[NEW ITEM] New Australia ICOMOS Facebook page
[NEW ITEM] Draft program & new website released: CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018
[NEW ITEM] Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Thursday 26 April
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: SHAP – Call for Sessions and Papers – Due Monday 2 April
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Living Heritage Program grants – round 3 closes 13 April 2018
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Old Cities, New Challenges course – applications close 15 April 2018
[NEW ITEM] NEXT WEEK! Historic Houses Association Conference, Sydney, 5-6 April 2018
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence conference, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers
[NEW ITEM] San Gemini Preservation Studies Program, Italy, late May to early August 2018 – applications accepted until 15 April 2018
[NEW ITEM] Australian Heritage Festival Launch on the International Day for Monuments and Sites, 18 April, Brisbane
[NEW ITEM] Change Over Time | Issue 7.1 LANDSCAPES OF EXTRACTION – articles available online
[NEW ITEM] Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest – participate now!
[NEW ITEM] ASHA Research Tools Workshop 1: Technical & Research Skills, 20 April Sydney
[NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
[NEW ISSUE] News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
[NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
Call for EOIs from young members to join as associate members of the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conservation Reference Group (FCRG) – DEADLINE: 20 April
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to be the new Australia ICOMOS representative on the Our Common Dignity Initiative (Rights Based Approaches) Working Group – DEADLINE: 6 April
Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Victorian and Tasmanian Mentors! – DEADLINE: 6 April
Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Program – calling for New South Wales Members! – DEADLINE: 13 April
Jim Kerr Address, 18 April, Sydney Opera House – registrations open
Discussion: ‘What is Heritage in the 21st Century?’ Melbourne, 18 April
Streetwise Design book launch, 19 April, Melbourne
Future GLAM: Convergence and collaboration in the cultural heritage sector, Deakin University, 8 June – call for symposium contributions: DEADLINE – 6 April 2018
IIWC 21st Symposium, 12-15 September 2018, York, UK – call for papers: DEADLINE – 15 May 2018
2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting, Italy, 25-28 October 2018 – call for papers: DEADLINE – 1 May 2018
‘Smart’ Urban Heritage Management Session, 15th Architectural Humanities Research Association International Conference, 15-17 November 2018, Netherlands – call for papers: DEADLINE – 1 May 2018
EuroMed2018 Conference: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection, 29 October-3 November 2018, Cyprus – call for papers: DEADLINE – 31 May 2018
CIAV Conference and Annual Meeting, Tabriz 1-3 October 2018 – call for papers: DEADLINE – 22 April 2018
International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage, 10-14 October 2018, Beijing – call for papers: DEADLINE – 1 May 2018
World Heritage Young Professionals Forum 2018, 17-26 June 2018, Bahrain – call for applications: DEADLINE – 31 March 2018
Heritage of the Air: How aviation transformed Australia – two funded PhD projects available: DEADLINE – 30 April 2018
[NEW] CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Review and feasibility of Protected Area Short Courses, PALRC
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant – Context, Melbourne
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Contract Heritage Officer, Place Management NSW
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor (contractor position), Public Works Advisory (PWA) NSW
SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Conservation Architect, Melbourne
SITUATION WANTED Project Architect seeks employment
1. [NEW ITEM] New Australia ICOMOS Facebook page
A Facebook page for Australia ICOMOS has been established for members and others to keep in touch, share news and post events relating to heritage practice. Please like! Don’t forget you can also follow AICOMOS on LinkedIn and Twitter.
2. [NEW ITEM] Draft program & new website released: CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018
Visit the new Australia ICOMOS conference website, where you will find the draft program for the CULTURE conference.
Don’t forget to submit a paper! Call for papers details below.
The 2018 CULTURE Conference Content Committee now seeks submissions of abstracts for papers to a joint planned conference to share knowledge, celebrate the rich culture of the Pacific and discuss common issues on heritage conservation across the region.
The conference paper presentations will take place over three days (3-5 October) in Suva, Fiji with a pre-conference ‘Pasifika Charter’ workshop in Levuka World Heritage Port Town, which will form one of the forum discussions during the conference. Specific sessions on Underwater Cultural Heritage and Culture-Nature Journey will be held during the conference. There will also be post-conference tours to various sites in Fiji. Delegates will have the opportunity to present papers on common heritage conservation issues under the main theme of CULTURE and four sub-themes:
- Heritage at Risk – Climate Change and Disasters;
- Cultural Landscape Practice and Management;
- Diverse Communities – Intangible Heritage; and
- Heritage as a Pillar of Sustainable Development.
The abstracts should indicate
- the full title of the paper
- the chosen sub-theme or specific session
- three to five keywords that reflect the general theme of the paper
- the author’s name(s), institutional affiliation and contact details (postal address, phone, fax, email)
The deadline for abstracts is now 16 April 2018. For all further details, please refer to the updated CULTURE Conference_Call for Papers_ext_16 April and the Application Form.
3. [NEW ITEM] Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Thursday 26 April
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be an ANZAC PANEL SESSION featuring Bart Ziino (Deakin University), Deborah Tout-Smith (Museum Victoria) and Ian Jackson (Shrine of Remembrance).
Title: Recent conflicts veterans share their stories: the Shrine of Remembrance’s Recent Conflicts gallery redevelopment
Abstract: Over the last two years the Shrine of Remembrance has redeveloped its galleries relating to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The project originated in response to feedback from veterans who felt that their stories and experiences were not adequately represented in the Shrine’s exhibition galleries. This started a process of engagement with veterans of recent conflicts, aiming to build bridges between the Shrine as an organisation, those who have experienced war, and the wider community, who have little information available to them about the lived experience of participants in recent conflicts. Telling the story of recent conflicts poses challenges for existing approaches to museum exhibitions and military history. Many recent conflicts veterans feel a sense of disconnection and disengagement from traditional ways of presenting and commemorating Australia’s military past, while still locating themselves within the Australian military tradition. Many are keenly interested in having their stories told but wary of being misrepresented or misunderstood. The Shrine has developed working relationships with veterans to partner with them in telling their stories. In doing so, they are not interested in reiterating tropes of past conflicts or creating a new mythos around their experiences. Rather, they desire a warts-and-all approach that conveys the complexity of their experience, including both the positive and the negative aspects of modern war fighting. They would rather feel understood, than either falsely heroized or pitied. This process of engagement is ongoing. It offers the prospect of genuine benefit both for the well-being of individual veterans and their families, and for a broader and deeper understanding amongst the Australian community of what it means to go to war in the twenty first century.
Dr Ian Jackson was the curator responsible for the post-1945 section of the Shrine’s Galleries of Remembrance, opening in November 2014. He has also curated a series of temporary exhibitions on post-1945 themes including Voices from Afghanistan, and The Soldiers’ XI: Humour, humanity and the psychology of modern conflict. Most recently he has curated the 2017 redevelopment of the Shrine’s Recent Conflicts gallery, and a new temporary exhibition, For Humanity: Medicine in war and peacekeeping since 1945.
Title: Exhibiting the Great War – Academics and Curators Working Together
Abstract: In the years leading up to 2014, museums, publishers and history departments turned their minds to marking the centenary of the Great War. Responses ranged from enthusiasm and years-long publishing and exhibition programmes to fears of a flooded marketplace, Anzac fatigue, and caution about the role of major institutions to represent broader histories than just those of war. Deb Tout-Smith curated Melbourne Museum’s World War I: Love and Sorrow exhibition. Bart Ziino was a member of the exhibition’s advisory panel. While the collaboration was very rewarding for those of us involved, the experience also raised methodological and epistemological questions. Exhibitions result in a very different kind of history than academics are used to: academic historians have the luxury of 6-8000 words to tease out ideas, while curators do the hard graft of making complex historical material accessible using objects and in panels of as few as 50 words, or through immersive, affective/non-textual, embodied experiences. Academic research is often the bedrock of exhibition research, but are academics doing a good enough job for museum (and educational) professionals? How does collaboration across sectors enrich academic and curatorial practice? And what are the institutional, and methodological obstacles or disincentives to this kind of work?
Deborah Tout-Smith is Senior Curator, Home & Community, in the Humanities Department of Museum Victoria. She has curated major exhibitions including World War I: Love & Sorrow (2014), The Melbourne Story (with Liza Dale-Hallett, 2008), Spirit of the Games (2006) and Foundations of Fremantle (1997). Deborah curates Museum Victoria’s Home & Community, Clothing & Textiles, Childhood and Military History collections. Her publications include Melbourne: a City of Stories (Deborah Tout-Smith (ed.), Museum Victoria Press, 2008).
Bart Ziino is Senior Lecturer in History at Deakin University. His major publications include A Distant Grief: Australians, War Graves and the Great War (UWA Press, 2007) and the edited volume Remembering the First World War (Routledge, 2015).
Date: Thursday 26 Arpil 2018
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12
Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.
4. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: SHAP on 18 May – Tickets on sale – Please send your submissions!
Tickets for the SHAP (Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners’) Workshop are now on sale – head over to reserve your spot now as places are limited! Tickets are $33 for students, $66 for ASHA/AAA/AACAI/ICOMOS members and $88 for general entry, including food and drinks.
We are also accepting submissions for sessions and papers until Monday 2 April 2018. Abstracts only need to be 150 words and presentations are short – 15 minutes with question time at the end. What better way to spend the Easter weekend than finalising your abstract and emaling it through? We have already received some great abstracts and are looking forward to seeing some more of your submissions!
Download the 2018 SHAP Workshop call for papers for more information.
5. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Living Heritage Program grants – round 3 closes 13 April 2018
Applications for Round 3 of the Victorian Government’s competitive community heritage grants program are now open and close on 13 April 2018.
Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register.
To find out if you are eligible, read the 2018 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions at this link.
To apply, follow the link to the online application portal from this link.
The eligibility criteria include: requirements that the heritage place or object is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register; is ‘publicly accessible’; is for ‘eligible conservation projects’; and that the applicant is ‘eligible’ to apply.
There will be a fourth and final grant round of the Living Heritage Grants Program in 2019. Details on successfully funded projects in previous rounds can also be found on our website.
For more information, please visit the Living Heritage Program website or email the Living Heritage Program team.
6. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Old Cities, New Challenges course – applications close 15 April 2018
Old Cities, New Challenges – Urban Conservation in Southeast Asia
29 September – 6 October 2018
Penang, Malaysia
The Getty Conservation Institute is pleased to announce, Old Cities, New Challenges 2018 (OCNC18), the first in a new series of courses for urban conservation in Southeast Asia presented in collaboration with Think City.
OCNC18’s primary objective is to improve urban conservation practices in Southeast Asian cities by providing participants with a fuller understanding of conservation methodologies and effective, practical tools and techniques for the conservation of historic places in urban contexts. The curriculum for this course derives, in part, from the GCI’s previous courses in the region.
This course is only open to people in the ASEAN countries. It is not intended for postgraduate students, but will focus on people currently challenged by urban conservation in their city or town. Australia ICOMOS members may know of people/or organisations that they are linked to in the region, which might benefit from this course.
Course Content
The course will be highly interactive – formal presentations will be complemented by group discussions and exercises at historic sites in Penang. A values-based approach to heritage conservation will be emphasised. Participants will share their experiences regarding heritage conservation challenges in their respective cities.
Topics to be addressed include:
- Examination of international approaches, including Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)
- Documentation of tangible and intangible heritage assets, including cultural mapping
- Defining cultural significance of historic places, resulting in a statement of significance
- Heritage economics, related to cultural capital and sustainability
- Infill development in historic areas
- Goals, strategies and components of an urban conservation plan, resulting in participants’ drafting a plan for a specific site
Workshop Fee
The fee for this course is RM 3000 (approximately US$ 700), which includes eight night’s hotel accommodations in Penang, training materials, lunches and several dinners. A limited number of scholarships will be available to participants who need financial assistance. An optional, two-day post-course field trip will also be offered for an additional fee.
More information is available on the Getty Conservation Institute website.
Note that applications close on 15 April 2018.
7. [NEW ITEM] NEXT WEEK! Historic Houses Association Conference, Sydney, 5-6 April 2018
Historic Houses Association of Australia inaugural conference
5-6 April 2018
Conservatorium of Music, Sydney
The Historic Houses Association of Australia is gearing up for its inaugural conference on the 5th & 6th of April in Sydney. A wealth of articles, abstracts and interviews is now available on the conference website. The conference is gathering private owners of historic properties and heritage specialists from all over the country (over 100 delegates already registered, more tickets are still available!). Don’t miss out on this important opportunity to address and connect with the issues (and solutions!) faced by private owners in Australia.
Visit the HHA conference webpage for more information.
Contact the organisers via email or telephone (02) 9252 5554.
8. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence conference, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers
Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence
3-7 September 2018
Krakow, Poland
Call for Papers – deadline: 9 April 2018
Over the centuries, cities across Europe and around the world have been impacted by their Jewish communities; as places of both presence and absence. Being held as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, this Conference is dedicated to addressing Urban Jewish Heritage and the multi-layered issues it faces. From tourism and sustainability to conservation and representation, the Conference will bring together academics, planners, policy makers and community leaders to examine the pasts, presents and futures for cities with Jewish Heritage.
Organised by the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage and the Foundation for Jewish Heritage, in association with the City of Krakow and Villa Decius Association, we invite abstracts of 300 words to be submitted as soon as possible but at the latest by 9 April 2018.
Visit the conference website for more details.
9. [NEW ITEM] San Gemini Preservation Studies Program, Italy, late May to early August 2018 – applications accepted until 15 April 2018
Now in its 20th year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program (SGPS) is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. We offer students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy where they acquire hands-on experience in preservation and restoration. Our courses are open to students from various disciplines, both undergraduate and graduate. All lessons are taught in English.
This year, some of our students are able to receive accreditation through the Art History Department at West Virginia University. You can find more information about the program in general and accreditation for participating in an SGPS program on the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program website.
There are spaces open in most of the programs (see summary below) and applications are still being accepted.
Deadline for applying is now 15 April 2018.
Session One (May 28 – June 22)
Building Restoration – Touching the Stones
Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings and Sketching & Analyzing Historic Buildings
(Program includes lectures and restoration field projects*)
Archaeological Ceramics Restoration
Analysis and Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics in Italy
(Program includes lectures and restoration workshop)
Book Bindings Restoration
The Craft of Making and Restoring Book Bindings
Introduction to the Conservation of Books and Bindings
(Program includes lectures and practical workshop)
Session Two (July 9 – August 3)
Paper Restoration
Restoration and Conservation of Paper in Books and Archival Documents
(Program includes lectures and restoration workshop)
Traditional Painting Techniques
Traditional Materials, Methods of Painting and Art Restoration Issues
(Program includes lectures and painting workshop)
Preservation Theory and Practice in Italy
Restoration Theory, Ethics and Issues
(Program includes lectures and discussion)
NEW RESEARCH PROJECT: Carsulae Roman Baths Excavation Project
Architectural & Structural Survey of the Site
(Program includes research and surveying field work*)
This new project is in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame.
*Field Projects:
Restoration of the façade of the medieval church of San Carlo (13th century)
Analysis of medieval buildings in San Gemini as part of an urban study of the city
Architectural and structural survey of the baths in the ancient Roman city of Carsulae
Short Inter-Session Program
Preservation Field Trip – Italy (June 24 – July 3)
A ten-day trip visiting Siena, Florence and Rome: places of cultural interest, the urban and historical development of each town, and specialized visits to places of interest to restorers.
10. [NEW ITEM] Australian Heritage Festival Launch on the International Day for Monuments and Sites, 18 April, Brisbane
Unconventional Heritage: Archaeology & Acoustics – how places and music can tell the story of our city
The National Trust of Australia, in conjunction with the Department of Environment and Science and Australia ICOMOS, invites you to celebrate Queensland’s rich heritage with the launch of Australia’s Annual Heritage Festival!
The 18th April marks the start of the Australian Heritage Festival and is also the International Day of Monuments and Sites. The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) is proud to collaborate with two premier heritage organisations to bring you an evening of entertainment and inspiring talks in the birthplace of modern Brisbane.
Date and Time
Wed. 18 April 2018
5:00 pm – 7:30 pm AEST
Spring Hill Reservoir
230 Wickham Terrace
Spring Hill, QLD 4000
This event is free of charge but please register online – you will also find out more information at this link!
11. [NEW ITEM] Change Over Time | Issue 7.1 LANDSCAPES OF EXTRACTION – articles available online
Among the oldest of technologies, the extractive industries involve the removal and processing of raw materials from the earth for energy and manufacturing, and by the early twentieth century their global scale of operation transformed entire regions and markets as well as large areas of the earth’s surface. This legacy also created the most far-reaching of all global transformations: climate change. Today many of these industrial centers are obsolete and abandoned but rich in historical value as the intersection of geology, technology, and culture. They are part of a complex landscape that now demands consideration of its latent architectural, ecological, and socio-cultural assets. This issue examines how we perceive and engage with what is quickly becoming a complicated eco-industrial heritage legacy, providing a valuable contribution to the broadening discourse over how we reintegrate and ultimately conserve our landscapes of extraction.
>>Complete articles available at ProjectMuse
12. [NEW ITEM] Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest – participate now!
The Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest is intended to be a part of a wider awareness-raising strategy – especially addressed to young generations – dedicated to the theme of fragility of heritage – cultural and natural – and strongly linked to the planet Earth’s environmental equilibrium and climate change.
The contest will run from 1 January – 31 December 2018. Each month you’ll be able to vote for photos uploaded and also upload photos for the next month.
For more information on how to participate for March, click here.
13. [NEW ITEM] ASHA Research Tools Workshop 1: Technical & Research Skills, 20 April Sydney
This workshop is being organised by the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) with the support of Australia ICOMOS and the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage. The venue is provided courtesy of Property NSW.
Historical documents: maps, plans and images
This session:
- looks at how and why we do Land Titles research in archaeology
- involves an online workshop on how to do Land Titles research and its value in understanding archaeological sites
- provide an understanding historic images and plans
- look at methods for overlaying maps and plan
Archaeological Research Questions and Assessing Significance
This session considers how we construct archaeological research designs and formulate questions to better understand the archaeological resource. This will include consideration of how these questions fit with assessing archaeological significance within a framework of the 2009 guidelines.
Working in different statutory environments
This session provides an overview of the statutory planning environments that archaeologists work in, in NSW. It will look at assessing heritage and archaeology for State Significant Development and Infrastructure projects including:
- the role of an archaeological assessment in the Environmental Impact Statement and the approvals process
- managing risk for your clients (costs, time delays, etc.)
- archaeological obligations under the NSW Heritage Act 1977
Presenters: Dr Mary Casey, Dr James Flexner, Dr Terry Kass, Dr Siobhan Lavelle, Mr Nicholas Pitt, Ms Kylie Seretis and Dr Iain Stuart
Date: Friday 20 April 2018
Time: 9am to 5pm
ASHA/ ICOMOS Members $110
Student ASHA/ ICOMOS Members $55
Non-member $160
Student Non-Member $80
Location: Big Dig Centre, YHA Cumberland Street, The Rocks, Sydney
>>Further information and bookings
Numbers are limited.
14. [NEW ISSUE] Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.
15. [NEW ISSUE] News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.
16. [NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
Call for EOIs from young members to join as associate members of the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conservation Reference Group (FCRG)
Australia ICOMOS is particularly interested in involving young and early career professionals in its activities, working groups, International Scientific Committees and Executive Committee.
The FCRG provides advice on the conservation of heritage fabric in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter including maintenance, preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adaptation, and promotes skills development in fabric conservation practice.
The FCRG would like to involve up to five young Australia ICOMOS members (or potential members) from across Australia in the work of the Group. Activities may include assistance with: promoting initiatives in fabric conservation; editing and illustrating practice notes; running workshops; and/or managing the Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition.
In the first instance please send an email to Mary Knaggs, Coordinator of the FCRG stating why you would like to be involved and attaching your CV. For enquiries call Mary on 0427 502 042.
The deadline for EOIs is Friday 20 April.
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to be the new Australia ICOMOS representative on the Our Common Dignity Initiative (Rights Based Approaches) Working Group
Since 2011, ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN as Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee have collaborated to develop the ‘Our Common Dignity initiative’. The initiative was initiated and coordinated by ICOMOS Norway, and is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.
The objective of the Our Common Dignity Initiative is to contribute towards building awareness of rights issues in World Heritage and heritage management in general, to promote ‘good practice’, and to develop and recommend relevant tools and guidelines in World Heritage – from tentative lists and nomination through to management.
The Our Common Dignity Initiative provides a platform for dialogue to support information sharing and facilitate policy discussions, prompting a shift from individual case treatment towards a systems change. Understanding rights concerns remains limited in existing and new WH properties as well as for those being proposed for listing. An important finding of the Initiative is a lack of clarity about the role of rights experienced by many heritage practitioners, and the need to raise awareness and clarity on the topic.
The most recent Our Common Dignity Initiative activities include:
- Heritage Management and Human Rights Pilot Training Courses (Norway 2016 and South Africa 2017);
- Advisory Bodies bibliography project on human rights; and
- Notes on the Advisory Bodies rights policy, including a brief summary on the ICOMOS rights policy review.
The international Working Group comprises members from Norway, South Africa, India and Switzerland. The Our Common Dignity Initiative coordinator is now Mrs Bente Mathisen from ICOMOS Norway.
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is seeking Expressions of Interest from Australia ICOMOS Full International and Young Professional Members to be the new Australian representative on the international Working Group. In tandem with this role, the successful candidate will also become the coordinator of a revitalised Australia ICOMOS Rights Based Approaches working group.
Expressions of interest should:
Be of no more than 2 pages in length (plus attachments if appropriate of up to 3 pages);
State the reason why the applicant seeks appointment to the role;
Confirm a commitment to active participation in the international Working Group AND the Australia ICOMOS Rights Based Approaches working group;
Demonstrate the employment of rights based approaches in the applicant’s professional practice; and
Be sent by email to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 4pm (AEST), 6 April 2018.
Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Victorian and Tasmanian Mentors!
Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in Victoria in 2012 following an earlier trial in the ACT, and it now runs in New South Wales and Victoria. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.
As the program has now run with enthusiastic responses from both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it in Victoria and Tasmania for 2018.
When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.
Students in heritage-related post-graduate programs at Deakin University, the University of Melbourne, Federation University and Latrobe University (based in Victoria), and Deakin Cloud/off-campus students based in Tasmania are invited to apply for the program.
We usually have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we are hoping that all ICOMOS members based in Victoria and Tasmania will consider participating this year.
What is required?
While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that mentors meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests.
There will be a social event held in late April or early May to introduce mentoring pairs. If you wish to be a mentor or a mentee, it is not essential to attend, although this is an easy way to meet and set up the first meeting, as well as networking with other students and colleagues.
There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return.
How do I get involved as a MENTOR?
If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 6 April 2018.
Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.
Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice (please specify your areas of expertise and the kinds of experience you have to offer). We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible.
How do I get involved as a MENTEE?
Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. Please contact the person at your university as a first step. All applications received by the Secretariat will be considered – here is the ICOMOS VIC-TAS Mentoring application & agreement 2018.
All applications must be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 6 April 2018. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible.
When do we start?
We will be matching students and mentors in early April, and will launch this year’s program with an event in late April or early May. More information about the launch will be sent to participants in the program.
We hope that all members based in Victoria or Tasmania will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.
2018 Australia ICOMOS Vic/Tas Mentoring Team
Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)
Hannah Lewi (University of Melbourne)
Anita Smith (Latrobe University)
Keir Reeves (Federation University)
Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Program – calling for New South Wales Members!
Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in Victoria in 2012 following an earlier trial in the ACT, and it now runs in New South Wales and Victoria. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.
As the program has now run with enthusiastic responses from both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it again in New South Wales for 2018.
When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.
Students in heritage-related post-graduate programs at University of Sydney and at University of New South Wales will be invited to apply for the program.
We usually have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we are hoping that all ICOMOS members based in New South Wales will consider participating this year.
What is required?
While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that mentors meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests.
There will be a social event held in early May to introduce mentoring pairs. If you wish to be a mentor or a mentee, it is not essential to attend, although this is an easy way to meet and set up the first meeting, as well as networking with other students and colleagues.
There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return.
How do I get involved as a MENTOR?
If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 13 April 2018.
Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.
Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible.
How do I get involved as a MENTEE?
Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. Please contact the person at your university as a first step. All applications received by the Secretariat will be considered – here is the ICOMOS Mentoring application & agreement NSW 2018.
All applications must be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 13 April 2018. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible.
When do we start?
We will be matching students and mentors in second half of April, and will launch this year’s program with an event in late April or early May. More information about the launch will be sent to participants in the program.
We hope that all members based in New South Wales will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.
2018 Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Team
Kerime Danis (NSW Mentoring Program Coordinator)
Cameron Logan (The University of Sydney)
Dr James L Flexner (The University of Sydney)
Dr Ben Shaw (The University of New South Wales)
2018 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April, Sydney Opera House – registrations open
The 2018 Jim Kerr Address
18 April 2018, 5pm
Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House
The 2018 speaker will be Professional Historian Dr Lisa Murray.
Lisa’s talk is titled Monuments and Memories: re-assessing colonial imperialism
Public monuments and memorials have been a vital form of commemoration that have shaped our collective memory and understanding of history for generations. Monuments have been erected by governments and institutions, private citizens through public subscriptions, and by individuals. They function to reinforce power and privilege, shaping public narratives. Memorials help people to remember, but at the same time they also assist in the art of forgetting. The meaning and social values of monuments are never static. Monuments take on layers of meaning through interpretation, cultural practices, re-inscribing and protest. The broadening of historiography in the late 20th century has allowed many groups of people to challenge the dominant colonial imperial narratives and to add other voices to the historical dialogue.
This lecture will reflect upon how the social values of monuments evolve and the challenges in addressing conflicting memories, both European and Aboriginal social values, in our public monuments.
The Speaker: Dr Lisa Murray is a Professional Historian. With over 15 years of experience in the field of public history, Lisa is passionate about making history accessible to the public. Lisa is the award-winning author of planning histories and a regular contributor to debates around public history, including being a speaker at TEDxSydney in 2013. Her most recent books are Sydney Cemeteries: A Field Guide (NewSouth Publishing, 2016), which won a National Trust Heritage Award, and Our City: 175 Years in 175 Objects, an expansive catalogue that accompanied an anniversary exhibition at Sydney Town Hall in 2017. Lisa is currently writing a history of Australian Cemeteries, to be published by the National Library of Australia. Other research interests include history in the digital age; sensory urbanism; history and creative practice; landscapes and memory; the Dictionary of Sydney; Sydney music; and Sydney cookery books.
* Australia ICOMOS members: $30
* Non-members: $40
* Full-time students, unemployed & individuals under 30 yrs: $20
Download the Jim Kerr Address 2018 flyer.
Discussion: ‘What is Heritage in the 21st Century?’ Melbourne, 18 April
Discussion: What is Heritage in the 21st Century?
Wed 18 April, 6pm-8.30pm
Singapore Theatre, Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne, Masson Rd, Parkville VIC 3010
How do we recognise the contribution heritage makes to our contemporary urban and regional landscapes, the well-being of our communities and our economy? Join the National Trust and Australia ICOMOS on April 18, International Day for Monuments and Sites, for a discussion panel that will examine the evolving field of heritage in Victoria, recognising the increasing interdisciplinary nature of the heritage profession and emerging practitioners. Drawing on current movements that demonstrate how communities value heritage places and considering the role of heritage in underpinning place-making in our urban and regional centres, this event will reflect on the priorities of the heritage profession and the role of the next generation as we move further into the 21st century.
Panellists will be announced shortly.
Presented by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Australia ICOMOS.
Supported by ACAHUCH, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne.
This is a free event to mark the launch of the Australian Heritage Festival 2018 and International Day for Monuments and Sites.
Light Refreshments will be provided from 6pm.
To book now or contact the event organiser visit the trybooking webpage.
Streetwise Design book launch, 19 April, Melbourne
VICOMITES and Friends
To commemorate the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites (18 April), a book launch and ICOMOS drinks are being held at the Japanese Room, Melbourne School of Design (University of Melbourne) at 6pm on 19 April. The event is sponsored by Lovell Chen Architects & Heritage Consultants.
Streetwise Design – A Practical Guide for New Development and Adaptive Reuse in Asian Liveable Heritage Cities, published by Think City (Malaysia), is the third and final book in a series of Streetwise books by Australian conservation architect, Elizabeth Vines. It provides practical design advice for local communities, which are challenged by the need for new, appropriate infill development and adaptive reuse of existing heritage buildings. While the book focuses on the Asian context, it outlines principles that are applicable worldwide, and is comprehensively illustrated in colour by international and Australian examples.
For more information, see the Streetwise Design Melbourne book launch flyer.
RSVP by Thursday 16 April to Adam Mornement by email.
Sydney Book Launch: Streetwise Design, 9 April
At this launch a talk will be given by the author, Australian conservation architect, Elizabeth Vines. The new book, Streetwise Design – A Practical Guide for New Development and Adaptive Reuse in Asian Liveable Heritage Cities is published by Think City in Penang Malaysia. The book launch will be followed by drinks and convivial chatter and the book will be available for purchase.
WHERE – Break Out Space, Urbis
DATE – Monday 9 April
TIME – please arrive by 5.45pm for a 6pm start of the book launch followed by drinks and nibbles. Ending 7.30pm
RSVP – to Grace Lee at Urbis by email by COB Thursday 5 April
For more information see the Streetwise Design Sydney book launch flyer.
Port Arthur Talk, Thursday 5 April 2018
Cleansing the Colony: Transporting convicts from New Zealand to Van Diemen’s Land
presented by Dr Kristyn Harman
Shortly after New Zealand became a British possession, transportation sentences to Van Diemen’s Land became common to any that were deemed unwanted. As a result, at least 109 men and one woman arrived in Hobart from New Zealand between 1843 and 1853. Almost half of these men were, or had been, British soldiers, while others were sailors, ‘white collar’ criminals, Māori, or simply ‘vagrants’.
This presentation shall explore colonial New Zealand attitudes towards colonisation, crime, and transportation. It will canvass the reasons why those sentenced to transportation became enmeshed in the courts and shall provide case studies to explore what became of those transported to Van Diemen’s Land.
Dr Kristyn Harman is a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Tasmania who specialises in cross-cultural encounters of Britain’s nineteenth-century colonies, and twentieth-century Australasia. Her two books on the subject of New Zealand transportation have been awarded the Australian Historical Association Kay Daniels award and the Royal Society Te Apārangi Award for General Non-Fiction section of the Ockham New Zealand book awards.
When: Thursday 5 April 2018 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
For more information on the talk call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the ‘Cleansing the Colony’ talk flyer.
Future GLAM: Convergence and collaboration in the cultural heritage sector, Deakin University, 8 June – call for symposium contributions
Deakin University, Melbourne
Friday 8 June 2018
We are delighted to announce the forthcoming symposium, organised in conjunction with the Museums Australia annual conference and with the support of Museums Australia (Victoria) and the Heritage, Indigeneity and Sustainability research group of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University.
Keynote speakers:
- Elizabeth (Liz) Jack is Director LINC Tasmania since December 2016, and a member of National State Libraries Association of Australia, and GLAM Peak
- Nathan Sentance is a Wiradjuri man who grew up on Darkinjung Country, NSW
- Annabel Astbury is the Head of Education at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and is responsible for the strategy and content for all educational products across all platforms
Cost: $30 (includes lunch and morning and afternoon tea)
Bookings essential: Please book online
Call for contributions
Convergence across Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) has been the focus of much recent academic and professional debate. A challenging funding context, the potentially transformative digital environment, heightened and increasingly diverse expectations of the role of cultural heritage within society, employment mobility and insecurity, and the emergence of new organisational forms are challenging GLAM practice. This not only disrupts existing ways of working but also raises questions about the training, support, and ongoing professional development needed for those who work in the sector.
This one-day symposium, an adjunct to the Museums Australia ‘Agents of Change’ conference, aims to bring together students, emerging professionals, academics, and practitioners interested in ideas of convergence and collaboration in GLAM and cultural heritage more generally, to share their experiences and to reflect on an exciting but uncertain future.
Please send an abstract (250 words) and a short biography (100 words) of the speaker(s) to Dr Steven Cooke by email no later than 6 April 2018.
More information about the speakers is available at the symposium website.
Conference organisers
Dr Steven Cooke (Deakin University), Dr Katherine Howard (RMIT), Amelia Marra (Museums Australia (Victoria), Associate Professor Gillian Oliver (Monash University) and Dr Steven Wright (Monash University)
IIWC 21st Symposium, 12-15 September 2018, York, UK – call for papers
New Horizons in the Conservation of Wooden Built Heritage
IIWC 21st Symposium 2018
York, United Kingdom
12-15 September 2018
Wood has been a widely used material for construction in many cultures, the result being a wide range of architectures spread around every region. Conservation of wooden heritage is conditioned by specificities of wood and results in specific approaches and techniques: as an example, the Nara Document on Authenticity (1994), influenced by the difference in approaches to the Conservation of wooden heritage.
The ICOMOS Wood Committee (IIWC) has carried out a revision of its Principles which have been approved in the General Assembly held in Delhi in December 2017. Today we are pleased to announce a Symposium that organized by the IIWC will give experts, the possibility to discuss and exchange about the many perspectives regarding wooden heritage conservation.
The IIWC’s 2018 “New Horizons” symposium in York will be an interchange for new research and technical advancements in the conservation of wooden built heritage. “New Horizons” will be a forum to engage a diverse community of experts, professionals and practitioners with the common goal of exploring new multi-disciplinary perspectives and potentialities in the field of conservation. This holistic approach to conservation is at the heart of ICOMOS and its scientific committees and is embodied in the new IIWC 2017 ‘Principles for the Conservation of the Wooden Built Heritage’.
The symposium will provide a platform for participants to showcase their work and obtain feedback from knowledgeable symposium attendees.
The targeted audience is the widest possible, and includes but not only: foresters, archaeobotonists, carpenters, wood scientists, anthropologists, mill wrights, cultural historians, conservators, financiers, property owners, legislators, project managers, archaeologists, architects, engineers as well as, researchers, educators, historians, archivists, librarians, museologists and students.
Call for Papers
Papers are invited from both ICOMOS members and non-members.
Important dates
· 15 May 2018: Deadline for submission of Abstracts
· 12 June 2018: Selected speakers notified of their selection
· 12 -15 September 2018: ‘New Horizons’ – IIWC Symposium York 2018
Abstracts sent after the deadline will not be considered.
2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting, Italy, 25-28 October 2018 – call for papers
2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting: Discover Sicily’s Argimusco – a Holistic Approach to Heritage Management
Montalbano Elicona, Province of Messina, Sicily, Italy
25-28 October 2018
Call for Papers Deadline: 1 May 2018
In the European Year of Cultural Heritage the 2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting will focus on the overriding need to develop a holistic and integrated approach to heritage management. The meeting will focus on six key themes that lie at the heart of current debates and concerns relating to different approaches and subjects all of which need to be mainstreamed into to archaeological heritage management. The six themes are: Community Engagement, Climate Change, Tourism, Non-Invasive technologies, Archaeoastronomy, and the Africa Initiative.
Organized by ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) and the Municipality of Montalbano Elicona, we invite abstracts of 300 words to be submitted as soon as possible but at the latest by 1 May 2018. Download the ICAHM 2018_CALL FOR PAPERS.
Please visit the meeting website for more details.
‘Smart’ Urban Heritage Management Session, 15th Architectural Humanities Research Association International Conference, 15-17 November 2018, Netherlands – call for papers
‘Smart’ Urban Heritage Management Session
15th Architectural Humanities Research Association International Conference
Department of the Built Environment, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
15-17 November 2018
The historic fabric which represents a city’s evolution and development is increasingly viewed as a set of assets that enhance the urban experience. These assets can create a sense of place, foster stronger communities, or help define unique identities that boost the urban economy by attracting investment in businesses, urban renewal projects and redevelopment opportunities. However, the unprecedented rise in urbanization trends has placed increased pressures on cities to utilize resources more efficiently, balancing development needs and carbon reduction targets while maintaining some of the historic fabric. It has therefore become imperative to manage heritage assets effectively and sensitively so that these continue to retain value and remain relevant to current and future generations.
This session aims to explore how urban heritage can be managed and maintained in a smart city. The range of questions the session seeks to explore includes, but is not limited to: How might smart technologies inform heritage policy? What smart tools are currently used and how have they assisted in managing urban heritage? How do these tools and technologies connect the intangible values associated with historic fabric to an increasing global population? How can information communication technologies, internet applications and other smart tools be used in view of budgetary constraints? What lessons have been learned and how can they be used to inform urban policy for an increasingly mixed range of pre- and post-1940’s urban fabric?
Call for conference papers abstracts is currently open. Please visit the call for papers webpage and click on the title of the session to submit.
Paper abstracts must include:
– name and affiliation of author (and up to one other co-author), with one of the paper (co-)authors being identified as lead contact for the session chair and the organization committee (in the event of two co-authors, at least one must register and attend the conference).
– Paper title
– Paper abstract (up to 300 words)
– A short bio per author of up to 300 words
Deadline for abstract submission is: 1 May 2018, 9:00am CET.
EuroMed2018 Conference: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection, 29 October-3 November 2018, Cyprus – call for papers
The newly established UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Heritage is announcing the International Conference EuroMed 2018 dedicated on Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection.
The 7th biannual European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony.
This conference is a milestone event in the EU Year 2018, which is dedicated to Cultural Heritage. It’s in cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Commission and the EU digital library Europeana and in collaboration with the prestigious publisher Springer-Nature to celebrate the 1.000.000 downloads of our publications.
For more information about the conference and the call for papers, download the First_Announcement_EuroMed2018_Cyprus and the EuroMed2018_Call_for_papers.
Deadline for Paper submission: 31 May 2018 (24:00 London-UK time)
CIAV Conference and Annual Meeting, Tabriz 1-3 October 2018 – call for papers
The International Scientific Committee on Vernacular Architecture (ICOMOS-CIAV) and the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) are pleased to announce that call for paper is now open for CIAV conference 2018, on the theme of “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”.
Abstracts should be submitted through this address no later than 22 April 2018.
See the CIAV 2018 Conference Call for Papers for more information.
International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage, 10-14 October 2018, Beijing – call for papers
International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage
Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Beijing
10-14 October 2018
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May 2018
2018 is a year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of discovering Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, also a year to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Zhoukoudian Museum. You are cordially invited to submit research papers for presentation at our conference, which will take place in Beijing from the 10th to the 14th of October 2018. The conference, entitled “International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage” at Zhoukoudian Site, is jointly organized by the Museum of Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Zhoukoudian International Paleoanthropological Research Center at the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, ICOMOS China and National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University.
For more information, download the CFP Zhoukoudian Conference 2018.
World Heritage Young Professionals Forum 2018, 17-26 June 2018, Bahrain – call for applications
Upon the request of our partner the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, we are pleased to transmit the invitation to attend the Young Heritage Professional Forum 2018 “Protecting Heritage in an Ever-changing World”, in Manama (Bahrain), from 17-26 June 2018. The Forum is in conjunction with the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee, and in line with the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme.
The Forum is addressed to young professionals (aged between 23 to 30 y.o) who will be invited to reflect upon the complexity of preserving heritage in a constantly evolving world, with the help of international experts.
All travel and accommodation costs for the selected participants will be covered by the Kingdom of Bahrain, for the duration of the forum.
For further information about the forum and to apply, visit the forum website.
The deadline for applications is 31 March 2018, at 23:59 CET (Bahrain) time.
Heritage of the Air: How aviation transformed Australia – two funded PhD projects available
Heritage of the Air is a three year (2018-2020) ARC Linkage project that investigates how civil aviation has transformed Australian society over the last 100 years. The project is based at the University of Canberra and our research partners include Airservices Australia, the National Museum of Australia, the Queensland Museum, the SFO Museum in San Francisco, the Airways Museum in Essendon and the Civil Aviation Historical Society. The Lead Chief Investigator is Associate Professor Tracy Ireland and Associate Professor Tim Sherratt is leading the digital humanities aspects of the project.
We are seeking 2 exceptional PhD scholars to work as fully integrated members of our multidisciplinary research team, responding to its innovative methods and frameworks. The scholarships are offered at the University of Canberra for the duration of the project. As well as the PhD stipend, scholars will have access to a generous research fund to support their research and field work. The research could be undertaken through traditional research or creative practice and exegesis. Indigenous scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.
For more information on this opportunity, visit this link.
Applications will close 30 April 2018.
[NEW] CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Review and feasibility of Protected Area Short Courses, PALRC
Review and feasibility of Protected Area Short Courses
The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) is pleased to invite expressions of interest for a short term, scoping project to be completed over the next 8-12 weeks.
The project forms part of the PALRC’s strategy to offer courses which are directly relevant to the needs of practitioners.
Although intended principally for take up in Australia, it is also hoped it will lead to take up in Asia and the Pacific; through both attendance at courses in Australia by students from those regions, and by the ability for the courses to be run in Asia and the Pacific for the benefit of practitioners there.
For more information about this project, download the EOI_PALRC Feasibility Study scope.
Expressions of interest must be submitted by midnight Sunday 15 April (AEST).
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant – Context, Melbourne
Context is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist an opportunity to contribute to the work of our growing Melbourne operations.
We are looking for applicants with heritage planning and architectural conservation experience who want to play a key role in shaping our consultancy into the future. In this position you will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of heritage services, including heritage values assessment. You will manage projects, provide specialist advice to clients, and support senior and emerging consultants in the firm.
Context is part of the vibrant and progressive GML Heritage consultancy group that wants to make a difference. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, cultural heritage management, history, landscape collections, community values, consultation, archives, and interpretation. We focus on collaboration and delivery of influential heritage advice to private and public sector clients throughout Australia and internationally. We take pride in our work and think that heritage contributes to our sense of place and a sustainable environment.
Click here for more information
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney
The City Plan Services group of companies has over 22 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage Consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast.
Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.
This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia. Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Heritage Consultant.
The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible. Remuneration packages will be negotiated commensurate with qualifications and experience.
For more information, see the CPS_Heritage Consultant – Mar 2018 position description.
Applications close Friday 27 April 2018.
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, City Plan Services, Sydney
The City Plan Services group of companies has over 22 years’ experience as an industry leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage Consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast.
Our team is expanding and as such an opportunity is available for a suitably qualified and motivated Senior Heritage Consultant to join City Plan’s Heritage team, providing high level cultural heritage consulting services from our Sydney office.
This opportunity will appeal to an experienced heritage consultant who is wishing to further their career in a highly regarded consultancy involved in a variety of projects across NSW and Australia. Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Senior Heritage Consultant.
The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible. Remuneration packages will be negotiated commensurate with qualifications and experience.
For more information, see the CPS_Senior Heritage Consultant – Mar 2018 position description.
Applications close Friday 27 April 2018.
SITUATION VACANT Contract Heritage Officer, Place Management NSW
Place Management NSW (formerly known as SHFA) is a division of Property NSW. The Strategic Planning and Heritage a team is looking to fill a part time (3 day a week) contract Heritage Officer role.
The relevant details about this opportunity can be found in the Contract Heritage Officer Position Description.
Please email your Expression of Interest and CV by Thursday 28 March 2018 to Sarah Lording via email.
For information and enquiries please contact Sarah Lording, Project Support Officer, Strategic Planning and Heritage on phone (02) 9240 8566 or by email Sarah.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
Lovell Chen has an exciting stream of work ahead for 2018 and we are looking for a highly motivated heritage consultant to join the Heritage Team in our East Melbourne office.
This role will provide technical input into historical heritage assessments, impact assessments and management plans, as well as supporting the management and delivery of a wide range of heritage projects, both in Victoria and nationally. The role will be integral in the development and management of client relationships. The role also provides the opportunity to mentor heritage staff within the team and has excellent potential for career development.
Detailed information about this opportunity can be found in the LC Heritage Consultant job description.
Please forward your application (including referees) setting out your relevant experience and interest in the position, together with your curriculum vitae, by email to Kate Gray, Principal, Heritage, by 6 April 2018.
Lovell Chen is prepared to consider sponsorship and/or and associated relocation costs for an appropriate candidate.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor (contractor position), Public Works Advisory (PWA) NSW
Senior Heritage Advisor (contractor position) – PWA Heritage Asset Advisory group
Public Works Advisory (PWA) provides expert advice and professional services relating to public infrastructure, heritage and environmental projects for the state government of NSW.
The PWA Heritage Asset Advisory team assists government agencies by providing heritage architectural, planning, design and technical conservation advice, managing the Minister’s Stonework Program, and ensuring heritage legislative compliance, quality heritage project outcomes and innovative solutions for heritage asset management. HAA also offers procurement advice and services in connection with heritage assets.
Working with the Director Heritage Asset Advisory and 2 Senior Heritage Specialists, the contractor will:
• Provide architectural heritage support/advice in connection with urban planning and development, re-use and refurbishment;
• Provide strategic heritage asset management guidance including identifying ‘at risk’ projects requiring early or additional services/heritage impact mitigation in line with legislative requirements;
• Assist in coordinating multiple Heritage Projects with a range of responsibilities from project planning and risk analysis to heritage oversight and QA during construction
• Provide experienced technical and design/documentation skills for repair and conservation of heritage places including CAD and minor graphics tasks.
Applicants need to clearly demonstrate advanced built heritage experience, project management capabilities, strong teamwork and a high degree of adaptability and technical proficiency.
The contract will be at least until end June 2018 with potential for 3 month renewal thereafter. Preference is for full time but part time may be considered.
Learn more: For enquiries regarding this contract position, please contact David Mason, A/Director, Heritage Asset Advisory by email or on 0466 410 203.
Your application should include a covering letter [maximum two pages] and brief CV/ resume of no more than five pages outlining your skills and experience as relevant to this position.
Salary commensurate with skills and experience, with priority consideration given to senior professionals operating at equivalent to grade 9/10.
Closing date: 16 April 2018
SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
The Building and Sites Department of the Getty Conservation Institute is relaunching a search for a Project Specialist to work on the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI). Reporting to the Senior Project Specialist who manages the CMAI, the Project Specialist will manage the CMAI’s new education and training initiatives. This is a three-year, limited-term position, based in Los Angeles.
For more information about this opportunity, download the ADM_Posting_Relaunch_ProjSpec_CMAI_March 2018.
The deadline for applications is 20 April 2018.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Conservation Architect, Melbourne
RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, established in 1994 and based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced heritage conservation architect to join our team.
The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation, publication and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities. Projects are diverse, primarily local, but also international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education sector, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.
Required qualifications:
· min masters degree in architecture
· min 3 years’ experience working as a heritage conservation architect
· a working knowledge of Australian architectural history
· expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric
· proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution
· proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper
· proficiency in sustainable design
· a good sense of humour
Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger by email in the first instance.
If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.
SITUATION WANTED Project Architect seeks employment
Aishah Zaharie is a Project Architect with three and half years’ experience, who has worked on a variety of heritage, residential, and commercial projects, and who has experience managing projects from initial design stage right through to the final contract implementation stage. She is proficient with AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, Microsoft office, Adobe and other graphics programs. She is a dynamic and ambitious architect who possesses the design and development flair needed to plan, coordinate and be involved in all phase of an architectural project.
Aishah currently lives in Melbourne but is open to travel anywhere within Victoria.
To discuss whether you might have an opportunity for Aishah, email her directly.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131