Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 740

  1. The People’s Ground, Melbourne, 4-8 October – Detailed Program Announced | Early Bird Discount Extended
  2. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, Thursday 28 July
  3. Two Phd Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants – Being On Country Off Country
  4. Heritage Council of Victoria seeking feedback on the Landscapes of Cultural Heritage Significance: Assessment Guidelines
  5. Australia ICOMOS History – seeking photos for inclusion in new history document
  6. Australia ICOMOS Inaugural President’s Award – call for nominations
  7. Applications open for various Veterans Grants
  8. Reflections – talk by Liz Vines, Adelaide, Friday 12 August
  9. Winners Announced: Victorian Museum Awards 2016
  10. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 26 July
  11. Port Arthur Talk, Wednesday 17 August 2016
  12. Rum Hospital 200th Anniversary symposium, 30 July, Sydney
  13. Longford Academy 2016 Spring Program, August 2016, Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania
  14. The Johnston Collection inaugural Fundraising Dinner sold out
  15. Museums Australia (Vic) info session and panel, 18 & 30 August 2016
  16. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – application deadline extended
  17. “Working History” conference, 19-20 August, Melbourne – Day 1 Highlights
  18. digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS conference, Brisbane, 19-21 April 2017 – call for papers
  19. World Heritage Committee commends Australia’s management of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area – The Hon Greg Hunt MP media release
  20. A National First For Aboriginal Heritage Protection – The Hon Natalie Hutchins MP media release
  21. Sacred Sites Processes and Outcomes Review
  22. New edited collection on managing digital cultural objects
  23. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
  24. SITUATION VACANT Several positions, Context, Melbourne
  25. SITUATION VACANT Post-doc Research Fellow in Heritage of the Built Environment, University of Melbourne
  26. SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney
  27. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects, Melbourne


1. The People’s Ground, Melbourne, 4-8 October – Detailed Program Announced | Early Bird Discount Extended

We are pleased to announce the detailed program for The People’s Ground, including an exciting range of papers, panels, workshops, social functions and satellite events. CLICK HERE to download a copy of the program. And to celebrate the launch of the program, we are extending Early Bird Registrations! You now have until Monday 8 August to register and receive a generous Early Bird discount.

We’re also excited to announce our Saturday workshop and site visit program, which will allow delegates to choose from three distinct streams. 20th century heritage—buildings, people & practice, in partnership with Open House Melbourne, will allow delegates to visit a number of rarely-accessible but highly significant 20th century buildings in the Melbourne CBD and hear from experts about the conservation of 20th century built heritage. Meanwhile, the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Energy & Sustainability will also lead site visits in partnership with Open House Melbourne, with a focus on sustainability and heritage. Finally, Remaking the landscape, focusing on Cook’s Cottage and the Fitzroy Gardens, is offered by the National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage and will explore how the landscape is remade through the process of reassembling plants and buildings from one part of the globe to another. Delegates will be able to register their choice at the Conference.

CLICK HERE to register, or visit the website to find out more about our program, speakers, and travel and accommodation. For any enquiries, please email the Conference Secretariat.


2. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, Thursday 28 July

What Does Heritage Change? Feedback from the ACHS Conference, Montreal
Panel: Mary Hutchison, Tracy Ireland, Yujie Zhu


The Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) conference, What Does Heritage Change?, held in Montreal, Canada, in June this year followed the 2nd ACHS conference in Canberra in December 2014. This year’s themes ranged from the political uses of heritage, its economic value, community-based heritage, how notions of heritage change, and how heritage changes as a result of global and local heritage processes. The panel will provide short summaries on key issues that emerged, particularly for heritage practitioners, followed by a Q&A session with all participants.

The Panel: Mary Hutchison is a Visiting Fellow at the ANU’s Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, and a member of the ACT Heritage Council; Tracy Ireland is Associate Professor of Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra, heading the Future Heritage program of the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research; and Yujie Zhu is a postdoctoral research fellow at the ANU’s Australian Centre on China in the World (their full bio-notes can be found on the ACHS Conference website.

Members and the public are welcome. This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS.

Refreshments are available appropriate to the talk’s topic! ($5.00 donation appreciated)

Do come and join us. We will also be raising a glass to Australia ICOMOS turning 40!!

Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 28 July 2016 – Note the talk starts at 5.30pm
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott via email


3. Two Phd Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants – Being On Country Off Country

Griffith University and Deakin University have co-released a call for Applications for 2 PhD scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants, with an application deadline of Monday 15 August 2016.

This project aims to understand contemporary Australian Aboriginal connections to ‘Country’.

This project, being led by Griffith University and Deakin University, is a joint partnership with the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation and their community, and the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and their community, in partnership with and LaTrobe University. The scholarships require being based in Brisbane with Griffith University or in Geelong with Deakin University.

The Griffith University Call is formally listed here.

The Deakin University Call is formally listed here (located beneath the Science and Engineering heading).

Applicants are encouraged to contact Professor Darryl Low Choy at (07) 3735 4189 or email Professor Low Choy for a Griffith-based application, or Professor David Jones at (03) 5227 8763 or email Professor Jones for a Deakin-based application, before submitting an application.


4. Heritage Council of Victoria seeking feedback on the Landscapes of Cultural Heritage Significance: Assessment Guidelines

Do the Heritage Council’s Landscape Assessment Guidelines assist in the recognition and protection of Victoria’s important places?

In 2015, the Heritage Council of Victoria published the Landscapes of Cultural Heritage Significance: Assessment Guidelines. The new Guidelines are designed to help communities, professionals, local government and others to improve the way that we assess and understand cultural landscapes in Victoria and recommend them for protection.  

The Council is seeking your feedback on the Guidelines. If you have used them, do they help you care for and protect landscapes important to you? How can they be improved?  

If you haven’t, please have a look at the Guidelines, and tell us what you think.  

The Guidelines can be found at this link.

Feedback can be made via this questionnaire on Survey Monkey.

The Heritage Council is seeking feedback until 31 July 2016. Download the guidelines, use them, share them and complete the survey or send your feedback to the Heritage Council via email.


5. Australia ICOMOS History – seeking photos for inclusion in new history document

The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has commissioned Nicholas Hall of Stepwise Consulting to provide a summary history of our organisation, based on the excellent detailed history prepared by Bronwyn Hanna, which was completed at the end of 2015. Liz Vines, immediate Past President, is coordinating this project

A derivative document for electronic (and in limited numbers, printed) publication is being prepared, which communicates key aspects of the history of Australia ICOMOS and the Burra Charter in a visual and captivating manner. This document, which will be publicly available, will summarise key developments in Australia ICOMOS’ history and reflect the passion for Australia ICOMOS members in its achievements.  

If you have any photographs that you feel would be useful to incorporate into this document, please send to Liz Vines by email. Bronwyn had previously gathered photos as part of her history, but this is another call for any photos that might add to this new document.

Please submit your images (as high res as possible) to Liz by Friday 12 August.


6. Australia ICOMOS Inaugural President’s Award – call for nominations

Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce the inaugural President’s Award, which recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or early career professionals in the cultural heritage field. ICOMOS already acknowledges experienced heritage professionals with Honorary ICOMOS membership (both national and international).

The establishment of the President’s Award was initiated by Elizabeth Vines and Kerime Danis (immediate past President and current President, respectively), who have both personally pledged the cash prizes for the inaugural award. The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has endorsed its establishment and continuation as a dedicated Australia ICOMOS award, to encourage and support those early on in their career (and extending nominations to also include non-ICOMOS members, in order to widen recognition of those in the field). Candidates can either apply themselves or be proposed by others (with the approval of the candidate).

Note that the term ‘professional’ is taken to mean anyone who is engaged in a cultural heritage field (or is training to be engaged) as a qualified person.

There are two categories for the President’s Award:

  1. A student / young / early career heritage practitioner who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project; and
  2. A trainee / apprentice or early career tradesperson who has made an outstanding contribution to a heritage project.

For further information visit the President’s Award webpage and download the nomination form (click on links below).

Closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm, Monday 15 August 2016.

The Award will be formally presented during the joint National Trust and Australia ICOMOS People’s Ground Conference in Melbourne, 4-8 October 2016.


7. Applications open for various Veterans Grants

Four veterans grant programs, which will support community education and welfare projects commemorating the service of our veterans, are open for applications.

The Restoring Community War Memorials and Avenues of Honour program ensures local war memorials and honour rolls are restored to their original condition, or improved to reflect the service history of the local community. Grants of up to $20,000 per project are available.

The Victoria Remembers program helps communities make personal connections with the Centenary of World War I, and assists projects or activities that commemorate other wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Victorians have served.

Grants of between $20,000 and $80,000 are available for projects with significant commemorative or educational benefit for Victoria’s diverse community.

The Anzac Centenary Community Grants program is administered by the Victorian Veterans Council, and is designed to leave a lasting legacy for future generations of those who served in World War I. Grants of up to $20,000 per project are available.

Applications for these three grant programs are now open, and close on 29 August 2016.

A fourth grant program, ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund – which opens on 20 June 2016 – provides practical assistance for veterans and their dependents who are in need. The Fund is distributed to organisations that provide welfare support to veterans.

More information on these grants, or other veteran-related initiatives can be found at the Department of Premier & Cabinet website.


8. Reflections – talk by Liz Vines, Adelaide, Friday 12 August 

Liz Vines recently returned from the Getty Conservation Institute in the United States of America where she spent three months as a visiting scholar. On Friday 12 August 2016 at the Institute of Architects in Adelaide, Liz will be talking about her experience, her research into “new development in creative heritage cities”, several case studies of houses, and the modern architecture of Los Angeles and Palm Springs.

For further information regarding the talk, please refer to the Reflections_Liz Vines talk flyer. The event is free for Australia ICOMOS members and a small cost for other attendees.


9. Winners Announced: Victorian Museum Awards 2016

The 2016 Victorian Museum Awards were held on Thursday 14 July at State Library Victoria.

Hosted by the multi-talented performer, writer, producer, and director, Diana Nguyen, the ceremony also featured special guests Martin Foley MP, Minister for Creative Industries, Kate Torney, CEO of State Library Victoria, Michael O’Leary, Director, Agencies and Infrastructure, Creative Victoria, and Sylvia Admans, CEO of R E Ross Trust.

The Victorian Museum Awards celebrate the wonderful achievements of the museum and gallery sector.

Congratulations to all Award winners and highly commended, and thank you to all our fantastic nominees. The outstanding quality of the nominations received this year testifies to the extraordinary vitality of the Victorian museum and gallery sector.

Click here to read about the winners


10. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 26 July

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar Series will be a presentation by Fara Azmat, Emma Winston, Ahmed Ferdous and Ruth Rentschler (Deakin University), on “How museums create value as a means of sustainable development”.


The purpose of the study is to explore in a deep, rich study how stakeholders of the Islamic Museum of Australia (IMA) create value through the work that is conducted at the museum. The IMA is used as a case study for exploring the role of its arts based initiatives (ABIs) as a source of value creation for sustainable development (SD) and how the value created is retained. Drawing on the standpoints of multiple stakeholders and methods—focus groups, interviews, forums and documentary evidence—our findings highlight the need for using ABIs as a ‘soft’ and ‘non-threatening’ tool to promote SD and facilitate social inclusion with the more important goal of retaining value over time. The challenges of SD have intensified following the increasing rise of terrorism, with its catastrophic effects posing threats for security and social inclusion. As Islam is being increasingly associated with terrorism, fear of Islam has increased polarisation in regard to Muslim and non-Muslim integration in secular societies, including Australia. Given this background, the results of the report have important policy implications for policy makers, communities, individuals and the IMA.


Dr Fara Azmat is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Management at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Her areas of research interest are: social inclusion, corporate social responsibility in developing countries, women and migrant entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. She has published her work in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Australian Journal of Management, European Management Journal, International Journal of Public administration, Contemporary South Asia, Thunderbird International Business Review, Social Responsibility Journal, and International Review of Administrative Sciences.

Dr. Ahmed Ferdous is a Lecturer of Marketing in the Department of Marketing, Deakin University, Australia. His key research interest is in the area of internal marketing and transformative business practices. He has published in several journals including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing, Transfusion, The Marketing Review, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of International Consumer Marketing and Corporate Communications: An International Journal.

Ms. Emma Winston will be working with us on this project as part of her honours year of study. She has worked for two years with Ruth Rentschler at Deakin University as a research assistant. Her interest is in diversity and the arts. She has also worked with Multicultural Arts Victoria and has developed a marketing plan for the Duldig Studio, museum and sculpture garden.

Professor Ruth Rentschler is the Associate Dean Research Education, University of South Australia and undertakes work is on diversity, equity and participation in governance, management and marketing settings in arts and cultural organisations. Her work is published in international journals and books such as Arts Governance: People Passion Performance (Routledge 2015). She was awarded the OAM for services to education, to the arts and to the community. She has received numerous other awards for best papers, outstanding doctoral student supervision, research excellence and service excellence. Ruth has partnered with many organisations in conducting her research and industry projects, eg. Arts Queensland, Creative Victoria.

Date: Tuesday 26 July 2016

Time: 4:00pm

Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin University Melbourne City Centre, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

RSVP: to Antonio Gonzalez by email


11. Port Arthur Talk, Wednesday 17 August 2016

Working on Mawson’s Huts in Antarctica
presented by Marty Passingham

The first expedition by the Mawson’s Huts Foundation was in the summer of 1997/98. The work undertaken following a heritage assessment a year earlier almost certainly saved Mawson’s Huts from blowing into the sea. Since then through fundraising and Commonwealth grants, numerous expeditions have taken place to conserve this important heritage site – last visited by Sir Douglas Mawson in 1931.

In December 2015, the latest expedition team set off from Hobart on ‘L’Astrolabe’ headed by team leader Marty Passingham. Marty’s presentation provides an overview of the conservation works that took place as well as a general look at living in the remoteness of Cape Dennison, Antarctica.

Marty Passingham is a heritage carpenter who has worked on Mawson’s Huts since 2002. He is currently the Works Manager at the Port Arthur Historic Site.

All welcome.

When: Wednesday 17 August, 2016 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room (rear of the house), Port Arthur Historic Site. (Note: Bring a torch for the walk back to your car)

For more information call (03) 6251 2324.

Download the ‘Working on Mawson’s Huts in Antarctica’ flier.


12. Rum Hospital 200th Anniversary symposium, 30 July, Sydney

A Symposium to mark the 200th anniversary of the Rum Hospital

On the 200th anniversary of the opening of Governor Macquarie’s General ‘Rum’ Hospital for convicts, we invite you to discover the compelling history of the oldest surviving public buildings in central Sydney.

From its origins serving convict patients to its many adaptations as the Sydney Dispensary and Infirmary, Sydney Hospital, the Sydney branch of the Royal Mint and NSW Parliament House, the site of the Rum Hospital, its new building and those that remain, are interwoven with some of the most important events in New South Wales history.

A Future for the Past, to be held in what was originally the south wing of the hospital, explores this compelling two century story – from the management of health in the early colony, the later functions of its original buildings and the wider history of Macquarie Street; through to the award-winning rejuvenation of The Mint and the future promise of this significant site.

When: Saturday 30 July, 9:30am–5.00pm
Where: The Gold Melting Room, The Mint, 10 Macquarie St, Sydney
Price: $125 General | $100 Concession/Member | $100 Select Associations | $100 Registered Architects | $75 full-time Student

Admission price includes: lunch, refreshments and a complimentary copy of the book The Mint Project (RRP $65)

For more information about this symposium, click here.


13. Longford Academy 2016 Spring Program, August 2016, Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania

The APT Australasia Chapter has responded to the increased demand for participation at the annual Longford Academy with a new APT Longford Academy Spring Program to be held at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania, in late August 2016. This will comprise three activities (click on the links to view more information).

More information is available at the APT Australasia website.


14. The Johnston Collection inaugural Fundraising Dinner sold out

The Inaugural Gala Dinner being held at Cranlana next Tuesday, 19 July, has SOLD OUT. BUT you can still bid online in the silent auction!

Click here for more information about this.


15. Museums Australia (Vic) info session and panel, 18 & 30 August 2016

Info Session: Roving Curator Program

The Roving Curator Program is an initiative by Museums Australia (Victoria) to help museums and galleries develop engaging and dynamic exhibitions. Find out how the Roving Curator Program could assist you in 2017, with tips on putting together a strong application and avoiding common mistakes. Free session but bookings essential.

Date: Thursday 18 August
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Venue: Melbourne Museum
Cost: Free, bookings essential

> Book now to secure your place 

Seminar: The Art of Curation

A panel of curators will share their experiences and views on the importance of curating, the principles that inform curatorial inspiration, and the outcomes that a curator aims to achieve.

Date: Tuesday 30 August
Time: 10:30am – 1pm
Venue: Ian Potter Museum of Art
Cost: MA Members $75, Non-members $150

> Book now to secure your place


16. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – application deadline extended

The ITCILO (part of the UN system and training arm of International Labour Organisation) is launching a call for applications for the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, which will take place from 17 October 2016 to 13 October 2017.

The Master is designed by the University of Torino, the Politecnico di Torino and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), in collaboration with UNESCO and ICCROM.

The Programme provides a solid foundation in a variety of cultural economics topics and the value chain of cultural and natural sites. It explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse categories of UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites. The Programme also puts emphasis on strategic management competencies for the preservation and promotion of these sites as well as on monitoring the efficacy and adequacy of site management plans and associated cultural projects.

The Master will take place from 17 October 2016 to 13 October 2017 and is divided into three major learning cycles:

  1. The first cycle will be conducted through a distance learning component that will start on 17 October 2016 and will end on 18 December 2016.
  2. The second cycle, from 24 January 2017 to 18 May 2017, is a face-to-face learning period that will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO. Class attendance is compulsory for the entire period.
  3. The third cycle, from 25 May 2017 to 13 October 2017, will be a research and study period during which the students are expected to finalize their final project.

The extended deadline for applications is 20 August 2016.

To apply please complete the online application form and for further information visit The International Training Centre website or email the Course Organisers.


17. “Working History” conference, 19-20 August, Melbourne – Day 1 Highlights 

Dr Tim Sherratt, Associate Professor of Digital Heritage at the University of Canberra will explore ways in which we can maintain and enrich connections between data and narrative — to tell stories that not only connect us to the past, but connect us to the wealth of historical material that exists within online collections.

How do historians navigate complexities and ensure ethical practice? What are the things they never taught you at history school that you discover in practice? What influence can history have on public policy? What is the role of historians in challenging grand narratives?

Presenters will share their insights, delving into these fascinating topics to explore issues at the core of professional practice as an historian.

Catherine Andrews, professional historian and special friend of PHA (Vic), will host a conversation with Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC, who will discuss the evolution of professional history and the influence on Australian history and historians since the 1960s.

View the full program and BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.


18. digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS conference, Brisbane, 19-21 April 2017 – call for papers

Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS

19-21 April 2017, Brisbane, Australia
Conference convenors: Dr Kelly Greenop and Dr Chris Landorf

Innovative new data collection and digital visualisations captures historic artefacts, places and practices faster, in greater detail and shared amongst a wider community than ever before. Creative virtual environments that provide interactive interpretations of place, archives enriched with digital film and audio recordings, histories augmented by crowdsourced data all have the potential to engage new audiences, engender alternative meanings and enhance current management practice. At a less tangible level, new technologies can contribute to debates about societal relationships with the historical past, contemporary present and possible futures, as well as drive questions about authenticity, integrity, authorship and the democratisation of heritage.

Yet for many, a gap still exists between these evolving technologies and their application in everyday heritage practice. This conference will focus on the emerging disciplines of digital cultural heritage and the established practice of heritage management, providing a platform for critical debate between those developing and applying innovative digital technology, and those seeking to integrated best practice into the preservation, presentation and sustainable management of cultural heritage.

Call for papers

This conference is designed to encourage critical debate across a wide range of heritage-related disciplines. We welcome papers from cultural heritage and tourism practitioners and academics, as well as architecture, anthropology, archaeology, geography, media studies, museum studies and other cultural heritage-related fields. We particularly encourage papers that explore the technical challenges of digitising tangible and intangible cultural heritage, those that identify issues with digitisation and digital interaction, and those that address the philosophical or theoretical challenges posed by digital cultural heritage.

Submission details

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted via the online form by 25 July 2016.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers (5000 words max.) for publication in the peer reviewed conference proceedings. Accepted papers will be published after the conference.

For more information, download the digital cultural heritage – call for papers.

If you have any difficulties accessing the online submission form or any other queries, please contact Brit Winnen by email.


19. World Heritage Committee commends Australia’s management of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area – The Hon Greg Hunt MP media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Greg Hunt MP, dated 15 July 2016.

I am delighted to announce that the World Heritage Committee today released its positive decision on the state of conservation of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.

The decision is a major milestone for Australia. It acknowledges the progress we have made in addressing past requests of the World Heritage Committee, and commends the commitment of the Australian and Tasmanian governments in having accepted all 20 recommendations of the November 2015 monitoring mission to the property.

The mission’s recommendations will be implemented through the new management plan for the property and through other statutory measures.

The World Heritage Committee has commended Australia’s adoption of new measures to manage the property such as:

  • ruling out mining and commercial logging, including harvesting of special species timbers, in the whole of the property
  • a practical step by step approach to preparing a cultural heritage study for the Tasmanian Wilderness as recommended by the reactive monitoring mission
  • the Australian Government providing $575,000 to the Tasmanian Government to help it work with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community to put together more detailed information on the cultural values of the property.

The Tasmanian and Australian governments will work together to ensure the Tasmanian Wilderness continues to be managed in accordance with our obligations under the World Heritage Convention.

The Australian and Tasmanian governments are fully committed to protecting the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage area and ensuring its integrity is maintained, and will continue to provide the resources necessary to support the effective management of this iconic natural and cultural heritage property.

The World Heritage Committee is meeting in its 40th session in Istanbul, Turkey, from 10-20 July.


20. A National First For Aboriginal Heritage Protection – The Hon Natalie Hutchins MP media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Natalie Hutchins MP, dated 20 July 2016.

Victoria will be the first state in Australia to protect Aboriginal cultural knowledge, artistic traditions, stories, and other cultural heritage under new intangible heritage laws.

The new provisions are part of reforms to the Aboriginal Heritage Act set to come into effect on August 1.

Currently, there are strong protections around physical Aboriginal heritage, however, this is not replicated for non-physical elements of Aboriginal cultural heritage

The announcement follows NAIDOC Week 2016 and its theme ‘Songlines: The Living Narrative of our Story’, which is central to the existence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the preservation of their cultural practices.

Victoria will be just the second Commonwealth jurisdiction, after Quebec, to create a similar level of protection for this type of heritage and one of about a dozen countries in the world with any form of explicit protection.

Aboriginal people in Victoria will be able to use the new law to protect and control the use of that culture and heritage by nominating  particular elements, for example, traditional songs, stories, dance and art with significant spiritual and cultural connection to knowledge, for protection.

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council will be tasked with making decisions about the inclusion of items of intangible heritage on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register.

The laws will enable Aboriginal Victorians to control the use of their cultural heritage and also create opportunities for economically beneficial partnerships between Aboriginal people and industries and new Aboriginal industries based on protected traditional knowledge.

These reforms were made because this type of heritage is not adequately protected by existing intellectual property laws, patent laws or copyright laws.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“The influence of Aboriginal culture on Victorian society has not been properly acknowledged in our past, and it is important we recognise its value in the future.”

“Aboriginal people in Victoria will now be able to shape the nature of cultural heritage and control how their cultural knowledge is used by others.”


21. Sacred Sites Processes and Outcomes Review

A review of the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act has made 39 recommendations to improve the way the act operates.

The review by independent consultants examined the scope and operation of the Act and the Aboriginal Areas Protections Authority (AAPA).

The review provides advice on:

  • how the Act might be strengthened to improve protections for sacred sites.
  • how the Act might be changed in order to simplify processes around economic development
  • how AAPA could better balance economic needs and the protection of sacred sites

The Act was last reviewed in 1991 which was before native title was recognised under Australian law.

The review process involved 41 meetings with interested groups. 


The review concluded that whilst the Act achieved its original purpose, it could be improved through changes to the law, better coordination and funding by the NT Government and improvements to AAPA’s structure and operations.

Of the 39 recommendations, 21 would need changes to the Act. Others relate to the day to day running of AAPA, strengthen sacred site protection and to simplify administrative processes.

Work will start immediately on implementing nine of the recommendations and the others will be further considered by the government.

For more information, visit the NT Department of the Chief Minister website.


22. New edited collection on managing digital cultural objects

Facet Publishing have announced the publication of Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, discovery and retrieval edited by Allen Foster and Pauline Rafferty both at Aberystwyth University.

The book explores the analysis and interpretation, discovery and retrieval of a variety of non-textual objects, including image, music and moving image. 

Bringing together chapters written by leading experts in the field, the first part of this book provides an overview of the theoretical and academic aspects of digital cultural documentation and considers both technical and strategic issues relating to cultural heritage projects, digital asset management and sustainability. The second part includes contributions from practitioners in the field focusing on case studies from libraries, archives and museums. While the third and final part considers social networking and digital cultural objects.

Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, discovery and retrieval draws from disciplines including information retrieval, library and information science (LIS), digital preservation, digital humanities, cultural theory, digital media studies and art history. It’s argued that this multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is both necessary and useful in the age of the ubiquitous and mobile web.

Key topics covered include:

  • Managing, searching and finding digital cultural objects
  • Data modelling for analysis, discovery and retrieval
  • Social media data as a historical source
  • Visual digital humanities
  • Digital preservation of audio content
  • Photos on social networking sites
  • Searching and creating affinities in web music collections
  • Film retrieval on the web

The book will provide inspiration for students seeking to develop creative and innovative research projects at Masters and PhD levels and will be essential reading for those studying digital cultural object management. Equally, it should serve practitioners in the field who wish to create and develop innovative, creative and exciting projects in the future.


23. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


24. SITUATION VACANT Several positions, Context, Melbourne

Opportunity to connect people, place and heritage

Context is a heritage consultancy of national significance. Our projects are challenging and we are looking for people to join us who are passionate about heritage. We work primarily in the domains of built, landscape and community heritage. We also work in national and world heritage, Aboriginal heritage, museums and collections, natural heritage and interpretation.

We have several positions available which may be full or part time and we are interested in hearing from suitably qualified and experienced people for senior and mid-level roles. You would need to have qualifications and experience in a discipline such as architecture, architectural history, heritage conservation, archaeology, anthropology, community heritage or related disciplines. For a senior role you would need to have 8-10 years’ experience in a heritage consultancy or government agency, and for a mid-level role 3-5 years. A graduate qualification in a heritage-related field is highly desirable.

Our team is multi-disciplinary and we encourage our staff to undertake professional development in their area of interest. Our office is located in central Brunswick close to public transport and with some on street parking.

More information about us, our team and our projects can be found at the Context website.

Please register your interest in a position by sending an EOI and a current resume to Mary Ward (Office Manager) by email by Friday 29 July 2016. A more detailed position description can then be forwarded to you.


25. SITUATION VACANT Post-doc Research Fellow in Heritage of the Built Environment, University of Melbourne

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Heritage of the Built Environment
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Salary: AUD$66,809* – AUD$90,657 p.a. (*PhD Entry Level AUD$84,458 p.a.) plus 17% superannuation

The Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne seeks to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to conduct interdisciplinary research on the Heritage of the Built Environment.

This position is located in the Australian Collaboratory for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH). Working alongside industry, academic and government partners, ACAHUCH fosters a collaborative approach to the critical study of architectural history, heritage conservation and digital, cultural, landscape and urban heritage, history and design. Click here for more information about the Collaboratory.

The Postdoctoral Research Fellow is required to develop, undertake and complete a three-year research program in a topic aligned to ACAHUCH’s key priorities in the heritage of the built environment (see Position Description).

We are seeking high performing candidates with a background in architectural history, history, art history, heritage studies, planning or other relevant disciplines. The position will also contribute to ACAHUCH’s cross-sector collaboration through workshops and public events, to progress a policy agenda with relevant stakeholders and to produce publications and other scholarly and public outputs.

Employment type: Full-time fixed-term position available for 3 years

Enquiries only to: Professor Kate Darian-Smith by email

Closing date: 2 October 2016

For position information and to apply online visit the University of Melbourne website, click on the relevant option (Current Staff or Prospective Staff), and search under the job title or job number 0040971.


26. SITUATION VACANT Experienced Conservation Architect, Design 5 – Architects, Sydney

Design 5, an award winning practice based in Chippendale, Sydney, are seeking a Senior Architect with min 5 years’ experience to join our team to work on a broad range of projects ranging from detailed conservation and adaptive re-use, through to new structures. We are seeking someone with good design and communication skills, and experience in contract documentation and running projects. Proficiency in CAD software preferable.

Please email your CV to Design 5.


27. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects, Melbourne

RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced conservation architect to join our team.

The position is full time and involves: research, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to building owners and authorities, and the like.

Required qualifications

  • Minimum Masters Degree in Architecture
  • Minimum 3 years’ experience working as a conservation architect
  • A working knowledge of Australian architectural history
  • Capacity for design and detail resolution
  • Proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe CS and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper
  • Proficiency in sustainable design
  • Good sense of humour


Interested applicants please forward your CV by email in the first instance.

If you wish to discuss the position, please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
