Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 805

  1. [NEW ITEM] 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, 29-30 January 2018, Canberra – early bird deadline ends Friday 10 November (TODAY!)
  2. [NEW ITEM] ‘House of Ideas’ exhibition, Melbourne, 11, 12, 18 & 19 November
  3. [NEW ITEM] Dr Scott Robertson: Docomomo & Conservation of the Modern / Tuesday 21 November, Sydney
  4. [NEW ITEM] Australian Society for Historical Archaeology talk, Sydney, 1 December
  5. [NEW ITEM] Register for Arches Information Session at the 2017 ICOMOS General Assembly, New Delhi, 10 December
  6. [NEW ITEM] 8th seminar of the UNESCO Chair Culture, Tourism, Development – Paris, 6 December 2017
  7. [NEW ITEM] The British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme – call for applications
  8. [NEW ITEM] 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – 2nd call for papers
  9. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne
  10. [UPDATED ITEM] Heritage Victoria: Living Heritage Grants Information Session announced in Traralgon
  11. [NEW ITEM] Professionalism in the built heritage sector conference, 5-8 February 2018, Belgium – call for papers
  12. [NEW ITEM] 20th International Assembly and Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, 3-4 March 2018, Italy – call for abstracts
  13. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  14. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  15. Ballarat’s new heritage plan released for public comment
  16. Carlo Scarpa: Remodelling the Castelvecchio Museum, Melbourne, 17 November
  17. Canberra Modern: 7-16 November 2017, Australian National University
  18. Case studies for PhD research sought
  19. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer, Australian Convict Sites (based in Sydney)
  20. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Maritime Heritage Officer, Heritage South Australia
  21. [NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Fremantle Prison: Heritage Management Plan
  22. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
  23. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Brisbane City Council
  24. SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California
  25. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
  26. TENDER OPPORTUNITY Expressions of Interest for Expert Archaeological Services (Queensland)


1. [NEW ITEM] 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, 29-30 January 2018, Canberra – early bird deadline ends Friday 10 November (TODAY!)

You are invited to join Blue Shield Australia members and supporters at the 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, to be held at the National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia.

The symposium will be held over two days as follows:

  • Monday 29 January 2018 – Tours, Workshops and Evening Welcome Reception
  • Tuesday 30 January 2018 – Symposium with invited speakers

The purpose of the symposium is to share expertise, experiences and case studies of the protection of cultural heritage in times of natural disaster, as well as to discuss climate change and the strategies being put in place by the sector to work towards a sustainable future. The Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Pacific Regions are often affected by natural disasters and we look forward to learning from each other to advance the work of the International Committee of the Blue Shield to safeguard cultural assets for future generations.

Registration – early bird rates end today

Registration fees for the Symposium on Tuesday 30 January 2018 are as follows. All registrations below include catering and access to symposium sessions on Tuesday, and a ticket to the Welcome Reception on Monday evening. There will also be workshops held on Monday 29 January, which you will also be able to register for via the online form.

Full registration:
Early bird (deadline extended until 10 November 2017): $190
Standard (after 10 November 2017): $210

*Student registration:
Early bird (deadline extended until 10 November 2017): $150
Standard (after 10 November 2017): $160

*Student registration is available to full time students only. Please email through a copy of your student ID 

For more information, click on the links below.


2. [NEW ITEM] ‘House of Ideas’ exhibition, Melbourne, 11, 12, 18 & 19 November

The ‘House of Ideas’ is an invitation to travel through and across multiple Boyd ideas – buildings, display homes, exhibitions, curatorial strategies, installations, products, prototypes, grand visions and two World Expos in Montreal (1967) and Japan (1970). 

The exhibition will be installed at Walsh Street, South Yarra for a limited time and forms the first step towards the Robin Boyd Foundation’s 2019 Centenary Celebrations. 


Launch Event – Saturday 11 November 2017 @ 1pm

Exhibition Sessions, twice daily – 10am-noon & 1-3pm: Sunday 12 November, Saturday 18 November & Sunday 19 November

Click here for more information.


3. [NEW ITEM] Dr Scott Robertson: Docomomo & Conservation of the Modern / Tuesday 21 November, Sydney

Dr Scott Robertson, the President of Docomomo Australia and the winner of the 2017 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal, discusses the relationship between the theory and practice of conservation of architecture from the Modern Movement and the dilemma of conserving buildings and sites designed in the early days of the Modern Movement to have a limited life.

Whilst the fabric of Modern Movement buildings is of importance, the design intent of the original architect is often the driving force in conserving Modern buildings. Case studies of Zonnestraal Sanatorium and the Van Nelle factory in the Netherlands demonstrate the different approaches taken to conserve buildings designed around a tight program or function and those designed around a flexible or rational program.

The Australian experience of Government as a (re)developer, the impact of government political, economic and aesthetic judgements on our Modernist heritage will be canvassed and contrasted with the more positive outcomes in the USA.


Dr Scott Robertson was the founding President of Docomomo Australia, the Australian branch of the international organisation concerned with the documentation and conservation of buildings and areas or modern architecture. He has 40 years’ experience as an architect in private practice, involved in projects including residential, small commercial and institutional work, as well as heritage projects ranging from conservation management plans, major research projects and the design, documentation and contract administration of a range of conservation building projects. Scott holds the degrees of Master of the Built Environment (Building Conservation) and Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) and was awarded a Phd from the University of New South Wales for research on traditional Javanese architecture.

Tuesday 21 November 2017, 6:30-8.00pm

NSW CHAPTER, AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, Tusculum, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, Sydney, NSW 2011

Institute, DOCOMOMO & ICOMOS Members $15 / Non-members $30
*Ticket prices are inclusive of GST. An additional $0.30 booking applies to all ticket sales.


Download the Dr Scott Robertson talk at Tusculum 21 November 2017 flyer.


4. [NEW ITEM] Australian Society for Historical Archaeology talk, Sydney, 1 December

Drs Daniel Schavelzon and Patrizia Frazzi will be visiting Sydney in early December and will be giving a talk on recent historical archaeological discoveries and heritage conservation in Argentina, including what is believed to be a former Nazi jungle-base on the border with Paraguay.

The talk on 1 December at 6pm will be hosted by the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) at the Big Dig Education Centre in The Rocks.

Date: Friday 1 December 2017
Time: Doors open 5.30pm, ready for a 6.00pm start
Venue: The Big Dig Archaeology Education Centre, Sydney Harbour YHA, 110 Cumberland Street, The Rocks NSW 2000
RSVP: This event is free of charge, however seating is limited and we need to confirm numbers for catering. Please RSVP by email.

Download the Schavelzon Frazzi (ASHA) talk 1 Dec 2017 flyer.


5. [NEW ITEM] Register for Arches Information Session at the 2017 ICOMOS General Assembly, New Delhi, 10 December

The Arches project would like to invite you to attend an information session during the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium about the Arches heritage inventory and management platform, including the new functionality now available in Arches version 4. The information session is organized under the auspices of CIPA, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation. It will take place at the India International Centre, Seminar Hall II, in New Delhi, India, at 7:00-9:00 pm on Sunday 10 December 2017.

To find out more about the topics that members of the Arches project team will cover and to reserve your space, visit this link. There is no fee to attend this information session, although participants must be registered for the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, which has a registration deadline of 31 October 2017. Registration information is available at this link.

Arches is an open source software platform that incorporates international standards and is built to inventory and help manage all types of immovable cultural heritage. The code is freely available to download, customize, and independently implement.

Find out more information about Arches here.

The Arches information session at the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium is organized under the auspices of CIPA, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation.


6. [NEW ITEM] 8th seminar of the UNESCO Chair Culture, Tourism, Development – Paris, 6 December 2017

Tourism and Technologies of Information in UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Wednesday 6 December 2017, 9:00am to 5:30pm
Room XII, UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris

The seminar will be organized around two major themes:

  • Digital technologies at the service of tourist experiences in Word Heritage sites
  • Webanalytics and Big Data

For more information, download the UNESCO SEMINAR 2017 LEAFLET and UNESCO SEMINAR 2017 PROGRAMME.


7. [NEW ITEM] The British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme – call for applications

The Endangered Archives Programme (EAP) at the British Library is now accepting grant applications for the next round of funding. Detailed information on the timetable, criteria, eligibility and application procedures is available on the Programme’s website. The deadline for receipt of preliminary grant applications is 17 November 2017. 

Since it was established thirteen years ago, the Programme has so far funded over 325 projects in 90 countries worldwide, with grants totalling over £9 million. The Programme is funded by Arcadia, in pursuit of one of its charitable aims to preserve endangered cultural heritage. The aim of the Programme is to contribute to the preservation of archival material worldwide that is in danger of destruction, neglect or physical deterioration. The endangered archival material will normally be located in countries where resources and opportunities to preserve such material are lacking or limited.

The Programme’s objectives are achieved principally by awarding grants to applicants to locate relevant endangered archival collections, where possible to arrange their transfer to a suitable local archival home, and to deposit digital copies with local institutions and the British Library. The digital collections received by the British Library are made available on the Programme’s website for all to access. We currently have material from 198 projects online; six and a half million images and 25,000 sound recordings. Pilot projects are particularly welcomed, to investigate the survival of archival collections on a particular subject, in a discrete region, or in a specific format, and the feasibility of their recovery.

To be considered for funding under the Programme, the archival material should relate to a ‘pre-modern’ period of a society’s history. There is no prescriptive definition of this, but it may typically mean, for instance, any period before industrialisation. The relevant time period will therefore vary according to the society. 

For the purposes of the Programme, the term ‘archival material’ is interpreted widely to include rare printed books, newspapers and periodicals, audio and audio-visual materials, photographs and manuscripts. 

The Programme is keen to enhance local capabilities to manage and preserve archival collections in the future and it is essential that all projects include local archival partners in the country where the project is based. Professional training for local staff is one of the criteria for grant application assessment, whether it is in the area of archival collection management or technical training in digitisation. At the end of the project, equipment funded through the Programme remains with the local archival partner for future use.

The Programme is administered by the British Library and applications are considered in an annual competition by an international panel of historians and archivists.

For further details of application procedures and documentation as well as EAP projects and collections, please visit the Programme’s website.


8. [NEW ITEM] 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – 2nd call for papers

The Organising Committee of HERITAGE 2018 – 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development – 10th Anniversary Edition would like to announce that a 2nd call for papers has opened: abstracts submission until 15 December.

The Conference will be held in Granada, Spain, on 12-15 June 2018, in partnership with the Higher Technical School for Building Engineering (ETSIE), University of Granada.

HERITAGE 2018 is a peer-reviewed conference.

Abstracts may be submitted under the following topics:

01- Heritage and governance for sustainability
02- Heritage and society
03- Heritage and environment
04- Heritage and economics
05- Heritage and culture
06- Heritage and education for the future
07- Preservation of historic buildings and structures
08- Heritage and cultural tourism
09- Special Chapter: Muslim heritage

A Special Chapter will welcome papers on Muslim Heritage.

For more information, visit the conference website.


9. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne

You are invited to a gathering of Elders and representatives and Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander architects, planners and landscape architects, on Wurundjeri / Boon Wurrung Country, to review the need to position relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ecological and design and Country knowledge into the minds and design and plans of the next generation of architects, planners and landscape architects.

Welcome to Country: Aunty Di Kerr (Wurundjeri Elder; Chair: Native Title Services Victoria) + Aunty Carolyn Briggs (Boon Wurrung Elder; Boon Wurrung Foundation Inc.)

Opening: Professor Brenda Cherednichenko on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, in conjunction with Professor Liz Cameron, Dharug – Murra Murra

Chairs: Professor Mark Rose (Gunditjmara / LaTrobe University) and Associate Professor Sandy O’Sullivan (Wiradjuri / University of the Sunshine Coast)

Language: Woi wurrung of the Wurundjeri (courtesy of Mandy Nicholson); Boon Wurrung of the Boon Wurrung (with the consent of Aunty Fay Stewart-Muir).

Why: This is a special end deliverable event associated with the OLT Terra Nullius ID12-2814 – Re-casting terra nullius blindness project the Final Report of which the Commonwealth has e-published and is available at this link.

When: 9.00-5.00pm on Monday 20 November 2017. Please be early to respect the ‘Welcome to Country’ proceedings.

Where: Deakin University’s Corporate Centre in Tower 2, Level 12, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne [located in Collins Street two buildings west of the Southern Cross Railway Station].

Bookings: Yurlendj-nganjin (‘Everyone’s knowledge’)

Cost: Free

For more information, see the Yurlendj-nganjin flyer and listen to the oral invitation to this event (click on the >PLAY button).


10. [UPDATED ITEM] Heritage Victoria: Living Heritage Grants Information Session announced in Traralgon

The Living Heritage Grants Program is an initiative of the Victoria State Government to support the repair and conservation of ‘at risk’ heritage places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register under the provisions of the Heritage Act 1995. The third round of the Contested Stream of the Living Heritage Program opens on 1 February 2018 and to assist applicants, Heritage Victoria is organising a series of Information Sessions across the state.

Eligible grant applicants include owners and managers of places or objects listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. This may include community and not-for-profit organisations, local councils and Committees of Management. Places of worship and heritage places under private ownership may also be eligible and require matched funding. All projects must meet public accessibility criteria and demonstrate a significant community benefit.

Not sure if you’re eligible? Visit the Heritage Victoria website, send us an email, or come along to the information session to ask us your questions in person.

Please RSVP to the Living Heritage team by email stating the session/date you’re attending, your name and organisation (if relevant).

Fourth session announced in Traralgon:

Traralgon: 30 November, 12 noon-1:30 pm
Former Court House, cnr Franklin & Kay Streets, Traralgon (next to the Post Office)
RSVP by: 27 November 2017

Warrnambool: 14 November 2017, 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Reception Room, Warrnambool Civic Centre, 25 Liebig St, Warrnambool
RSVP by: 9 November 2017

Wangaratta: 20 November 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm
Council Chambers, Wangaratta Government Centre, 62-68 Ovens St, Wangaratta
RSVP by: 16 November 2017

Ballarat: 22 November 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm
Ballarat Town Hall, 225 Sturt St, Ballarat Central
RSVP by: 17 November 2017

Swift Creek: date and time to be announced

Please note – these sessions are additional to the Heritage Act and Living Heritage Grants Information Sessions held in Melbourne, Bendigo and Geelong in October.


11. [NEW ITEM] Professionalism in the built heritage sector conference, 5-8 February 2018, Belgium – call for papers

The 2018 international conference of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation deals with professionalism in the built heritage sector. The aim of this international conference is to define the professional profiles, capacities and drivers involved in a fruitful project. Based on identified gaps in the sector’s organisational fabric, theoretical reflections and best practices will be dealt with according to 3 main sessions: “profiles and capacities”, “education, training and quality labels”, “obstacles and changes”.

The Call For Papers is open: We seek contributions that deal with practice-led research or scientific research. Abstracts of max. 500 words should be submitted by email by 13 November 2017. Authors will be notified of their acceptance to conference by the end of November. Full papers will be included in the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation book series, ‘Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices’, which is published by CRC/Balkema (Taylor&Francis group) and indexed in SCOPUS.

For more information (including the link to the call for papers), visit the conference website.


12. [NEW ITEM] 20th International Assembly and Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, 3-4 March 2018, Italy – call for abstracts

20th International Assembly and Symposium of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation
“Heritage for Planet Earth 2018”
3-4 March 2018, Florence 

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism® are pleased to invite you to the “Heritage for Planet Earth 2018” Symposium, to be held during the 20th International Assembly of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, in Florence, Italy. The call for abstracts is now open and closes 15 December 2017.

The Symposium presents 3 different sessions:

  • Tourism market trends: to manage or to be managed
  • Digital technologies: saving identity or feeding globalization?
  • Smart city and heritage conservation by means of modern building technologies

For more information, including how to submit an abstract, visit the symposium website.


  • 15 December 2017: abstract submission deadline
  • 15 January 2018: notification of abstract acceptance on the conference webpage
  • 20 February 2018: final paper submission for ISBN e-book conference proceedings


13. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.


14. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


15. Ballarat’s new heritage plan released for public comment

Ballarat’s new heritage plan released for public comment: Our People, Culture & Place. A plan to sustain Ballarat’s heritage 2017-2030 (final draft)

The City of Ballarat’s new heritage plan commits to a suite of localised actions for implementing UNESCO’s Historic Urban Landscape approach on-the-ground. It brings together findings from participatory workshops, background studies, and input from expert and community consultation conducted since 2013 and incorporates feedback from local residents and stakeholders on a preliminary heritage plan.

The City of Ballarat welcomes feedback from Australia ICOMOS members, closing 20 November 2017.

You can download the plan, a short summary of the heritage plan and a series of background papers from this link.


16. Carlo Scarpa: Remodelling the Castelvecchio Museum, Melbourne, 17 November

Carlo Scarpa: Remodelling the Castelvecchio Museum
Singapore Theatre, MSD Building, University of Melbourne
Friday 17 November, 12:30-13:30pm

UK architect Richard Murphy, winner of the 2016 RIBA house of the year award, will give a presentation on Carlo Scarpa’s remodelling of the Castelvecchio Museum, Verona.

Why the astonishing interest in Scarpa’s work; and why was there such a delay in its widespread appreciation? Join Richard as he explores this and other aspects in this free lecture, presented by the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural History (ACAHUCH).

Register for a free ticket here.


17. Canberra Modern: 7-16 November 2017, Australian National University

Canberra Modern: Canberra’s Modernist Soul on Show
7-16 November, University House, Australian National University (ANU)

Canberra Modern is a series of interconnected events celebrating the mid-century modernist heart of our National Capital, presented throughout November as part of DESIGN Canberra, celebrating and promoting Canberra as a global city of design.

Join us for walks, talks, markets, exhibitions, a martini masterclass and a themed dinner, which showcase the unique mid-century backdrop of University House and the important role ANU plays in the cultural landscape of Canberra and in celebrating Canberra as a unique modernist city.

This program is an exciting new initiative that aims to promote the conservation, protection and appreciation of the places that make an irreplaceable contribution to Canberra’s historic urban and designed cultural landscape.

For information and tickets, visit this link and check out the Facebook page.


18. Case studies for PhD research sought

Ruth Redden (M.ICOMOS) is seeking case study buildings in Victoria, Australia for her PhD research at Melbourne University, School of Design (supervised by Prof. Philip Goad and A/Prof. Robert Crawford). She is researching the impact of building and planning (including heritage planning) codes, standards, regulations and sustainability rating schemes when undertaking major works to a historic building. See abstract below for more.

She is seeking case studies (with all levels of heritage protection, hoping for a range from included in HO area to a World Heritage site) which can demonstrate the complexities involved (both positive and negative) in upgrading a historic building, with a specific focus on improving the environmental performance of the building. She’s interested in what issues (if any) heritage planners, consultants, architects and building surveyors are facing and how they are dealing with them – especially if trying to go beyond operational performance and into areas of life cycle assessment, embodied energy calculations etc.

Please contact Ruth if you have a potential project, building or person she should contact to find out more. Completed projects preferred, but others (including in other Australian States or Territories) also welcome. Ruth is also happy to discuss how her research can assist with your work.

Email Ruth
ph: +61 4 0600 3131

ABSTRACT: This research aims to create a framework for optimising and valuing the environmental performance of historic buildings by undertaking a mixed methods evaluation of codes, standards, planning policies and mainstream sustainability rating tools relevant to Victoria, Australia. The outcomes of this research are expected to highlight strengths and opportunities for improvement within Victoria’s building and planning framework, and gaps in mainstream sustainability rating tools. Identifying these issues will contribute valuable insights toward a growing body of international research regarding environmental, cultural and economic sustainability.


19. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Executive Officer, Australian Convict Sites (based in Sydney)

This is a rare and unique opportunity to make a contribution to one of Australia’s internationally recognised World Heritage cultural sites, the Australian Convict Sites. The Australian Convict Sites comprises 11 sites across Australia and is 1 of 19 World Heritage listed properties in Australia. The Property tells the story of the forced migration of convicts to penal colonies in the 18th and 19th centuries and the global developments in the punishment of crime in modern times. You will be working closely with the site managers and relevant government representatives that make up the Australian Convict Sites Steering Committee. You will be providing essential support and coordination to deliver the Committee’s World Heritage obligations for the Property across NSW, Western Australia, Tasmania and Norfolk Island. Experience in committee secretariat support is essential and demonstrated experience in working collaboratively. Some travel will be required.

For more information about this role, including a link to the position description, visit this link.

Applications close 11.59pm, 12 November 2017.


20. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Maritime Heritage Officer, Heritage South Australia

Wanted: Experienced Maritime Archaeologist

If you are a diver and archaeologist with expertise in Historic Shipwrecks, this role might be just what you are looking for. Join the team at Heritage South Australia to look after 800+ shipwrecks and thousands of relics.

The Senior Maritime Heritage Officer is responsible for developing and implementing Maritime Heritage projects, programs and policies to support the identification, protection, management, conservation and interpretation of South Australia’s maritime and underwater cultural heritage. The role also contributes to the effective management of archaeological investigations and the Unit’s archaeological store and associated facilities. The role sits within the SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources and provides leadership and specialist advice to support the effective administration of the South Australian Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981 and the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.

Applications are currently open via this link.

Applications close 20 November 2017.


21. [NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Fremantle Prison: Heritage Management Plan

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (WA) is seeking tender submissions for the development of a new Heritage Management Plan for Fremantle Prison. Fremantle Prison is a member site of the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property. It is Western Australia’s premier site of built heritage significance, visited by more than 200,000 people each year.

The new Fremantle Prison: Heritage Management Plan will provide high level policies for the site’s business activities in the areas of governance, legislative compliance, conservation management, interpretation management, and community and stakeholder engagement, and will guide the management and protection of Fremantle Prison’s heritage values for the next decade. The Heritage Management Plan will be compliant with the EPBC Act 1999 and the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, and will be consistent with the articles of the Burra Charter 2013.

Details and the Request For Quote document can be found on the Tenders WA website (tender number – DPLH204517). Tenders close on Friday 24 November at 2:30pm Perth, Western Australia.


22. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced conservation architect to join our team.

The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities, and the like. Projects are both local and international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education sector, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.

Required qualifications:

  • minimum masters degree in architecture
  • minimum 3 years’ experience working as a conservation architect
  • a working knowledge of Australian architectural history
  • expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric
  • proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution
  • proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit preferred + pencil and butter paper
  • proficiency in sustainable design
  • good sense of humour


Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger Beeston by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.


23. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Brisbane City Council

Positions Vacant: Brisbane City Council
Senior Heritage Architect – Work Type Permanent Full-time

Brisbane is growing! It is an exciting time to join Brisbane City Council to manage and promote our heritage identity and character into the future. This is your opportunity to help shape heritage best practice outcomes in the dynamic evolution of a new world city.

As a Senior Heritage Architect you will undertake and manage a variety of specialist architect functions within a multi-disciplinary team to provide professional advice to a wide variety of stakeholders including elected representatives, members of the public, and internal Council units such as Strategic Planning, Urban Renewal, Neighborhood Planning, Asset Services and Development Services for the wider community.

The role seeks a passionate and experienced person who can bring a combined approach to maintaining sensitivities and cultural importance inherent to a sense of place within the exciting creative architectural design challenges of emerging projects across the city.

To find out more about working for Brisbane City Council and the roles on offer, follow this link.

Council encourages a healthy work life balance and offers an excellent salary package including 14% superannuation.

Benefits of working for Council include:

  • flexible working hours, and flexible arrangements
  • free gym and wellness centre
  • award winning superannuation fund
  • generous leave provisions
  • competitive salary

Working in Council means delivering excellent customer service to the people of Brisbane.

More information: Phone Felicity Dan (07) 3403 8703.

Closing Date: Monday 20 November 2017.


24. SITUATION VACANT Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located in Los Angeles, California, and one of the operating programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, field projects, and the dissemination of information. In all its endeavors, the GCI creates and delivers knowledge that contributes to the conservation of the world’s cultural heritage.

The Buildings and Sites department, as one of the core program areas of the GCI (with Science and Collections), undertakes and applies research on real projects to develop, trial, and demonstrate conservation approaches that advance practice. Buildings and Sites also works to build the capacity of partner organizations and the broader conservation community through the creation and dissemination of information and training and capacity building activities. For additional information visit this link.

The GCI is seeking a Project Specialist to work on the Earthen Architecture Initiative.

For more information about this role, download this file: ADM_Posting_ProjSpec_EAI_2017.

The deadline for applications is 30 November 2017.


25. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra

GML Heritage is a vibrant and progressive heritage consultancy that wants to make a difference. Our motivated multidisciplinary team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, and interpretation. GML focuses on collaboration and delivery of influential heritage advice throughout Australia and internationally. We take pride in our work and think that heritage contributes to our sense of place and a sustainable environment.

GML is excited to offer a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist an opportunity to contribute to our growing business. We are looking for an applicant who wants to play a key role in shaping our consultancy into the future. In this position you will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of built heritage services, including heritage assessments, conservation management plans, and heritage impact statements. A working knowledge of Commonwealth and state government heritage legislation is essential. You will also prepare project proposals and tender submissions for potential projects, including identifying tasks, roles, timeframes, and budgets.

Click here for more information.


26. TENDER OPPORTUNITY Expressions of Interest for Expert Archaeological Services (Queensland)






Expressions of Interest for Expert Archaeological Services (Queensland)

Inland Rail is a once-in-a-generation project connecting regional Australia to domestic and international markets, transforming the way we move freight around the country.

Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified archaeologists (individuals or companies) to act as advisors on a panel of experts supporting the Inland Rail projects within Queensland.

Evaluation criteria will include having the necessary insurances, qualifications, experience and demonstrated ability to carry out the works. The potential roles will include:

  • dispute resolution and independent expert determination
  • technical advisor assisting with Inland Rail’s Cultural Heritage Management Plans
  • Aboriginal party technical advisor


From Tuesday 24 October, individuals or companies that satisfy the evaluation criteria are requested to access the EOI documentation and submit an EOI via the TenderLink website.

If you have an enquiry about the EOI prior to 24 October please contact us at this email address. After this date, enquiries to please be directed via TenderLink.

CLOSING DATE: 10.00 am, Tuesday 21 November.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
