Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 800

  1. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS 19th General Assembly & Scientific Symposium (“Heritage and Democracy”), 11-15 December 2017, India – registration deadline
  2. [NEW ITEM] USC Indigenous Education Symposium & Our Shared History Seminar, 11-13 October 2017, Sunshine Coast
  3. [NEW ITEM] Government House Open Day, Sunday 15 October 2017, Perth
  4. [NEW ITEM] Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne
  5. [NEW ITEM] Intangible and invisible: Recognising intangible cultural heritage in place – NSC-ICH workshop, 20 October, Canberra – registration open
  6. [NEW ITEM] Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 October 2017
  7. [NEW ITEM] Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee calls for new members
  8. [NEW ITEM] Historic Houses Association welcomes the Sirius building as part of their house network
  9. [NEW ITEM] St Johns Anglican Church Precinct Camden
  10. [NEW ITEM] New Holland Consort performance at York Courthouse, 15 October, York, WA
  11. [NEW ITEM] New book: John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture
  12. [NEW ITEM] Second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship 2017/18 – applications open
  13. [NEW ITEM] Information Request to Assist a Project on the Significance Assessment of Early Colonial Buildings in Tasmania
  14. [NEW ITEM] SS Macumba to be declared historic shipwreck – The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP and The Hon Dan Tehan MP media release
  15. [NEW ITEM] Exclusive Masterclasses: The Royal Collectors with Oliver Everett, various dates, Melbourne
  16. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House
  17. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden – What’s On
  18. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM
  19. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  20. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program (Victoria): Getting Involved in Professional Organizations in Cultural Heritage – Thursday, 19 October, 6.30pm, University of Melbourne
  21. Deadline extended for Deakin’s DUAL AWARD program
  22. Regenerating Places of Faith conference, 30 October 2017, Adelaide
  23. State of the Environment 2016 Presentation, 21 October, Canberra
  24. Information Sessions: Heritage Act 2017 and Living Heritage Grants – October 2017, various locations 
  25. Aboriginal cultural heritage reforms: public consultation open & an invitation to attend public information sessions (NSW)
  26. Talk on Brisbane Customs House, 19 October, Brisbane
  27. “Sydney’s Émigré Designers”, talk, Sydney, 20 October
  28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, EMM Consulting, Sydney
  29. SITUATION WANTED Myanmar architect looking for work opportunity in regional Queensland
  30. TENDER OPPORTUNITY Wadjemup Aboriginal Burial Ground Project


1. [NEW ITEM] ICOMOS 19th General Assembly & Scientific Symposium (“Heritage and Democracy”), 11-15 December 2017, India – registration deadline

The final deadline for international participants to register for this event is 15 October.

For more information visit the ICOMOS GA & Symposium website.


2. [NEW ITEM] USC Indigenous Education Symposium & Our Shared History Seminar, 11-13 October 2017, Sunshine Coast

USC Indigenous Education Symposium & Our Shared History Seminar
11-13 October 2017
University of the Sunshine Coast

This is a free event hosted by the University of the Sunshine Coast and includes:

  • Our Shared History Seminar: Patterns of Dispossession and the Way Forward
  • Indigenous Education Symposium

For more information, download the USC Symposium & Seminar_Oct 2017 flyer.


3. [NEW ITEM] Government House Open Day, Sunday 15 October 2017, Perth

Bring your family and friends to the Government House Open Day on Sunday 15 October 2017, as part of Perth Heritage Days.

Experience the heritage-listed House, Grounds and Ballroom. Family friendly entertainment and activities and self-guided house tours available. Book a cellar or garden tour via the Perth Heritage Days website (where you will also find more events to consider!)

Visit the Government House website for more information.


4. [NEW ITEM] Yurlendj-nganjin Gathering, 20 November 2017, Deakin University Corporate Centre, Melbourne

You are invited to a gathering of Elders and representatives and Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander architects, planners and landscape architects, on Wurundjeri / Boon Wurrung Country, to review the need to position relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ecological and design and Country knowledge into the minds and design and plans of the next generation of architects, planners and landscape architects.

Welcome to Country: Aunty Di Kerr (Wurundjeri Elder; Chair: Native Title Services Victoria) + Aunty Carolyn Briggs (Boon Wurrung Elder; Boon Wurrung Foundation Inc.)

Opening: Professor Brenda Cherednichenko on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, in conjunction with Professor Liz Cameron, Dharug – Murra Murra

Chairs: Professor Mark Rose (Gunditjmara / LaTrobe University) and Associate Professor Sandy O’Sullivan (Wiradjuri / University of the Sunshine Coast)

Language: Woi wurrung of the Wurundjeri (courtesy of Mandy Nicholson); Boon Wurrung of the Boon Wurrung (with the consent of Aunty Fay Stewart-Muir).

Why: This is a special end deliverable event associated with the OLT Terra Nullius ID12-2814 – Re-casting terra nullius blindness project the Final Report of which the Commonwealth has e-published and is available at this link.

When: 9.00-5.00pm on Monday 20 November 2017. Please be early to respect the ‘Welcome to Country’ proceedings.

Where: Deakin University’s Corporate Centre in Tower 2, Level 12, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne [located in Collins Street two buildings west of the Southern Cross Railway Station].

Bookings: Yurlendj-nganjin (‘Everyone’s knowledge’)

Cost: Free

For more information, see the Yurlendj-nganjin flyer and listen to the oral invitation to this event (click on the >PLAY button).


5. [NEW ITEM] Intangible and invisible: Recognising intangible cultural heritage in place – NSC-ICH workshop, 20 October, Canberra – registration open

Intangible and invisible: Recognising intangible cultural heritage in place
Friday 20 October, 1.30pm-4.15pm
Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, Canberra

The Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH) invites you to join us for the launch of our new Practice Note and be part of a Workshop exploring some of the challenges in making intangible cultural heritage more visible in place-based heritage practice. Enjoy the ambient of Private Dining Room 1 at OPH, and afternoon tea together.

The workshop will be followed by a short NSC-ICH Annual General Meeting (4.15-4.50pm) where you can learn more about the NSC, nominate for the coordinating committee or a working group, become a member and more. All welcome.

Then join us and the Lake Burley Griffin Guardians Inc for drinks and a guided walk at West Basin on the north side of Lake Burley Griffin to look at some of the heritage values and threats to those values.

After the walk we look forward to seeing NSC-ICH members and friends for dinner.

Register now for this event
Cost: $20 per person (includes afternoon tea)

And stay tuned for more details about the program and speakers!


6. [NEW ITEM] Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 October 2017

Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall: Colonial medical scientist and medical activist
presented by Dr Carey Denholm and Prof Stefan Petrow

Dr Hall arrived in Van Diemen’s Land in 1833 and died in 1881. During this time he was the leading Catholic layman, physician within the convict service in eight locations, was a pioneer epidemiologist, nationally and internationally recognised proponent for immunisation and medical research, and active critic of the convict system. He was a prolific writer of many issues of the day to newspapers and appeared before tribunals and investigations. He regularly clashed with doctors, administrators, politicians and the clergy and demonstrated moral courage and passion in exposing the poor care of women and children at the Cascades Female Factory and the Queen’s Orphan Asylum. Dr Hall worked for a time at Saltwater River and Impression Bay. With the death of his son, Leventhorpe, in 1936 and none of the five daughters marrying, the family line died out. This presentation covers Hall’s remarkable life and his many contributions to Van Diemen’s Land.

Dr Carey Denholm AM is the former Professor and Dean of Graduate Research at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). After leaving UTAS in 2007 he held two professorial positions then returned to a private psychology practice with children and adolescents in Hobart. He is the author and co-author of a number of academic books and published works. Retirement afforded him the uninterrupted time required to work on this book with Professor Petrow.

Prof Stefan Petrow teaches and conducts research in the History and Classics discipline at UTAS. He has authored a number of books and has published numerous articles on Tasmanian history. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and serves on the Editorial Board of the Australian Dictionary of Biography.

When: Wednesday 25 October 2017 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site

For more information call (03) 6251 2324.

Download the ‘Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall’ flyer.

Please note that the authors will have signed copies of their publication on Dr Edward Swarbreck Hall for sale at the talk.


7. [NEW ITEM] Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee calls for new members

The City of Greater Bendigo is calling for new members for its Heritage Advisory Committee and we’d like you to consider joining!

Everyone is encouraged to apply.

The easiest way to apply is to go to the City of Greater Bendigo website and fill out the online form – there is also more information at this link. Alternatively, complete the HAC new ToR EOI Indiv Form 2017 to nominate yourself or the HAC new ToR EOI Org Rep Form 2017 to nominate a representative from your organisation.

The expressions of interest will close Friday 20 October.


8. [NEW ITEM] Historic Houses Association welcomes the Sirius building as part of their house network

The Historic Houses Association of Australia (HHA) is delighted to welcome the Save Our Sirius (SOS) Foundation as a new member. The SOS Foundation’s mission is to protect and promote one of Sydney’s most iconic brutalist architecture buildings, Sirius. The demolition threat on Sirius questions our definition of heritage and shows in a vivid way that heritage is not only a matter of the past.

The SOS Foundation and the HHA will arrange a tour of Sirius on 9 December. Further information about this special visit and up-coming activities with the HHA are in the current HHA newsletter.


9.[NEW ITEM] St Johns Anglican Church Precinct Camden

Members and readers may be interested in the campaign by the local community in Camden to ensure that decisions made about possible development in the vicinity of the Church Precinct respects the Precinct’s heritage values. 


10. [NEW ITEM] New Holland Consort performance at York Courthouse, 15 October, York, WA

On 15 October, New Holland Consort will be performing Telemann and Bach in the York Courthouse as part of the York Festival. This is the first time the old courtroom will host a musical performance.

Tickets can be purchased from Eventbrite.

Download the York Court House Concert Poster.


11. [NEW ITEM] New book: John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture

Dr Anuradha Chatterjee (Anu) is an Australian-Indian academic, author, and designer based in Sydney, Australia. Anu’s book John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture (ISBN-10: 1472449436 ISBN-13: 978-1472449436) is published by Routledge (Taylor and Francis). The book has been funded by two grants from the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, and the Stones of Venice grant from the Ruskin Library, Lancaster University. It can be purchased from here.

Anu is currently working as a Senior Architectural Researcher & Heritage Advisor at Cracknell & Lonergan Architects in Sydney. The book is of interest to architects, heritage conservationists, designers, textile and fashion designers, as well as scholars of architectural theory and history and cultural studies. It provides an alternative context for topics like restoration, craft, ornament, surface, eclecticism, representation, flatness and tectonics.


12. [NEW ITEM] Second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship 2017/18 – applications open

Since mid-2005, the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) and South Australian Heritage Council (SAHC) have funded a South Australian Built Heritage Research Fellowship at the Architecture Museum, School of Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia.

In 2009-10, DEWNR and the SAHC funded the first Sustainability and Adaptive Re-use Fellowship exploring the sustainability benefits of the adaptive re-use of heritage listed buildings.

The Fellowship expanded the aims of the SA Built Heritage Research Fellowship to include research that promotes benefits of conservation and adaption of heritage listed buildings in terms of physical, social and economic sustainability.

The second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship is now open for applications. Its focus is: ‘Carbon Credit Schemes and State Heritage Places’.

If you are interested in applying for the second Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse Fellowship, please refer to the DEWNR Sustainability and Adaptive Re-use Fellowship 2017-18 Information and Guidelines and Application form.

Applications close on Friday 3 November 2017 and should be emailed to the Architecture Museum, University of South Australia.


13. [NEW ITEM] Information Request to Assist a Project on the Significance Assessment of Early Colonial Buildings in Tasmania

Anne McConnell (TAS) and Mary Knaggs (NSW) are currently undertaking a consultancy project for Heritage Tasmania in relation to early colonial buildings. The specific project scope is to look at improving the assessment of the significance of early colonial buildings and primarily residential buildings, for the Tasmanian Heritage Register.

The study is a methodological study that is aimed at providing Heritage Tasmania with finer grained assessment tools for the inclusion of such places on the Tasmanian Heritage Register. The project will examine assessment under each criteria for listing (ie. is important at the state level for historical, scientific, technical, rarity, representative, social, associational or aesthetic reasons), and has also been asked to provide advice on how rarity, integrity and the grouping of early colonial buildings affect their significance, hence their assessment and inclusion on the Heritage Register.

Our research to date indicates there are few similar methodological studies relating to early colonial period places or other period residences in Australia, or detailed recent studies of the types or significance of early colonial buildings that might assist us. We suspect there are such studies out there in the grey literature, therefore we are very interested in hearing of such studies.

If you are aware of such studies, or have undertaken such studies and are happy to share this information, please contact Anne McConnell by email.


14. SS Macumba to be declared historic shipwreck – The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP and The Hon Dan Tehan MP media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP and The Hon. Dan Tehan MP, dated 5 October 2017.

The Turnbull Government today welcomed the discovery of the wreck of SS Macumba, sunk during the Second World War by Japanese air attack in the Arafura Sea north-east of Darwin.

Minister for the Environment and Energy, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, commended the CSIRO and the Northern Territory Government for their joint efforts in finding this crucial missing piece in the story of Australia’s war against Japan.

“Seventy-four years have passed since the merchant ship Macumba left Sydney, carrying supplies for Darwin. It never arrived, with two Japanese floatplanes bombing the vessel on 6 August 1943, resulting in the loss of three lives,” Minister Frydenberg said.

“Time has not dimmed our memories of the event. This shipwreck site remains as significant as ever to our history and I want to give it full protection under Australia’s Historic Shipwrecks Act. This will help prevent any damage, interference, removal or destruction of the Macumba shipwreck or its associated relics.

“Once this declaration is made, I hope current and future generations will be able to explore and learn from this physical reminder of Australia’s role in the war in the Pacific.”

Minister Tehan said the discovery of the SS Macumba was an opportunity to reflect on the service and sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women.

“The crew of the SS Macumba were serving their country on that fateful day their ship was attacked and sunk,” Minister Tehan said.

“Three crew members were killed as a result of that attack and the discovery of the Macumba’s wreck is an opportunity for Australians to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by those defending our country.

“The wreckage of the Macumba will now become a part of our military history and it is correct and proper for the Government to seek its protection under Australia’s Historic Shipwrecks Act.”


15. [NEW ITEM] Exclusive Masterclasses: The Royal Collectors with Oliver Everett, various dates, Melbourne

Oliver Everett is Librarian Emeritus of the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. He was Librarian there and Assistant Keeper of the Royal Archives from 1985 to 2002. He wrote articles on the Royal Library, helped with several books on the Royal Collection, wrote the official guidebook on Windsor Castle, taught a history course on the Castle and advised on a television series on it.

Dates & Subjects of Masterclasses

BUCKINGHAM PALACE | its history, occupants and contents
Tuesday 24 October 2017 | 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

KING GEORGE III | ‘the most cultured monarch’, art collector, friend of America and family man
Thursday 26 October 2017 | 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

KING GEORGE IV | The greatest royal collector of art
Tuesday 31 October 2017 | 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

QUEEN VICTORIA & PRINCE ALBERT | Patrons of the arts and art collectors
Wednesday 1 November 2017 | 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

For more information and to book, visit the The Johnston Collection website.


16. [NEW ISSUE] News from the MoAD @ Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.


17. [NEW ISSUE] Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden – What’s On

To read what’s on at the Duldig Studio Museum & Sculpture Garden, click on this link.


18. [NEW ISSUE] News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


19. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


20. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program (Victoria): Getting Involved in Professional Organizations in Cultural Heritage – Thursday, 19 October, 6.30pm, University of Melbourne

All Victorian early career professionals and cultural heritage students are invited to attend this event, which will conclude the Australia ICOMOS VIC mentoring program for 2017.

We are inviting a range of professional organisations to come (including Australia ICOMOS of course!) – so this is a great place to understand how they work, and to consider your involvement, meet people and generally expand your networks.

The event is generously supported by the University of Melbourne – so, come to the Japanese Room in the Melbourne School of Design from 6.30pm. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided. Learn more about the fabulous Japanese Room. The Melbourne School of Design is in the centre of the Parkville campus. Just start walking from any entrance, and you will find it (with the help of University way-finding signs).

So that we have some idea of catering requirements, please RSVP to Kristal Buckley by email by 13 October 2017.

Please join us!


21. Deadline extended for Deakin’s DUAL AWARD program

Expressions of Interest will be accepted until 13 October 2017 for Deakin’s unique dual award program. This program enables a small group of students to undertake studies in Melbourne and Germany toward two Masters qualifications simultaneously: the Deakin Master of Cultural Heritage and the highly-esteemed Master of World Heritage Studies at BTU-Cottbus in Germany.

To join our 4th dual award cohort in March, please apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage, and also send an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email. For further information including how to apply, see our blog.


22. Regenerating Places of Faith conference, 30 October 2017, Adelaide



Regenerating Places of Faith – 30 October 2017
Clayton Wesley Church, The Parade/Portrush Rd corner, Beulah Park

South Australia has many historic church buildings, a significant part of our cultural identity. These Places of Faith have served their congregations and communities well over many decades. Today, many ageing and shrinking congregations are facing challenges to maintain their historic Places of Faith. The ‘Regenerating Places of Faith’ conference on Monday 30 October 2017 will explore how congregations can be strengthened and church buildings revitalised, by developing partnerships with other community groups and local businesses, to restore and adapt historic church buildings for both worship and other complementary uses – as innovative places that enable communities to flourish.

Visit the National Trust South Australia website to check for details of the event and bookings.

You can also review the event’s Facebook page by going to Facebook and typing ‘regenerating places of faith’.


23. State of the Environment 2016 Presentation, 21 October, Canberra

The fifth edition of Australia’s State of the Environment Report shows Australia has made significant gains in improving our environment, but there is still work to do. Australia’s heritage remains vulnerable to both natural and human threats.

Hosted by the Museum of Australian Democracy in collaboration with Australia ICOMOS and GML Heritage. The presentation will be made by Professor Richard Mackay AM, M.ICOMOS.

For more information and RSVP details, see the State of the Environment 2016 Presentation-invitation.


24. Information Sessions: Heritage Act 2017 and Living Heritage Grants – October 2017, various locations

The Heritage Act 2017 commences operation on 1 November 2017 and introduces new streamlined processes and enforcement tools to ensure Victoria’s significant heritage places and objects are appropriately protected into the future.

The Victorian Government is also providing grant funding through the Living Heritage grants program, to protect heritage places and objects included in the Victoria Heritage Register that are considered to be ‘at risk’. The program has delivered two funding rounds to date and is supporting the conservation and activation of a diverse range of heritage places and objects across Victoria.

Information session are being run to assist stakeholders and members of the public to understand what changes are being introduced through the Heritage Act 2017 and what opportunities there are to apply for future heritage grant funding.

Presenters will include representatives from both Heritage Victoria and the Heritage Council of Victoria.

The sessions will run as below and participants must RSVP to secure a place – RSVP to the Heritage Act Review Team by email in accordance with the dates below stating your name, any organisation that you represent and the total number of places being reserved.

If there are particular aspects of either the new Heritage Act or the Living Heritage Grants program that you would like to see addressed in the presentations, you are welcome to highlight these in your RSVP.

Melbourne: 16 October 2017, 10:30-12:30 am
College of Surgeons, 250-290 Spring Street, East Melbourne
RSVP by: 12 October 2017

Bendigo: 18 October 2017, 1:00-3:00 pm
La Trobe Art Institute, 121 View Street, Bendigo
RSVP by: 13 October 2017

Geelong: 23 October 2017, 10:30-12:30 am
Library – Wurdi Youang South Room, 51 Little Malop Street, Geelong
RSVP by: 19 October 2017


25. Aboriginal cultural heritage reforms: public consultation open & an invitation to attend public information sessions (NSW)

The NSW Government is reforming the way Aboriginal cultural heritage is conserved and managed in New South Wales. We are seeking your feedback to help refine the proposed new legal framework. The three-month consultation period is now open and will run from 11 September to 18 December 2017.

Consultation will consist of a series of public information sessions and workshops to explain and seek feedback on the proposed new framework. You are invited to review information about the reforms proposals and register to attend an information session and workshop in your area.

The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) website provides a range of materials to assist you to understand the proposed new system and to provide feedback. These materials include:

  • short introductory videos
  • a Proposal Paper
  • Yarn Up Handbook
  • Frequently asked questions

We will also be holding the following public events:

  • information sessions at 19 locations around the state – for people to hear what is being proposed and to ask questions
  • workshops at the same locations a month later – for people to discuss issues and provide feedback on key areas of interest
  • webinars for people that are not able to attend an information session and for regular users of the system

Information about the reforms and how to register for an information session, workshop or webinar can be found on the reforms website. The Aboriginal-cultural-heritage-proposed-legal-framework flyer also identifies the locations, times and dates of these sessions.

If you have any questions, or if there is anything the OEH can do to help you or your organisation to engage during the coming consultation period, please either call 131 555 or email the reforms mailbox.


26. Talk on Brisbane Customs House, 19 October, Brisbane

Australia ICOMOS invites you to a talk on Brisbane Customs House

Since 1994, the former Brisbane Customs House has been the city presence of the University of Queensland. Dr Robert Riddel will talk about how this city landmark was conserved and adapted for its new use as well as the ongoing management of the venue’s heritage values.

Dr Robert Riddel was the Founding Director of Riddel Architecture before his practice joined with Conrad Gargett Architecture. He is now a Principal of Conrad Gargett with expertise in contemporary design, the adaptive reuse of existing buildings and heritage conservation. Robert has taught history and tutored in design studios at QUT and University of Queensland. He completed his PhD (2008) in architectural history at The University of Queensland where he is currently an Adjunct Professor. He has authored Conservation Management Plans for Australian Parliament House and the Queensland Cultural Centre, Southbank. Robert has been a member of Brisbane City Council’s Independent Design Advisory Panel, the AIA National Heritage Taskforce, is a former Queensland Heritage Council Member and is currently a member of the Minister’s Heritage Working Group.

When: 19 October, 5.45 access for a 6pm start
Where: Conrad Gargett Offices, 26th floor, 240 Queen St (access via Queen street lifts)

This is a free event, and will include drinks and nibbles following the talk.

There is also an open invitation for us to have dinner together in the Brasserie at Customs House (at your own expense).

Please RSVP to Matt Whincop by email by 13 October for catering purposes.


27. “Sydney’s Émigré Designers”, talk, Sydney, 20 October

The Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW & ACT Inc, in association with The Art Deco & Modernism Society of NSW & ACT Inc, invite you to “Sydney’s Émigré Designers”.

Immigration associated with the mass displacement of Europeans during World War II saw the numbers of Australians of European descent rise from around 1% in the 1930s to more than 10% by the 1960s. The impact of this cultural shift in food and lifestyle is often celebrated. But what about design? Rebecca Hawcroft will reveal the significant numbers of skilled European architects that came to Sydney in the pre and post-war years, their varied careers, the obstacles they faced and the impact they had on bringing modern design to Sydney. Catriona Quinn will look at the furniture in terms of the wider modernist designers working in that period.

Date: Friday 20 October
Time: 6:15 for 6:30pm SHARP
Venue: Auditorium at the rear of “Tusculum”, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point
Cost: C20th / Art Deco & Modernism / AIA Members: $20 pp; Non Members: $25 pp; Senior/Student/Disability & Disadvantaged concessions $15 pp (please provide details)

For more information and booking options, see the ‘Sydney’s Émigré Designers’ flyer.


28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, EMM Consulting, Sydney

EMM Consulting is an environmental consultancy with a multidisciplinary team of specialists. We are looking for a mid-level heritage consultant with experience in Aboriginal cultural heritage management. There will be opportunities to work on historical heritage projects as well.

For more information, read the Heritage Consultant_SYD_Sept 2017 position description.

If you believe that you meet the requirements as stated in the above document, please submit your application via email quoting reference “Heritage SYD 0917”. To have your application considered it MUST INCLUDE a tailored covering letter, CV and a copy of your qualifications/transcripts. Applications to be forwarded by COB 6 October 2017.


29. SITUATION WANTED Myanmar architect looking for work opportunity in regional Queensland

Ms Punn Ei NGON is an architect from Myanmar with 8 years’ experience (5 years’ experience in Singapore and 3 years’ in Myanmar). She is currently working in Singapore. She can be contacted by email or via phone (+65 93740945; +65 90554903 – Singapore). Her career history includes Architectural Coordinator Cum BIM Drafter for various projects in Singapore. She is fluent in English and Burmese. She is looking for work in Queensland – anywhere except Gold Coast and Brisbane as she has a 489 Regional Visa. She can do architectural design, drafting, coordination, documentation, Auto, Revit, BIM, as well as project and contract management, QS, estimation.

She is interested in heritage work as well as architecture and construction industry. If anyone would like to see her Curriculum Vitae they can contact her directly or Dr Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy (M.ICOMOS) has a copy for circulation – email Susan.


30. TENDER OPPORTUNITY Wadjemup Aboriginal Burial Ground Project


Request for Tender – Wadjemup Aboriginal Burial Ground Project

The area now known as the Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) Aboriginal Burial Ground is a very significant place for the Aboriginal people of Western Australia. The site contains the remains of Aboriginal men and boys incarcerated on Rottnest Island during the Island’s use as an Aboriginal prion from 1838-1904, and subsequent forced labour camp for Aboriginal prisoners during the years following until 1931.

It is estimated that at least 370 of the approximately 4,000 men and boys who were imprisoned on the Island are buried at this site in unmarked graves.

In 2005-06, the Rottnest Island Authority (RIA) engaged a consultant to meet with Aboriginal community representatives throughout the Western Australian to determine how the community would like to see the burial ground recognised and conserved. From this consultation process a Concept Plan was developed that informs a three-phase conservation project.

Phase One, implemented in 2015, involved the removal of intrusive infrastructure; construction of a pathway around the perimeter and basic interpretation at the main entrance.

Phase Two will involve consultation with the Aboriginal community, development of a cohesive landscape and interpretation design and implementation of the works.

The Rottnest Foundation advertised a Request for Tender for the first part of Phase Two in The West Australian newspaper on 9 September 2017 and on their website. Details of who to contact for more information will be included in these advertisements.

Phase Three (yet to be funded) will involve commissioning Western Australian Aboriginal artists to design artworks that will be installed at the Burial Ground to represent the Aboriginal men and boys that lie buried at the site.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
