Vale Rod Howard (1954 to 2017)
Australia ICOMOS Sydney Networking Dinner – Saturday 11 February 2017, 6pm – 8pm
Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 9 February 2017
New Built Heritage Conservation Consultants and Contractors Pre-qualification Scheme
Deakin University Master of Cultural Heritage DUAL AWARD with World Heritage Masters at Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany
New Book Title: Historic House Museums in the UK and the USA: A History, 2017
Queensland Cultural Centre Conservation Management Plan – public comment invited
Nomination of Sydney’s Governor’s Domain and Civic Precinct to NHL – opportunity to comment
New Book Title: Western Building Construction. Walls, 2016
ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee Conference 2017 – announcement and call for abstracts
MILITAGE Norway 2017, 4-7 September 2017, Norway – call for papers
Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Finland, 27-29 September 2017 – call for papers
CHNT 2017 – Call for Sessions, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings
SAVE THE DATE – 2017 ICAHM Conference, 2-5 October 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Heritage management field program in Cambodia – applications open
Invitation to nominate significant places to the National Heritage List
CIPA2017 symposium, 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada – call for contributions
The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Special Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin – Surveys Society
Nominations open – 2018 World Monuments Watch
Master of Heritage Studies @ UWA – applications open
News from Sydney Living Museums
ICIP Newsletter
SITUATIONS VACANT GCI Professional Fellowships (x 3), Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, URBIS, Brisbane
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Director, Carrick Hill, SA
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor – Built Heritage, Extent Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor – Historical Archaeologist, Extent Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Office Assistant (Junior), GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (full-time), City Plan Heritage, Sydney
1. Vale Rod Howard (1954 to 2017)
Rod Howard’s friends and colleagues were saddened to hear about his passing last week following a period of health challenges. Many of us got to know and/or work with Rod over the years and without exception remember his a ‘one of nature’s gentlemen’, passionately interested in research and getting to know his sites in all their complexity, neat and meticulous in manner and presentation, and polite and generous to his clients and colleagues.
Following his initial post-university employment with Cox Tanner, Rod worked at Clive Lucas and Partners (1982-1985), the National Trust of Australia (NSW) (1985 to 1987), Travis Partners (1987 to 1990) before setting up his own practice Rod Howard and Associates (1990 to 2010). From 2011 to 2013 Rod worked at Godden Mackay Logan (now GML Heritage) before joining the Asset Standards Authority (Transport NSW) as their heritage advisor.
As part of the memorial service for Rod – to be held at St Thomas Anglican Church, McLaren Street, North Sydney at 10.30am on Friday 20 January 2017 – his wife Kathy has sent out an open invitation to his professional friends and colleagues to join her and the family, in order to recognise and celebrate the importance of his heritage work and research to his life.
It is a tribute to Rod’s professional and personal attributes that so many colleagues from all of these work environments and beyond have written, called, emailed with recollections of their memories, experiences and sorrow at his passing.
For those who would like to send their remembrance of Rod to his widow, this can be done directly to Kathy Brandt via email or c/- Unit 6/1A Bond Street, Mosman, NSW. Emails may also be sent to Jyoti Somerville and these will be forwarded on.
Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Rod’s family, friends and colleagues.
2. Australia ICOMOS Sydney Networking Dinner – Saturday 11 February 2017, 6pm – 8pm
Members, colleagues and partners are invited to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee and subcommittee representatives for dinner at the Harbour View Hotel, 18 Lower Fort Street Dawes Point, Sydney.
The event will be on an “order at the bar and pay for yourself” arrangement. Click here for the menu. Vegetarian and gluten free options are available.
RSVP: Confirmation your attendance and the number in your party for either “drinks only” or “drinks and dinner” is required – please email Mary Knaggs with this information by COB 9 February 2017. We need this in order to secure an area of the Hotel’s terrace with views of Sydney Harbour for drinks from 6pm, and some tables in the dining room from 7pm.
We look forward to seeing you there. Emerging heritage professionals and potential new members are particularly encouraged to attend.
3. Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 9 February 2017
Feed them meat ~ a history of the meat supply at Port Arthur
presented by Dr Jane Lennon AM
A decision to feed convicts with fresh meat instead of year old salted meat led to the development of a profitable regional trade between Gipps’ Land and Van Diemen’s Land. This lecture tells the story of contracts, companies and clubs. It had a major impact on the economy of two regions – Gipps’ Land and the SE Tasmanian peninsulas. Supplies of stock were required on a regular basis from the newly developing region. Squatters became wealthy on the proceeds of assured markets, although this involved close connections with the agents and contractors; ships were built or purchased to ply the trading route and regular crew and clientele developed to serve this; government and administrative services developed at both embarkation and disembarkation points to service the new trade.
Jane Lennon is an historical geographer with a PhD on cultural landscape conservation. Her work in Tasmania commenced in 1970 and resulted in her MA thesis on the Bass Strait trade in the 1840s; she prepared the conservation management plan for the Broad Arrow Café at Port Arthur in 1998. She was a national park planner, historic site manager, an Australian Heritage Commissioner (1998-2004), ICCROM council member (1999-2003), Australian Heritage Council member (2004-9), and is currently a heritage consultant in Brisbane and tree planter in the upper Clarence catchment, NSW. She is an Honorary Professor at University of Melbourne, an adjunct professor at Deakin University, chairs the Lake Victoria Advisory Committee; and is the Australian voting member on the ICOMOS ISC on Cultural Landscapes. Her recent publications have been on convict places, Pastoral Australia and cultural landscapes.
When: Thursday 9 February 2017 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s House Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site
For more information call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the ‘Feed them meat’ flyer.
4. New Built Heritage Conservation Consultants and Contractors Pre-qualification Scheme
The NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI), through its Public Works Heritage Asset Advisory Group and Heritage Stonework Group, is to launch a pre-qualification scheme to enhance resources for the maintenance, repair, restoration and adaptation of NSW government heritage-listed assets using appropriately experienced teams or individuals from the private sector. The scheme will target both specialist heritage professional consultants and specialist heritage building trades within the multifaceted skills of the cultural heritage conservation industry. The scheme will be available for NSW Public Works Advisory and its regional offices in as well as for other NSW government agencies, to utilise as an informed and managed heritage resource scheme.
Initial expressions of interest were sought in December 2016 and January 2017 from experienced and proven private-sector heritage consultants and construction companies in NSW to be part of this scheme. Government agencies were consulted as potential client stakeholders.
Respondents have been invited to a Heritage Pre-Qualification Scheme launch event on 10 February 2017 at The Mint, 10 Macquarie Street Sydney, NSW 2000. Limited places are still available. The event will outline the context and aims of the scheme, how the scheme will operate, and how to participate.
The Built Heritage Conservation Consultants and Contractors Prequalification Scheme went online from 16 January 2017. Applications for the various categories in the scheme may be lodged via NSW eTendering. There is no closure date for applications.
For further information about the event and the pre-qualification scheme, please contact Public Works Heritage via email and/or go online to NSW eTendering.
5. Deakin University Master of Cultural Heritage DUAL AWARD with World Heritage Masters at Brandenburg Technical University – Cottbus, Germany
Apply now to start in March for Deakin’s long-standing and internationally recognised post-graduate programs in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies – follow link for more information. We offer flexible learning options at the Melbourne Burwood Campus or online.
We have also RE-OPENED applications for a brief period for the unique dual award with our partners at the World Heritage Studies program at BTU-Cottbus in Germany. To join our 3rd dual award cohort in March, please apply online to enrol in the Master of Cultural Heritage, and also send an Expression of Interest letter to Kristal Buckley by email by 30 January 2017. For further information, visit the culturalheritage@deakin blog.
6. New Book Title: Historic House Museums in the UK and the USA: A History, 2017
ICOMOS members and heritage colleagues might be interested a new book authored by Dr Linda Young (M.ICOMOS), Historic House Museums in the UK and the USA: A History (Lanham MD, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017). It’s a history of house museums considered as a species of museum (akin to art museums, natural history museums, etc), in the UK and the US, with occasional Australian and New Zealand references.
The story begins with the opening of Abbotsford, shortly after Sir Walter Scott died in 1832, and traces five genres of house museum to the present day. Hence it reviews house museums according to various motivations of their foundation. This produces a typology of heroes’ houses; collectors’ houses; artwork houses; social history houses; and British country houses. It tries to sidestep the uncomfortable fraction of houses that might best be called insignificant, and ends by engaging with the torturous question: do we need more house museums? One answer comes via the continuing spate of 2015-16 house museums, such as the David Roche Foundation in Adelaide (a collector’s house); the 26th museumised house by Frank Lloyd Wright, moved to the new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Arkansas; and the Sheats-Goldstein Residence, recently acquired by the LA County Museum of Art (another artwork house – it’s a surging category).
The history of how and why house museums are established and survive is an abstruse corner of heritage history, but ICOMOS members could be a large fraction of its readers. You can get it from Book Depository, allegedly 41% off, for approx $A89, free postage. It will be produced as an ebook in 2017. Ask your local library to order it!
7. Queensland Cultural Centre Conservation Management Plan – public comment invited
In 2015, the Queensland Heritage Council listed part of Brisbane’s Cultural Precinct on the State Heritage Register.
The heritage listing includes the original buildings and integrated landscape design by the late Robin Gibson AO for the Queensland Art Gallery, Queensland Museum, Queensland Performing Arts Centre and The Edge at the State Library of Queensland, built in stages between 1976 and 1985 with the Playhouse Theatre a later addition opening in 1998. See diagram below.
Arts Queensland has commissioned a Conservation Management Plan (CMP), which will provide a framework to understand and manage the Cultural Centre’s heritage values, guide future planning and ensure it thrives and adapts into the future.
The draft CMP is now available for public comment. Comments are invited by Tuesday 28 February.
For more information, visit the artsQueensland website.
8. Nomination of Sydney’s Governor’s Domain and Civic Precinct to NHL – opportunity to comment
Opportunity to comment on the nomination of Sydney’s Governor’s Domain and Civic Precinct (including parts of Bridge and Macquarie Streets) to the National Heritage List (NHL)
The Australian Heritage Council is seeking to recognise the significant town planning heritage and defining national events associated with the Governors’ Domain and Civic Precinct.
The Australian Heritage Council’s initial assessment for the Governors’ Domain and Civic Precinct is that it might have National Heritage values. More information, the draft National Heritage values, draft selected history and draft boundary map are available at this link.
Written comments on the proposal are due by 5:00PM AEST Friday 24 February 2017.
If you would like to assist with an Australia ICOMOS response please email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
9. New Book Title: Western Building Construction. Walls, 2016
Announcing the second in the series Western Building Construction providing an introduction to the evolution of building construction in WA from 1829 to 1930. Walls is set out in five chapters dealing with timber frame construction, earth walls, stonework, brickwork, and concrete and steel. Detailed descriptions of wall repair projects carried out on a selection of nine significant buildings are in included in an appendix volume provided on a CD in the back of the book.
Author: Ingrid van Bremen PhD UWA 1990, Honorary Research Fellow and lecturer in conservation studies in the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts at UWA and consulting architect in conservation; M.ICOMOS.
Available for purchase from the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, University of Western Australia or via their internet shopping cart link.
10. ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee Conference 2017 – announcement and call for abstracts
We are delighted to advise that the next ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) Conference will be held in Christchurch New Zealand, 28-29 September 2017 to coincide with the planned National Programmes Antarctic season opening weekend in Christchurch, 30 September-1 October 2017.
The IPHC 2017 Conference theme is Polar heritage and the ships behind it: management and protection.
Getting to and from polar regions has been a constant issue for all polar expeditions, and the ships that made this happen are a key component of polar heritage.
The IPHC 2017 conference will explore the many aspects that arise in the management and protection of these vessels including:
- Historic shipwrecks in polar regions both on land or underwater
- Polar ships that survive as museum displays
- Ownership of polar wrecks and remnants
- Relocation of polar wrecks and remnants
- Use of modern polar ships to access polar heritage sites
- Indigenous use of ship-wreck materials, indigenous input relating to wreck history, and indigenous/non-indigenous interactions related to polar ships and crews
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police ship patrols and their influence on indigenous groups in arctic Canada
- World War II ships, and the history of polar convoys
- Law issues and the protection of underwater heritage
The IPHC 2017 Conference Organising Committee invites submissions of papers that address this theme. Please submit a 300-word abstract and title by 28 February 2017, together with the name(s) of the author and email address to Karen Clarke by email.
If you have questions or would like to discuss an idea for a paper, please contact either IPHC President Julian Bickersteth by email or IPHC Secretary General Nigel Watson by email.
11. MILITAGE Norway 2017, 4-7 September 2017, Norway – call for papers
MILITAGE Norway 2017
ICOFORT International Conference on Military Heritage from the 20th Century
4-7 September 2017
Northern Norway
ICOFORT, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage, organizes each year a meeting in collaboration with the local committee in the housing country. In 2017 the meeting will take place in Northern Norway, a region with a rich history in fortifications and military heritage especially from World War II occupation, Cold War period and traces of fifty years with military exercises by NATO forces. The theme of the conference MILITAGE 2017 will be «Military Heritage from the 20th Century».
Northern Norway is known for dramatic scenery with mountains, fjords and arctic light. While attending the conference the participants will experience the landscape and become aware at the strategic military role this region has played – and still do – in a global perspective.
The theme of the conference covers a broad range of topics/areas, including identification of values, conservation issues, management and ownership and challenges in reuse of military objects, case studies and guidelines.
ICOFORT invites papers for MILITAGE Norway 2017.
The extended deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 January 2017.
For more information, see the MILITAGE Norway – call for papers and visit the conference website.
12. Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference, Finland, 27-29 September 2017 – call for papers
Call for Papers and Presentations
Following the success of the conferences in Istanbul and Amsterdam, the University of Turku and Elgin & Co. are pleased to announce the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Conference 2017.
HTHIC2017 will take place in Pori, Finland, on 27-29 September.
The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conferences invite participants to explore aspects of preservation, (re-)presentation, promotion and profit (value creation) relevant to the leading question “How can tourism destinations succeed in attracting tourists while simultaneously engaging all stakeholders in contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?”
A special theme this year will be “Narratives for a World in Transition”.
For more information visit the conference website and the call for papers and presentations.
Abstract submission deadline – 20 February 2017.
13. CHNT 2017 – Call for Sessions, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings
The 22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2017) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 8-10 November 2017.
The main topic of this year: Urban Archaeology and Integration – Combining archaeology, history, and new technologies
The aim of this conference is to enhance the collaboration between historians and archaeologists and related disciplines using new technologies and to showcase best practice applications in multidisciplinary research. The conference organizers invite sessions dealing with one of the following topics or a combination thereof:
- Application of effective 3D-methods for the reconstruction of buildings, integrating archaeological excavation data with historical sources including images, thus increasing our understanding of the past
- Additional digital methods for the combined visualisation of archaeological and historical data (e.g. monitoring changes and preservation of archaeological monuments based on historical images)
- Application of new technologies to assess the archaeological record based on historical data (maps, tax returns, inventories, ship wreck lists, etc.) and/or combining historical sources and archaeological data in a geographical information system for recording the history of urban or rural landscapes
- Games, apps, and teaching software integrating archaeological and historical knowledge
- Historical data as a basis for checking or validating digital tools applied in archaeology and vice versa
- Dealing with inscriptions (including cuneiform, hieroglyphs and symbols): digital methods for enhancing readability (e.g. Reflectance Transformation Imaging), pattern recognition of letters or pictograms, comparison of hand writing (same author?)
- Statistical analysis investigating the correlation between historical place names and archaeological evidence
Submissions of Proposals for Sessions, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings are due by 30 January 2017. For information on how to submit a proposal, visit the call for sessions webpage.
14. SAVE THE DATE – 2017 ICAHM Conference, 2-5 October 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) is happy to announce the 2017 ICAHM conference, which will be held at Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, 2 through 5 October 2017.
The theme for the 2017 Conference is: Sub-Sahara Africa and International Trade Routes. In 2011 ICAHM began an Africa Initiative “The Potential Role of the World Heritage Convention, ICOMOS, and ICAHM in African Archaeological Site Preservation and Economic Development” geared towards identifying sites with potentials to be included in the World Heritage List thus increasing the number of World Heritage Sites in Africa to balance it with other sites in the world. Therefore, we are now happy to announce that the next ICAHM meeting will take us for the first time to the African continent, to the commercial capital of Tanzania on the shores of Indian Ocean in Dar es Salaam.
The emphasis of this meeting will be on: trade routes to and from sub-Saharan Africa to the rest of the world, the Africa Initiative, and conservation and sustainable use of paleoanthropological sites. Furthermore, we intent to organize sessions on: Inclusive Social Development, World Heritage Sites as Sources for Sustainable Development, Tourism management and Digital Technologies.
We will soon issue a Call for Papers and open registration for this conference. Meanwhile, save the date for this exciting event!
Download the SAVE THE DATE_ICAHM Annual Meeting Dar es Salaam 2017 flyer.
15. Heritage management field program in Cambodia – applications open
The Heritage Management Field Program (HMFP) will offer students a unique opportunity to gain hands on practical experience in the fundamentals of cultural heritage management in Cambodia. Through immersion in this 6 week experiential learning program, students will work with Cambodian and international students to develop sustainable heritage management strategies for heritage sites in Cambodia. This intensive program, led by international experts in the field of cultural heritage, will provide students with educational and practical training in a broad spectrum of issues and topics related to cultural heritage management. Students will visit heritage sites across the country working with local communities, national authorities, government officials, and heritage professionals to understand the complexities of successfully managing heritage sites in developing economies. More information is available at this link and in the Heritage Management Field Program flyer.
The program runs from 28 May 28 – 8 July 2017. Applications are now open and the deadline for applications is 28 February 2017.
16. Invitation to nominate significant places to the National Heritage List
All Australians are invited to nominate places of exceptional natural, Indigenous, or historic significance to the nation for possible inclusion in the National Heritage List.
Nominations are now open for the 2017-18 assessment period and all Australians are welcome to recommend a place that contributes to our national story.
The National Heritage List celebrates and protects places of outstanding heritage value to all Australians. It reflects the story of our development as a nation, our spirit and ingenuity, and our unique, living landscapes.
There are 107 sites in the National Heritage List, from well-known places such as Uluru and the Sydney Opera House to lesser-known but equally important sites such as the Dinosaur Stampede National Monument in Queensland or the Bonegilla Migrant Camp in Victoria.
Listed places are protected under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and approval must be obtained before taking any action to ensure there is no significant impact on the national heritage values of the place.
Nominations for the National Heritage List should set out the qualities or values of the place that make it outstanding to the nation by indicating how it meets one or more of the heritage criteria. It is also important to ensure that the nomination is supported by all owners and occupiers and Indigenous people with rights or interests.
After consideration of all the places nominated and advice from the Australian Heritage Council on them the Government will decide on a final list of places for the Council to assess.
The Australian Heritage Council will invite public comment on the places under assessment and consult extensively with everyone interested in the place, particularly owners and occupiers and Indigenous people with rights or interests.
Everyone is encouraged to get involved in this process and nominate places of outstanding significance to our nation.
The nomination period for the National Heritage List closes on 17 February 2017. For more information visit this link.
17. CIPA2017 symposium, 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada – call for contributions
The organisers of CIPA2017, the 26th biennial symposium, to be held from 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada, invite contributions for this symposium. CIPA2017 will focus on Digital Workflows for Conservation.
CIPA is the ICOMOS International Committee on Heritage Documentation.
Click here for the call for contributions.
Important dates
• February 1, 2017 – Deadline to submit abstracts and full papers
• March 31, 2017 – Notification of acceptance of abstracts
• April 30, 2017 – Deadline to upload full papers
• May 15, 2017 – Notification of acceptance of reviewed papers
• June 15, 2017 – Deadline to upload non-reviewed papers and posters
• July 12, 2017 – Deadline for submission of corrected papers
• July 12, 2017 – Deadline to upload non-reviewed papers and posters
Registration Page
For early birds, please register for CIPA2017 here.
For more information about the symposium, visit the symposium website.
18. The Johnston Collection – What’s On
Click here to read the latest news from the Johnston Collection.
19. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
20. Special Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin – Surveys Society
To read this special issue, click here.
21. Nominations open – 2018 World Monuments Watch
Sustainable preservation happens through local leadership. Nominate a site to the 2018 World Monuments Watch!
For over twenty years, the World Monuments Watch has served as a catalyst for action for hundreds of sites, leading to improved safeguarding of places of cultural heritage, more suitable tourism management, and increased community engagement. For heritage advocates, the Watch can be a powerful platform to attract visibility, raise public awareness, and foster local engagement at heritage sites.
Nominations for the 2018 World Monuments Watch are being accepted until 1 March 2017.
In recognition that sustainable preservation happens through local leadership, the Watch reinforces and promotes collective action at endangered sites, and connects people and places through Watch Day, an opportunity for communities to celebrate the importance of Watch sites and build support for heritage conservation.
How to submit a nomination? Please access the nomination form by reviewing the full nomination guidelines.
22. Master of Heritage Studies @ UWA – applications open

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is currently accepting applications in the Master of Heritage Studies for study in Semester 1, 2017. Applications will close on 3 February 2017.
The course is likely to be of interest to those who wish to work in a field that intersects with heritage, be this in government, the business sector, non-government organisations, international organisations, museums, universities, heritage agencies, national and provincial parks and more.
The Master of Heritage Studies covers tangible and intangible heritage including natural, cultural and historical heritage. Students will have the opportunity to travel across Western Australia and around the world, to understand heritage issues and learn how to work with industries and governments to record, manage and present heritage in partnership with Indigenous communities. The Master degree includes both an exchange program to China – critical for students wishing to be competitive in the Asian Century – and the opportunity for highly desired professional placements.
Please email the Post Grad team for further information or apply now!
23. News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
24. ICIP Newsletter
To read the first edition newsletter of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP), click on the link below.
25. SITUATIONS VACANT GCI Professional Fellowships (x 3), Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts, broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. It serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the broad dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI is pleased to announce a new employment opportunity for emerging conservation professionals: GCI Professional Fellowships. Made possible through onetime funding, the GCI is making available three Professional Fellowships, each of three year duration, from June 2017 to May 2020. The successful candidates will work at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California.
For more information about these fellowships, download the Getty Conservation Institute fellowships.
Completed application materials must be received on or before 31 January 2017.
26. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, URBIS, Brisbane
Heritage Consultant
- Entry level position with strong career development opportunities
- Opportunity for professional growth and career development
- Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team of industry experts & leaders
Who We Are
Urbis is a market-leading firm with the goal of shaping the cities and communities of Australia for a better future. Drawing together a network of the brightest minds, Urbis consists of practice experts, working collaboratively to deliver fresh thinking and independent advice and guidance – all backed up by real, evidence-based solutions.
Working across the areas of planning, design, policy, heritage, valuations, transactions, economics and research, the expert team at Urbis connect their clients in the public and private sectors to a better outcome, every time.
The Opportunity
The continued growth of Urbis in Brisbane means we are looking for a motivated and energised professional Consultant to join our Heritage Consulting team. We are looking for a lateral thinker and outstanding communicator seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects for a diverse range of private and public sector clients.
About You
As a Heritage Consultant your responsibilities will include:
- Work across a wide range of applications with ability assist in developing proposals, tenders & submissions for potential projects
- Demonstrate ability in property research, demonstrate problem solving and lateral interpretation skills , report writing and communication skills
- Assist in the undertaking of projects, client and other stakeholder relationships and work to specification and deadlines
This position would ideally suit someone who is a recent Graduate or someone with up to one years’ experience in a similar role with a combination of the following competencies:
- Understanding of Heritage principles and the ability to apply them
- Ability to undertake heritage research utilising multiple sources and methodologies; and present a preliminary assessment of findings
- Demonstrates understanding of and ability to apply appropriate statutory heritage and planning legislation to heritage issues
- Demonstrated experience in clearly conveying information and ideas
Why Urbis?
Working for Urbis means working with individuals who are passionate about what they do. It’s a place where you are encouraged to share your ideas in a professional but friendly office environment. To find out more about us visit our website.
Urbis is a firm that truly values its people and provides a broad range of benefits which include a competitive remuneration package, salary continuance insurance, regular social activities, health and wellbeing programs and ongoing training and professional development opportunities.
Urbis is committed to fostering a work environment that is inclusive, supports flexibility, and welcomes diversity. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply.
How to apply?
If you are an enthusiastic candidate, with the desire to become part of a driven and highly professional team, please apply through our website and click on “Apply for this job” or call Michelle Scott, HR Manager on (07) 3007 3859. Applications close 31 January 2017.
27. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Trethowan Architecture, Melbourne
New Year and time for a change? Trethowan Architecture is seeking an experienced Heritage Consultant for immediate start. Large variety of work and projects. Fun office environment in Richmond. Salary commensurate with tertiary education, experience and skills. Email CV to Mark or give him a call on (03) 9421 5448 for further information.
28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Context, Melbourne
Context is looking for a heritage consultant to complement our highly-skilled team in our busy, Melbourne office. This role will focus on research, analysis, report writing and project administration.
You will be part of a small team of consultants who support our senior specialists. The role offers a great opportunity to work with experienced heritage professionals and hone your heritage skills in a stimulating work environment. Your tertiary training and experience could be in any of the heritage disciplines. You will have several years’ work experience, with some preferably in consultancy.
You can find out more about this position in the News section of Context’s website. Salary would be commensurate with your experience and skills.
Applications for the ongoing position should include a current CV with two referees, and a cover letter of 1–2 pages in length addressing:
- Your experience in contributing to heritage projects through research, analysis, writing and project administration in relation to the position description – with examples from your work history; and
- Why this role would be a good fit for you, with reference to the position description.
Please email your application to Context, preferably no later than Friday 10 February 2017. Applications will be reviewed on submission. For more information, contact Vanessa Walker on (03) 9380 6933.
29. SITUATION VACANT Director, Carrick Hill, SA
Director, Carrick Hill
- Unique Strategic Opportunity
- 3 Year Fixed Term Position
- $108,705- $113,013 p.a. (ASO8)
Ensure the strategic development, day to day management, corporate and business planning, organisational performance and projects of Carrick Hill.
About Carrick Hill
Carrick Hill is Australia’s most intact twentieth-century heritage house museum and garden and is a significant South Australian cultural tourism attraction. It comprises a major heritage building, being the previous home of Sir Edward and Lady Hayward; internationally significant art collections; original subsidiary buildings such as stables; and approximately 40 hectares of land which includes approximately 26 hectares of native bushland.
The Role
Reporting to the Director, Cultural Heritage and Assets- Arts South Australia, this role is responsible for the strategic development of Carrick Hill, fostering and promoting excellence in the way the Trust operates, the day to day management of Carrick Hill, corporate and business planning, organisational performance, major initiatives and projects.
Skills and Experience
The successful applicant will display sound knowledge and understanding of cultural tourism, arts programming and curation of house museums and gardens, coupled with the ability to work collaboratively with State and Commonwealth Public Sector Agencies. They will possess management skills in decision making, leadership of a small team, project coordination, negotiation, conflict resolution and advocacy. In addition, they will have demonstrated ability to strategically plan and effectively manage resources, including financial and human resources that achieve results coupled with excellent verbal and written communication skills including the ability to provide clear vision and liaise effectively.
Essential Qualifications
A Bachelor degree in Arts/Management, Business Management or similar.
For more information about this opportunity, click here.
Applications close on Friday 27 January 2017 at 5.00pm.
30. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor – Built Heritage, Extent Heritage, Sydney
EXTENT Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialize in the provision of heritage management services to a diverse range of private and public sector clients. Our team have over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice and this highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
Extent Heritage has an opportunity for a professional to join our team as a mid-range Heritage Advisor – Built Heritage role. The position has primary focus on built heritage but we are always keen to discover professionals with flexibility and strengths across other specialist areas such as fabric analysis, materials conservation, industrial heritage, history, interpretation and/or archival recording. The position is offered initially as a 12-month contract subject to a 3 months’ probationary review period. On completion of the contract there may be an opportunity to renew for a further period to be determined subject to performance and our operational and workload requirements.
This position will suit a highly motivated built heritage specialist with well-developed report and proposal writing skills who enjoys working in a close-knit supportive team environment.
Detailed selection criteria for this role are available at this link.
To be considered for this position, please submit your CV (max 2 pages), along with details of two referees and a covering letter addressing the selection criteria via the “APPLY” button at this link by COB 27 January 2017.
31. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor – Historical Archaeologist, Extent Heritage, Sydney
EXTENT Heritage is a leading heritage and archaeological consultancy servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialize in provision of archaeological and heritage management services to a diverse range of private and public sector clients. With over 25 years’ experience in providing quality archaeological and heritage advice to clients this highly respected and motivated team is the cornerstone to our success.
Extent Heritage currently has an opportunity for a professional to join our team as a Heritage Advisor – Historical Archaeologist. The position has primary focus on historical archaeology with opportunities for involvement and development in Indigenous heritage and/or in other specialist areas such as social value, built, industrial, interpretation and archival recording. The position is offered as a 12-month contract subject to a 3 months’ probationary review period. On completion of the contract there may be an opportunity to renew for a further period to be determined subject to performance and our operational and workload requirements.
This position will suit a highly motivated and experienced historical archaeologist with well-developed report and proposal writing skills who enjoys working in a close-knit supportive team environment.
Detailed selection criteria for this role are available at this link.
To be considered for this position, please submit your CV (max 2 pages), along with details of two referees and a covering letter addressing the selection criteria via the “APPLY” button at this link by COB 27 January 2017.
32. SITUATION VACANT Office Assistant (Junior), GML Heritage, Sydney
Kick start your administration career with us! GML Heritage is seeking a bright, enthusiastic and motivated JUNIOR to provide administrative and operational support across the organisation. This is a full-time position based in our Sydney office. The pivotal role of Office Assistant will undertake a variety of tasks including report formatting, printing and dispatch, maintaining report records, basic graphics and general office tasks including reception, setting up for meetings, stock ordering, and running errands. This is an entry level role and would suit a recent TAFE/school graduate with a Business Administration (Cert II or higher), or equivalent skills and experience.
Click here for more information
Applications close Monday 23 January 2016.
33. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (full-time), City Plan Heritage, Sydney
The City Plan Services group of companies is celebrating 20 years’ as an industry-leading specialist consultancy. With offices in Sydney, Gosford, Newcastle and the Gold Coast, we provide services in the area of Building Regulations, Town Planning and Heritage.
City Plan Heritage is currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join our Sydney team to provide high level cultural heritage consulting services.
The Position
Reporting to the Heritage Director, the successful applicant will be expected to carry out all the standard roles of a Senior Heritage Consultant, including but not limited to:
- Preparation of a range of heritage reports including Heritage Impact Statements, Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Assessments, Heritage Studies and Heritage Interpretation Strategies
- Management of several projects simultaneously and cope with competing deadlines
- Undertaking detailed historical research to the standard of a professional historian (including sourcing and analysis of archival sources) for Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Assessments, and Heritage Studies
- Working independently with no or minimal supervision
The successful applicant will need to demonstrate excellent communication skills, pay attention to detail and provide a professional and courteous attitude when liaising with clients to focus upon and expand established client relationships. Management & organisational skills, an ability to prioritise, implement instructions and complete tasks unsupervised and in a timely manner whilst working as part of a team is essential.
Our assessment criteria for this position will include:
- Minimum 5 or more years’ experience working in the heritage sector with a particular focus on report writing, undertaking heritage studies and providing heritage advice
- A degree in cultural heritage or a related discipline is essential
- A background in archaeology and/or Australian architecture
- Membership to Australia ICOMOS (or eligibility for membership) is essential
The successful applicant will be required to start as soon as possible.
For more information on this role or to submit your application (including cover letter & CV), please contact Kim Bennett via email or phone (02) 8270 3500.
34. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant, NBRSARCHITECTURE, Sydney
NBRSARCHITECTURE are currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join the NBRS Heritage Studio on a full-time basis. The Heritage Studio sits within the wider NBRSARCHITECTURE firm of Architectural, Landscape and Interior Design Studios.
NBRS Heritage have over forty years’ experience in cultural heritage management, including heritage assessment, adaptive re-use, preparation of conservation management plans, heritage impact statements, interpretation strategies, archival recordings and conservation schedules of work.
Applying candidates should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of heritage principles and the relevant statutory frameworks at a State and Local level. Experience working in the heritage sector in New South Wales would be an advantage.
The ideal candidate would meet the following selection criteria:
- Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Demonstrate an ability to investigate, assess and provide recommendations on a range of complex heritage issues
- Demonstrate an ability to work independently as well as contribute collaboratively in larger multi-disciplinary teams
- Demonstrate experience managing projects, clients and other stakeholder relationships and expectations
- Demonstrate experience managing their own work schedules to meet agreed project timeframes
- Have architectural qualifications
- Demonstrate practical experience in heritage management of the built environment and cultural landscapes
Membership of Australia ICOMOS is desirable.
Salary will be negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience.
The full-time position is for our Sydney office.
Please send your application via email with ‘Senior Heritage Consultant job application’ as the email subject.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au