Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 768

  1. Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 – call for applications
  2. Heritage Near Me grants – applications open
  3. The 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards are now open!
  4. WA State Heritage & History conference, 11-12 May – registration now open
  5. Save the date: Blue Shield General Assembly, 13-15 September 2017, Vienna, Austria
  6. Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now
  7. ICAHM Annual Meeting & Conference, Tanzania, 2-5 October 2017 – call for papers
  8. Heritage and Conservation Training Course, Margaret River, WA May 2017
  9. “The Destruction of Memory” – Free Screening, 16 March, 6.30pm, Melbourne Uni
  10. Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – new issue available
  11. Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies @ ANU Friday Seminar Series
  12. Australian Garden History Society talk, 15 March, Sydney
  13. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals
  14. Heritage Across Borders conference, China, 1-6 September 2018 – call for session proposals
  15. Registrations open for Longford Academy, 8-13 May, Tasmania
  16. BRIDGE: The Heritage of Connecting Places & Cultures conference, UK, 6-10 July 2017 – FINAL call for papers
  17. Queensland Cultural Centre Conservation Management Plan – public comment invited
  18. Small Settlements in China and Southeast Asia – Call for Case Studies
  19. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  20. ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & Restoration conference, 8-10 March 2017, Italy – information
  21. Nominations open – 2018 World Monuments Watch
  22. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
  23. Organization of World Heritage Cities new distance-training program
  24. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network
  25. SITUATION VACANT Adelaide Park Lands and City Squares Heritage Assessment – call for quotes
  26. SITUATION VACANT Senior Aboriginal Heritage Consultant, Artefact, Sydney
  27. SITUATION VACANT Qualified, experienced roofers with heritage conservation skills, James Henry Roofing, Adelaide
  28. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Officer, QLD Transport and Main Roads
  29. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior and Junior Historic Heritage Positions, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, Sydney
  30. SITUATION VACANT Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University (ANU)
  31. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Environmental Policy and Planning, QLD Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
  32. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney
  33. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne


1. Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 – call for applications

The Department of the Environment and Energy is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 Program.

Information about the Program, including the Guidelines and Application Form, is available at the Department of the Environment and Energy.

Applications close at 2pm, Thursday 23 March 2017.


2. Heritage Near Me grants – applications open

The NSW Office of Environment & Heritage is pleased to advise the opening of applications for two of the Heritage Near Me grant streams, which will see nearly $5 million available in the next financial year for local heritage projects.

The Local Heritage Strategic Projects program grants are being offered for the first time, while the Heritage Activation Grant Program has opened round 2.

The new Local Heritage Strategic Projects program will provide $2 million in funding each year over three years, to provide new opportunities for local communities to collaborate on projects that conserve and rejuvenate their local heritage places. They will drive reform in how we protect, share and celebrate our heritage spaces with initiatives that focus on management and activation in communities.

The Local Heritage Strategic Projects program encourages local communities to identify their own priorities under four broad categories covering conservation and restoration, raising community awareness, innovation in heritage management, and broaden understanding of heritage values. Successful applicants of Local Heritage Strategic Projects will also be provided with specialist support and advice from initial project planning, through to delivery and evaluation from the Heritage Near Me Roadshow team.

The second round of funding through the Heritage Activation Grants stream is now open with a further $2.67 million available. These grants are designed to increase public enjoyment of local heritage by supporting projects such as physical works for better public access, new and innovative public programming, and the development of strategy and business plans.

Owners or managers of heritage items that are listed on their council’s Local Environmental Plan and regularly open to the public are invited to apply for funding through the Heritage Activation Grants program.

Applications under the Local Heritage Strategic Projects are open year round subject to available funding. Applications under the Heritage Activation program are open from now until Monday 21 April.

We encourage all eligible individuals or groups to apply and please contact the Heritage Near Me team with any questions.

For more information and to apply, visit the Heritage Near Me Incentives program page.


3. The 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards are now open!

The Ballarat Heritage Awards were first launched in 2010. They are held by the City of Ballarat in partnership with the local Ballarat Branch of the National Trust of Australia (Vic). They provide an opportunity to say thank you to the many dedicated owners, businesses, groups and individuals who work tirelessly to conserve Ballarat’s significant tangible and intangible heritage.

The 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards are NOW OPEN for nominations and entries close at 5pm on Tuesday 14 March 2017.

This year’s awards program recognises a wide range of domestic and commercial projects, from both government and non-government sectors and are presented in the following categories:

  • Adaptive Reuse of a Heritage Place
  • New Work/Development within a Heritage Area
  • Conservation of a Heritage Place, Historic Collection or tradition
  • Special Heritage Skills
  • Heritage Innovation

Find out how to nominate for the 2017 Ballarat Heritage Awards, download the nomination form, view the criteria and past winners at the City of Ballarat website.


4. WA State Heritage & History conference, 11-12 May – registration now open





Sign up for this year’s Heritage & History Conference at the Perth Concert Hall on 11-12 May at ‘early bird’ rates until 10 March. Extensive program covering heritage, history, collections and more. Explore the interconnections, collaboration and partnerships that can deliver positive outcomes for conservation and community. Additional tours and activities also booking now.

Day rate $175 or full registration $425, including gala dinner.

For more information see the WA State Heritage & History conference website or contact Ray at this email address.


5. Save the date: Blue Shield General Assembly, 13-15 September 2017, Vienna, Austria

The General Assembly of the Blue Shield, together with a Scientific Conference on the concerns of the Blue Shield, will be held from 13-15 September in Vienna, Austria, hosted by the Austrian Blue Shield. The theme of the conference and practical information will be available in March/April and will be published in future e-news issues.


6. Heritage Council of WA eNewsletter out now

Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.


7. ICAHM Annual Meeting & Conference, Tanzania, 2-5 October 2017 – call for papers

The organising committee has issued a Call for Papers for the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) Annual Meeting, which will be held at Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, 2-5 October 2017.

The theme for the 2017 Conference is: Sub-Saharan Africa and International Trade Routes. The emphasis of this meeting will be on: Trade routes to and from Sub-Saharan Africa to the rest of the world, the Africa Initiative, the Conservation and Sustainable use of Paleoanthropological Sites, Digital Technologies in AHM and World Heritage Sites as Sources for Sustainable Development.

For more information and to register for the conference, visit the conference website and download the Call for Papers_Sub-Saharan Africa and International Trade Routes.


8. Heritage and Conservation Training Course, Margaret River, WA May 2017

The National Trust of Western Australia invites participants to a six-day Heritage and Conservation Training Course, Ellensbrook, Margaret River, May 2017.

Led by Keith McAllister, Applied Building Conservation Training (Aust) Group, with conservation architects from the National Trust of Western Australia, this five and a half day training course is aimed at introducing and developing the knowledge of traditional crafts.

The course is suitable for a range of community members including heritage professionals and those working, or looking to work, in the construction industry. No previous skills are necessary.


FREE, and includes morning tea, light lunch and afternoon tea


Two 6 day programs will be running in 2017:

  • Sunday 14 May – Friday 19 May
  • Sunday 21 May – Friday 26 May

For more information, visit the National Trust WA website.

Registration essential by 3 March.


9. “The Destruction of Memory” – Free Screening, 16 March, 6.30pm, Melbourne Uni

The Destruction of Memory: The War Against Culture, and the Battle to Save It
Free Screening: Thursday, 16 March, 6.30pm
Forum Theatre, Arts West (Building 148), University of Melbourne, Parkville

A joint presentation of the Australian Collaboratory for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) and the University of Melbourne Faculty of Arts. Join director Tim Slade for a free and exclusive screening of this major documentary, followed by a Q&A session featuring a panel of experts.

Over the past century, cultural destruction has wrought catastrophic results across the globe. This war against culture is not over – it’s been steadily increasing.

Based on the book of the same name by Robert Bevan, The Destruction of Memory tells the whole story – looking not just at the ongoing actions of Daesh (ISIS) and at other contemporary situations, but revealing the decisions of the past that allowed the issue to remain hidden in the shadows for so many years.

Interviewees in the film include the Director-General of UNESCO, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as diverse and distinguished international experts, whose voices combine to address this urgent issue.

Click here for tickets and information. For more about the film click here.


10. Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – new issue available

The January 2017 issue of the Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine is now online. This is a PDF file which can be downloaded from here.

This link not only gives you access to this latest issue of the Magazine, but also to all past issues of EHA Magazine, to EHA Newsletters which preceded the Magazine, and to many other activities and publications of Engineering Heritage Australia.

This issue has stories about the Murtoa Stick Shed in Victoria’s Wimmera and its restoration, the Woolloomooloo Finger Wharf in Sydney and more.


11. Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies @ ANU Friday Seminar Series 

The Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies at the Australian National University (ANU) will be starting their Seminar Series from 10 March 2017. Download the Seminar Series Summary Semester 1 2017 for more information.


12. Australian Garden History Society talk, 15 March, Sydney

Wednesday 15 March, 6pm for 7pm – 8.30pm
Illustrated talk by Stuart Read – Capability Brown and other English Delights
Venue: Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust Centre, Observatory Hill.
Cost: Members $20 Guests $30 includes light refreshments. Bookings essential.

For information on how to book, click here.


13. “Heritage and Democracy” ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, 12-15 December 2017 – call for papers and proposals

On behalf of ICOMOS India and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of forwarding you the call for papers and proposals for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Delhi, India, on the occasion of the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 11 to 15 December 2017 (the exact dates of the Scientific Symposium are from 12 to 15 December 2017).

The theme of the Scientific Symposium is “Heritage and Democracy” with the following subthemes:

  • ST01: Integrating Heritage and Sustainable Urban Development by engaging diverse Communities for Heritage Management
  • ST02: The Role of Cultural Heritage in Building Peace & Reconciliation
  • ST03: Protecting and Interpreting Cultural Heritage in the Age of Digital Empowerment
  • ST04: Culture-Nature Journey, Exploring the Complexities of Human Relationships with Natural and Cultural Places

The call for papers for subthemes ST01, ST02 and ST03 is available on the official GA website.

In addition to the call for papers, a call for proposals is launched for subtheme ST04 of the Scientific Symposium, the Culture-Nature Journey. ICOMOS and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with a growing group of our members and partners, will build on the success of the Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i in September 2016 and invite the submission of proposals of sessions in various formats (knowledge cafés, workshops, kiosks, etc.) to address the interconnected character of cultural and natural heritage.

The call for proposals is also available on the official GA website.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 April 2017
Deadline for proposals for the Culture-Nature Journey: 30 April 2017

Registration for the 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will open around 6 March 2017 on the official GA website.


14. Heritage Across Borders conference, China, 1-6 September 2018 – call for session proposals

Call for Session Proposals – Heritage Across Borders
Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 4th Biennial Conference
1-6 September, 2018, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Deadline for session proposals: 31 March 2017

The global rise of heritage studies and the heritage industry in recent decades has been a story of crossing frontiers and transcending boundaries. The 2018 Association of Critical Heritage Studies conference, held in Hangzhou, China, thus takes ‘borders’ as a broadly defined, yet key, concept for better understanding how heritage is valued, preserved, politicised, mobilised, financed, planned and destroyed.

Thinking through borders raises questions about theories of heritage, its methodologies of research, and where its boundaries lie with tourism, urban development, post-disaster recovery, collective identities, climate change, memory or violent conflict. Held in the city of Hangzhou, China, Heritage Across Borders will be the largest ever international conference in Asia dedicated to the topic of heritage. It has been conceived to connect international participants with local issues, and in so doing open up debates about the rural-urban, east-west, tangible-intangible and other familiar divides.

View the full call for sessions, download the Call for Sessions ACHS 2018 poster and visit the conference website for more information.


15. Registrations open for Longford Academy, 8-13 May, Tasmania

The eighth annual Longford Academy (LA8) will be held at Brickendon and Woolmers Estates (World Heritage-inscribed) in Tasmania from 8 to 13 May 2017.

For further information and the registration form, visit the APT Australasia website, download the APT_LA8_Notice and/or contact the convenor by email.


16. BRIDGE: The Heritage of Connecting Places & Cultures conference, UK, 6-10 July 2017 – FINAL call for papers

BRIDGE: The Heritage of Connecting Places and Cultures
Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site
Shropshire, UK
6-10 July 2017

Bridges physically and symbolically connect places, communities and cultures; they remind us of division while at the same time providing the means for unification. This conference seeks to explore heritage of bridges – not only as remarkable physical structures connecting places and cultures but also as symbolic and metaphorical markers in the landscape.

Indicative themes of interest to the conference include:

  • The materials and technologies of bridges – the heritage of form and function
  • National and local iconographies of bridges
  • Narratives of bridge construction and destruction
  • Communities united and communities divided by bridges
  • Poetics of the bridge – representing the bridge in art, literature and film
  • Love and death on the bridge
  • The language of the bridge – metaphors and meanings in social life
  • Touring bridges – travel narratives and tourism economies
  • Alternative bridge crossings – tunnels and ferries

Second call for papers deadline: 27 February 2017

Organisers: Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage (University of Birmingham), Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust.

For more information, visit the conference website and the full call for papers.


17. Queensland Cultural Centre Conservation Management Plan – public comment invited

In 2015, the Queensland Heritage Council listed part of Brisbane’s Cultural Precinct on the State Heritage Register.

The heritage listing includes the original buildings and integrated landscape design by the late Robin Gibson AO for the Queensland Art Gallery, Queensland Museum, Queensland Performing Arts Centre and The Edge at the State Library of Queensland, built in stages between 1976 and 1985 with the Playhouse Theatre a later addition opening in 1998. See diagram below.

Arts Queensland has commissioned a Conservation Management Plan (CMP), which will provide a framework to understand and manage the Cultural Centre’s heritage values, guide future planning and ensure it thrives and adapts into the future.

The draft CMP is now available for public comment. Comments are invited by Tuesday 28 February.

For more information, visit the artsQueensland website.


18. Small Settlements in China and Southeast Asia – Call for Case Studies

The WHITRAP (World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO) based in Tongji University, Shanghai, invites experts and scholars in related field to submit case studies and good practices on sustainable development of small settlements in China and in the Southeast Asia Region.

A publication with selected case studies will be prepared by WHITRAP, in collaboration with UNESCO, and it will be presented at an International Conference in Guizhou Province in September 2017.

The project, included in the framework of the UNESCO discussion on the role of Culture for Sustainable Development, has the objective to describe the current situation of the research on sustainable development of Small Settlements in the Southeast Asia Region. The aims of the publication are: identifying case studies, problems and good practices; improving understanding of planning policies on small settlements and their surrounding regional contexts; raising awareness about the cultural role of small settlements in the sustainable development of their landscape and regional environment.

Submissions requirements

We consider case studies on planning, management and design projects conducted in Chinese and Southeast Asian Small Settlements, Rural and Urban Villages.

Submission should include

  • Abstract (around 500 words in English and/or Chinese): title, author(s) names, affiliations, contact information, description of the case studies (location, number of inhabitants, project, experience, considerations), 5 keywords.
  • Supporting Material: map of the village and its surroundings (linear scale and spatial coordinates should be included), 2 to 4 photographs, supplementary material (max 3 images) that may help the reviewing committee to understand why this work is of interest (e.g., drawings, diagrams, sketches). A list of the auxiliary documents should be included.

The submission should be sent as a single file (Word or PDF) not exceeding 1MB to WHITRAP via this email address by 30 April 2017.

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection within 2 weeks. Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the publication-ready version. Final deadline is 30 June 2017.

Target groups

Members of research institutes, universities, government, engineers, architects, historical building preservation institutions, construction units, engineering companies, enterprises and associations.

For enquiries contact Anna-Paola Pola by email.


19. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


20. ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & Restoration conference, 8-10 March 2017, Italy – information

The preliminary program for this conference is now online.

After the conference the 19th Assembly/Conference of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco  will take place, with the theme HERITAGE for PLANET EARTH© 2017 “Smart Travel, Smart Architecture, Heritage Conservation and its Enjoyment” on 11-13 March 2017. This event is patronized by ICCROM, ICOMOS, Ministry of Culture/Tourism and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, UNWTO (also included in the 2017 Program of Sustainable Tourism for Development) and others.

Finally, for your accommodation, use the Reservation Portal, which is inspired by the principles of the Foundation’s Life Beyond Tourism Initiative and supports (without any extra-costs for users) a crowdfunding campaign for 4 special restoration projects in Florence (click here to see those projects; it also partially supported the last 18th ICOMOS GA 2014 in Florence).

By booking via the Reservation Portal you choose the accommodation that suits you at best (over 200 accommodation facilities), at the same hotel fares as in the other international reservation portals, and you also become a Patron of the Florentine heritage, without no additional costs. Making a “good reservACTION” for the Florence world cultural heritage, it is the best way to know how the Foundation’s Life Beyond Tourism Initiative operates.

The reservation portal has been selected by the Organising Committee as the official one for the Conference. Please kindly note, given the occupancy level of hotels in Florence expected in March, rooms will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

More information about the conference can be found at the conference website.


21. Nominations open – 2018 World Monuments Watch

Sustainable preservation happens through local leadership. Nominate a site to the 2018 World Monuments Watch!

For over twenty years, the World Monuments Watch has served as a catalyst for action for hundreds of sites, leading to improved safeguarding of places of cultural heritage, more suitable tourism management, and increased community engagement. For heritage advocates, the Watch can be a powerful platform to attract visibility, raise public awareness, and foster local engagement at heritage sites.

Nominations for the 2018 World Monuments Watch are being accepted until 1 March 2017.

In recognition that sustainable preservation happens through local leadership, the Watch reinforces and promotes collective action at endangered sites, and connects people and places through Watch Day, an opportunity for communities to celebrate the importance of Watch sites and build support for heritage conservation.

How to submit a nomination? Please access the nomination form by reviewing the full nomination guidelines.


22. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online

To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.


23. Organization of World Heritage Cities new distance-training program

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) is launching a new distance-training program. The program is intended for municipal managers of World Heritage cities. It takes the form of video capsules of a maximum time of 20 minutes, created by the participating city and its heritage specialist. The main goal of these capsules is to form interested persons on many themes of the World Heritage cities of our network. The second objective is to raise various questions as to the theme addressed and thus generate discussions that can be profitable for all the members of the network.


This program allows municipal managers to share their knowledge about the management of their city via our community, for the benefit of their colleagues throughout the world and thus take part in an exchange of knowledge.

It is thus in keeping with the main mission of the OWHC, which is “to assist member cities adapt and improve their management methods in relation to the specific requirements of having a site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List”.

Target group

Municipal managers and experts in heritage of the OWHC network, but also any person in our network directly or indirectly interested by the topics discussed in the training videos.

For more information about the program, visit the Organization of World Heritage Cities website.


24. News from Réseau Art Nouveau Network

To read the latest news from the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, click here.


25. SITUATION VACANT Adelaide Park Lands and City Squares Heritage Assessment – call for quotes

In 2017 the South Australian Heritage Council will consider outstanding nominations for the Adelaide Park Lands for State heritage-listing, including Brougham, Palmer and Roberts Gardens and Hurtle, Hindmarsh, Light, Whitmore, Wellington and Victoria Squares.

The State Heritage Unit, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR), which provides policy advice and heritage assessments to the Council, now invites Contractors with appropriate heritage skills, knowledge and expertise to submit a quote to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the Adelaide Park Lands and City Squares for heritage significance under Section 16(1) of the Heritage Places Act 1993 and to provide the Report. The Project Brief for this assessment can be obtained via this link (opens PDF).

Quotes must be received by DEWNR by 4.00pm on Friday 17 March 2017, via email to DEWNR or in hard copy to State Heritage Unit, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, SA, 5001. The quote will remain valid for a period of 60 days.

For further information contact Hamish Angas, Senior Heritage Officer by email or telephone (08) 8124 4956 or Beverley Voigt, Manager, Heritage and Major Reform by email or telephone (08) 8124 4760.


26. SITUATION VACANT Senior Aboriginal Heritage Consultant, Artefact, Sydney

About the business and the role

Artefact is one of Sydney’s success stories. Just six years since launching the brand, it can count some of Sydney’s highest profile, and most talented consultants, in its remit and has enviably positioned itself as a market leader with a diverse range of clients across a continually expanding portfolio of projects.

Committed to making a difference, this starts with the team that Artefact are building – and that team needs to grow again as a result of a period of rapid growth for the company.

Job tasks and responsibilities

This position, under limited direction, provides high-level technical expertise, assistance and services to clients and internal stakeholders. The role is a technical and project management one, with a strong mentorship component.

For more information about this opportunity, click here.

Applications close 2 March 2017.


27. SITUATION VACANT Qualified, experienced roofers with heritage conservation skills, James Henry Roofing, Adelaide

James Henry Roofing is a well-established roofing company specializing in Heritage Conservation.

Working alongside Adelaide`s leading heritage architects and builders we carry out conservation work on many of South Australia’s most significate buildings.

We are seeking qualified and experienced roofers who are passionate about their work and have a very high standard of workmanship.

The following skills would be highly regarded.

  • Traditional roof plumbing including soldering
  • Slate and tile roofing
  • Copper and Zinc standing seam and batten seam roofing
  • Leadwork and lead burning

Please forward your expression of interest / resume to James Henry by email.


28. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Officer, QLD Transport and Main Roads

Temporary Full-time, until March 2018 with possible extension
Classification PO3
Workplace Location – Brisbane Inner City
Yearly salary – $77,054 – $84,150

Transport and Main Roads are seeking a high performing Cultural Heritage Officer to contribute to our strategic purpose to plan, manage and oversee the delivery of a safe efficient and integrated transport system that supports sustainable economic, social and environmental outcomes in Queensland.

Transport and Main Roads plans, manages and delivers Queensland’s integrated transport network to achieve sustainable transport solutions for road, rail, air and sea. You will be working for an organisation that provides:

  • Professional development opportunities
  • A friendly and supportive workplace
  • Attractive employee benefits

This role involves providing specialist cultural heritage advice and support (both Indigenous and historical) on Departmental policy/procedures, legislative requirements and best practice relating to cultural heritage management as part of the delivery of transport infrastructure projects for the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

This role also requires you to form strategic alliances with internal and external clients including Traditional Owners and/or their agents, concerned with the management of cultural heritage relevant to the department’s interests.

The ideal candidate will have a degree in Heritage Management, Heritage Conservation, Archaeology, Anthropology or related discipline, and would hold a current Class C driver’s licence.

In addition to specialist knowledge, skills and experience, the ideal candidate will have experience undertaking heritage research and archaeological surveys. They will also be experienced in GIS spatial analysis and a member of professional heritage bodies.

For more information including a full position description, click here.

Applications for this role close on 10 March 2017.


29. SITUATIONS VACANT Senior and Junior Historic Heritage Positions, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, Sydney

AMBS Ecology & Heritage was established in January 2016. We have a strong commitment to maintaining the high standards that have made us the consultancy of choice for our many clients.

The scope of our historic heritage project work includes, but is not limited to, heritage impact and significance assessment, management and interpretation plans, inspections and analysis of built and industrial heritage items and sites and archaeological fieldwork. AMBS now has an opportunity for historic heritage consultants with experience in one or more of these fields at the Senior and Junior levels.

Essential Criteria

  • an honours degree in a heritage related discipline, or equivalent; Archaeology, Architecture, or History
  • good research skills
  • demonstrated report and computer skills
  • an interest in a variety of project types
  • a WorkCover General Induction Card (‘white card’), or willingness to obtain one
  • a drivers’ licence
  • a good understanding of Burra Charter principles

The Senior Historic Heritage Consultant will have not less than 3-5 years’ experience in historic heritage consultancy. Although not essential, a Masters’ degree in Heritage Conservation would be an asset.

The Junior Historic Heritage Consultant would have up to 3 years’ experience in historic heritage consultancy; however, consideration will be given to applicants with less experience but are enthusiastic and fit in with our team.

Salaries would be commensurate with experience and skills. The positions are challenging and stimulating and a key feature of our employment policy is mentoring of staff.

Please email Jennie Lindbergh for more information, or to submit an Expression of Interest and CV by Friday 10 March.


30. SITUATION VACANT Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University (ANU)

ANU’s CASS (College of Arts and Social Sciences) is looking for an outstanding and highly motivated interdisciplinary scholar who is looking to explore new and cutting-edge research directions in critical heritage studies. The successful applicant’s expertise would be in the broadly defined field of Heritage Studies. While the applicant should be able to teach in the area of heritage management and practice, they will also be able to develop course offerings that might engage with conceptual issues such as memory, commemoration, intangible heritage, oral/public history etc. that aim to place heritage practices in a critical and analytical context.

Applicants might have a disciplinary background in Archaeology, History, Memory Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Urban Planning or other cognate area, but should have an established record or a willingness to engage in an interdisciplinary context. Preference may be given to a person with research interests that bridge theoretical and applied heritage fields of expertise and who can demonstrate an interest in the development of Heritage Studies as an academic area of critical enquiry. An established publication record or the potential to develop a strong research profile is necessary for appointment at Level B, for appointment at Level C, the applicant should have course development and coordination experience and a recognised and established research agenda and an active record of publication.

The key responsibility of the position would be to teach into the Masters of Museum and Heritage Studies and participate in designing and delivering a broad Museum and Heritage Studies curriculum (including heritage management and practice, heritage theory, research methods). The position may also be expected to teach at undergraduate level. The ability to teach online or distance programs would be advantageous. The position will also contribute to the development of the research profile of the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies.

For more information and to apply, visit the Australian National University website.

Applications close 5 March 2017.


31. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Environmental Policy and Planning, QLD Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Manager, Environmental Policy and Planning: Brisbane City (Queensland Heritage Council Secretariat and Queensland Heritage Register Team)


You will lead and manage the Queensland Heritage Council Secretariat and Queensland Heritage Register Team, support the Queensland Heritage Council business, manage and oversee policy and legislative projects, manage and implement strategic organisational initiatives to ensure quality outcomes for Queensland heritage issues, participate in the EPP Manager’s Network, build partnerships and cooperative projects with other agencies, peak groups and community organisations such as Department of Education, Training and Employment, State Library of Queensland, National Trust of Australia (Queensland) and universities.

Further information is available at this link or call Fiona Gardiner on (07) 3330 5873

Applications close 9 March.


32. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney

NBRSARCHITECTURE are currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join the NBRS Heritage Studio on a full-time basis. The Heritage Studio sits within the wider NBRSARCHITECTURE firm of Architectural, Landscape and Interior Design Studios.

NBRS Heritage have over forty years’ experience in cultural heritage management, including heritage assessment, adaptive re-use, preparation of conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation strategies, archival recordings and conservation schedules of work.

Applying candidates should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of heritage principles and the relevant statutory frameworks at a State and Local level. Experience working in the heritage sector in New South Wales would be an advantage.

The ideal candidate would meet the following selection criteria:

  • Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrate an ability to investigate, assess and provide recommendations on a range of complex heritage issues
  • Demonstrate an ability to work independently as well as contribute collaboratively in larger multi-disciplinary teams
  • Demonstrate experience managing projects, clients and other stakeholder relationships and expectations
  • Demonstrate experience managing their own work schedules to meet agreed project timeframes
  • Have architectural qualifications
  • Demonstrate practical experience in heritage management of the built environment and cultural landscapes

Membership of Australia ICOMOS is desirable.

Salary will be negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience.

The full-time position is for our Sydney office.

Please send your application via email with ‘Senior Heritage Consultant job application’ as the email subject.


33. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne

New Year and time for a change? Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Heritage Consultant for immediate start. Large variety of work and projects. Fun office environment in Richmond. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Mark or give him a call on (03) 9421 5448 for further information.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
