Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 746

  1. Vale Professor Jean Barthélemy
  2. FINAL CALL!! for photos for new Australia ICOMOS history document
  3. THE PEOPLE’S GROUND, MELBOURNE, 4-8 OCTOBER 2016 – The countdown is on!
  4. “How intangible and tangible culture has created and shaped Australian and global culture” conference, Sydney, 24-25 November 2016 – call for papers
  5. NSCES and City of Sydney represented on Green Building Council of Australia
  6. Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture 2016, 14 September, Canberra
  7. Fellowship to support preservation of audiovisual Indigenous heritage, National Film and Sound Archive media release
  8. ICOMOS New Zealand 2016 AGM weekend, 29-30 October, Wellington
  9. “Lets Get Sirius – Sydney Brutalism”, Tuesday 6 September, Sydney
  10. Reappointment of Australian National Maritime Museum Council Chair, Department of Communications and the Arts media release
  11. Collecting the West: How collections create Western Australia, post-graduate research opportunities
  12. National Trust of Australia (ACT) 2016 Heritage Awards, Tuesday 13 September, Canberra
  13. Our People, Culture and Place: Preliminary Heritage Plan for Ballarat released for public comment
  14. Convict Footprints on Cockatoo Island, September 2016
  15. New historical heritage book, The House that Jack Built – 20% discount offer
  16. Heritage project available within Globalink Research Internships program
  17. New e-book on the Architecture of Newman College
  18. Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2016: Conference Program Released
  19. Heritages of Migration conference, Argentina, 6-10 April 2017 – call for papers
  20. Heritage of Connecting Places & Cultures conference, UK, 6-10 July 2017 – call for papers
  21. International Workshops for Students – 2016/2017 Program, Florence
  22. Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts conference, Egypt, 11-13 May 2017 – call for abstracts
  23. TechnoHeritage 2017, Spain, 20-23 May 2017 – call for papers
  24. The Johnston Collection – What’s On
  25. Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment – call for applications
  26. Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
  27. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  28. News from ICCROM
  29. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
  30. SITUATION VACANT (Consultancy) Historian consultancy services for No 3, 4, and 8 Pump Stations, Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, WA
  31. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (QLD)
  32. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
  33. SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney
  34. SITUATION WANTED Recent Graduate seeks Heritage and Conservation experience


1. Vale Professor Jean Barthélemy

It is with much sadness that we have learnt of the passing of one of our Belgian colleagues, Professor Jean Barthélemy, on 15 August 2016. Professor Barthélemy was a member of the Executive Committee of ICOMOS between 1984 and 1993, and the first president of the French section of the Belgian Committee of ICOMOS (ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles) from 1978 to 1995.

Engineer architect, passionate about history, literature, painting, music, he was a strong supporter of heritage by defending Integrated Conservation. He has, throughout his career, attracted many vocations.

Australia ICOMOS offers its deepest condolences to Professor Barthélemy family, friends and colleagues.


2. FINAL CALL!! for photos for new Australia ICOMOS history document

The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has commissioned Nicholas Hall of Stepwise Consulting to provide a summary history of our organisation, based on the excellent detailed history prepared by Bronwyn Hanna, which was completed at the end of 2015. Liz Vines, immediate Past President, is coordinating this project.

A derivative document for electronic (and in limited numbers, printed) publication is being prepared, which communicates key aspects of the history of Australia ICOMOS and the Burra Charter in a visual and captivating manner. This document, which will be publicly available, will summarise key developments in Australia ICOMOS’ history and reflect the passion for Australia ICOMOS members in its achievements.

We are specifically seeking images of Australia ICOMOS members at interesting, culturally significant places, both in Australia and abroad. If you have any photographs that you feel would be useful to incorporate into this document, please send the highest quality you have of these images to Liz Vines by email

Please submit your images (as high res as possible) to Liz by Friday 9 September 2016.


3. THE PEOPLE’S GROUND, MELBOURNE, 4-8 OCTOBER 2016 – The countdown is on!

With just over a month to go until The People’s Ground conference kicks off in Melbourne, we are excited to announce that our official Welcome Drinks will be held in the glorious Queens Hall at Parliament House, built in 1877-79 at the height of Melbourne’s gold rush. We invite you to raise a glass in the People’s House, just as many great visitors have before you, as we begin the conversation about the past, present and future of heritage conservation. Visit the website to register now! Welcome drinks are included in the conference registration fee.

Places are also filling up quickly for our specialist satellite events, including a 2-day fabric conservation workshop at Labassa and Rippon Lea Estate, and historic house museum workshops hosted by keynote speaker Franklin Vagnone. Click here to find out more. Places are limited, so book now to avoid disappointment.

We are currently updating the program with additional speakers and events, so visit the website for regular updates. For any enquiries, please contact Felicity Watson by email.


4. “How intangible and tangible culture has created and shaped Australian and global culture” conference, Sydney, 24-25 November 2016 – call for papers

Cultural Heritage: How intangible and tangible culture has created and shaped Australian and global culture
24-25 November 2016
Sydney, Australia

Call for papers – deadline: 24 September 2016

SIETAR Australasia (Society for Intercultural Training and Research) with Sydney University Business School is organising this conference.

The aim is to explore how migrants have contributed to the creation of intangible and tangible cultural heritage in Australia and globally. Themes include, but are not limited to, sustaining diversity and intercultural capacity in tangible and intangible heritage, as well as global perspectives, and other issues generally in dealing with all aspects of culture such as, multiculturalism and intercultural relations.

For more information, visit the conference website.


5. NSCES and City of Sydney represented on Green Building Council of Australia

One of Australia ICOMOS’ NSCES (National Scientific Committee for Energy and Sustainability) members, Jenny Faddy, has been successful in obtaining a position on the Green Building Council Australia – NSW State Industry Panel. Click on the link below to read the note of congratulations from Peter Cox, the current President of the International Scientific Committee for Energy, Sustainability & Climate Change.


6. Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture 2016, 14 September, Canberra

The Marion Mahony Griffin Lecture 2016 is being held by The Walter Burley Griffin Society (Canberra Chapter) on Wednesday 14 September 2016 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm at the National Archives of Australia, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes, ACT.

The guest speaker is Peggy Bang, visiting retired Visual Arts Professor from the USA, who will give an illustrated talk entitled The Melson House Revealed: An Owner’s Perspective, which will detail the history of this highly significant and unusual house designed by Griffin and built in Mason City, USA in 1912. Peggy Bang served as president of Wright on the Park Inc and was instrumental in saving and restoring Frank Llyod Wright’s Park Inn Hotel and Wright’s Stockman House in Mason City, Iowa. She and her husband Roger, businessman and former Mayor, own the historic Melson House in Mason City. Copies of her richly illustrated book about the Melson House will be available for sale on the night.

Booking details are available at this link – cost ranges from $5-10.

This talk follows a specially designed coach tour of Griffin related sites in Canberra. The tour details are not yet finalised. If you would like to take part, please see the booking website for contact details.


7. Fellowship to support preservation of audiovisual Indigenous heritage, National Film and Sound Archive media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the National Film and Sound Archive, dated 29 August 2016.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations in remote Australia can now apply to receive support and be empowered to archive and preserve their audiovisual cultural heritage.

Now in its second year, the Indigenous Remote Archival Fellowship is a partnership of the Indigenous Remote Communications Association (IRCA), the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS).

The opportunity is open to organisations developing strategies and structures to archive and preserve cultural heritage materials, particularly in audiovisual formats. Representatives of the successful organisation will travel to Canberra to spend three days at the NFSA and AIATSIS, and take part in a workshop organised in Alice Springs and/or their home community.

IRCA’s General Manager Daniel Featherstone said: ‘We are proud to partner with NFSA and AIATSIS again to present this fantastic initiative. It has grown out of the partnerships formed through our Remote Media Archiving Strategy. There are many community-produced audiovisual collections across remote Australia desperately in need of preservation. This Fellowship aims to help Indigenous organisations build their capacity and skills to locally manage these collections and keep for future generations.’

NFSA CEO Michael Loebenstein said: ‘The Fellowship was a huge success in its inaugural year, and it is hugely satisfying for the NFSA to be able to share our expertise and empower communities to archive their unique collections. These are not just tapes and films; they are powerful self-representations of culture and community life, which must be preserved.’

Russell Taylor AM, CEO of AIATSIS, said: ‘We are very pleased to be part of this important program to equip communities with the skills to archive their culture, knowledge and histories for future generations. These are important records not just for the communities, but for the telling of our nation’s story as a whole.’

Applications for the 2016-17 Indigenous Remote Archival Fellowship will be open from 29 August to 16 September 2016; application forms can be downloaded from the Indigenous Remote Communications Association website.

The successful applicant will be announced at the 18th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival, to be held in Yirrkala, NT, on 26-30 September.

More information about the Indigenous Remote Archival Fellowship


8. ICOMOS New Zealand 2016 AGM weekend, 29-30 October, Wellington

The theme of ICOMOS NZ’s 2016 AGM weekend is “Heritage Matters: Community, Democracy and Heritage”. This theme is exploring the ways in which individual and community groups have been involved in heritage over the decades, and the ways in which groups and individuals have shaped heritage outcomes.

The theme will explore community involvement in heritage, on a local, whanau, regional and national scale.

For more information and to register, click on the links below.


9. “Lets Get Sirius – Sydney Brutalism”, Tuesday 6 September, Sydney

Tuesdays @ Tusculum: Lets Get Sirius – Sydney Brutalism
Tuesday 6 September, 6.30pm

Sirius SML







Are the beautiful beasts of brutalism enjoying a second summer? Or not, as recent decisions surrounding the fate of the Sirius Apartments – one of Sydney’s most iconic brutalist buildings – show that architecture of this period is still much misunderstood. Join us to learn more about Sydney’s brutalist buildings, and how they might best be adapted and retained for the future. Glen Harper talks us through the ‘Bold, Bad and Indeed Beautiful’ of Sydney Brutalism, followed by a look at local and international perspectives on enabling adaptation with David Burdon.

$15 Institute member | $15 ICOMOS AND DOCOMOMO Members I $30 Non-member | $10 Students
Click here to purchase

Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, Sydney 2011

As a recipient of the 2015 Byrea Hadley Travelling Scholarship titled ‘The Sydney Brutalist Project’ and author of the Instagram Feed @Brutalist_Project_Sydney, Glenn Harper has spent much time ‘out on the field’ researching this much maligned period of recent architectural history. He is an architect, urban designer, an independent researcher and a long-time member of the Institute of Architect’s NSW Heritage Committee. He is currently a Senior Associate at PTW Architects.

David Burdon was awarded the 2015 Lethaby Scholarship by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in London, and spent nine months travelling the length and breadth of the UK studying the repair and conservation of old buildings, including more recent concrete structures. He is current Chair of the National Trust Built Advocacy Committee, a member of the Institute of Architect’s NSW Heritage Committee, and teaches at Sydney University. David is an architect at Hector Abrahams Architects.

Our talks program engages with a range of topics and speakers from the fields of architecture, urban design, and related creative disciplines. The Tuesdays@Tusculum series aims to provide a link to current debate, policy and creative ideas in architectural practice, and are open for both members and non-members to attend.

The Tuesdays@Tusculum program is proudly supported by Australian Architectural Window Systems.


10. Reappointment of Australian National Maritime Museum Council Chair, Department of Communications and the Arts media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Department of Communications and the Arts, dated 29 August 2016.

The Australian Government has reappointed Mr Peter Dexter AM as Chair of the Council of the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) for three years.

Mr Dexter brings to the role considerable experience from the maritime industry, as well as governance and executive management expertise from the public and private sectors.

Over the past six years, Mr Dexter has overseen the rejuvenation of the museum, including senior staff appointments. Through his leadership, the museum has developed and commenced the delivery of a new site masterplan with the successful construction of the Action Stations exhibition.

Mr Dexter has also revitalised the ANMM Foundation.

These initiatives have enhanced the museum’s financial performance, increased visitor numbers and enabled the museum to take up new opportunities.

For more information about the Council visit the Australian National Maritime Museum website


11. Collecting the West: How collections create Western Australia, post-graduate research opportunities

An Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project
University of Western Australia and Deakin University
in partnership with Western Australian Museum, State Library of Western Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia, and British Museum

Project leaders: Alistair Paterson (UWA) & Andrea Witcomb (Deakin University)

Through a unique collaboration between Western Australia’s public collecting institutions, the British Museum and an interdisciplinary team of researchers, the Collecting the West project aims to understand how practices of collecting and display created knowledge about Western Australia that shaped its social relations, mediated its relationship to the environment and produced its identity in Australia and overseas from pre-colonial times to the present. This understanding will be used to produce a new vision of how contemporary collecting and display practices could enable a new vision of Western Australia’s place in the world to emerge, one that is better suited to the demands of the future.

We are seeking postgraduate students to join our great team of university and institutional researchers at UWA and Deakin University.

For more information about this research opportunity, download the Collecting the West PhD projects information package. Note that scholarships are also available, with an application deadline of 31 October 2016.


12. National Trust of Australia (ACT) 2016 Heritage Awards, Tuesday 13 September, Canberra

The National Trust of Australia (ACT) invites you to attend this year’s heritage awards.

More information is available in the NT (ACT) 2016 Heritage Awards flyer.

RSVP deadline: COB 12 September to facilitate catering. RSVP by email or call (02) 6230 0533.


13. Our People, Culture and Place: Preliminary Heritage Plan for Ballarat released for public comment

The City of Ballarat has released a Preliminary Heritage Plan to test a range of principles and proposals with the local community, stakeholders and experts. This plan is the culmination of participatory work with local citizens, national and international experts and stakeholders through the Ballarat City Council’s UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) pilot program since 2013.

The City of Ballarat welcomes feedback from ICOMOS members.

The preliminary heritage plan outlines a plan of action for a culturally vibrant Ballarat. It includes steps for:

  • capturing extensive knowledge about Ballarat
  • strengthening incentives and applying new types of regeneration projects
  • rethinking regulatory tools
  • telling Ballarat’s story through a citywide interpretation framework
  • bringing our historic collections and assets to life

The final heritage plan will deliver the Ballarat City Council’s commitment to develop a new heritage strategy using the HUL approach (Council Plan 2013-2017 Review 15/16) and helps Council to deliver a number of initiatives in the Ballarat Strategy (2015).

Feedback on the preliminary heritage plan is due by Monday 12 September 2016.

The plan is available on the City of Ballarat website.


14. Convict Footprints on Cockatoo Island, September 2016

Convict Footprints on Cockatoo Island
16-18 and 23-25 September 2016
11.30am & 2.30pm

For the first time in over 140 years, the convicts are returning to Sydney Harbour’s UNESCO World Heritage-listed Cockatoo Island this September.

The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and the award-winning Convict Footprints Productions have joined forces to present Convict Footprints on Cockatoo Island – a rollicking 90-minute “living history” adventure through one of Australia’s most extreme and brutal 19th-century penal establishments.

Written by Stephen Hopley and directed by Jerry Retford, Convict Footprints on Cockatoo Island offers a candid, funny, engaging and sometimes confronting insight into another era.

For two weekends only, you can travel back in time to 1852 and join Charles Cowper, parliamentarian and leading advocate for the abolition of transportation to NSW, on his fact-finding investigation of Cockatoo Island’s prison.

For more information on this event, visit the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust website.


15. New historical heritage book, The House that Jack Built – 20% discount offer

The House That Jack Built 
Jack Mundey, Green Bans Hero
by James Colman

This is the story of how an ordinary bloke from the bush became a key figure in the infant heritage movement in Australia during the 1960s and 70s – a movement that led to lasting political and legal reform across the nation. This is the story of the house that Jack built. 

Without the green bans of the 1970s and after, the face of Sydney and many other Australian cities would be very different today. Behind the bans was Jack Mundey’s  success in forging an unlikely alliance of environmentalists, residents and trade unionists – an achievement which earned him a reputation as both the ‘best-known unionist and best-known conservationist’ in the country (as well as ‘Public enemy Number 1’ within the property development industry).

With the support of community-based heritage and environmental organisations, Mundey was a leading figure in the fight against the slash-and-burn philosophy which almost saw the historic Rocks area in Sydney redeveloped with high-rise buildings, a freeway through the centre of Glebe, and an Olympic stadium in Centennial Park. Mundey’s efforts saw the rejection of the bulldozer mentality of the 1960s and 1970s – to be slowly replaced by growing community-based policies and legal reforms in urban planning, heritage and environmental conservation generally. And when the green ban era came to an end, Mundey moved on to other pastures, serving in a number of leadership roles across civil society. Here, James Colman reflects on Jack’s remarkable life and his enduring legacy spanning half a century of dedicated activism.

About the Author

James (Jim) Colman is a Sydney-based architect, planner and part-time university lecturer. From an initial intensive period of architectural practice in Sydney, Papua New Guinea, UK and Ghana he later moved into urban design and town planning. His urban and rural projects have frequently taken him overseas and to many locations in Australia. Early heritage studies in New South Wales and Victoria led to what became a long-standing commitment to the protection of built heritage and the natural environment. He has taught at seven Australian universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As a freelancer he has written extensively for the professional and popular press, work for which he was awarded the 1995 George Munster Prize by the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects and the Planning Institute of Australia. From 2006–2011 he served as a Vice-President of the International Society of City and Regional Planners. Currently he maintains a small consulting practice coupled with occasional teaching assignments at UNSW, University of Sydney and WSU.

Special 20% discount offer when ordering from Newsouth Books – use the discount code JACK20 at the checkout to receive 20% off the RRP.

Visit The House that Jack Built website.


16. Heritage project available within Globalink Research Internships program

The student call for applications for Globalink Research Internships is now open. The deadline to apply is 20 September 2016, at 4:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

The Globalink Research Internship offers a 12-week research project at Canadian universities for high-achieving senior undergraduates from Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia. Starting May 2017, approved students travel to Canada, where they work with a faculty supervisor and other researchers at their host universities.

Interns receive:

  • Stipend for living expenses
  • Professional development workshops
  • Local Globalink Mentors

There are many projects available at the Globalink Research Internships website – one in particular involves heritage. To apply for this specific project:

  1. visit the Globalink Research Internships website
  2. click on the “Projects” tab
  3. Search for “Digital Wokflows for Architetcural Heritage Conservation”

Please note: it seems that the project at item 3 has been entered into the internships website with spelling errors, so in order to find it you need to search for it using the misspelt words (Wokflows & Architetcural), otherwise you will not find it.


17. New e-book on the Architecture of Newman College

Walter Burley Griffin: the architecture of Newman College
by Jeffrey Turnbull
e-book, University of Melbourne, 2015

More information is available in the Walter Burley Griffin – the architecture of Newman College flyer.

The publication can be viewed here.


18. Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2016: Conference Program Released

The program for the 2016 Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference is now all but finalised and is available for download on our website.

Expect two keynote addresses on the Thursday morning, followed by three parallel sessions in the afternoon on sustainability, story-telling, and partnerships, and a discussion panel on careers. A Cocktail Dinner will be held in the evening at the beautiful Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

Kick off the Friday with a sunrise walk before heading back to the Cultural Centre for two more keynote addresses in the morning and three parallel sessions in the afternoon on engagement, digital content, and exhibitions and collections management. The Conference will conclude with a series of lightning talks and a

A networking session will be held for students and emerging professionals during the Thursday lunch break, as well as an expo of industry suppliers.

An optional pre-Conference get-together will take place on 5 October in the evening (more details to follow).

Click here for more details on the conference program

Visit the Conference webpage


19. Heritages of Migration conference, Argentina, 6-10 April 2017 – call for papers

Heritages of Migration: Moving Objects, Stories and Home
National Museum of Immigration
Buenos Aires, Argentina
6-10 April 2017

In their movements between old and new worlds, migrant communities carry with them practices, traditions, objects and stories that are transmitted across new communities and through generations. This conference seeks to explore the layering of global cultures that has been produced by centuries of global migration, and its effect on memory, identity and belonging.

Call for Papers Deadline: 14 October 2016

For more information, visit the conference website.


20. Heritage of Connecting Places & Cultures conference, UK, 6-10 July 2017 – call for papers

BRIDGE: The Heritage of Connecting Places and Cultures
Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site
Shropshire, UK
6-10 July 2017

Bridges physically and symbolically connect places, communities and cultures; they remind us of division while at the same time providing the means for unification. This conference seeks to explore heritage of bridges –not only as remarkable physical structures connecting places and cultures but also as symbolic and metaphorical markers in the landscape.

Call for Papers Deadline: 1 November 2016

For more information, visit the conference website.


21. International Workshops for Students – 2016/2017 Program, Florence

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco is pleased to announce that the 2016/2017 Program of International Training Workshops for Students is ready and online. University professors, assistants, researchers and tutors are invited to come with a group of their students and take part in one or more of the following workshops of their choice (by writing to the Organizing Secretariat by email).

Workshops cover a range of areas, including Cultural Heritage, Intercultural Dialogue, Social Science, Religion; Urbanism, Architecture, History of Art; Literature, History; Fine Arts and Music.

Click here for more information on the workshops available.


22. Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts conference, Egypt, 11-13 May 2017 – call for abstracts

Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts
11-13 May 2017
Cairo, Egypt

Every city has its unique and valuable identity, this identity is revealed through its physical and visual form, it is seen through the eyes of its residents and users. The city develops over time, and its identity evolves with it. Reflecting the rapid and constant changes the city is subjected to, Architecture and Arts, is the embodiment of the cultural, historical, and economical characteristics of the city. This conference is dedicated for the investigation of the different new approaches developed in Architecture and Contemporary arts. It will focus on the basis of urban life and identities.

For more information, visit the conference website.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2016


23. TechnoHeritage 2017, Spain, 20-23 May 2017 – call for papers

TechnoHeritage 2017, the 3rd International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage), will be held in Cadiz, Spain on 20-23 May 2017. The Congress is organized by the Spanish Network of Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (TechnoHeritage).

For more information, download the TechnoHeritage 2017 invitation and visit the conference website.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2016


24. The Johnston Collection – What’s On

Click here to read the latest news from the Johnston Collection.


25. Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment – call for applications

Applications for the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment are being accepted until the end of December 2016. Applications can be emailed to Prof. Fusco Girard, who will forward them to UN Habitat.

For more information about this award, click on the links below.


26. Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news

To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click on the link below.


27. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


28. News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


29. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online

To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.


30. SITUATION VACANT (Consultancy) Historian consultancy services for No 3, 4, and 8 Pump Stations, Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, WA

Historian consultancy services for No 3, 4, and 8 Pump Stations
along the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, Western Australia

The National Trust (WA) is reviewing and updating the conservation plans for the No 3, No 4 and No 8 Pump Stations included in the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme and seeks to engage an historian to investigate documentary evidence in support of this. The aim of the conservation plan review and update is to refine the Statement of Significance and to produce a management tool for the place to ensure ongoing quality conservation, respecting and promoting its cultural heritage values.

An historian will be engaged to review and take into account existing documentation relating to the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme generally and more specifically No 3 Pump Station in Cunderdin, No 4 Pump Station in Merredin and No 8 Pump Station, Dedari and propose a Statement of Significance for GWSS, and each of the Pump Stations in conjunction with the physical evidence and National Trust of Australia (WA) staff.

The closing date for submissions is Monday 12 September.

For more information including access to the project brief, visit the National Trust (WA) website.


31. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (QLD)

Environment and Heritage Protection
Heritage, Environmental Policy & Planning, Brisbane

This (temporary full-time) position in the Heritage Branch researches and assesses the heritage values of places, undertakes heritage projects, contributes to the collection and recording of data for heritage places, provides advice on the identification and conservation of historical heritage places including the administration of relevant legislation and the development and implementation of policies, procedures, guidelines, plans, studies and capacity building tools. This position provides advice to the Queensland Heritage Council about administration of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, Queensland Heritage Register applications and the management of the Register.

For further information and to apply, visit the QLD Government jobs website.

Applications close 12 September 2016.


32. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Assessment Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Heritage Assessment Officer

  • Assess development proposals in accordance with policies and legislation
  • Provide high level advice on the effective management and conservation of heritage items listed on the State Heritage Register and other statutory lists. This includes planning proposals, Conservation Management Plans and Conservation Strategies
  • Anticipate and understand contentious issues and assimilate information quickly by providing advice which is well researched and sound

Agency overview

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage aims to enrich life in NSW by helping the community to conserve and enjoy our environment and heritage.

Heritage provides an integrated approach to conserving Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage by working with the community to list items on the State Heritage Register, declare Aboriginal Places and register state shipwrecks. We assess applications to change listed items, repatriate Aboriginal ancestral remains, administer grants for heritage conservation and provide secretariat services to the Heritage Council and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.

Primary purpose of the role

The Heritage Assessment Officer undertakes the assessment of development applications and approval pathways relating to items listed on State Heritage Register & other statutory lists. The Heritage Assessment Officer also provides advice on heritage conservation and planning documents that develop outcomes in accordance with State Government Policy.

For more information and to apply, click here.

Application deadline: 11:59pm, 5 September 2016


33. SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney

Design 5, an award winning practice based in Chippendale, Sydney, are seeking a Senior Architect with min 5 years’ experience to join our team to work on a broad range of projects ranging from detailed conservation and adaptive re-use, through to new structures. We are seeking someone with good design and communication skills, and experience in contract documentation and running projects. Proficiency in CAD software preferable.

Please email your CV to Design 5.


34. SITUATION WANTED Recent Graduate seeks Heritage and Conservation experience

Archit Dhingra is a recent graduate of the Master of Architecture from the University of Melbourne. He is looking to make his first move in the field and wants to specialise in Heritage and Conservation, an area that excites and motivates him. As a part of his University studies, he has gained skills such as Condition Reports and Measured Drawings. He is looking to gain experience in Architecture firms that specialise in Heritage and Conservation.

Please contact Archit via email if you are able to provide him with the experience that he is seeking.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
