Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 774

  1. E-newsletter items deadline for next week
  2. Call for EOI for the Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Working Group
  3. 2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017 – Book Now!
  4. April 18 event, Hobart: Free public lecture, Thursday 20 April
  5. Australia ICOMOS VIC/TAS Mentoring Program – calling for Victorian and Tasmanian Members!
  6. Marking the Rolls – Preserving Queensland’s Architectural Heritage, 18 April event, Brisbane
  7. Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Program – calling for New South Wales Members!
  8. Increase in Australia ICOMOS membership fees
  9. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 12 April 2017
  10. Museums Australia (VIC) event – Utilising Your Oral Histories, 20 April, Melbourne
  11. ISS Institute 2017 Fellowships – applications open for The George Alexander Foundation Fellowships
  12. Albert Hall Reference Group – call for nominations open
  13. “Iron Lighthouses of the 19th Century” talk, Melbourne, 20 April
  14. Inaugural PALRC scholarships now open
  15. SA State History conference, 6-8 October 2017 – call for proposals
  16. Call for nominations for the Victorian Museum Awards 2017
  17. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  18. APT Announces two one-day workshops in Longford, TAS in May
  19. Heritage Week talk on Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club, 2 May, Sydney
  20. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals deadline extended
  21. Heritage Special Interest section at EIANZ conference, 29 October – 1 November, New Zealand – call for papers
  22. New appointments to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust – The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP media release
  23. ICLAFI / ICUCH / ICOMOS Netherlands symposium, 29 June – 1 July 2017: call for paper proposals
  24. “Garden Heritage: Restoration – Care – Presentation” conference, Czech Republic, 21-24 September 2017 – call for papers
  25. HABITechno 3 International conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 11 November 2017 – call for papers
  26. CyArk’s Photographer in Residence program
  27. International Cultural Heritage Expert Symposium & Workshop, Florence, 18-19 May – call for abstracts deadline extended to 18 April
  28. Funding grants for women’s leadership development
  29. News from Sydney Living Museums
  30. News from ICCROM
  31. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  32. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior Built Heritage Consultant, Senior Historical Archaeology Consultant, & Principal Heritage Consultant (3 x positions), Artefact, Sydney 
  33. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect (Principal or Associate role), Catalyst Architects, Adelaide Base / National Projects
  34. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants (various levels), Heritage 21, Sydney
  35. SITUATION VACANT Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute


1. E-newsletter items deadline for next week

The e-newsletter will be published on Thursday 13 April next week due to the Easter break.

Please note that the deadline for items will be 2pm, Wednesday 12 April.


2. Call for EOI for the Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Working Group

Call for Australia ICOMOS members working or researching in the area of the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage places and values

The Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Working Group started off with great energy and enthusiasm arising out of a recommendation from the 2007 ICOMOS conference and following a survey of members on the issue. The role of this committee is to raise awareness of the issues relating to cultural heritage conservation arising from Climate Change both in the public and government sectors

The World Heritage Committee, the World Heritage Centre and the advisory bodies have all recognised the danger that climate change impacts pose for World Heritage places. In Australia several government departments have completed baseline studies considering the impact of climate change on heritage assets and coastal infrastructure.

It is timely now to refresh this working group and regalvanise the activities of Australia ICOMOS in relation to this important area. Our work plan is now out of date and developing a new agreed plan will be our first task. To that end we are calling for members who are either working or research active in this area or who have responsibilities for managing heritage places where climate change impacts are a concern.

If you are interested in being part of this working group please email Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy by COB 7 April and provide a brief account of your interest and experience with the topic. Working Groups members are expected to actively participate in the work of the committee so please ensure that you are willing and able to participate in at least 4 meetings per year and in taking on some activity in this area between meetings that will be needed to advance the work plan.


3. 2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017 – Book Now!

Australia ICOMOS, in association with the Sydney Opera House and the Heritage Council of NSW,
is pleased to host the
2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017, 5.30 for 6pm

The 2017 guest speaker is the gold medal winning architect, critical thinker and exhibition designer Richard Johnson AO MBE. Richard’s talk is titled:

HERITAGE – INHERITANCE “Contemporary Relevance and Continuity”

The talk explores that which we have inherited from the past and its continued value and contemporary relevance as an expression of our living culture.

The event will take place in the Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House and will be moderated by Dr Tracy Ireland, Associate Professor of Cultural Heritage, University of Canberra.


3.30 – 5.30 pm (Optional) tour of Sydney Opera House
5.30 pm Arrival and Networking
6.00 – 7.30 pm: Jim Kerr Address

COST (including refreshments)
Australia ICOMOS $25
Non-members: $30
Full-time students: $20


Download the 2017 Jim Kerr Address Flyer.


4. April 18 event, Hobart: Free public lecture, Thursday 20 April

Australia ICOMOS, in association with the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, is hosting a free public lecture:

Tasmania’s Historical Tourists, Their Legacy – Our Heritage, and Sustainable Management

Royal Society Room, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart

5:30 for 6:00pm, Thursday 20 April 2017
(tea & coffee will be available from 5:30 to 5:50pm)


  • Marion Walker (Consultant historian) – speaking on historical tourism in Tasmania
  • Anne McConnell (Consultant, M ICOMOS) – speaking on the heritage of historical tourism in Tasmania
  • Jane Harrington (PAHSMA, M ICOMOS) – speaking about the sustainable management of heritage sites in the tourism context and using Port Arthur as a case study

The MC will be John Wadsley (Consultant, M ICOMOS).

Please RSVP (for numbers), by Wednesday 19 April on (03) 6165 7001 or by email to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.


5. Australia ICOMOS VIC/TAS Mentoring Program – calling for Victorian and Tasmanian Members! & SAVE THE DATE for the launch event

Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in Victoria in 2012 following an earlier trial in the ACT, and it now runs in New South Wales and Victoria. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.

As the program has now run with enthusiastic responses from both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it in Victoria and Tasmania for 2017.

When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.

Students in heritage-related post-graduate programs at Deakin University, the University of Melbourne, Federation University and Latrobe University (based in Victoria), and Deakin off-campus students based in Tasmania will be invited to apply for the program.

We usually have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we are hoping that all ICOMOS members based in Victoria and Tasmania will consider participating this year.

What is required?

While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that mentors meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests. 

There will be a social event held in late April to introduce mentoring pairs. If you wish to be a mentor or a mentee, it is not essential to attend, although this is an easy way to meet and set up the first meeting, as well as networking with other students and colleagues. 

There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return. 

How do I get involved as a MENTOR? 

If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by 17 April 2017.

Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees. 

Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible. 

How do I get involved as a MENTEE? 

Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. 

All applications must be received by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 17 April 2017. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible. 

When do we start? 

We will be matching students and mentors next month, and will launch this year’s program with an event in late April. More information about the launch will be sent to participants in the program.

We hope that all members based in Victoria or Tasmania will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

SAVE THE DATE for the launch event

Date/time/venue: 6pm, Wednesday 26 April, University of Melbourne

Participating Mentors and Mentees will be contacted with more details in due course.

2017 Australia ICOMOS VIC/TAS Mentoring Team
Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)
Kate Darian-Smith (University of Melbourne)
Anita Smith (Latrobe University)
Keir Reeves (Federation University)


6. Marking the Rolls – Preserving Queensland’s Architectural Heritage, 18 April event, Brisbane

Marking the Rolls – Preserving Queensland’s Architectural Heritage will see the official launch of a new digitised architectural research resource by the Honourable Dr Steven Miles MP, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef.

With the support of the Board of Architects, The University of Queensland’s Library has digitised the rolls of architects from the Queensland Government Gazette, from 1930 to 1980. They are now available online and freely accessible as an architectural research tool for students, academics and historians.

Date: Tuesday, 18 April
Time: 6.15pm for 6.30pm start 
Location: Level 4, Fryer Library, Duhig Tower (2), UQ St Lucia Campus
RSVP: click here to register or call (07) 3365 6362
Cost: Free of charge

Following the event there will be light refreshments and a tour of our Centre for Digital Scholarship.

This event is generously supported by Department of Environment and Heritage Protection and Australia ICOMOS.


7. Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Program – calling for New South Wales Members!

Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in Victoria in 2012 following an earlier trial in the ACT, and it now runs in New South Wales and Victoria. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.

As the program has now run with enthusiastic responses from both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it in New South Wales for 2017.

When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.

Students in heritage-related post-graduate programs at University of Sydney, and possibly the doctoral students working in heritage at Western Sydney University will be invited to apply for the program.

We usually have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we are hoping that all ICOMOS members based in New South Wales will consider participating this year.

What is required?

While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that mentors meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests. 

There will be a social event held in early May to introduce mentoring pairs. If you wish to be a mentor or a mentee, it is not essential to attend, although this is an easy way to meet and set up the first meeting, as well as networking with other students and colleagues. 

There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return. 

How do I get involved as a MENTOR? 

If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by 24 April 2017.

Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees. 

Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible. 

Who will get involved as a MENTEE? 

Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university.

All applications will be asked to be received by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 24 April 2017. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible. 

When do we start? 

We will be matching students and mentors next month, and will launch this year’s program with an event in early May. More information about the launch will be sent to participants in the program.

We hope that all members based in New South Wales will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

2017 Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Team
Kerime Danis (NSW Mentoring Program Coordinator)
Cameron Logan (The University of Sydney / Master of Heritage Conservation Program)
Steve Brown (The University of Sydney / Master of Museum and Heritage Studies Program)
Denis Byrne (Western Sydney University – TBC)


8. Increase in Australia ICOMOS membership fees

In recent years the Executive Committee (EC) has reviewed membership fees every three years to ensure that, at a minimum, these are increased to keep pace with inflation and to meet any changes in our cost structure. As it is three years since the last increase, fees are now due to be reviewed for the coming financial year.

This year the EC has approved an increase for Full International Membership of $27. Of this increase, $15 is to meet the total cost of inflation over the past three years. A further $7 is to meet the recent increase in our required contribution to ICOMOS international. The final $5 is to achieve a position where the membership subscription generally covers the day to day running costs of the organisation, a goal which has not been fully achieved more recently. Increases to other classes of membership will be in proportion to that for full membership. This increase will take effect from 1 July 2017. The new rates for all the membership categories are outlined below.

International Membership
(includes International component)
Full International $280.00 (inc GST)
Full International – Retired/Unwaged $140.00 (inc GST)
Young Professional (under 30 years) $140.00 (inc GST)
 Associate Membership
(no International component)
Associate $210.00 (inc GST)
Associate – retired/unwaged $70.00 (inc GST)
Associate – student (enrolled full-time) $70.00 (inc GST)
Institutional/Corporate Membership
(includes International component)
$840.00 (inc GST)

While the current EC cannot bind future ECs, it is a clear intention that there will be no further increase in fees in the next three years.

Ian Travers, President
Ian Wight, Treasurer


9. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 12 April 2017

Thirty-nine men from Carnarvon
presented by Graham Speight

This is the story of the men from the Carnarvon (Port Arthur) district who went to fight in the Great War.

When war broke out 220 people lived in Carnarvon. Thirty-nine of their sons, husbands, fathers and brothers answered the call. Twenty-two of these men were not to return; another 13 were seriously wounded. The impact on the small town of Carnarvon was profound. 1917 was the bloodiest of the years in WWI and the Australians were in the thick of the fighting. We will track these local men through the war and focus on their whereabouts on this day 100 years ago.

Graham is a tour-guide at Port Arthur. He is actively involved with the Tasman Peninsula Historical Society and was one of those responsible for last year’s ‘Local Heroes’ exhibition. Graham has extensively researched the military history at Port Arthur and has written two articles on the topic for the ‘Tasman Peninsula Chronicle’.

When: Wednesday 12 April 2017 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (the building at rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site

For more information call (03) 6251 2324.

Download the ‘Thirty-nine men from Carnarvon’ flyer.


10. Museums Australia (VIC) event – Utilising Your Oral Histories, 20 April, Melbourne

Learn how to get the most out of your recorded oral histories. Hear from oral historian Sarah Rood about how technology has changed the way we use oral history testimony, the importance of paying attention to your recording environment, what you can do to increase the flexibility of your recordings for future use, and how to use your oral history recordings to create audio documentaries, podcasts, short films, or websites with sound content using tools such as Audacity, iMovie, SoundCloud, YouTube, and others.

Date: Thursday 20 April
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Venue: Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre
Cost: Members $50, Non-members $70

> Book now to secure your place 


11. ISS Institute 2017 Fellowships – applications open for The George Alexander Foundation Fellowships

The International Specialised Skills (ISS) Institute has received investment from The George Alexander Foundation to offer five Fellowships for Australians aged between 18-35 years in the amount of $10,000 (less GST) each.

Fellowship applications in the areas of environment and sustainability, alternative energy, conservation and/or education are welcomed. The Fellowship provides the successful applicant an opportunity to travel overseas and conduct applied research into a topic that will benefit their career and the sector they care about. It’s a chance to develop skills and drive leading practice and innovation that will advance Australia.

Click here for more information and to apply or call (03) 9347 4583.

Applications for Fellowships close at 4:00pm on Friday 28 April, 2017.


12. Albert Hall Reference Group – call for nominations open

The ACT Government is seeking nominations from interested members of the community to be part of the Albert Hall Reference Group. The positions are open to anyone in the ACT with an interest in the site. They are voluntary and do not attract remuneration.

The reference group is being established as a result of the 2016 Land Management Plan, to ensure a balanced representation from the community, heritage groups as well as users of the building. The group will advise government on the maintenance, priorities and development of this iconic building.

Albert Hall deserves to be nurtured and suitably managed to ensure it remains a vibrant, functional space that can be enjoyed by future generations. Nominations are due by 5pm, Friday 7 April 2017.

For more information and to download a nomination form, click here.


13. “Iron Lighthouses of the 19th Century” talk, Melbourne, 20 April

Join Engineering Heritage Victoria (EHV) in this session to learn about the iron lighthouses of the nineteenth century and gain an appreciation of the rich history of engineering in a little known area.

This session will share how engineers have come up with innovative methods to overcome problems of expense and site difficulties to achieve methods of providing safe passage for ships during the 19th century.

Speaker – Miles Lewis

Miles Lewis is an architectural historian who specialises in the history of building technology, in particular of prefabrication.

Date & time
Thursday 20 April 2017, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Engineers Australia Victoria, Level 31, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Registration Cost
Member Rate: $0.00
Society Member Rate: $30.00
Student Member Rate: $0.00
Non-Member Rate: $30.00

For more information and to register for this event, click here.


14. Inaugural PALRC scholarships now open

The Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) is pleased to announce its first scholarship round and thanks donors and supporters for enabling this to occur. PALRC is also supported through partnership funding from the Australian Government’s Director of National Parks.

PALRC will receive applications in this Round 1 for students commencing courses in mid-2017. Courses are offered at four participating Australian universities along with two short courses concerning adaptive management of protected areas using the Open Standards for Conservation, being offered at the Blue Mountains and Wet Tropics world heritage areas. The courses that are covered by the scholarships can be found at this link.

The purposes of PALRC scholarships are to:

  1. Provide financial support to enable successful applicants to gain advanced professional training and/or qualifications in protected areas management from a leading Australian University or other approved PALRC course provider in the Asia, Pacific or Oceania Regions.
  2. Support professional development, exchange of knowledge and experience, peer networking and collaboration to further the scholarship recipient’s career path in protected areas management.

Target recipients

  • Capable, high-achieving students and/or emerging leaders in the Asia,  Pacific or Oceania Regions who have a career ambition to advance the protection, sound governance and effective management of protected areas in their country/region, and especially those who would not otherwise have an opportunity to attend such a course.
  • Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are particularly encouraged.
  • As far as possible PALRC will seek to offer scholarships over time to a spread of recipients across the regions and with equality of opportunity for all.
  • PALRC reserves the right not to award a scholarship and is not obliged to engage with applicants following the awards process.

For more information about these scholarships, visit the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration website.

Applications must be submitted by Friday 28 April 2017.


15. SA State History conference, 6-8 October 2017 – call for proposals

Call for Proposals
Hearts and Minds – revaluing the past
6 – 8 October 2017

The History Trust of South Australia is inviting proposals for sessions at the State History Conference to be held 6-8 October 2017, with the main conference venue being Immanuel College, Novar Gardens.

We invite proposals for sessions, papers, workshops, tours and quick-fire presentations relating aspects of history and historical practice, including, but not limited to the themes noted below.

Closing date for proposals is Sunday 30 April.

For more information on conference themes and how to submit a proposal, click here.


16. Call for nominations for the Victorian Museum Awards 2017

Museums Australia (Victoria) is very pleased to announce that nominations for the 2017 Victorian Museum Awards are now open.

The Awards recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations whose commitment and passion contribute to the excellence of the Victorian museum and gallery sector.

The nomination process is simple, free, and open to both members and non-members, so why not nominate?

For more information about the nomination categories and to download the guidelines and forms, click here.

Nominations close Friday 19 May.


17. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

Sustainable Heritage? How does sustaining Cultural Heritage relate to Sustainable Tourism?
A panel with Rachel Jackson, Penny Spoelder and a member of the Ngunnawal community

This year’s theme for 18 April – the ICOMOS International Day on Monuments and Sites – is Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism. This theme provokes various questions:

What is Sustainable Tourism when related to Cultural Heritage, what is ‘Sustainable Heritage? Is an emphasis on the economic viability of tourism a detriment to heritage? What are issues for maintaining a place’s heritage values, whether its physical form or a community’s intangible connections? The panel will present perspectives on these questions to be followed by a Q&A.

A member of the Ngunnawal community is expected to share how visiting Indigenous sites is both a positive experience for visitors, yet a potential risk and impact on cultural values and protocols.

Rachel Jackson, GML Heritage Principal actively promotes the importance of heritage in a sustainability context and is a member of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Energy and Sustainability, and the Australia ICOMOS national committee for this topic. Rachel specialises in heritage projects for complex heritage sites, with a focus on cultural landscape management, heritage sustainability and adaptive reuse. She has provided heritage advice for significant heritage places such as the Australian War Memorial, Old Parliament House, the Port Arthur Historic Site, and the Australian National University.

Penny Spoelder is the new Director of ACT Historic Places. Her work experience encompasses conservation planning and management and commercial use across Australia: at Kosciuszko alpine resorts, Goat Island, Quarantine Station North Head, and Fort Denison in Sydney, Port Arthur and Maria Island in Tasmania, the Houtman Abrolhos Islands in WA, and Fort Queenscliff, Victoria. She has also worked in New Zealand, the South Pacific, and for the UN in Mongolia.

See other discussions of this topic at the Australia ICOMOS website.

Refreshments are available! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)

Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 20 April 2017 – note 5.30pm start for talk
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: to Sarah Webeck via email


18. APT Announces two one-day workshops in Longford, TAS in May

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) Australasia is offering two workshops at Longford in May on Tuesday 9th and Saturday 13th – see the Analysing Fixing Finishing Workshop_13 May 2017_info & program and the Lime & Mortars Workshop_9 May 2017_info & program for more details.

The week-long program in which these workshops sit is now fully subscribed.

How to register for the one-day workshops
To register, contact the APT Convenor by email. Registration fee is $200 or $150 for APT Members and includes morning tea and lunch.


19. Heritage Week talk on Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club, 2 May, Sydney

TITLE: A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney, 1870s-2017

SYNOPSIS: Australian cycling historian Dr Marc Rerceretnam will speak about his recent academic publications examining the important role cycling clubs like the DHBC played in the Australian social landscape from the 1870s to present day.

As a case study the research will look at the Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club which has been part of the social fabric of the Inner West since 1908. It not only played a pivotal role in nurturing local sportspersons but acted as an active social network for all youngsters. For a century, the club cultivated a sense of community for many in the area and helped foster a creative and healthy outlet for many youngsters at a time when the Inner West was chock-a-block full of young boys and girls keen for fraternal guidance and healthy outdoor activity.

Date & time: 6.30pm, Tuesday 2 May 2017
Venue: Inner West Council’s Dulwich Hill Library
Register to attend free of charge

For more information on this event, click here.


20. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals deadline extended

On behalf of ICOMOS India and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of forwarding you the call for papers and proposals for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Delhi, India, on the occasion of the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 11 to 15 December 2017 (the exact dates of the Scientific Symposium are from 12 to 15 December 2017).

The theme of the Scientific Symposium is “Heritage and Democracy” with the following subthemes:

  • ST01: Integrating Heritage and Sustainable Urban Development by engaging diverse Communities for Heritage Management
  • ST02: The Role of Cultural Heritage in Building Peace & Reconciliation
  • ST03: Protecting and Interpreting Cultural Heritage in the Age of Digital Empowerment
  • ST04: Culture-Nature Journey, Exploring the Complexities of Human Relationships with Natural and Cultural Places

The call for papers for subthemes ST01, ST02 and ST03 is available on the official GA website.

In addition to the call for papers, a call for proposals is launched for subtheme ST04 of the Scientific Symposium, the Culture-Nature Journey. ICOMOS and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with a growing group of our members and partners, will build on the success of the Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i in September 2016 and invite the submission of proposals of sessions in various formats (knowledge cafés, workshops, kiosks, etc.) to address the interconnected character of cultural and natural heritage.

The call for proposals is also available on the official GA website. And there is more information about the event at this link.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2017
Deadline for proposals for the Culture-Nature Journey: 30 April 2017


21. Heritage Special Interest section at EIANZ conference, 29 October – 1 November, New Zealand – call for papers

The Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) are holding their annual conference in Wellington, New Zealand on 29 October – 1 November 2017.

Earlier this year, a Heritage Special Interest section (SIS) was established within EIANZ to promote:

  • Develop and promote knowledge about this specialized area of environmental practice
  • Advance the professional standing and recognition of heritage practitioners through the Certified Environmental Practitioner (CenvP) accreditation scheme

Details of the Heritage SIS can be found here.

In the interests of growing the Heritage SIS within EIANZ and presenting cultural heritage matters to a wider range of professional environmental audiences, the management committee of the SIS would like to encourage all cultural heritage practitioners to submit an abstract responding to the conference themes from a cultural heritage conservation and/or management perspective.

Visit the conference website for more details and the call for papers section for the conference themes.

The call for papers closes on Friday 26 May 2017.


22. New appointments to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust – The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, dated 5 April 2017.

I am pleased today to announce a series of important appointments to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. I welcome the appointment of Ms Mary Darwell as the new Executive Director of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, and the appointment of two new members of the Trust’s board.

Ms Darwell served as the Chief Executive of Arts NSW for eight years, and has worked with Infrastructure NSW to lead the development of NSW’s first Cultural Infrastructure Strategy. Ms Darwell brings a wealth of experience and deep commitment to Sydney and its infrastructure to managing some of Australia’s most iconic places.

Ms Jean Hay AM will be appointed to the Board of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust as Deputy Chair, along with Mr Garth Callender as a general member.

The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust was established to protect and improve public access to former defence sites around Sydney Harbour. Under the Act the Trust is governed by a Board of eight trustees.

Ms Hay is the former Mayor of Manly Council and is the Chair of the Northern Beaches Implementation Advisory Group. She has previously served on the Board as Deputy Chair and her appointment will provide continuity in the ongoing operation of the Trust.

Mr Callender is a former soldier with a distinguished military career. Mr Callender is currently working with the NSW Government on planning and delivering the Veterans Employment Program across the NSW public sector, and is also an Ambassador for Bravery Trust. His appointment to the Trust will ensure a greater connection to the military history of the Trust lands.

I thank the former, founding Executive Director of the Trust, Geoff Bailey, for his vision and stewardship of the Trust over almost two decades.

The Turnbull Government remains committed to managing these important heritage sites for Sydney and the nation, and for the enjoyment of all Australians and visitors to our shores.


23. ICLAFI / ICUCH / ICOMOS Netherlands symposium, 29 June – 1 July 2017: call for paper proposals

The ICOMOS ISC on Legal, Administrative and Financial issues (ICLAFI), the ICOMOS ISC on Underwater Cultural Heritage( ICUCH) and ICOMOS Netherlands are hosting the following symposium and invite proposals for papers.

The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work?
29 June – 1 July 2017
The Netherlands

Proposals for papers can be sent until 14 April 2017.

For more information, see the ICLAFI – ICUCH – ICOMOS Netherlands Symposium – call for paper proposals.


24. “Garden Heritage: Restoration – Care – Presentation” conference, Czech Republic, 21-24 September 2017 – call for papers

The ICOMOS IFLA ISCCL (International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes), in collaboration with the Czech Republic’s National Heritage Institute, is organising a conference titled ‘Garden Heritage: Restoration – Care – Presentation’ to be held in the Czech Republic on 21-24 September 2017.

A call for papers has been issued. The call for abstracts is open until 15 May 2017. Proposals from ISC members will be greatly welcomed by the conference organisers.

For more information, click on the links below.


25. HABITechno 3 International conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 11 November 2017 – call for papers

HABITechno 3 International Conference
“Ecoregion as a Verb of Settlement Technology and Development”
Bandung, Indonesia
11 November 2017

HABITechno is a biennial conference that is held by the Architecture Study Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. This third event will focus on integrating ecology in the development of housing and human settlement technology for sustainability. The objectives of HABITechno are to discuss and gather knowledge on the technological innovations that can respond to the contemporary challenges in the development of housing and human settlement, which range from “hard technologies” (eg. appropriate building technology) to “soft technologies” (eg. institutional aspects), for a more sustainable housing and human settlement development.

This conference will have five topics which are divided into a number of sub-topics that can still be developed in line with the context of the innovations presented by each of the participants. The topics are as follows:

1. Innovation of Resilient Settlement Development

2. Innovations of Technology (Green Concept) In Sustainable Housing and Settlement Development

3. Innovation of Appropriate Technology Application In Sustainable Housing and Settlement Development

4. Innovation of Local Wisdom Application In Sustainable Housing and Settlement

5. Innovations of Sustainable Settlement and Ecotourism Development

Click here for the call for papers.

Abstract deadline – 17 April 2017.


26. CyArk’s Photographer in Residence program 

CyArk visits amazing sites whose stories deserve to be told around the world. We live in a highly visual society. With the rise of social media and self-publishing, we have an unprecedented opportunity to share cultural heritage with a whole new audience.

Just this month, we launched the Photographer in Residence program to complement and bring a photographer’s eye to our rigorous documentation process.

We have selected award winning photographer, Kieran Kesner, from a vast pool of over 200 applicants to serve as the first of these Photographer-Explorers over the next six months. He has done some incredible work for the New York Times, National Geographic, and NPR just to name a few. We are thrilled to have him.

Kieran joined us in the office this month for a crash course in digital preservation. While he was in town, we sat down for a quick interview to learn more about his impressive career so far and what drew him to the photographer in residence role. Check out Kieran’s Portfolio here.

Kieran will be joining our field teams over the next six months to document the process and help us share the compelling yet unknown stories of these incredible places. We have some exciting projects lined up for the summer and fall from South East Asia to the Americas and Eastern Europe; 2017 promises to be a busy one thanks to the support of all our donors! We are even planning to dive into the archive and dig up some of our favorite historic projects and breathe new life into them.


27. International Cultural Heritage Expert Symposium & Workshop, Florence, 18-19 May – call for abstracts deadline extended to 18 April

Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Tourism
International Expert Symposium
International Cultural Tourism Charter Review +20 Workshop

ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC) welcomes your contribution to our International Expert Symposium & Workshop to be held in Florence on Thursday 18 – Friday 19 May 2017.

Working alongside UNESCO and (World Tourism Organization) UNWTO we are celebrating ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites 2017 on the theme – Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism – chosen to coincide with the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 (IYSTD). In addition, our meeting will further ICOMOS discussions relating to cultural tourism and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 2030.

We are looking to share expertise and place cultural heritage conservation in the forefront of thinking about the future of cultural tourism and sustainable tourism development & sustainable tourism for development. We hope you will join us either by giving an oral presentation based on an abstract to be submitted by the extended deadline of 18 April 2017, or by joining in the conversation, or both. Selected abstracts will be chosen for development and publication of full papers by ICTC in time for the ICOMOS General Assembly in Delhi, India, December 2017.

In ICOMOS we should recall that we already have a distinguished record of providing leadership in this field with the first ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter in 1976 and the second endorsed by ICOMOS General Assembly in Mexico in 1999.

ICTC’s International Symposium and Workshop, Florence 2017, marks the start of the Charter Review process. Evidence in the form of current conceptual thinking, research and case studies will underpin our Charter Review and form the background to the ICOMOS ICTC Florence Declaration 2017. Further information is available in the ICTC Florence Symposium 2017 – Information Document and the ICTC Florence Symposium 2017 – Call for Abstracts; all queries can be emailed to the ICTC Symposium & Workshop organisers.


Australia ICOMOS members PLEASE NOTE:

Australia ICOMOS members who wish to comment on the Cultural Tourism Charter are invited to send views/comments/suggestions directly to Ian Kelly by email. (Ian Kelly has been appointed Secretary to the Working Group on ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter Review). Ian would also like to be informed of any Australia ICOMOS members (particularly members of ICTC) who are planning to attend the Florence workshop.

Members who wish to contact the organisers to gain more information about the Florence workshop should contact the ICTC Symposium & Workshop organisers by email.


28. Funding grants for women’s leadership development

Women & Leadership Australia (WLA) is administering a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s humanities sector.

The initiative is providing women with grants to enable participation in a range of leadership development programs.

The leadership development programs are part-time and delivered nationally via WLA’s blended learning model. Scholarship funding is strictly limited and will be awarded based on a set of selection criteria being met.

Expressions of Interest

Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form here prior to 7 June 2017.


29. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


30. News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


31. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


32. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior Built Heritage Consultant, Senior Historical Archaeology Consultant, & Principal Heritage Consultant (3 x positions), Artefact, Sydney

Artefact is one of Sydney’s success stories. Just six years since launching the brand, it can count some of Sydney’s highest profile, and most talented consultants, in its remit and has enviably positioned itself as a market leader with a diverse range of clients across a continually expanding portfolio of projects.

Committed to making a difference, this starts with the team that Artefact are building – and that team needs to grow again as a result of a period of rapid growth for the company.


Senior Built Heritage Consultant – Job tasks and responsibilities

This position, under limited direction, provides high-level technical expertise, assistance and services to clients and internal stakeholders. The role is a technical and project management one, with a strong mentorship component.

You will be responsible for providing high level heritage advice to clients and the heritage team. Extensive experience in heritage consulting will allow you to identify creative solutions for best practice heritage outcomes across the project portfolio.

You will be responsible for managing multiple projects and relevant resources and for ensuring budgets and deadlines are met. The position is considered a mentorship role and as such plays a key part in the guidance of both Graduate Heritage Consultants and Heritage Consultants on a daily basis, ensuring a high level of service delivery is achieved.

Excellent writing and reviewing skills will ensure this position delivers “client ready” reports across all allocated projects.


Applications close 14 April 2017.


Senior Historical Archaeology Consultant – Job tasks and responsibilities

This position, under limited direction, provides high-level technical expertise, assistance and services to clients and internal stakeholders. The role is a technical and project management one, with a strong mentorship component.

You will be responsible for providing high level heritage advice to clients and the heritage team. Extensive experience in heritage consulting will allow you to identify creative solutions for best practise heritage outcomes across the project portfolio.

You will be responsible for managing multiple projects and relevant resources and for ensuring budgets and deadlines are met. The position is considered a mentorship role and as such plays a key part in the guidance and mentorship of both Graduate Heritage Consultants and Heritage Consultants on a daily basis, ensuring a high level of service delivery is achieved.

Excellent writing and reviewing skills will ensure this position delivers “client ready” reports across all allocated projects.


Applications close 14 April 2017.


Principal Heritage Consultant

This is a key role in the organisation and fundamental to supporting the outstanding reputation that Artefact is building. You will be a part of a small team of Principals, each with their own specialisation, suite of projects and team.

Critical to success will be working with clients to help them to understand the value proposition of protecting our heritage and providing high quality recommendations and reports, in line with budgetary and time constraints.



33. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Architect (Principal or Associate role), Catalyst Architects, Adelaide Base / National Projects

Catalyst Architects are seeking an experienced Heritage Architect to join our team in either a Principal or an Associate role, reflecting your experience and capability. A less experienced candidate may also be considered, with a strong mentoring commitment being offered.

Catalyst Architects is an Adelaide-based heritage architecture practice working throughout Australia on the conservation and adaptation of historic places. We work primarily with Commonwealth and state government agencies, as well as development companies.

We are typically delivering a diverse mix of heritage services at some of Australia’s most culturally significant places. Our national client base and portfolio is truly unique and demands nothing less than excellence.

With long-term ongoing service contracts, we need to expand our team to meet our client needs. We are seeking a Senior Heritage Architect who will positively support our company values. As a leader of our company you will be delivering strategic heritage advice, conservation works documentation, site and building condition audits, heritage management plans, statements of heritage impact, archival recordings, interpretation strategies and bespoke new building design, documentation and contract administration.

A degree in Architecture is essential with Architect Registration and ICOMOS membership preferred.

Your skills and expertise will be valued and your salary package will reflect this. Company equity options will be available with proven performance. Contemporary Adelaide city office base.

For a full position description please contact Catalyst Architects by email.

Applications close on Friday 21 April 2017 at 4.00pm.


34. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants (various levels), Heritage 21, Sydney

About Heritage 21 (H21): H21 is a medium sized heritage consultancy, based in Alexandria, specialising in cultural built heritage and operating throughout NSW for over 25 years. The clients of H21 vary from the home owner to State and Federal Government agencies; Local Councils; H21 assists town planners, architects, owners, managers and developers of heritage properties through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.

What Heritage 21 offers: H21 is a flexible workplace and tries to ensure a good work/life balance for their employees. H21 currently has most of its staff participating in a Job Ready Graduate program, which is a nationally recognised, Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. This is being carried out in the workplace and would be offered to the successful candidate(s).

Positions available at Heritage 21: Due to growth and recent restructure at Heritage 21, various positions have become available for the right people to join the team; H21 is recruiting for various levels of expertise: entry level, intermediate (3-5 years’ experience) and senior positions (6 years plus). The roles and positions will vary due to the wide range of projects.

What Heritage 21 is looking for: H21 is looking to employ enthusiastic people, with a degree or equivalent and with a background in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design or related fields, and/or someone who may be studying towards a master of heritage conservation or similar. The right candidates will need to have strong communication skills, including a good command of the English language, excellent writing and general research skills. H21 is looking for the right people, who will have the ability and willingness to take on a wide variety of tasks and have the determination for the development and knowledge of their heritage skills.

The roles are permanent full-time positions located at Alexandria. The successful applicants will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered for each position.

Please email your resume to Sue Rosenberg; or for a confidential discussion/enquiry regarding these positions, please contact Sue Rosenberg on 0412 486 777.

Applications close 7 April 2017.


35. SITUATION VACANT Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute

The Getty Conservation Institute’s (GCI) Buildings and Sites department is seeking a Principal Project Specialist, whose role will be to develop and manage work within some new project areas the Getty is exploring.

The Buildings and Sites department is composed of a diverse and talented group of roughly twenty-five multidisciplinary conservation practitioners including architects, archaeologists, conservators, historians and planners. The department works internationally to advance conservation practice through research, field projects, dissemination and training and capacity building. We work in partnership with other conservation institutions, NGOs, governments and academia to achieve our aims.

A long-time area of expertise of the GCI is in archaeological site conservation and management. This position will serve to support the Head of the Department to manage this portfolio of work. The position therefore will suit a candidate with superior knowledge, skills and experience in this field. The Principal Project Specialist will identify and develop new projects, manage projects, staff and consultant teams and provide vision and leadership to the institution.

We are looking for a recognized leader in the field of archaeological site conservation who has a proven ability to manage complex programs, staff and budgets. The successful candidate should be an interdisciplinary thinker who can work with the Head of the Buildings and Sites department and GCI staff.

This position offers an exciting opportunity for a mid-senior career professional to work with an extraordinary team and to collaborate with many fine colleagues across the various programs of the Getty and with our partner institutions around the world.

For more information about this opportunity, see the GCI – Principal Project Specialist position description.

Deadline for applications is 5 May 2017.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
