Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 802

  1. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS 2016/17 Annual Report
  2. [NEW ITEM] Victoria: Living Heritage Grants Information Sessions
  3. [NEW ITEM] Harbour Trust invites volunteers to join the team at Middle Head – Sydney Harbour Federation Trust media release
  4. [NEW ITEM] Container – the box that changed the world: exhibition opens 26 October 2017, Sydney
  5. [NEW ITEM] Florence Heri-Tech conference, Florence, 16-18 May 2018 – call for papers
  6. [NEW ITEM] Chinese Australian Hometown Heritage Tour, 14–24 January 2018
  7. [NEW ITEM] Best in Heritage 2017 – press release
  8. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  9. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 25 October
  10. 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – call for papers
  11. Upcoming Museum Australia (VIC) event
  12. ICOFORT Rio 2017, 6-8 November 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – registration deadlines
  13. REMINDER: WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program – applications open
  14. CHNT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2017 – registration still open
  15. Expressions of Interest invited: National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee
  16. PALRC scholarships – Round One winners announced; final 2017 round NOW OPEN
  17. PALRC short course announced for 2018
  18. Information Request to Assist a Project on the Significance Assessment of Early Colonial Buildings in Tasmania
  19. Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee calls for new members
  20. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 October 2017
  21. Second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship 2017/18 – applications open
  22. Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne
  23. State of the Environment 2016 Presentation, 21 October, Canberra
  24. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, QLD Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
  25. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Principal Heritage Officer, QLD Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
  26. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Manager Community Engagement, National Trust of Western Australia
  27. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Graduate Heritage Architect / Consultant, URBIS, Sydney
  28. [NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Expressions of Interest for Expert Archaeological Services (Queensland)
  29. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
  30. SITUATION VACANT Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carleton University, Canada
  31. SITUATION WANTED Myanmar architect looking for work opportunity in regional Queensland


1. [NEW ITEM] Australia ICOMOS 2016/17 Annual Report

The Australia ICOMOS 2016/17 Annual Report is available online from this link.


2. [NEW ITEM] Victoria: Living Heritage Grants Information Sessions

The Living Heritage Grants Program is an initiative of the Victorian State Government to support the repair and conservation of ‘at risk’ heritage places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register under the provisions of the Heritage Act 1995. The third round of the Contested Stream of the Living Heritage Program opens on 1 February 2018 and to assist applicants, Heritage Victoria is organising a series of information sessions across the state.

Eligible grant applicants include owners and managers of places or objects listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. This may include community and not-for-profit organisations, local councils and Committees of Management. Places of worship and heritage places under private ownership may also be eligible and require matched funding. All projects must meet public accessibility criteria and demonstrate a significant community benefit.

Not sure if you’re eligible? Visit the Heritage Victoria website, send us an email, or come along to the information session to ask us your questions in person.

Please RSVP to the Living Heritage team by email stating the session/date you’re attending, your name and organisation (if relevant).

Warrnambool: 14 November 2017, 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Reception Room, Warrnambool Civic Centre, 25 Liebig St, Warrnambool
RSVP by: 9 November 2017

Wangaratta: 20 November 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm
Council Chambers, Wangaratta Government Centre, 62-68 Ovens St, Wangaratta
RSVP by: 16 November 2017

Ballarat: 22 November 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm
Ballarat Town Hall, 225 Sturt St, Ballarat Central
RSVP by: 17 November 2017

Swift Creek: date and time to be announced

Please note – these sessions are additional to the Heritage Act and Living Heritage Grants Information Sessions held in Melbourne, Bendigo and Geelong in October.


3. [NEW ITEM] Harbour Trust invites volunteers to join the team at Middle Head – Sydney Harbour Federation Trust media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, dated 11 October 2017.

The Harbour Trust is calling on avid gardeners to join the volunteer team at Middle Head to help maintain and improve the gardens around the ASOPA buildings.

The ASOPA buildings are a set of 15 barrack buildings that were used as accommodation and training for the Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) from 1947 to 1997. The area has been extensively enhanced with luscious and exotic gardens reflecting the tropical nature of the ASOPA institution. The gardens are now maintained by Harbour Trust volunteers.
“The volunteer gardeners at Middle Head have planted hundreds of plants since the program began in 2014,” said Harbour Trust CEO, Mary Darwell. “It’s a great role for those who love gardening, providing the opportunity to create and care for gardens on a very unique site and to connect with other like-minded people within the community,” said Ms Darwell.
During WWII, the site was an internment camp for Italian nationals who were employed as maintenance staff. Most recently the buildings were occupied by the AusAid Centre for Pacific Development and Training prior to its closure in 1998. The site is now a unique commercial precinct with the barrack buildings re-used as contemporary office and retail space by a range of small businesses.
Middle Head Gardeners meet Thursday mornings. No formal qualifications are required but people with green thumbs are highly regarded.
Harbour Trust volunteers all work within their own teams and are trained in their role, and also become part of the Harbour Trust volunteer team, are given a uniform and enjoy social opportunities, information sessions and other benefits. The role would particularly suit a local to the area.
The Harbour Trust is supported by more than 250 volunteers across our sites. Over the last year volunteers have provided close to 30,000 hours of dedicated and enthusiastic work.
To apply visit this link or for more information contact the Harbour Trust Volunteer Manager on (02) 8969 2112.


4. [NEW ITEM] Container – the box that changed the world: exhibition opens 26 October 2017, Sydney

In today’s global world you may have drunk coffee from Brazil or a smoothie containing frozen fruit from China. You could be wearing clothes made in India, watching a TV made in Japan while sitting on a sofa containing wood from Argentina on a laminate floor manufactured in Sweden. All of this has been made possible by a rectangular steel box – the shipping container.

Container, an exciting new exhibition housed entirely in six 20-foot shipping containers at the Australian National Maritime Museum, will lift the lid on the history and impact of containerisation and the way the humble shipping container has revolutionised the way we live.

The exhibition opens in late October, when visitors can literally ‘step inside the box’ to learn about shipping, ports, cargo, the impact of containerisation on the ocean, the origins of everyday objects and even container architecture.

Inside the ‘Ship’ container, the history of the cargo industry before the invention of the container and the impact of its introduction are explored. From transporting goods in crates, bales, sacks and barrels loaded by hand, the container now allows the world’s 1.5 million seafarers to deliver 10 billion tonnes of trade each year.

‘Cargo’ looks at trade, customs, biosecurity and how perishable goods are transported around the world in the cold chain. The ‘Port’ container talks about the radical transformation of ports and port cities in Australia and around the world. It also gives visitors a peek behind the scenes at Port Botany, one of Australia’s busiest ports and the gateway for 99 per cent of New South Wales’ container demand.

‘Ocean’ looks at the challenges mass shipping poses to our oceans, including lost shipping containers, cargo spills and acoustic pollution, and the current focus on sustainable shipping.

The quirky and innovative ways containers are used beyond shipping, including ‘small homes’, food trucks, art installations and even swimming pools are uncovered in ‘Build’. ‘Things’ is a glass fronted container with a shop-front style window display demonstrating the origins of everyday objects in our homes. The total number of kilometres travelled by sea by all the products in this container is 887,082 km.

Peter Dexter AM, Chairman of the Australian National Maritime Museum said, “As an island nation, 99% of Australia’s trade is conducted by sea freight. The Container exhibition highlights the importance of this industry and how it touches all of us. We are excited to be sharing this often overlooked story to the many people who visit Darling Harbour in such an innovative way.”

The exhibition has been embraced by the shipping industry with a large number of its key organisations coming on board to provide essential support to tell this important story. Major sponsor is NSW Ports, who has played a key role in the development of the exhibition. Sponsors are ACFS Port Logistics, Maritime Container Services, DP World Australia and Smit Lamnalco. Supporters are Transport for NSW and Shipping Australia. The containers are supplied by Royal Wolf and the Precinct Partner is Property NSW. It is supported by the USA Bicentennial Gift Fund.

Container is located in front of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Wharf 7 building on Pirrama Road. It opens on 26 October, is FREE and will run until late 2018 before touring locations across NSW. For further information visit this link.


5. [NEW ITEM] Florence Heri-Tech conference, Florence, 16-18 May 2018 – call for papers

The international conference: “Florence Heri-Tech – The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies” is organised by the Florence Art and Restoration Fair and the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Florence.

The conference will be held in Florence (Italy), on 16-18 May 2018.

The Call for Papers is now open; deadline for abstract submission: 30 October 2017.


6. [NEW ITEM] Chinese Australian Hometown Heritage Tour, 14–24 January 2018

This tour is led by Australian historians Dr Kate Bagnall and Dr Sophie Couchman. It begins in Hong Kong and visits qiaoxiang (overseas Chinese hometown) districts in the Pearl River Delta. It is an introduction to qiaoxiang history, culture and everyday life, with a focus on Australia.

For more information and booking details, visit this link.


7. [NEW ITEM] Best in Heritage 2017 – press release

The 16th edition of the Best in Heritage conference took place in Dubrovnik on 28-30 September and gathered a wide scope of heritage professionals – 139 coming from 32 countries and various geographical and working environments. The Best in Heritage conference selects its projects from the lists of laureates from the previous year, as they have been generated by the juries of some 50 awards schemes from all over the world. 

Read the Best in Heritage 2017 – press release.


8. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


9. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 25 October

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by James Lesh (The University of Melbourne), on “’A Regional Conservation Manifesto’ and the Australian re-invention of urban heritage, ca.1975–ca.1985”.


Until recent years, the urban heritage of the Australian city has often been marginalised in global conservation narratives. This narrative might be encapsulated in the myth that the Australian city has little or no heritage worthy of meaningful preservation when assessed from a traditional ‘Western’ or ‘Eurocentric’ perspective. In response, since the 1970s, Australian heritage professionals—consultants, policymakers, activists and academics—have subverted and overcome this narrative. The fruits of their success is the robust Australian heritage management field. Particularly via the 1979 Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter, this field has equally impugned, influenced and improved global urban heritage practices. Examining events around the original Burra Charter, this paper argues that the historical erasure of Australian heritage empowered subsequent local, regional and global urban conservation activities.


James Lesh is a PhD Candidate at the University of Melbourne. He recently returned from a year based at the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King’s College London. His research explores global urban conservation since the early twentieth century. His PhD dissertation traces the long rise of heritage activism, regulation and management in the Australian city, via focussed studies of significant places, people and organisations. His next publication, “From modern to postmodern skyscraper urbanism and the rise of historic preservation in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, 1969-1988”, will appear in the Journal of Urban History.

Date: Wednesday 25 October 2017

Time: 5.00pm

Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12

Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.


10. 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – call for papers

The Organising Committee of HERITAGE 2018 – 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development – 10th Anniversary Edition would like to remind you that call for papers is open until 31 October 2017.

The Conference will be held in Granada, Spain, on 12-15 June 2018, in partnership with the Higher Technical School for Building Engineering (ETSIE), University of Granada.

HERITAGE 2018 is a peer-reviewed conference.

Abstracts may be submitted under the following topics:

01- Heritage and governance for sustainability
02- Heritage and society
03- Heritage and environment
04- Heritage and economics
05- Heritage and culture
06- Heritage and education for the future
07- Preservation of historic buildings and structures
08- Heritage and cultural tourism
09- Special Chapter: Muslim heritage

A Special Chapter will welcome papers on Muslim Heritage.

For more information, visit the conference website.


11. Upcoming Museum Australia (VIC) event

The Great Museum Debate

Date: Thursday 2 November
Time: 6pm-7.30pm
Venue: The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Cost: Members $28, Non-Members $28, Students $20

Join us in the Great Museum Debate as we discuss the contentious topic ‘Museums Are Boring.’ This is your chance to watch museum professionals deliberate their own existence, and watch comedians expose fabulous and ridiculous museum experiences. Post-debate socialising and further arguments will be held downstairs at the Moat bar and restaurant. Don’t miss out on this invigorating and enjoyable event.

> Book now to secure your place at this event


12. ICOFORT Rio 2017, 6-8 November 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – registration deadlines

ICOFORT Rio 2017
International Meeting on Fortifications And Military Heritage
6 – 8 November 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A friendly reminder that Free Registration for ICOFORT’s upcoming International Conference in Rio de Janeiro is soon approaching. Deadline for registration at no cost is 30 October 2017.

The deadline for registration for the Post-tour to Salvador de Bahia is 25 October 2017.

More information can be found at the conference website.


13. REMINDER: WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program – applications open

The Heritage Grants Program is now open for applications. Applications close at 12pm, Tuesday 31 October 2017. Late applications will not be accepted.

About the Heritage Grants Program

The Heritage Council’s annual Heritage Grants Program offers assistance to private owners of State Registered heritage places to undertake urgent conservation works, or develop conservation management plans or strategies. Grants of up to $100,000 are available through a competitive process and owners are required to match funds to the projects.

For more information and to apply, visit the WA Heritage Council website.


14. CHNT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2017 – registration still open

The 22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2017) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 8-10 November 2017.

The main topic of this year: Urban Archaeology and Integration – Combining archaeology, history, and new technologies.

The final schedule is now online.

Registration is still open.

Please visit also our BLOG – there you will find important information about the program and the whole conference.


15. Expressions of Interest invited: National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee

The National Trust of Australia (QLD) is calling for Expressions of Interest for membership to their expert advisory committee, the Advocacy Committee.

EOIs are due by 4pm, 3 November 2017 and must include a resume detailing qualifications and experience, and a one-page statement detailing the applicant’s proven commitment to heritage protection, promotion and/or advocacy. Applicants must live, work or study in Queensland.

For more information, see the EOI invitation – National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee.


16. PALRC scholarships – final 2017 round NOW OPEN

The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) is a tertiary and vocational education and research initiative dedicated to natural and cultural heritage protection, stewardship and conservation management and capacity development for Australia, Asia, and the Pacific.

PALRC offers scholarship opportunities for all its courses. Depending on the level of funds available, there will be up to two rounds of PALRC scholarships offered each year.

Applications for Round Two (the final round) close Wednesday 1 November 2017.

For more information about the current scholarship round, visit the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration website.


17. PALRC short course announced for 2018

The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) jointly with Conservation Management, the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Land Conservancy is pleased to announce a further opportunity to participate in a short course. Similar courses were attended by many of the 2017 scholarship awardees.

The five-day intensive live-in training course in Australia is at Poatina, Tasmania, overlooking the Tasmanian Midlands, 2.5 hrs bus drive from Hobart, or 40 min from Launceston, and will take place from Monday 29 January-Friday 2 February 2018.


PALRC has scholarships available to support anyone seeking to undertake a PALRC course. To find out more, including eligibility criteria and the application process visit the PALRC Scholarships page.


18. Information Request to Assist a Project on the Significance Assessment of Early Colonial Buildings in Tasmania

Anne McConnell (TAS) and Mary Knaggs (NSW) are currently undertaking a consultancy project for Heritage Tasmania in relation to early colonial buildings. The specific project scope is to look at improving the assessment of the significance of early colonial buildings and primarily residential buildings, for the Tasmanian Heritage Register.

The study is a methodological study that is aimed at providing Heritage Tasmania with finer grained assessment tools for the inclusion of such places on the Tasmanian Heritage Register. The project will examine assessment under each criteria for listing (ie. is important at the state level for historical, scientific, technical, rarity, representative, social, associational or aesthetic reasons), and has also been asked to provide advice on how rarity, integrity and the grouping of early colonial buildings affect their significance, hence their assessment and inclusion on the Heritage Register.

Our research to date indicates there are few similar methodological studies relating to early colonial period places or other period residences in Australia, or detailed recent studies of the types or significance of early colonial buildings that might assist us. We suspect there are such studies out there in the grey literature, therefore we are very interested in hearing of such studies.

If you are aware of such studies, or have undertaken such studies and are happy to share this information, please contact Anne McConnell by email.


19. Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee calls for new members

The City of Greater Bendigo is calling for new members for its Heritage Advisory Committee and we’d like you to consider joining!

Everyone is encouraged to apply.

The easiest way to apply is to go to the City of Greater Bendigo website and fill out the online form – there is also more information at this link. Alternatively, complete the HAC new ToR EOI Indiv Form 2017 to nominate yourself or the HAC new ToR EOI Org Rep Form 2017 to nominate a representative from your organisation.

The expressions of interest will close Friday 20 October.


20. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 October 2017

Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall: Colonial medical scientist and medical activist
presented by Dr Carey Denholm and Prof Stefan Petrow

Dr Hall arrived in Van Diemen’s Land in 1833 and died in 1881. During this time he was the leading Catholic layman, physician within the convict service in eight locations, was a pioneer epidemiologist, nationally and internationally recognised proponent for immunisation and medical research, and active critic of the convict system. He was a prolific writer of many issues of the day to newspapers and appeared before tribunals and investigations. He regularly clashed with doctors, administrators, politicians and the clergy and demonstrated moral courage and passion in exposing the poor care of women and children at the Cascades Female Factory and the Queen’s Orphan Asylum. Dr Hall worked for a time at Saltwater River and Impression Bay. With the death of his son, Leventhorpe, in 1936 and none of the five daughters marrying, the family line died out. This presentation covers Hall’s remarkable life and his many contributions to Van Diemen’s Land.

Dr Carey Denholm AM is the former Professor and Dean of Graduate Research at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). After leaving UTAS in 2007 he held two professorial positions then returned to a private psychology practice with children and adolescents in Hobart. He is the author and co-author of a number of academic books and published works. Retirement afforded him the uninterrupted time required to work on this book with Professor Petrow.

Prof Stefan Petrow teaches and conducts research in the History and Classics discipline at UTAS. He has authored a number of books and has published numerous articles on Tasmanian history. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and serves on the Editorial Board of the Australian Dictionary of Biography.

When: Wednesday 25 October 2017 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site

For more information call (03) 6251 2324.

Download the ‘Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall’ flyer.

Please note that the authors will have signed copies of their publication on Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall for sale at the talk.


21. Second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship 2017/18 – applications open

Since mid-2005, the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) and South Australian Heritage Council (SAHC) have funded a South Australian Built Heritage Research Fellowship at the Architecture Museum, School of Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia.

In 2009-10, DEWNR and the SAHC funded the first Sustainability and Adaptive Re-use Fellowship exploring the sustainability benefits of the adaptive re-use of heritage listed buildings.

The Fellowship expanded the aims of the SA Built Heritage Research Fellowship to include research that promotes benefits of conservation and adaption of heritage listed buildings in terms of physical, social and economic sustainability.

The second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship is now open for applications. Its focus is: ‘Carbon Credit Schemes and State Heritage Places’.

If you are interested in applying for the second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship, please refer to the DEWNR Sustainability and Adaptive Re-use Fellowship 2017-18 Information and Guidelines and Application form.

Applications close on Friday 3 November 2017 and should be emailed to the Architecture Museum, University of South Australia.


22. Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne

You are invited to a gathering of Elders and representatives and Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander architects, planners and landscape architects, on Wurundjeri / Boon Wurrung Country, to review the need to position relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ecological and design and Country knowledge into the minds and design and plans of the next generation of architects, planners and landscape architects.

Welcome to Country: Aunty Di Kerr (Wurundjeri Elder; Chair: Native Title Services Victoria) + Aunty Carolyn Briggs (Boon Wurrung Elder; Boon Wurrung Foundation Inc.)

Opening: Professor Brenda Cherednichenko on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, in conjunction with Professor Liz Cameron, Dharug – Murra Murra

Chairs: Professor Mark Rose (Gunditjmara / LaTrobe University) and Associate Professor Sandy O’Sullivan (Wiradjuri / University of the Sunshine Coast)

Language: Woi wurrung of the Wurundjeri (courtesy of Mandy Nicholson); Boon Wurrung of the Boon Wurrung (with the consent of Aunty Fay Stewart-Muir).

Why: This is a special end deliverable event associated with the OLT Terra Nullius ID12-2814 – Re-casting terra nullius blindness project the Final Report of which the Commonwealth has e-published and is available at this link.

When: 9.00-5.00pm on Monday 20 November 2017. Please be early to respect the ‘Welcome to Country’ proceedings.

Where: Deakin University’s Corporate Centre in Tower 2, Level 12, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne [located in Collins Street two buildings west of the Southern Cross Railway Station].

Bookings: Yurlendj-nganjin (‘Everyone’s knowledge’)

Cost: Free

For more information, see the Yurlendj-nganjin flyer and listen to the oral invitation to this event (click on the >PLAY button).


23. State of the Environment 2016 Presentation, 21 October, Canberra

The fifth edition of Australia’s State of the Environment Report shows Australia has made significant gains in improving our environment, but there is still work to do. Australia’s heritage remains vulnerable to both natural and human threats.

Hosted by the Museum of Australian Democracy in collaboration with Australia ICOMOS and GML Heritage. The presentation will be made by Professor Richard Mackay AM, M.ICOMOS.

For more information and RSVP details, see the State of the Environment 2016 Presentation-invitation.


24. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, QLD Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

This position belongs to the Development Assessment & Archaeology Team within the Heritage Branch in the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP), and the person filling it will assist in fulfilling its functions in relation to development assessment. The position is office-based, requiring some site visits, fieldwork and travel around Queensland. Officers in the Heritage Branch work to identify and conserve Queensland’s historic heritage for current and future generations. The Development Assessment & Archaeology Team in the Heritage Branch is a multi-disciplinary group contributing to the delivery of cultural heritage development advice and statutory cultural heritage assessment across Queensland.

For more information about this opportunity, click on this link.

Applications close 2 November 2017.


25. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Principal Heritage Officer, QLD Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

We are seeking a professional who is experienced in assessing cultural heritage significance and overseeing complex processes associated with a statutory heritage register. As Principal Heritage Officer, you will play a key part in a multidisciplinary group that undertakes the statutory process by which places are assessed for entry in, or removal from, the Queensland heritage register. You will also make high-level contributions to strategic projects related to the Queensland heritage register, including developing policy to guide its future direction and maintaining the accuracy and currency of information associated with places on the register.

For more information about this opportunity, click on this link.

Applications close 1 November 2017.


26. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Manager Community Engagement, National Trust of Western Australia

Job Summary

This role provides support to the Senior Manager Marketing and Community Services. As a result, a key part of this role is to assist in the provision of leadership, oversight and strategic management of the community development portfolio. A particular focus will be being accountable for community engagement and public liaison through promotional and public events, programmes and activities.

Key Duties

  • Assist with leadership, oversight and strategic management of the community engagement portfolio
  • Responsible for community engagement and public liaison through promotional and public events, programs and activities
  • Responsible for the management and recruitment of National Trust volunteers and activation of volunteer programs
  • Responsible for the management, recruitment and administration of National Trust membership and activation of membership programs
  • Responsible for the management of communications and public relations programs, including development and implementation of related policies
  • Identifies and promotes opportunities for staff training and development
  • Responsible for the budgetary and financial requirements and processes in all areas of responsibility
  • Other duties as directed by the Chief Executive Officer



  • Demonstrated competency in developing successful community engagement programs
  • Demonstrated experience in leading marketing, communications and business development programs
  • Demonstrated understanding of the role heritage plays in the cultural ecology
  • Tertiary qualifications in Community Development, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations or other related disciplines
  • Sound, demonstrated information technology skills including the use of MS Office Suite of software including Word, Excel and Outlook and power point presentations
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills
  • Possession of ‘C’ Class Drivers Licence
  • National Police Clearance


  • Experience in working with volunteers and a membership based organisation

Application Instructions

Applications to be marked confidential and addressed to:

Deputy CEO
National Trust of Western Australia
PO Box 1162, WEST PERTH, WA  6872

Electronic applications accepted via email to this address.

Closing date: 5.00pm WST 1 November 2017


27. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Graduate Heritage Architect / Consultant, URBIS, Sydney

Heritage – Graduate Heritage Architect / Consultant

  • Entry level position with strong career development opportunities
  • Flexible and dynamic environment
  • Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team of industry experts & leaders

The continued growth of Urbis in Sydney means we are looking for a motivated and energised professional Graduate Heritage Architect / Consultant to join our Heritage team. We are looking for a lateral thinker and outstanding communicator who is seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects for a diverse range of private and public sector clients.

For more information about this opportunity, refer to the URBIS – Graduate Heritage Architect-Consultant role position description.

Applications close 2 November 2017.


28. [NEW] TENDER OPPORTUNITY Expressions of Interest for Expert Archaeological Services (Queensland)






Expressions of Interest for Expert Archaeological Services (Queensland)

Inland Rail is a once-in-a-generation project connecting regional Australia to domestic and international markets, transforming the way we move freight around the country.

Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified archaeologists (individuals or companies) to act as advisors on a panel of experts supporting the Inland Rail projects within Queensland. 

Evaluation criteria will include having the necessary insurances, qualifications, experience and demonstrated ability to carry out the works. The potential roles will include:

  • dispute resolution and independent expert determination
  • technical advisor assisting with Inland Rail’s Cultural Heritage Management Plans
  • Aboriginal party technical advisor


From Tuesday 24 October, individuals or companies that satisfy the evaluation criteria are requested to access the EOI documentation and submit an EOI via the TenderLink website.

If you have an enquiry about the EOI prior to 24 October please contact us at this email address. After this date, enquiries to please be directed via TenderLink.

CLOSING DATE: 10.00 am, Tuesday 21 November


29. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced conservation architect to join our team.

The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities, and the like. Projects are both local and international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education sector, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.

Required qualifications:

  • minimum masters degree in architecture
  • minimum 3 years’ experience working as a conservation architect
  • a working knowledge of Australian architectural history
  • expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric
  • proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution
  • proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit preferred + pencil and butter paper
  • proficiency in sustainable design
  • good sense of humour


Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger Beeston by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.


30. SITUATION VACANT Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carleton University, Canada

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation in Seismic Areas
Application Deadline: 30 October 2017

The NSERC CREATE Heritage Engineering program and the SSHRC New Paradigms/New Tools Program are offering a one-year, renewable, post-doctoral fellowship in digital workflows for heritage conservation in seismic areas.

The programs, offered only at Carleton University, provide participants with research, training and international internship opportunities. The Post-Doctoral fellowship also includes an internship component and travel to Myanmar for field work.

Applicants are asked to submit a proposal for research and dissemination of digital workflows for heritage conservation in seismic areas using digitization tools for aerial or terrestrial environments and structural behaviour performance simulation.

For more information, click here.


31. SITUATION WANTED Myanmar architect looking for work opportunity in regional Queensland

Ms Punn Ei NGON is an architect from Myanmar with 8 years’ experience (5 years’ experience in Singapore and 3 years’ in Myanmar). She is currently working in Singapore. She can be contacted by email or via phone (+65 93740945; +65 90554903 – Singapore). Her career history includes Architectural Coordinator Cum BIM Drafter for various projects in Singapore. She is fluent in English and Burmese. She is looking for work in Queensland – anywhere except Gold Coast and Brisbane as she has a 489 Regional Visa. She can do architectural design, drafting, coordination, documentation, Auto, Revit, BIM, as well as project and contract management, QS, estimation.

She is interested in heritage work as well as architecture and construction industry. If anyone would like to see her Curriculum Vitae they can contact her directly or Dr Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy (M.ICOMOS) has a copy for circulation – email Susan.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
