Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 817

  1. [NEW ITEM] CALL FOR PAPERS – CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference (Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018)
  2. [NEW ITEM] The Historic Environment Special Issue on Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice launched
  3. [NEW ITEM] Trust Talks are going to gaol! “Managing the Heritage of Wounded Places”, Brisbane, 15 March 2018
  4. [NEW ITEM] Call for papers: Special Issue of Historic Environment – Going to Delhi…
  5. [NEW ITEM] Bookings Now Open: Managing Collections, The Ins and Outs of Loans and Deaccessioning and Copyright for Collections
  6. [NEW ITEM] The Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners’ (SHAP) Workshop – call for sessions, papers and demonstrations
  7. [NEW ITEM] The first Forum on American Temporary Architecture, Mexico, 9 March 2018
  8. [NEW ITEM] Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers
  9. [NEW ITEM] International Day for Monuments and Sites, 18 April
  10. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO Chair Programme on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, 29 August to 19 September 2018 – call for applications
  11. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  12. [NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums
  13. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  14. University of British Columbia, Online Workshop: Intangible Cultural Heritage – Registrations Open
  15. Courses on preserving cultural heritage in times of crisis – applications open
  16. Invitation to book launch: “Henderson & Coy, Royal Engineers & the Convict Establishment Fremantle, WA, 1850-1872”, WA, 6 March 2018
  17. Public Talk – “Berlin: Industrial Heritage and the Soundtrack of a City”, ACT, 8 March 2018
  18. REMINDER: QLD Heritage Awards – nominations open
  19. Dubious Heritage Symposium: Re-thinking the modern, industrial and the everyday, Melbourne, 12 March 2018
  20. Seeking Expressions of Interest for the Yarra Heritage Advisory Committee
  21. Melbourne Design Week – The Good Room: Viennese Designers in Australia, Melbourne, 22 March 2018
  22. Funding to preserve maritime heritage – Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts media release
  23. Last few weeks before the Historic Houses Association Conference, Sydney, 5-6 April 2018
  24. WA Regional Heritage Conference 2018 – Registrations now open
  25. REMINDER: 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, 7-9 November 2018 – call for abstracts
  26. New Course/Training Opportunity: Documentation and Condition Assessment – Athabasca University, Spring/Summer 2018
  27. Invitation to ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium
  28. Visual Heritage 2018: Call for papers, posters, round tables, workshops and apps!
  29. Inner West Council Built Environment Awards
  30. SITUATION VACANT Graduate Architect, minimum 1-2 years experience, Sydney
  31. SITUATIONS VACANT with the Victorian State Government’s DELWP
  32. SITUATION VACANT Recent Graduate/Graduate Heritage Architect, Sydney


1. [NEW ITEM] CALL FOR PAPERS – CULTURE: Conserving it Together Conference (Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018)

The 2018 CULTURE Conference Content Committee now seeks submissions of abstracts for papers to a joint planned conference to share knowledge, celebrate the rich culture of the Pacific and discuss common issues on heritage conservation across the region.

The conference will take place over three days (3-5 October) in Suva, Fiji with a pre-conference ‘Pasifika Charter’ workshop in Levuka World Heritage Port Town, which will form one of the forum discussions during the conference. Specific sessions on Underwater Cultural Heritage and Culture – Nature Journey will be held during the conference. There will also be post-conference tours to various sites in Fiji. Delegates will have the opportunity to present papers on common heritage conservation issues under the main theme of CULTURE and four sub- themes:

  1. Heritage at Risk – Climate Change and Disasters;
  2. Cultural Landscape Practice and Management;
  3. Diverse Communities – Intangible Heritage; and
  4. Heritage as a Pillar of Sustainable Development.

The abstracts should indicate

  • the full title of the paper
  • the chosen sub-theme or specific session
  • three to five keywords that reflect the general theme of the paper
  • the author’s name(s), institutional affiliation and contact details (postal address, phone, fax, email).

The deadline for abstracts is 3 April 2018. For all further details, please refer to the Call for Papers and the Application Form.


2. [NEW ITEM] The Historic Environment Special Issue on Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice launched

The Historic Environment Special Issue on Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice edited by Diane Siebrandt, Anne-Laura Kraak, Luke James and Melathi Saldin was launched on Thursday the 22nd February at The Standard Hotel, Fitzroy. The editors appreciate the wonderful support of ICOMOS Australia and the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University in making this event a success. Pictured above is Adam Mornement (Victorian representative on the ICOMOS Executive Committee) introducing Luke James, one of the guest editors, to launch Special issue.


3. [NEW ITEM] Trust Talks are going to gaol! “Managing the Heritage of Wounded Places”, Brisbane, 15 March 2018 

Managing the Heritage of Wounded Places
Thursday 15 March 2018, 5:00pm-7.30pm
Boggo Road Gaol, Dutton Park, QLD

Please join us on the evening of 15 March 2018 at Boggo Road Gaol to explore the topic of Managing the Heritage of Wounded Places. Once again we are lucky to have some of Australia’s leading experts presenting for our Trust talk series at one of Brisbane’s own wounded places.

Refer to the Trust Talks March flyer for more information.

Visit the Eventbrite webpage to book tickets.

Tickets are free for National Trust members and $25 for non-members. 

A separate half hour tour of the gaol can also be booked.

We look forward to seeing you at our first event for 2018! 


4. [NEW ITEM] Call for papers: Special Issue of Historic Environment – Going to Delhi… 

Did you give a paper or presentation at the recent General Assembly in Delhi?? If so, we are keen to put together a special issue of Historic Environment and would love to feature your paper! In such a packed, multi-strand program, its impossible to get along to all the papers that seem interesting. This is a chance to gather up the contributions from Australia/New Zealand/Pasifika in one fabulous volume. If you’d like to write a report about one of the ISC meetings or other events – that would be possible too.

So far, not many people have indicated their wish to be involved, so we need to hear from you very soon! Please send an email to Kristal Buckley before 22 March – all we need at this stage is your name, title of your paper/presentation, and an abstract (max 200 words).

Kristal Buckley
Gabrielle Harrington


5. [NEW ITEM] Bookings Now Open: Managing Collections, The Ins and Outs of Loans and Deaccessioning and Copyright for Collections

Bookings are now open for the following Museums Australia (Victoria) PD events in March.

Managing Collections: The Ins and Outs of Loans and Deaccessioning
Monday 26 March 2018, 10am-3pm
La Trobe Art Institute, 121 View Street, Bendigo
This seminar has been developed for people working with collections in small museums and historical societies. It will examine how best to manage risks around acquisitions, and inward and outward loans, deaccessioning, and how to protect your organisation against legal, ethical and reputational risk. Presented by Ian McDonald, Special Council, Simpson Solicitors.
Cost: $40
Visit the mavic event webpage to book now and secure your place at this event.

Copyright for Collections Masterclass
Tuesday 27 March, 10am-4pm
Heide Museum of Modern Art
This masterclass will include a ‘copyright refresher’ to ensure everyone is across copyright fundamentals, a review of the provisions in the Copyright Act that enable collecting institutions to use copyright material without a clearance and an in-depth exploration of digital copyright and licensing issues. Presented by Ian McDonald, Special Council, Simpson Solicitors.
Cost: MA Members $160, Non-Members $240
Visit the mavic event webpage to book now and secure your place at this event.


6. [NEW ITEM] The Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners’ (SHAP) Workshop – call for sessions, papers and demonstrations

The Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners’ (SHAP) Workshop will be running again this year on the 18th of May at the Big Dig Archaeology Centre at The Rocks, Sydney, proudly organised by Extent Heritage.

The 2018 theme is: The Role of Archaeology in Heritage Conservation.

This is a call for sessions, papers and demonstrations from anyone with an exciting or relevant idea for a 15 to 20 presentation in your preferred form (e.g. presentation, interactive session, workshop etc.)

Refer to the 2018 SHAP Workshop call for papers flyer for more information.

Submit your 150 to 400 word abstract via email by midnight on Monday the 2nd of April 2018.

We look forward to hearing from you! 


7. [NEW ITEM] The first Forum on American Temporary Architecture, Mexico, 9 March 2018

Refer to the 2018-Mexico-Temporary Architecture FORUM flyer and the 2018-Mexico-Temporary Architecture FORUM programme for more information. 


8. [NEW ITEM] Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence, Poland, 3-7 September 2018 – call for papers

Over the centuries, cities across Europe and around the world have been impacted by their Jewish communities; as places of both presence and absence. Being held as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, this Conference is dedicated to addressing Urban Jewish Heritage and the multi-layered issues it faces. From tourism and sustainability to conservation and representation, the Conference will bring together academics, planners, policy makers and community leaders to examine the pasts, presents and futures for cities with Jewish Heritage. Organised by the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage and the Foundation for Jewish Heritage, in association with the City of Krakow and Villa Decius Association, we invite abstracts of 300 words to be submitted as soon as possible but at the latest by 9 April 2018.

Call for Papers Deadline: 9th April 2018

Visit the Urban Jewish Heritage Conference website for more details. 


9. [NEW ITEM] International Day for Monuments and Sites, 18 April

Every year on 18 April, ICOMOS celebrates the “International Day for Monuments and Sites”, whose establishment was approved by the 22nd UNESCO General Conference in 1983. The 2018 theme for the Day is: Heritage for Generations #heritage4generations.

Aim of the International Day
The aim of the International Day for Monuments and Sites is to encourage local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives, identities and communities, and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it.

2018 Theme: Heritage for Generations
In 2018, the theme is Heritage for Generations led by the ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group.

Sharing stories and the transfer of knowledge between generations is a crucial step in cultural development, characterising the human experience since time immemorial.

“The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow” – Nelson Mandela

The ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites Day 2018 seeks to celebrate:

  • Inter-generational transfer of knowledge: engagement across the global community to emphasize the importance of knowledge exchange between generations to promote the ICOMOS ethos for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage;
  • Youth leadership: Emerging Professionals in each country will take the lead in organising events that focus on reaching the younger members of the wider public community by showcasing the creative use of social media. 

Information on events will be shared on social media as a central communication strategy of this year’s International Day for Monuments and Sites – share the photos and videos of your events. 

Visit the ICOMOS website or download the 18 April 2018 leaflet to read more.

Events calendar
Please inform the ICOMOS International Secretariat on planned 18 April events at the latest by 15 March 2018 so that we can publish them on the ICOMOS website and share your activities among the members of the world-wide ICOMOS family.

Please send the information via email to Calendrier using the format below (please use short sentences to enable a concise presentation and mention “18 April event – your country” in the email subject line):

Title of your event

Who? Organizers
What? Short presentation of the event
Where? Country, town, address
Official contact
Official website
Attachments: Poster / leaflet

Tweet and Facebook your events with the hashtags #heritage4generations #ICOMOS 


10. [NEW ITEM] UNESCO Chair Programme on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, 29 August to 19 September 2018 – call for applications

We are very happy to inform you that the International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2018, now in its 13th year at Ritsumeikan University’s Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, is scheduled from the 29th of August to the 19th of September, 2018.

Visit the R-DMUCH ITC website for application guidelines and the application form.


11. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.


12. [NEW ISSUE] News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


13. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


14. University of British Columbia, Online Workshop: Intangible Cultural Heritage – Registrations Open

Three online sessions:
Thursday, March 22, 29: 9-11am AEDT, and Thursday, April 5: 8-10am AEST (aka. Wednesday March 21, 28 and April 4 from 3pm – 5pm Pacific Time)

This April, the University of British Columbia International Centre for Cultural Planning and Development will be re-offering its thought-provoking online workshop series: Intangible Cultural Heritage. The workshop will take place over three scheduled sessions: Thursday, March 22: 9-11am AEDT, and Thursday, April 5 and 12: 8-10am AEST.

UNESCO’s recognition of Intangible Cultural Heritage has led to questions about its identification, protection, and sustainability, the role of the associated community, and the connection of intangible heritage to tangible heritage—place and object. Combining theoretical discussion with practical examples, workshop participants will identify issues and critique intangible cultural heritage practices from around the world that may be applicable to other heritage management systems. A core question is how tangible and intangible heritage can be held together given the separation of these aspects of heritage in many jurisdictions.

INSTRUCTOR: Marilyn Truscott is a heritage practitioner, with degrees in archaeology, history, materials conservation, and community roles in heritage management. With experience over 40 years, including as a museum curator, archaeologist, senior government official, and university lecturer, with 40+ publications, Marilyn has a longstanding experience in working with communities to identify their values for their heritage and sustain their connection with that heritage.

Marilyn has worked in Australia, the Middle East, Europe, Southern Africa and the Asia-Pacific. She is a past president of Australia ICOMOS, past president of the ICOMOS International Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, now secretary, and president of the Canberra & District Historical Society.

COST: $325 CAD

For more information and to register, please visit the UBC Online Workshop: Intangible Cultural Heritage webpage.

For all enquiries, please contact Kate Stewart via email.


15. [NEW ITEM] Courses on preserving cultural heritage in times of crisis – applications open

Culture cannot wait. Be it the rescue of the ancient manuscripts in besieged Timbuktu or the careful salvage of destroyed temples in the earthquake that struck the Kathmandu Valley, affected communities always strive to protect their cultural heritage following an emergency. Yet, where does one start, and who can help affected communities in recovering their heritage? Questions such as how and when to intervene in an unfolding humanitarian crisis continue to be problematic for national agencies tasked with both the humanitarian relief and at-scale recovery of cultural heritage. First Aid for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) emphasizes coordinated emergency preparedness and response for tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It is based on a field-tested three-step framework for providing first aid to cultural heritage, which can be adapted to any emergency context, be it the result of conflict or disaster, and is especially useful in planning at scale responses for securing and stabilizing different types of cultural heritage during complex emergency situations. Developing a culture of preparedness, ongoing risk management, collaboration as well as coordination with mainstream emergency actors forms a core component of the training.

This year, ICCROM will be organising two FAC courses:

FAC 2018 international course
31 July-24 August, 2018
Tilburg, the Netherlands
Application deadline: 23 March 2018
Working language: English
A limited number of scholarships are available! More information is available on the First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis 2018 webpage.
Refer to the FAC 2018 international course, the Netherlands announcement for more information.

Using the recent conflict in Mali as a central case study, this course will offer insights gained in recovering cultural heritage in tandem with humanitarian recovery. For the first time, this course will be offered in French!

12-28 November 2018
Bamako, Mali
Application deadline: 29 March 2018
Working languages: English and French
Scholarships are available!
More information in English is available on the Course Announcement FAC Africa webpage.
More information in French is available on the Annonce Cours FAC Africa 2018 webpage.
Refer to the FAC-Africa, Mali announcement_ENG for more information.


16. Invitation to book launch: “Henderson & Coy, Royal Engineers & the Convict Establishment Fremantle, WA, 1850-1872”, WA, 6 March 2018

You are invited to attend the launch of the book:

Henderson & Coy, Royal Engineers & the Convict Establishment Fremantle, WA, 1850-1872, published in 2017 by Dr Rob Campbell.
Tuesday 6 March 2018, 6pm.
Cullity Gallery, UWA School of Design, The University of Western Australia – Nedlands Campus, Clifton Street entry.

It all started with the research into the Lunatic Asylum and the Prison buildings in Fremantle in the 1970s, which kindled an interest in the people who built these buildings, and was later developed into a PhD thesis on the whole of the work of the Convict Establishment (completed 2011). This work explored the complex story of the convict system, its architects, engineers and builders, and the buildings that came out of that process, an important contribution to the architectural character of our towns and the development of a building industry in WA.

Then in 2017, Rob turned these interesting stories into a more accessible book. In his author’s preface Rob wrote: ‘There is the interaction of people rubbing along together while not always enjoying it; there are people who do not enjoy being ruled and over-ruled by remote control from England; there are those who take advantage of the tyranny of distance and a communication time-lapse of three months each way; and those who just get on with the job in difficult circumstances’.

The book will be launched by Simon Anderson, with a story of its production and a tribute by Ingrid van Bremen, at the UWA School of Design, Cullity Gallery. It will be accompanied by an exhibition of Rob Campbell’s key conservation projects through design and working drawings, research reports, and photographs before, during and after, work on site.

RSVP UWA School of Design before Friday 2nd March 2018 via email to Jane Bisschops or telephone 6488 1881.


17. Public Talk – “Berlin: Industrial Heritage and the Soundtrack of a City”, ACT, 8 March 2018

Public Talk: “Berlin: Industrial Heritage and the Soundtrack of a City”
Thursday 8 March 2018, 5:30pm-7pm

GML Heritage Offices, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill, ACT

Join us to hear John Schofield discuss a range of personal and fieldwork experiences in Berlin, all of which reflect on and represent the city’s industrial heritage, often in surprising ways. Industry characterises the city’s past and present, and will therefore shape its future. The city’s political division during the twentieth century, its architecture, and the way various communities use and respond to that architecture, create Berlin’s fascinating, ambiguous and often contested relationship with heritage, tangible and intangible, authorised and unauthorised. In this presentation we will view the city, and listen to it, as a way to understanding this relationship, and how it has changed over time.

Professor John Schofield is Head of Archaeology at the University of York (UK), a Senior Research Fellow at Flinders University, and Docent at Turku University in Finland. At the time of this seminar, he is based in the University of Queensland. John previously spent 21 years with English Heritage, the UK’s leading national heritage agency. His research covers a wide range of topics, but always from an archaeological angle. He is often drawn back to Berlin where he spent part of his childhood. He has recently conducted research there, forming the basis of this presentation.

Refer to the Schofield Public Talk flyer for more information.


18. REMINDER: QLD Heritage Awards – nominations open

The community of Queensland is invited each year to participate in the National Trust Queensland Heritage Awards. Nominations for the 2018 National Trust Queensland Heritage Awards are now open.

Each year, the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) awards outstanding projects and people that demonstrate excellence in the protection, conservation and celebration of Queensland’s environmental, built and cultural heritage. The National Trust annual Queensland Heritage Awards are a prestigious acknowledgment of the quality of heritage work that is carried out across the State. The Awards seek to showcase the entrants and promote best practice, encourage innovation and collaboration, and celebrate the diversity of heritage places in Queensland.

Individuals, local governments, community groups and businesses are invited to nominate their project or a person for the 2018 awards. Nominations can be made across four Categories of work. In addition, there are three Achievement categories.

The Awards will be presented at a premier function to be held in late May 2018 as part of the 2018 Australian Heritage Festival.

Nominations must be lodged by Thursday 8 March 2018, at 4pm.

For more information, visit the National Trust website.


19. Dubious Heritage Symposium: Re-thinking the modern, industrial and the everyday, Melbourne, 12 March 2018

Dubious Heritage
Monday 12 March (public holiday but not a university holiday), 11.30am-6.30pm
Japanese Room, Melbourne School of Design

Please join us for a day symposium to explore the questions around the retrospective value of Modernity. How can the unpleasant, the unkempt, the unloved and the unintended be accounted for as meaningful tangible and intangible evidence of the past, alongside more readily likeable works of architecture, natural landscapes or intact historic urban precincts? “Dubious Heritage” brings together local and international academics and practitioners including Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan and University of Melbourne), John Schofield (University of York). We will also celebrate the book launch of Participatory Culture and the Social Value of an Architectural icon: Sydney Opera House, by Cristina Garduno Freeman.

To register visit The University of Melbourne Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning website.

Visit the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage website for more information.

Hosted by ACAHUCH, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne


20. Seeking Expressions of Interest for the Yarra Heritage Advisory Committee

Yarra City Council is currently seeking expressions of interest from Yarra residents to join our Heritage Advisory Committee. The role of the Heritage Advisory Committee is to provide advice on strategic heritage matters, to raise awareness about heritage issues and to present the views of residents, groups and professionals to Yarra City Council. The committee consists of up to 12 community members, with tenure of four years. Young people are encouraged to apply, with two places in the committee reserved for applicants under 30 years old. If you live or work in Yarra and have an interest in heritage matters and would like to be a part of the Yarra Heritage Advisory Committee apply now.

Visit the Yarra City Council Heritage Advisory Committee webpage for more information.

To apply complete the Yarra Heritage Advisory Committee – 2018 Expression of Interest form.

If you have any queries about the committee or the application process, contact Richa Swarup via email or telephone 9205 5149.

Applications close at 5pm Monday 19 March 2018.


21. Melbourne Design Week – The Good Room: Viennese Designers in Australia, Melbourne, 22 March 2018

Melbourne Design Week
The Good Room: Viennese Designers in Australia
Professor Harriet Edquist (Professor of Architectural History, RMIT University)
Thursday 22 March, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Duldig Studio museum + sculpture garden

During the postwar period the modern family home assumed a special place for Australians. Planning for modernity became key activities for budding home-makers. In 1945 “The Australian Home Beautiful”, published a series of articles entitled “Joanna Plans A Home” which was a frank and exploratory dialogue between an Australian housewife and a Viennese émigré designer. Through the eyes of Joanna, Harriet Edquist, Professor of Architectural History at RMIT, examines the influence of Viennese émigré designers in Australia, to expose a more complex picture of the impact of émigré and refugee Viennese designers and architects on modern Australian design practice.

Entry is $20 for Adults and $15 for Student/Concession.

For more information visit The Good Room: Viennese Designers in Australia webpage.

To book now visit the Eventbrite webpage.

Melbourne Design Week is an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the NGV.


22. Funding to preserve maritime heritage – Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts media release

Applications are now open for funding to help preserve our unique maritime history for future generations.

For more information visit the Funding to preserve maritime heritage webpage.

Applications close 31 March 2018.

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Department of Communications and the Arts, dated 22 February 2018.


23. Last few weeks before the Historic Houses Association Conference, Sydney, 5-6 April 2018

Historic Houses Association of Australia inaugural conference
5-6 April 2018
Conservatorium of Music, Sydney

The Historic Houses Association of Australia is gearing up for its inaugural conference on the 5th & 6th of April in Sydney. A wealth of articles, abstracts and interviews is now available on the conference website. The conference is gathering private owners of historic properties and heritage specialists from all over the country (over 100 delegates already registered, more tickets are still available!). Don’t miss out on this important opportunity to address and connect with the issues (and solutions!) faced by private owners in Australia.

Visit the HHA conference webpage for more information.

Contact the organisers via email or telephone 9252 5554. 


24. WA Regional Heritage Conference 2018 – Registrations now open

The Heritage Council of Western Australia invites you to register for a conference with a theme of ‘Sacred Heritage’, to take place in Geraldton, WA, on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 April. Full registration $300+GST including conference dinner. Day registration available. Add to the core event with a half-day Stone working workshop, or join the ‘Camino San Francisco’ walk from Northampton to Geraldton.

For the full program, more information and registration form please visit the State Heritage 2018 Regional Heritage Conference webpage.


25. REMINDER: 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, 7-9 November 2018 – call for abstracts

The call for abstracts for the 8th International Conference on Building Resilience is now open. ICOMOS-ICORP (the International Committee on Risk Preparedness) is an associate partner of the conference, along with UNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) and a number of universities and research centres from around the world that specialise in resilience and disaster and emergency management.

The theme of the conference is Risk and Resilience in practice: Vulnerabilities, Displaced People, Local Communities and Heritages. This places cultural heritage within the global context of disaster risk reduction and provides an opportunity for heritage to be brought into the mainstream. It also provides an opportunity for heritage professionals to discuss many of the issues that we have identified managing risks for cultural heritage as well as the role of heritage in contributing to resilience building with a non-heritage audience.

There is a broad range of tracks proposed for the conference, which are aligned with the four priorities for action set out in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction:

Priority 1: Understanding disaster risk

Priority 2: Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk

Priority 3: Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience

Priority 4: Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response, and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction

Several of the tracks are expressly related to heritage, although, as heritage is part of the main theme for the conference, it would also be possible to address heritage within the other tracks offered even though they are not specifically related to heritage.

ICORP members are co-chairing two tracks:

For more general information about the conference, visit the conference website.

Abstract submission closes 4 March 2018.


26. New Course/Training Opportunity: Documentation and Condition Assessment – Athabasca University, Spring/Summer 2018

Documentation and Condition Assessment
May to August 2018
Athabasca University (14 weeks online and one week in-person)

Athabasca University’s Heritage Resources Management Program will be offering a new course, Documentation and Condition Assessment, in the upcoming spring/summer semester from May to August 2018 (14 weeks online and one week in-person).

“The Documentation and Condition Assessment Course will explore various techniques and technologies employed in the field of heritage conservation for recording and documenting historic resources. New ways of observing and thinking about the built environment through practical applications of documentation methods and fieldwork activities will be exercised. This course will examine the documentation methods to research, inspect, record, and assess the condition and quality of buildings, districts and cultural landscapes combined with the methods to interpret their historical and architectural significance according to professional standards. The course will also provide an overview of manual, photographic, and computer-aided extant recording techniques; and building repair assessment techniques.”

This course is offered online and involves a one-week in-residence component. During the week of August 5-11, 2018, participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experiences working in groups and as part of team on historic sites in St. Albert, Alberta. Please be advised that attending this one-week in-residency component is required in order to successfully complete the course.

Everyone is welcome to register in this course. Participants can take the course either as part of their university studies (3 credits) or for professional development (as a non-program student).

Dr. Mario Santana Quintero will teach this course; he will join the participants both online and in person during the residency week (please see his bio below).

Registration: The course registration deadline is April 15, 2018.

If you are interested in this course and would like information about registration procedures please contact the program office via email or call Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-788-9041 ext. 6792.

If you would like to discuss how this course may fit into your current program or any other questions, please contact the program director Dr. Shabnam Inanloo Dailoo via email or call 780-458-1105 / 1-855-337-8590.

Dr. Mario Santana-Quintero is an associate professor of Architectural Conservation and Sustainability in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University. He is also the Program Director of the NSERC Create Heritage Engineering program based at the Carleton Immersive Media Studio lab (CIMS). He has an architectural degree, holding a masters in conservation of historic buildings and towns, and a PhD in Engineering from the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, University of Leuven. He is also a guest professor at the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation. In the past few years, he has taught at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico), and Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador).

Mario is the Vice-President of ICOMOS, serves as an ICOMOS Canada Board member. He is the past president of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA). Furthermore, he has collaborated in several international projects in the field of heritage documentation for UNESCO, The Getty Conservation Institute, ICCROM, the World Monuments Fund, UNDP, the Welfare Association, and the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage.


27. Invitation to ICOMOS Slovenia Symposium

3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage and Legal Issues
20-22 September 2018
Bled, Slovenia

This year’s topic is Management of Cultural Heritage Sites.
First call information follows in the coming days.

Refer to the Management of Cultural Heritage Sites announcement and invitation for more information.


28. Visual Heritage 2018: Call for papers, posters, round tables, workshops and apps!

The Visual Heritage Conference – Digitize: Research – Record – Reactivate – Reconstruct
12-15 November 2018
Vienna, Austria
hosted by CHNT 23 2018

The Visual Heritage Conference will be a federated event of the Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) with cooperation partners and the Eurographics Symposium and Graphics Cultural Heritage (EG GCH). The conference will take place in the City Hall of Vienna, Austria, from 12-15 November 2018. This federated conference brings different scientific communities together in the same venue, fostering the discussion and development of methods for recording, presentation and interpretation of cultural heritage by digital visual applications. The conference aims for a wide range of digital applications and as wide a temporal and spatial coverage of cultural heritage as possible.

Join the Congress as speaker or presenter!

Submission of abstracts:

Visual Heritage 2018 will have two parallel calls for papers and selection processes; thus, each event will contribute to the program with some sessions.

For more information:

CHNT – Submission for papers, short papers
CHNT – Submission for poster
See the program

Eurographics GCH – Call for full paper


Visual Heritage Expo
November 9-18 2018
Planungswerkstatt near the City Hall, Vienna, Austria

Additionally to the congress in the City Hall of Vienna we will organize a public exhibition to present new technologies and cultural heritage applications.
This exhibition will be open for NON PROFIT ORGANISATIONS (universities, museums, institutes…).
CALL for EXHIBITORS will start within days!
If you need more information, please contact us!


29. Inner West Council Built Environment Awards

The Built Environment Awards are three separate programs that contribute to and celebrate our understating of the inner west’s built heritage. They include the following:

  • Marrickville Medal for Conservation
  • Inner West Urban Photography Competition
  • Inner West Sustainable Building Award

The Built Environment Awards are part of the National Trust’s 2018 Australian Heritage Festival, which runs throughout April and May.

Additional information about the Heritage Festival can be found at the National Trust website.

Awards will be presented on Saturday 5 May, 2pm–4pm.

Marrickville Medal for Conservation

The Marrickville Medal for Conservation has been awarded annually since 1995 and was one of the first of its kind in New South Wales.

It celebrates built conservation works that contribute to the understanding and preservation of the Inner West’s rich cultural and architectural heritage.

The award coincides with the state-wide National Trust Heritage Festival held in April–May every year.

Inner West Sustainable Building Award

The Marrickville Sustainable Building Award was held for the first time in 2016.

The Award recognises the contribution sustainable architecture and building works make to our community.

Inner West Urban Photography Competition

The Inner West Urban Photography Competition is open to people of all ages and abilities, and encourages people to engage with the Inner West Council urban landscape.

For more information about these Awards, visit the Inner West Council website.

Applications for all these awards close on Sunday 4 March 2018.


30. SITUATION VACANT Graduate Architect, minimum 1-2 years experience, Sydney

Design 5 – Architects, an award winning inner Sydney practice specializing in conservation of buildings and sites is seeking a Graduate Architect with a minimum of 1-2 years experience to join our team on a full time basis. We have a broad range of interesting and challenging projects, from new structures in significant contexts, to detailed conservation work. 

The position includes assistance with design and documentation, coordination of consultants, liaison with clients, preparation of Heritage Impact Assessments and Conservation Management Plans.


  • Minimum Bachelor of Architecture degree with specific interests in Building Conservation and Adaptive Reuse
  • Competence with CAD/Vectorworks or similar
  • Good communication skills including technical report writing/proof-reading, verbal communication
  • Confident attitude, highly motivated and willingness to contribute positively to the culture of the practice.

Please send your CV and cover letter detailing relevant experience for the position via email to Design 5 – Architects prior to COB Monday 12 March 2018.

Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.


31. SITUATIONS VACANT with the Victorian State Government’s DELWP

1. Senior Program Manager (Living Heritage Program) – fixed term to 30 June 2020, VPS5 (applications close 6 March)
The Senior Program Manager is responsible for the delivery of the Living Heritage Program, the largest government investment in Victoria’s heritage. The position manages a competitive grants program providing support to owners and managers of ‘at risk’ State listed heritage places across Victoria. It will also support major conservation projects to iconic, publicly accessible heritage places with complex needs. The position ensures the timely delivery of projects in accordance with statutory processes under the Heritage Act 2017 and budgets, and manages relationships with a range of stakeholders.

2. Manager, Statutory Approvals – fixed term for 10 months, VPS6  (applications close 6 March)
The Manager, Statutory Approvals manages and leads a multi-disciplinary team responsible for the delivery of key statutory functions under the Heritage Act 2017. This includes the assessment of permits and permit exemption applications in respect to changes to heritage places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register, as well as management of consents and other processes pertaining to historical archaeological sites and maritime heritage sites. The role has delegated decision-making responsibilities and provides high level specialist advice and direction to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria, the department and key stakeholders.

3. Senior Heritage Support Officer – ongoing, VPS4  (applications close 6 March)
The Senior Heritage Support Officer supports Heritage Victoria in delivering end-to-end statutory processes relating to the Heritage Act 2017. The role coordinates and provides administrative, research, process, system and quality assurance support in the delivery of project functions. It also ensures that functions are completed within required time-frames and to required standards, and provides supervision and direction to team members.

Please see the DELWP Job Board for further information.


32. SITUATION VACANT Recent Graduate/Graduate Heritage Architect, Sydney

Full time, permanent position
Sydney based
Recent Graduate/up to 2 years Post Graduate experience

Niche Environment and Heritage is a leading multidisciplinary consultancy specialising in ecology, cultural heritage management, environmental approvals and biodiversity offsetting. Established in 2009, we deliver projects to clients across eastern Australia from our nine locations. Our 40+ strong team includes ecologists, botanists, archaeologists, environmental engineers and architects.

For more information and to apply, visit this link.

Applications close COB 9 March 2018.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
