[NEW ITEM] ICOMOS & DEWNR Heritage South Australia drinks, 20 December, Adelaide
[NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
[NEW ITEM] Museums Galleries Australia National Conference, Melbourne, 4-7 June 2018 – early bird registration closes soon
[NEW ITEM] Call for EOI to join the National Scientific Committee on Rock Art
[NEW ITEM] Call for National Heritage List nominations – The Josh Frydenberg MP media release
[NEW ITEM] Call for membership: ICOMOS International Scientific Committee PRERICO
[NEW ITEM] Connecting Practice Phase II: Report now available online
[NEW ITEM] Call for Papers: Change Over Time
[NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Nominations are open for appointment of Heritage Experts to the Camden Council Heritage Advisory Committee
Port Arthur Historic Site Carrying Capacity Study
Event Registrations open for the 2018 Australian Heritage Festival
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
Call for Expressions of Interest to host the XIII Terra World Congress 2021
20th International Assembly and Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, 3-4 March 2018, Italy – call for abstracts
6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – 2nd call for papers
Funding for Women’s Leadership Development: up to $8,000 available
2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, 29-30 January 2018, Canberra – REGISTER TODAY!
[NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Heritage Technical Codes on Lime Mortars and Repointing, Heritage Council of Victoria
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist—Aboriginal Archaeology, GML Heritage
1. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS & DEWNR Heritage South Australia drinks, 20 December, Adelaide
Fellow ICOMITES & Heritage Colleagues,
Well, another year has passed (believe it or not!) and we thought we would celebrate in a combined (pay as you go) event with DEWNR Heritage South Australia’s quarterly ‘heritage drinks’ event on Wednesday 20 December 2017 commencing at 5.00pm at NOLA, 28 Vardon Avenue, Adelaide (behind the Stag Hotel).
Hopefully you can make it!!
2. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from noon Friday 22 December 2017 to Friday 12 January 2018 inclusive. The office will re-open on Monday 15 January 2018, and the first e-newsletter for 2018 will be published on Friday 19 January.
The final e-newsletter for 2017 will be published on Friday 22 December 2017.
3. [NEW ITEM] Museums Galleries Australia National Conference, Melbourne, 4-7 June 2018 – early bird registration closes soon
Agents of Change
Museums Galleries Australia National Conference
Melbourne, 4-7 June 2018
Museums Galleries Australia invites you to take part in this significant national conference. Bringing together current and future leaders and decision-makers in museums, galleries and governments from across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, the conference will be an outstanding three-day experience for all.
The discounted Early Bird registration rate will be closing on Wednesday 20 December 2017. We would love for you to join us in Melbourne for MGA2018.
Click here to register online and take advantage of the Early Bird discount. Register now and pay after Christmas!
Click here to bring a friend and both receive a further 5% discount** on the Early Bird registration by registering yourself and one other person at the same time. **Places are limited.
For more information, please visit the registration page of the conference website.
A few more invited speakers have been announced on the conference website. Click here to find out who they are.
Please visit the conference website for more information and updates. If you have any questions, please contact Conference Logistics by email.
4. [NEW ITEM] Call for EOI to join the National Scientific Committee on Rock Art
Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Rock Art (Australia) (NSCRAA) – Are you interested?
Recently, Australia ICOMOS approved the formation of this National Scientific Committee. It will support the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Rock Art (CAR) at a national level and in the Australian context.
CAR’s objective is to promote international co-operation and to provide advice to ICOMOS and to UNESCO organs including the World Heritage Committee on their activities in the field of rock art. CAR initiates and co-ordinates world-wide actions in favour of the knowledge, the protection and rehabilitation of humankind’s rock art heritage.
The objectives of our National Scientific Committee, in addition to supporting CAR’s objectives are:
1. To further the conservation and protection of Australian rock art, through the encouragement of a greater understanding of all the aspects of its significance (including scientific, social, aesthetic and historic) and through the application of best-practice, values-based conservation and management approaches;
2. To support Indigenous custodians of rock art to enable and facilitate their primary and active role in the interpretation, management, conservation and use of rock art sites;
3. To provide technical, scientific and conservation advice to Australia ICOMOS, the Australian Government and ICOMOS International on issues relating to Australian rock art, and where appropriate, to rock art in an international context; and
4. To provide a discussion forum for members in relation to contemporary issues and best practice relating to rock art documentation, research, management and conservation.
Through this activity NSCRAA seeks to discuss, study, promote, document, report on and above all encourage the conservation of Australian rock art. A basic principle governing all the activities of NSCRAA will be acknowledgement of the primary custodianship of the traditional owners of the rock art, and the importance of cooperative work with them, in accordance with their wishes.
Membership of NSCRAA is open to Australia ICOMOS members with an active interest in and/or whose professional practice touches on the area of rock art. Membership will initially draw on the Australian members of ICOMOS and can also include an invitation to members of ICOMOS National Committees in southeast Asia and the Pacific with similar interests – individuals who are members of National Committees other than Australia ICOMOS will be considered Affiliate members if they join the NSC.
NSCRAA will recognise and include the following types of membership:
A. (Expert) membership: Expert membership is open to Australia ICOMOS members with established expertise in the different spheres related to rock art. The term expert specifically includes Indigenous people with traditional knowledge, obligations, or interests in rock art and its conservation; and
B. Affiliate membership: Affiliate membership is open to individuals from outside Australia ICOMOS who are engaged in activities relevant to the objective of the NSC and who can contribute to the work of the NSC by bringing particular knowledge, expertise and/or experience to the group. Affiliate members do not have voting rights.
Where an Institution is a member of Australia ICOMOS, they may seek membership of the NSC via a suitably experienced or qualified staff member, who may join the NSC either as a Member (if they themselves are an Associate or Full member of Australia ICOMOS) or as an Affiliate member (if they are not a member of Australia ICOMOS in any category).
The membership when established will nominate and elect a NSCRAA coordinating committee, including a Convener, membership secretary and communications officer, as required. This coordinating committee will of necessity be required to make decisions and to provide advice on key issues on behalf of NSCRAA.
NSCRAA will meet at a minimum once a year in person – but three times a year by telephone/Zoom meeting. Effort will be made to time face-to-face meetings to coincide with scheduled events with a relevance to rock art that are held in different locations around Australia. Other meetings may be held as necessary, in conjunction with Australia ICOMOS events, other events or by teleconference.
Business to be discussed at meetings will include:
- Reports and presentations related to the NSCRAA’s objectives and activities
- The program of activities and a realistic work plan for the coming calendar year
- Possible excursions or guest lectures
- Coordination with ISC meetings, Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meetings, etc
- Review of communication methods
If you are interested in joining this Committee, which is in the process of being formally constituted, please email Prof Josephine McDonald or email Prof Sharon Sullivan.
5. [NEW ITEM] Call for National Heritage List nominations – The Josh Frydenberg MP media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Josh Frydenberg MP, dated 1 December 2017.
Nominations are now open for places of outstanding natural, Indigenous or historic significance to the nation for possible inclusion on our National Heritage List.
“Our prestigious National Heritage List celebrates and protects places that reflect our unique landscapes, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and development as a nation,” said the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, Minister for the Environment and Energy.
“The List currently includes more than 100 sites from across Australia and its territories, ranging from icons such as Bondi Beach, Fraser Island and Kakadu National Park to lesser-known gems such as the Dirk Hartog’s Landing Site, Darlington Probation Station, Mount William Stone Hatchet Quarry, Witjira-Dalhousie Springs and the High Court-National Gallery Precinct.”
“Each year, more places are added to the List as our national story unfolds and understanding of our heritage deepens.”
Nominations are open until 26 February 2018 and will be considered by the Australian Heritage Council before a final list of places to be assessed in 2018-19 is developed. As part of that assessment process, there will be further opportunities for public comment on each proposed listing.
Nominations of natural, Indigenous and historic places with significant heritage value for possible Commonwealth heritage listing are also being sought.
For further information, visit this link or this link.
6. [NEW ITEM] Call for membership: ICOMOS International Scientific Committee PRERICO
The ICOMOS Scientific Committee for Places of Religion and Ritual (PRERICO) was, after discussion by a small group of members for several years, on 7 March 2017 formally recognised by the ICOMOS Board with the support of the Advisory Committee of ICOMOS together with acceptance of its statutes/by laws.
PRERICO has been established to research and provide specialised interests in Monuments and Sites of Religion and Ritual, including places of world religions and local traditions and beliefs, religious heritage and sacred places including their intangible significance.
PRERICO is now pleased to announce that, following an inaugural meeting in Paris (Charenton) on 6-7 March 2017, it is now seeking applications for membership from ICOMOS members.
For more information about this Scientific Committee and how to apply, visit this link. The deadline for applications is 21 December 2017.
Australia ICOMOS members who are intending to apply for membership of PERICO are encouraged to advise the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat of their intention by email.
7. [NEW ITEM] Connecting Practice Phase II: Report now available
ICOMOS and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) are delighted to announce that the final report for the Connecting Practice project: Phase II has been completed and is now available online.
The Connecting Practice project explores new methods and practical strategies for the recognition and support of the interconnectedness of natural and cultural heritage at World Heritage Sites.
Phase I (2013-2015) applied a local-global learning approach engaging with three World Heritage properties in Mongolia, Ethiopia, and Mexico (please see the final report for Phase I here). Phase II translated the lessons learned from the first phase into practical interventions, and explored how to achieve a better understanding of the interconnected character of the natural, cultural and social values of the properties. Two individual field visit reports are presented for Phase II: the Cultural Landscape of Hortobágy National Park – the Puszta (Hungary) and the mixed site of the Maloti-Drakensberg Park (South Africa/Lesotho), with additional reports from Switzerland and Finland on the use of the Enhancing Our Heritage (EoH) Toolkit, a natural heritage management effectiveness methodology which was adapted to various uses at cultural heritage sites during the project. This completed final report presents the results achieved, lessons learned and challenges encountered in the implementation of Phase II of the project. Connecting Practice has now reached a stage where successfully tested interventions need to be incorporated into policies, guidelines, institutional practices and other programmes.
The project was supported by funding from The Christensen Fund, with contributions from the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), as well as various indirect contributions from case study hosts. We would like to thank all those who participated in the field visits, workshops and meetings associated with this phase, and who worked diligently to ensure this project was a success.
8. [NEW ITEM] Call for Papers: Change Over Time
Call for Papers: Change Over Time
LGBTQ Heritage | Spring 2019
Guest Editor: Ken Lustbader
In spite of the immense historic and cultural contributions of LGBTQ Americans, the LGBTQ community at large is among the least represented in our national, state, and local designation programs. To date, only eleven of the more than 92,000 sites on the National Register of Historic Places have been listed for their primary association with LGBTQ history. This underrepresentation has prevented effective advocacy and educational opportunities, leaving potentially significant sites and histories unappreciated, uncelebrated, and potentially endangered.
Over the past five years there has been growing recognition of the importance of LGBTQ place-based history by cultural heritage professionals, historians, and advocates. Place-based heritage provides a unique opportunity to illustrate the richness of LGBTQ history and the community’s contributions to American culture. Examples include historic sites associated with arts and architecture, important social centers such as bars and LGBTQ organization locations, places related to oppression and protest, and residences of notable figures.
This issue, published in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, will explore questions related to LGBTQ cultural heritage: What are the challenges in identifying an often invisible and, at times, transient and denied history? How can historians and preservationists ensure for diverse representation of LGBTQ communities? How does one address significance and architectural integrity when recognizing LGBTQ sites that are often architecturally undistinguished and frequently altered?
We welcome contributions from US and international contexts on a range of topics: researching and documenting LGBTQ place-based sites; exploring rural, urban, and suburban LGBTQ narratives; approaches for categorization of resource types and cultural significance; challenges related to official recognition of LGBTQ-related sites; and solutions for interpretation and educational opportunities.
Submissions may include case studies, theoretical explorations, evaluations of current practices, or presentations of arts- or web-based projects related to LGBTQ cultural heritage.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 5 January 2018. Authors will be notified of provisional paper acceptance by 19 January 2018. Final manuscript submissions will be due mid May 2018.
For information about the submission guidelines, visit this link.
9. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
10. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
11. Nominations are open for appointment of Heritage Experts to the Camden Council Heritage Advisory Committee
Camden Council is setting up a Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) to support Council by providing informed recommendations on heritage matters. Council is seeking two heritage experts with demonstrated expertise and experience in heritage or related matters in the Camden Local Government Area (LGA) for the HAC.
In addition to heritage experts, the HAC will consist of community members, representatives from local Aboriginal groups, a representative from the Camden Historical Society and two Councillors. Your role as a heritage expert on the HAC will be to provide general heritage advice and to promote heritage and community education in the Camden LGA. This is a voluntary, unpaid position and members must abide by the Camden Council Heritage Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (TOR).
Selection Criteria
Heritage expert nominations will be assessed against the selection criteria outlined in the TOR. You will be expected to contribute constructively to committee discussions and attend HAC meetings (a minimum of one meeting per quarter with meeting frequency yet to be determined). Members will hold office until the next ordinary Council election.
Further Information
Further information is available using the following links: Media Release, Adopted Terms of Reference. Alternatively, contact Council’s Strategic Planning Branch on (02) 4654 7835.
Submit your nomination form, supporting letter and resume by email to the Camden Council or mail them to the General Manager, PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570 by the closing date. Applications close on 29 December 2017.
12. Port Arthur Historic Site Carrying Capacity Study
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority has begun work on a Carrying Capacity for the Port Arthur Historic Site. While there seems to be a lot of work relating to limits of acceptable change and carrying capacity for natural heritage places, we have found less for cultural heritage places.
We would like to know about similar work that may have been done for other cultural heritage sites where increasing tourist visitation is creating challenges for the management of the site. In particular, we are interested in work that looks at the impacts of visitors and tourism on the fabric of the place, whether as carrying capacity or as limits of acceptable change. We are also interested in management systems that have been developed to reduce potential visitor impacts.
Contact: Pamela Hubert, Conservation Manager; phone (03) 6251 2363 or email Pamela.
13. Event Registrations open for the 2018 Australian Heritage Festival
Event registrations are now open for the 2018 Australian Heritage Festival. The Australian Heritage Festival is Australia’s biggest annual community-driven heritage festival. It is comprised of events from across Australia organised by local community and heritage groups, local councils, individuals and other organisations as well as National Trust properties and Branches. The National Trust in each state coordinates the registration of Festival events, promoting the program to a wide audience with interest in cultural heritage. The Festival begins annually on the 18th of April, the International Day for Monuments and Sites, and in 2018 will draw to a close on the 20th of May.
This year we are focusing on what makes a place special, encouraging us all to embrace the future by sharing the strengths of our cultural identities. The 2018 Australian Heritage Festival theme is My Culture, My Story, celebrating the diversity of cultures that have shaped our shared heritage. The Festival is an opportunity to reflect on the places where we live, work, and travel, and why they are special, celebrating our many diverse and distinctive cultures. We call on communities to treasure their local cultural heritage by telling their stories and celebrating their traditions, including storytelling, music, food, dance, traditional games, and crafts. What are the cultures of your region, and how are they celebrated? What are the stories of your community? Do you know an untold story that should be shared? What is the role of new generations in celebrating and protecting our heritage?
Event registration deadlines differ from state to state. Online registrations end at the close of March 2018 but a couple of states have a printed brochure and therefore earlier deadlines:
Victoria: Friday 12 January 2018
Western Australia: Sunday 17 December 2017
Tasmania: 31st January 2018
For more on the festival in each state and to register your events visit the Australian Heritage Festival website.
14. Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
After 10 years of European funding, 350 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to 20 January 2018. This international course on the conservation of heritage structures was the winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, and presents a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
This Masters Course, which is running its 11th Edition, is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, including the University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).
The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as the electronic application procedure, at the course website.
15. Call for Expressions of Interest to host the XIII Terra World Congress 2021
The International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH) is issuing a call for Expressions of Interest to find organisations and countries to promote, host, run and administer the next international conference known as “Terra”. The Terra congress, which occurs every three to five years approximately, is an international congress whose theme relates to the study and conservation of earthen architectural, archaeological and cultural landscape heritage. XI Terra 2012 took place in April in Lima, Peru and XII Terra 2016 took place in July in Lyon, France.
For more information, download the XIII Terra World Congress 2021 – call for EOI.
Deadline for EOIs: 30 January 2018
16. 20th International Assembly and Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, 3-4 March 2018, Italy – call for abstracts
20th International Assembly and Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation
“Heritage for Planet Earth 2018”
3-4 March 2018, Florence
The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism® are pleased to invite you to the “Heritage for Planet Earth 2018” Symposium, to be held during the 20th International Assembly of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, in Florence, Italy. The call for abstracts is now open and closes 15 December 2017.
The Symposium presents 3 different sessions:
- Tourism market trends: to manage or to be managed
- Digital technologies: saving identity or feeding globalization?
- Smart city and heritage conservation by means of modern building technologies
For more information, including how to submit an abstract, visit the symposium website.
- 15 December 2017: abstract submission deadline
- 15 January 2018: notification of abstract acceptance on the conference webpage
- 20 February 2018: final paper submission for ISBN e-book conference proceedings
17. 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – 2nd call for papers
The Organising Committee of HERITAGE 2018 – 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development – 10th Anniversary Edition would like to announce that a 2nd call for papers has opened: abstracts submission until 15 December.
The Conference will be held in Granada, Spain, on 12-15 June 2018, in partnership with the Higher Technical School for Building Engineering (ETSIE), University of Granada.
HERITAGE 2018 is a peer-reviewed conference.
Abstracts may be submitted under the following topics:
01- Heritage and governance for sustainability
02- Heritage and society
03- Heritage and environment
04- Heritage and economics
05- Heritage and culture
06- Heritage and education for the future
07- Preservation of historic buildings and structures
08- Heritage and cultural tourism
09- Special Chapter: Muslim heritage
A Special Chapter will welcome papers on Muslim Heritage.
For more information, visit the conference website.
18. Funding for Women’s Leadership Development: up to $8,000 available
Building on the significant developmental momentum achieved earlier in the year, Women & Leadership Australia is administering a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s humanities sector.
The initiative is providing women with grants of between $3,000 and $8,000 to enable participation in a range of leadership development programs.
The scholarship funding is provided with the specific intent of providing powerful and effective development opportunities for humanities sector women. However, the funding is strictly limited and has to be allocated prior to the end of 2017.
Expressions of Interest
Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form here prior to 15 December 2017.
19. 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, 29-30 January 2018, Canberra – REGISTER TODAY!
You are invited to join Blue Shield Australia members and supporters at the 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, to be held at the National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia.
The symposium will be held over two days as follows:
- Monday 29 January 2018 – Tours, Workshops and Evening Welcome Reception
- Tuesday 30 January 2018 – Symposium with invited speakers
The purpose of the symposium is to share expertise, experiences and case studies of the protection of cultural heritage in times of natural disaster, as well as to discuss climate change and the strategies being put in place by the sector to work towards a sustainable future. The Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Pacific Regions are often affected by natural disasters and we look forward to learning from each other to advance the work of the International Committee of the Blue Shield to safeguard cultural assets for future generations.
Registration – early bird rates end today
Registration fees for the Symposium on Tuesday 30 January 2018 are as follows. All registrations below include catering and access to symposium sessions on Tuesday, and a ticket to the Welcome Reception on Monday evening. There will also be workshops held on Monday 29 January, which you will also be able to register for via the online form.
Full registration: Standard (after 10 November 2017): $210
*Student registration: Standard (after 10 November 2017): $160
*Student registration is available to full time students only. Please email through a copy of your student ID
For more information, click on the links below.
20. [NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Heritage Technical Codes on Lime Mortars and Repointing, Heritage Council of Victoria
Heritage Council of Victoria Pilot Project: Heritage Technical Codes on Lime Mortars and Repointing
The Heritage Council of Victoria is seeking tender submissions for the development of two heritage technical codes, and performance solution reports on these codes, on the topics of ‘Lime Mortars’ and ‘Repointing Lime Mortar Joints’ in heritage places.
The codes are part of a pilot project to identify best-practice heritage processes and outcomes under Victorian and Australian building legislation and standards. The Council is proposing a new approach where the BCA Performance Solution process can be used to support the use of building techniques compatible with heritage fabric. The Council has developed a framework to be used in the development of the codes that aims to satisfy both the BCA Performance Requirements and the intent of Victorian Building Regulation 608, and preserve the integrity of heritage places.
Details and the Request for Quotation document can be sourced by emailing the Heritage Council. Tenders close on Monday 15 January 2018 at 5:00pm.
21. SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist—Aboriginal Archaeology, GML Heritage
Archaeologist—Aboriginal Archaeology
GML Heritage is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced Archaeologist, with expertise in Aboriginal archaeology, an opportunity to contribute to our growing business.
We are a vibrant and progressive heritage consultancy that wants to make a difference. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management and interpretation. We focus on collaboration and delivery of influential heritage advice throughout Australia and internationally. We take pride in our work and think that heritage contributes to our sense of place and a sustainable environment.
We are looking for applicants who want to play a key role in shaping our consultancy into the future. In this position you will provide specialist Aboriginal heritage advice across a range of archaeological services, including heritage assessments, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, and field work.
Click here for more information.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au