culturally diverse histories, traditions and practices, and the built environment. Sharing and celebrating the diversity of our heritage in NSW can help connect people from different backgrounds and influence how we design our suburbs, towns and cities.

Join us for an evening of discussion, delving into why and how we can recognise the diverse heritage our communities, as we explore the exciting topic of ‘Culture, Diversity and the Future of Heritage’. Panel members include Dr Sarah Barns (Western Sydney University), Yamane Fayed (Information and Cultural Exchange, Parramatta), Dr Raymond Kelly (University of Newcastle), Fatma Isir (Director, Africultures Festival), and Jacqui Newling (Sydney Living Museums).

The West Fest Forum is one of many events part of West Fest, celebrating the culture and heritage of Western Sydney.

Tickets are free. Complimentary canapes and refreshments will be available from 6pm, with the panel beginning at 7pm.

Date: Thursday 18 October 2018
Time: 6pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Skye Hotel Suites, 30 Hunter St, Parramatta NSW 2150
How to Book: bookings made via Eventbrite


The Trust Talks – Beauty or the Beast? Communicating the Value of Twentieth Century Heritage, Brisbane, 18 October 2018

THE TRUST TALKS – Beauty or the Beast? Communicating the Value of Twentieth Century Heritage


Join us for an evening of inspiring talks by international experts on modernist heritage as we examine the value of this much-maligned aspect of our heritage.

Queensland’s twentieth century heritage is rapidly disappearing – places from the modernist era struggle to even gain statutory listing. A lack of appreciation and understanding is hindering our efforts to gain recognition for these places.

In this environment, how should we communicate the value of a type of building that many people find ugly or unattractive – more importantly – if we can’t communicate this value, how can we expect people to appreciate it or protect it?


Thursday 18 October 2018
5pm drinks & canapes
6pm start
7.30pm finish
Ticket price includes drinks and canapes on arrival and a gift bag
Wesley House, 140 Ann Street, Brisbane City

>>More information and bookings


Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja, 25 October, NSW

Fuelling the Fire: Tour of Joadaja
Presented by the Australian Garden History Society, Southern Highlands Branch
Thursday 25 October 2018

Australian Garden History Society Southern Highlands Branch are pleased to present a symposium to be held in an evocative state-heritage area, Joadja Creek valley, 30kms west of Mittagong, the location of an abandoned nineteenth-century kerosene and shale oil mining town. The site is recognised for its heritage significance:

‘The isolation and beauty of Joadja valley, the comprehensiveness of its physical testimony to a great Australian industry, a vigorous Scottish community and a vanished technology make Joadja an extremely important element in the heritage not just of Wingecarribee Shire but of Australia and the world.’ – State Heritage Register Statement of Significance.

After a Welcome to Country by Gundungurra Elder, Trish Levett, a barbeque lunch will be provided on arrival in the valley. Owner Valero Jiminez and historian, Leonie Knapman, will take you on a tour of the valley including the ruins, the retorts, ‘Carrington Row’ and former orchards. Discussion will continue in the distillery café, led by Professor Emeritus Helen Armstrong AM. The particular focus will be on time and conflicting narratives of ‘gardening’ in the broader landscape. Dr Charles Massey OAM, author of ‘Call of the Reed Warbler’, will bring his deep knowledge of regenerative attitudes to land.

Individual $150
Students: $70
>> Book online

For further information please contact the Australian Garden History Society office on (03) 9650 5043 or 1800 678 446 or via email.




Creative and Culture Futures: Leadership and Change symposium, Canberra, 12 October 2018

Join established and emerging industry leaders, academics and practitioners to discuss the future of the cultural sector – this sector is a driver of economic development and is integral to community wellbeing, yet it faces many challenges, from the impact of new technology to changes in funding models. How will we equip professionals in the sector to adapt to these changes, and foster flexibility, confidence and resilience in future leaders?

When: 12 October 2018, 10am-5pm followed by drinks

Where: Ann Harding Conference Centre, University of Canberra

Who: Anyone interested in, or working in, the GLAM sector (galleries, libraries, archives, museums), heritage and conservation, community arts, arts management, creative producers, digital media, cultural policy and planning etc.

Cost: $50 ($25 Full time students and unwaged)

Current students and recent graduates of the University of Canberra attend for free!

>>More information or email Tracy Ireland

Program will be available soon.


SAVE THE DATE: 21st Assembly & International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth, 2-3 March 2019, Florence

On 2-3 March 2019, the 21st Assembly of Experts of the Foundation and International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth 2019 will be held in Florence.

One part will be dedicated to the scientific work and presentations under the tentative title “Heritage for Dialogue: technology and traditional knowledge for the heritage and planet Earth”.

Another part will be dedicated to the presentation of ‘territorial knowledge’ , under the preliminary title “Cultural expressions of territories”. In this session the excellences that characterize the territories will present themselves with the help of a power point and an exhibition/tasting of their products.

From 2019 on, the 21st Assembly of the International Experts of the Foundation will bring together our academic world and the world of traditional excellence production of territories, the scientific work on related to historical and cultural heritage and the enhancement of territorial identities. In fact, this principle has always characterized the Movement Life Beyond Tourism of the Foundation.

More information regarding the Assembly will be available at the Assembly website.

It is now possible to download the two recent publications of the previous 20th Assembly and Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth 2018 (“Conclusions” and “Proceedings”), upon registration to the Life Beyond Tourism Movement.


IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’, 27-29 March 2019, Portugal

The IABSE Symposium Guimarães 2019 ‘Towards a Resilient Built Environment – Risk and Asset Management’ will be held on 27-29 March 2019. The Symposium aims at providing an international forum for the debate on, among others, issues such as the sustainability of the built environment, risk assessment and asset management in infrastructures. In addition to Future Trends, the Symposium shall focus on cutting-edge issues, such as: Novel Management Tools for the Built Environment, Lifecycle Quality Control of Infrastructures, Advanced Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment and Risk Analysis Procedures. The Symposium is targeted at attendees from different stakeholders, respectively, from academia and industry.

Themes and Topics

1. Novel Management Tools for the Built Environment
2. Lifecycle Quality Control of New and Existing Infrastructures
3. Advanced Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment
4. Risk Analysis Procedures, from Theory to Practice
5. Future Trends in Structural Engineering

For more information and to register visit the symposium website.


SHATiS’19 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, 25-27 September 2019, Portugal – abstracts invited; deadline 30 September 2018

The next SHATiS’19 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures will take place on 25-27 September 2019, in Guimarães, Portugal.

The submission of abstracts is open via this EasyChair link until 30 September 2018.

Submitted papers will be selected for publication in special conferences issues of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Taylor & Francis and Buildings, MDPI.

For more details about the conference, please visit the conference website.




Call for Expressions of Interest – National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Heritage Committee, Built Environment Committee, Public Art Committee: deadline 21 September

The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) is calling for Expressions of Interest from industry leaders and experts to membership of the Heritage Committee, a standing committee of the National Trust Board which guides the Trust’s advocacy work. We are also seeking Expressions of Interest for our Built Environment Expert and Public Art Expert Advisory Committees, which advise the Heritage Committee on advocacy issues. Each committee meets quarterly at Tasma Terrace in East Melbourne, however Skype conferencing is available, and we encourage applications from regionally-based members.

Due Date: Friday 21 September 2018

Contact: Felicity Watson, Advocacy Manager, email Felicity, or call her on (03) 9656 9802.


Seeking volunteer assistance with the conservation of the Tourism Building in Yangon, Myanmar

Leila Allbrook is currently volunteering (through Australian Volunteers International) to assist with the conservation of the Tourism Building in Yangon, Myanmar. Yangon is full of the most wonderful colonial buildings and there is a great need for expertise to assist with their conservation.

Leila has asked if there is anyone in Australia who might be able, in a voluntary capacity, to assist with the urban planning/landscape issues associated with the Tourism Building. She notes “there is a real shortage of urban planning, traffic engineers and landscapers that could consolidate the information. Therefore an opportunity to engage more broadly and run this as a training workshop with the Association of Myanmar Architects, Engineers, technical colleges, YCDC etc would be great”.

Newsletter readers who know of someone in their networks who may be interested in assisting, or know of someone planning to visit Myanmar and may be able to work such a project into their visit, please contact Leila directly by email.


Master of Arts in Creative and Cultural Futures, University of Canberra – applications open

Applications are now open for the University of Canberra’s new Master of Arts in Creative and Cultural Futures. This versatile Masters will prepare you to be a leader in the rapidly changing cultural sector. Based in the national capital of Canberra – home to Australia’s major cultural institutions and an ever-increasing creative community – you can use the course’s interdisciplinary learning environment to expand your knowledge and networks, build or update your digital skills, develop your leadership and entrepreneurial potential, and apply your creativity in real-world settings using Australian and international industry case studies.

This expertise and industry knowledge will help you to establish or build a sustainable career in the creative and cultural industries, in fields such as heritage and conservation, GLAM sector, community arts, cultural policy and planning. The course is capped by a thesis or professional/creative project in an area of your choosing, and if you are already employed in the sector, you will be encouraged to use your past or recent experience to reflect on current industry practice, problems and issues.

Email Tracy Ireland for further info and apply via this link.


George Alexander Foundation fellowships applications open: deadline – 28 September

The George Alexander Foundation and the International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) are offering three (3) international applied research Fellowships in the amount of $10,000 (less GST) each.

The 2018 George Alexander Foundation International Fellowship provides an opportunity for individuals aged between 18-35 years to acquire higher-level skills and drive leading practice and innovation in Australia. It is intended that the Fellowship will demonstrate potential benefits for, and application in, Australia.

Applications should focus on the following areas:

  • Environment and Sustainability (this area can include heritage)
  • Alternative Energy
  • Education

However, if you have an innovative Fellowship idea that sits outside these areas these will also be considered.

For more information, visit this link.

Applications close at 4:00pm on Friday 28 September 2018.


Google and World Heritage: Casa Barragan and Villa Savoye – survey invitation: closes 30 September

This research project investigates the how searching on Google’s various services is changing the way we experience World Heritage, and what it can tell us about people’s connection to these important places. The survey is collecting keywords associated with two World Heritage sites: Casa Luis Barragan located in Mexico, and Villa Savoye located in France.

Please contribute to this research by completing the survey, which can be found at this link.

Survey closes 30 September.

The research is being carried out by Dr Cristina Garduño Freeman, ACAHUCH, University of Melbourne, and funded by an Early Career Research Grant. For further information please contact Cristina by email.


First Call for Nominations for Australian Archaeological Association Awards – deadline 30 September 2018

Each year the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. (AAA) aims to present four awards to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of members and colleagues to the field of archaeology in a number of ways. This call for nominations sets out the criteria for each of the four awards and the requirements of nominations. If you wish to nominate someone who was nominated for the same award last year, but was unsuccessful, there is no need to resend your nomination documents. Please just let the President know you wish to renominate that person, and last year’s nomination will be rolled over to this year.

Nominations are called for the following four Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards.

Closing Date: 30 September 2018

1. Rhys Jones Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Australian Archaeology

The Rhys Jones Medal is the highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. It was established in honour of Rhys Jones (1941-2001) to mark his enormous contribution to the development and promotion of archaeology in Australia. The Medal is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field. Established in 2002, previous winners include Isabel McBryde (2003), John Mulvaney (2004), and Sean Ulm (2017). A full list of past recipients can be found on the AAA website.

Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s archaeological career and how this work has benefited Australian archaeology, as well as a full list of the nominee’s publications (in addition to the one page nomination). Note that nominees do not need to be members of the Association; be an Australian citizen; or work exclusively in Australia or on Australian material. Nominations longer than one page will not be read.

2. John Mulvaney Book Award

The Award was established in honour of John Mulvaney and his contribution and commitment to Australian archaeology over a lifetime of professional service. It acknowledges the significant contribution of individual or co-authored publications to the archaeology of the continent of Australia, the Pacific, Papua-New Guinea and South-East Asia, either as general knowledge or as specialist publications. Nominations are considered annually for books that cover both academic pursuits and public interest, reflecting the philosophy of John Mulvaney’s life work. Established in 2004, previous winners include Val Attenbrow for Sydney’s Aboriginal Past (2004), Mike Morwood & Penny Van Oosterzee for The Discovery of the Hobbit: The Scientific Breakthrough that changed the Face of Human History (2007), and Nina Kononenko for Experimental and Archaeological Studies of Use-Wear and Residues on Obsidian Artefacts from Papua New Guinea (2012). A full list of past recipients can be found on the AAA website.

Nominations must be for books written by one or more authors, but not for edited books, published in the last three calendar years (ie. 2015, 2016 or 2017). The nomination must be accompanied by at least two published book reviews. A short citation (no more than one page) on why the book should be considered must also be included. Nominations longer than one page will not be read.

3. The Bruce Veitch Award for Excellence in Indigenous Engagement

This Award celebrates the important contribution that Bruce Veitch (1957-2005) made to the practice and ethics of archaeology in Australia. In particular, the award honours Bruce’s close collaboration with traditional owners on whose country he worked. It is awarded annually to any individual or group who has had long-standing and sustained engagement with Indigenous communities during archaeological or cultural heritage projects which have produced significant outcomes for Indigenous interests. Established in 2005, previous winners include Annie Ross (2008), Ian McNiven (2012) and Mel Marshall (2017). A full list of past recipients can be found on the AAA website.

Nominees will have actively engaged with Indigenous communities to produce successful outcomes. The nature of nominations is flexible (e.g. video tape, audio tape, poster etc), considering the wide range of Indigenous collaborations and the remoteness of some communities. Nominators are strongly encouraged to include supporting statements from relevant Indigenous individuals or community organisations.

4. Life Membership for Outstanding Contribution to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc.

This award was established to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the objects and purposes of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Previous winners include J. Peter White (2003), Luke Kirkwood (2004), Lynley Wallis (2012), and Jacq Mathews (2016). A full list of past recipients can be found on the AAA website.

Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s contributions to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Note that nominees must be members of the Association. Nominations longer than one page will not be read.


Nominations for all Awards will be considered by the Awards Sub-Committee and the Executive of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. with advice as appropriate from senior members of the discipline. The decision of the Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Nominations should be addressed to Dr Michael Slack President, AAA and sent via email to arrive no later than 30 September 2018.

Recipients of all awards will be announced at the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Annual Conference.

Dates: 28 November to 1 December 2018
Location: Auckland
Host: University of Auckland


Deakin University-BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Dual Award Masters Program 2019 – EOI deadline 5 October 2018

Expressions of Interest are now OPEN for the 5th intake for the Dual Award Program, which allows a small international cohort of students to study for two Masters degrees – the Deakin Master of Cultural Heritage and the BTU-Cottbus-Senftenberg Master of World Heritage Studies.

This is a unique opportunity – starting full-time and on-campus in Melbourne in March 2019. EOI’s close on 5 October 2018 (NOTE CORRECTION FROM LAST WEEK).

For more information and easy application process, please visit our blog.


Making Development Easier and Faster – SA DPTI seeks feedback: deadline 17 October 2018

The SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) has reached another planning reform milestone with the release of three new documents that will improve the way future developments are assessed, approved and monitored in our new planning system.

Your feedback is invited on each of these documents. Consultation is open until Wednesday 17 October 2018.

For more information, read this document: Making Development Easier and Faster




New book explores the hidden past of Australia’s towns and places

Do you know that Byron Bay was once a rough industrial town, thronging with the sounds and smells of mineral sand mining, a piggery and a thriving whaling station? Many of Australia’s best-loved locations have an interesting story about their origin and a fascinating new book uncovers some of the most interesting.

In the new release Where History Happened (NLA Publishing $39.99, 1 September 2018), author Peter Spearritt reveals the hidden past of some of Australia’s most intriguing towns and places, from mining settlements and remote caves to monuments and historic houses in our capital cities. The book contains stories of famous pioneers, warriors, troublemakers, writers, leaders and entrepreneurs, as well as lesser-known Australians who carved out interesting lives in remote places.

Spearritt identifies the most interesting details, monuments and buildings that the reader can visit today (places he himself has visited), revealing the hidden history scattered around Australia. The book also contains beautiful images from the collection of the National Library of Australia, including works by renowned photographers Frank Hurley, Wolfgang Sievers and Peter Dombrovskis, colonial watercolours and sketches, newspaper cartoons, early black-and-white photographs and bold, colourful tourism posters from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

A mix of social, architectural, military, political and industrial history, Where History Happened provides a fascinating insight into the origin of some of the most beloved towns and locations across Australia.

Additional Information

· Covers all of Australia, from the southern tip of Tasmania to far north Queensland to Rottnest Island

· Lavishly illustrated with colourful tourism posters; drawings and paintings; and photographs of buildings, interiors, sweeping landscapes and key historical events

About the Author

Peter Spearritt’s taste for places and landscapes started with family car trips from Melbourne to Brisbane in the 1950s, when car ferries made for a picturesque but long trip. Moving to Sydney in 1960, he left a city with a flourishing tramway network for a city that had got rid of its trams but did boast a really impressive bridge. His The Sydney Harbour Bridge: A Life is now in its third edition, while Sydney’s Century: A History won the New South Wales Premier’s Prize. Together with colleagues at the University of Queensland and Monash University, he has produced the Queensland Places and Victorian Places websites. He has been to all the places he writes about in Where History Happened and hopes his readers will contemplate their own special places.

Download the Where History Happened media information.


Book on the architecture of Newman College

For more information and to order Jeffrey John Turnbull’s, Walter Burley Griffin: the architecture of Newman College, 1915-18, Vivid Publishing, 2018, download the Walter Burley Griffin – the Architecture of Newman College publicity flyer.




TENDER OPPORTUNITY Artillery Drill Hall Interpretation Project, National Trust of Western Australia

The National Trust of Western Australia is committed to ensuring the heritage values of its heritage places are acknowledged through innovative and engaging interpretation. Proposals are now sought from contractors experienced in the interpretation of heritage places to develop the interpretation of the Artillery Drill Hall in Fremantle, which is currently undergoing conservation and adaptive reuse works for its future use as a multifaceted destination incorporating bars, food and live music.

The Artillery Drill Hall site has three distinct periods of use since the European settlement of the area. Documentary evidence suggests that the area was used as a garden as part of the convict cantonment which was established in 1851. The Artillery Drill Hall was constructed in 1895/6 to provide facilities for the town’s volunteer artillery corps. It not only provided space for practising drill, but also facilities for various leisure pursuits and social activities. It is located within an historic precinct that includes Fremantle Courthouse, Lock-up, Police Barracks, Warders Cottages and the Fremantle Prison. The building remained in military use and during World War II. It continued to be used for military purposes until 1986 when ownership is transferred to the City of Fremantle and later to the State Government. The same year the Fly by Night Musicians’ Club was established through an America’s Cup project grant and the Drill Hall became a live music club and the ‘first smoke free’ venue in Australia. It is now in a new phase as a heritage place managed by the National Trust of Western Australia on behalf of the community and Government of Western Australia.

It is expected the interpretation will be enticing, engaging and intriguing. Audiences will find the stories associated with the place to be enlightening and unexpected. In keeping with the new use of the place the interpretation is expected to be presented in an accessible, light hearted and enjoyable manner. The interpretive experience will be such that audiences feel compelled to consider the Artillery Drill Hall as a significant heritage place that should be treasured and enjoyed by the community now and in the future.

The project brief can be found at this link.


All submissions should be clearly marked, “Artillery Drill Hall Interpretation Project” and submitted no later than 9am WST on Monday 1 October


SITUATIONS VACANT Senior and Mid-Level Historical Archaeologists, Casey & Lowe, Archaeology & Heritage, Sydney

Casey & Lowe, Archaeology & Heritage are a leading archaeological and heritage company. We are a specialised, highly skilled team working in historical archaeology and heritage, focusing on best practice methodologies and quality outcomes. We provide expert advice and recommend appropriate strategies to manage our clients’ risk. Our clients are some of Australia’s largest companies as well as many smaller heritage architectural firms. We work on SHR sites, state significant archaeological sites and State Significant Developments.


We have an opportunity for an experienced historical archaeologist to join our team on a permanent, full time basis.

The Senior position is for a confident mid or senior level historical archaeologist who is looking for the chance to develop their career and take on a vital role in our company. You will be passionate about Historical Archaeology with at least 8 years’ industry experience, including staff management and the production of high level technical reports.

We are also looking to fill a limited number of other historical archaeology roles.

The roles would provide opportunities to be involved in a range of state significant projects within Sydney and Regional NSW. Salary commensurate with experience.

If you are a historical archaeologist looking for opportunities to work on exciting, challenging and significant heritage projects, click here for more information and to apply.

Applications close Wednesday 26 September 2018.


SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, GML Heritage

GML is a vibrant, attentive, and sustainable interdisciplinary consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our consulting team has expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation. We work all over Australia and have a great portfolio of challenging projects and you will work alongside experienced practitioners in an engaged and supportive environment.

We are currently recruiting multiple positions at the Consultant level in our Heritage Places team. In this role, you will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of built heritage services, including heritage assessments, conservation management plans, and heritage impact statements.

Visit the GML Heritage website for more information.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Senior Consultant, Urbis, Sydney

Heritage Senior Consultant

  • Established team with strong career development opportunities
  • Work as a part of a multi-disciplinary team of industry experts
  • Be truly influential in strategically advising a diverse range of clients

The Opportunity

An opportunity has arisen in our Sydney office for a suitably qualified and experienced Senior Consultant with a professional work history of 5+ years in Heritage advisory consulting or related field.

We are looking for a lateral thinker and an outstanding communicator seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects, for a diverse range of private and public sector clients. As a key member of the team, you will be involved in conducting research across a diverse, high profile and challenging range of projects, providing reports and strategic advice to our clients. We also encourage archaeologists (Aboriginal or European) or heritage architects to apply for this position.

About You

As a Senior Heritage Consultant there is a requirement to demonstrate an in depth understanding of Heritage principles and an ability to provide a range of advice to clients on a range of projects including heritage studies, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation, archival recording and heritage architectural conservation supervision.

For detailed information about this opportunity, click on this link.

How to apply?

If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, please apply via this link. Or for a highly confidential discussion please call Anastasia Zappert, HR Consultant on (02) 8424 5111. We are looking to appoint this position as soon as possible so encourage applications be lodged as soon as possible.

Applications close 28 September 2018.


SITUATION VACANT Architect, Hocking Heritage Studio, Perth

About the business and the role

Hocking Heritage Studio is an award-winning multi-disciplinary practice specialising in heritage architecture, urban design and strategic planning. Our reputation and expert knowledge of heritage and planning is recognised by the industry and local authorities and makes us highly sought after.

This role will suit an Architect who has a proven track record of running projects independently from start to finish with the support of a dedicated team. Experience with working within the heritage field would be an advantage. We have projects throughout the state and the successful candidate may be required to travel. Initially a fixed-term contract, with opportunity for long-term employment.

For more information, see the Hocking Heritage Studio, Architect (Aug 2018) position description.


SITUATION VACANT Architect, Purcell, Sydney

Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 18 offices in the UK, HK and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design, we create thoughtful architecture that enhances its context.

Our Sydney team is looking for a full time Architect to join the Practice. This is an excellent opportunity to join a talented team, work on exciting projects and help the studio move from strength to strength. The Sydney Studio has a wide range of projects including places of regeneration, infrastructure and public buildings.

For more information and to apply, visit the Purcell website.


SITUATION VACANT Architect, Purcell, Melbourne

Purcell is an award-winning architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a strong commitment to quality. We have staff of approximately 250 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 18 offices in the UK, HK and Australia. Together, we work on some of the finest buildings from meticulous heritage and conservation schemes to bold contemporary design, we create thoughtful architecture that enhances its context.

Our Melbourne team is looking for a full time Architect to join the Practice. This is an excellent opportunity to join a talented team, work on exciting projects and help the studio move from strength to strength. The Melbourne Studio has a wide range of projects including places of regeneration, infrastructure and public buildings.

For more information and to apply, visit the Purcell website.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, RPS, Melbourne

With a diverse work portfolio in Victoria and across Australia, RPS is looking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant who will play a key technical role in the Heritage team, as well as contributing to the growth of the division and expansion of capabilities in Melbourne.

This exciting opportunity will allow you to continue to develop your knowledge and expertise within the field whilst being recognised as a key contributor to various existing and future projects throughout Melbourne. This role will also be responsible for providing mentorship and guidance to junior Heritage graduates, making it a fantastic mix between a technical and managerial role. Interested? Apply for this opportunity today!





Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
