Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 824


  1. [NEW ITEM] CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – registrations open
  2. [NEW ITEM] Streetwise Design – Successful Melbourne Book Launch and opportunity to purchase the book
  3. [NEW ITEM] Article inspired by 2018 Jim Kerr Address
  4. [NEW ITEM] Documentation and Condition Assessment course – Athabasca University, 5-11 August 2018 – application deadline extended to 24 April
  5. [NEW ITEM] Petition: Reconsider the demolition of the terraced, pastel-hued buildings in Slave Island
  6. [NEW ITEM] “Palermo: cultural heritage, migration and sustainable development” workshop, 18-30 June, Italy – applications open
  7. [NEW ITEM] Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence conference, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers deadline extended
  8. [NEW ITEM] Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest – March winners
  9. [NEW ITEM] Training on Heritage Impact Assessments, 15-26 October, 2018, Shanghai and Jiangsu Zhenze, China – applications open
  10. [NEW ITEM] Visual Heritage 2018 conference, Vienna, 12-15 November 2018: Call for EXPO
  11. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin









1. [NEW ITEM] CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018 – registrations open

Registrations are open for the CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018.


Lots more information about the conference has been added to the conference website – take a look!


2. [NEW ITEM] Streetwise Design – Successful Melbourne Book Launch and opportunity to purchase the book 

Thanks to all those who attended the Streetwise Design book launch last night (Thursday) at the Melbourne School of Design (MSD). This event was hosted by ICOMOS and sponsored by Lovell Chen and the MSD. It launched a new publication by previous ICOMOS President (2012 – 2015) Elizabeth Vines titled Streetwise Design – A Practical Guide for New Development and Adaptive Reuse in Asian Liveable Heritage Cities, published by Think City in Penang Malaysia. The launch also gave those who attended the opportunity to explore the bustling and vibrant MSD building designed by architect John Wardle, which has won many awards and provides such a vibrant learning environment.  

For those VICOMITES and others who could not attend and wish to purchase a copy of the book  ($25) please contact Liz Vines by email. A reminder that all book proceeds go to the Streetwise Asia Fund via Australind Childrens Fund for a school building project in India. Please also note the book is to be launched in Adelaide at a date still to be confirmed.  

Thanks again to Lovell Chen and the MSD for supporting this event, and to Helen Lardner and Adam Mornement for their efforts for contribution to making this happen.  


3. [NEW ITEM] Article inspired by 2018 Jim Kerr Address

The following article (authored by Andrew Taylor) appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on 19 April. Click on the link to read it.


4. [NEW ITEM] Documentation and Condition Assessment course – Athabasca University, 5-11 August 2018 – application deadline extended to 24 April

Documentation and Condition Assessment – Spring/Summer 2018
New Course/Training Opportunity at Athabasca University

Athabasca University’s Heritage Resources Management Program will be offering a new course, Documentation and Condition Assessment, in the upcoming spring/summer semester from May to August 2018 (14 weeks online and one week in-person).

“The Documentation and Condition Assessment Course will explore various techniques and technologies employed in the field of heritage conservation for recording and documenting historic resources. New ways of observing and thinking about the built environment through practical applications of documentation methods and fieldwork activities will be exercised. This course will examine the documentation methods to research, inspect, record, and assess the condition and quality of buildings, districts and cultural landscapes combined with the methods to interpret their historical and architectural significance according to professional standards. The course will also provide an overview of manual, photographic, and computer-aided extant recording techniques; and building repair assessment techniques.”

This course is offered online and involves a one-week in-residence component. During the week of 5-11 August 2018, participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experiences working in groups and as part of team on historic sites in St. Albert, Alberta. Please be advised that attending this one-week in-residency component is required in order to successfully complete the course.

Everyone is welcome to register in this course. Participants can take the course either as part of their university studies (3 credits) or for professional development (as a non-program student).

Dr. Mario Santana Quintero will teach this course; he will join the participants both online and in person during the residency week (please see his bio below).

Registration: The course registration deadline is 15 April 2018.

If you are interested in this course and would like information about registration procedures please contact the program office via email or call Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-788-9041 ext. 6792.

If you would like to discuss how this course may fit into your current program or any other questions, please contact the program director Dr. Shabnam Inanloo Dailoo via email or call 780-458-1105 / 1-855-337-8590.

Dr. Mario Santana-Quintero is an associate professor of Architectural Conservation and Sustainability in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University. He is also the Program Director of the NSERC Create Heritage Engineering program based at the Carleton Immersive Media Studio lab (CIMS). He has an architectural degree, holding a masters in conservation of historic buildings and towns, and a PhD in Engineering from the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, University of Leuven. He is also a guest professor at the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation. In the past few years, he has taught at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico), and Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador).

Mario is the Vice-President of ICOMOS, serves as an ICOMOS Canada Board member. He is the past president of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA). Furthermore, he has collaborated in several international projects in the field of heritage documentation for UNESCO, The Getty Conservation Institute, ICCROM, the World Monuments Fund, UNDP, the Welfare Association, and the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage.


5. [NEW ITEM] Petition: Reconsider the demolition of the terraced, pastel-hued buildings in Slave Island

Australia ICOMOS member Sue McIntyre-Tamwoy has asked that members consider the following:

Dear Colleagues,

Sri Lanka is a country where rapid urban change is threatening heritage places and transforming the character of towns and cities. I have recently been working with several concerned architects from Sri Lanka and they have asked me to circulate this petition, which reflects their concerns about plans to demolish this row of heritage buildings. After reading, I hope you find it worthy of your attention and action. Link to petition webpage.

Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy


6. [NEW ITEM] “Palermo: cultural heritage, migration and sustainable development” workshop, 18-30 June, Italy – applications open

The International workshop, Palermo: cultural heritage, migration and sustainable development, will take place in Palermo, Italy from the 18-30 June 2018.

Application deadline: 30 April 2018.

More details about the content and procedure for application can be found at the workshop website.

For enquiries contact the organising committee via email.


7. [NEW ITEM] Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence conference, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers deadline extended

Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence
3-7 September 2018
Krakow, Poland

Call for Papers – deadline extended to: 11 May 2018

An international Conference taking place as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Krakow, Poland. Help to shape discussions around the past, present and future of urban Jewish Heritage, and join us for what will be an important event in shaping the future for Jewish Heritage across towns and cities around the world. Submit a 300 word abstract for papers/presentations as soon as possible and by 11 May at the very latest.

Visit the conference website for more details.


8. [NEW ITEM] Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest – March winners

The Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest is intended to be a part of a wider awareness-raising strategy – especially addressed to young generations – dedicated to the theme of fragility of heritage – cultural and natural – and strongly linked to the planet Earth’s environmental equilibrium and climate change.

The contest will run from 1 January – 31 December 2018. Each month you’ll be able to vote for photos uploaded and also upload photos for the next month.



9. [NEW ITEM] Training on Heritage Impact Assessments, 15-26 October, 2018, Shanghai and Jiangsu Zhenze, China – applications open

Training on Heritage Impact Assessments
15-26 October, 2018
Shanghai and Jiangsu Zhenze, China

Application deadline: 15 July 2018


World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai Centre (WHITRAP, Shanghai); International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)


Zhenze Town Government


The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has observed that many activities, such as tourism, infrastructure development, new buildings, urban renewal and changes to the land use being undertaken in and around World Heritage sites, may have negative impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV). While recognising the vital role of such activities for providing benefits to the society, the Committee has stressed the need to undertake Impact Assessment studies, in order to assess the potential negative and positive impacts on heritage sites. As part of its mandate to build capacities of State Parties to the World Heritage Convention, WHITRAP together with ICCROM has organised four training courses in the past and is pleased to announce its fifth version on Impact Assessments to be held in October 2018. This year, the course is also linked to the World Heritage Leadership programme in order to expand its focus on all forms of Impact Assessments (SEA, EIA, HIA) and also the promote the benefits of linking nature and culture in managing heritage.

For more information and to apply, visit the WHITRAP website.

Download the Heritage Impact Assessments course_APPLICATION FORM.


10. [NEW ITEM] Visual Heritage 2018 conference, Vienna, 12-15 November 2018: Call for EXPO

Visual Heritage Expo
9-18 November 2018
Planungswerkstatt near the City Hall, Vienna, Austria

In addition to the Visual Heritage Congress 2018 (see below) there will be a scientific exhibition. This will be open to the general public as well as Congress attendees. Non-profit organisations, be they museums, universities or research institutes, are invited to showcase their developments in areas including digitisation, 3D technology, virtual- or augmented reality, museum- and exhibition tools.

The Expo will be hosted in the former Planungswerkstatt of the City of Vienna, which is opposite City Hall, and will be organised in collaboration with a range of Viennese City Departments. With 200m2 available, it is the goal to build a demonstration area that will bridge the gaps between scientific researchers, institutions, museums, archives and the general public.

The “Call for EXPO (non profit)” is open until 20 June 2018.



The Visual Heritage Conference – Digitize: Research – Record – Reactivate – Reconstruct
12-15 November 2018
Vienna, Austria
hosted by CHNT 23 2018

The Visual Heritage Conference will be a federated event of the Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) with cooperation partners and the Eurographics Symposium and Graphics Cultural Heritage (EG GCH). The call for papers, posters and round tables is still open: >>MORE INFORMATION


11. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.




Call for EOIs from young members to join as associate members of the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conservation Reference Group (FCRG)

Australia ICOMOS is particularly interested in involving young and early career professionals in its activities, working groups, International Scientific Committees and Executive Committee.

The FCRG provides advice on the conservation of heritage fabric in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter including maintenance, preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adaptation, and promotes skills development in fabric conservation practice.

The FCRG would like to involve up to five young Australia ICOMOS members (or potential members) from across Australia in the work of the Group. Activities may include assistance with: promoting initiatives in fabric conservation; editing and illustrating practice notes; running workshops; and/or managing the Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition.

In the first instance please send an email to Mary Knaggs, Coordinator of the FCRG stating why you would like to be involved and attaching your CV. For enquiries call Mary on 0427 502 042.

The deadline for EOIs is Friday 20 April.




ASHA Research Tools Workshop 1: Technical & Research Skills, 20 April Sydney

This workshop is being organised by the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) with the support of Australia ICOMOS and the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage. The venue is provided courtesy of Property NSW.

Historical documents: maps, plans and images

This session:

  • looks at how and why we do Land Titles research in archaeology
  • involves an online workshop on how to do Land Titles research and its value in understanding archaeological sites
  • provide an understanding historic images and plans
  • look at methods for overlaying maps and plan

Archaeological Research Questions and Assessing Significance

This session considers how we construct archaeological research designs and formulate questions to better understand the archaeological resource. This will include consideration of how these questions fit with assessing archaeological significance within a framework of the 2009 guidelines.

Working in different statutory environments

This session provides an overview of the statutory planning environments that archaeologists work in, in NSW. It will look at assessing heritage and archaeology for State Significant Development and Infrastructure projects including:

  • the role of an archaeological assessment in the Environmental Impact Statement and the approvals process
  • managing risk for your clients (costs, time delays, etc.)
  • archaeological obligations under the NSW Heritage Act 1977

Presenters: Dr Mary Casey, Dr James Flexner, Dr Terry Kass, Dr Siobhan Lavelle, Mr Nicholas Pitt, Ms Kylie Seretis and Dr Iain Stuart

Date: Friday 20 April 2018

Time: 9am to 5pm

ASHA/ ICOMOS Members $110
Student ASHA/ ICOMOS Members $55
Non-member $160
Student Non-Member $80

Location: Big Dig Centre, YHA Cumberland Street, The Rocks, Sydney

>>Further information and bookings

Numbers are limited.


Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Thursday 26 April

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be an ANZAC PANEL SESSION featuring Bart Ziino (Deakin University), Deborah Tout-Smith (Museum Victoria) and Ian Jackson (Shrine of Remembrance).



Title: Recent conflicts veterans share their stories: the Shrine of Remembrance’s Recent Conflicts gallery redevelopment

Abstract: Over the last two years the Shrine of Remembrance has redeveloped its galleries relating to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The project originated in response to feedback from veterans who felt that their stories and experiences were not adequately represented in the Shrine’s exhibition galleries. This started a process of engagement with veterans of recent conflicts, aiming to build bridges between the Shrine as an organisation, those who have experienced war, and the wider community, who have little information available to them about the lived experience of participants in recent conflicts. Telling the story of recent conflicts poses challenges for existing approaches to museum exhibitions and military history. Many recent conflicts veterans feel a sense of disconnection and disengagement from traditional ways of presenting and commemorating Australia’s military past, while still locating themselves within the Australian military tradition. Many are keenly interested in having their stories told but wary of being misrepresented or misunderstood. The Shrine has developed working relationships with veterans to partner with them in telling their stories. In doing so, they are not interested in reiterating tropes of past conflicts or creating a new mythos around their experiences. Rather, they desire a warts-and-all approach that conveys the complexity of their experience, including both the positive and the negative aspects of modern war fighting. They would rather feel understood, than either falsely heroized or pitied. This process of engagement is ongoing. It offers the prospect of genuine benefit both for the well-being of individual veterans and their families, and for a broader and deeper understanding amongst the Australian community of what it means to go to war in the twenty first century.

Dr Ian Jackson was the curator responsible for the post-1945 section of the Shrine’s Galleries of Remembrance, opening in November 2014. He has also curated a series of temporary exhibitions on post-1945 themes including Voices from Afghanistan, and The Soldiers’ XI: Humour, humanity and the psychology of modern conflict. Most recently he has curated the 2017 redevelopment of the Shrine’s Recent Conflicts gallery, and a new temporary exhibition, For Humanity: Medicine in war and peacekeeping since 1945.


Title: Exhibiting the Great War – Academics and Curators Working Together

Abstract: In the years leading up to 2014, museums, publishers and history departments turned their minds to marking the centenary of the Great War. Responses ranged from enthusiasm and years-long publishing and exhibition programmes to fears of a flooded marketplace, Anzac fatigue, and caution about the role of major institutions to represent broader histories than just those of war. Deb Tout-Smith curated Melbourne Museum’s World War I: Love and Sorrow exhibition. Bart Ziino was a member of the exhibition’s advisory panel. While the collaboration was very rewarding for those of us involved, the experience also raised methodological and epistemological questions. Exhibitions result in a very different kind of history than academics are used to: academic historians have the luxury of 6-8000 words to tease out ideas, while curators do the hard graft of making complex historical material accessible using objects and in panels of as few as 50 words, or through immersive, affective/non-textual, embodied experiences. Academic research is often the bedrock of exhibition research, but are academics doing a good enough job for museum (and educational) professionals? How does collaboration across sectors enrich academic and curatorial practice? And what are the institutional, and methodological obstacles or disincentives to this kind of work?

Deborah Tout-Smith is Senior Curator, Home & Community, in the Humanities Department of Museum Victoria. She has curated major exhibitions including World War I: Love & Sorrow (2014), The Melbourne Story (with Liza Dale-Hallett, 2008), Spirit of the Games (2006) and Foundations of Fremantle (1997). Deborah curates Museum Victoria’s Home & Community, Clothing & Textiles, Childhood and Military History collections. Her publications include Melbourne: a City of Stories (Deborah Tout-Smith (ed.), Museum Victoria Press, 2008).

Bart Ziino is Senior Lecturer in History at Deakin University. His major publications include A Distant Grief: Australians, War Graves and the Great War (UWA Press, 2007) and the edited volume Remembering the First World War (Routledge, 2015).

Date: Thursday 26 Arpil 2018

Time: 5.00pm

Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12

Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.


Developing an Exhibition for History Week, MA VIC event, 26 April 2018

Date: Thursday 26 April 2018
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Cost: MA Members $10, Non-Members $20

Join Kitty Owens, Exhibitions Services Manager at Museums Australia (Victoria), for a crash course in developing a temporary exhibition. Topics will include developing your concept, exhibition planning documents, writing exhibition text, making labels and installing the items for display. It will be useful for anyone interested in presenting an exhibition, including exhibitions linked to the RHSV History Week, 7-14 October 2018.

Tea and coffee will be available on arrival from 9.30am, the session begins at 10am and ends with a walk through a new RHSV exhibition.

> Book now to secure your place at this event


Max’s Modernism: A Walking Tour in Sydney’s CBD, 5 May

GML Heritage, in association with the National Trust Festival, is hosting this event.

A walking tour with heritage experts in the CBD of Sydney, visiting modernist architectural sites immortalised through the photography of Max Dupain. Participants will be encouraged to consider place, modernism, photography and urban evolution. Photos will be shared on Instagram #maxsmodernism.

Date and Time: Saturday 5 May 2018, 10:00am-1:00pm

Location: 19 Martin Place, Sydney



Inner West Built Environment Awards, 5 May, Sydney – RSVP DEADLINE 30 APRIL

The Built Environment Awards are three separate programs that contribute to and celebrate our understating of the inner west’s built heritage and sustainable practices and includes the Marrickville Medal for Conservation, Sustainable Building Awards and Urban Photography Competition.

The Marrickville Medal for Conservation has been awarded annually since 1995 and was one of the first of its kind in New South Wales. It celebrates built conservation works that contribute to the understanding and preservation of the Inner West’s rich cultural and architectural heritage.

The Sustainable Build Award recognises the contribution sustainable architecture and building works make to our community while the Urban Photography Competition encourages residents to engage with the Inner West Council urban landscape.

The Build Environment Awards will be hosted on Saturday, 5 May 2018 from 2pm – 4pm at the Kirkbride Theatre, Sydney College of the Arts, Balmain Road, Lilyfield.

Special Guest speaker will be Elizabeth Farrelly.

Free Event. Refreshments will be served.

RSVP to this event by email by Monday 30 April.

Download the Inner West BEA 2018 flyer.



NSW Heritage Forum 2018, 16-18 May, Sydney

Registration for the NSW Heritage Forum 2018 is now open.

The NSW Heritage Forum is a three-day industry event hosted by the Heritage Division and sponsored by the Heritage Council of NSW (HCNSW).

The forum is series of workshops and training sessions designed to enhance best practice for heritage advisors, local government planners and managers, heritage consultants, state government asset managers / heritage officers, architects and planners.

The brief program is available on the NSW OEH website.

Tickets can be purchased via this link.

If you have any inquiries please feel free to contact the NSW OEH team via email.


SHAP on 18 May 2018 – tickets on sale

Tickets for the SHAP (Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners’) Workshop are now on sale – head over to reserve your spot now as places are limited! Tickets are $33 for students, $66 for ASHA/AAA/AACAI/ICOMOS members and $88 for general entry, including food and drinks.

Download the 2018 SHAP Workshop call for papers for more information.




CIAV Conference and Annual Meeting, Tabriz 1-3 October 2018 – call for papers

The International Scientific Committee on Vernacular Architecture (ICOMOS-CIAV) and the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) are pleased to announce that call for paper is now open for CIAV conference 2018, on the theme of “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”.

Abstracts should be submitted through this address no later than 22 April 2018.

See the CIAV 2018 Conference Call for Papers for more information.


2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting, Italy, 25-28 October 2018 – call for papers

2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting: Discover Sicily’s Argimusco – a Holistic Approach to Heritage Management
Montalbano Elicona, Province of Messina, Sicily, Italy
25-28 October 2018

Call for Papers Deadline: 1 May 2018

In the European Year of Cultural Heritage the 2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting will focus on the overriding need to develop a holistic and integrated approach to heritage management. The meeting will focus on six key themes that lie at the heart of current debates and concerns relating to different approaches and subjects all of which need to be mainstreamed into to archaeological heritage management. The six themes are: Community Engagement, Climate Change, Tourism, Non-Invasive technologies, Archaeoastronomy, and the Africa Initiative.

Organized by ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) and the Municipality of Montalbano Elicona, we invite abstracts of 300 words to be submitted as soon as possible but at the latest by 1 May 2018. Download the ICAHM 2018_CALL FOR PAPERS.

Please visit the meeting website for more details.


‘Smart’ Urban Heritage Management Session, 15th Architectural Humanities Research Association International Conference, 15-17 November 2018, Netherlands – call for papers

‘Smart’ Urban Heritage Management Session
15th Architectural Humanities Research Association International Conference
Department of the Built Environment, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
15-17 November 2018

The historic fabric which represents a city’s evolution and development is increasingly viewed as a set of assets that enhance the urban experience. These assets can create a sense of place, foster stronger communities, or help define unique identities that boost the urban economy by attracting investment in businesses, urban renewal projects and redevelopment opportunities. However, the unprecedented rise in urbanization trends has placed increased pressures on cities to utilize resources more efficiently, balancing development needs and carbon reduction targets while maintaining some of the historic fabric. It has therefore become imperative to manage heritage assets effectively and sensitively so that these continue to retain value and remain relevant to current and future generations.

This session aims to explore how urban heritage can be managed and maintained in a smart city. The range of questions the session seeks to explore includes, but is not limited to: How might smart technologies inform heritage policy? What smart tools are currently used and how have they assisted in managing urban heritage? How do these tools and technologies connect the intangible values associated with historic fabric to an increasing global population? How can information communication technologies, internet applications and other smart tools be used in view of budgetary constraints? What lessons have been learned and how can they be used to inform urban policy for an increasingly mixed range of pre- and post-1940’s urban fabric?

Call for conference papers abstracts is currently open. Please visit the call for papers webpage and click on the title of the session to submit.

Paper abstracts must include:

– name and affiliation of author (and up to one other co-author), with one of the paper (co-)authors being identified as lead contact for the session chair and the organization committee (in the event of two co-authors, at least one must register and attend the conference).

– Paper title

– Paper abstract (up to 300 words)

– A short bio per author of up to 300 words

Deadline for abstract submission is: 1 May 2018, 9:00am CET.


International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage, 10-14 October 2018, Beijing – call for papers

International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage
Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Beijing
10-14 October 2018

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May 2018

2018 is a year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of discovering Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, also a year to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Zhoukoudian Museum. You are cordially invited to submit research papers for presentation at our conference, which will take place in Beijing from the 10th to the 14th of October 2018. The conference, entitled “International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage” at Zhoukoudian Site, is jointly organized by the Museum of Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Zhoukoudian International Paleoanthropological Research Center at the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, ICOMOS China and National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University.

For more information, download the CFP Zhoukoudian Conference 2018.


IIWC 21st Symposium, 12-15 September 2018, York, UK – call for papers

New Horizons in the Conservation of Wooden Built Heritage
IIWC 21st Symposium 2018
York, United Kingdom
12-15 September 2018

Wood has been a widely used material for construction in many cultures, the result being a wide range of architectures spread around every region. Conservation of wooden heritage is conditioned by specificities of wood and results in specific approaches and techniques: as an example, the Nara Document on Authenticity (1994), influenced by the difference in approaches to the Conservation of wooden heritage.

The ICOMOS Wood Committee (IIWC) has carried out a revision of its Principles which have been approved in the General Assembly held in Delhi in December 2017. Today we are pleased to announce a Symposium that organized by the IIWC will give experts, the possibility to discuss and exchange about the many perspectives regarding wooden heritage conservation.

The IIWC’s 2018 “New Horizons” symposium in York will be an interchange for new research and technical advancements in the conservation of wooden built heritage. “New Horizons” will be a forum to engage a diverse community of experts, professionals and practitioners with the common goal of exploring new multi-disciplinary perspectives and potentialities in the field of conservation. This holistic approach to conservation is at the heart of ICOMOS and its scientific committees and is embodied in the new IIWC 2017 ‘Principles for the Conservation of the Wooden Built Heritage’.

The symposium will provide a platform for participants to showcase their work and obtain feedback from knowledgeable symposium attendees.

The targeted audience is the widest possible, and includes but not only: foresters, archaeobotonists, carpenters, wood scientists, anthropologists, mill wrights, cultural historians, conservators, financiers, property owners, legislators, project managers, archaeologists, architects, engineers as well as, researchers, educators, historians, archivists, librarians, museologists and students.

Call for Papers

Papers are invited from both ICOMOS members and non-members.


Important dates

· 15 May 2018: Deadline for submission of Abstracts

· 12 June 2018: Selected speakers notified of their selection

· 12 -15 September 2018: ‘New Horizons’ – IIWC Symposium York 2018

Abstracts sent after the deadline will not be considered.


Autopia: the Car and the Modern City conference – call for papers: DEADLINE – 18 May 2018

Autopia: the Car and the Modern City
AHA Annual Conference 2018
Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne
11-12 August 2018

The call for papers for the third annual conference of Automotive Historians Australia (AHA) – Autopia: the car and the modern city – is open. Hosted by Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) and Melbourne School of Design at University of Melbourne, we invite papers that consider the impact of the automobile on all aspects of urban life.

Conference themes include, but are not confined to:

  • The politics of urban planning
  • Legislating for automobile use; public versus private transport; vested interests
  • Infrastructure
  • Road, bridges, freeways, parking, racing tracks, signage
  • Design
  • Automotive design for the city
  • Promotion
  • Advertising, car shows, maps, branding
  • New urban typologies
  • Garages, drive-in buildings, motels, shopping centres
  • Roadside amenities
  • RACV and other membership organisations
  • Culture
  • Art, photography, cinema

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to the organising committee by Friday 18 May 2018.

For more details, please download the call for papers.


EuroMed2018 Conference: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection, 29 October-3 November 2018, Cyprus – call for papers

The newly established UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Heritage is announcing the International Conference EuroMed 2018 dedicated on
Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection.

The 7th biannual European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony.

This conference is a milestone event in the EU Year 2018, which is dedicated to Cultural Heritage. It’s in cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Commission and the EU digital library Europeana and in collaboration with the prestigious publisher Springer-Nature to celebrate the 1.000.000 downloads of our publications.

For more information about the conference and the call for papers, download the First_Announcement_EuroMed2018_Cyprus and the EuroMed2018_Call_for_papers.

Deadline for Paper submission: 31 May 2018 (24:00 London-UK time)




Churchill Fellowship applications close 27 April 2018

A Churchill Fellowship can offer you (as an Australian citizen) the remarkable opportunity to travel overseas to investigate a topic or an issue that you are passionate about.

It is for anyone who has exhausted alternatives within Australia and would like to see what other countries are doing successfully in a similar space to inspire new ideas, innovation, and excellence.

The high international regard for Churchill Fellowships provides a pathway for Churchill Fellows to access expertise from around the world that is not typically available to everyone, expanding your knowledge and experience for the benefit of Australian society.

There is a high level of visibility and credibility associated with being a Churchill Fellow.

No prescribed qualifications are required in order to apply for a Churchill Fellowship, however, the Fellowship is NOT designed to enable applicants to complete tertiary qualifications.

The subject of your proposed project is limitless provided a benefit to Australia is evident and a willingness to share the knowledge gained with Australia is displayed.

100 Fellowships are available for award in 2018.

Applications close 27 April 2018. For more information go to Churchill Fellowship website.


PALRC – new scholarship round now open – DEADLINE: 30 April 2018

PALRC (Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration) is proud to launch the new round of scholarships for students undertaking study in 2018.

Applications for this round close 30 April 2018.

Apply now via this link.

The PALRC scholarship program aims to support professional development, exchange of knowledge and experience, networking and collaboration to further our recipients’ career paths in protected areas managements.

The PALRC Scholarship program seeks capable, high-achieving students and/or emerging leaders in Australia, Asia and the Pacific who have a career ambition to advance the protection, sound governance and effective management of protected areas in their country/region, and especially those who would not otherwise have an opportunity to attend such a course. We also seek applicants who can demonstrate productive engagement with indigenous and/or local communities associated with protected areas.

In its first year of funding, PALRC provided scholarships to students across Australia, Asia and the Pacific including students from the Philippines, Kiribati, Madagascar and the Solomon Islands. As far as possible, PALRC will seek to offer scholarships over time to a spread of recipients across the regions and with equality of opportunity for all.

PALRC would like to thank its key partners in this scholarship program: the Tasmanian Land Conservancy, the University of Tasmania, Murdoch University, Charles Darwin University, Charles Sturt University, the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute and Conservation Management. We would also like to thank private donors whose support has made this educational program possible and NRMjobs for its support.

For any program enquiries, please contact PALRC by email.


EOI invited for a workshop on Workshop on Usewear and Residue Analysis – June 2018, Wollongong

AACAI NSW/ACT are seeking expressions of interest from members and non-members who would like to attend a Professional Development Workshop on Usewear and Residue Analysis with Dr Ebbe Hayes and Prof Richard Fullagar at the University of Wollongong on the Saturday 23 June 2018.

Please see the AACAI Usewear and Residue Analysis EOI for details. The deadline for EOIs is 30 April.


Heritage of the Air: How aviation transformed Australia – two funded PhD projects available

Heritage of the Air is a three year (2018-2020) ARC Linkage project that investigates how civil aviation has transformed Australian society over the last 100 years. The project is based at the University of Canberra and our research partners include Airservices Australia, the National Museum of Australia, the Queensland Museum, the SFO Museum in San Francisco, the Airways Museum in Essendon and the Civil Aviation Historical Society. The Lead Chief Investigator is Associate Professor Tracy Ireland and Associate Professor Tim Sherratt is leading the digital humanities aspects of the project.

We are seeking 2 exceptional PhD scholars to work as fully integrated members of our multidisciplinary research team, responding to its innovative methods and frameworks. The scholarships are offered at the University of Canberra for the duration of the project. As well as the PhD stipend, scholars will have access to a generous research fund to support their research and field work. The research could be undertaken through traditional research or creative practice and exegesis. Indigenous scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.

For more information on this opportunity, visit this link.

Applications will close 30 April 2018.


Nature-Culture Linkages in Heritage Conservation in Asia and the Pacific – 2018 workshop open for applications DEADLINE: 7 May 2018

The UNESCO Chair on Nature-Culture Linkages at the University of Tsukuba is continuing the series of workshops on Nature-Culture Linkages in Heritage Conservation in Asia and the Pacific (CBWNCL), in cooperation with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, IUCN, ICCROM and ICOMOS. After their successful workshops on Agricultural Landscapes (2016) and Sacred Landscapes (2017), this year they will work on Disasters and Resilience.

Dates: 21 September – 1 October 2018
Place: University of Tsukuba, Japan

For more information, visit the workshop website.

Application deadline: 7 May 2018.


Longford Academy 2018, Tasmania, 7-12 May – registrations open

Registrations are open for the ninth Longford Academy to be held in Northern Tasmania on 7-12 May. The program includes one-day workshops on Lime and Mortars on 9 May, and Roofing and Metalwork on 12 May, which are open for one-day registrations.

For more information, click on the links below.




[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Maritime Archaeologist, Heritage Victoria

Maritime Archaeologist, Heritage Victoria (VPS 3 – Ongoing)

The Maritime Archaeologist will form part of a specialist team delivering Heritage Victoria’s statutory functions under State and Commonwealth heritage legislation. The position will provide expert advice on the protection and management of Victoria’s maritime cultural heritage and provide the specialist technical skills required to deliver programs to document, protect and manage Victoria’s unique underwater cultural heritage.

Heritage Victoria is the principal body in Victoria responsible for control of the State’s historic heritage. It delivers the functions of the Heritage Act 2017 which enables the identification, protection and management of Victoria’s State significant heritage places and objects, including historic archaeological sites and maritime heritage.

Applications close at midnight on Monday 23 April 2018.

For further details on this exciting opportunity please see the position listing at this link.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant – Context, Melbourne

Context is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist an opportunity to contribute to the work of our growing Melbourne operations.

We are looking for applicants with heritage planning and architectural conservation experience who want to play a key role in shaping our consultancy into the future. In this position you will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of heritage services, including heritage values assessment. You will manage projects, provide specialist advice to clients, and support senior and emerging consultants in the firm.

Context is part of the vibrant and progressive GML Heritage consultancy group that wants to make a difference. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, cultural heritage management, history, landscape collections, community values, consultation, archives, and interpretation. We focus on collaboration and delivery of influential heritage advice to private and public sector clients throughout Australia and internationally. We take pride in our work and think that heritage contributes to our sense of place and a sustainable environment.

Click here for more information


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney

The City Plan Services group of companies has over 22 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage Consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast.

Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.

This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia. Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Heritage Consultant.

The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible. Remuneration packages will be negotiated commensurate with qualifications and experience.

For more information, see the CPS_Heritage Consultant – Mar 2018 position description.

Applications close Friday 27 April 2018.


SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney

The City Plan Services group of companies has over 22 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage Consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast.

Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Senior Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.

This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia. Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Senior Heritage Consultant.

The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible. Remuneration packages will be negotiated commensurate with qualifications and experience.

For more information, see the CPS_Senior Heritage Consultant – Mar 2018 position description.

Applications close Friday 27 April 2018.


SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles

The Building and Sites Department of the Getty Conservation Institute is relaunching a search for a Project Specialist to work on the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI). Reporting to the Senior Project Specialist who manages the CMAI, the Project Specialist will manage the CMAI’s new education and training initiatives. This is a three-year, limited-term position, based in Los Angeles.

For more information about this opportunity, download the ADM_Posting_Relaunch_ProjSpec_CMAI_March 2018.

The deadline for applications is 20 April 2018.


SITUATION VACANT Heritage Conservation Architect, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, established in 1994 and based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced heritage conservation architect to join our team.

The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation, publication and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities. Projects are diverse, primarily local, but also international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education sector, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.

Required qualifications:

· min masters degree in architecture

· min 3 years’ experience working as a heritage conservation architect

· a working knowledge of Australian architectural history

· expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric

· proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution

· proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper

· proficiency in sustainable design

· a good sense of humour


Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.


SITUATION WANTED Project Architect seeks employment

Aishah Zaharie is a Project Architect with three and half years’ experience, who has worked on a variety of heritage, residential, and commercial projects, and who has experience managing projects from initial design stage right through to the final contract implementation stage. She is proficient with AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, Microsoft office, Adobe and other graphics programs. She is a dynamic and ambitious architect who possesses the design and development flair needed to plan, coordinate and be involved in all phase of an architectural project.

Aishah currently lives in Melbourne but is open to travel anywhere within Victoria.

To discuss whether you might have an opportunity for Aishah, email her directly.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
