Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 735

  1. The People’s Ground conference, Melbourne, 4–8 October 2016 – registration open
  2. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program 2016 – calling for NSW Members!
  3. Australia ICOMOS Interim Heritage Policy – Federal Election 2016
  4. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program 2016 – calling for Victorian Members!
  5. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 23 June 2016
  6. 2016 Premier’s Sustainability Awards – nominations open
  7. New historical heritage book – The House that Jack Built
  8. Digital GLAM symposium, Melbourne, 14-15 July 2016 – registration open
  9. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, 23 June
  10. PhD Scholarship Opportunity – Deakin University
  11. ABC’s Restoration Australia is looking for projects to film in 2016
  12. Australian Garden History Society talk, Sydney, 30 June
  13. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 28 June
  14. Australian Garden History Society talk, Bowral, Saturday 18 June
  15. QLD Heritage Council Appointments – nominations invited
  16. Green Museum Project Training & Advisory Committee – call for EOI
  17. Heritage Council of NSW Committees – applications invited
  18. 2016 National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards – applications open
  19. “Creative Society: Ideas, Problems, and Concepts” conference, Florence, 13-14 March 2017 – call for papers
  20. Influence of Legislation on Heritage Protection Ideology conference, Estonia, 12-13 October 2016 – registration open
  21. WA Heritage Council Grants Program – applications open
  22. The HUL Guidebook now available online
  23. New book now available for purchase: Gardens of History and Imagination
  24. The Johnston Collection – inaugural Fundraising Dinner, Tuesday 19 July, Melbourne
  25. CHNT 2016, Vienna, 16-18 November – Call for Papers, Posters and Apps EXTENDED
  26. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
  27. 2015 Heritage Tourism and Hospitality international conference publication
  28. Best in Heritage 2016 Projects of Influence – publication available online
  29. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Liverpool City Council (NSW)
  30. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Conservation Architect, GBA Heritage, Sydney
  31. SITUATION VACANT 2 x Senior Heritage Architect positions, NSW Public Works Advisory
  32. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council
  33. SITUATION VACANT Volunteer Position, ICICH


1. The People’s Ground conference, Melbourne, 4–8 October 2016 – registration open

Registrations are now open for The People’s Ground conference, which will take place in venues across Melbourne from 4–8 October 2016. Information about the program and registrations can be found on our new website.

More detailed information about the program including paper sessions and field trips will be provided closer to the conference date, but you can expect papers and panels presented by a range of Australian and international heritage experts on themes including intangible cultural heritage, cultural landscapes, Aboriginal heritage, sustainability, materials conservation, museums and tourism. The program also includes field trips across Melbourne, including venues rarely opened to the public.

We also have a packed schedule of social events including drinks with our Principal Partners Lovell Chen Architects & Heritage Consultants, and a closing party at Jack’s Powder Magazine – which has only recently been reopened to the public – hosted by our Silver Partners Working Heritage. The conference dinner will take place at Abbotsford Convent, one of Melbourne’s hidden gems, which was saved by a community campaign in the 1990s and is now one of Australia’s biggest arts precincts.

We are also excited to offer two immersive satellite events prior to the conference on 4–5 October. A two-day hands-on conservation workshop hosted by APT International Australasian Chapter and the National Trust will provide an opportunity to learn about decorative finishes at two of the Trust’s magnificent Melbourne properties, Labassa and Rippon Lea. Meanwhile, for the museum crowd, keynote Franklin Vagnone will offer half-day workshops at Rippon Lea Estate.

Details regarding the ICOMOS AGM and committee meetings will be announced soon.

To find out more, visit the conference website, read the latest update or contact the Conference Secretariat by email with any enquiries.

Conference flyers


2. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for NSW Members!

As many of you will be aware, Australia ICOMOS launched its inaugural NSW mentoring program in 2015. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.

As the program was so enthusiastically received by both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to now be offering it again in conjunction with the University of Sydney.

When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.

Here in NSW, students in the Masters of Heritage Conservation and Masters of Museum and Heritage Studies at the University of Sydney can apply to be mentees, as can early-career ICOMOS members.

We expect to have many people seeking to be mentees, so we are hoping that many ICOMOS members based in NSW will participate.

What is required?

  • While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that you get together at least 3 times during the program (July to end of October 2016) to discuss issues involved in your practice and the student’s study and work interests
  • There will be a social event held in early July to introduce mentoring pairs
  • There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return

How do I get involved as a MENTOR?

If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 23 June 2016.

Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the NSW Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.

Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many NSW students and mentors as possible.

How do I get involved as a MENTEE?

Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university.

Early-career ICOMOS members should email Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat for an information sheet and expression of interest form. These must be returned to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 23 June 2016.

We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible.

When do we start?

We will be matching students and mentors in late June, and will launch this year’s program with an event in early July, where mentoring pairs can meet.

We hope that all NSW based members will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

2016 Australia ICOMOS NSW Mentoring Coordinators
Anita Krivickas, Australia ICOMOS
Cameron Logan, University of Sydney


3. Australia ICOMOS Interim Heritage Policy – Federal Election 2016

Through consultation with our members, Australia ICOMOS has arrived at an interim list of key heritage issues, click on the link below to view this document. This list has been sent to Minister Greg Hunt, Shadow Minister Mark Butler and Cassy O’Connor as well as a number of government officials Australia wide.

A full list of heritage issues has been published on our website at this link.

Australia ICOMOS looks forward to collaborating with the next incumbent Federal government to improve the sustainability of our cultural heritage for present and future generations, and to ensure that Australia continues to take a leading role in heritage conservation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Australia ICOMOS thanks all members who contributed to this process and responded to the call for heritage issues for inclusion in the policy.


4. Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program 2016 – calling for Victorian Members!

Australia ICOMOS launched its student mentoring program in Victoria in 2012 following an earlier trial in the ACT, and in 2015 it ran in three Australian States. The program supports members to share their knowledge and networks with students looking toward careers in heritage.

As the program has now run with enthusiastic responses from both mentors and mentees, we are very pleased to be offering it in Victoria for the second half of 2016.

When naming their favourite aspect of the program, the majority of previous mentors named the personal contact (we both learned from each other; refreshing to talk to the younger generation; good to know there is actually a pool of interested people; like the opportunity to help a new person into the profession), and almost all felt that they were able to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and career prospects of their mentee. All respondents enjoyed it so much; they said they would be happy to do it again.

In Victoria, students in heritage-related degree programs at Deakin University, the University of Melbourne and Federation University can apply to be mentees, as can early-career ICOMOS members.

We usually have many more students than mentors apply, so we are hoping that all ICOMOS members based in Victoria will consider participating this year.

What is required?

  • While the mentoring arrangements will vary, we ask that mentors meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between July and November. These meetings allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests.
  • There will be a social event held in late July to introduce mentoring pairs. If you wish to be a mentor or a mentee, it is not essential to attend, although this is an easy way to meet and set up the first meeting, as well as networking with other students and colleagues.
  • There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return.

How do I get involved as a MENTOR?

If you would like to contribute to this valuable (and enjoyable) effort this year, and be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 17 June 2016.

Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience and current practice. This will assist the Victorian Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.

Mentors must be FULL ICOMOS members, and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many Victorian students and mentors as possible.

How do I get involved as a MENTEE?

Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university.

Young Professional, Associate and Student members of Australia ICOMOS are also able to submit Expressions of Interest. Please email Georgia Meros at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat for an information sheet and expression of interest form.

All applications must be received by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by 17 June 2016. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many mentoring pairs as possible.

When do we start?

We will be matching students and mentors next month, and will launch this year’s program with a social event in late June/early July, where mentoring pairs can meet.

We hope that all Victorian-based members will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support young professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

2016 Australia ICOMOS VIC Mentoring Team
Kristal Buckley (Deakin University)

Kate Darian-Smith (University of Melbourne)


5. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 23 June 2016

Keeping it MODERN: The SOH Concrete Conservation Strategy
Presentation by Sydney Opera House (SOH)

The SOH Concrete Conservation Strategy has been developed as part of the Getty Foundation Keeping it Modern project. The aim of the project is to progress the Opera House’s own understanding, and the industry’s body of knowledge about how we can and should conserve culturally significant modern buildings.

The project is being undertaken in partnership with the University of Sydney with input from academics and students from the disciplines of Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architectural Technology and Heritage Conservation.

The project has developed the Concrete Conservation Strategy which aligns with the latest Sydney Opera House Conservation Management Plan. The Concrete Conservation Strategy uses a classification system of the various concrete elements throughout the building and includes a methodology to assist the SOH to determine the best way forward for each of the concrete systems.

While this strategy is specific to Sydney Opera House, it has been developed in consultation with international experts in anticipation of its application by the worldwide heritage and building management community.

The strategy will integrate innovative technology into the process. Mobile devices will be used to facilitate inspections and data collection. The internal Building Information Management Model will be used as a data repository and reporting tool with the capacity to provide visual representations of the inputs and outcomes. It is envisaged that the Opera house will be able to undertake predictive maintenance planning in the future using the data captured via these methods.

Speakers will include Greg McTaggart, Bob Moffat and Beatriz Lee from the SOH and Gianluca Ranzi, and Associate ICOMOS members Anna McLaurin and Steven Barry from the University of Sydney.

Time & Date: Thursday 23 June 2016, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: This event will be free of charge as it is kindly hosted by the Sydney Opera House
Venue: Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House
RSVP: by Monday 20 June via email to Tatiana Tauribookings are essential

Download the ICOMOS DOCOMOMO AIA_SOH Talk_23 June 2016 (updated) flyer.


6. 2016 Premier’s Sustainability Awards – nominations open

2016 Premier’s Sustainability Awards – celebrating Queenslanders who are working to protect our rich cultural heritage

Do you know of a heritage conservation project that deserves statewide recognition?

If so, nominate that Queensland based project now. Cash prizes on offer for category winners. Be quick – nominations close 15 July 2016.


7. New historical heritage book – The House that Jack Built

Australia ICOMOS members and heritage colleagues with long memories will surely remember the name Jack Mundey and the green ban era of the 1960s and ‘70s. But it might come as a surprise to those with shorter recollections that nearly half a century ago, Mundey himself coined the term during a boom period in the property development industry in Sydney, when hundreds of heritage buildings faced the bulldozer. Throughout Australia, protection of heritage buildings under the law was non-existent. There were sporadic efforts by the youthful National Trust divisions and local community-based bodies; but the important mid-60s messages from the Venice Charter had yet to hit these shores, and most politicians of the day happily turned a blind eye on this frenzy of demolition in Australia’s towns and cities.

In The House that Jack Built, Sydney architect-planner James Colman covers Mundey’s key achievements and activities in the planning and conservation fields during a busy half century. He reveals how this erstwhile communist and trade union leader became a dedicated conservationist who achieved fame – and notoriety – for exploits which were praised by the many, denounced by the few. Today , Mundey’s personal values as a committed environmentalist continue to evoke widespread interest and admiration – even amongst a generation which has no direct recollection of the green ban days.

For more information, click on the links below.


8. Digital GLAM symposium, Melbourne, 14-15 July 2016 – registration open

‘Digital GLAM: Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums’
Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne
14-15 July 2016

The DigitalGLAM symposium will bring together cultural institutions, historians, heritage practitioners, researchers and digital designers to discover new practices in digital media and cultural engagement. The event will include national and international keynote talks, and panels of presentations and discussions around four themes of Touring, Digital Frontiers, Immersive Experience, and Animating Archives.

Keynote speakers

  • Professor Sarah Kenderdine, Professor at UNSW Art & Design
  • Antony Robbins, Director of Communications at the Museum of London
  • Breandán Knowlton, Executive Director at Historypin


Participating cultural sector institutions include the State Library of Victoria, Museum Victoria, Zoo Victoria, The Shrine of Remembrance, ACMI, Public Records Office of Victoria, and a number of researchers and designers.


The symposium is supported through an Australian Research Council Discovery project and a Melbourne Engagement Grant led by Assoc Prof Hannah Lewi and Dr Wally Smith, with Dr Steve Cooke (Deakin), Dr David Nichols, Andrew Murray and Dr Dora Constantinidis.

As part of the symposium, the University of Melbourne, in association with the Victorian Museum Awards – hosted by Museums Australia (Victoria), is presenting a free public lecture by Antony Robbins, Director of Communication at the Museum of London, to be held at the State Library of Victoria.

For more information on the event please visit the event page, and follow these links to register for the lecture and for symposium registration.

Download the Digital GLAM flyer


9. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series, 23 June

Oman’s Heritage: First Peoples, Frankincense, and Forts 
presented by Marilyn Truscott

  al-BaleedColumns DSCF7758  

Having just attended the ICOMOS Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management conference in Salalah, Marilyn will share aspects of Oman’s heritage and issues related to its management, including:

  • recent archaeological evidence of homo sapiens’ early arrival ‘out of Africa’ 130,000 years ago, then moving eastwards, resulting in people arriving in Australia—protection issues;
  • the early incense trade, both frankincense and myrrh, and fish and dates, from Arabia Felix into India, and beyond to China, and south to East Africa—how archaeological evidence is portrayed;
  • forts, pre-Islamic, Portuguese, and since—restoration and reconstruction issues; and
  • today’s built environment and urban spread—restrictions on building styles and how Oman’s vernacular heritage is faring

Marilyn Truscott is a heritage consultant with an academic background in archaeology, history, materials conservation and cultural heritage management. She has professional experience as a government heritage official, museum curator, and archaeologist (including in the Middle East), and long engagement with community heritage issues. She is a member of ICAHM, immediate past president of the ICOMOS Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, and a former president of Australia ICOMOS.

Members and the public are welcome: This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS. Refreshments are available appropriate to the talk’s topic! ($5.00 donation appreciated)

Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 23 June 2016 – Note the talk starts at 5.30pm
Venue: Lyons Room (note different room), National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: to Marilyn Truscott via email

Do come and join us. We will also be raising a glass to Australia ICOMOS turning 40!!


10. PhD Scholarship Opportunity – Deakin University

Deakin University is looking for outstanding scholars for two PhD scholarships based in the world-leading Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation.

Our research agenda is concerned with the complex and often contradictory meanings of citizenship, social inclusion and globalisation at the local, national and transnational levels.

In this way the differing manifestations of migration; tensions of transnational governance; viability of the nation-state; impact of globalising processes on concepts and experiences of identity, belonging, heritage and citizenship; lived politics of inclusion and exclusion; tensions in the human rights’ discourse; critical importance of cultural heritage; and related questions of justice and development are explored systematically and holistically.

Doctoral research will be aligned with one or more of the following key research priorities:

  • Citizenship
  • Development, inequality & well-being 
  • Diversity & identity, including multiculturalism & interculturalism
  • Globalisation
  • Governance, justice & security
  • Heritage, indigeneity & sustainability 

Award: A stipend of $26,288 per annum, tax exempt for 3 years.

Apply before 30 June.

For eligibility criteria and more information visit the Deakin University website (opportunity listed against Arts and Education heading), email the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation or call them on +61 3 9244 6658.


11. ABC’s Restoration Australia is looking for projects to film in 2016




Fremantle Media are very excited to be producing the next two series’ of the ABC’s hugely popular Restoration Australia.

They are currently looking for historically significant projects to follow, if you or a client have a building dating between 1815 – 1960 and are about to embark on its restoration, they’d love to hear from you.

Filming will start in August and the size and budget doesn’t matter but passion and history does.

To find out more please email the Restoration Australia team.


12. Australian Garden History Society talk, Sydney, 30 June

Illustrated talk – The Museum of Economic Botany at SA Botanic Garden
presented by Tony Kanellos

The story of the Museum of Economic Botany spans a remarkable 150 years – from the germ of an idea by George Francis, through the flowering of the collection and building by Richard Schomburgk and shifting fortunes under another 5 directors to the glorious restoration and refurbishment of 2009. This potted history seeks to unravel some of this story – the highs and lows, celebration and neglect, thousands of objects from around the world, dedicated curators, deadly white ants, larrikins and lovers of plants and the ingenuity of their uses by people of many cultures of the globe.

Venue: Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust Centre, Observatory Hill

Date & time: Thursday 30 June 6pm for 7pm – 8.30pm

Cost: Members $20 Guests $30 includes light refreshments. Bookings essential

Hosted by the Sydney & Northern NSW branch (SNNSW) of the Australian Garden History Society.

Click here for information on how to book.


13. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 28 June

Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar Series will be a presentation by Leanne Howard (Federation University), on “A Community-Centred Approach to Cultural Landscape Management: Some Gaps Between Theory and Practice”.


As repositories of human history and heritage, landscapes are dynamic lived-in places where authority and control have been enacted. In questioning whether communities have authentic power, control and influence over the management and protection of their landscapes and heritages, attention is directed to those contemporary landscapes that elicit deep human attachment, especially where communities have been willing to speak and act for their landscape. Point Nepean at the tip of the Nepean Peninsula in Victoria, Australia, and the Burren in County Clare on the west coast of Ireland are two distinct places, but each claims local, national and arguably international significance. Drawing on these case studies, and a community-centered approach, this paper highlights how local communities are involved in the care, manipulation, use, treatment and control of landscape outside formal governance structures and landscape management processes. Importantly, distinction is made between the reactive and proactive ways people care for landscape. In conclusion, the paper offers some general reflections for heritage practice.


Leanne Howard is a research fellow in the Collaborative Research Centre in Australian History (CRCAH) at Federation University, Ballarat, and specialises in the use of oral history and community voice. Leanne’s central research interests are broadly concerned with the interrelationships between people, their landscape, and their cultural heritage. Grounded in the fields of cultural heritage and history, her recently completed PhD at the University of Melbourne questions the roles communities have in cultural landscape management, beyond the rhetoric of community participation, prevailing governance structures and authorised voices of heritage experts. Extensive fieldwork has been conducted in the contested landscapes of the Burren on the west coast of Ireland, and closer to home at Point Nepean in Victoria.

Date: Tuesday 28 June 2016

Time: 4:00pm

Venue: Conference Room, Deakin University Melbourne City Centre, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

RSVP: to Antonio Gonzalez by email


14. Australian Garden History Society talk, Bowral, Saturday 18 June

Conservation of landscapes and places – the past 50 years and the future
presented by Max Bourke

Max is an agricultural scientist with a commitment to biodiversity conservation and environmental protection. He is a member of the Council of the Friends of the National Arboretum, Canberra. His talk will cover the establishment of the conservation movement post WWII, government legislation and community actions and the beginnings of the AGHS up to the present, with some speculation on where it might all go.

Date & time: Saturday 18 June, 2-4.30pm

Venue: Bradman Museum Theatre, St Jude’s Street, Bowral

Hosted by the Southern Highlands branch (SH) of the Australian Garden History Society.

Click here for information on how to bookonly limited places available.


15. QLD Heritage Council Appointments – nominations invited

The Queensland Government is calling for nominations for membership of the Queensland Heritage Council from people with appropriate knowledge, expertise and interest in heritage conservation.

The Queensland Heritage Council is the state’s peak body on heritage matters. It works to identify and protect places of significant heritage value for the community and future generations. The Council is established by the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 which requires it to act independently, impartially and in the public interest.

It is the policy of the Queensland Government to support and encourage equity and diversity on its boards. Persons from rural and remote areas, women, younger persons and persons from ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply.

For an information pack (including the Personal Particulars form), please call (07) 3330 5859 or email to the QLD Heritage Council Exec Officer.


Nominations must include the following items:

  • a brief curriculum vitae
  • a statement about their suitability based on the role and selection criteria for membership of the QHC
  • a completed personal particulars form

and can be submitted by:


Nominations QLD Heritage Council
c/o Joanne Ketter, Executive Officer
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
GPO Box 2454
Brisbane QLD 4001

By email to the QLD Heritage Council Exec Officer

Closing date is 24 June 2016.


16. Green Museum Project Training & Advisory Committee – call for EOI

Museums Australia (Victoria) is excited to announce the commencement of the Green Museum Project, a new sustainability initiative developed by MA (Vic) and made possible by the generous support of the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation with additional support from Creative Victoria.


Green Museum Project Training

Commencing July 2016, the Green Museum Project Manager will be offering practical training in Melbourne and regional hubs to staff and volunteers of Victorian museums and galleries on preventive conservation and environmental sustainability practices.

Workshop participants will gain the tools and knowledge to reduce energy use, save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve lighting facilities, reduce the risk of collections to light and ultraviolet damage, and position their organisation as a local leader in sustainability.

Participants will be trained on how to:

  • Conduct an energy and lighting audit to establish baseline measures
  • Measure and adjust exhibition and display lighting to meet conservation standards
  • Ensure long-term preservation of collection material through object rotation schedules
  • Create and implement an Environmental Sustainability Policy
  • Design an Action Plan for sustainable operations

We are now calling for expressions of interest from organisations interested in taking part in the Green Museum Project training program. Expressions of interest close 15 June.

> Go to the Green Museum Project page for more info and to register your interest


Green Museum Project Advisory Committee

MA (Vic) is inviting expressions of interest in the establishment of a Green Museum Project Advisory Committee (GMPAC). The GMPAC will provide both operational support and strategic advice relating to the Green Museum Project and environmental sustainability in the cultural heritage sector.

Individuals can register their interest in joining the GMPAC by completing and returning the GMPAC Expression of Interest Form by COB Thursday 30 June 2016. For further information, see the GMPAC Expression of Interest Information or contact the Green Museum Project Manager (Ren Gregoric) by email or at (03) 8341 7512

MA (Vic) aims to achieve a balance of professionals on this committee. Professionals with an interest in and/or knowledge of cultural heritage and the arts, and environmental sustainability are encouraged to apply.


17. Heritage Council of NSW Committees – applications invited

The Heritage Council of NSW is seeking applications for membership to various committees, listed below. The Committees advise the Heritage Council of NSW on matters relating to the effective management and promotion of NSW’s heritage.

The role of the Committees is to provide high level specialist expertise and advice to the Heritage Council to assist with informed decisions and statutory requirements on heritage matters.

  • State Heritage Register Committee
  • Approvals Committee
  • Heritage Committee
  • Technical Conservation Committee
  • Grants Committee

Applications close 20 July 2016 (11:59pm). For more information, visit the Heritage Council of NSW website.


18. 2016 National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards – applications open

The National Trust of Australia (ACT) invites you to submit a heritage project to this year’s heritage awards.

The scope of projects that can be nominated is very extensive ranging from reports to building conservation or adaptation and all aspects of heritage including indigenous and natural.

Nominations close on 30 June 2016.

Further details and nomination forms are available at the National Trust of Australia (ACT) website.


19. “Creative Society: Ideas, Problems, and Concepts” conference, Florence, 13-14 March 2017 – call for papers

“Creative Society: Ideas, Problems, and Concepts” conference
13-14 March 2017
Florence, Italy

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco with its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism and the Faculty of Creative Industries of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University of Lithuania, are promoting the International conference “Creative Society: Ideas, Problems, and Concepts” to be held in Florence on 13-14 March 2017.

The aim of the conference is to analyse the phenomena, mechanisms and tendencies of creative society; its concepts, processes, connections, structure and laws along with its tendencies, models and problems in the perspective of mass communication theory; the influence of media phenomena on development of the creative society and a creative individual.

Abstract deadline is 15 October 2016.

Download the call for papers

Visit the conference website


20. Influence of Legislation on Heritage Protection Ideology conference, Estonia, 12-13 October 2016 – registration open

The International Committee on Legal, Administrative & Financial Issues (ICLAFI) / ICOMOS Nordic-Baltic conference on the Influence of Legislation on Heritage Protection Ideology will take place in Tallinn, Estonia on 12-13 October 2016.

More information:


21. WA Heritage Council Grants Program – applications open

The WA Heritage Council’s annual Heritage Grants Program offers assistance to private owners of State Registered heritage places to undertake urgent conservation works, or develop conservation management plans or strategies.

Applications will remain open until 4pm, Friday 29 July 2016. Contact us today to discuss your project and get an application form. Our grants team is available Monday to Friday on telephone (08) 6552 4117 or by emailing the Grants Team.

More information about the Grants Program is available at the WA Heritage Council website.

Note: From the 2016-17 round onwards, application forms will only be available by contacting the State Heritage Office.


22. The HUL Guidebook now available online

WHITRAP and City of Ballarat, in conjunction with Tongji University and Federation University Australia, have launched ‘THE HUL GUIDEBOOK’ at the League of Historical Cities 15th World Conference, in Bad Ischl, Austria.

This new guidebook is a practical guide to UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) and the result of a cooperation agreement between the project partners, signed in December 2015.

It delivers a practical understanding of the HUL approach, along with information regarding its purpose and application. It is structured as a manual, so that it:

  1. Equips readers with an introductory set of practical and theoretical information, including eight case studies of cities implementing the HUL Approach around the world (Ballarat AUSTRALIA, Shanghai and Suzhou CHINA, Cuenca ECUADOR, Rawalpindi PAKISTAN, Zanzibar TANZANIA, Naples ITALY, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS)
  2. Brings together a list of experts and resources to assist with implementing the HUL Approach

The Guidebook has been designed to assist stakeholders who wish to effectively deal with change in a way that harmonizes urban conservation with urban development and regeneration. In this sense, it is aimed at, but not limited to:

  • local authorities
  • government officials
  • practitioners operating in the field of urban conservation or urban development
  • researchers
  • consultants
  • university and training partners

The Guidebook is downloadable from the HUL Ballarat website or click here for direct PDF link (size = 4MB).


23. New book now available for purchase: Gardens of History and Imagination

Gardens of History and Imagination: Growing New South Wales
Edited by Gretchen Poiner and Sybil Jack
Sydney University Press

Released to celebrate the bicentenary of the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, Gardens of History and Imagination examines the role of gardens and gardening in the early history of NSW. Richly illustrated and beautifully produced, the book will delight gardeners and history buffs alike.

The book is illustrated with rarely seen images from the Mitchell Collections of the State Library of NSW and we have permission to use them beyond the book.

Download the Gardens of History and Imagination press release.


24. The Johnston Collection – inaugural Fundraising Dinner, Tuesday 19 July, Melbourne

Tickets for The Johnston Collection’s inaugural Fundraising Dinner at Cranlana are selling fast, but there’s still a chance to get a seat at this exciting dinner and auction.

Click here for more information about this event.


25. CHNT 2016, Vienna, 16-18 November – Call for Papers, Posters and Apps EXTENDED

The 21st International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2016) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 16-18 November 2016.

Re-use and Repurposing of Archaeological and Historical Material and Data

Submissions of Papers, Posters and Apps are NOW DUE by 1 July 2016.

Ever increasing understanding of our primary sources and technological progress have led to higher and higher standards of recording and analysis in archaeological and historical research.


  • 1st App Award (mind also the session “The Employment of Mobile Applications for Survey, Documentation and Information”)
  • Anthropological Workshop – UNKNOWN OBJECTS (associated workshop for the session (INTER)RELATING TO THE DEAD)
  • 1st Science Slam (more information soon)
  • KEYNOTE Speech (Wolfgang NEUBAUER, Austria (Director Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology, Austrian Scientist 2016 – “The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project”)

For more information, visit the conference website.


26. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online

To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.


27. 2015 Heritage Tourism and Hospitality international conference publication

Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference 2015
Preservation, Presentation, Promotion and Profit
Research Agendas, Best Practices and Hospitable Partnerships in Tourism

This conference dealt with the leading question: “how can tourism destination stakeholders succeed in creating, and presenting attractions that draw tourists, while simultaneously engaging stakeholders to contribute to the conservation of the tangible and intangible heritage assets as a mechanism of local planning and an integral component of the governance of sustainable host community development?”

The conference has produced the following publication, which is now available for purchase

Heritage Tourism Destinations
Preservation, Communication and Development
Edited by Maria D. Alvarez, Frank M. Go and Atila Yüksel

Hardback £85.00 / $140.00 / €110.00

For more information, click here.


28. Best in Heritage 2016 Projects of Influence – publication available online

Best in Heritage 15th Edition
Dubrovnik, Croatia
22-24 September 2016

In partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA, with support of Creative Europe programme, & Endowment Fund of ICOM.

Click on the link below to view the publication.


29. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Liverpool City Council (NSW)

Heritage Officer (Ref: 2016/2688)

1 x Permanent Full Time – 35 hours, 5 days per week
Salary: $86,022.91 to $94,259.12 pa + 9.5% super
Location: Liverpool City Council, 33 Moore Street, Liverpool

Closing Date: Wednesday 29 June 2016

Liverpool City Council has a great opportunity for a self-motivated and enthusiastic individual to play a significant role in the strategic conservation and management of identified heritage places and items within the Liverpool Local Government Area.

The successful applicant will be involved in all aspects of contemporary heritage conservation matters providing specialist conservation advice, supporting property owners and managing conservation projects.

Applicants must have a sound knowledge of heritage legislation, NSW planning legislation and the development assessment process and possess tertiary qualification within a relevant field.

The successful applicant will have:

  • Demonstrated experience in heritage impact assessment or postgraduate heritage conservation qualification.
  • Sound knowledge of heritage legislation, NSW planning legislation and the development assessment process.
  • Understanding of the main influences and issues affecting development and conservation in Sydney
  • Local Government experience in NSW
  • Demonstrated experience in basic computer applications

Salary will be dependent upon the relevant skills, experience and competencies of the successful applicant.

For further information about the position please contact Bruce Macnee, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 9821 9341.

How to Apply: Please click the ‘Apply’ button at the Liverpool City Council website. Applicants must submit a covering letter, current resume and response to the essential and desirable selection criteria as set out in the position description. Applicants who do not meet the essential criteria will not be considered.

Liverpool City Council is committed to providing a working environment that supports all employees to reach their full potential.


30. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Conservation Architect, GBA Heritage, Sydney

GBA Heritage (formerly Graham Brooks and Associates) is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. GBA Heritage has developed a specialised practice that provides heritage consultancy advice to our colleagues in the mainstream architectural profession. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of exciting, high profile projects.

We are seeking a mature, highly motivated heritage conservation architect who can work both independently and as part of a medium sized team of skilled professional staff. You will be responsible for delivering heritage conservation advice to project architects, preparing heritage impact statements and conservation management plans, preparing conservation works schedules and overseeing their implementation. GBA Heritage does not prepare architectural drawings.

You will have leadership skills and considerable heritage conservation architectural experience in the Australian heritage field. You will have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.

The ideal applicant for this position will have:

  • Relevant professional qualification/s
  • Extensive architectural experience in Australian heritage conservation practice
  • Familiarity with 19th and 20th century Australian building construction methods and materials
  • Experience in adaptive re-use projects
  • Familiarity with New South Wales heritage legislation
  • Skills to liaise and negotiate with government agencies, clients, architects, contractors and the community to facilitate positive heritage outcomes
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver sound architectural conservation advice
  • Demonstrated ability to prepare conservation works schedules
  • Demonstrated ability to prepare heritage impact statements and conservation management plans
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines and balance priorities

This position is full time and for Australian residents only. Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to email a cover letter and their resume to GBA Heritage.

Applications close 15 July.


31. SITUATION VACANT 2 x Senior Heritage Architect positions, NSW Public Works Advisory

Public Works Advisory (PWA) is a newly formed unit that provides specialist commissioning advice. The key focus of PWA is to assist agencies without building procurement and heritage asset management capabilities with respect to innovation and compliance and to meet the Government’s objectives of being a smart buyer of assets and services.

Working within the Ministers Stone Program, provide innovative and value for money conservation architectural services and advice to support client proposals and meet project needs. Identify and prioritise Heritage asset opportunities across government by communicating and promoting PWA services to current and potential clients.

For more information, visit the I Work for NSW website.

Closing date for applications: 19 June 2016 [11:59PM].


32. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council

Heritage Officer

  • Annual salary for 21 hours per week up to $54,908.65 + market rate allowance up to $6,260.47 + super
  • Part time role – 7 hours per day, 3 days a week
  • Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds

Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.

Your primary role is to provide expert heritage advice on development applications. Your skills and expertise in heritage impact assessment and working knowledge and experience with building design and construction will be critical to this role. You will also be required to provide general advice on heritage related matters and assist with the preparation of conservation policy from time to time. 

Essential Criteria

  • Demonstrated current working experience in assessing heritage significance and carrying out heritage impact assessments in the built environment
  • Demonstrated knowledge of and current working experience with heritage conservation best practice in the built environment
  • A tertiary qualification in architecture or an associated discipline and demonstrated skills and experience in building design
  • Demonstrated knowledge of and current working experience with NSW local and state heritage legislation and NSW Heritage Division guidelines
  • Demonstrated problem solving and negotiation skills
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Well-developed skills in the use of PC software including Word and Excel
  • Demonstrated commitment to the provision of quality customer service
  • A Class C driver’s licence

Desirable Criteria

  • A tertiary qualification in heritage conservation or town planning
  • Experience with appeals in the Land and Environment Court
  • Mediation and facilitation skills and experience

How to apply

  • Apply on line by clicking here
  • You will be asked to demonstrate how you meet each of the selection criteria
  • If you have a separate statement addressing the selection criteria, please upload it as a cover letter and simply refer to it in the online questionnaire
  • You will be able to upload 2 documents only. For information on applying for Council jobs, please visit this link
  • For further information about the role, please contact Chris Bluett, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 9391 7083 during business hours
  • Our preference is for applications to be submitted online, however, we will accept hard copy applications addressed to Human Resources, Woollahra Council, PO Box 61, Double Bay, NSW, 1360

CLOSING DATE:   Wednesday 22 June 2016

Previous applicants need not re-apply.

Woollahra Council is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. If you have any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at time of application.  

We value:

  • Respect for people
  • Integrity and excellent performance
  • Professional, quality service
  • Open, accountable communication


33. SITUATION VACANT Volunteer Position, ICICH


Our international committee is eager to find a volunteer  to work with us.

ICICH is the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). The ICICH board is currently seeking the assistance of an early career individual or university student interested in intangible cultural heritage, who would be interested in working with the Board in a voluntary capacity.

The tasks required are negotiable but we envisage the role would include assisting with the following:

  • regular updates to our website (no prior web experience needed instructions will be provided)
  • minute taking at our monthly skype meetings (until our recently vacated Secretary General position is re-filled)
  • working with the President to help organise a member event at the 2016 GA
  • working with our membership secretary transferring membership data to the Gilles Nourissier Database, updating outdated contact details etc

If you are interested in assisting us please email Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy with a brief (max. half a page) description of yourself, your interest in Intangible Cultural Heritage and indicating your willingness to assist with the above tasks.

Queries about the role can be directed to Sue McIntyre-Tamwoy by email or call Sue on 0425 215 012.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
