Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 760

  1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
  2. Expressions of Interest invited for Tasmanian Heritage Council vacancies
  3. Australia ICOMOS Christmas get together, Adelaide, 14 December
  4. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, 15 December
  5. Expressions of Interest invited for ACT Heritage Council appointment
  6. Australia ICOMOS End of Year Sundowner, Perth, 13 December
  7. Help us to build an urban policy and practice collection by taking a survey
  8. Nomination of Sydney’s Governor’s Domain and Civic Precinct to NHL – opportunity to comment
  9. Holiday Contest: Share your best photograph of historic monuments and sites
  10. Update on Great Barrier Reef progress for the World Heritage Centre – Hon Josh Frydenberg MP & Hon Steven Miles MP media release
  11. Asia Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hong Kong, Nov-Dec 2017 – call for sessions
  12. US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program – call for hosts
  13. US/ICOMOS 2016 International Exchange Program – call for applicants
  14. ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & Restoration conference, 8-10 March 2017, Italy – call for abstracts
  15. SHATIS’17, 20-22 September 2017, Istanbul – call for papers
  16. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
  17. CIPA2017 symposium, 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada – call for contributions
  18. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
  19. Scholarships for Women’s Leadership Development
  20. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  21. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
  22. SITUATION VACANT Office Assistant (Junior), GML Heritage, Sydney
  23. SITUATIONS VACANT Various, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, WA
  24. SITUATION VACANT Project Officer – Heritage and Cultural Landscapes, City of Ballarat
  25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, City of Ballarat
  26. SITUATION VACANT GCI Professional Fellowships (x 3), Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)


1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season

The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from noon Friday 23 December 2016 to Friday 13 January 2017 inclusive. The office will re-open on Monday 16 January 2017, and the first e-newsletter for 2017 will be published on Friday 20 January.

The final e-newsletter for 2016 will be published on Friday 23 December 2016.


2. Expressions of Interest invited for Tasmanian Heritage Council vacancies

Matthew Groom MP, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage, is seeking Expressions of Interest from persons with expertise interested in the sustainable development and use of historic cultural heritage places, as a member of the Heritage Council.

To be eligible interested applicants need expertise in archaeology, architecture, building surveying or engineering, in accordance with the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995.

For more information, see the Tasmanian Heritage Council EOI ad – 2016.

Expressions of Interest close at 5pm, Friday 9 December 2016.


3. Australia ICOMOS Christmas get together, Adelaide, 14 December

SA ICOMOS members and heritage colleagues are invited to the end of year get together on Wednesday 14 December, which will include a tour of Grieve Gillett Andersen’s award winning pipe organ installation at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Victoria Square, Adelaide. The tour will take place between 4:30-5:30pm, and will be followed by drinks at La Boheme Bar, Grote Street.

For more information, see the Australia ICOMOS Christmas get together_SA invite.

The event is free but please book via this link by Monday 12 December. A donation to the organ and cathedral fund would be greatly appreciated.


4. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, 15 December

Celebrating 40 Years: Come and Party!!

There will be a panel with memories and visions for Australia ICOMOS’ future – if not the next 40 years!? And an ICOMOS and Canberra Heritage Quiz – in groups (someone will know the answer) with prizes!

Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Refreshments available appropriate to the talk’s topic! (A $5.00 donation is appreciated)

Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 15 December 2016 – NOTE: 5.30pm start
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott via email

Download the Canberra Talks 40th Celebrations flyer.


5. Expressions of Interest invited for ACT Heritage Council appointment

The Minister for the Environment and Heritage (the Minister) is inviting expressions of interest from persons in the ACT Region who may be interested in being considered for appointment to the ACT Heritage Council (the Council).

The Council is an independent body established under the Heritage Act 2004. The Council’s role includes, among other functions, identification and assessment of nominations to the ACT Heritage Register and providing advice on appropriate conservation of cultural, natural and Aboriginal heritage places and objects in the ACT.

The Council meets at least six times a year to consider a range of matters related to its functions. In addition, Council members serve on various taskforces comprising small numbers of Council members. The taskforces relate to the Council’s functions, and meet or communicate regularly to consider matters in detail outside of Council meetings.

Expressions of interest for five vacancies on the Council are invited from people with experience in any of the following:

  • Aboriginal culture
  • Aboriginal history
  • archaeology
  • architecture
  • engineering
  • history
  • landscape architecture
  • nature conservation
  • object conservation
  • town planning
  • urban design

Expressions of interest are also sought for a position representing the property ownership, management and development sector.

These positions will commence on 12 June 2017.

The application period opened on 25 November 2016. Application forms and further information is available from the ACT Heritage website. A completed application form, current CV and brief letter outlining suitability for appointment are required to be provided. The application period closes on 13 January 2017.

Applications will be kept on a register for three years and should vacancies occur, the Minister may use this register to appoint new members.

Further information about the Council is available at this link.


6. Australia ICOMOS End of Year Sundowner, Perth, 13 December

WA members and non-members are invited to an end of year event.

Date & time: 5.30-7.30pm, Tuesday 13 December
Venue: Heathcote Cultural Precinct, Applecross

More information is available in the ICOMOS Sundowner invite.


7. Help us to build an urban policy and practice collection by taking a survey

Australian Policy Online (APO) is curating an open access collection of historic and contemporary urban policy resources in collaboration with University partners. Our survey asks you to identify the documents, themes and sources in urban policy and planning in Australia that you regard as interesting – or having high research or historical value. By participating, you will help us to build an innovative new national planning knowledge resource. 

Link to the survey 

More information about the project is available at the Australian Policy Online website.


8. Nomination of Sydney’s Governor’s Domain and Civic Precinct to NHL – opportunity to comment

Opportunity to comment on the nomination of Sydney’s Governor’s Domain and Civic Precinct (including parts of Bridge and Macquarie Streets) to the National Heritage List (NHL)

The Australian Heritage Council is seeking to recognise the significant town planning heritage and defining national events associated with the Governors’ Domain and Civic Precinct.

The Australian Heritage Council’s initial assessment for the Governors’ Domain and Civic Precinct is that it might have National Heritage values. More information, the draft National Heritage values, draft selected history and draft boundary map are available at this link.

Written comments on the proposal are due by 5:00PM AEST Friday 24 February 2017.

If you would like to assist with an Australia ICOMOS response please email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.


9. Holiday Contest: Share your best photograph of historic monuments and sites

To make its new collaborative photobank known and to enhance the collections it contains, ICOMOS is launching a contest.

For the holidays, offer to the cultural heritage community your most beautiful photograph illustrating a monument, a historic site, a World Heritage property, or a heritage professional in the field. Upload it to the photobank with the best possible description before 18 December 2016. The most beautiful images will receive a prize.

For more information on the contest, click here.


10. Update on Great Barrier Reef progress for the World Heritage Centre – Hon Josh Frydenberg MP & Hon Steven Miles MP media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP & the Hon Steven Miles MP, dated 2 December 2016.

The Australian and Queensland governments’ update to the World Heritage Centre shows strong progress has been made to protect and improve the Great Barrier Reef.

The World Heritage Committee unanimously endorsed the Reef 2050 Plan in June 2015 and asked Australia to provide an update on its implementation by December 2016.

Federal Minister for the Environment and Energy Josh Frydenberg said the Reef 2050 Plan Update on Progress released today demonstrates Australia’s ongoing commitment to the long-term health of one of the world’s great natural wonders.

“Significant progress on actions has been achieved in the first 18 months of the 35-year Plan and the blueprint for a new era in Reef protection has been established for ongoing cooperation and collaboration involving governments, science, industries and communities,” Mr Frydenberg said.

“The update highlights that of the 151 actions scheduled in the initial five years, 32 have been completed and another 103 are underway and on track.

“Key outcomes include legislation to manage the impact of ports and dredging, including a ban on the disposal of dredge material in the World Heritage Area, and support for cane farming and grazing practices that will improve water quality.”

Alongside the progress update, a Reef 2050 Plan Investment Framework was also released. It shows the various actions being funded by governments, industry and the community and priorities for future investment have been determined.

The six priority areas for funding are:

  • Improving water quality
  • Supporting the field management program
  • Monitoring and reporting progress
  • Reducing crown-of-thorns starfish
  • Increasing traditional owner participation in on-ground activities
  • Ensuring the sustainability of Queensland fisheries.

The Australian and Queensland governments will provide more than $2 billion for the Reef over the next 10 years, with an additional injection through the Finance Corporation’s $1 billion Reef Fund.

Queensland Minister for the Great Barrier Reef, Dr Steven Miles, said while the scale of the challenge to protect and improve the Reef was massive and complex both Governments were proud of what had been achieved.

“It is important to remember the update on progress covers only a short period and this time coincided with the most severe event ever to impact the health of the Reef,” Dr Miles said.

“We realise the Great Barrier Reef suffered mass coral bleaching driven by climate change. This is a worldwide problem and we are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.”

Mr Frydenberg said Australia is making a concerted effort to address climate change and, in ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement, put forward an emissions reduction target for 2030 among the highest of any G20 country on a per capita basis.

Dr Miles said water quality is recognised as a major challenge for the Reef second only to climate change.

“Improving water quality directly boosts the health and resilience of the Reef and gives it a greater ability to recover from major shocks such as coral bleaching,” Dr Miles said.

“More than half a billion is being invested in Reef 2050 water quality actions and the good news is progress is being made.

The Reef 2050 Plan Update on Progress and Investment Framework are available at this link.


11. Asia Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hong Kong, Nov-Dec 2017 – call for sessions

3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage
27 November – 2 December 2017
Hong Kong

Conference Theme – “The Maritime Cultural Landscapes and Seascapes of Asia-Pacific: Voyaging, Migration, Colonisation, Trade, and Cross-Cultural Contacts”

The Asia-Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage (APCONF) aims to address management and protection strategies of underwater cultural heritage in Asia and the countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans in the 21st Century.

To further these aims, the third regional conference in Hong Kong in November 2017 has selected the above theme to explore, in a more holistic approach, the incredible landscape and seascape that has been developed from thousands of years of human colonisation, migration, trade and cross-cultural contact in the region.

Sub-theme and Session submission deadline: 5 January 2017

In keeping with the Conference Theme, the Conference Organising Committee invites submissions of sub-themes and sessions. Please submit a 300-word abstract and title by the deadline above, together with the name of the organiser, affiliation and email address.

For more information about the call for sessions, visit the Call for Papers section of the conference website.


12. US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program – call for hosts

The Call for Hosts for the next round of the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program (IEP), to be held in the summer of 2017, is now open. This coming year marks the 33rd annual round of the IEP; since 1984, we’ve exchanged over 700 young preservation professionals from 70 countries. For 2017, we look to continue our efforts of recent years to innovate and expand the program.

US/ICOMOS seeks host organizations, such as non-profits, government agencies, and private firms, who are interested in hosting a US/ICOMOS intern, whether in the United States or overseas. To become an intern host, please read the 2017 Call for Hosts and Sponsors and submit an application (a direct link to the online application is included in the call).

More information on the IEP, and other program areas of US/ICOMOS, can be found on the US/ICOMOS website. Alternatively, email Brian Lione with any queries.

Please note that the deadline for host applications is 8 January 2017.


13. US/ICOMOS 2016 International Exchange Program – call for applicants

US/ICOMOS is pleased to announce the call for applications for participants in the 2017 International Exchange Program (IEP)

US/ICOMOS is seeking graduate students and young professionals (1-3 years of experience) specialized in historic preservation and heritage conservation to participate in the 2017 IEP. Participants will be assigned practical working internships, under professional supervision, with a public or private nonprofit preservation organization. Internships for U.S. citizens are in other countries, organized in many cases in cooperation with the local ICOMOS National Committee. Internships for non-U.S. citizens are placed throughout the United States. The US/ICOMOS carefully organizes and manages the 12 week program from its Directorate offices in Washington, DC.

Positions are for interns with a bachelor’s degree (at a minimum) in a preservation or conservation-related field: architecture, landscape architecture, cultural resource management, materials conservation, interpretation, history of architecture, archaeology, industrial archaeology, public history or cultural tourism.

The selection process for the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program is highly competitive; less than one in five applications is successful.

For more information, visit the US/ICOMOS Intern Program webpage. The deadline for applications for participants is 15 January 2017.



Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed by January 2017. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US/ICOMOS is aware of the problem.

Applicants must:

  • be existing financial members of Australia ICOMOS – please note that both Full and Associate members of Australia ICOMOS can apply to this program
  • have adequate experience as set out in the US/ICOMOS Internship Program Overview – please read this information before considering whether or not to apply for an internship, and
  • the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year

The application materials listed below should be emailed (or provided by other suitable means if file sizes are excessive) to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Tuesday 13 December 2016.

  • Answers to the 3 questions in the US-ICOMOS application excerpt
  • A 500-word essay in English describing the reasons for wanting to participate in the program and how completion of an internship overseas will contribute to the applicant’s career
  • A current curriculum vitae
  • Two examples of work in the applicant’s area of specialization. Samples should demonstrate the applicant’s skill and fitness to execute work that meets professional standards. Work samples might include research papers, hand sketches, CAD drawings, 3D models, cultural landscape reports, conservation treatment reports, etc. or excepts thereof. In the case of group projects, authorship of specific designs/drawings/writing must be indicated
  • Two letters of recommendation from professors or employers attesting to the applicant’s professional skills and competency and suitability to represent his/her country
  • A copy of the information (photo) page from a current passport (expiration date should be on or after March 2018)

Once nominations are confirmed by Australia ICOMOS, it is the responsibility of prospective applicants to submit the full application form and the application materials to US/ICOMOS by the deadline of 15 January 2017.


14. ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & Restoration conference, 8-10 March 2017, Italy – call for abstracts

Call for abstracts – 12th Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & Restoration

Invited Committee: ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Interpretation & Presentation

Theme: Place of Memory – Protection, Conservation, Interpretation

Place and Date: Florence, Italy, 8-10 March 2017

For more information, download the 2017. 03 Florence Place of Memory call for abstracts.

Deadline for abstracts – 20 December 2016


15. SHATIS’17, 20-22 September 2017, Istanbul – call for papers

International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures
20-22 September 2017
Istanbul, Turkey

The SHATIS’17 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures is a meeting organized every two years by countries with a rich history in timber structures and an advanced industrial and academic background in the wood sector. After 3 successful conferences in Portugal, Italy and Poland, the 4th edition of SHATIS will take place in Istanbul, Turkey in 2017.

Abstract deadline: 9 December 2016

For more information, download the SHATIS’17 Call for papers and visit the conference website.


16. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online

To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.


17. CIPA2017 symposium, 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada – call for contributions

The organisers of CIPA2017, the 26th biennial symposium, to be held from 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada, invite contributions for this symposium. CIPA2017 will focus on Digital Workflows for Conservation.

CIPA is the ICOMOS International Committee on Heritage Documentation.

Click here for the call for contributions.

Important dates

• February 1, 2017 – Deadline to submit abstracts and full papers
• March 31, 2017 – Notification of acceptance of abstracts
• April 30, 2017 – Deadline to upload full papers
• May 15, 2017 – Notification of acceptance of reviewed papers
• June 15, 2017 – Deadline to upload non-reviewed papers and posters
• July 12, 2017 – Deadline for submission of corrected papers
• July 12, 2017 – Deadline to upload non-reviewed papers and posters

Other updates

CIPA Awards

CIPA has launched an award for those emerging professionals attending Ottawa 2017.

Registration Page

For early birds, please register for CIPA2017 here.

For more information about the symposium, visit the symposium website.


18. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online

To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.


19. Scholarships for Women’s Leadership Development

Women & Leadership Australia (WLA) is administering a national scholarship initiative to support the development of female leaders.

The initiative is providing women with partial grants of up to $8,000 to assist them to participate in a number of Australia’s most highly regarded women’s development programs.

This pool of scholarship funding is not expected to be available again in the foreseeable future. Should you be interested, simply complete the Expression of Interest Form prior to 22 December 2016.

The scholarships are available for women working in a wide range of role seniorities, including junior, middle and senior managers as well as executive level women.

More information on the courses covered by the scholarships and the application process is available on the Scholarships Information Page.

Should you wish to discuss the initiative in more detail, please contact Alistair Young at the office of the National Industry Scholarship Program, WLA on (03) 9270 9032 or email Alistair.


20. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


21. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Classification: Environment Officer Class 10
Employment Status: 1 Ongoing Full-time role and 1 Temporary Full-time role (ASAP up to 18 months)

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage aims to enrich life in NSW by helping the community to conserve and enjoy our environment and heritage.

Heritage provides an integrated approach to conserving Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage by working with the community to list items on the State Heritage Register, declare Aboriginal Places and register state shipwrecks. We assess applications to change listed items, repatriate Aboriginal ancestral remains, administer grants for heritage conservation and provide secretariat services to the Heritage Council and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.

Primary purpose of the role: The Senior Heritage Assessment Officer undertakes the assessment of development applications and approval pathways relating to items listed on State Heritage Register & other statutory lists. This role also provides advice on heritage conservation documents that develop outcomes in accordance with State Government Policy. The Senior Heritage Assessment Officer is responsible for endorsement of certain Approvals under the Heritage Act 1977 under delegation from the Heritage Council of NSW.

For more information and to apply, visit the I work for NSW website.

Closing date for this role is 2 January 2017 [11:59PM].


22. SITUATION VACANT Office Assistant (Junior), GML Heritage, Sydney

GML Heritage is seeking a bright, enthusiastic and motivated JUNIOR to provide administrative and operational support across the organisation. This is a full-time position based in our Sydney office. The pivotal role of Office Assistant will undertake a variety of tasks including report formatting, printing and dispatch, maintaining report records, basic graphics and general office tasks including reception, setting up for meetings, stock ordering, and running errands. This is an entry level role and would suit a recent TAFE/school graduate with a Business Administration (Cert II or higher), or equivalent skills and experience.

Click here for more information.

Applications close Monday 12 December 2016.


23. SITUATIONS VACANT Various, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, WA

The Department of Aboriginal Affairs leads action to improve life opportunities for Aboriginal Western Australians. Click on the links below for more information about each role.

Compliance Officer

Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: 18332
Location: East Perth
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM

Heritage Officer

Classification: LEVEL 4 $76,452 – $80,797 pa PSGOGA
Position No: Various – Pool Recruitment
Location: Perth
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM

Heritage Support Officer

Classification: LEVEL 3 $67,896 – $73,717 pa PSGOGA
Position No: Various – Pool Recruitment
Location: East Perth
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM

Senior Heritage Officer

Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: Various – Pool Recruitment
Location: East Perth
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM

Senior Heritage Officer Regions

Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: 24428
Location: Geraldton
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM

Senior Heritage Officer Regions

Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: 24429
Location: Port Hedland
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM

Senior Projects Officer

Classification: LEVEL 5 $85,047 – $93,994 pa PSGOGA
Position No: 24442
Location: East Perth
Closing Date: 15/12/2016 5:00 PM


24. SITUATION VACANT Project Officer – Heritage and Cultural Landscapes, City of Ballarat


  • Permanent Full-Time
  • Salary between $73,912 – $79,844 per annum plus 9.5% superannuation

The City of Ballarat is seeking a qualified and enthusiastic Project Officer to support the implementation of the Ballarat Heritage Plan, and provide additional capacity for the Heritage and Cultural Landscapes Unit to achieve conservation and heritage management outcomes. The successful applicant will have the ability to build strong stakeholder networks and collaborative partnerships to support Council in the conservation and promotion of Ballarat’s built and cultural heritage.

This position is part of Council’s Development & Planning portfolio and seeks to plan, manage, budget and coordinate heritage and cultural landscape related programs and projects.

Key Selection Criteria

  • Qualifications in project management, heritage or a related field of expertise.
  • A demonstrated pro-active approach to problem solving and ability to work across and bring together interdisciplinary teams to achieve creative outcomes.
  • Experience in applying project management knowledge to effectively lead and undertake complex projects.
  • Experience in planning, prioritising and organising work to achieve goals and meet deadlines, including dealing with competing demands and managing multiple projects and tasks in a complex environment.
  • Experience in liaising effectively and working collaboratively with a range of stakeholders, to facilitate cooperation and support in achieving outcomes and to establish and maintain strong effective working relationships.
  • A commitment to implement best practice.
  • Ability to investigate and prepare reports and recommendations on complex issues.

Applications close Friday 9 December 2016 at 5pm.

The position information pack can be downloaded at the City of Ballarat website.

For any further information on the above position please contact Susan Fayad, Coordinator Heritage and Cultural Landscapes on (03) 5320 5677 or email Susan.


25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisor, City of Ballarat


  • Permanent Part-Time Position
  • Salary between $82,014 -$90,820 per annum, pro rata plus 9.5% superannuation

The City of Ballarat is seeking a highly skilled and enthusiastic Heritage Advisor to provide heritage planning and conservation advice to the statutory planning department, Council Officers, the public, development industry, owners of heritage buildings and places and other organisations and agencies as required. The successful applicant will also develop and implement policies that give guidance to Council and the community in determining applications which involve heritage elements; and to support Council in the conservation and management of Ballarat’s cultural and built heritage.

The Ballarat planning experience involves working with dynamic teams on a wide range of complex urban, interface and rural land use issues while the conservation experience involves supporting private and publicly-owned heritage place managers to achieve best practice conservation outcomes. The Heritage Advisor position seeks to expand upon the heritage skills base of the Heritage and Cultural Landscapes team, Statutory Planning department and other areas of Council.

Given the specialist advice required to undertake this position, it is considered that the successful candidate will have an architectural, urban design and/or planning background with skills in heritage management and conservation. Council may consider a qualified person who has a keen interest in pursuing further qualifications in heritage, urban design and architectural planning and conservation.

Key Selection Criteria

  • Degree in architecture, planning, urban design, heritage or a related field of expertise.
  • Proven performance in developing, implementing and maintaining co-operative working relationships between the private sector, Government and community groups.
  • Ability to investigate and prepare reports and recommendations on complex heritage related issues.
  • A demonstrated pro-active approach to problem solving.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in heritage conservation, urban design and planning fields, including knowledge of the Australian ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance (The Burra Charter) the Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Heritage Act 1995 and related legislation.

Applications close Friday 9 December 2016 at 5pm.

The position information pack can be downloaded at the City of Ballarat website.

For any further information on the above position please contact Susan Fayad, Coordinator Heritage and Cultural Landscapes on (03) 5320 5677 or email Susan.


26. SITUATION VACANT GCI Professional Fellowships (x 3), Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts, broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. It serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the broad dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.

The GCI is pleased to announce a new employment opportunity for emerging conservation professionals: GCI Professional Fellowships. Made possible through onetime funding, the GCI is making available three Professional Fellowships, each of three year duration, from June 2017 to May 2020. The successful candidates will work at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California.

For more information about these fellowships, download the Getty Conservation Institute fellowships.

Completed application materials must be received on or before 31 January 2017.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
