[NEW ITEM] Vale Professor Gennaro Tampone
[NEW ITEM] Better Heritage – Sydney Talk, Friday 23 February
[NEW ITEM] World Urban Forum 9 – Networking Event, 11 February, Kuala Lumpur
[NEW ITEM] Save the Date! The 2018 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April, Sydney Opera House
[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 20 February
[NEW ITEM] VICOMITES event, 22 February, Melbourne
[NEW ITEM] Dubious Heritage Symposium, 12 March, Melbourne School of Design
[NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria – Alternate Urban or Regional Planning Member sought
[NEW ITEM] Longford Academy 2018, Tasmania – registrations open
[NEW ITEM] Theme for 18 April 2018
[NEW ITEM] Applications open for 2018 UQ Fryer Fellowships
[NEW ITEM] TICCIH Thematic Conference, Spain, 13-14 April 2018
[NEW ITEM] Campaign ad in Aboriginal language launched to defend takayna heritage
[NEW ITEM] Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest – participate now!
[NEW ISSUE] Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – new issue available
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Port Arthur Talk, Tuesday 20 February 2017
Nominations open for $25,000 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal 2018
Heritage Council of WA Regional Heritage Conference 2018 – update
Heritage Council of Victoria Local Government Forum, 23 February
Heritage Council of WA Regional Heritage Conference 2018 – update
Call for papers for the Heritage edition of the EIANZ journal
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage
City of Stirling History and Heritage Awards 2018 – entries open
Have Your Say in a Heritage Reporting Study!
Character Preservation Acts Review – public consultation period extended
[NEW] SITUATIONS VACANT Senior Curators (x 2), Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer – Permanent part-time, Woollahra Municipal Council (Sydney)
SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Professor Gennaro Tampone
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great sadness that I communicate to you the death of Professor Gennaro Tampone, who headed the IIWC. His contribution to the conservationist timber heritage has been of great importance for specialists and communities. Gennaro Tampone was an eminent member of ICOMOS and a personality in restoration for Florence and all Italy.
His passion for research and teaching is an example for all of us. For ICOMOS Italy it is a great loss that leaves us dismayed.
Best Regards
Pietro Laureano
ICOMOS Italy President
Download the Prof Gennaro Tampone obituary.
Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Prof Tampone’s family, friends and colleagues.
2. [NEW ITEM] Better Heritage – Sydney Talk, Friday 23 February
Better Heritage – Sydney Talk
Friday 23 February 2018 at 4pm
NSW Government Architect Peter Poulet will give a presentation on the proposed “Better Heritage” Guideline. The document will sit in the “Better Placed” suite of guidelines.
Where: Break Out Space @ Urbis / Level 23, Darling Park, Tower 2, 201 Sussex Street Sydney. (Lift core is up the escalators when entering from corner of Druitt and Sussex Streets)
Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Please RSVP to Mary Knaggs by email by 12pm, Thursday 22 February 2018.
3. [NEW ITEM] World Urban Forum 9 – Networking Event, 11 February, Kuala Lumpur
World Urban Forum 9 – Networking Event
Circular Economy in Buildings and Construction
11 February 2018
9.00-11.00 am
Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Room 402
The objective of this Networking Event is to share good working and replicable practices and to have a facilitated discussion around the global impact and opportunities for circular economy in the built environment with the help of experts attending the session.
For more information, download the WUF2018 SBC networking event.
4. [NEW ITEM] Save the Date! The 2018 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April, Sydney Opera House
The 2018 Jim Kerr Address
18 April 2018, 5pm
Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House
The 2018 speaker will be the Sydney City Historian Dr Lisa Murray.
Lisa’s talk is titled Monuments and Memories: re-assessing colonial imperialism
Public monuments and memorials have been a vital form of commemoration that have shaped our collective memory and understanding of history for generations. Monuments have been erected by governments and institutions, private citizens through public subscriptions, and by individuals. They function to reinforce power and privilege, shaping public narratives. Memorials help people to remember, but at the same time they also assist in the art of forgetting. The meaning and social values of monuments are never static. Monuments take on layers of meaning through interpretation, cultural practices, re-inscribing and protest. The broadening of historiography in the late 20th century has allowed many groups of people to challenge the dominant colonial imperial narratives and to add other voices to the historical dialogue.
This lecture will reflect upon how the social values of monuments evolve and the challenges in addressing conflicting memories, both European and Aboriginal social values, in our public monuments.
The Speaker: Dr Lisa Murray is the City Historian, overseeing a diverse program at the City of Sydney Council, encompassing community, civic and urban history. With over 15 years of experience in the field of public history, Lisa is passionate about making history accessible to the public. Lisa is the award-winning author of planning histories and a regular contributor to debates around public history, including being a speaker at TEDxSydney in 2013. Her most recent books are Sydney Cemeteries: A Field Guide (NewSouth Publishing, 2016), which won a National Trust Heritage Award, and Our City: 175 Years in 175 Objects, an expansive catalogue that accompanied an anniversary exhibition at Sydney Town Hall in 2017. Lisa is currently writing a history of Australian Cemeteries, to be published by the National Library of Australia. Other research interests include history in the digital age; sensory urbanism; history and creative practice; landscapes and memory; the Dictionary of Sydney; Sydney music; and Sydney cookery books.
More information on how to book tickets coming soon.
5. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 20 February
Tusculum Talk: Philip Cox talk on Tocal College
20 February 2018, 6:30–8pm
Tusculum AIA NSW Chapter
Philip Cox will discuss building the CB Alexander Campus of Tocal College, Patterson, NSW on part of the original Tocal Homestead Property, illustrated with the original film of 1964 and 1965, Building Tocal.
Tocal College – CB Alexander Campus or ‘Tocal’ as it is often referred to – is an exemplary work of Sydney School architecture. Designed by Phillip Cox and Ian McKay, and built between 1963 and 1965, it was awarded the RAIA Sir John Sulman Medal for Outstanding Architecture and the RAIA Blacket Prize for a Building of Outstanding Merit in rural NSW in 1965. It was built to provide onsite accommodation for approximately 120 students, incorporating many repetitive and complex features. ‘Tocal’ remains distinctive in Australian educational architecture, as it signifies a fundamental shift away from a more traditional, European approach to building, manifesting clear expression of structure and embracing its relationship to the rural Australian landscape. In the 2014 National Architecture Awards, the project received the Enduring Architecture Award.
Cost: AIA Members $15, non-members $30, DOCOMOMO or ICOMOS associated members $15
Venue: Australian Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point NSW 2011
For more information: call (02) 9246 4055 or email the AIA NSW Chapter.
Download the Philip Cox Tusculum Talk flyer.
6. [NEW ITEM] VICOMITES event, 22 February, Melbourne
Thursday 22 February, 6pm
Standard Hotel, 293 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy
Members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to celebrate the launch of the issue of Historic Environment on ‘Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice’. This special issue includes a range of articles from emerging heritage academics and practitioners, aiming to draw these topics together using a range of international examples, including Myanmar, Iraq and Iran, as well as looking at the interplay of intangible cultural heritage and the environment, and the role of intergovernmental heritage regimes. The issue emerged from a symposium in November 2016** at Deakin University’s Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation.
This is an opportunity to network with other professionals in the heritage industry and academia. Non-members who are interested in getting involved with ICOMOS are also welcome. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to Adam Mornement by email by Tuesday 20 February.
**Please note: this date has been corrected from the email version that was sent out earlier.
7. [NEW ITEM] Dubious Heritage Symposium, 12 March, Melbourne School of Design
Dubious Heritage Symposium
Monday 12 March
Melbourne School of Design
Join us for a day symposium to explore the questions around the retrospective value of Modernity.
How can the unpleasant, the unkempt, the unloved and the unintended be accounted for as meaningful tangible and intangible evidence of the past, alongside more readily likeable works of architecture, natural landscapes or intact historic urban precincts?
“Dubious Heritage” brings together local and international academics and practitioners including Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan and University of Melbourne), John Schofield (University of York) and John Allan (Avanti Architects UK – tbc).
Convened by Cristina Garduno Freeman and Hannah Lewi, and the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH), Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne.
Check the MSD website for upcoming details on the final program. Register here.
8. [NEW ITEM] Heritage Council of Victoria – Alternate Urban or Regional Planning Member sought
The Minister for Planning, the Hon Richard Wynne, MLA, is seeking applications for the following appointment from individuals who wish to serve on the Heritage Council of Victoria:
• One alternate member with recognised skills or expertise in urban or regional planning
This appointment will be from 1 July 2018 for a term of three years.
Further information on the constitution and functions of the Heritage Council can be found online at the Heritage Council of Victoria website.
Applications can be made online via the Get on Board website or application forms and information are available on request from the Heritage Council Secretariat by email or by calling (03) 9651 5060.
Applications should be addressed to the Manager, Heritage Council of Victoria, 3 Treasury Place, East Melbourne 3002.
Expressions of interest close on Friday 23 February 2018.
9. [NEW ITEM] Longford Academy 2018, Tasmania – registrations open
Registrations are open for the ninth Longford Academy to be held in Northern Tasmania on 7-12 May. The program includes one-day workshops on Lime and Mortars on 9 May, and Roofing and Metalwork on 12 May, which are open for one-day registrations.
For more information, click on the links below.
10. [NEW ITEM] Theme for 18 April 2018
Every year on 18 April, ICOMOS celebrates the International Day for Monuments and Sites, whose establishment was approved by the 22nd UNESCO General Conference in 1983.
In 2018, the theme is Heritage for Generations, led by the ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group.
Sharing stories and the transfer of knowledge between generations is a crucial step in cultural development, characterising the human experience since time immemorial.
More information about this theme will be added to the ICOMOS website in the coming weeks.
11. [NEW ITEM] Applications open for 2018 UQ Fryer Fellowships
The University of Queensland (UQ) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for their Fryer Library Fellowships.
The annual Fryer Library Fellowship is valued at $20,000 and aims to support research into Australian historical and literary studies, utilising the collections of the University of Queensland’s Fryer Library.
The Rae and George Hammer Memorial Visiting Research Fellowship encourages scholars from outside of Brisbane to use the Fryer Library’s collections. Up to $2,500 is available to assist Honours, Masters and PhD students undertaking a research project or paper to travel to Brisbane.
More information on the collections held in the Fryer Library is available online. Please note that applications close on Sunday 18 March.
These fellowships are generously funded through donations and we are grateful to our supporters for making these opportunities available for our researchers.
If you have any questions, contact Simon Farley via email or telephone (07) 3365 6236.
12. [NEW ITEM] TICCIH Thematic Conference, Spain, 13-14 April 2018
The international heritage of the water industry
Historic values of supply and treatment networks
Museu Agbar de les Aigües, Barcelona, Spain
13-14 April 2018
TICCIH’s (International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) thematic conference will place the heritage of the water industry in its historic social context, compare the technical solutions that were developed in different industrial cities around the world, and consider how to identify the most important heritage sites of this vital industry. See the conference website for all the details. Poster session and tour of water heritage, discount for current TICCIH members.
Download the TICCIH Thematic Conference flyer.
13. [NEW ITEM] Campaign ad in Aboriginal language launched to defend takayna heritage
A collaboration between the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC) and the Wilderness Society (TWS) has produced Australia’s first issue-based advertising campaign in a local Aboriginal language, taking the takayna/Tarkine to the Tasmanian election campaign. View the ad here.
14. [NEW ITEM] Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest – participate now!
The Heritage for Planet Earth Photocontest is intended to be a part of a wider awareness-raising strategy – especially addressed to young generations – dedicated to the theme of fragility of heritage – cultural and natural – and strongly linked to the planet Earth’s environmental equilibrium and climate change.
The contest will run from 1 January – 31 December 2018. Each month you’ll be able to vote for photos uploaded and also upload photos for the next month.
For more information on how to participate for January/February, click here.
15. [NEW ISSUE] Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – new issue available
Engineering Heritage Australia’s Quarterly Magazine can be viewed here.
16. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
17. Port Arthur Talk, Tuesday 20 February 2017
Wombats and sarcoptic mange disease
presented by Dr Scott Carver
When: Tuesday 20 February 2017 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
Download the ‘Wombats and sarcoptic mange disease’ talk flyer.
18. Nominations open for $25,000 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal 2018
The Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal is a prestigious annually awarded prize acknowledging the significant contribution of an individual to the protection, promotion and enhancement of Australia’s heritage, where heritage refers to natural, built, social or cultural heritage.
The nomination and selection process and the award ceremony for the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal focus national attention on the important role heritage plays in shaping our cultural identity in a national and international context.
It is through contributions such as those acknowledged by this Award that we continue to uncover the complexities of our past, share our heritage through new mediums, and revitalise our national sense‐of‐self.
Funded by Bathurst Regional Council, the award was instigated in 2015 as a legacy event of the city’s Bicentenary and includes a cash amount of $25,000, the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal and certificate. The award will be presented in Bathurst at the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal Dinner on Saturday May 5 with special guest, the 2017 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal winner, Dr Scott Robertson.
The inaugural award in 2015 was won by Duncan Marshall and in 2016 it was won by Professor Robyn Sloggett AM.
Nominations close 5pm, Friday 23 February 2018.
To review the selection criteria and complete the nomination form go to Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal website.
19. Heritage Council of WA Regional Heritage Conference 2018 – update
For the latest news on confirmed speakers and activities at April’s Conference in Geraldton, WA, please visit the WA State Heritage website. Registrations will open mid-February.
20. Heritage Council of Victoria Local Government Forum, 23 February
The Heritage Council of Victoria is inviting all heritage advisors and consultants, strategic and statutory planners to its Local Government Forum on 23 February. The forum’s theme is Celebrating Heritage Differently – The Heritage Journey beyond protection. Hear from experts and colleagues on heritage issues and learn about ways to help communities celebrate their heritage. The day-long forum will inform heritage professionals of new initiatives and highlight models for best practice to ensure the successful management of state and local heritage assets for the people of Victoria. The forum also provides an opportunity for sharing information, networking with colleagues and provides professional development for local government staff and heritage advisors.
DATE: Friday 23 February 2018
TIME: 10am-5pm
LOCATION: Aurecon Training Rooms, Level 5, 850 Collins Street, Docklands
BOOKINGS: Are essential. If you are a heritage advisor, local government planner or heritage officer please register via email. Bookings close Monday 19 February
The full forum program will be available shortly on the Heritage Council website.
21. Heritage Council of WA Regional Heritage Conference 2018 – update
For the latest news on confirmed speakers and activities at April’s Conference in Geraldton, WA, please visit the WA State Heritage website. Registrations will open mid-February.
22. Call for papers for the Heritage edition of the EIANZ journal
The Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Inc (EIANZ) has recently established a Heritage Special Interest Section. Its aim is to develop and promote knowledge about heritage as an essential element of the environment as well as to improve professional practice and recognition of heritage practitioners. To further these aims, we are seeking to compile the first heritage special issue of the EIANZ journal, the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management (AJEM). The focus of the AJEM is on policy and practice, and we welcome submissions of abstracts on any aspect of these themes.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Is policy and practice in Australia and New Zealand effectively protecting heritage?
* Are our heritage practices adequate to interpret and conserve the past, to help us understand our environment, and to pass that legacy on to the future?
* Engagement of stakeholders in heritage
* Case studies of successful collaborative projects where heritage has been integrated with other environmental practice
* How would effective policy for Intangible heritage and heritage landscapes look?
* Multiple uses for heritage
* What is heritage anyway?
Submission Process
Papers will be reviewed following the AJEM double‐blind review process. Expressions of interest to publish, along with an abstract, should be submitted to the guest editors, Richard Sharp FEIANZ CEnvP (email Richard) and Vanessa Hardy MEIANZ M.ICOMOS (email Vanessa) by 20 February 2018.
Following acceptance of the EOI and abstract, full papers should be submitted by 30 August 2018 by online submission to the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management Scholar One Manuscripts. Papers should be prepared using the AJEM Guidelines. The guest editors welcome informal enquiries related to the proposed topics.
Link to call for papers on EIANZ website.
23. Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage
Applications for Round 3 of the Victorian Government’s competitive community heritage grants program are now open and close on 13 April 2018.
Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register.
To find out if you are eligible, read the 2018 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions at this link.
To apply, follow the link to the online application portal from this link.
The eligibility criteria include: requirements that the heritage place or object is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register; is ‘publicly accessible’; is for ‘eligible conservation projects’; and that the applicant is ‘eligible’ to apply.
There will be a fourth and final grant round of the Living Heritage Grants Program in 2019. Details on successfully funded projects in previous rounds can also be found on our website.
For more information, please visit the Living Heritage Program website or email the Living Heritage Program team.
24. City of Stirling History and Heritage Awards 2018 – entries open
The City is calling for entries into the 2018 History and Heritage Awards.
The History and Heritage Awards Program is a biennial event established to recognise the efforts made by individuals and groups in the conservation of the City’s built environment and streetscape, and the promotion and enhancement of the City’s history and heritage. The awards also aim to raise awareness of local history and heritage.
The Heritage category acknowledges conservation of the built environment and streetscape as well as the education and promotion of heritage within the City of Stirling.
A new History category has also been included where people can enter a photograph (up to 10 photographs per entrant) with either a story or caption.
To help with the entry process for the new History category, we invite people to our entry nomination days. On these days staff will be available to scan the photograph you wish to enter and assist with your entry lodgement. All you have to do is bring along your pre-1990 photographs which relate to the City of Stirling to the following locations:
Inglewood Library, Corner of Beaufort Street and Tenth Avenue, Inglewood
Mondays 15 January – 12 February
9.30 am – 4.00 pm
Mount Flora Regional Museum, Elvire Street, Watermans Bay
Wednesdays 17 January – 14 February
1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Entries for the History and Heritage Awards close on Friday 16 February 2018 at 5.00pm.
For further details, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 and/or visit the City of Stirling website.
25. Have Your Say in a Heritage Reporting Study!
This is an invitation to seek heritage information stakeholders to participate in a focus group discussion for a heritage reporting research project. The aim of the research is to investigate the relationship between stakeholders’ information needs and heritage information reported by Australian Public Sector. Participation will involve joining a group discussion, face to face or online, that would take approximately 60 minutes.
If you are interested to participate in this study, please contact Peir Woon at (02) 6933 4481 or email Peir for further details.
26. Character Preservation Acts Review – public consultation period extended
The Character Preservation (Barossa Valley) Act 2012 and the Character Preservation (McLaren Vale) Act 2012 are currently being reviewed as required by legislation.
This legislation provides that the special character of the two districts is recognised, protected and enhanced while providing for the economic, physical and social wellbeing of the communities within the districts. It restricts the creation of additional residential development in the rural areas of the districts to halt urban sprawl to the north and south of Adelaide’s built-up area, thereby seeking to provide for continued viable farming and primary production activities.
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has developed a discussion paper (PDF, 4267 KB) in consultation with affected councils and State Government agencies. Written submissions will be accepted until 5:00pm, Wednesday 28 February 2018.
For more information about this public consultation, visit the SA Planning Portal website.
27. [NEW] SITUATIONS VACANT Senior Curators (x 2), Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery
The Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery is looking to fulfill the following positions vacant:
Senior Curator, Indigenous Cultures – applications close Monday 12 February, 2018 11:55pm
Senior Curator, Cultural Heritage – applications close Monday 19 February, 2018 11:55pm
Click on the links above for more information about these opportunities.
28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer – Permanent part-time, Woollahra Municipal Council (Sydney)
Heritage Officer
Reference Number: S100-18-405
Employment Type: Permanent Part Time
Vacancy Details:
- 21 hours per week up to $57,769.74 p.a. + super. Market rate allowance up to $6,260.47
- Part time role – 7 hours per day, 3 days a week
- Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds
Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.
Your primary role is to provide expert heritage advice on development applications. Your skills and expertise in assessing the impact of development on the heritage significance of buildings and areas and your knowledge and experience with building design and construction will be critical to this role. You will also be required to provide general advice on heritage-related matters and assist with the preparation of conservation policy from time to time.
For more information and to apply, visit this link.
Applications close Sunday 18 February 2018.
29. SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
The Building and Sites Department of the Getty Conservation Institute is seeking a Project Specialist to work on the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI). Reporting to the Senior Project Specialist who manages the CMAI, the Project Specialist will manage the CMAI’s new education and training initiatives. This is a three-year, limited-term position, based in Los Angeles.
For more information, download the ADM_Posting_ProjSpec_CMAI_2018.
The deadline for applications is 28 February 2018.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au