[NEW ITEM] Applications now open! Community Sustainability Action grants – Round 2 Heritage Conservation
[NEW ITEM] Community Green: Rediscovering the Garden Suburb Tradition of Local Open Space – talk, Melbourne, 14 June
[NEW ITEM] Call for Expressions of Interest for the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group
[NEW ITEM] Call for New Members for the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group
[NEW ITEM] ‘Diaolou Towers of Southern China and their Australian links’ talk, 16 June, Sydney
[NEW ITEM] AACAI NSW & ACT Wine, Cheese & Chat, 9 June, Sydney
[NEW ITEM] Museum Australia (Victoria) event, 13 June, Heide Museum of Modern Art
[NEW ITEM] University of Queensland Fryer Library event, 31 May
[NEW ITEM] Museum Australia (Victoria) event, 16 June, NGV International
[NEW ITEM] University of Queensland Library event, 10 June
[NEW ITEM] Built Heritage Tourism Forum, 25-26 August 2017, Longford, Tasmania
[NEW ITEM] Australian War Memorial’s first musical artist in residence – Australian War Memorial media release
[NEW ITEM] Call for Papers: Change Over Time (Fall 2018 issue)
[NEW ITEM] Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Finland, 27-29 September 2017 – meet the speakers
[NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 31 May
DOCOMOMO Victoria Talks and Round-Table Discussion Night, 7 June
CHASS 2017 Australia Prizes – nominations open
Change Over Time – call for papers (Spring 2018 issue)
Haunting, Memory and Place: 21-22 September 2017, Melbourne School Of Design, University of Melbourne
Call for Expressions of Interest – ATCH 2018 Visiting Fellows Program
Funding grants for women’s leadership development – deadline extended
Symposium announcement: (ir)replaceable—a discussion about heritage, conservation and future-making, University of Canberra, 21 June 2017
Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – call for applications
[NEW] SITUATION VACANT Community Advocate, National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
SITUATION VACANT Director-General, ICCROM, Italy
PANEL OPPORTUNITY South Australian Design Review Program
CONSULTANCY OPPORTUNITY Significance of Early Colonial Buildings, Tasmanian Heritage Council
SITUATION VACANT Project Architect, Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects, Melbourne
1. [NEW ITEM] Applications now open! Community Sustainability Action grants – Round 2 Heritage Conservation
Round 2 – Heritage Conservation of the Queensland Government’s Community Sustainability Action grants is now open for funding.
Grants of up to $50,000 are available for projects which seek to conserve and restore Queensland’s heritage-listed sites. Grants of up to $15,000 are also available for the preparation of new, or review of existing Conservation Management Plans.
Activities funded under the grant program may include urgent repair works, roofing, stumping, painting, point work and other similar repair works.
To receive funding, the site must be registered on the Queensland Heritage Register or on a local government heritage register.
Funding will be provided to individual owners of heritage-listed sites and organisations that are responsible for managing the sites.
Funding will also be provided to Local Government Agencies identified under Category 1 of the Remuneration Schedule of the Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal Report 2016.
Applications close 4:00pm, 20 June 2017.
More information about the grant program, including program guidelines and the application form can be found on the Queensland Government website.
For more information, email the Community Sustainability Action grants team.
2. [NEW ITEM] Community Green: Rediscovering the Garden Suburb Tradition of Local Open Space – talk, Melbourne, 14 June
Community Green: Rediscovering the Garden Suburb Tradition of Local Open Space
Presented by Robert Freestone, Professor of Planning, UNSW Sydney
Where: Malaysia Theatre, Melbourne School of Design Building, University of Melbourne
When: Wednesday 14 June, 12:30-2:30pm
Register here (free of charge)
The planned provision of small enclosed open spaces in residential communities dates from the heyday of the global garden city and suburb movement at the turn of the last century. Progressive reformers at that time left a legacy of internal parks which have enjoyed mixed fortunes, but the idea continues to resurface in contemporary housing developments.
These spaces thus have a past, a present and a future presenting both challenges and opportunities for local communities and municipal authorities concerned with advancing goals of livability, sustainability and productivity in suburban areas.
This presentation aims to help resuscitate such secretive reserves from history as not only a distinctive small park morphology with as heritage in their own right but one whose problems and potentialities are relevant to many other green community spaces. In so doing new connections are opened up between the past and the future, localism and globalism, and connecting local collective action to broader global challenges of cohesion, health, food, and climate change.
Rob Freestone is currently a visiting professor in the Melbourne School of Design where he is working on various collaborative research projects, including with Dr David Nichols (MSD) on the history of the garden suburb.
3. [NEW ITEM] Call for Expressions of Interest for the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Planning Working Group
The Heritage Planning Working Group is a newly formed Australia ICOMOS Working Group. The need for such a group was noted by the Executive Committee in 2016 given the extensive statutory planning changes occurring throughout Australia at present, much of which has significant potential impacts for cultural heritage. The purpose of the Group is to examine planning policy and provisions and current proposed changes to this across Australia in relation to cultural heritage and its conservation; and to identify issues for heritage conservation as well as actions that could be taken by Australia ICOMOS alone, or in partnership, to address or mitigate identified issues.
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is looking for members for this new group. Members of the Working Group will need to have expertise and experience with cultural heritage planning, however they do not need to be practising planners. We are also looking for broad Australian representation in the Working Group.
If you are interested in being part of this Working Group, please complete the Heritage Planning Working Group EOI – May 2017 form and email it to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. The closing date for EOIs is the 30 June 2017.
If you have any queries in relation to the working Group please contact Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee member, Anne McConnell by email.
4. [NEW ITEM] Call for New Members for the Australia ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Reference Group
The purpose of the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group is to provide advice as needed to the President and the Executive Committee on any issues that arise in relation to the conservation of Indigenous cultural heritage. Issues may relate to specific sites as in the case of Indigenous issues in World Heritage Monitoring Missions or ‘framework’ issues as in the case of preparing submissions on legislation reform.
This reference group, initially a Working Group, has existed since 1998. The Group does not hold regular meetings, but is called into action as issues arise. Members are required to have high level qualifications and/or experience in Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage.
The Indigenous Heritage Reference Group currently has eight members, but in line with Australia ICOMOS policy, the Group is seeking to refresh its membership. We are therefore interested to hear from Australia ICOMOS members who are interested in becoming new members of the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group. Please note that members will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and experience.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group please email an EOI to the Convenor, Anne McConnell. The closing date for EOIs is the 30 June 2017.
For more information on the Indigenous Heritage Reference Group or Australia ICOMOS Reference Groups and other groups and committees more generally click here.
5. [NEW ITEM] ‘Diaolou Towers of Southern China and their Australian links’ talk, 16 June, Sydney
The State Library of NSW Foundation, in collaboration with the, Chinese Australian Historical Society Inc, invite you to the forthcoming lecture ‘The UNESCO World Heritage Diaolou Towers of Southern China and their Australian links’ being presented by Associate Professor Dr Jin Hua Tan, on Friday 16 June at the Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW at 6pm.
For more information, see the Diaolou Towers of Southern China flyer.
6. [NEW ITEM] AACAI NSW & ACT Wine, Cheese & Chat, 9 June, Sydney
Date & Time: Friday 9 June, 6.00pm
Venue: The Big Dig Centre YHA, The Rocks, Sydney
Topic: Digital Archaeology
AACAI (Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists) NSW/ACT are pleased to invite you to this event.
Cost: Members FREE, Non-members & Student $10 (pay at the door)
Queries/RSVP: to Michelle by email
For more information, see the AACAI NSW-ACT Wine and Cheese June 2017 flyer.
7. [NEW ITEM] Museum Australia (Victoria) event, 13 June, Heide Museum of Modern Art
Masterclass: 101 Legal Things Every Museum Worker Needs to Know
Facilitated by Ian McDonald, Special Counsel, Simpsons Solicitors, this masterclass will cover a number of the legal and ethical issues that museums face from time to time – governance, philanthropy, conflicts issues and other miscellaneous risks (such as defamation). How such issues are approached – and what risk management strategies are adopted – will depend in large part on the nature and ethos of the particular museum, including its legal structure. This masterclass will give museum workers a chance to review and consider such issues, including as they arise in an age of social media and unrelenting news cycles.
Date: Tuesday 13 June
Time: 10am – 4:30pm
Venue: Heide Museum of Modern Art
Cost: Members $160, Non Members $220
> Book now to secure your place
8. [NEW ITEM] University of Queensland Fryer Library event, 31 May
The University of Queensland Library invites you to Behind the Scenes: Digitising the Fryer Library and Anthropology Museum.
Visit the Library’s Centre for Digital Scholarship and find out about 3D scanning using a carving from the Great Court, hear from digitisation staff about what’s inside UQ sculptor, Rhyl Hinwood’s collection and then have a guided tour of the Great Court.
The Anthropology Museum will give you an overview of the innovative learning and teaching experiences they provide to students and researchers. This includes conservation techniques, digitisation of the photography collection, plus a special tour of the Museum Store.
Date: Wednesday 31 May
Time: 8.30am – 12.30pm (includes Morning Tea)
Location: Alumni Relations Centre, Level 1, JD Story Building (61), St Lucia Campus
RSVP: by email to UQ or on (07) 3346 3166.
More information about parking on campus is available online.
9. [NEW ITEM] Museum Australia (Victoria) event, 16 June, NGV International
Exhibition Viewing: Van Gogh and the Seasons
The National Gallery of Victoria, in partnership with Art Exhibitions Australia, presents Van Gogh and the Seasons as part of the 2017 Melbourne Winter Masterpieces series. Share a drink and canapés with colleagues and hear a special introductory lecture by Michele Stockley, Senior Educator, NGV. Then enjoy this major international exhibition, and stay on for the special Friday night entertainment (included in the price). Organised in partnership with the Museums Australia Education Network Victoria (ENVi).
Date: Friday 16 June
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Venue: NGV International
Cost: $50
> Book now to secure your place
10. [NEW ITEM] University of Queensland Library event, 10 June
The University of Queensland Library invites you to a celebration of 50 years of Friendship with Alumni Friends. Please join us for morning tea and a viewing of Fryer Library materials acquired through their advocacy and generosity.
Over the last 50 years Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc has been crucial in building the collection of the UQ Library, especially the Fryer Library.
Alumni Friends were instrumental in acquiring the collections of Raphael Cilento, Dick Roughsey and Percy Trezise, David Malouf, Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker), Thea Astley, Janette Turner-Hospital and many more unique and rare resources.
Date: Saturday 10 June
Time: 10am
Location: Fryer Library, Level 4, Duhig Tower (2), UQ, St Lucia
RSVP: register here or (07) 3365 6362; this event is free of charge
Please note that all parking on the St Lucia campus on the weekend is free.
11. [NEW ITEM] Built Heritage Tourism Forum, 25-26 August 2017, Longford, Tasmania
Built Heritage Tourism Forum
25-26 August 2017
Longford, Tasmania
The Built Heritage Tourism Forum is in response to the Legislative Council’s Inquiry which identified a need for the heritage tourism sector of Tasmania to work together to optimise outcomes for the sector and the Tasmanian economy in general.
For more information, open the links below.
12. [NEW ITEM] Australian War Memorial’s first musical artist in residence – Australian War Memorial media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Australian War Memorial, dated 23 May 2017.
Musician Chris Latham has been appointed the Australian War Memorial’s first ever musical artist in residence, to last until 2021.
During his residency Mr Latham will research the Memorial’s music collection and identify, arrange, and record music with accompanying contextual material that reflects on Australia’s war, operational service, and home front experiences. He will focus on the First World War, Second World War, and the Vietnam War, in that order.
Memorial Director Dr Brendan Nelson said he was excited to have a composer of Mr Latham’s quality leading this ground-breaking project.
“One of the ways we tell stories at the Memorial is through our collection, which many may not know includes a large range of music written during or about dire periods in our history,” Dr Nelson said.
“To have Chris join the Memorial as our first ever musical Artist in Residence is an opportunity to bring these pieces of music to life in a way we’ve never done before.”
Throughout his tenure, Mr Latham will give sound to the Memorial’s growing collection of sheet music, which currently includes more than 900 titles, some written by servicemen and women and some by iconic composers and lyricists.
Mr Latham will also contribute to a full concert work, entitled The diggers’ requiem, with music from Australian composers accompanied by paintings and photographs from the Memorial’s collection. This facet of the project is being made possible through a partnership with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund.
The resulting work will be performed in Amiens, France, on 23 April 2018, and on 5 October 2018 in Canberra, with performances to follow in Sydney and Adelaide.
Latham said he wants to give a human face to the tragedy of war to allow people to make sense of the enormity of the losses endured.
“Hearing 60,000 bells at the end of The diggers’ requiem, one for every Australian death in the First World War, will make the scale of the loss very real,” Mr Latham said.
“I am also really looking forward to the 100 songs project, in which we will record 100 notable songs sung and performed during the First World War, and people will be able to download these from the Memorial’s website.”
“Music played such an important role in helping people express their grief,” he said, “and sustaining them throughout these wars.”
13. [NEW ITEM] Call for Papers: Change Over Time (Fall 2018 issue)
Change Over Time is a semi-annual journal publishing original articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built environment. Each issue is dedicated to a particular theme as a method to promote critical discourse on contemporary conservation issues from multiple perspectives both within the field and across disciplines. Themes are examined at all scales, from the global and regional to the microscopic and material.
Gentrification and Heritage Conservation | Fall 2018
Guest Editors: Caroline Cheong and Kecia Fong
The term gentrification is used to describe both a process and outcome of physical, socioeconomic, and demographic neighborhood change. Its association with the displacement of low-income households by wealthier ones has overshadowed more nuanced understandings of the relationship between the historic built environment, conservation, and gentrification. This issue seeks to address this under-examined intersection. According to Rose (2001), neighborhoods with a high likelihood for gentrifying exhibit five key attributes: 1) a high percentage of renters; 2) easy access to the central business district; 3) location within a region of increasing metropolitan density; 4) high architectural value; and 5) relatively low housing values. In this schema, urban conservation is commonly considered to be a precursor to gentrification, particularly in distressed historic areas (Smith 1998; Glaser 2010).
Glaeser, Edward. (2010). Preservation Follies. City Journal, 20(2).
Rose, Kalima. (2001). Beyond Gentrification: Tools for Equitable Development. Shelterforce Online (May/June 2001).
Smith, Neil. (1986). Gentrification, the frontier, and the restructuring of urban space. In N. Smith & P. Williams (Eds.), Gentrification of the City (pp. 15-39). Boston: Allen & Unwin.
Gentrification drivers span from market trends to government-sponsored initiatives. In a market-led context, undervalued historic neighborhoods contain desirable attributes for incoming households, not least of which is the sense of place and continuity inherent within the historic built environment. In public scenarios, governments explicitly target historic neighborhoods for regeneration. In nearly all cases, existing, usually low or middle income households, face potential displacement. While gentrification has received ample scholarly attention, its occurrence in historic areas – and its interaction with heritage – is less thoroughly documented. This issue interrogates the relationship, past and present, between gentrification and heritage conservation. It does so by exploring questions related to heritage conservation in changing neighborhoods such as: Are historic neighborhoods necessarily targets for gentrification? What are the challenges and opportunities facing these areas, or those that are presently or have already undergone such processes? What other, more inclusive scenarios exist wherein urban conservation serves as a vehicle for neighborhood preservation? How can historians, conservation professionals, planners, and others allow for the concomitant retention of heritage and regeneration values? What variables are required in negotiating this balance? Who are the primary stakeholders and what roles do they play in the process of neighborhood change?
We welcome contributions from US and international contexts on a range of topics: researching and documenting place-based gentrification in historic contexts; exploring rural, urban, and suburban gentrification and conservation dynamics; equity issues related to changing historic areas; and solutions for managing neighborhood change in historic areas. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, case studies, theoretical explorations, and evaluations of current practices or policy programs.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due by 1 July 2017. Authors will be notified of provisional paper acceptance by 10 July 2017. Final manuscript submissions will be due early November 2017.
14. [NEW ITEM] Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Finland, 27-29 September 2017 – meet the speakers
Following the success of the conferences in Istanbul and Amsterdam, the University of Turku and Elgin & Co. are pleased to present the speakers at the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Conference 2017.
HTHIC2017 will take place in Pori, Finland, on 27-29 September.
The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conferences invite participants to explore aspects of preservation, (re-)presentation, promotion and profit (value creation) relevant to the leading question “How can tourism destinations succeed in attracting tourists while simultaneously engaging all stakeholders in contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?”
A special theme this year will be “Narratives for a World in Transition”.
For more information visit the conference website.
15. [NEW ISSUE] Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
16. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Wednesday 31 May
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar will be a presentation by Dr Linda Young (Deakin University), on “Is there a Museum in the House?”
Why and how do certain historic houses become museums? Dr Linda Young launches her new book Historic House Museums in the United States and the United Kingdom: A History with many strange, funny, embarrassing and inspiring stories about the museumisation of houses. Australia and NZ get a mention too.
Linda Young is Senior Lecturer in Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies at Deakin University, Australia.
Note: This event is part of the Australian Heritage Festival organised by the National Trust Australia.
Date: Wednesday 31 May 2017
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins St, Tower 2, Level 12
Venue Tip: Deakin’s new city centre campus is between Southern Cross Station and Docklands, on tram routes 11 and 48 (Stop D15). Entry is via Tower Two. The reception desk directs you to an escalator to a bank of lifts and Deakin Downtown is on Level 12.
Queries to Steven Cooke by email.
17. DOCOMOMO Victoria Talks and Round-Table Discussion Night, 7 June
Wednesday 7 June @ 6.00 pm
Boyd House, Walsh Street, South Yarra (Boyd Foundation)
Please join us for two short talks:
- Andrew Murray : “From Concrete to Quokkas: the work of Gus Ferguson”
- Giorgio Marfella: “Late 20th century skyscrapers: problems of memory, heritage and interpretation”
PLUS A round-table discussion and input on short-listing entries for the proposed edited book:
MODERN: Australian Modernism in architecture, landscape and design
All DOCOMOMO friends and members welcome (please distribute invite). Usual gold coin donation for drinks and nibbles.
RSVP: by email to Hannah Lewi
18. CHASS 2017 Australia Prizes – nominations open
The Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) invites nominations for their 2017 Australia Prizes.
The annual CHASS Australia Prizes are a great opportunity for the sector to showcase the excellent work being done in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) in Australia.
Kindly note nominations are currently open for four categories:
- Book: non-fiction – cash prize of $3,500 sponsored by Routledge >> 2017 CHASS Australia Book Prize
- Distinctive Work: an artistic performance, exhibition, film, television show, play, composition or practical contribution to Humanities/Arts/Social Sciences policy – cash prize of $3,500 sponsored by Routledge >> 2017 CHASS Australia Distinctive Work Prize
- Future Leader: an individual under 30 demonstrating leadership skills and potential in the Humanities/Arts/Social Sciences – cash prize of $2,000 sponsored by Future Leaders >> 2017 CHASS Australia Future Leader Prize
- Student: an essay, project or performance in any Humanities/Arts/Social Sciences area – $500 voucher sponsored by Co-Op >> 2017 CHASS Australia Student Prize
Terms and conditions apply, please refer linked flyers above and the CHASS website for more information. Download the 2017 CHASS Australia Prizes – Nominations Open flyer.
Nominations are open from anyone regardless of their years of training/study in the field, as long as the nominated work fits within the specified criteria.
Please note there is no nomination fee for any category, and self-nominations are welcome. Applications can be made online via the CHASS website.
This year, the Australia Prizes will be awarded on 10 October in Melbourne. If you’re interested, there are photos from last year’s event on the CHASS Facebook page and more information about past winners is available at this link.
Kindly note nominations will close at 5pm, 30 June 2017 and we strongly encourage applicants to apply early.
19. Change Over Time – call for papers (Spring 2018 issue)
Change Over Time – A Peer Reviewed Journal: Call For Papers
Design and the Historic Environment
Spring 2018
Guest Editor: Pamela W. Hawkes FAIA
Change is essential to sustaining heritage sites, enabling them to meet new uses and evolving expectations, goals, and requirements. Historic settings gain deeper meaning through thoughtful contemporary design, and contemporary design is enriched by rigorous dialogue with historic environs. These premises are fundamental to contemporary heritage planning yet remain highly controversial in the realms of both conservation and design.
Can preservation guidelines establish clear expectations without predicting design outcomes? How abstract can design references to the building or context be before they disrupt the integrity of the setting or meaning? This issue will explore strategies for design in historic contexts. We welcome submissions on a range of topics: analysing and documenting character-defining features of heritage settings, particularly those beyond the visual and two dimensional; regulations that promote sensitive yet organic growth and development of conservation areas; and critical analysis of design solutions for landscapes, buildings, neighbourhoods, and archaeological sites. Papers may include theoretical explorations, historical examples, or critiques of case studies.
Articles are generally restricted to 7,500 or fewer words (the approximate equivalent of thirty pages of double-spaced, twelve-point type) and may include up to ten images.
Shorter case studies emphasizing initial design responses and intent will also be considered to explore how designers approach the problem of historical context. See the author guidelines for full details or email Kecia Fong for further information.
Visit the Change Over Time website.
20. Haunting, Memory and Place: 21-22 September 2017, Melbourne School Of Design, University of Melbourne
We are currently inviting applications for the annual symposium of the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH), based within the Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne – more details on keynote speakers to follow.
Submit your abstract of no more than 500 words by 10 June 2017 to Dr Gareth Wilson by email. Successful applicants will be invited to present a 15 minute paper. Applications from early career researchers and PhD students are strongly encouraged.
About the Symposium
We are haunted, we architects and historians; seeking knowledge in ephemeral traces and altered landscapes. We become intimately bound by the ghosts that we chase through the archives, longing for understanding through fragments of the practices and projects that are left behind. We seek resonances in the space, buildings and objects of the past.
What of the spectres of history and geography that have haunted architecture’s production, and the dark shadows of influence and authority drawn between Europe and its colonies? And what of the architects we study; what reverberations of bankruptcy and inferior workmanship, self-doubts, critiques and unfulfilled visions are they plagued by?
Symposium Themes
We invite contributors to consider:
- Specular and spectral colonial comparisons.
- Knowledge lost and recovered, archives absent and exhumed.
- The ghosts of misadventure, forgotten rituals, routines and procedures, and lost opportunities.
- Multiple pasts, the incongruities and dissonances of history; unsettled abject and uncanny spaces, places and narratives.
- Recurrent apparitions of architectural figures, whether canonical or outlying, within history and practice.
- Writing, drawing and photography as vehicles for figuring architecture’s spectres.
- How particular architectural typologies, spaces or cities are haunted by confluences of fiction, myth, memory and popular culture, and acts of commemoration or desecration.
- The influence of the historic imagination in contemporary culture; its impact on our reverence of place and inhabitation, in the treatment of heritage fabric and ruins, and attempts to resuscitate and interpret through digital means.
- The pursuit of affect, reverberation and atmosphere in historical architectural sites.
It is intended that selected papers from this conference will be published in the format of an edited book or special edition journal.
Registration Fees
A fee of $50 will apply, to cover catering expenses.
Further information
For further details, please contact Gareth Wilson by email, ACAHUCH Research & Project Officer.
21. Call for Expressions of Interest – ATCH 2018 Visiting Fellows Program
The ATCH (Architecture Theory Criticism History) Research Centre invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the Visiting Fellows Program 2018. The program welcomes Expressions of Interest from scholars with varying levels of experience who are carrying out critical research in architecture.
ATCH is located within the School of Architecture at The University of Queensland (UQ), in Brisbane, Australia. The Centre supports innovative and interdisciplinary research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Architecture and its place within a larger history of ideas is a strong focus within the Centre. Bringing together Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Postgraduates and Academics from UQ’s School of Architecture, the centre offers a stimulating and rich environment for enquiry and debate. An active program of seminars, lectures, symposia, workshops and exhibitions is run throughout the year. For a full list of people, recent fellows and events please visit the ATCH website.
The Visiting Fellows Research Program supports short term residencies of one to three months for scholars to work on innovative research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Projects that overlap with the work of existing ATCH scholars will be favoured. The program welcomes applicants from all levels of academia but particularly encourages proposals from new and mid-career scholars. Visiting Fellowships are not open to postgraduate students.
The Visiting Fellows Research Program will provide a return airfare to Brisbane and a workspace within the centre. All Fellows will have access to UQ libraries, including the Fryer Library and Architecture and Music Library. Support for accommodation may also be available depending on the applicant’s financial circumstances.
Visiting Fellows will be required to present their research in progress in a public lecture, participate in seminars and conferences organised during their residency, and contribute to RHD events. Published outcomes of research undertaken during the Fellowship should acknowledge ATCH and the UQ School of Architecture.
While ATCH Visiting Fellows are solicited through EOIs, the Centre also directly invites Fellows to participate in the program.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted as a single PDF file and address the following items in this order:
- Name and contact details
- Title of Research Project
- Short Research Proposal including intended outcomes (500 words)
- Short Biography including details of qualifications and 2 recent publications (200 words)
- Citizenship & Employment Status. Will the applicant be on sabbatical during the course of the Fellowship?
- Is the project supported by other sources of funding?
- Is financial assistance for accommodation requested, and if so, on what grounds
- Preferred dates and duration of Fellowship in 2018
If the EOI proceeds to the second stage, the candidate will be invited to submit additional documentation, including:
- A short statement of relevance to ATCH Centre and existing members’ work
- Relation of the project to the applicant’s past and future research
- Two samples of published written work (journal articles, pieces of criticism, book chapter, chapter from a submitted PHD thesis)
- Name and contact details for 2 referees
Please note that the Australian Academic Year runs across two semesters from March to November with inter-semester breaks from late June to July and December to February.
EOIs should be submitted by email to Deborah van der Plaat by 1 July 2017. Candidates will be notified by 1 September 2017 if they have proceeded to the second stage.
For additional information please contact Centre Manager, Dr Deborah van der Plaat by email.
22. Funding grants for women’s leadership development – deadline extended
Women & Leadership Australia (WLA) is administering a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s humanities sector.
Women in the humanities sector are advised that a residual pool of scholarship funding is currently available to participate in a range of leadership development programs commencing in the second half of 2017. The funding batch has been provisioned for this financial year and must be awarded by June 30.
WLA has a vested interest in improving the health and diversity of the humanities industry, and our Charter recognises the important and positive role that women can contribute as a result of increased participation, particularly at senior/executive levels within organisations.
The fee support opportunity is not expected to be available in the foreseeable future once this funding window closes. At this stage, Expressions of Interest are being sourced until the extended deadline of 16 June 2017 via this link.
23. Symposium announcement: (ir)replaceable—a discussion about heritage, conservation and future-making, University of Canberra, 21 June 2017
(ir)replaceable—a discussion about heritage, conservation and future-making
Wednesday, 21 June, 2017
Ann Harding Conference Centre, University of Canberra
12.00-5.30pm, followed by drinks
Join Cornelius Holtorf, Professor of Archaeology, Linnaeus University and guest of the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra, and leading Australian heritage theorists and practitioners, to discuss what happens when conservation is envisioned as future-making rather than preservation. The symposium will commence with a presentation by Cornelius Holtorf in conversation with Denis Byrne, Senior Research Fellow, Western Sydney University – two of today’s most innovative and provocative heritage thinkers. Questions to be explored include:
- Is the past irreplaceable and non-renewable or renewed and remade through heritage conservation?
- What can we learn from reflecting on the history of heritage conservation?
- How have our current heritage practices and policies contributed to building a more just and sustainable society?
- What future risks and opportunities can be influenced by our policies and practices in the present?
We welcome further provocations on these topics, broadly interpreted, to build a constructive, collaborative agenda for the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS), in the lead up to the 2018 Heritage Across Borders Conference in Hangzhou, China. Confirmed provocateurs include Alice Gorman (Flinders University), Ian Travers (President, Australia ICOMOS), Tim Winter (President, ACHS) and Sheridan Burke (President, ICOMOS Advisory Committee; President, International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage).
Submit a provocation (see instructions below), come to join the discussion, or to listen and reflect on what the future of heritage might be. A full programme will be disseminated in early June. Online registration is now open.
Conveners: Tracy Ireland (University of Canberra) and Steve Brown (University of Sydney) (ACHS Aus/NZ Chapter Coordinators), in conjunction with Denis Byrne (Western Sydney University).
Details of our previous symposium ‘(in)significance’ can be found at this link.
How to submit a proposal for a provocation: a provocation will comprise a succinct (five-minute) presentation that raises an important current or future issue for heritage, contests, or offers an alternative perspective on an accepted component of heritage theory and/or practice.
The proposal should comprise a title, abstract (up to 200 words) and author(s) bio (up to 150 words) and be submitted by 31 May 2017 to both Tracy Ireland by email and Steve Brown by email.
Download the (ir)replaceable symposium flyer.
24. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – call for applications
The ITCILO (part of the UN system and training arm of International Labour Organisation) is launching a call for applications for the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, which will take place from 16 October 2017 to 12 October 2018.
The Master is designed by the University of Turin, the Politecnico di Torino and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), in collaboration with the UNESCO Cultural sector and World Heritage Centre and ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property).
The Programme provides a solid foundation in cultural economics, going through the value chain of cultural tangible and intangible resources. It explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse categories of heritage, enabling the monitoring of their effectiveness. It also puts emphasis on strategic management competencies and project management for UNESCO World Heritage Sites, other UNESCO designations and any kind of cultural resources.
The Master will take place from 16 October 2017 to 12 October 2018 and is divided into three major learning cycles:
- The first cycle will be conducted through a distance learning component that will start on 16 October 2017 and will end on 19 January 2018.
- The second cycle, from 22 January 2018 to 18 May 2018, is a face-to-face learning period that will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO. Class attendance is compulsory for the entire period.
- The third cycle, from 21 May 2018 to 12 October 2018, will be a research and study period during which the students are expected to finalize their final project.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2017.
For further information visit The International Training Centre website or email the Course Organisers.
25. [NEW] SITUATION VACANT Community Advocate, National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
Community Advocate, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Part Time (0.6 FTE)
An exciting opportunity exists to become part of Australia’s premier heritage and conservation organisation. This role, supporting the National Trust’s Advocacy Team, provides an opportunity to further your experience in the heritage field within a friendly multidisciplinary team working towards the identification, protection and celebration of our Aboriginal, built, and natural heritage. Closing date for applications is 2 June 2017, however applications may close earlier if a suitable candidate has been sourced.
For more information on this position and other opportunities, visit the National Trust website. To submit your application in strict confidence, please send a PDF expression of interest and CV to Emily via email.
26. SITUATION VACANT Director-General, ICCROM, Italy
Director-General for the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)
Grade: D2 (United Nations Compensation and Classification Scale)
Type of contract: Fixed Term
Maximum duration of contract: 6 years
Starting date: January 2018
ICCROM is looking for a new Director-General (DG). The DG will report to the ICCROM Council and will lead approx. 40 multinational staff from its headquarters in Rome.
As our new DG you will demonstrate strong transformative capacity to shape ICCROM for the future; increasing its impact and visibility by delivering state of the art training programs, advocacy and dissemination of knowledge to member states and heritage communities.
You will focus on world concerns for cultural heritage, promoting effective disaster risk management strategies in situations of conflict, providing innovative effective responses to emerging issues and pioneering new approaches to the conservation of cultural heritage.
More information about this opportunity is available at the ICCROM website.
Applications close 25 June 2017 at 12:00 noon (CET).
27. PANEL OPPORTUNITY South Australian Design Review Program
Are you passionate about good design in South Australia?
Are you a strong, clear and confident communicator with experience reviewing significant construction projects?
The South Australian Design Review Program is seeking new members for its Design Review Panel.
Since the Design Review program was established in 2011, 350 design reviews have been undertaken of over 120 significant projects throughout South Australia, with a total value of $4.5 billion.
The Design Review Panel assists the Government Architect in delivering independent design advice to the Development Assessment Commission, informed by all aspects of best practice urban design.
The Office for Design and Architecture South Australia is seeking applications from all sectors of the design community to join the existing Design Review Panel, particularly professionals with experience within the fields of urban design, medium density residential design, sustainable development, education, landscape architecture, infrastructure and heritage. New members will be selected to complement the existing skills within the panel and build a broader range of expertise.
Successful applicants will be invited to be a member of the Design Review Panel for a three-year term (with an option to extend), and would attend approximately five to ten half-day sessions per year. There will also be an opportunity for suitable candidates to join the panel periodically as the Design Review Panel is now an open panel.
If you are interested in supporting good design in South Australia, please apply through this link.
If you have any further questions regarding these roles please contact Sonya Carthy, Senior Programme Officer on (08) 8402 1885.
Tender closes at 2:00 PM Adelaide time, 1 June 2017.
28. CONSULTANCY OPPORTUNITY Significance of Early Colonial Buildings, Tasmanian Heritage Council
The Tasmanian Heritage Council is seeking the services of a consultant to help define the significance of early colonial buildings in Tasmania in relation to criteria outlined in the Tasmanian Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995. The number and integrity of extant buildings of this period are thought to be a defining characteristic of Tasmania and rare in the Australian context. The project will consider and recommend principles and policies that will assist in defining this significance, particularly in relation to residences of this period in urban contexts.
Closing date for submission of proposals is 2 June 2017.
For any questions or to obtain a copy of the project brief, please contact Annita Waghorn, Heritage Tasmania on (03) 6165 3707 or email Annita.
29. SITUATION VACANT Project Architect, Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners, Sydney
Project Architect with demonstrated interest in historic buildings and knowledge of traditional construction.
Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners is an established Sydney-based architectural practice specializing in restoring, adapting, and adding to historic buildings, as well as heritage assessment and conservation planning. We also design new buildings in historic contexts.
The successful candidate will be capable of assisting a project architect or partner in designing, drawing and documenting a variety of heritage projects (large or small, public or private, commercial or domestic). Assistance with preparation of heritage reports is also required. A good command of the English language is an advantage, along with manual and AutoCAD drawing skills.
Duties will include:
- preparing manual or AutoCAD design and documentation drawings
- helping to write parts of heritage impact statements and other reports
- preparing schedules of work and specifications
- documentation for planning and building approvals
- tender documentation, specifications
- contract administration
- liaising with clients, builders and authorities
Please apply in writing with CV to Sean Johnson, Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners, Suite 101, Level 1, 191 Clarence Street, Sydney or by email.
30. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects, Melbourne
Location – Melbourne (St Kilda)
RBA Architects are seeking an experienced and highly motivated Conservation Architect to join our team of skilled professional staff. The position is full-time and offers the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of exciting and challenging projects.
RBA Architects is a well-established specialised conservation architecture practice and consultancy offering a diverse mix of services relating to the management and adaptation of heritage places. Our projects are both local and international, and we have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients. Our office culture is collegial, cutting edge and research driven.
The ideal applicant will have:
- A degree in architecture, and preferably post-graduate qualifications in heritage management
- Minimum 3 years’ experience as a conservation architect
- Knowledge of Australian architectural history
- Knowledge of 19th and 20th century construction practices and materials
- Familiarity with statutory heritage frameworks and the Burra Charter
- Ability to provide architectural conservation advice
- Ability to prepare conservation works schedules and oversee their implementation
- Ability to liaise with clients, project managers, contractors, consultants and other architects to facilitate good heritage outcomes
- Proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe and Revit, preferably also pencil and butter paper.
- Proficiency in sustainable design
- A good sense of humour
Interstate and international applicants welcome. Salary to be commensurate with skills and experience.
Please email your CV and a cover letter to Roger Beeston (Director). If you would like further information regarding this position please send an email to the above address.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au