The People’s Ground, Melbourne, 4-8 October – August update
Get together for QLD ICOMITES, Brisbane, Saturday 6 August
Australian Heritage Quality Framework
“Heritage Hypothetical”, Adelaide, Thursday 18 August
Australia ICOMOS History – seeking photos for inclusion in new history document
Australia ICOMOS Inaugural President’s Award – call for nominations
Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines Review – submissions invited
Reflections – talk by Liz Vines, Adelaide, Friday 12 August
“Lets Get Sirius – Sydney Brutalism”, Tuesday 6 September, Sydney
Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN Congress, Honolulu, 1-5 September – update
Port Arthur Talk, Wednesday 17 August 2016
Speakers Announced: Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2016
Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice Postgraduate Symposium, Deakin University (Burwood, VIC), 28-29 November 2016 – call for papers
Getty Research Institute & the Getty Villa – proposals for 2017-18 year invited
Outcome of Workshop on the Florence Charter on Historic Gardens, Florence, 22-24 June 2016
Applications closing soon for ABC’s ‘Restoration Australia’ Series 2!
“Working History” conference, 19-20 August, Melbourne – Day 2 Highlights
Two Phd Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants – Being On Country Off Country
Falkland Craft Symposium, Falkland, UK, 19-21 August 2016
News from Old Parliament House
Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
News from ICCROM
News from Sydney Living Museums
Victorian Aboriginal Heritage legislation update
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal Archaeology), GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Proofreader, GML Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (Built), Rottnest Island Authority, WA
SITUATION VACANT Post-doc Research Fellow in Heritage of the Built Environment, University of Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney
1. The People’s Ground, Melbourne, 4-8 October – August update
The National Trusts of Australia and Australia ICOMOS joint conference will be held on 5-8 October 2016 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
For the latest update on the conference, click on this link. Updates include:
- Last Chance for Early Bird Discount
- Check out the program!
- Updating your Registration
Visit the website for more information. For any enquiries, please email the Conference Secretariat.
2. Get together for QLD ICOMITES, Brisbane, Saturday 6 August
Dear Queensland ICOMOS Members,
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is meeting here in Brisbane soon and it is a good opportunity for the Queensland members to get together. We are proposing that the QLD members and the EC meet for drinks at Brisbane Powerhouse.
WHERE: Bar Alto, Brisbane Powerhouse (07 3358 1063)
WHEN: 6.30pm, 6 August (until late)
The World Press Photographic Exhibition will also be at the Powerhouse the same night, so it will be busy (and we can’t book).
Ours will be an informal event; drinks in the bar followed by food or snacks (Bar Alto has several dining options – let’s see where the mood takes us). We will meet in the bar area (inside or out) of Bar Alto, but if you have trouble finding us, or haven’t met/seen any of us before, please give Matt Whincop (0407 038 584) a call as you arrive and he will direct you.
Please come along and get to know your EC and other QLD members.
No need to RSVP – see you there!
Matt Whincop
QLD/NT Representative (ICOMOS EC)
3. Australian Heritage Quality Framework
Australia ICOMOS is collaborating with the APT Australasia Chapter to progress an Australian Heritage Quality Framework (AHQF), which will sit under The Burra Charter. A dedicated AHQF page on the Australia ICOMOS website has been established, which contains more detailed information about this initiative.
There will be many opportunities for Australia ICOMOS members and other stakeholders to contribute to the Framework; these will be advertised in the e-news in the future.
4. “Heritage Hypothetical”, Adelaide, Thursday 18 August
The Heritage Hypothetical is a debate that will be held on Thursday 18 August 2016 in Adelaide at the Flinders University City Campus. The event is organised by Environmental Defenders Office.
Panelists will include a MP, environmentalist, environmental lawyer and historian/planner who will be quizzed by moderator Brian Hayes QC about different scenarios involving natural and built heritage. None of the panelists have any idea what is going to happen. Mr Hayes QC proposes to postulate in totally informative and provocative manner in his not-to-be divulged approach on the topic: Natural and Built Heritage – Worth Defending?
For further details and to book, click on this link.
5. Australia ICOMOS History – seeking photos for inclusion in new history document
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has commissioned Nicholas Hall of Stepwise Consulting to provide a summary history of our organisation, based on the excellent detailed history prepared by Bronwyn Hanna, which was completed at the end of 2015. Liz Vines, immediate Past President, is coordinating this project
A derivative document for electronic (and in limited numbers, printed) publication is being prepared, which communicates key aspects of the history of Australia ICOMOS and the Burra Charter in a visual and captivating manner. This document, which will be publicly available, will summarise key developments in Australia ICOMOS’ history and reflect the passion for Australia ICOMOS members in its achievements.
If you have any photographs that you feel would be useful to incorporate into this document, please send to Liz Vines by email. Bronwyn had previously gathered photos as part of her history, but this is another call for any photos that might add to this new document.
Please submit your images (as high res as possible) to Liz by Friday 12 August.
6. Australia ICOMOS Inaugural President’s Award – call for nominations
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce the inaugural President’s Award, which recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or early career professionals in the cultural heritage field. ICOMOS already acknowledges experienced heritage professionals with Honorary ICOMOS membership (both national and international).
The establishment of the President’s Award was initiated by Elizabeth Vines and Kerime Danis (immediate past President and current President, respectively), who have both personally pledged the cash prizes for the inaugural award. The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has endorsed its establishment and continuation as a dedicated Australia ICOMOS award, to encourage and support those early on in their career (and extending nominations to also include non-ICOMOS members, in order to widen recognition of those in the field). Candidates can either apply themselves or be proposed by others (with the approval of the candidate).
Note that the term ‘professional’ is taken to mean anyone who is engaged in a cultural heritage field (or is training to be engaged) as a qualified person.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
- A student / young / early career heritage practitioner who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project; and
- A trainee / apprentice or early career tradesperson who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project.
For further information visit the President’s Award webpage and download the nomination form (click on links below).
- Australia ICOMOS President’s Award Nomination Form 2016 (PDF)
- Australia ICOMOS President’s Award Nomination Form 2016 (Word)
Closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm, Monday 15 August 2016.
The Award will be formally presented during the joint National Trust and Australia ICOMOS People’s Ground Conference in Melbourne, 4-8 October 2016.
7. Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines Review – submissions invited
The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP) in Queensland is responsible for administering the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (QLD Acts).
DATSIP is now seeking submissions from interested parties on how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage is managed and protected across Queensland.
Public submissions are now open as part of a review of the Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines (the Guidelines) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage. The review is being held to ensure the Queensland Government’s Guidelines deliver practical and flexible processes for land users when dealing with cultural heritage matters.
Submissions are due by 16 September 2016.
For more information, click on the links below.
- Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines Review
- Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships website
8. Reflections – talk by Liz Vines, Adelaide, Friday 12 August
Liz Vines recently returned from the Getty Conservation Institute in the United States of America where she spent three months as a visiting scholar. On Friday 12 August 2016 at the Institute of Architects in Adelaide, Liz will be talking about her experience, her research into “new development in creative heritage cities”, several case studies of houses, and the modern architecture of Los Angeles and Palm Springs.
For further information regarding the talk, please refer to the Reflections_Liz Vines talk flyer. The event is free for Australia ICOMOS members and a small cost for other attendees.
9. “Lets Get Sirius – Sydney Brutalism”, Tuesday 6 September, Sydney
Tuesdays @ Tusculum: Lets Get Sirius – Sydney Brutalism
Tuesday 6 September, 6.30pm

Are the beautiful beasts of brutalism enjoying a second summer? Or not, as recent decisions surrounding the fate of the Sirius Apartments – one of Sydney’s most iconic brutalist buildings – show that architecture of this period is still much misunderstood. Join us to learn more about Sydney’s brutalist buildings, and how they might best be adapted and retained for the future. Glen Harper talks us through the ‘Bold, Bad and Indeed Beautiful’ of Sydney Brutalism, followed by a look at local and international perspectives on enabling adaptation with David Burdon.
$15 Institute member | $15 ICOMOS AND DOCOMOMO Members I $30 Non-member | $10 Students
Click here to purchase
Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, Sydney 2011
As a recipient of the 2015 Byrea Hadley Travelling Scholarship titled ‘The Sydney Brutalist Project’ and author of the Instagram Feed @Brutalist_Project_Sydney, Glenn Harper has spent much time ‘out on the field’ researching this much maligned period of recent architectural history. He is an architect, urban designer, an independent researcher and a long-time member of the Institute of Architect’s NSW Heritage Committee. He is currently a Senior Associate at PTW Architects.
David Burdon was awarded the 2015 Lethaby Scholarship by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in London, and spent nine months travelling the length and breadth of the UK studying the repair and conservation of old buildings, including more recent concrete structures. He is current Chair of the National Trust Built Advocacy Committee, a member of the Institute of Architect’s NSW Heritage Committee, and teaches at Sydney University. David is an architect at Hector Abrahams Architects.
Our talks program engages with a range of topics and speakers from the fields of architecture, urban design, and related creative disciplines. The Tuesdays@Tusculum series aims to provide a link to current debate, policy and creative ideas in architectural practice, and are open for both members and non-members to attend.
The Tuesdays@Tusculum program is proudly supported by Australian Architectural Window Systems.
10. Nature-Culture Journey at the IUCN Congress, Honolulu, 1-5 September – update
It is now only one month until the Nature-Culture Journey and the World Heritage Journey kick off at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Honolulu. This year, rather than holding a standalone Symposium, US/ICOMOS is collaborating with ICOMOS and IUCN to produce these historic convenings. US/ICOMOS is thrilled to report that the Journeys have now grown to over 50 sessions!
The “Nature-Culture Journey” is a dedicated track of sessions that will occur as part of the IUCN Congress’s Forum. The Journey sessions are focused on the inter-linkages of natural and cultural heritage. The Congress Forum also includes a companion journey dedicated to the UNESCO World Heritage program. For full information on the Nature-Culture Journey, visit the US/ICOMOS Symposium webpage! The Journey is made possible through the generous support of the US National Park Service, the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment and the State of Hawaii.
The Opening Plenary of the IUCN Congress Forum will occur on the afternoon of Thursday, September 1. Journey events will start with a breakfast on Friday, September 2 and end with a closing reception on Monday, September 5. A full schedule of events for both Journeys and other updated Journey information is available at the US/ICOMOS Symposium webpage.
Participation in the Nature-Culture and the World Heritage Journey and attendance at the Journey Welcome Breakfast require IUCN Congress registration. Click here for Congress registration information.
A limited number of hotel rooms remain available in the discounted block of rooms reserved by US/ICOMOS at the Moana Surfrider Hotel. The Surfrider is one of only a few historic hotels in Honolulu. Rooms are available on a “first come” basis. You can book rooms in the block by calling the Starwood Hawaii Group Reservations line at 808-921-4641 (hours are M-F 7am-5pm, Sat/Sun 8am-4pm HNL standard time). Ask for the US/ICOMOS block. There are also a variety of other hotel choices available through IUCN. The deadline for reserving a hotel room through IUCN is Tuesday, August 9, 2016. You can learn more about hotel options at the Symposium page of the US/ICOMOS website.
The Nature-Culture Journey and a companion World Heritage Journey collectively feature over 50 sessions planned by ICOMOS and IUCN constituencies, ICOMOS National Committees and International Scientific Committees, ICCROM, the UNESCO World Heritage Center, the U.S. National Park Service, NOAA and many others. A final program and schedule is now available.
11. Port Arthur Talk, Wednesday 17 August 2016
Working on Mawson’s Huts in Antarctica
presented by Marty Passingham
The first expedition by the Mawson’s Huts Foundation was in the summer of 1997/98. The work undertaken following a heritage assessment a year earlier almost certainly saved Mawson’s Huts from blowing into the sea. Since then through fundraising and Commonwealth grants, numerous expeditions have taken place to conserve this important heritage site – last visited by Sir Douglas Mawson in 1931.
In December 2015, the latest expedition team set off from Hobart on ‘L’Astrolabe’ headed by team leader Marty Passingham. Marty’s presentation provides an overview of the conservation works that took place as well as a general look at living in the remoteness of Cape Dennison, Antarctica.
Marty Passingham is a heritage carpenter who has worked on Mawson’s Huts since 2002. He is currently the Works Manager at the Port Arthur Historic Site.
All welcome.
When: Wednesday 17 August, 2016 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site. (Note: Bring a torch for the walk back to your car)
For more information call (03) 6251 2324.
Download the ‘Working on Mawson’s Huts in Antarctica’ flier.
12. Speakers Announced: Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2016
The organisers are delighted to announce the next round of speakers for the Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2016. More speakers will be added to the Program page of our website as photos and biographies come in.
The Conference will be held in beautiful Phillip Island at the Cowes Cultural Centre on 6 and 7 October.
Under the central theme of Future-Proofing, the Conference will consider the challenges facing museums and galleries, and focus on innovative ways to achieve financial, social, and environmental sustainability.
13. Heritage, Sustainability and Social Justice Postgraduate Symposium, Deakin University (Burwood, VIC), 28-29 November 2016 – call for papers
The Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University presents a 2-day postgraduate symposium for the discussion and exchange of ideas around the ways in which cultural heritage intersects with conflict and post conflict studies, ethics and human rights, and tourism and Indigenous heritage.
We are very fortunate to have keynote speakers Ms Lisa Ackerman, World Monuments Fund Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and Emeritus Professor William Logan, Deakin University. Postgraduate researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts by 23 August 2016.
Please see the Cultural Heritage Symposium flyer and call for papers for further information.
14. Getty Research Institute & the Getty Villa – proposals for 2017-18 year invited
The Getty Research Institute and the Getty Villa invite proposals for the 2017–2018 academic year.
Deadline: 3 October 2016
The Getty Research Institute theme, ICONOCLASM AND VANDALISM, explores iconoclasm not only as a form of destruction or a means of repression, but also as a vehicle for creative expression and protest. Iconoclasm is transformative, creating entirely new objects or meanings through alterations to existing artworks. Charged with symbolism, these remains testify to a history of reception, offering clues about the life and afterlife of an object. To a certain extent, all radical changes in cultural production can be described as iconoclastic.
Applicants are encouraged to adopt a broad approach to the theme by addressing topics such as religious and political iconoclasm, protection of cultural heritage, use of spolia, damnatio memoriae, street art, graffiti, performance art, or activism.
The Getty Villa theme, THE CLASSICAL WORLD IN CONTEXT: PERSIA, investigates the political, intellectual, religious, and artistic relations between Persia, Greece, and Rome from the ninth century BC to AD 651. Reaching from the borders of Greece to India, the Persian Empire was viewed by the Greeks as a vastly wealthy and powerful rival and often as an existential threat. The rise of the Roman Empire as a world power quickly brought it, too, into conflict with Persia, despite the common trade that flowed through their territories.
The 2017/2018 scholar year is the first of two terms that will be devoted to this theme. Priority will be given to research projects that are cross-cultural and interdisciplinary, and that utilize a wide range of archaeological, textual, and other evidence.
Detailed application guidelines are available online.
For more information about each theme visit the Getty Institute website.
Please address inquiries via email to the Research team.
15. Outcome of Workshop on the Florence Charter on Historic Gardens, Florence, 22-24 June 2016
Dear Colleagues,
First, on behalf of the ISCCL (ICOMOS – IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes), I thank ICOMOS for supporting the recent Workshop on the Florence Charter on Historic Gardens (Florence 22-24 June 2016). The Workshop was an important starting point for discussion on developing future guidance on the Historic Gardens and, more generally, Defined (Designed) Cultural Landscapes. The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco supported the event and were outstanding in their work and support for the Workshop.
The key output of the Workshop is a ‘Statement on the Workshop on the Florence Charter‘, which has now been published on the Fondazione website at webpage of the Florentine workshop.
The Statement can be found below the words ‘READ HERE’. It is available in English only. It is intended that the Statement and future work on this project will be discussed with ISCCL members at the ISCCL 2016 Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Bath, UK (7-9 September 2016).
With best regards,
Steve Brown
President, ISCCL
16. Applications closing soon for ABC’s ‘Restoration Australia’ Series 2!

Doing work on a home built from the 1800s to the 1960s? Fremantle Media Australia want to hear from you!
Series 2 will begin filming in September and follow 14 homes’ incredible transformation, from heritage ruins to functional spaces.
Expressions of interest are closing Sunday 14 August for Restoration Australia.
There is no project too small or too big.
If you’re a passionate renovator with a TV worthy restoration, please send an email to the Restoration Australia team.
17. “Working History” conference, 19-20 August, Melbourne – Day 2 Highlights
Click here for details of Day 2 Highlights.
View the full program and BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.
18. Two Phd Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants – Being On Country Off Country
Griffith University and Deakin University have co-released a call for Applications for 2 PhD scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants, with an application deadline of Monday 15 August 2016.
This project aims to understand contemporary Australian Aboriginal connections to ‘Country’.
This project, being led by Griffith University and Deakin University, is a joint partnership with the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation and their community, and the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and their community, in partnership with and LaTrobe University. The scholarships require being based in Brisbane with Griffith University or in Geelong with Deakin University.
The Griffith University Call is formally listed here.
The Deakin University Call is formally listed here (located beneath the Science and Engineering heading).
Applicants are encouraged to contact Professor Darryl Low Choy at (07) 3735 4189 or email Professor Low Choy for a Griffith-based application, or Professor David Jones at (03) 5227 8763 or email Professor Jones for a Deakin-based application, before submitting an application.
19. Falkland Craft Symposium, Falkland, UK, 19-21 August 2016
Living Lomonds Landscape Project, The Stables, Falkland Estate, Fife
Centre for Stewardship, Falkland, UK
19-21 August 2016
This event is the culmination of three years of exploration of both traditional and contemporary skills of craftspeople locally, in and around Fife, and further afield. There are many talented people working in Scotland although, at the same time, there is a distinct shortage of skills in some areas. Real efforts are being made to grow those skills so that the crafts can continue to bring joy into our lives while providing a livelihood for those who have dedicated their lives to particular crafts.
Three overlapping themes have been chosen – Traditional Building Crafts, Local Craft Traditions, and Home & Country Crafts.
Lunch will be provided at 1:15pm for all registered participants.
We will be glad to welcome visiting members of the public and especially the local community who wish to look in to see what is going on, to listen to a lecture or watch a particular craft activity.
Open Studios North Fife will be present at the Symposium and are actively recruiting makers and artists who wish to open their studios for the weekend 29 April -1 May 2017.
On all three days there will be a privileged late afternoon visit for registered participants.
It will be possible to register for one, two or all three days or to drop in.
Each of the three days will have one or more Champions.
Craft Symposium Co-ordinator: Dr Peter Burman MBE FSA, Arts & Heritage Consultant, Chairman of Falkland Stewardship Trust
For more information and bookings, click on the links below.
20. News from Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click on the link below.
21. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.
22. News from ICCROM
To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.
23. News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
24. Victorian Aboriginal Heritage legislation update
The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016 came into effect on Monday 1 August 2016.
The Amendment Regulations prescribe new fees, forms, conditions, and standards for a range of new (and old) activities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. Notably, Aboriginal Victoria have introduced fees for (a) submitting a Notice of Intent to undertake a CHMP (b) evaluating a CHMP (same fees as for RAP’s) (c) accessing the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Information System (ACHRIS) and (d) submission fees for Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Tests or CHMP amendments.
The Amendment Regulations make several significant regulatory changes, including:
The introduction of a new Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Tests (PAHT’s)
The introduction of an ability to amend Approved CHMP’s
Removing the requirement to prepare a CHMP for the construction of three or more dwellings on, or the subdivision of, land that is (a) less than 1,100 m2 and (b) is not located within 200 metres of the coastal waters of Victoria or the Murray River; and
The addition of a range of new statutory fees for undertaking cultural heritage assessments
The legislation is now available here.
25. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
26. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal Archaeology), GML Heritage, Sydney
Senior Archaeologist (Aboriginal Archaeology)
- High-profile, multidisciplinary firm
- Wide range of projects across Australia
- Great professional and career development
GML Heritage (GML) is seeking to appoint a Senior Archaeologist, in Aboriginal archaeology. This is a full-time position, based in Sydney.
GML is a vibrant, attentive and sustainable consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our multi-disciplinary consulting team has expertise in historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage and interpretation.
GML provides a broad range of Aboriginal heritage consulting services for private and public sector clients. The successful applicant will have a degree in archaeology and at least 5 years’ experience in Aboriginal archaeology. You will have demonstrated experience in directing and project managing archaeological fieldwork and survey projects, and an excellent working knowledge of statutory requirements for Aboriginal heritage, with a focus on NSW. You will have superior communication and writing skills, the ability to prepare proposals and manage projects, and well developed experience in preparing archaeological assessments, research designs, due diligence reports, post-excavation reports and other advice reports. Importantly, you will be a team player who works within time and budget constraints.
GML offers a fun, friendly and supportive work place. It’s a dynamic and fast-paced environment with a strong team culture. The successful applicant will take pride in working for an influential heritage consultancy that has an exciting portfolio of challenging projects across Australia and prides itself on the delivery of outstanding services. You will have the opportunity to work alongside enthusiastic and experienced practitioners. You will also mentor junior staff, liaise with statutory authorities and develop and maintain effective client and stakeholder relationships.
GML has an ongoing commitment to innovation, continuous improvement and quality in everything we do, and you will have access to a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge across all of our service disciplines. There are a range of employee benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities. We love to celebrate birthdays and other significant life events!
For a position description and further information please email Madeline Shanahan.
Please email your application to GML Heritage, and include a CV and cover letter addressing the requirements of the role as described in the role advertisement, position description and person specification. Applications will be reviewed on submission.
27. SITUATION VACANT Proofreader, GML Heritage, Sydney
Proofreader, Communications Team (Part Time)
- Prestigious heritage consultancy with great projects and people
- Highly skilled, professional, friendly and supportive team
- City fringe location with great views, close to public transport
GML Heritage (GML) is seeking a dynamic and experienced Proofreader for our Communications Team. This is a part-time position of 25 hours over 5 days, based in our Sydney office.
GML is a vibrant, attentive and sustainable consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our consulting team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, and interpretation. We have a great portfolio of challenging projects and we take pride in delivering innovative and influential heritage advisory services of the highest quality.
This pivotal role undertakes proofreading, editing and formatting tasks of technical reports and proposals, including formatting of documents. You will become the champion of our GML Style Manual and GML Tone of Voice, and will train others in the application and use of these documents. The role also contributes to our marketing and continuous improvement activities, and you will play a key role in Quality Assurance, ensuring our high standards are continuously met and exceeded.
You will have qualifications and/or relevant experience in a communications-related field such as English literature, ESL or proofing and editing. Your English literacy skills will be first-rate. Ideally you will have previous experience in a proofreading role in a consulting environment, but more importantly you will have an aptitude for proofreading technical reports. You will need to be able to multi-task, work to deadlines and work under competing pressures. Importantly, you will be a team player who is able to undertake large projects in multidisciplinary teams and work within time and budget constraints. A commitment to team work and shared outcomes is essential, as is an excellent eye for detail and a commitment to quality. Advanced skills in Word and Acrobat Pro would be an advantage.
GML offers a dynamic and fast-paced working environment with a strong team culture. You will have the opportunity to work alongside enthusiastic and experienced practitioners in an engaged and collaborative environment. We have an ongoing commitment to innovation, continuous improvement and quality, and you will have access to a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge. You will develop an understanding of where the business is heading, and have a hands-on role in implementing the firm’s strategic objectives. There are also a range of other employee benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities.
A position description and person specification can be accessed on our careers page at GML Heritage website.
Applications should include a current CV with two referees, and a cover letter of 1–2 pages in length addressing:
- Your experience in proofreading and how you meet the criteria of the role as described in the role advertisement, position description and person specification—with examples from your work history; and
- Why would this role be a good fit for you.
Please email your application to GML Heritage, preferably no later than Friday 12 August 2016. Applications will be reviewed on submission. For more information contact Suzy on (02) 9319 4811.
28. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (Built), Rottnest Island Authority, WA
The Rottnest Island Authority (RIA) is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced individual to take on the role of Heritage Officer (Built).
The Heritage Officer (Built) forms part of the Cultural Heritage team, in the Environment, Heritage, Risk & Safety (EHRS) business area. The position provides heritage conservation services to meet statutory and strategic goals defined in key Rottnest Island Authority strategic and operational plans.
Under the direction of the Manager Cultural Heritage, the Heritage Officer (Built) is responsible for the management of conservation of built heritage assets on Rottnest Island including buildings, structure and ruins within statutory regulations and key strategic RIA programs and policies.
The Heritage Officer (Built) will work with RIA as well as the facilities manager (Programmed Facilities Management) to ensure appropriate planning, maintenance and documentation of the Island’s heritage assets are retained to allow for long term management, including prioritisation, of works.
For more information click here.
Applications close 18 August 2016.
29. SITUATION VACANT Post-doc Research Fellow in Heritage of the Built Environment, University of Melbourne
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Heritage of the Built Environment
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Salary: AUD$66,809* – AUD$90,657 p.a. (*PhD Entry Level AUD$84,458 p.a.) plus 17% superannuation
The Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne seeks to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to conduct interdisciplinary research on the Heritage of the Built Environment.
This position is located in the Australian Collaboratory for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH). Working alongside industry, academic and government partners, ACAHUCH fosters a collaborative approach to the critical study of architectural history, heritage conservation and digital, cultural, landscape and urban heritage, history and design. Click here for more information about the Collaboratory.
The Postdoctoral Research Fellow is required to develop, undertake and complete a three-year research program in a topic aligned to ACAHUCH’s key priorities in the heritage of the built environment (see Position Description).
We are seeking high performing candidates with a background in architectural history, history, art history, heritage studies, planning or other relevant disciplines. The position will also contribute to ACAHUCH’s cross-sector collaboration through workshops and public events, to progress a policy agenda with relevant stakeholders and to produce publications and other scholarly and public outputs.
Employment type: Full-time fixed-term position available for 3 years
Enquiries only to: Professor Kate Darian-Smith by email
Closing date: 2 October 2016
For position information and to apply online visit the University of Melbourne website, click on the relevant option (Current Staff or Prospective Staff), and search under the job title or job number 0040971.
30. SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney
Design 5, an award winning practice based in Chippendale, Sydney, are seeking a Senior Architect with min 5 years’ experience to join our team to work on a broad range of projects ranging from detailed conservation and adaptive re-use, through to new structures. We are seeking someone with good design and communication skills, and experience in contract documentation and running projects. Proficiency in CAD software preferable.
Please email your CV to Design 5.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au