New Practice Note on Cultural Routes
Special event at Old Parliament House, Canberra, 2 May
AICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talks Series, Thursday 18 May 2017
Museums Australia (VIC) events – 11 & 23 May, Richmond / Daylesford
The Oxford Handbook of Public History – pre-publication discount available
High Court National Gallery Precinct – Community-held values consultation
Nominations open – 2017 Engineering Heritage Australia Awards
MayDay 2017
Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines review – issues paper released
New publication of interest – Scorched Earth
Nominations sought for positions on the Heritage Council of WA and its Register and Development Committees
“Corporate Pride”: office buildings in Sydney to 1975, talk, Sydney, 28 April
Built Heritage Tourism Forum, 25-26 August 2017, Longford, Tasmania
Inaugural PALRC scholarships now open
SA State History conference, 6-8 October 2017 – call for proposals
Victorian Museum Awards 2017 – judges announced
Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop, 19 May – limited tickets available
Queen Victoria Market – National Heritage Listing assessment opens for public consultation + other QVM news
3rd Caribbean Conference of National Trusts and Preservation Societies, Curaçao, 16-19 November 2017
Maritime heritage grant applications open – deadline 30 April
“Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals deadline extended
“Garden Heritage: Restoration – Care – Presentation” conference, Czech Republic, 21-24 September 2017 – call for papers
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
CHNT 2017 – Call for Papers, Poster, Apps and Science Slammer
Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Community Heritage Officer, Yarra Ranges Council
SITUATION VACANT Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
SITUATION VACANT Strategic Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council
SITUATIONS VACANT Senior Built Heritage Specialists/Consultants (x 2), GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Practice Manager (Operations and Administration), GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATIONS VACANT Various Heritage roles, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, WA
1. New Practice Note on Cultural Routes
Kirsty Altenburg, Timothy Hubbard & Sandy Blair
The NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes is pleased to announce the publication of the Practice Note “Understanding Cultural Routes”. The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee thanks Sandy Blair, Kirsty Altenburg and Tim Hubbard (pictured above in front of the Red Fort in New Delhi) for their hard work and dedication. The practice note can be found at the Australia ICOMOS website along with the Burra Charter and other Practice Notes.
2. Special event at Old Parliament House, Canberra, 2 May
The Speaker, the Journalist and the AFL:
In conversation with the Hon Tony Smith MP and Paul Daley
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear award-winning journalist and author Paul Daley in conversation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon Tony Smith MP.
Join us as they share stories of Parliament, discuss the role of the Speaker and explain how a mutual love of AFL united a politician and a journalist.
This is also your chance to see the golden key used by His Royal Highness the Duke of York to open Parliament in 1927 and view MoAD’s new exhibition, The Opening Day: 9 May 1927, marking the 90th anniversary of the opening of Parliament House.
Tuesday 2 May, 11am in the House of Representatives at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House.
The event is free but bookings are essential.
Book now to secure your place ›
3. AICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talks Series, Thursday 18 May 2017
Roderick Simpson, Environment Commissioner with the Greater Sydney Commission, will present a talk on “learning from the first and second cities to conceive the third: an urban design perspective”.
Roderick Simpson is an architect and urban designer, and an Associate Professor in the Urbanism Program at the University of Sydney. He has worked for the Commonwealth and provided consultancy services to state and local governments in planning and urban design.
Mr Simpson led the urban design for the City of Sydney Sustainable Sydney 2030 strategy with the SGS consortium. He was instrumental in the development of BASIX and PRECINX. He is a member of various housing, transport and architectural design review panels including the UrbanGrowth Design Directorate.
Date & time: Thursday 18 May 2017, 5.30 for 6pm
Venue: URBIS, Tower 2, Level 23, Darling Park, 201 Sussex Street Sydney
Cost – NOTE REDUCED: $10 AICOMOS members $15 non-members $5 full time students
RSVP: to Mary Knaggs by email by 15 May 2017
Download the AICOMOS_DOCOMOMO_Sydney Talk May 2017 flyer.
4. Museums Australia (VIC) events – 11 & 23 May, Richmond / Daylesford
Seminar: Local Government – Public Art
A seminar for managers of public art programs, looking into current trends and issues, and offering discussion and practical tips for commissioning public art projects and for planning and developing public art collections.
Speakers include:
- Simon Doyle, Arts Development Officer, City of Casey
- Karra Rees, Public Arts Officer, City of Yarra
- Lynda Roberts, Public Art Program Manager, Public Art Melbourne, City of Melbourne
Date: Thursday 11 May
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Venue: Studio One Community Hub, Richmond
Cost: Members and Non-Members: $40 Students: $20
> Book now to secure your place
Workshop: Disaster Preparedness for Community Museums
In this full day workshop aimed at volunteers and community museums, learn about common collection disasters, why we have disaster preparedness plans, what’s in a disaster preparedness plan, and what to do in the event of a disaster in your museum. Workshop content will be delivered by Noni Zachri, Paper and Photographs Conservator at the University of Melbourne Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation.
Date: Tuesday 23 May
Time: 10:30am – 4pm
Venue: Daylesford Historical Society
Cost: Members: $10 Non-Members: $20
> Book now to secure your place
5. The Oxford Handbook of Public History – pre-publication discount available
The Oxford Handbook of Public History
Edited by James B. Gardner and Paula Hamilton
The Oxford Handbook of Public History introduces the major debates within public history; the methods and sources that comprise a public historian’s tool kit; and exemplary examples of practice. It views public history as a dynamic process combining historical research and a wide range of work with and for the public, informed by a conceptual context. The editors acknowledge the imprecision bedeviling attempts to define public history, and use this book as an opportunity to shape the field by taking a deliberately broad view. They include professional historians who work outside the academy in a range of institutions and sites, and those who are politically committed to communicating history to the wide range of audiences. This volume provides the information and inspiration needed by a practitioner to succeed in the wide range of workplaces that characterizes public history today, for university teachers of public history to assist their students, and for working public historians to keep up to date with recent research.
Pre-publication discount: 30%.
Form more information, download the The Oxford Handbook of Public History flyer.
6. High Court National Gallery Precinct – Community-held values consultation
GML Heritage is undertaking consultation as part of the development of a Heritage Management Plan (HMP) for the ‘High Court–National Gallery Precinct’ on behalf of the National Capital Authority (NCA). The High Court–National Gallery ‘Precinct’ is an important landscape recognised for its heritage values through its inclusion in the National Heritage List (NHL).
GML is consulting via an online survey – providing an opportunity for the community and community groups to contribute to the HMP. The survey has been set up to hear about people’s associations, connections and feelings about the aesthetic character of the Precinct and the landscape that surrounds them.
The survey can be accessed at this link. It will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. The survey will be open until Sunday 7 May 2017.
Please note: the consultation for the Precinct differs from the recent online survey distributed by Context which focused solely on the National Gallery of Australia. The Precinct encompasses the broader area comprising the integrated and designed landscape of the High Court of Australia and the National Gallery of Australia.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah at GML Heritage by email.
7. Nominations open – 2017 Engineering Heritage Australia Awards
Engineers Australia’s Engineering Heritage awards recognise the outstanding contributions made by individuals towards increasing the awareness and conservation of Australia’s engineering heritage.
Colin Crisp Award
The Colin Crisp Award recognises excellence in projects in the conservation and recording of items of heritage significance. This award perpetuates the memory of Colin Crisp, a structural engineer who was well known for his work in the conservation of heritage structures.
The John Monash Medal
The John Monash medal recognises outstanding contributions made by individuals towards increasing the awareness and conservation of Australia’s engineering heritage. The medal perpetuates the memory of Sir John Monash who is recognised as Australia’s greatest military commander, and who was an engineer of exceptional and diversified talents.
Nominations close on 2 May 2017.
For more information and to make a nomination, click here.
8. MayDay 2017

The meaning of MayDay
MayDay for cultural heritage fuses two concepts – the distress signal, and the first day of May – in order to create a memorable calendar date for events that improve disaster preparedness in archives, galleries, libraries and museums.
The MayDay call was originated in 1923 by Frederick Stanley Mockford (1897–1962). As senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London, Mockford was asked to think of a word that would indicate distress and be understood by all pilots and ground staff in an emergency. Since much of the traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the word “MayDay” from the French m’aider meaning ‘help me’.
For more information click on the links below.
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2017 Generic flyer
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2017 Background flyer
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2017 ICBS
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2017 Logos
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2017 Symposium
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2017 Movie and Book List
9. Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines review – issues paper released
The issues paper highlights key themes and issues for developing revised Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines that define reasonable and practicable measures to avoid or minimise harm to Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The themes and issues identified in this paper are based on the analysis of submissions that fell within the terms of reference for the review.
For more information and to download the issues paper, visit the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships website.
10. New publication of interest – Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth – Australia’s secret plan for total war under Japanese invasion in World War II
By Sue Rosen
Australia ICOMOS member Sue Rosen’s new book Scorched Earth is now available for pre-order on the following bookseller sites and will be available in book stores from 24 May:
Download the Scorched Earth information sheet.
11. Nominations sought for positions on the Heritage Council of WA and its Register and Development Committees
Western Australians who are interested in shaping the future direction of our State’s heritage are invited to nominate for the Heritage Council and its Register and Development Committees.
Heritage Council of Western Australia Chair Anne Arnold said the Council played an important role in the identification, conservation and sensitive development of Western Australia’s cultural heritage.
“We are seeking motivated people who have demonstrated knowledge of or experience in heritage matters, particularly professionals working in the industry or those who have experience serving on boards and committees in related areas,” Mrs Arnold said. “Applicants should be prepared to make a substantial commitment in terms of time and expertise.”
There is one position available on the Heritage Council and four on each of the Register and Development Committees.
More information is available from the WA State Heritage Office website.
Nominations close on 17 May 2017.
12. “Corporate Pride”: office buildings in Sydney to 1975, talk, Sydney, 28 April
The Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW & ACT Inc, in association with The Art Deco & Modernism Society of NSW & ACT Inc, invite you to “Corporate Pride”.
From the beginning Sydney was the commercial hub of New South Wales, headquarters to banking, commerce and the insurance industry. Purpose designed buildings emerged where public transactions took place. expressing an image of how each business wished to be perceived and bolstering the architectural pretensions of the city. This paper examines how and when this architectural typology emerged how it evolved from times of boom and bust into the second half of the twentieth century, and the contribution it made to the appearance and self-esteem of the City of Sydney.
Date: Friday 28 April
Time: 7:15 pm Sharp (followed by a light supper approximately at 8:15/30 pm)
Venue: Auditorium at the rear of “Tusculum”, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point
Cost: C20th / Art Deco & Modernism / AIA Members: $20 pp; Non Members: $25 pp; Senior/Student/Disability & Disadvantaged concessions $15 pp (please provide details)
For more information see the ‘Corporate Pride’ flyer.
13. Built Heritage Tourism Forum, 25-26 August 2017, Longford, Tasmania
Built Heritage Tourism Forum
25-26 August 2017
Longford, Tasmania
The Built Heritage Tourism Forum is in response to the Legislative Council’s Inquiry which identified a need for the heritage tourism sector of Tasmania to work together to optimise outcomes for the sector and the Tasmanian economy in general.
For more information, see the Built Heritage Tourism Forum, Tasmania August 2017 leaflet.
14. Inaugural PALRC scholarships now open
The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) is pleased to announce its first scholarship round and thanks donors and supporters for enabling this to occur. PALRC is also supported through partnership funding from the Australian Government’s Director of National Parks.
PALRC will receive applications in this Round 1 for students commencing courses in mid-2017. Courses are offered at four participating Australian universities along with two short courses concerning adaptive management of protected areas using the Open Standards for Conservation, being offered at the Blue Mountains and Wet Tropics world heritage areas. The courses that are covered by the scholarships can be found at this link.
The purposes of PALRC scholarships are to:
- Provide financial support to enable successful applicants to gain advanced professional training and/or qualifications in protected areas management from a leading Australian University or other approved PALRC course provider in the Asia, Pacific or Oceania Regions.
- Support professional development, exchange of knowledge and experience, peer networking and collaboration to further the scholarship recipient’s career path in protected areas management.
Target recipients
- Capable, high-achieving students and/or emerging leaders in the Asia, Pacific or Oceania Regions who have a career ambition to advance the protection, sound governance and effective management of protected areas in their country/region, and especially those who would not otherwise have an opportunity to attend such a course.
- Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are particularly encouraged.
- As far as possible PALRC will seek to offer scholarships over time to a spread of recipients across the regions and with equality of opportunity for all.
- PALRC reserves the right not to award a scholarship and is not obliged to engage with applicants following the awards process.
For more information about these scholarships, visit the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration website.
Applications must be submitted by Friday 28 April 2017.
15. SA State History conference, 6-8 October 2017 – call for proposals
Call for Proposals
Hearts and Minds – revaluing the past
6 – 8 October 2017
The History Trust of South Australia is inviting proposals for sessions at the State History Conference to be held 6-8 October 2017, with the main conference venue being Immanuel College, Novar Gardens.
We invite proposals for sessions, papers, workshops, tours and quick-fire presentations relating aspects of history and historical practice, including, but not limited to the themes noted below.
Closing date for proposals is Sunday 30 April.
For more information on conference themes and how to submit a proposal, click here.
16. Victorian Museum Awards 2017 – judges announced
Museums Australia (Victoria) is pleased to announce their judging panel for the Victorian Museum Awards 2017:
Emily McCulloch Childs is a visual arts writer, researcher, publisher, curator, and co-Director of McCulloch & McCulloch. She is co-author & publisher of the 4th edition of McCulloch’s Encyclopedia of Australian Art and McCulloch’s Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete guide.
Neil Sharkey is Exhibitions Curator at the Shrine of Remembrance. He began his curatorial career at the National Archives of Australia. Neil has developed the Shrine’s Second World War permanent gallery as well as authored dozens of temporary exhibitions.
Michelle Smith is Senior Curator and Manager of the Gold Museum. She was previously Senior Curator of the National Wool Museum and has an extensive background working in regional as well as major city museums.
The Awards recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations whose commitment and passion contribute to the excellence of the Victorian museum and gallery sector.
The nomination process is simple, free, and open to both members and non-members, so why not nominate?
For more information about the nomination categories and to download the guidelines and forms, click here.
Nominations close Friday 19 May.
17. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop, 19 May – limited tickets available
There are only 14 tickets left for the Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop on 19 May 2017 at the Big Dig Centre in the Rocks.
If you haven’t already booked your ticket for the event, do so as soon as possible before bookings close on 15 May 2017.
Click here to book your seat.
18. Queen Victoria Market – National Heritage Listing assessment opens for public consultation + other QVM news
Public comments are now welcome for the National Heritage nomination of Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Market (QVM), currently being assessed by the Australian Heritage Council. Click on the links below for more information.
- read the joint Media Release from Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP & CR Robert Doyle
- read more about the proposed QVM National Heritage Listing
- read more about the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal
Written comments on the National Heritage List proposal for the Queen Victoria Market are due by close of business 14 July 2017.
19. 3rd Caribbean Conference of National Trusts and Preservation Societies, Curaçao, 16-19 November 2017
The 3rd Caribbean Conference of National Trusts and Preservation Societies
Willemstad, Curaçao
16-19 November 2017
The 3rd Caribbean Conference of National Trusts and Preservation Societies will be held in the world heritage city Willemstad, capital of the island of Curaçao. The conference is hosted by the Curaçao Heritage Platform.
Emphasizing the importance of heritage and its conservation, the conference aims to bring together stakeholders, heritage professionals and enthusiasts and societies in November 2017.
For more information, visit the conference website.
20. Maritime heritage grant applications open – deadline 30 April
The scheme, administered by the Australian National Maritime Museum, offers funding to help organisations preserve or display objects of national and historical maritime significance. Grants of up to $15,000 are available for each project.
Grant categories include collection management, conservation and presentation and education and public programs. The scheme also offers up to $3,000 to support internships to help staff develop museological skills to care for maritime collections.
The scheme has provided more than $1.5 million to support over 380 projects across Australia since it started in 1995.
Applications close 30 April 2017.
For more information and to apply visit the Australian National Maritime Museum website.
21. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals deadline extended
On behalf of ICOMOS India and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of forwarding you the call for papers and proposals for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Delhi, India, on the occasion of the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 11 to 15 December 2017 (the exact dates of the Scientific Symposium are from 12 to 15 December 2017).
The theme of the Scientific Symposium is “Heritage and Democracy” with the following subthemes:
- ST01: Integrating Heritage and Sustainable Urban Development by engaging diverse Communities for Heritage Management
- ST02: The Role of Cultural Heritage in Building Peace & Reconciliation
- ST03: Protecting and Interpreting Cultural Heritage in the Age of Digital Empowerment
- ST04: Culture-Nature Journey, Exploring the Complexities of Human Relationships with Natural and Cultural Places
The call for papers for subthemes ST01, ST02 and ST03 is available on the official GA website.
In addition to the call for papers, a call for proposals is launched for subtheme ST04 of the Scientific Symposium, the Culture-Nature Journey. ICOMOS and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with a growing group of our members and partners, will build on the success of the Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i in September 2016 and invite the submission of proposals of sessions in various formats (knowledge cafés, workshops, kiosks, etc.) to address the interconnected character of cultural and natural heritage.
The call for proposals is also available on the official GA website. And there is more information about the event at this link.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2017
Deadline for proposals for the Culture-Nature Journey: 30 April 2017
22. “Garden Heritage: Restoration – Care – Presentation” conference, Czech Republic, 21-24 September 2017 – call for papers
The ICOMOS IFLA ISCCL (International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes), in collaboration with the Czech Republic’s National Heritage Institute, is organising a conference titled ‘Garden Heritage: Restoration – Care – Presentation’ to be held in the Czech Republic on 21-24 September 2017.
A call for papers has been issued. The call for abstracts is open until 15 May 2017. Proposals from ISC members will be greatly welcomed by the conference organisers.
For more information, click on the links below.
- ICOMOS_IFLA_Garden Heritage conference leaflet
- ICOMOS_IFLA_Garden Heritage conference – call for papers
- ICOMOS_IFLA_Garden Heritage conference – Application form
23. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
24. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.
25. CHNT 2017 – Call for Papers, Poster, Apps and Science Slammer
The 22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2017) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 8-10 November 2017.
The main topic of this year: Urban Archaeology and Integration – Combining archaeology, history, and new technologies.
The organising committee invites proposals for paper presentations, round tables, poster-presentation/award, app-presentation/award and science slam.
Important Deadlines:
- Deadline Call: 31 May 2017
- Notification speakers/presenters: 30 June 2017
For more information, visit the conference website.
26. Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.
27. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GBA Heritage, Sydney
GBA Heritage is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium-sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field. You will have had prior experience in complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation and excellent project delivery skills. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
The ideal applicant for this position will have:
- Relevant professional qualification/s
- Experience in Australian heritage conservation practice
- Familiarity with traditional building construction methods and materials
- Experience in adaptive re-use projects
- Familiarity with New South Wales heritage legislation
- Skills to liaise and negotiate with government agencies, clients, architects and the community to facilitate positive heritage outcomes
- Demonstrated historical research skills
- Demonstrated ability to prepare heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, and interpretation plans
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to meet deadlines and balance priorities
Desirable but not essential:
- Post-graduate qualifications in Heritage Conservation, Conservation Architecture or other related conservation fields
- Australia ICOMOS membership
This position is full time. Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to send a cover letter and their resume to GBA Heritage by email.
28. SITUATION VACANT Community Heritage Officer, Yarra Ranges Council
The Arts, Culture & Heritage Department of the Yarra Ranges Council is currently looking for a Community Heritage Officer to join their team to support local heritage preservation, participation and expression in Yarra Ranges. The position is Melbourne-based.
The Heritage Officer operates across Yarra Ranges supporting the delivery of dynamic and innovative models of cultural heritage expression and participation to enhance the cultural vitality of diverse local communities.
- Salary from $40.78 per hour (Band 6), plus superannuation
- Temporary Part Time (Parental Leave Replacement up to March 2018)
- 45.60 hours per fortnight
Working closely with other Cultural Development team members you will develop community heritage initiatives and projects, partner with history and heritage groups, and provide specialist advice and expertise.
For more information and to apply for this role, click here.
Closing date for applications: 1 May 2017.
29. SITUATION VACANT Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute’s (GCI) Buildings and Sites department is seeking a Principal Project Specialist, whose role will be to develop and manage work within some new project areas the Getty is exploring.
The Buildings and Sites department is composed of a diverse and talented group of roughly twenty-five multidisciplinary conservation practitioners including architects, archaeologists, conservators, historians and planners. The department works internationally to advance conservation practice through research, field projects, dissemination and training and capacity building. We work in partnership with other conservation institutions, NGOs, governments and academia to achieve our aims.
A long-time area of expertise of the GCI is in archaeological site conservation and management. This position will serve to support the Head of the Department to manage this portfolio of work. The position therefore will suit a candidate with superior knowledge, skills and experience in this field. The Principal Project Specialist will identify and develop new projects, manage projects, staff and consultant teams and provide vision and leadership to the institution.
We are looking for a recognized leader in the field of archaeological site conservation who has a proven ability to manage complex programs, staff and budgets. The successful candidate should be an interdisciplinary thinker who can work with the Head of the Buildings and Sites department and GCI staff.
This position offers an exciting opportunity for a mid-senior career professional to work with an extraordinary team and to collaborate with many fine colleagues across the various programs of the Getty and with our partner institutions around the world.
For more information about this opportunity, see the GCI – Principal Project Specialist position description.
Deadline for applications is 5 May 2017.
30. SITUATION VACANT Strategic Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council
Strategic Heritage Officer
- Salary from $85,115 to $95,971.82 pa + super
- Potential to earn additional allowance of up to $4,531 pa
- Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds!
Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.
Your role includes the preparation of heritage conservation policy and information, provision of advice to Councillors and staff, and promotion of heritage conservation in the community. You will also respond to customer enquiries and assist in explaining policies to customers.
This is a full time, Monday to Friday position. However, we will also consider a part time candidate three to four consecutive days a week.
We offer a nine day fortnight and full maintained private use motor vehicle under Council’s leaseback scheme to full time staff.
Essential Criteria
- A tertiary qualification in architecture, town planning or an associated discipline with particular emphasis on the built environment
- Demonstrated current experience in the preparation, review and implementation of NSW heritage-related legislation, policies and strategies used in local environmental plans and development control plans
- Demonstrated current experience in heritage impact assessment, assessing heritage significance and preparing heritage inventory sheets for local and state heritage items
- A thorough current working knowledge of NSW heritage legislation and NSW Heritage Branch guidelines
- Time management skills, with a particular ability to balance priorities
- Project management skills
- Demonstrated research and problem solving skills
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, including skills in public presentation
- The ability to provide creative input to the operation of a team of multi-skilled professionals
- Well-developed skills in the use of PC software including Word and Excel
- Demonstrated commitment to the provision of quality customer service
- A Class C driver’s licence
Desirable Criteria
- A tertiary qualification in heritage conservation
- Demonstrated experience in the preparation and review of planning policy used in local environmental plans and development control plans
- A working knowledge of NSW planning and environment legislation
- Experience with appeals in the Land and Environment Court
How to apply
- View the full Position Description & apply on line by clicking here
- You will be asked to demonstrate how you meet each of the selection criteria
- If you have a separate statement addressing the selection criteria, please upload it as a cover letter and simply refer to it in the online questionnaire
- You will be able to upload 2 documents only.
- For information on applying for Council jobs, please visit this link
- For further information about the role, please contact Chris Bluett, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 9391 7083 during business hours
- Our preference is for applications to be submitted online, however, we will accept hard copy applications addressed to Human Resources, Woollahra Council, PO Box 61, Double Bay, NSW, 1360
CLOSING DATE: Friday 5 May 2017
Woollahra Council is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. If you have any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at time of application.
We value:
- Respect for people
- Integrity and excellent performance
- Professional, quality service
- Open, accountable communication
31. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior Built Heritage Specialists/Consultants (x 2), GML Heritage, Sydney
GML is a vibrant consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our consulting team of 40+ has expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation. Our staff have opportunities to work on some of the most significant heritage places and projects across Australia supported by industry leaders. We provide a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge. We also offer a range of employment benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities.
We are seeking two experienced cultural heritage specialists to join our Heritage Places Team at the Senior Consultant and Associate (or higher) levels. These are full time positions, based in our Sydney office. The roles will provide specialist heritage advice across a range of built heritage services, including heritage assessments, conservation management plans, and heritage impact statements, and will respond to architectural and planning issues across government, property management, and urban development. The roles will also prepare project proposals and tender submissions including identifying tasks, roles, timeframes, and budgets.
Click here for more information
32. SITUATION VACANT Practice Manager (Operations and Administration), GML Heritage, Sydney
GML is a vibrant consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. With offices in Sydney and Canberra, our consulting team of 40+ has expertise in urban planning, archaeology, architecture, public history, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and interpretation. Our staff have opportunities to work on some of the most significant heritage places and projects across Australia supported by industry leaders. We provide a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge. We also have a range of employment benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities.
We are seeking a dynamic and experienced operations/administration all-rounder to fill the full-time role of Practice Manager based in our Sydney office. The Practice Manager will provide high-level, day to day operational and administrative support across the firm. Tasks and responsibilities include premises and equipment, administration, human resources, information technology, compliance and legal, functions and events, corporate projects, project support, production, and managing a small team.
Click here for more information.
33. SITUATIONS VACANT Various Heritage roles, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, WA
The Department of Aboriginal Affairs leads action to improve life opportunities for Aboriginal Western Australians. Click on the links below for more information about each role.
Classification: LEVEL 3 $67,896 – $73,717 pa PSGOGA
Position No: Various
Location: Perth
Closing Date: 02/05/2017 5:00 PM
Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: Various
Location: Perth
Closing Date: 02/05/2017 5:00 PM
Senior Heritage Officer Regions
Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: 24429
Location: Port Hedland
Closing Date: 02/05/2017 5:00 PM
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au