Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 772

  1. 2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017 – Book Now!
  2. Call for EOI for the Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Working Group
  3. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications – online application process now live
  4. April 18 event, Hobart: Free public lecture, Thursday 20 April
  5. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Victorian and Tasmanian Members!
  6. Albert Hall Reference Group – call for nominations open
  7. Call for Indigenous participation at ICOMOS General Assembly Nature Culture Journey
  8. Blue Shield Australia symposium, Canberra, 29-30 January 2018
  9. Protecting National Historic Sites 2016-17 Program – applications open
  10. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop, 19 May – registration open
  11. ISS Institute 2017 Fellowships – applications open
  12. Shared Built Heritage Study Tour, West Bengal, 1-8 December 2017
  13. International Cultural Heritage Expert Symposium & Workshop, Florence, 18-19 May – call for abstracts
  14. CIPA Ottawa – Emerging Professionals Travel Support Grants available
  15. Hague Convention 1972 gains UK royal ascent
  16. Prioritizing Preservation using the Risk Management Approach: two new online publications by ICCROM and CCI
  17. ISCARSAH Workshop on World Heritage Sites, Republic of Korea, 6-9 June 2017
  18. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals
  19. Heritage, Tourism and Sustainability conference – 2nd call for papers
  20. Call for Papers: Change Over Time
  21. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  22. Latest NSC-ICH newsletter now online
  23. SITUATIONS VACANT Principal & Senior Heritage Architects (2 x positions), Brisbane City Council
  24. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Catalyst Architects, Adelaide
  25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
  26. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney
  27. SITUATION VACANT Qualified, experienced roofers with heritage conservation skills, James Henry Roofing, Adelaide
  28. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants (various levels), Heritage 21, Sydney
  29. SITUATION VACANT Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute


1. 2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017 – Book Now!

Australia ICOMOS, in association with the Sydney Opera House,
is pleased to host the
2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017, 5.30 for 6pm

The 2017 guest speaker is the gold medal winning architect, critical thinker and exhibition designer Richard Johnson AO MBE. Richard’s talk is titled:

HERITAGE – INHERITANCE “Contemporary Relevance and Continuity”

The talk explores that which we have inherited from the past and its continued value and contemporary relevance as an expression of our living culture.

The event will take place in the Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House and will be moderated by Dr Tracy Ireland, Associate Professor of Cultural Heritage, University of Canberra.


3.30 – 5.30 pm (Optional) tour of Sydney Opera House
5.30 pm Arrival and Networking
6.00 – 7.30 pm: Jim Kerr Address

COST (including refreshments)
Australia ICOMOS $25
Non-members: $30
Full-time students: $20


Download the 2017 Jim Kerr Address Flyer.


2. Call for EOI for the Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Working Group

Call for Australia ICOMOS members working or researching in the area of the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage places and values

The Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Working Group started off with great energy and enthusiasm arising out of a recommendation from the 2007 ICOMOS conference and following a survey of members on the issue. The role of this committee is to raise awareness of the issues relating to cultural heritage conservation arising from Climate Change both in the public and government sectors

The World Heritage Committee, the World Heritage Centre and the advisory bodies have all recognised the danger that climate change impacts pose for World Heritage places. In Australia several government departments have completed baseline studies considering the impact of climate change on heritage assets and coastal infrastructure.

It is timely now to refresh this working group and regalvanise the activities of Australia ICOMOS in relation to this important area. Our work plan is now out of date and developing a new agreed plan will be our first task. To that end we are calling for members who are either working or research active in this area or who have responsibilities for managing heritage places where climate change impacts are a concern.

If you are interested in being part of this working group please email Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy by COB 7 April and provide a brief account of your interest and experience with the topic. Working Groups members are expected to actively participate in the work of the committee so please ensure that you are willing and able to participate in at least 4 meetings per year and in taking on some activity in this area between meetings that will be needed to advance the work plan.


3. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications – online application process now live

There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet, but membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state-based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. For all Full Members (including Young Professionals), the ICOMOS members’ card gives free or reduced-rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.

Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members in all the available membership categories, and particularly encourages students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.

Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the May 2017 Executive Committee meeting, please apply via the online form by COB Friday 7 April 2017.

If further information is required, email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.


4. April 18 event, Hobart: Free public lecture, Thursday 20 April 

Australia ICOMOS, in association with the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, is hosting a free public lecture:

Tasmania’s Historical Tourists, Their Legacy – Our Heritage, and Sustainable Management

Royal Society Room, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart

5:30 for 6:00pm, Thursday 20 April 2017
(tea & coffee will be available from 5:30 to 5:50pm)


  • Marion Walker (Consultant historian) – speaking on historical tourism in Tasmania
  • Anne McConnell (Consultant, M ICOMOS) – speaking on the heritage of historical tourism in Tasmania
  • Jane Harrington (PAHSMA, M ICOMOS) – speaking about the sustainable management of heritage sites in the tourism context and using Port Arthur as a case study

The MC will be John Wadsley (Consultant, M ICOMOS).

Please RSVP (for numbers), by Wednesday 19 April on (03) 6165 7001 or by email to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.


5. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Victorian and Tasmanian Members!

Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in Victoria in 2012 following an earlier trial in the ACT, and it now runs in New South Wales and Victoria. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.

As the program has now run with enthusiastic responses from both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it in Victoria and Tasmania for 2017.

When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.

Students in heritage-related post-graduate programs at Deakin University, the University of Melbourne, Federation University and Latrobe University (based in Victoria), and Deakin off-campus students based in Tasmania will be invited to apply for the program.

We usually have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we are hoping that all ICOMOS members based in Victoria and Tasmania will consider participating this year.

What is required?

While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that mentors meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests. 

There will be a social event held in late April to introduce mentoring pairs. If you wish to be a mentor or a mentee, it is not essential to attend, although this is an easy way to meet and set up the first meeting, as well as networking with other students and colleagues.  

There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return. 

How do I get involved as a MENTOR? 

If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by 17 April 2017.

Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees. 

Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible. 

How do I get involved as a MENTEE? 

Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. 

All applications must be received by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 17 April 2017. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible. 

When do we start? 

We will be matching students and mentors next month, and will launch this year’s program with an event in late April. More information about the launch will be sent to participants in the program.

We hope that all members based in Victoria or Tasmania will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

2017 Australia ICOMOS VIC/TAS Mentoring Team
Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)
Kate Darian-Smith (University of Melbourne)
Anita Smith (Latrobe University)
Keir Reeves (Federation University)


6. Albert Hall Reference Group – call for nominations open

The ACT Government is seeking nominations from interested members of the community to be part of the Albert Hall Reference Group. The positions are open to anyone in the ACT with an interest in the site. They are voluntary and do not attract remuneration.  

The reference group is being established as a result of the 2016 Land Management Plan, to ensure a balanced representation from the community, heritage groups as well as users of the building. The group will advise government on the maintenance, priorities and development of this iconic building.

Albert Hall deserves to be nurtured and suitably managed to ensure it remains a vibrant, functional space that can be enjoyed by future generations. Nominations are due by 5pm, Friday 7 April 2017.

For more information and to download a nomination form, click here.


7. Call for Indigenous participation at ICOMOS General Assembly Nature Culture Journey

Diane Menzies, Expert Voting Member (New Zealand) for the ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL), is keen to be in contact with Australian Indigenous people willing to participate in a workshop at the ICOMOS 2017 General Assembly in Delhi, India (11-15 December 2017). The workshop, which will form part of the Culture-Nature Journey at the Scientific Symposium, will comprise short papers and a discussion concerning Indigenous participation in the work of International ICOMOS, and in particular how Indigenous people can best participate in and influence the work of this global cultural heritage NGO. For anyone with an interest, or can suggest potential contacts, please contact Diane by email.


8. Blue Shield Australia symposium, Canberra, 29-30 January 2018

You are invited to join Blue Shield Australia members and supporters at the 2018 Blue Shield Australia Symposium, to be held at the National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia.

The symposium will be held over two days as follows:

  • Monday 29 January 2018 – Tours, Workshops and Evening Welcome Reception
  • Tuesday 30 January 2018 – Symposium with invited speakers

For more information and to register your interest, visit the Blue Shield Australia website.


9. Protecting National Historic Sites 2016-17 Program – applications open

The Department of the Environment and Energy is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Protecting National Historic Sites 2016-17 Program.

Information about the Program, including the Guidelines and Application Form, is available at the Department of the Environment and Energy website.

Applications close at 2pm, Thursday 6 April 2017.


10. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop, 19 May – registration open

Tickets are now on sale for the Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop on 19 May 2017. Tickets will be on sale until 15 May 2017 unless sold out earlier – book now to avoid disappointment. 

The one day workshop is an opportunity for practitioners, students and those interested in historical archaeology to explore best practice, innovations and technology as well as recent historical archaeology projects in NSW. 

This year’s theme is theme ‘views and interpretations – historical archaeology in NSW’.

The day will include keynote speakers, papers, practical demonstrations and discussions all related to current practice in historical archaeology. 

Click here to book your seat.


11. ISS Institute 2017 Fellowships – applications open

The International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) is pleased to announce our 2017 Round One Fellowships.

In this round, eight Fellowships are available covering the areas of: environment and sustainability; alternative energy; education; heritage and conservation; heavy construction materials (concrete and/or quarrying); and, the wide agribusiness industry. Please consider applying for one yourself and sharing information about these Fellowships with colleagues, peers, family and friends.

The area of heritage and conservation is covered by the George Alexander Foundation International Fellowship – click here for more information and to apply.

The Fellowships close at 4:00pm on Friday 28 April, 2017.


12. Shared Built Heritage Study Tour, West Bengal, 1-8 December 2017

With the Indian National Scientific Committee for Shared Built Heritage (NSC SBH), the International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage (ISC SBH), has organised another annual study tour, this time of West Bengal, to take place on 1-8 December 2017. 

“This landscape is a physical testimony to the rise and fall of colonial ambitions in India, beginning with the Mughal capital of Bengal at Murshidabad, followed by colonial trading posts of the French at Chandernagore, Danish at Serampore, Dutch at Chinsurah and the Portuguese at Bandel, and finally the British capital at Calcutta (now Kolkata). The tour is planned to explore the shared built heritage of each of these settlements that is linked by the Hooghly river and the symposium shall provide the opportunity to explore the issues and challenges faced for their conservation and development. The tour will be stationed in Calcutta, also the symposium venue, and short trips would be designed to familiarise the participants with the area as well as the context of this heritage.”

The symposium provides the occasion to meet local practitioners, NCOs and government persons, and for these people a rare chance to have dialogue about heritage management with others from around the world.


  • The study tour is the WEEK PRIOR to the ICOMOS General Assembly in Delhi, India
  • ISC SBH will hold an Asian general meeting on Saturday 9 December 2017 in Delhi, India

Study tour numbers are limited – see the NSC Shared Built Heritage Tour and Symposium Flyer for the programme and examples of sites. NSC SBH & ICOMOS India will also provide information on the official GA website.

Australia ICOMOS members please contact Sue Jackson-Stepowski, ISC SBH Vice President by email.


13. International Cultural Heritage Expert Symposium & Workshop, Florence, 18-19 May – call for abstracts

Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Tourism
International Expert Symposium
International Cultural Tourism Charter Review +20 Workshop

ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC) welcomes your contribution to our International Expert Symposium & Workshop to be held in Florence on Thursday 18 – Friday 19 May 2017.

Working alongside UNESCO and (World Tourism Organization) UNWTO we are celebrating ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites 2017 on the theme – Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism – chosen to coincide with the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 (IYSTD). In addition, our meeting will further ICOMOS discussions relating to cultural tourism and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 2030.

We are looking to share expertise and place cultural heritage conservation in the forefront of thinking about the future of cultural tourism and sustainable tourism development & sustainable tourism for development. We hope you will join us either by giving an oral presentation based on an abstract to be submitted by 5 April 2017, or by joining in the conversation, or both. Selected abstracts will be chosen for development and publication of full papers by ICTC in time for the ICOMOS General Assembly in Delhi, India, December 2017.

In ICOMOS we should recall that we already have a distinguished record of providing leadership in this field with the first ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter in 1976 and the second endorsed by ICOMOS General Assembly in Mexico in 1999.

ICTC’s International Symposium and Workshop, Florence 2017, marks the start of the Charter Review process. Evidence in the form of current conceptual thinking, research and case studies will underpin our Charter Review and form the background to the ICOMOS ICTC Florence Declaration 2017. Further information is available in the ICTC Florence Symposium 2017 – Information Document and the ICTC Florence Symposium 2017 – Call for Abstracts; all queries can be emailed to the ICTC Syposium & Workshop organisers.


Australia ICOMOS members PLEASE NOTE:

Australia ICOMOS members who wish to comment on the Cultural Tourism Charter are invited to send views/comments/suggestions directly to Ian Kelly by email. (Ian Kelly has been appointed Secretary to the Working Group on ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter Review). Ian would also like to be informed of any Australia ICOMOS members (particularly members of ICTC) who are planning to attend the Florence workshop.

Members who wish to contact the organisers to gain more information about the Florence workshop should contact the ICTC Syposium & Workshop organisers by email.


14. CIPA Ottawa – Emerging Professionals Travel Support Grants available

CIPA2017 – Digital Workflows for Conservation
28 August – 1 September 2017
Ottawa, Canada

CIPA Ottawa’s organizing committee is please to announce the Emerging Professionals Travel Support Grants.

The Global Heritage Fund, in its endeavor to provide support to Emerging Professionals in Heritage Conservation, is offering three travel expense support grants (600$ CAD) to scholars attending the 26th CIPA Symposium in Ottawa (Canada). Any young participant who has submitted a paper to the symposium is eligible to apply for this support. Successful applicants will be reimbursed upon submitting expense receipts for travel to Ottawa. The selection panel will announce the successful awardees in May 2017.

Cyark Foundation, in its endeavor to provide support to Emerging Professionals in developing and applying Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation is offering five travel expense support grants (700$ CAD) to professionals attending the 26th CIPA Symposium in Ottawa (Canada). Any young participant who has submitted a paper to the symposium is eligible to apply for this support. Successful applicants will be reimbursed upon submitting expense receipts for travel to Ottawa. The selection panel will announce the successful awardees in May 2017. Also your project will be considered to be included in the prestigious Cyark 500 project.


  • Have submitted a contribution to CIPA 2017, if an extended abstract has been submitted, the awardee is expected to submit a full paper by 15 June 2017
  • Your contribution clearly addresses a Digital Workflow that is aimed at the Conservation of Historic Places
  • You are an emerging professional in the field of digital documentation of historic places
  • Be a member of CIPA and have applied to be a member of ICOMOS and/or ISPRS

Expected application requirements

  • A motivation letter of at least 500 words explaining how your contribution meets the needs for using digital tools in the conservation of Historic Places
  • Proof of submission of your contribution to CIPA 2017: provide the number provided by the symposium organizer’s conftools system
  • Proof of membership to ICOMOS and/or ISPRS, or that you have applied to become a member
  • A  maximum two pages’ resume (CV)

The application form can be downloaded from here.

Application deadline – 15 April 2017.



The organizing committee is proud to announce our new keynote speakers Elizabeth Lee (Managing Director for CyArk) and Brandon Montellato (University Relations Manager at DJI) talking about the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and other technologies for recording heritage places conservation.  More information about our excellent group of Keynote speakers, click here.

Over 270 contributions have been submitted to CIPA 2017 from interdisciplinary professionals working all over the work, showcasing not only the use of digital workflows, but also describing their effectiveness for the conservation of historic sites.


15. Hague Convention 1972 gains UK royal ascent

Below is an extract from ICOMOS UK’s March 2017 bulletin, which shares some good news from the UK.

“A huge step has been taken towards the safeguard and the preservation of heritage: in 2016 the UK finally decided to ratify the 1954 Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its protocols of 1954 and 1999 – And on 23rd February 2017 the Bill gained Royal Assent!

ICOMOS-UK was one of the many organisation who has campaigned for this to happen and we were particularly active at the time of the Iraq war. The recent destruction of cultural heritage in Syria has once more brought the issue of heritage protection sharply into focus.

The legislation creates two new offences in UK law: making cultural property the object of an attack; and dealing in cultural property that has been unlawfully exported from an occupied territory (including a provision for the seizure of such property and eventual return to a competent authority once the conflict is deemed over). The Act also includes the creation of a Cultural Protection Fund and the development of a Military Cultural Property Protection Unit within the armed forces.”


16. Prioritizing Preservation using the Risk Management Approach: two new online publications by ICCROM and CCI

In today’s world, cultural heritage institutions must strive to be accountable, transparent and participatory, spending resources effectively while balancing needs of the community with those of the future.

A risk management approach will enable organizations to identify and manage risks to cultural assets, so they can make smarter decisions about their preservation, access and use.

By investigating risk management in other fields such as health and finance, and thanks to over a decade of international training and case studies, ICCROM and CCI have developed and refined an innovative methodology now available for free download.

For more information about these publications, visit the ICCROM website.

Links to these two publications have also been added to the Australia ICOMOS Heritage Toolkit.


17. ISCARSAH Workshop on World Heritage Sites, Republic of Korea, 6-9 June 2017

The ICOMOS ISC on Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH) is holding a workshop on the Structural Health Assessment, Disaster Prevention, and Sustainable Management of World Heritage Sites in Korea, to take place in Seoul and GyeongJu, Republic of Korea.

For more information, see the Call ISCARSAH Workshop and ISCARSAH’17 workshop REGISTRATION FORM.

Queries can be directed to ISCARSAH’17 by email.


18. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals

On behalf of ICOMOS India and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of forwarding you the call for papers and proposals for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Delhi, India, on the occasion of the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 11 to 15 December 2017 (the exact dates of the Scientific Symposium are from 12 to 15 December 2017).

The theme of the Scientific Symposium is “Heritage and Democracy” with the following subthemes:

  • ST01: Integrating Heritage and Sustainable Urban Development by engaging diverse Communities for Heritage Management
  • ST02: The Role of Cultural Heritage in Building Peace & Reconciliation
  • ST03: Protecting and Interpreting Cultural Heritage in the Age of Digital Empowerment
  • ST04: Culture-Nature Journey, Exploring the Complexities of Human Relationships with Natural and Cultural Places

The call for papers for subthemes ST01, ST02 and ST03 is available on the official GA website.

In addition to the call for papers, a call for proposals is launched for subtheme ST04 of the Scientific Symposium, the Culture-Nature Journey. ICOMOS and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with a growing group of our members and partners, will build on the success of the Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i in September 2016 and invite the submission of proposals of sessions in various formats (knowledge cafés, workshops, kiosks, etc.) to address the interconnected character of cultural and natural heritage.

The call for proposals is also available on the official GA website.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2017
Deadline for proposals for the Culture-Nature Journey: 30 April 2017

Registration for the 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will open around 6 March 2017 on the official GA website.


19. Heritage, Tourism and Sustainability conference – 2nd call for papers

“Heritage, Tourism and Sustainability: An Approach from the Productive Landscape” conference
18-21 April 2017
Mexico City

For 2017’s ICOMOS celebration of Sustainable Tourism, ICOMOS México’s Scientific Committees have the pleasure to extend our call for papers and proposals to International ICOMOS members, for the International Scientific Symposium that will take place in Mexico City, from 18 to 23 April, 2017.

Deadline for submission of abstracts 26 March 2017.

For more information see the Heritage, Tourism and Sustainability – call for papers or contact ICOMOS México by email.


20. Call for Papers: Change Over Time

Change Over Time is a semi-annual journal publishing original articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built environment. Each issue is dedicated to a particular theme as a method to promote critical discourse on contemporary conservation issues from multiple perspectives both within the field and across disciplines. Themes are examined at all scales, from the global and regional to the microscopic and material.

Gentrification and Heritage Conservation | Fall 2018
Guest Editors: Caroline Cheong and Kecia Fong

The term gentrification is used to describe both a process and outcome of physical, socioeconomic, and demographic neighborhood change. Its association with the displacement of low-income households by wealthier ones has overshadowed more nuanced understandings of the relationship between the historic built environment, conservation, and gentrification. This issue seeks to address this under-examined intersection. According to Rose (2001), neighborhoods with a high likelihood for gentrifying exhibit five key attributes: 1) a high percentage of renters; 2) easy access to the central business district; 3) location within a region of increasing metropolitan density; 4) high architectural value; and 5) relatively low housing values. In this schema, urban conservation is commonly considered to be a precursor to gentrification, particularly in distressed historic areas (Smith 1998; Glaser 2010).

Glaeser, Edward. (2010). Preservation Follies. City Journal, 20(2).
Rose, Kalima. (2001). Beyond Gentrification: Tools for Equitable Development. Shelterforce Online (May/June 2001).
Smith, Neil. (1986). Gentrification, the frontier, and the restructuring of urban space. In N. Smith & P. Williams (Eds.), Gentrification of the City (pp. 15-39). Boston: Allen & Unwin.

Gentrification drivers span from market trends to government-sponsored initiatives. In a market-led context, undervalued historic neighborhoods contain desirable attributes for incoming households, not least of which is the sense of place and continuity inherent within the historic built environment. In public scenarios, governments explicitly target historic neighborhoods for regeneration. In nearly all cases, existing, usually low or middle income households, face potential displacement. While gentrification has received ample scholarly attention, its occurrence in historic areas – and its interaction with heritage – is less thoroughly documented. This issue interrogates the relationship, past and present, between gentrification and heritage conservation. It does so by exploring questions related to heritage conservation in changing neighborhoods such as: Are historic neighborhoods necessarily targets for gentrification? What are the challenges and opportunities facing these areas, or those that are presently or have already undergone such processes? What other, more inclusive scenarios exist wherein urban conservation serves as a vehicle for neighborhood preservation? How can historians, conservation professionals, planners, and others allow for the concomitant retention of heritage and regeneration values? What variables are required in negotiating this balance? Who are the primary stakeholders and what roles do they play in the process of neighborhood change?

We welcome contributions from US and international contexts on a range of topics: researching and documenting place-based gentrification in historic contexts; exploring rural, urban, and suburban gentrification and conservation dynamics; equity issues related to changing historic areas; and solutions for managing neighborhood change in historic areas. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, case studies, theoretical explorations, and evaluations of current practices or policy programs.

Abstracts of 200-300 words are due by 1 July 2017. Authors will be notified of provisional paper acceptance by 10 July 2017. Final manuscript submissions will be due early November 2017.


21. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


22. Latest NSC-ICH newsletter now online

Click here to read the latest newsletter from the National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH).


23. SITUATIONS VACANT Principal & Senior Heritage Architects (2 x positions), Brisbane City Council

Brisbane City Council is the largest local government organisation in Australia and boasts several organisational achievements, such as a nationally recognised employer of choice. There are currently two permanent opportunities within Brisbane City Council, as follows:

Principal Heritage Architect

As the Principal Heritage Architect you will lead a team of historians and architects who are responsible for the protection of Brisbane’s character and heritage buildings and places. You will lead the expert advisory services on behalf of your specialist team to implement conservation and heritage management practices within Brisbane City. 

>>More information

Senior Heritage Architect

As a Senior Heritage Architect within City Planning and Economic Development a unique opportunity exists in shaping Brisbane’s traditional building character and heritage landscape. We aim to provide the highest level of protection on heritage buildings and retain the “timber and tin” residential streetscapes that are unique to the city of Brisbane.

>>More information

To find out more about working for Brisbane City Council and the roles on offer, follow this link.

Council encourages a healthy work life balance and offers an excellent salary package including 14% superannuation.

Benefits of working for Council include:

  • flexible working hours, and flexible arrangements
  • free gym and wellness centre
  • award winning superannuation fund
  • generous leave provisions
  • competitive salary

Working in Council means delivering excellent customer service to the people of Brisbane.  

More information: phone Felicity Dan on (07) 3403 8703.

Closing Date: 11:55pm AEST, Friday 7 April 2017


24. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Architect, Catalyst Architects, Adelaide

Catalyst Architects is an Adelaide-based heritage architecture practice working throughout Australia on the conservation and adaptation of historic places. We work primarily with Commonwealth and state government agencies, and multi-national development companies.

We are typically delivering services that inform strategic national projects and large-scale commercial redevelopments. Our work involves a diverse mix of building types at some of Australia’s most culturally significant places. Our client base and portfolio is truly unique and demands nothing less than excellence.

With long-term ongoing service contracts, we need to expand our team to meet our client needs. We are seeking a Senior Heritage Architect who will positively support our company values. As a leader of our company you will be delivering strategic heritage advice, conservation works documentation, site and building condition audits, heritage management plans, statements of heritage impact, archival recordings, interpretation strategies and bespoke new building design, documentation and contract administration.

A degree in Architecture is essential with Architect Registration and ICOMOS membership preferred.

Your skills and expertise will be valued and your salary package will reflect this. Company equity options will be available with proven performance. Contemporary city office base.

For a full position description please contact Catalyst Architects by email.

Applications close on Thursday 13 April 2017 at 4.00pm.


25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne

Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Heritage Consultant for immediate start. Large variety of work and projects. Fun office environment in Richmond. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Mark or give him a call on (03) 9421 5448 for further information.


26. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney

NBRSARCHITECTURE are currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join the NBRS Heritage Studio on a full-time basis. The Heritage Studio sits within the wider NBRSARCHITECTURE firm of Architectural, Landscape and Interior Design Studios.

NBRS Heritage have over forty years’ experience in cultural heritage management, including heritage assessment, adaptive re-use, preparation of conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation strategies, archival recordings and conservation schedules of work.

Applying candidates should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of heritage principles and the relevant statutory frameworks at a State and Local level. Experience working in the heritage sector in New South Wales would be an advantage.

The ideal candidate would meet the following selection criteria:

  • Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrate an ability to investigate, assess and provide recommendations on a range of complex heritage issues
  • Demonstrate an ability to work independently as well as contribute collaboratively in larger multi-disciplinary teams
  • Demonstrate experience managing projects, clients and other stakeholder relationships and expectations
  • Demonstrate experience managing their own work schedules to meet agreed project timeframes
  • Have architectural qualifications
  • Demonstrate practical experience in heritage management of the built environment and cultural landscapes

Membership of Australia ICOMOS is desirable.

Salary will be negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience.

The full-time position is for our Sydney office.

Please send your application via email with ‘Senior Heritage Consultant job application’ as the email subject.


27. SITUATION VACANT Qualified, experienced roofers with heritage conservation skills, James Henry Roofing, Adelaide

James Henry Roofing is a well-established roofing company specializing in Heritage Conservation.

Working alongside Adelaide`s leading heritage architects and builders we carry out conservation work on many of South Australia’s most significant buildings.

We are seeking qualified and experienced roofers who are passionate about their work and have a very high standard of workmanship.

The following skills would be highly regarded:

  • Traditional roof plumbing including soldering
  • Slate and tile roofing
  • Copper and Zinc standing seam and batten seam roofing
  • Leadwork and lead burning

Please forward your expression of interest / resume to James Henry by email.


28. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants (various levels), Heritage 21, Sydney

About Heritage 21 (H21): H21 is a medium sized heritage consultancy, based in Alexandria, specialising in cultural built heritage and operating throughout NSW for over 25 years. The clients of H21 vary from the home owner to State and Federal Government agencies; Local Councils; H21 assists town planners, architects, owners, managers and developers of heritage properties through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.

What Heritage 21 offers: H21 is a flexible workplace and tries to ensure a good work/life balance for their employees. H21 currently has most of its staff participating in a Job Ready Graduate program, which is a nationally recognised, Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. This is being carried out in the workplace and would be offered to the successful candidate(s).

Positions available at Heritage 21: Due to growth and recent restructure at Heritage 21, various positions have become available for the right people to join the team; H21 is recruiting for various levels of expertise: entry level, intermediate (3-5 years’ experience) and senior positions (6 years plus). The roles and positions will vary due to the wide range of projects.

What Heritage 21 is looking for: H21 is looking to employ enthusiastic people, with a degree or equivalent and with a background in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design or related fields, and/or someone who may be studying towards a master of heritage conservation or similar. The right candidates will need to have strong communication skills, including a good command of the English language, excellent writing and general research skills. H21 is looking for the right people, who will have the ability and willingness to take on a wide variety of tasks and have the determination for the development and knowledge of their heritage skills.

The roles are permanent full-time positions located at Alexandria. The successful applicants will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered for each position.

Please email your resume to Sue Rosenberg; or for a confidential discussion/enquiry regarding these positions, please contact Sue Rosenberg on 0412 486 777.

Applications close 7 April 2017.


29. SITUATION VACANT Principal Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute

The Getty Conservation Institute’s (GCI) Buildings and Sites department is seeking a Principal Project Specialist, whose role will be to develop and manage work within some new project areas the Getty is exploring.

The Buildings and Sites department is composed of a diverse and talented group of roughly twenty-five multidisciplinary conservation practitioners including architects, archaeologists, conservators, historians and planners. The department works internationally to advance conservation practice through research, field projects, dissemination and training and capacity building. We work in partnership with other conservation institutions, NGOs, governments and academia to achieve our aims.

A long-time area of expertise of the GCI is in archaeological site conservation and management. This position will serve to support the Head of the Department to manage this portfolio of work. The position therefore will suit a candidate with superior knowledge, skills and experience in this field. The Principal Project Specialist will identify and develop new projects, manage projects, staff and consultant teams and provide vision and leadership to the institution.

We are looking for a recognized leader in the field of archaeological site conservation who has a proven ability to manage complex programs, staff and budgets. The successful candidate should be an interdisciplinary thinker who can work with the Head of the Buildings and Sites department and GCI staff.

This position offers an exciting opportunity for a mid-senior career professional to work with an extraordinary team and to collaborate with many fine colleagues across the various programs of the Getty and with our partner institutions around the world.

For more information about this opportunity, see the GCI – Principal Project Specialist position description.

Deadline for applications is 5 May 2017.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
