Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 827


  1. [NEW ITEM] General Assembly 2020 Organising Committee and Executive Committee
  2. [NEW ITEM] Marketing Sub-committee for GA 2020 – EOI invited
  3. [NEW ITEM] In memoriam – Augusto “Toti” Villalon passes away
  4. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Walk, Talk, Wine Tour, Adelaide, 18 May
  5. [NEW ITEM] AICCM event: Stories from Conservation, Melbourne, 15 May
  6. [NEW ITEM] SHAP Workshop on 18 May 2018 – final chance to buy tickets
  7. [NEW ITEM] National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Advocacy Toolkit Launch, Melbourne, 16 May
  8. [NEW ITEM] Usewear & Residue Analysis workshops, 23 & 24 June 2018, Wollongong
  9. [NEW ITEM] Event Recording – Conservation from the distant to recent past: Chatsworth to the Salk Institute
  10. [NEW ITEM] Art&Archaeology2018, Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018 – SAVE THE DATE
  11. [NEW ISSUE] Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage – May Newsletter now available
  12. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  13. [NEW ISSUE] News from The Best in Heritage
  14. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin








1. [NEW ITEM] General Assembly 2020 Organising Committee and Executive Committee

Following the Expression of Interest process in March, the following initial appointments have been made for the 2020 ICOMOS General Assembly:

  • Organising Committee: Ian Travers Chair – President Australia ICOMOS, Richard Mackay Convenor GA 2020, David Williams or alternate Jennifer Carter Department of the Environment, Jayne Holden or alternate Nick Lackner, Heritage Division NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Peter Phillips ICOMOS International, Tony Smith City of Sydney, Michael Queale Australia ICOMOS National Executive Committee, Michelle Bashta Australia ICOMOS Emerging Professional, Anne Warr, Australia ICOMOS Member – with the Chair able to co-opt another member.
  • Executive Committee: Richard Mackay Chair – Convenor GA 2020, Melissa Murphy Arinex – Professional Conference Organiser, Caroline Butler-Bowdon Sydney Living Museums, Michael Queale Australia ICOMOS National Executive Committee, Julian Siu Youth Forum Convenor, Ian Kelly Australia ICOMOS Member – with the Co-chair of Scientific Committee, and a representative of AI Secretariat yet to be appointed and Chair able to co-opt other members.

An initial combined meeting of the Organising Committee and Executive Committee took place on 4 April and planning for this momentous series of events is now getting underway.

Unsuccessful applicants for these roles (and all Australia ICOMOS Members who are interested) are encouraged to watch this space as a range of GA 2020 opportunities, covering both individual roles and events, will be offered to Members over coming months.


2. [NEW ITEM] Marketing Sub-committee for GA 2020 – EOI invited

Expressions of interest are invited to join the ‘Marketing Sub-committee’ of the GA 2020 Executive Committee. Australia ICOMOS Members with skills and experience in this area, particularly digital marketing and social media, would be welcome to join the team. For this role, it would be helpful (but not essential) for applicants to be based in Sydney.

Expressions of interest should:

  • be of no more than 2 pages in length;
  • state the reason why the applicant seeks appointment;
  • indicate the relevant skills and experience of the applicant;
  • refer to previous involvement in similar roles (where applicable); and
  • be sent by 4pm (AEST) on Friday 18 May 2018 to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email.


3. [NEW ITEM] In memoriam – Augusto “Toti” Villalon passes away

With much sadness, ICOMOS Philippines lets you know that the Philippines lost one of its forefathers and tireless advocates for built heritage conservation, Architect Toti Villalon. This past President of ICOMOS Philippines and Honorary Member of ICOMOS International will be missed by practitioners here and in many other parts of the world, who honor his memory by continuing the work. 

Read this article about Augusto.

Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Augusto’s family, friends and colleagues.


4. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Walk, Talk, Wine Tour, Adelaide, 18 May

Talk and drinks – Adelaide – Friday 18 May, 2018 

The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is meeting in Adelaide over the weekend of 18-20 May 2018. The Executive Committee comprises architects, archaeologists, historians, museum managers and cultural heritage experts from around Australia. The Committee would like to meet with as many local ICOMOS members and others in Adelaide’s heritage community, to discuss heritage matters of local interest as a part of ICOMOS’s advocacy role with government, stakeholders and the community. 

Therefore, we invite you to a walking tour, talk and network drinks, Friday 18 May, from 4pm – 7pm. For more information, see the AICOMOS Walk, Talk, Wine Tour flyer.

Please book through Eventbrite


5. [NEW ITEM] AICCM event: Stories from Conservation, Melbourne, 15 May

Presented by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) for the Australian Heritage Festival, and generously supported by Museums Victoria.

Hear fascinating short talks on the incredible work conservators are undertaking, often ‘behind the scenes’, to protect and preserve Victoria’s heritage. Speakers will present inspiring stories about conservation research and projects they have recently been involved with, at both public institutions and in private practice.

Date & Time: Tuesday 15 May 2018, 6pm – 7:30pm

Venue: Melbourne Museum Lecture Theatre, 11 Nicholson St Carlton 3053

Cost: ranges from $8-10

Book online

>>Full program and further information


6. [NEW ITEM] SHAP Workshop on 18 May 2018 – final chance to buy tickets

The Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners’ (SHAP) Workshop will be running again this year on 18 May at the Big Dig Archaeology Centre at The Rocks, Sydney, proudly organised by Extent Heritage.

The 2018 theme is: The Role of Archaeology in Heritage Conservation. The program has been finalised with a diverse selection of speakers and interactive sessions.

Tickets for workshop are still on sale – head over to reserve your spot now as places are limited! Tickets are $33 for students, $66 for ASHA/AAA/AACAI/ICOMOS members and $88 for general entry, including food and drinks. TICKET SALES ARE CLOSING SOON.

Download the Final SHAP Programme.

Email Extent Heritage with any questions.


7. [NEW ITEM] National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Advocacy Toolkit Launch, Melbourne, 16 May

The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and the Royal Historical Society of Victoria invite you to attend the launch of the National Trust’s Advocacy Toolkit. This free online resource, supported by the Victoria Law Foundation, will provide communities across Victoria with the tools they need to protect their natural and cultural heritage. At this special launch during Law Week 2018 and the Australian Heritage Festival, hosted in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, experts and community advocates will discuss recent heritage campaigns, sharing insights arising from both wins and losses, and their top tips for successful advocacy.

Date and Time: Wednesday 16 May, 12.45pm for 1pm–2pm

Location: Royal Historical Society of Victoria, 239 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne 

Confirmed speakers:

* Charles Sowerwine, Chair, Heritage Committee, RHSV
* Professor Michael Buxton, RMIT University
* Fiona Austin, President, Beaumaris Modern
* Glen McCallum, Protect Fitzroy North
* Moderator: Felicity Watson, Advocacy Manager, National Trust of Australia (Victoria)

Refreshments provided.

This event is presented by National Trust of Australia (Victoria) in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. The Advocacy Toolkit is generously supported by the Victoria Law Foundation.

Bookings Essential: Book online here

Or contact the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Bookings Team: (03) 9656 9889 or by email.


8. [NEW ITEM] Usewear & Residue Analysis workshops, 23 & 24 June 2018, Wollongong

AACAI is pleased to announce that two Professional Development Workshops on Usewear & Residue Analysis with Dr Ebbe Hayes & Prof. Richard Fullagar will be held on Saturday 23 June & Sunday 24 June 2018 at the University of Wollongong.

AACAI Members $280 | non-members $350 | students $200 (includes new AACAI student membership free!)

Tickets on sale now at this link.


9. [NEW ITEM] Event Recording – Conservation from the distant to recent past: Chatsworth to the Salk Institute

Architect Stephen Gee’s presentation focused on his work in preparing conservation plans that establish the policies by which architectural sites of aesthetic and historical importance should be guided in terms of cultural significance, maintenance, repair, expansion and modification.

Highlights included projects such as the conservation of Chatsworth in Derbyshire and the Salk Institute, La Jolla, California, designed by Louis Kahn.

If you missed the event you can listen to the recording online.


10. [NEW ITEM] Art&Archaeology2018, Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018 – SAVE THE DATE

The conference organisers invite you to participate in Art&Archaeology2018, the International Conference to be held in Jerusalem, 9-12 December 2018.

The main objective of Art&Archaeology2018 is to bring to light recent R&D results in the analysis methods that advance the frontiers of knowledge connected with human cultural heritage. Heritage is our legacy from the past. It is our source for understanding the human mind, its capabilities and potential. Knowledge of the past influences our present day life and what we pass on to future generations.

For more information, visit the conference website.


11. [NEW ISSUE] Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage – May Newsletter now available

The Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage March Newsletter is now available.

You can also sign up to receive our newsletters through the website, and find out more about our activities and events, and how to get involved in the Committee.


12. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.


13. [NEW ISSUE] News from The Best in Heritage

Click on the link below to read the latest newsletter from The Best in Heritage.


14. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.




Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail, 12 & 13 May 2018

Rare and lost trades and crafts will be showcased over one weekend at Australia’s oldest inland European settlement. Blacksmithing, saddlery, dry stone walling, whip cracking and making, heavy horses, glass artistry, lace making, tapestry work, embroidery, felting, carpentry and joinery, chairmaking, cigar box guitar making and violin making are among many unique talents to be demonstrated by local and guest artisans.

“The Trail” is a Bathurst Regional Council initiative supported by a number of community heritage and history groups including the Bathurst District Historical Society, Bathurst Heritage Network, The National Trust, Bathurst Bead & Wire Craft Guild, Bathurst Embroidery Guild and the Bathurst Family History Group. It will next take place during Bathurst Heritage Week, on 12 and 13 May 2018, and will feature heritage trades in a number of heritage buildings and precincts around Bathurst.

For more information visit the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail website.

Download the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail flyer.


Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 15 May

To be presented by the Save Our Sirius (SOS) Foundation

Speakers will include

Shaun Carter, Chair of the Save Our Sirius Foundation, and
Tao Gofers, Architect of the Sirius Building

The Sirius Foundation has been formed by people and organisations campaigning to save Sirius and its residents. Groups include: Friends of Millers Point, Millers Point Dawes Point and The Rocks Resident Action Group, Millers Point, Dawes Point and The Rocks, Public Housing Tenants Group. The Foundation, chaired by Shaun Carter (previous NSW Chapter President of the Australian Institute of Architects) has middle-ground solutions to save Sirius while achieving the government’s aims. The Sirius Foundation has worked with local community groups to plan events to save Sirius.

The SOS group will give an update of what’s happening with the government’s sale of the building, and will have copies for sale of the freshly re-printed book on Sirius, published by Piper Press.

Time & Date: Tuesday 15 May 2018, 5.30pm for 6pm start

Cost: Students $10, Members $15, non-members $20 payable in cash at GML

Venue: GML Heritage Level 6, Australia Council Building, 372 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, 2010 (corner of Cooper Street – south from Central Station North Concourse exit to Elizabeth Street). Please report to the reception desk on the Australia Council Ground Floor on arrival to be ticked off on the list and to obtain a Visitors Pass

RSVP: by Friday 11 May 2018 via email to Louise Cox. Bookings are essential as places are limited.

Download the Save our Sirius talk flyer.


Museums Australia (Victoria) events – 18 May & 24 May

Museums Australia (Victoria) General Meeting

Date: Friday 18 May 2018
Time: 8.45am – 10am
Venue: Museo Italiano, 199 Faraday Street, Carlton
Cost: Free

Celebrate International Museums Day (IMD) with colleagues at our General Meeting breakfast event at Museo Italiano. Our guest speakers, Lee Casey, Head of Communications and Engagement at Science Gallery Melbourne and Dr Niels Wouters from the University of Melbourne, will provide insights on future-proofing the gallery environment in response to this year’s IMD theme, ‘Hyper connected Museums: New Approaches, New Publics’.

> Book now to secure your place at this event

Creating an Online Exhibition

Date: Thursday 24 May 2018
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Venue: Creative Victoria, 31/121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Cost: Free

Learn how to tell stories from your collection online. Collection managers and content producers will provide you with practical information about the options available and how to get started. Held in partnership with Creative Victoria. Speakers include: Georgia Melville, Creative Victoria; Lucinda Horrocks, Wind & Sky Productions; Belinda Ensor, Victorian Collections; Rohan Long, Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology, University of Melbourne; Monica Cronin, Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History, ANZCA; Jonny Brownbill, Museums Victoria and Katrina Raymond, Digital Storytelling Consultant.

> Book now to secure your place at this event


TALK: Quill and Spade – Pioneer garden writing in Australia, 23 May, Sydney

Quill and Spade – Pioneer garden writing in Australia
Presented by Dr Greg Johnson

DATE: Wednesday 23 May 2018
TIME: 6:00 PM Drinks and Nibbles, 7:00 PM Illustrated Talk
VENUE: Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust of Australia (NSW), Upper Fort Street, Miller’s Point

Garden making wasn’t easy for the women and men who settled in Australia between 1788 and 1888. The more literate members of the community sought books and journals from overseas. They also joined agricultural and horticultural societies, and from the 1830s onwards, gardening books and nursery catalogues written and published in Australia began to circulate.

Unlimited free parking available at the venue.


Download the Quill and Spade talk flyer.


Streetwise Design Adelaide Book Launch, Monday 28 May

Streetwise Design – A Practical Guide. The third and final in a series of Streetwise books by Australian conservation architect, Elizabeth Vines.

WHERE/LOCATION – Mâćhe, 178 Wright St, Adelaide

DATE – Monday 28 May 2018

TIME – 5.45 for 6PM followed by drinks and convivial chatter

PLEASE RSVP (for catering purposes) by Thursday 24 May by email to Liz Vines

Published by Think City (Malaysia) Streetwise Design is the third and final book in a series of Streetwise books by Australian conservation architect, Elizabeth Vines. It provides practical design advice for local communities and other stakeholders, who are challenged by the need for new, appropriate infill development and adaptive reuse of existing heritage buildings. While the book focuses on the Asian context, it outlines principles which are applicable world-wide, and is comprehensively illustrated in colour by many Asian, Australian and international examples. Streetwise Design also provides a useful resource for city planners and architects to assist in maintaining the broader issue of liveability in our cities.

The launch is to be held at Mache, a dynamic and enterprising co-working space in the Adelaide CBD.

Liz will provide a highly illustrated talk about the background and contents of the book.

The book will be for sale at the launch: COST AUD$25.

All book proceeds are being donated to the Streetwise Asia Fund – supporting the school building project in Northern India being supported will be described at the launch.


Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 30 May

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by Melathi Saldin (Deakin University), on “Rising from the ashes – heritage and post-war recovery in the aftermath of the Sri Lankan Civil War”.


The surge in conflicts across different regions in the world has resulted in protection and reconstruction of heritage emerging as an important but highly challenging concept in the 21st century. Countries such as Sri Lanka for example, are at a critical juncture in terms of both post-war recovery and reconciliation. As a country emerging from civil war, heritage constitutes a vital aspect of the island’s national identity as well as its emotional, political and economic landscape. With the end of Sri Lanka’s nearly three-decade-long civil war in May 2009, conservation, restoration and the management of heritage sites emerged as key components of the government’s efforts to rebuild the war-torn North. Archaeologists were one of the first groups to enter the former war zone with a number of high profile heritage projects initiated therein. These shifts in the landscape of post-war heritage have further fuelled claims by sections of the Sri Lankan and International communities of an increasing Sinhala- Buddhicisation and cultural genocide of minority communities, particularly in the North and the East. Nearly a decade after the ‘end’ of the civil war, Sri Lanka continues to witness escalating incidents of violence against ethno-religious minorities, with heritage and archaeology increasingly used to question their identity, belonging and legitimacy. Given this situation, what are the broader lessons that can be learned from the Sri Lankan post-war recovery process, particularly in relation to notions of postconflict heritage? In what ways can a socially equitable and inclusive heritage be achieved in a post-war context? Moreover, what should be the role of the global heritage community in advocating for a more democratic heritage in the aftermath of war?


Melathi Saldin obtained her BA (Honours) and Master of Philosophy in Archaeology from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, where she also served as a faculty member from 2007-2014. She has worked with the British-Sri Lanka explorations at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Anuradhapura (the Upper Malwatu Oya Exploration Project) as well as at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sigiriya, Sri Lanka. She received the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Young Researcher in Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya in 2008 and 2009 and was awarded the Deakin University Postgraduate Research Scholarship in 2015. Her research interests are in the areas of post-conflict heritage, heritage resilience, South Asian archaeology and the Sri Lankan Malay Diaspora. Melathi is currently a PhD candidate at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Melbourne. Her research looks at the politicisation of heritage and archaeology and how this informs the way ethnic minorities negotiate and position themselves and their heritage within the complex local-global interplay of cultural politics, and its wider implications for the democratisation of heritage and archaeology, with special reference to post-war Sri Lanka..

Date: Wednesday 30 May 2018

Time: 6.00pm – note revised start time (amended after newsletter sent by email)

Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12

Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.


Save The Date – Tasmanian Heritage Symposia & Australia ICOMOS AGM – November 2018

Over 9-12 November 2018, Australia ICOMOS will be holding 2 one-day heritage symposia and the 2018 Australia ICOMOS AGM (as well as having one of its regular Executive Committee meetings). One symposium is on the subject of cultural landscapes – the diversity of types and how to recognise this diversity in conservation and management. The other symposium will explore the heritage of science, including what science heritage is, what significant science heritage we have in Australia, and whether there are particular management needs for the conservation of this heritage. The events will all be held in Hobart.

The program is as follows:

  • Fri 9 November – Australia ICOMOS AGM (early evening), followed by dinner
  • Sat 10 November – Cultural Landscape Diversity & Its Implications; 1 day symposium – hosted by the Australia ICOMOS NSC Cultural Landscapes & Cultural Routes (and followed by dinner)
  • Sun 11 November – a full day field trip in the south of Tasmania for participants of one or both symposia
  • Mon 12 November – Under the Microscope – Exploring Science Heritage; 1 day symposium

(The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meeting will be held on 9 November).

The symposia are open to all people with an interest in the topics, not only Australia ICOMOS members. Each symposium will be a combination of presented papers that will be followed by an opportunity for discussion of the issues raised and the implications and needs for heritage conservation.

This is a rare opportunity to discuss cultural heritage in a Tasmanian setting and to visit some special and unusual Tasmanian heritage places. We welcome your participation.

More information will be available about the two symposia in forthcoming Australia ICOMOS E-news. In the meantime if you have any queries about the symposia, please contact the Convenor, Anne McConnell by email.




CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – registrations open

Registrations are open for the CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018.


Lots more information about the conference has been added to the conference website – take a look!


Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence conference, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers deadline 11 May 2018

Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence
3-7 September 2018
Krakow, Poland

Call for Papers – deadline extended to: 11 May 2018

An international Conference taking place as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Krakow, Poland. Help to shape discussions around the past, present and future of urban Jewish Heritage, and join us for what will be an important event in shaping the future for Jewish Heritage across towns and cities around the world. Submit a 300 word abstract for papers/presentations as soon as possible and by 11 May at the very latest.

Visit the conference website for more details.


IIWC 21st Symposium, 12-15 September 2018, York, UK – call for papers

New Horizons in the Conservation of Wooden Built Heritage
IIWC 21st Symposium 2018
York, United Kingdom
12-15 September 2018

Wood has been a widely used material for construction in many cultures, the result being a wide range of architectures spread around every region. Conservation of wooden heritage is conditioned by specificities of wood and results in specific approaches and techniques: as an example, the Nara Document on Authenticity (1994), influenced by the difference in approaches to the Conservation of wooden heritage.

The ICOMOS Wood Committee (IIWC) has carried out a revision of its Principles which have been approved in the General Assembly held in Delhi in December 2017. Today we are pleased to announce a Symposium that organized by the IIWC will give experts, the possibility to discuss and exchange about the many perspectives regarding wooden heritage conservation.

The IIWC’s 2018 “New Horizons” symposium in York will be an interchange for new research and technical advancements in the conservation of wooden built heritage. “New Horizons” will be a forum to engage a diverse community of experts, professionals and practitioners with the common goal of exploring new multi-disciplinary perspectives and potentialities in the field of conservation. This holistic approach to conservation is at the heart of ICOMOS and its scientific committees and is embodied in the new IIWC 2017 ‘Principles for the Conservation of the Wooden Built Heritage’.

The symposium will provide a platform for participants to showcase their work and obtain feedback from knowledgeable symposium attendees.

The targeted audience is the widest possible, and includes but not only: foresters, archaeobotonists, carpenters, wood scientists, anthropologists, mill wrights, cultural historians, conservators, financiers, property owners, legislators, project managers, archaeologists, architects, engineers as well as, researchers, educators, historians, archivists, librarians, museologists and students.

Call for Papers

Papers are invited from both ICOMOS members and non-members.


Important dates

· 15 May 2018: Deadline for submission of Abstracts

· 12 June 2018: Selected speakers notified of their selection

· 12 -15 September 2018: ‘New Horizons’ – IIWC Symposium York 2018

Abstracts sent after the deadline will not be considered.


Autopia: the Car and the Modern City conference – call for papers: DEADLINE – 18 May 2018

Autopia: the Car and the Modern City
AHA Annual Conference 2018
Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne
11-12 August 2018

The call for papers for the third annual conference of Automotive Historians Australia (AHA) – Autopia: the car and the modern city – is open. Hosted by Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) and Melbourne School of Design at University of Melbourne, we invite papers that consider the impact of the automobile on all aspects of urban life.

Conference themes include, but are not confined to:

  • The politics of urban planning
  • Legislating for automobile use; public versus private transport; vested interests
  • Infrastructure
  • Road, bridges, freeways, parking, racing tracks, signage
  • Design
  • Automotive design for the city
  • Promotion
  • Advertising, car shows, maps, branding
  • New urban typologies
  • Garages, drive-in buildings, motels, shopping centres
  • Roadside amenities
  • RACV and other membership organisations
  • Culture
  • Art, photography, cinema

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to the organising committee by Friday 18 May 2018.

For more details, please download the call for papers.


ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium, 20-22 September 2018 – call for papers DEADLINE: 30 May 2018

ICOMOS Slovenia invites you to the 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage and Legal Issues in Bled.

This year’s topic is Management of Cultural Heritage Sites.

The three main themes are:

  • Legal and administrative bases of cultural heritage sites management
  • Approaches and policies, examples of good practice and challenges
  • Cultural tourism and management of cultural heritage sites

Visit the symposium website for more information and download the call for papers.

The deadline for abstract submission is 30 May 2018.


EuroMed2018 Conference: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection, 29 October-3 November 2018, Cyprus – call for papers

The newly established UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Heritage is announcing the International Conference EuroMed 2018 dedicated on
Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection.

The 7th biannual European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony.

This conference is a milestone event in the EU Year 2018, which is dedicated to Cultural Heritage. It’s in cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Commission and the EU digital library Europeana and in collaboration with the prestigious publisher Springer-Nature to celebrate the 1.000.000 downloads of our publications.

For more information about the conference and the call for papers, download the First_Announcement_EuroMed2018_Cyprus and the EuroMed2018_Call_for_papers.

Deadline for Paper submission: 31 May 2018 (24:00 London-UK time)


Visual Heritage 2018 conference, Vienna, 12-15 November 2018: Call for EXPO deadline 20 June

Visual Heritage Expo
9-18 November 2018
Planungswerkstatt near the City Hall, Vienna, Austria

In addition to the Visual Heritage Congress 2018 (see below) there will be a scientific exhibition. This will be open to the general public as well as Congress attendees. Non-profit organisations, be they museums, universities or research institutes, are invited to showcase their developments in areas including digitisation, 3D technology, virtual- or augmented reality, museum- and exhibition tools.

The Expo will be hosted in the former Planungswerkstatt of the City of Vienna, which is opposite City Hall, and will be organised in collaboration with a range of Viennese City Departments. With 200m2 available, it is the goal to build a demonstration area that will bridge the gaps between scientific researchers, institutions, museums, archives and the general public.

The “Call for EXPO (non profit)” is open until 20 June 2018.



The Visual Heritage Conference – Digitize: Research – Record – Reactivate – Reconstruct
12-15 November 2018
Vienna, Austria
hosted by CHNT 23 2018

The Visual Heritage Conference will be a federated event of the Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) with cooperation partners and the Eurographics Symposium and Graphics Cultural Heritage (EG GCH). The call for papers, posters and round tables is still open: >>MORE INFORMATION




Call for Entries: 2018 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation – deadline 15 May

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2018 Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.

This year’s awards cycle will mark the launch of a three-year partnership with Think City, a Malaysian urban renewal body that will support the programme and host the annual Awards Jury meeting in Penang, Malaysia.

The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation celebrate exemplary efforts by individuals and organisations to restore or conserve structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region. Winning projects demonstrate a thorough understanding of the place, sound technical achievement and significant social and policy impact.

The deadline for receipt of materials is 15 May 2018.

For more information, visit the UNESCO Bangkok website.


HBP Summer Programme 2018, Malaysia, July-August 2018 – registrations open until 15 May

The School of Housing, Building and Planning (HBP) at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang is organising a summer programme called HBP Summer Programme 2018, focusing on the Conservation of Tangible and Intangible of Cultural Heritage of George Town UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS), from 30 July till 9 August 2018 in Penang, Malaysia.

The aim of the Programme is to provide an understanding of cultural heritage conservation as expressed through an interdisciplinary built environment lens. It is open to all who have passions in heritage, including students, lecturers, architects, town planners, conservators, government officers, project managers, tour guides, building owners, heritage lovers etc.

Apart from workshops and lectures, the programme structure also includes Penang Natural Parks adventures, Turtle Conservation experience, World Heritage Site explore race and Penang City Tour excursions.

For more information, visit the Universiti Sains Malaysia website.

Registrations close 15 May 2018.


Training on Heritage Impact Assessments, 15-26 October, 2018, Shanghai and Jiangsu Zhenze, China – application deadline 15 July

Training on Heritage Impact Assessments
15-26 October, 2018
Shanghai and Jiangsu Zhenze, China

Application deadline: 15 July 2018


World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai Centre (WHITRAP, Shanghai); International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)


Zhenze Town Government


The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has observed that many activities, such as tourism, infrastructure development, new buildings, urban renewal and changes to the land use being undertaken in and around World Heritage sites, may have negative impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV). While recognising the vital role of such activities for providing benefits to the society, the Committee has stressed the need to undertake Impact Assessment studies, in order to assess the potential negative and positive impacts on heritage sites. As part of its mandate to build capacities of State Parties to the World Heritage Convention, WHITRAP together with ICCROM has organised four training courses in the past and is pleased to announce its fifth version on Impact Assessments to be held in October 2018. This year, the course is also linked to the World Heritage Leadership programme in order to expand its focus on all forms of Impact Assessments (SEA, EIA, HIA) and also the promote the benefits of linking nature and culture in managing heritage.

For more information and to apply, visit the WHITRAP website.

Download the Heritage Impact Assessments course_APPLICATION FORM.




[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Studio Manager, Lovell Chen, Melbourne

About the opportunity

We are looking for a dynamic and able manager to join our busy heritage team in East Melbourne.

Our multi-disciplinary heritage team includes specialists in building, heritage planning, history, interpretation and architectural history.  We have very varied clients across Government and non-Government sectors, and work on a wide range of heritage projects of different scales and types.

Detailed information about this opportunity can be found in the LC Studio Manager, Heritage job description.

Please forward your application (including referees) setting out your relevant experience and interest in the position, together with your curriculum vitae, by email to Kate Gray, Principal, Heritage, by 25 May 2018.


[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Urbis, Sydney

Senior Heritage Consultant

– Established team with strong career development opportunities
– Flexible and dynamic environment
– Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team of industry experts & leaders
– Deliver projects across a diverse range of projects & clients
– Be truly influential in strategically advising clients
– Sydney CBD office

Who We Are

Urbis is a market-leading firm with the goal of shaping the cities and communities of Australia for a better future. Drawing together a network of the brightest minds, Urbis consists of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.

Working across the areas of planning, design, policy, heritage, valuations, transactions, economics and research, the expert team at Urbis connect their clients in the public and private sectors to a better outcome, every time.

The Opportunity

Currently, an opportunity has arisen in our Sydney office for a suitably qualified and experienced Senior Consultant with a professional work history of 5+ years’ in Heritage advisory consulting or related field.  

We are looking for a lateral thinker and outstanding communicator, seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects for a diverse range of private and public sector clients. As a key member of the team, you will be involved in conducting research across a diverse, high profile and challenging range of projects, providing reports and strategic advice to our clients.

We also encourage archaeologists (European or aboriginal) or heritage architects to apply for this position.

More information about this opportunity is available in the URBIS Heritage Senior Consultant position description.

How to apply

If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, email our HR team directly via Anastasia Zappert.

Applications close 1 June 2018. We are looking to appoint this position as soon as possible so encourage applications be lodged as soon as possible.



If you are an experienced heritage consultant, keen to further your professional experience in a positive, supportive environment, then we would love to hear from you.

Who You Are

The ideal candidate will meet the following essential selection criteria:

  • Professional qualifications in architecture.
  • At least 3 years’ practical experience in providing heritage advice and conservation practice
  • Thorough understanding of heritage principles and the relevant statutory frameworks in NSW
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated ability to investigate, assess and provide recommendations on a range of complex heritage issues
  • Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in larger multi-disciplinary teams
  • Experience in managing projects, clients and other stakeholder relationships and expectations
  • Ability to manage work schedules to meet agreed project timeframes


  • Post-graduate qualifications in heritage conservation, or other related fields
  • Australia ICOMOS membership

Who We Are

The NBRS Heritage Studio is a passionate team of heritage architects, consultants and historians. The studio works across many facets of heritage consulting, including assessment, conservation, specialist advice, adaptive re-use and heritage interpretation. Our clients come from both the government and private sectors, and range in scale from small scale residential projects to multi-million-dollar developments.

NBRSARCHITECTURE is a growing practice of over 80 creative professionals who work collaboratively on a wide range of inter-disciplinary projects, with our Heritage Studio sitting alongside the NBRSARCHITECTURE Architectural, Landscape, Interior Design and Compliance Studios. Our office at Milsons Point is a friendly environment that is people-focused and embraces diversity. We offer a competitive remuneration package as well as regular social activities, ongoing training and professional development opportunities.

NBRSARCHITECTURE is seeking a Senior Heritage Consultant to join the NBRS Heritage Studio in our Sydney office. To get the conversation started, please send a letter telling us about yourself and attach a copy of your CV to NBRSARCHITECTURE by email with ‘Senior Heritage Consultant job application’ as the email subject.

All applications to be received by 30 June 2018. 


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne

Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Senior Heritage Consultant. Large variety of work and projects. Great office environment. Based in Cremorne and close to public transport. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email your CV to Mark or give him a call on (03) 9421 5448 for further information.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne

Context is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist an opportunity to contribute to the work of our growing Melbourne operations.

We are looking for applicants with heritage planning and architectural conservation experience who want to play a key role in shaping our consultancy into the future. In this position you will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of heritage services, including heritage values assessment. You will manage projects, provide specialist advice to clients, and support senior and emerging consultants in the firm.

Context is part of the vibrant and progressive GML Heritage consultancy group that wants to make a difference. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, cultural heritage management, history, landscape collections, community values, consultation, archives, and interpretation. We focus on collaboration and delivery of influential heritage advice to private and public sector clients throughout Australia and internationally. We take pride in our work and think that heritage contributes to our sense of place and a sustainable environment.

Click here for more information


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney – application deadline extended

The City Plan Services group of companies has over 22 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage Consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast.

Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.

This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia. Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Heritage Consultant.

The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible. Remuneration packages will be negotiated commensurate with qualifications and experience.

For more information, see the CPS_Heritage Consultant – Mar 2018 position description.

Applications close Thursday 31 May 2018.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney – application deadline extended

The City Plan Services group of companies has over 22 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage Consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast.

Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Senior Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.

This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia. Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Senior Heritage Consultant.

The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible. Remuneration packages will be negotiated commensurate with qualifications and experience.

For more information, see the CPS_Senior Heritage Consultant – Mar 2018 position description.

Applications close Thursday 31 May 2018.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
