[NEW ITEM] Vale Dr Mickey Dewar
[NEW ITEM] Meeting of the ICOMOS Young Professionals (YP) Working Group
[NEW ITEM] Expressions of Interest invited: National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee
[NEW ITEM] REMINDER: WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program – applications open
[NEW ITEM] Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 25 October
[NEW ITEM] ‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows
[NEW ITEM] PALRC scholarships – Round One winners announced; final 2017 round NOW OPEN
[NEW ITEM] PALRC popular short course announced for 2018
[UPDATED ITEM] Intangible and Invisible? Register now
[NEW ITEM] 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – call for papers
[NEW ITEM] Upcoming Museum Australia (VIC) events
[NEW ITEM] ICOFORT Rio 2017, 6-8 November 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – registration deadlines
[NEW ITEM] Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, 4-5 December 2017, Perth – early bird deadline approaching
[NEW ITEM] CHNT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2017 – registration still open
[NEW ISSUE] Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
[NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
ICOMOS 19th General Assembly & Scientific Symposium (“Heritage and Democracy”), 11-15 December 2017, India – registration deadline
Government House Open Day, Sunday 15 October 2017, Perth
Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program (Victoria): Getting Involved in Professional Organizations in Cultural Heritage – Thursday, 19 October, 6.30pm, University of Melbourne
Deadline extended for Deakin’s DUAL AWARD program
Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne
State of the Environment 2016 Presentation, 21 October, Canberra
Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 October 2017
Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee calls for new members
New book: John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture
Second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship 2017/18 – applications open
Information Request to Assist a Project on the Significance Assessment of Early Colonial Buildings in Tasmania
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carleton University, Canada
SITUATION WANTED Myanmar architect looking for work opportunity in regional Queensland
1. [NEW ITEM] Vale Dr Mickey Dewar
Australia ICOMOS only recently learned of the passing of one of our Northern Territory members, Dr Mickey Dewar, who was a prominent historian in the NT and who throughout her career was closely involved in documenting and protecting our built heritage. In her role as senior curator of history at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (1994-2006) she oversaw major conservation works on some of the Territory’s iconic heritage properties, including: Fannie Bay Gaol, the QANTAS hanger, Lyons Cottage and The Residency in Alice Springs. Mickey devoted two of her books and over 50 articles and reviews to documenting and interpreting the built environment. Since 2013 Mickey continued this interest as Heritage Coordinator at the NT State Library and on the board of the National Archives Council. During her 37-year career in the north Mickey worked as a teacher, researcher, writer, political adviser, librarian and curator.
At the Australian Historical Association Annual Conference this year, Emeritus Professor David Carment AM honored Mickey with these words:
“Mickey Dewar’s contributions to the history of her beloved Northern Territory were immense. She was an elegant and original writer, a careful researcher with a knack for discovering elusive sources, the energetic member of numerous heritage and history boards and committees, a mentor for other historians and history students in the Northern Territory, an interesting and always thoroughly prepared school and tertiary teacher, a much sought after public speaker, the Territory’s most innovative history curator and an always helpful librarian. She was also sparkling company and probably the most rapid reader I have ever known. Like many others, I learned a lot from her.”
Mickey’s Darwin wake was held at the QANTAS hanger on 6 July – click on this link for its coverage: Sunday Territorian 9 July – Mickeys Wake (note: zoom in on PDF to read more easily).
For more information about Mickey, read this ABC News tribute item.
Mickey Dewar is survived by her husband David Ritchie, children Sam and Susannah, and grandson Theodore. Australia ICOMOS expresses our deepest condolences to Mickey’s family, friends and colleagues.
2. [NEW ITEM] Meeting of the ICOMOS Young Professionals (YP) Working Group
On the 27th and 30th of August, the International Advisory Committee of ICOMOS ran two introductory sessions for the newly-established ‘ICOMOS Young Professionals (YP) Working Group’.
Following an EOI process, Australia ICOMOS is represented on the group by Dr Ania Kotarba-Morley of the University of Wollongong, NSW.
The proceedings were chaired by senior members of the Advisory Council, including Sheridan Burke and Toshiyuki Kono.
During the teleconference Ania attended, participants from 30 different ICOMOS National Committees around the world introduced themselves, described their route into ICOMOS and outlined the role that YPs play in their respective National Committees.
A number of issues were raised in discussion, including:
- Whether people in the early stages of their career should be referred to as ‘Young Professionals’ (or are better options ‘emerging’ or ‘early career professionals’), and is it fair to restrict the age of such a group to 35 years old (some YPs are mid-career at this stage, whilst some members could be early-career still in their late 40s). It was suggested that a more accurate terminology/model from academia could be implemented.
- Australia ICOMOS President Ian Travers’ suggestion that it would be useful to have mid-career professionals to guide YPs, as they are often more directly involved in the activities of YPs, was also forwarded to the group.
Issues around YPs joining ICOMOS were raised by a number of participants. Since one needs to have two referees, many emerging professionals have difficulty with finding the right people and getting into ‘the inner circle’. - The question of mentorship was raised, with the mentorship programmes in Australia hailed as a good example. The creation of ‘observer’ roles on heritage projects was also discussed as a different option for adding to the experience of mentees.
- Involving emerging professionals in the executive structures, such as working groups and scientific committees, was discussed. The working group is waiting for statistics regarding how many YPs serve on executive structures around the world – this could be determined during the AGM in Delhi.
- Exchanges between National Committees would be a great way of encouraging international discourse between YPs. Issues include how to fund such exchanges, and who would host them. Perhaps academic and/or industry structures could be used for this purpose.
- The demographics of different committees were discussed, and a pledge was made to ‘de-fossilise’ some National Committees.
- Engagement of students through bursaries to increase conference presence, and encouragement to present papers or posters, would be a good way to showcase ICOMOS’ openness to YPs. Cultural Heritage, Museology, Conservation Architecture and Archaeology undergraduate and postgraduate university programs could be targeted for advertising of such events. Care should be taken to ensure that students from across different disciplines are included – there is a strong perceived (and likely actual) bias in favour of conservation architecture in many National Committees.
- National Committees should be encouraged to address the question of ‘age barriers’ by inspiring people from different ‘walks of life’ to join, regardless of the stage of career at which they are. Informal meetings would be of help – ie. the ‘pub meetings’ that a number of National Committees run. Keeping meetings informal might facilitate more open dialogue.
Australia ICOMOS members, including young and emerging professionals in particular, are encouraged to contact Ania or Ian with any suggestions in relation to the above, or to find out how best to contribute to the goals of the working group.
Dr Ania Kotarba-Morley
Australia ICOMOS representative on ICOMOS Young Professionals Working Group
Email Ania
Ian Travers
President, Australia ICOMOS
Email Ian
3. [NEW ITEM] Expressions of Interest invited: National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee
The National Trust of Australia (QLD) is calling for Expressions of Interest for membership to their expert advisory committee, the Advocacy Committee.
EOIs are due by 4pm, 3 November 2017 and must include a resume detailing qualifications and experience, and a one-page statement detailing the applicant’s proven commitment to heritage protection, promotion and/or advocacy. Applicants must live, work or study in Queensland.
For more information, see the EOI invitation – National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee.
4. [NEW ITEM] REMINDER: WA Heritage Council Heritage Grants Program – applications open
The Heritage Grants Program is now open for applications. Applications close at 12pm, Tuesday 31 October 2017. Late applications will not be accepted.
About the Heritage Grants Program
The Heritage Council’s annual Heritage Grants Program offers assistance to private owners of State Registered heritage places to undertake urgent conservation works, or develop conservation management plans or strategies. Grants of up to $100,000 are available through a competitive process and owners are required to match funds to the projects.
For more information and to apply, visit the WA Heritage Council website.
5. [NEW ITEM] Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 25 October
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by James Lesh (The University of Melbourne), on “’A Regional Conservation Manifesto’ and the Australian re-invention of urban heritage, ca.1975–ca.1985”.
Until recent years, the urban heritage of the Australian city has often been marginalised in global conservation narratives. This narrative might be encapsulated in the myth that the Australian city has little or no heritage worthy of meaningful preservation when assessed from a traditional ‘Western’ or ‘Eurocentric’ perspective. In response, since the 1970s, Australian heritage professionals—consultants, policymakers, activists and academics—have subverted and overcome this narrative. The fruits of their success is the robust Australian heritage management field. Particularly via the 1979 Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter, this field has equally impugned, influenced and improved global urban heritage practices. Examining events around the original Burra Charter, this paper argues that the historical erasure of Australian heritage empowered subsequent local, regional and global urban conservation activities.
James Lesh is a PhD Candidate at the University of Melbourne. He recently returned from a year based at the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King’s College London. His research explores global urban conservation since the early twentieth century. His PhD dissertation traces the long rise of heritage activism, regulation and management in the Australian city, via focussed studies of significant places, people and organisations. His next publication, “From modern to postmodern skyscraper urbanism and the rise of historic preservation in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, 1969-1988”, will appear in the Journal of Urban History.
Date: Wednesday 25 October 2017
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12
Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.
6. [NEW ITEM] ‘Restoration Australia’ seeks restoration projects for upcoming shows
‘Restoration Australia’ (ABC) follows the experience of restoring a home through the eyes of the homeowner(s) and those closely involved, and is currently identifying homes to feature in upcoming seasons of the show.
They are looking for houses built between 1815 to 1970 – anything from wonderful derelict colonial ruins to grand old Queenslanders missing a few walls, crumbling Georgian mansions to dilapidated Victorian terraces and original Federation gems.
They’re very interested in finding people who are passionate about saving their properties and places that are rich in history. They’re open to both true restorations and heritage buildings that are getting a modern makeover or extension. The properties don’t need to be heritage listed and projects can be small footprint, small budget, or larger scale.
Over the coming months their host will follow the restoration journeys, delving into the past to discover the building’s history. The show is not a competition; it is simply a celebration of these wonderful properties and the stories behind them. This is a great opportunity to showcase the work of everyone involved in the restoration process, as well as creating a video journal, which can be enjoyed for many years to come.
For more information, contact Gemma Murphy, Fremantle Media by email.
7. [NEW ITEM] PALRC scholarships – Round One winners announced; final 2017 round NOW OPEN
The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) is a tertiary and vocational education and research initiative dedicated to natural and cultural heritage protection, stewardship and conservation management and capacity development for Australia, Asia, and the Pacific.
PALRC offers scholarship opportunities for all its courses. Depending on the level of funds available, there will be up to two rounds of PALRC scholarships offered each year.
To read about the recipients of the Round One scholarships, download the PALRC 2017 scholarships recipients.
Applications for Round Two (the final round) close Wednesday 1 November 2017.
For more information about the current scholarship round, visit the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration website.
8. [NEW ITEM] PALRC popular short course announced for 2018
The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) jointly with Conservation Management, the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Land Conservancy is pleased to announce a further opportunity to participate in a popular short course. Similar courses were attended by many of the 2017 scholarship awardees.
The five-day intensive live-in training course in Australia is at Poatina, Tasmania, overlooking the Tasmanian Midlands, 2.5 hrs bus drive from Hobart, or 40 min from Launceston, and will take place from Monday 29 January-Friday 2 February 2018.
PALRC has scholarships available to support anyone seeking to undertake a PALRC course. To find out more, including eligibility criteria and the application process visit the PALRC Scholarships page.
9.[UPDATED ITEM] Intangible and Invisible? Register now
Join the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH) and colleagues for our workshop on Friday 20 October, 1.30-4.15pm, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House to explore some of the challenges in making intangible cultural heritage more visible in place-based heritage practice. Listen to some interesting case study examples, and contribute to the discussion. Our new Practice Note Intangible cultural heritage and place will be launched by Rachel Jackson.
Speakers include: Nicholas Hall, Lucy De Kretser, Kylie Winkworth, Sharon Towns & Deborah Sulway. Our Rapporteur is Steve Brown.
Register now for this event
Cost: $20 per person (includes afternoon tea)
Everyone is welcome to stay for our brief NSC-ICH Annual General Meeting (4.15-4.50pm), and then to join us and the Lake Burley Griffin Guardians Inc for drinks and a guided walk at West Basin, Lake Burley Griffin to look at heritage values and threats. After the walk, we look forward to seeing NSC-ICH members and friends over dinner with other Australia ICOMOS members.
Jointly sponsored by the Australia ICOMOS NSC-ICH, GML + Context and the Museum of Australian Democracy.
Download the NSC-ICH Symposium Canberra 20.10.17 flyer.
10. [NEW ITEM] 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Spain, 12-15 June 2018 – call for papers
The Organising Committee of HERITAGE 2018 – 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development – 10th Anniversary Edition would like to remind you that call for papers is open until 31 October 2017.
The Conference will be held in Granada, Spain, on 12-15 June 2018, in partnership with the Higher Technical School for Building Engineering (ETSIE), University of Granada.
HERITAGE 2018 is a peer-reviewed conference.
Abstracts may be submitted under the following topics:
01- Heritage and governance for sustainability
02- Heritage and society
03- Heritage and environment
04- Heritage and economics
05- Heritage and culture
06- Heritage and education for the future
07- Preservation of historic buildings and structures
08- Heritage and cultural tourism
09- Special Chapter: Muslim heritage
A Special Chapter will welcome papers on Muslim Heritage.
For more information, visit the conference website.
11. [NEW ITEM] Upcoming Museum Australia (VIC) events
Works on Paper Preparation Techniques workshop
Date: Friday 20 October 2017
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: Neospace, 7 Campbell St, Collingwood
Cost: Members $80, Non-Members $120
This masterclass will present museum standards for the preparation of art works on paper. Cassie May and the team from Neospace will explore handling techniques, hinges and mounts, glazing and materials. The masterclass will also cover the preparation of digital photography and the dry mounting process.
Morning tea and lunch are provided.
> Book now to secure your place at this event
The Great Museum Debate
Date: Thursday 2 November
Time: 6pm-7.30pm
Venue: The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Cost: Members $28, Non-Members $28, Students $20
Join us in the Great Museum Debate as we discuss the contentious topic ‘Museums Are Boring.’ This is your chance to watch museum professionals deliberate their own existence, and watch comedians expose fabulous and ridiculous museum experiences. Post-debate socialising and further arguments will be held downstairs at the Moat bar and restaurant. Don’t miss out on this invigorating and enjoyable event.
> Book now to secure your place at this event
12. [NEW ITEM] ICOFORT Rio 2017, 6-8 November 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – registration deadlines
ICOFORT Rio 2017
International Meeting on Fortifications And Military Heritage
6 – 8 November 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A friendly reminder that Free Registration for ICOFORT’s upcoming International Conference in Rio de Janeiro is soon approaching. Deadline for registration at no cost is 30 October 2017.
The deadline for registration for the Post-tour to Salvador de Bahia is 25 October 2017.
More information can be found at the conference website.
13. [NEW ITEM] Sustainable Integrated Cities conference, 4-5 December 2017, Perth – early bird deadline approaching
Sustainable Integrated Cities – Integrated Thinking about Sustainable Cities and Communities
4-5 December 2017
Perth, Australia
Register today to secure your registration at the early bird discounted rate. Early bird registration is only available until 16 October.
For more information, visit the conference website.
14. [NEW ITEM] CHNT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 November 2017 – registration still open
The 22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2017) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 8-10 November 2017.
The main topic of this year: Urban Archaeology and Integration – Combining archaeology, history, and new technologies.
The final schedule is now online.
Registration is still open.
Please visit also our BLOG – there you will find important information about the program and the whole conference.
15. [NEW ISSUE] Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.
16. [NEW ISSUE] Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin available online
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
17. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
18. ICOMOS 19th General Assembly & Scientific Symposium (“Heritage and Democracy”), 11-15 December 2017, India – registration deadline
The final deadline for international participants to register for this event is 15 October.
For more information visit the ICOMOS GA & Symposium website.
19. Government House Open Day, Sunday 15 October 2017, Perth
Bring your family and friends to the Government House Open Day on Sunday 15 October 2017, as part of Perth Heritage Days.
Experience the heritage-listed House, Grounds and Ballroom. Family friendly entertainment and activities and self-guided house tours available. Book a cellar or garden tour via the Perth Heritage Days website (where you will also find more events to consider!)
Visit the Government House website for more information.
20. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program (Victoria): Getting Involved in Professional Organizations in Cultural Heritage – Thursday, 19 October, 6.30pm, University of Melbourne
All Victorian early career professionals and cultural heritage students are invited to attend this event, which will conclude the Australia ICOMOS VIC mentoring program for 2017.
We are inviting a range of professional organisations to come (including Australia ICOMOS of course!) – so this is a great place to understand how they work, and to consider your involvement, meet people and generally expand your networks.
The event is generously supported by the University of Melbourne – so, come to the Japanese Room in the Melbourne School of Design from 6.30pm. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided. Learn more about the fabulous Japanese Room. The Melbourne School of Design is in the centre of the Parkville campus. Just start walking from any entrance, and you will find it (with the help of University way-finding signs).
So that we have some idea of catering requirements, please RSVP to Kristal Buckley by email by 13 October 2017.
Please join us!
21. Deadline extended for Deakin’s DUAL AWARD program
Expressions of Interest will be accepted until 13 October 2017 for Deakin’s unique dual award program. This program enables a small group of students to undertake studies in Melbourne and Germany toward two Masters qualifications simultaneously: the Deakin Master of Cultural Heritage and the highly-esteemed Master of World Heritage Studies at BTU-Cottbus in Germany.
To join our 4th dual award cohort in March, please apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage, and also send an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email. For further information including how to apply, see our blog.
22. Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne
You are invited to a gathering of Elders and representatives and Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander architects, planners and landscape architects, on Wurundjeri / Boon Wurrung Country, to review the need to position relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ecological and design and Country knowledge into the minds and design and plans of the next generation of architects, planners and landscape architects.
Welcome to Country: Aunty Di Kerr (Wurundjeri Elder; Chair: Native Title Services Victoria) + Aunty Carolyn Briggs (Boon Wurrung Elder; Boon Wurrung Foundation Inc.)
Opening: Professor Brenda Cherednichenko on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, in conjunction with Professor Liz Cameron, Dharug – Murra Murra
Chairs: Professor Mark Rose (Gunditjmara / LaTrobe University) and Associate Professor Sandy O’Sullivan (Wiradjuri / University of the Sunshine Coast)
Language: Woi wurrung of the Wurundjeri (courtesy of Mandy Nicholson); Boon Wurrung of the Boon Wurrung (with the consent of Aunty Fay Stewart-Muir).
Why: This is a special end deliverable event associated with the OLT Terra Nullius ID12-2814 – Re-casting terra nullius blindness project the Final Report of which the Commonwealth has e-published and is available at this link.
When: 9.00-5.00pm on Monday 20 November 2017. Please be early to respect the ‘Welcome to Country’ proceedings.
Where: Deakin University’s Corporate Centre in Tower 2, Level 12, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne [located in Collins Street two buildings west of the Southern Cross Railway Station].
Bookings: Yurlendj-nganjin (‘Everyone’s knowledge’)
Cost: Free
For more information, see the Yurlendj-nganjin flyer and listen to the oral invitation to this event (click on the >PLAY button).
23. State of the Environment 2016 Presentation, 21 October, Canberra
The fifth edition of Australia’s State of the Environment Report shows Australia has made significant gains in improving our environment, but there is still work to do. Australia’s heritage remains vulnerable to both natural and human threats.
Hosted by the Museum of Australian Democracy in collaboration with Australia ICOMOS and GML Heritage. The presentation will be made by Professor Richard Mackay AM, M.ICOMOS.
For more information and RSVP details, see the State of the Environment 2016 Presentation-invitation.
24. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 October 2017
Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall: Colonial medical scientist and medical activist
presented by Dr Carey Denholm and Prof Stefan Petrow
Dr Hall arrived in Van Diemen’s Land in 1833 and died in 1881. During this time he was the leading Catholic layman, physician within the convict service in eight locations, was a pioneer epidemiologist, nationally and internationally recognised proponent for immunisation and medical research, and active critic of the convict system. He was a prolific writer of many issues of the day to newspapers and appeared before tribunals and investigations. He regularly clashed with doctors, administrators, politicians and the clergy and demonstrated moral courage and passion in exposing the poor care of women and children at the Cascades Female Factory and the Queen’s Orphan Asylum. Dr Hall worked for a time at Saltwater River and Impression Bay. With the death of his son, Leventhorpe, in 1936 and none of the five daughters marrying, the family line died out. This presentation covers Hall’s remarkable life and his many contributions to Van Diemen’s Land.
Dr Carey Denholm AM is the former Professor and Dean of Graduate Research at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). After leaving UTAS in 2007 he held two professorial positions then returned to a private psychology practice with children and adolescents in Hobart. He is the author and co-author of a number of academic books and published works. Retirement afforded him the uninterrupted time required to work on this book with Professor Petrow.
Prof Stefan Petrow teaches and conducts research in the History and Classics discipline at UTAS. He has authored a number of books and has published numerous articles on Tasmanian history. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and serves on the Editorial Board of the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
When: Wednesday 25 October 2017 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
For more information call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the ‘Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall’ flyer.
Please note that the authors will have signed copies of their publication on Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall for sale at the talk.
25. Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee calls for new members
The City of Greater Bendigo is calling for new members for its Heritage Advisory Committee and we’d like you to consider joining!
Everyone is encouraged to apply.
The easiest way to apply is to go to the City of Greater Bendigo website and fill out the online form – there is also more information at this link. Alternatively, complete the HAC new ToR EOI Indiv Form 2017 to nominate yourself or the HAC new ToR EOI Org Rep Form 2017 to nominate a representative from your organisation.
The expressions of interest will close Friday 20 October.
26. New book: John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture
Dr Anuradha Chatterjee (Anu) is an Australian-Indian academic, author, and designer based in Sydney, Australia. Anu’s book John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture (ISBN-10: 1472449436 ISBN-13: 978-1472449436) is published by Routledge (Taylor and Francis). The book has been funded by two grants from the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, and the Stones of Venice grant from the Ruskin Library, Lancaster University. It can be purchased from here.
Anu is currently working as a Senior Architectural Researcher & Heritage Advisor at Cracknell & Lonergan Architects in Sydney. The book is of interest to architects, heritage conservationists, designers, textile and fashion designers, as well as scholars of architectural theory and history and cultural studies. It provides an alternative context for topics like restoration, craft, ornament, surface, eclecticism, representation, flatness and tectonics.
27. Second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship 2017/18 – applications open
Since mid-2005, the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) and South Australian Heritage Council (SAHC) have funded a South Australian Built Heritage Research Fellowship at the Architecture Museum, School of Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia.
In 2009-10, DEWNR and the SAHC funded the first Sustainability and Adaptive Re-use Fellowship exploring the sustainability benefits of the adaptive re-use of heritage listed buildings.
The Fellowship expanded the aims of the SA Built Heritage Research Fellowship to include research that promotes benefits of conservation and adaption of heritage listed buildings in terms of physical, social and economic sustainability.
The second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship is now open for applications. Its focus is: ‘Carbon Credit Schemes and State Heritage Places’.
If you are interested in applying for the second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship, please refer to the DEWNR Sustainability and Adaptive Re-use Fellowship 2017-18 Information and Guidelines and Application form.
Applications close on Friday 3 November 2017 and should be emailed to the Architecture Museum, University of South Australia.
28. Information Request to Assist a Project on the Significance Assessment of Early Colonial Buildings in Tasmania
Anne McConnell (TAS) and Mary Knaggs (NSW) are currently undertaking a consultancy project for Heritage Tasmania in relation to early colonial buildings. The specific project scope is to look at improving the assessment of the significance of early colonial buildings and primarily residential buildings, for the Tasmanian Heritage Register.
The study is a methodological study that is aimed at providing Heritage Tasmania with finer grained assessment tools for the inclusion of such places on the Tasmanian Heritage Register. The project will examine assessment under each criteria for listing (ie. is important at the state level for historical, scientific, technical, rarity, representative, social, associational or aesthetic reasons), and has also been asked to provide advice on how rarity, integrity and the grouping of early colonial buildings affect their significance, hence their assessment and inclusion on the Heritage Register.
Our research to date indicates there are few similar methodological studies relating to early colonial period places or other period residences in Australia, or detailed recent studies of the types or significance of early colonial buildings that might assist us. We suspect there are such studies out there in the grey literature, therefore we are very interested in hearing of such studies.
If you are aware of such studies, or have undertaken such studies and are happy to share this information, please contact Anne McConnell by email.
29. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced conservation architect to join our team.
The position is senior and involves: research, analysis, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to significant historic building owners and authorities, and the like. Projects are both local and international and across all types including: commercial, ecclesiastical, education sector, civic, community, industrial and residential. The office culture is collegiate, cutting edge and research driven.
Required qualifications:
- minimum masters degree in architecture
- minimum 3 years’ experience working as a conservation architect
- a working knowledge of Australian architectural history
- expertise in remedial conservation interventions to significant heritage building fabric
- proficiency in contemporary and interpretive design and detail resolution
- proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit preferred + pencil and butter paper
- proficiency in sustainable design
- good sense of humour
Interested applicants please forward your CV to Roger Beeston by email in the first instance.
If you wish to discuss the position please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.
30. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carleton University, Canada
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation in Seismic Areas
Application Deadline: 30 October 2017
The NSERC CREATE Heritage Engineering program and the SSHRC New Paradigms/New Tools Program are offering a one-year, renewable, post-doctoral fellowship in digital workflows for heritage conservation in seismic areas.
The programs, offered only at Carleton University, provide participants with research, training and international internship opportunities. The Post-Doctoral fellowship also includes an internship component and travel to Myanmar for field work.
Applicants are asked to submit a proposal for research and dissemination of digital workflows for heritage conservation in seismic areas using digitization tools for aerial or terrestrial environments and structural behaviour performance simulation.
For more information, click here.
31. SITUATION WANTED Myanmar architect looking for work opportunity in regional Queensland
Ms Punn Ei NGON is an architect from Myanmar with 8 years’ experience (5 years’ experience in Singapore and 3 years’ in Myanmar). She is currently working in Singapore. She can be contacted by email or via phone (+65 93740945; +65 90554903 – Singapore). Her career history includes Architectural Coordinator Cum BIM Drafter for various projects in Singapore. She is fluent in English and Burmese. She is looking for work in Queensland – anywhere except Gold Coast and Brisbane as she has a 489 Regional Visa. She can do architectural design, drafting, coordination, documentation, Auto, Revit, BIM, as well as project and contract management, QS, estimation.
She is interested in heritage work as well as architecture and construction industry. If anyone would like to see her Curriculum Vitae they can contact her directly or Dr Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy (M.ICOMOS) has a copy for circulation – email Susan.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au