Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 770

  1. 2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017 – Book Now!
  2. Victorian Walking Tour, Tuesday 14 March, St Kilda
  3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, 16 March 2017
  4. City of Vincent (WA) Hands-On Workshop – Professional Repointing Techniques
  5. Australia State of the Environment 2016 released on new digital platform
  6. NSW Built Heritage Conservation Consultants and Building Contractors Prequalification Scheme – follow-up launch sessions
  7. WA State Heritage & History conference, 11-12 May – Early Bird reminder
  8. Heritage and Conservation Training Course, Margaret River, WA May 2017- registration deadline extended
  9. Protecting National Historic Sites 2016-17 Program – applications open
  10. “The Destruction of Memory” – Free Screening, 21 March, 7.00pm, SYDNEY
  11. “The Destruction of Memory” – Free Screening, 16 March, 6.30pm, MELBOURNE: Change of Screening Venue
  12. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop – call for papers
  13. International Cultural Heritage Expert Symposium & Workshop, Florence, 18-19 May – call for abstracts
  14. Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 – call for applications
  15. Heritage Near Me grants – applications open
  16. The 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards are now open!
  17. Off the Shelf: Making Storage Work for You – MA VIC workshop, 21 March, Melbourne
  18. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals
  19. News from Sydney Living Museums
  20. International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2017 – call for applications
  21. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  22. SITUATION VACANT Program and Projects Manager, Working Heritage
  23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
  24. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney
  25. SITUATION VACANT Adelaide Park Lands and City Squares Heritage Assessment – call for quotes
  26. SITUATION VACANT History Student seeks heritage experience
  27. SITUATION VACANT Qualified, experienced roofers with heritage conservation skills, James Henry Roofing, Adelaide
  28. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Officer, QLD Transport and Main Roads
  29. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior and Junior Historic Heritage Positions, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, Sydney


1. 2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017 – Book Now!

Australia ICOMOS, in association with the Sydney Opera House,
is pleased to host the
2017 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2017, 5.30 for 6pm

The 2017 guest speaker is the gold medal winning architect, critical thinker and exhibition designer Richard Johnson AO MBE. Richard’s talk is titled:

HERITAGE – INHERITANCE “Contemporary Relevance and Continuity”

The talk explores that which we have inherited from the past and its continued value and contemporary relevance as an expression of our living culture.

The event will take place in the Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House and will be moderated by Dr Tracy Ireland, Associate Professor of Cultural Heritage, University of Canberra.


3.30 – 5.30 pm (Optional) tour of Sydney Opera House 
5.30 pm Arrival and Networking
6.00 – 7.30 pm: Jim Kerr Address

COST (including refreshments)
Australia ICOMOS $25
Non-members: $30
Full-time students: $20



2. Victorian Walking Tour, Tuesday 14 March, St Kilda

Robyn Clinch (VIC State Representative) will be conducting a walking tour of some local Port Phillip built heritage interventions that she has been involved in over the past 8 years. This is an opportunity to have a look at what the local policy has done to the heritage fabric and to engage in some lively discussion on the whys and wherefores….we will convene at a local eatery if people want to do that afterwards.

A handout will be provided. If you can make it later let Robyn know and we can work out where to meet you on the way.

Date: Tuesday 14 March
Meet: St Kilda Town Hall steps opposite the library in Carlisle Street
Time: 5:00pm – setting out on the tram and then walking
RSVP: to Robyn Clinch by email


3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, 16 March 2017

Sacred Caves, Laos
presented by Brian Egloff

The discussion follows more than two decades of investigation and conservation at the Tam Ting Caves, a Lao national heritage monument. The talk is set within the context of the role of UNESCO and ICOMOS in the protection of World Heritage and the illicit trade in cultural property.

Egloff is but one of the many heritage professionals concerned with the conservation of Tam Ting including the Director General Thongsa Sayavongkhamdy, Benita Johnson the head of the conservation program from the University of Canberra, Samelane Luangaphay of the Department of Heritage, Bounarith of the National Art School, and Kristin Kelly co-author.

Brian Egloff is Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra and Honorary Associate Professor at The Australian National University. Past roles were Deputy Directory of the Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery; Director of the Port Arthur Conservation and Development Project; Associate Professor, University of Canberra; President of ICOMOS ICAHM; and a major input with NSW Indigenous communities regarding their land rights.

Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Refreshments available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)

Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 16 March 2017 – 5.30pm start for talk
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott via email

Download the Canberra Talk_Sacred Caves, Laos flyer.


4. City of Vincent (WA) Hands-On Workshop – Professional Repointing Techniques

Attendees will have the opportunity to get their hands dirty and help restore the brick and stone walls at the North Perth Town Hall. Under the guidance of our professional trainers, you’ll learn a variety of techniques to bring back the glory of this treasured heritage building.

When: Saturday 25 March, 7.30am-3.30pm

Where: 22 View Street, North Perth (North Perth Town Hall)

What will happen on the day:

  • Introduction and discussions on heritage conservation in traditional lime mortars/repointing and tuckpointing techniques and salt damp issues
  • Practical sessions – mixing and application of lime mortars, various repointing techniques to brick and stone and using correct tools of the trade
  • Case Studies – identifying good and bad conservation practice

To reserve your place, please contact Heritage Officer Hoping Au by email or phone (08) 9273 6069.


5. Australia State of the Environment 2016 released on new digital platform

The Minister for the Environment and Energy, Josh Frydenberg has today released Australia State of the Environment (SoE) 2016. This is the fifth national assessment of the state of Australia’s environment, reporting on the current condition of and likely outlook for our environment.

SoE 2016 follows the same structure and approach as the previous report, improving capacity to make comparisons over time. It also continues the SoE 2011 approach of ‘report card’ assessments of pressures, condition and trends; discussions of risk and resilience; and future projections or ‘outlooks’.  SoE 2016 includes an examination of the drivers of environmental change; nine detailed thematic reports on atmosphere, built environment, heritage, biodiversity, land, inland water, coasts, marine environment and Antarctic environment; and an overview.

The most important innovation in SoE 2016 is the new digital platform, SoE Digital. For the first time readers can track change over time and filter content by theme, trend, grade or reporting framework. It also includes interactive maps and graphs, and over 300 accessible datasets.

To ensure the information is as credible as possible, it is written by a panel of independent authors, based on the best available evidence, and quality checked through a rigorous consultation, peer-review and fact-checking process.

We hope that SoE 2016 will provide you with relevant, useful information and data to better inform important decisions about managing and protecting our environment.

To read the Minister’s Media Release on SoE 2016, click here.


6. NSW Built Heritage Conservation Consultants and Building Contractors Pre-qualification Scheme – follow-up launch sessions

The NSW Public Works Advisory (PWA) Built Heritage Conservation Consultants and Building Contractors Pre-qualification Scheme has been created as part of the NSW government procurement process to enable government agencies to commission high quality services for built heritage conservation from pre-qualified providers across more than 50 heritage categories and disciplines. The Scheme aims to be a central, informed register for Public Works Advisory and other state agencies to match specialist heritage service-provider capabilities and capacities with their needs and/or obligations for a wide range of heritage works, management and compliances on NSW government heritage assets.

Proven, experienced consultants and contractors are invited to apply to join the Scheme by submitting their pre-qualification documents through the procurement portal. There is no closing deadline for applications. There are no fixed panels or fixed periods. Single practitioners, small, medium and large practices are all encouraged to apply.

Applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee and reviewed on a regular basis. The Scheme is managed jointly by the Heritage Asset Advisory group (HAA), in PWA, and Heritage Stone Works (HSW) (formerly the NSW Public Works Heritage Services).


Follow-up Launch Sessions for the Scheme

The Public Works Heritage Asset Advisory Group, together with the Government Services Heritage Stoneworks Group, both within Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, will be repeating the launch of our ‘heritage consultancy and heritage construction pre-qualification scheme’ soon on three separate occasions. This is to enable those who missed the first launch to hear about the scheme which is aiming to enhance the maintenance, repair, restoration and adaptation of government assets using experienced private sector resources.

We are holding the follow-up launches and briefing events outlined below for private sector heritage consultants, specialist heritage construction companies, as well as for government agencies with significant heritage assets, to explain and illustrate the scheme and how they can take part. It is a great opportunity to meet and ask questions of the pre-qualification team.

Session 1

Date: 30 March 2017
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Venue: Mckell Building, Level 4/2-24 Rawson Place, Haymarket, NSW 2000
Register: Click here to register

Session 2

Date: 3 April 2017
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Venue: Bathurst (We will confirm the address in due course)
Register: Click here to register

Session 3

Date: 11 May 2017
Time: 3:00pm –04:30pm
Venue: Mckell Building, Level 4/2-24 Rawson Place, Haymarket, NSW 2000
Register: Click here to register

For more information about these sessions and/or the pre-qualification scheme, please contact Public Works Heritage via email


7. WA State Heritage & History conference, 11-12 May – Early Bird reminder






Discounted prices for the WA conference end on Friday 10 March. Register now for day rate of $175 and full registration of $425 for two days and dinner. Pre-conference activities on Wednesday 10 May can now be booked. Choose from over 70 speakers from around Australia and beyond, on a broad range of topics covering collections, history, heritage and more.

See you at the Perth Concert Hall on 11-12 May.

For more information see the WA State Heritage & History conference website or contact Ray at this email address.

For more information see the WA State Heritage & History conference website or contact Ray at this email address.


8. Heritage and Conservation Training Course, Margaret River, WA May 2017 – registration deadline extended

The National Trust of Western Australia invites participants to a six-day Heritage and Conservation Training Course, Ellensbrook, Margaret River, May 2017.

Led by Keith McAllister, Applied Building Conservation Training (Aust) Group, with conservation architects from the National Trust of Western Australia, this five and a half day training course is aimed at introducing and developing the knowledge of traditional crafts.

The course is suitable for a range of community members including heritage professionals and those working, or looking to work, in the construction industry. No previous skills are necessary.


FREE, and includes morning tea, light lunch and afternoon tea


Two 6 day programs will be running in 2017:

  • Sunday 14 May – Friday 19 May
  • Sunday 21 May – Friday 26 May

For more information, visit the National Trust WA website.

Registration essential by 10 March.


9. Protecting National Historic Sites 2016-17 Program – applications open

The Department of the Environment and Energy is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Protecting National Historic Sites 2016-17 Program.

Information about the Program, including the Guidelines and Application Form, is available at the Department of the Environment and Energy website.

Applications close at 2pm, Thursday 6 April 2017.


10. “The Destruction of Memory” – Free Screening, 21 March, 7.00pm, SYDNEY

For those who missed it last year, “The Destruction of Memory” will be a shown at Sydney University on 21 March, 7pm in the Old Geology Theatre on Science Road, followed by a panel discussion session.

Click here to register – the event is free but registration is required.


Co-presented with the Museums and Heritage Studies Program at the University of Sydney

In August 2015 the destruction of the one of Syria’s most famous sites, the Temple of Baal-Shamin in the ancient city of Palmyra, was stage managed, documented and images spread to the global media by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil). It drew international condemnation and raised the issue of destruction of cultural heritage during war again. 

During the Bosnian War of 1992 to 1995, in Bosnia and Kosovo both mosques and catholic churches had been deliberately targeted and destroyed. In 2012 the designated UNESCO world heritage site, Timbuktu in Mali, became the battle ground for religious extremists, and its famous mausoleums as well as the Sidi Yahia mosque were destroyed. 

Despite international legislation and policy leading to some prosecutions in the International Criminal Court, the damage done to the cultural identity and heritage has remained hidden. Is there are war on culture, and what can be done to save it?

The film “The Destruction of Memory” documents these events and talks to the people trying to save their cultural heritage, both on the ground and in international courts. 

Join us for a screening of the film, followed by a conversation moderated by Dr Avril Alba, Acting Director of the Master of Museums and Heritage Program, the film’s director Tim Slade, historian Professor Dirk Moses from the University of Sydney’s Department of History who appears in the film, and Sheridan Burke, Partner of GML Heritage, based in Sydney.


11. “The Destruction of Memory” – Free Screening, 16 March, 6.30pm, MELBOURNE: Change of Screening Venue

The Destruction of Memory: The War Against Culture, and the Battle to Save It
Free Screening: Thursday, 16 March, 6.30pm
Kathleen Fitzpatrick Theatre, Basement, Arts West (Building 148), University of Melbourne, Parkville

A joint presentation of the Australian Collaboratory for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) and the Australian Institute of Arts History (AIAH), University of Melbourne Faculty of Arts. Join director Tim Slade for a free and exclusive screening of this major documentary, followed by a Q&A session featuring the following panel of experts: Professor Kate Darian-Smith and Dr Andrew Jamieson (University of Melbourne), and Kristal Buckley (Deakin University).

Due to overwhelming public interest the screening has now moved from the Forum Theatre to the Kathleen Fitzpatrick Theatre in the basement of the Arts West Building – all other screening details remain unchanged.

Click here for tickets and information. For more about the film click here.


12. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop – call for papers

AACAI (Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc) NSW are pleased to present the Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioner’s Workshop (SHAP) on Friday 19 May as part of National Archaeology Week 2017.

The one day workshop is an opportunity for practitioners, students and those interested in historical archaeology to explore best practice, innovations and technology as well as recent historical archaeology projects in NSW.

While we have received a number of presentation proposals already, we would like to offer everyone the opportunity to submit an abstract for a short presentation (10-15min). A theme in several heritage conferences in Australia this year is ‘interpretation’. In keeping this thread going and to offer some inspiration for papers, we are using the theme ‘Views and interpretations – historical archaeology in NSW.’

The day will include keynote speakers, papers, practical demonstrations and discussions all related to current practice in historical archaeology. Tickets will be released shortly for booking a seat to attend the day hosted at the Big Dig Centre, The Rocks, Sydney.

Please see the SHAP Workshop – Call for Papers for more information.

Deadline for proposals is 5.00pm, 15 March 2017.


13. International Cultural Heritage Expert Symposium & Workshop, Florence, 18-19 May – call for abstracts

Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Tourism
International Expert Symposium
International Cultural Tourism Charter Review +20 Workshop

ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC) welcomes your contribution to our International Expert Symposium & Workshop to be held in Florence on Thursday 18 – Friday 19 May 2017.

Working alongside UNESCO and (World Tourism Organization) UNWTO we are celebrating ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites 2017 on the theme – Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism – chosen to coincide with the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 (IYSTD). In addition, our meeting will further ICOMOS discussions relating to cultural tourism and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 2030.

We are looking to share expertise and place cultural heritage conservation in the forefront of thinking about the future of cultural tourism and sustainable tourism development & sustainable tourism for development. We hope you will join us either by giving an oral presentation based on an abstract to be submitted by 5 April 2017, or by joining in the conversation, or both. Selected abstracts will be chosen for development and publication of full papers by ICTC in time for the ICOMOS General Assembly in Delhi, India, December 2017.

In ICOMOS we should recall that we already have a distinguished record of providing leadership in this field with the first ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter in 1976 and the second endorsed by ICOMOS General Assembly in Mexico in 1999.

ICTC’s International Symposium and Workshop, Florence 2017, marks the start of the Charter Review process. Evidence in the form of current conceptual thinking, research and case studies will underpin our Charter Review and form the background to the ICOMOS ICTC Florence Declaration 2017. Further information is available in the ICTC Florence Symposium 2017 – Information Document and the ICTC Florence Symposium 2017 – Call for Abstracts; all queries can be emailed to the ICTC Syposium & Workshop organisers.


Australia ICOMOS member appointed Secretary to the Working Group

Ian Kelly, Australian ICOMOS and Voting Member on ICOMOS ISC Cultural Tourism (ICTC), has been appointed Secretary to the Working Group on ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter Review.

Australia ICOMOS members that are unable to join ICTC for this important meeting in Florence are invited to send views/comments/suggestions directly to Ian by email.


14. Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 – call for applications

The Department of the Environment and Energy is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 Program.

Information about the Program, including the Guidelines and Application Form, is available at the Department of the Environment and Energy.

Applications close at 2pm, Thursday 23 March 2017.


15. Heritage Near Me grants – applications open

The NSW Office of Environment & Heritage is pleased to advise the opening of applications for two of the Heritage Near Me grant streams, which will see nearly $5 million available in the next financial year for local heritage projects.

The Local Heritage Strategic Projects program grants are being offered for the first time, while the Heritage Activation Grant Program has opened round 2.

The new Local Heritage Strategic Projects program will provide $2 million in funding each year over three years, to provide new opportunities for local communities to collaborate on projects that conserve and rejuvenate their local heritage places. They will drive reform in how we protect, share and celebrate our heritage spaces with initiatives that focus on management and activation in communities.

The Local Heritage Strategic Projects program encourages local communities to identify their own priorities under four broad categories covering conservation and restoration, raising community awareness, innovation in heritage management, and broaden understanding of heritage values. Successful applicants of Local Heritage Strategic Projects will also be provided with specialist support and advice from initial project planning, through to delivery and evaluation from the Heritage Near Me Roadshow team.

The second round of funding through the Heritage Activation Grants stream is now open with a further $2.67 million available. These grants are designed to increase public enjoyment of local heritage by supporting projects such as physical works for better public access, new and innovative public programming, and the development of strategy and business plans.

Owners or managers of heritage items that are listed on their council’s Local Environmental Plan and regularly open to the public are invited to apply for funding through the Heritage Activation Grants program.

Applications under the Local Heritage Strategic Projects are open year round subject to available funding. Applications under the Heritage Activation program are open from now until Monday 21 April.

We encourage all eligible individuals or groups to apply and please contact the Heritage Near Me team with any questions.

For more information and to apply, visit the Heritage Near Me Incentives program page.


16. The 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards are now open!

The Ballarat Heritage Awards were first launched in 2010. They are held by the City of Ballarat in partnership with the local Ballarat Branch of the National Trust of Australia (Vic). They provide an opportunity to say thank you to the many dedicated owners, businesses, groups and individuals who work tirelessly to conserve Ballarat’s significant tangible and intangible heritage.

The 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards are NOW OPEN for nominations and entries close at 5pm on Tuesday 14 March 2017.

This year’s awards program recognises a wide range of domestic and commercial projects, from both government and non-government sectors and are presented in the following categories:

  • Adaptive Reuse of a Heritage Place
  • New Work/Development within a Heritage Area
  • Conservation of a Heritage Place, Historic Collection or tradition
  • Special Heritage Skills
  • Heritage Innovation

Find out how to nominate for the 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards, download the nomination form, view the criteria and past winners at the City of Ballarat website.


17. Off the Shelf: Making Storage Work for You – MA VIC workshop, 21 March, Melbourne

This seminar, presented by Museums Australia (MA) VIC, will explore some of the new and emerging approaches to designing and utilising museum stores. Senior collections staff will discuss the joys and pitfalls of designing stores, from working with designers to the practicalities of the furniture in the room. Hear tips about the management and care of collection items in storage, object packing, and archival products. Relocation and open access will also be discussed. Includes an optional tour of the City of Darebin Art and History Collection offsite storage. Speakers include:

  • Jenna Blyth, Collections Manager, Shrine of Remembrance
  • Angela Henricksen, Archival Survival
  • Ella Hinkley, Gallery Manager, Bundoora Homestead Art Centre
  • Jane Walton, Collection Coordinator, Koorie Heritage Trust

Date: Tuesday 21 March
Time: 10:30am – 1:30pm
Venue: Bundoora Homestead
Cost: Members $50, Non-members $70

> Book now to secure your place


18. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals

On behalf of ICOMOS India and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of forwarding you the call for papers and proposals for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Delhi, India, on the occasion of the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 11 to 15 December 2017 (the exact dates of the Scientific Symposium are from 12 to 15 December 2017).

The theme of the Scientific Symposium is “Heritage and Democracy” with the following subthemes:

  • ST01: Integrating Heritage and Sustainable Urban Development by engaging diverse Communities for Heritage Management
  • ST02: The Role of Cultural Heritage in Building Peace & Reconciliation
  • ST03: Protecting and Interpreting Cultural Heritage in the Age of Digital Empowerment
  • ST04: Culture-Nature Journey, Exploring the Complexities of Human Relationships with Natural and Cultural Places

The call for papers for subthemes ST01, ST02 and ST03 is available on the official GA website.

In addition to the call for papers, a call for proposals is launched for subtheme ST04 of the Scientific Symposium, the Culture-Nature Journey. ICOMOS and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with a growing group of our members and partners, will build on the success of the Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i in September 2016 and invite the submission of proposals of sessions in various formats (knowledge cafés, workshops, kiosks, etc.) to address the interconnected character of cultural and natural heritage.

The call for proposals is also available on the official GA website.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2017
Deadline for proposals for the Culture-Nature Journey: 30 April 2017

Registration for the 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will open around 6 March 2017 on the official GA website.


19. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


20. International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2017 – call for applications

The “International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2017, 12th year, Ritsumeikan University” is scheduled to be organized from 28 August to 16 September, 2017.

More information, the Guidelines for Application and Application Form are now available through the Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage website.

Application deadline is 5 April 2017.


21. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


22. SITUATION VACANT Program and Projects Manager, Working Heritage

Are you a project management professional eager to apply your expertise in the conservation and adaptation of historic places? Working Heritage is a self-funding organisation that conserves, develops and manages properties on Crown Land across Victoria.

We are looking for an experienced Project Manager who is willing to be a hands-on, innovative and flexible member of a small motivated team.

Backed by an experienced Committee of Management, reporting to the Executive Officer and working as an integral part of a small team, you will develop and deliver new projects, manage and mentor staff, and contribute to the collegiate culture of Working Heritage.

You will be required to bring your knowledge and experience into play on heritage and environmental issues, contract negotiation and stakeholder engagement.

For position description please contact Working Heritage by email.

Applications close on Wednesday 22 March at 4pm.


23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne

New Year and time for a change? Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Heritage Consultant for immediate start. Large variety of work and projects. Fun office environment in Richmond. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Mark or give him a call on (03) 9421 5448 for further information.


24. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney

NBRSARCHITECTURE are currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join the NBRS Heritage Studio on a full-time basis. The Heritage Studio sits within the wider NBRSARCHITECTURE firm of Architectural, Landscape and Interior Design Studios.

NBRS Heritage have over forty years’ experience in cultural heritage management, including heritage assessment, adaptive re-use, preparation of conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation strategies, archival recordings and conservation schedules of work.

Applying candidates should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of heritage principles and the relevant statutory frameworks at a State and Local level. Experience working in the heritage sector in New South Wales would be an advantage.

The ideal candidate would meet the following selection criteria:

  • Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrate an ability to investigate, assess and provide recommendations on a range of complex heritage issues
  • Demonstrate an ability to work independently as well as contribute collaboratively in larger multi-disciplinary teams
  • Demonstrate experience managing projects, clients and other stakeholder relationships and expectations
  • Demonstrate experience managing their own work schedules to meet agreed project timeframes
  • Have architectural qualifications
  • Demonstrate practical experience in heritage management of the built environment and cultural landscapes

Membership of Australia ICOMOS is desirable.

Salary will be negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience.

The full-time position is for our Sydney office.

Please send your application via email with ‘Senior Heritage Consultant job application’ as the email subject.


25. SITUATION VACANT Adelaide Park Lands and City Squares Heritage Assessment – call for quotes

In 2017 the South Australian Heritage Council will consider outstanding nominations for the Adelaide Park Lands for State heritage-listing, including Brougham, Palmer and Roberts Gardens and Hurtle, Hindmarsh, Light, Whitmore, Wellington and Victoria Squares.

The State Heritage Unit, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR), which provides policy advice and heritage assessments to the Council, now invites Contractors with appropriate heritage skills, knowledge and expertise to submit a quote to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the Adelaide Park Lands and City Squares for heritage significance under Section 16(1) of the Heritage Places Act 1993 and to provide the Report. The Project Brief for this assessment can be obtained via this link (opens PDF).

Quotes must be received by DEWNR by 4.00pm on Friday 17 March 2017, via email to DEWNR or in hard copy to State Heritage Unit, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, SA, 5001. The quote will remain valid for a period of 60 days.

For further information contact Hamish Angas, Senior Heritage Officer by email or telephone (08) 8124 4956 or Beverley Voigt, Manager, Heritage and Major Reform by email or telephone (08) 8124 4760.


26. SITUATION WANTED History Student seeks heritage experience

Emily Paget is a History Honours student, currently living in Sydney, seeking part-time work or an internship with a heritage consulting organisation. Her primary interests within the field are research and interpretation (of any theme or period), but she is interested in gaining experience in a broad range of heritage services. She currently holds a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Environmental Science, all from the University of Sydney, and she is about to begin her Honours year. Additionally, she has experience in proofreading and office administration.

If you are interested in exploring whether or not you can offer Emily the kind of experience she seeks, please email Emily directly.


27. SITUATION VACANT Qualified, experienced roofers with heritage conservation skills, James Henry Roofing, Adelaide

James Henry Roofing is a well-established roofing company specializing in Heritage Conservation.

Working alongside Adelaide`s leading heritage architects and builders we carry out conservation work on many of South Australia’s most significate buildings.

We are seeking qualified and experienced roofers who are passionate about their work and have a very high standard of workmanship.

The following skills would be highly regarded.

  • Traditional roof plumbing including soldering
  • Slate and tile roofing
  • Copper and Zinc standing seam and batten seam roofing
  • Leadwork and lead burning

Please forward your expression of interest / resume to James Henry by email.


28. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Officer, QLD Transport and Main Roads

Temporary Full-time, until March 2018 with possible extension
Classification PO3
Workplace Location – Brisbane Inner City
Yearly salary – $77,054 – $84,150

Transport and Main Roads are seeking a high performing Cultural Heritage Officer to contribute to our strategic purpose to plan, manage and oversee the delivery of a safe efficient and integrated transport system that supports sustainable economic, social and environmental outcomes in Queensland.

Transport and Main Roads plans, manages and delivers Queensland’s integrated transport network to achieve sustainable transport solutions for road, rail, air and sea. You will be working for an organisation that provides:

  • Professional development opportunities
  • A friendly and supportive workplace
  • Attractive employee benefits

This role involves providing specialist cultural heritage advice and support (both Indigenous and historical) on Departmental policy/procedures, legislative requirements and best practice relating to cultural heritage management as part of the delivery of transport infrastructure projects for the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

This role also requires you to form strategic alliances with internal and external clients including Traditional Owners and/or their agents, concerned with the management of cultural heritage relevant to the department’s interests.

The ideal candidate will have a degree in Heritage Management, Heritage Conservation, Archaeology, Anthropology or related discipline, and would hold a current Class C driver’s licence.

In addition to specialist knowledge, skills and experience, the ideal candidate will have experience undertaking heritage research and archaeological surveys. They will also be experienced in GIS spatial analysis and a member of professional heritage bodies.

For more information including a full position description, click here.

Applications for this role close on 10 March 2017.


29. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior and Junior Historic Heritage Positions, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, Sydney

AMBS Ecology & Heritage was established in January 2016. We have a strong commitment to maintaining the high standards that have made us the consultancy of choice for our many clients.

The scope of our historic heritage project work includes, but is not limited to, heritage impact and significance assessment, management and interpretation plans, inspections and analysis of built and industrial heritage items and sites and archaeological fieldwork. AMBS now has an opportunity for historic heritage consultants with experience in one or more of these fields at the Senior and Junior levels.

Essential Criteria

  • an honours degree in a heritage related discipline, or equivalent; Archaeology, Architecture, or History
  • good research skills
  • demonstrated report and computer skills
  • an interest in a variety of project types
  • a WorkCover General Induction Card (‘white card’), or willingness to obtain one
  • a drivers’ licence
  • a good understanding of Burra Charter principles

The Senior Historic Heritage Consultant will have not less than 3-5 years’ experience in historic heritage consultancy. Although not essential, a Masters’ degree in Heritage Conservation would be an asset.

The Junior Historic Heritage Consultant would have up to 3 years’ experience in historic heritage consultancy; however, consideration will be given to applicants with less experience but are enthusiastic and fit in with our team.

Salaries would be commensurate with experience and skills. The positions are challenging and stimulating and a key feature of our employment policy is mentoring of staff.

Please email Jennie Lindbergh for more information, or to submit an Expression of Interest and CV by Friday 10 March.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
