Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Tuesday 24 May
Congratulations to YET MORE ICOMOS members who won National Trust of Australia (NSW) Heritage Awards
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal winner
Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 23 June 2016
Save the Date and Call for Presentations: ACT and Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2016
Initial Consultation – North Adelaide Former Channel 9 Site Development Plan Amendment (DPA)
Longford Academy Spring Session, 22-26 August 2016
Victorian Museums & Galleries conference, 5-7 October 2016, Phillip Island, VIC – super early bird MA member egistration ends 30 May
Imagine Ballarat East Discussion Paper – have your say
WeheartBendigo photo competition
New Master of Professional Archaeology at La Trobe University
The Johnston Collection wins award at the 2016 Museums and Galleries National Awards Ceremony
Book launch – Gardens of History and Imagination, Sydney, 23 June
Vienna Statement now online
Yangon Echoes presentations across UK
Art&Archaeology2016, Jerusalem, 11-14 December 2016 – call for papers
Split Summer School, Croatia, 5-9 September 2016: applications open
MA (VIC) Masterclass: Loans and Deaccessioning, Melbourne, 14 June
ICOFORT 2016 International Conference on Military Heritage and Annual Meeting, 3-7 October 2016, Uruguay – call for papers deadline extended
Applications open to a new MSc in Structural Engineering in Portugal – deadline 27 May 2016
Call for Applications – ATCH Visiting Fellows Program: 2017
MayDay 2016
CHNT 2016, Vienna, 16-18 November – Call for Papers, Posters and Apps
Travel & Dialogue International Workshop, Florence, May/July/September 2016
BPN E-News Autumn 2016 Edition
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
Arches workshop at CIPA Ottawa 2017
SITUATION VACANT Tender opportunity: Interpretation Plan for Rockdale’s public buildings and certain landscapes
SITUATION WANTED Person to provide mentoring in the area of intangible culture
SITUATION VACANT Senior Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), Permanent full-time, PAHSMA
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer (Archaeology), Fixed term full-time, PAHSMA
1. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, Tuesday 24 May
Deakin University’s next Cultural Heritage Seminar Series will be a panel session, led by Kristal Buckley (Deakin University) and others, on “Australia’s Heritage – Strategies, Snapshots and Futures”.
In December 2015 the long-awaited Australian Heritage Strategy was released by the Minister for the Environment; and later this year, the 5-yearly snapshot of Australia’s natural and cultural heritage will form part of the 2016 State of the Environment Report. So, what is in store for Australia’s heritage in the coming decade? What new opportunities could emerge? What will be different? Are your issues and priorities addressed in the new Strategy? Come to our panel discussion ready to join the debate!
Date: Tuesday 24 May 2016
Time: 4:00pm
Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin University Melbourne City Centre, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
RSVP: to Antonio Gonzalez by email
2. Congratulations to YET MORE ICOMOS members who won National Trust of Australia (NSW) Heritage Awards
Our Australia ICOMOS members are so very wonderful and productive that we have even more to congratulate!
HIGHLY COMMENDED Built Heritage Award
City of Sydney (Institutional ICOMOS member) in association with International Conservation Services, Traditional Restoration Company, Crawford’s Casting for Glebe War Memorial
AWARD Conservation – Objects
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Volunteers, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (Institutional ICOMOS member), David McBeath, David Matthews for Cockatoo Island – Restoration of Fitzroy Dock Cranes
HIGHLY COMMENDED Landscape Conservation
Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (Institutional ICOMOS member), ASPECT Studios & CHOFRI, Godden Mackay Logan, Deuce Design and Gartner Rose for The Goods Line Heritage Interpretation, Ultimo, Sydney
HIGHLY COMMENDED Education & Interpretation
Every Story Counts Recording Migration Heritage: A Wollongong Case Study, a publication that was researched and written by heritage consultant and volunteer Meredith Walker (ICOMOS member) and edited by John Petersen (ICOMOS member)
Engineering Heritage Australia Journal/ Magazine, edited by long-standing ICOMOS member Margret Doring in behalf of Engineers Australia
AWARDS Research and Investigation/ Analysis
Sydney Living Museums (Institutional ICOMOS member) for The Elizabeth Bay House ‘Lost’ Library Project
HIGHLY COMMENDED Research and Investigation/ Analysis
City of Sydney (Institutional ICOMOS member) (Claudine Loffi & team), City Plan Heritage (Kerime Danis – ICOMOS member & team) and Dr Shirley Fitzgerald, thematic history, for Recognising Sydney’s Industrial Heritage: City of Sydney Industrial and Warehouse Buildings Heritage Study and Planning Proposal
The full list of winners is available at the National Trust NSW website.
3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Oman’s Heritage: First Peoples, Frankincense, and Forts
presented by Marilyn Truscott
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Having just attended the ICOMOS Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management conference in Salalah, Marilyn will share aspects of Oman’s heritage and issues related to its management, including:
- recent archaeological evidence of homo sapiens’ early arrival ‘out of Africa’ 130,000 years ago, then moving eastwards, resulting in people arriving in Australia—protection issues;
- the early incense trade, both frankincense and myrrh, and fish and dates, from Arabia Felix into India, and beyond to China, and south to East Africa—how archaeological evidence is portrayed;
- forts, pre-Islamic, Portuguese, and since—restoration and reconstruction issues; and
- today’s built environment and urban spread—restrictions on building styles and how Oman’s vernacular heritage is faring …
Marilyn Truscott is a heritage consultant with an academic background in archaeology, history, materials conservation and cultural heritage management. She has professional experience as a government heritage official, museum curator, and archaeologist (including in the Middle East), and long engagement with community heritage issues. She is a member of ICAHM, immediate past president of the ICOMOS Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, and a former president of Australia ICOMOS.
Members and the public are welcome: This is part of a series of talks organised by Australia ICOMOS. Refreshments are available appropriate to the talk’s topic! ($5.00 donation appreciated)
Date & Time: 5.00-7.00pm, Thursday 26 May 2016 – 5.30pm start for talk
Venue: Lyons Room (note different room), National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side)
RSVP: to Marilyn Truscott via email
Do come and join us. We will also be raising a glass to Australia ICOMOS turning 40!!
4. Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal winner
The recipient of the 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal, Professor Robyn Sloggett AM has been described by her peers as a contemporary hero of understanding and protecting cultural heritage both in Australia and internationally.
Mayor of Bathurst Cr Gary Rush announced Prof. Sloggett as winner of the prestigious $25,000 national prize at a dinner in Australia’s oldest inland European settlement, Bathurst, on Saturday night.
The Medal was first awarded in 2015 as a Bathurst bicentenary legacy, recognising an individual who demonstrates a significant contribution to the protection or promotion of Australia’s built, social, cultural or environmental heritage.
Cr Rush said Bathurst is committed to valuing the protection of its heritage and the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal was created to promote these values to a national audience.
Cr Rush said Prof. Sloggett was selected from an impressive short-list field of four finalists for the award, which included cultural heritage specialist Christine (Chris) Johnston, heritage conservation architect Elizabeth Vines OAM and natural heritage conservationist David Clark.
“Robyn represents all that the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal stands for, an individual who demonstrates a significant contribution to the protection of Australia’s heritage.
“Her work in heritage conservation, and in particular her work to assist remote Indigenous communities to work on heritage and art conservation issues has resulted in an exchange of knowledge between conservators in large institutions in southern Australia and senior Indigenous knowledge holders and practitioners. Robyn has been responsible for developing partnerships in training, collection management, preservation and digitisation of artist’s works and documentation.
“Robyn’s research is grounded in the belief that strengthening research capacity in heritage conservation and mentoring the next generation of researchers is essential to the conservation of culture across Australia,” Cr Rush said.
Prof. Sloggett said it was a privilege to have been nominated for the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal and there was nothing more she would rather be doing in than helping people share their stories and their heritage, and secure it for the future.
She said she intends to use the award to promote a more coordinated and nationally integrated approach to heritage and contemporary conservation.
Prof Sloggett is the Director of the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation at Melbourne University where she manages the diverse conservation, teaching and research programs of the Centre.
Australia ICOMOS congratulates Prof Sloggett on receiving this prestigious award.
5. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, 23 June 2016
Keeping it MODERN: The SOH Concrete Conservation Strategy
Presentation by Sydney Opera House (SOH)
The SOH Concrete Conservation Strategy has been developed as part of the Getty Conservation Institute Keeping it Modern project which aims to identify important concrete elements throughout the building and help determine the best way forward for each of the concrete systems. The project is being undertaken in partnership with the University of Sydney with input from academics and students from the disciplines of Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architectural Technology and Heritage Conservation.
Innovative integration of technology is crucial to the process. Mobile devices will be used to facilitate inspections and the internal Building Information Management Model will be used as a visual data repository and reporting tool, directly linked to the latest SOH Conservation Management Plan.
The aim is to progress SOH’s own understanding, and the industry’s body of knowledge about how we can and should conserve culturally significant modern buildings.
While this strategy is specific to Sydney Opera House, it has been developed in consultation with international experts in anticipation of its application by the worldwide heritage and building management community.
Speakers will include Greg McTaggart, Bob Moffat and Beatrix Lee from the SOH and Gianluca Ranzi, Anna McLaurin and Steven Barry form the University of Sydney.
This event is kindly hosted by the Sydney Opera House, please RSVP, location to be advised!
Time & Date: Thursday 23 June 2016, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $10, Non-members $15, payable at the door
Venue: Sydney Opera House
RSVP: by Monday 20 June via email to Tatiana Tauri – bookings are essential
6. Save the Date and Call for Presentations: ACT and Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2016
ACT and Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2016
The Symposium is convened by: Australia ICOMOS, Canberra Archaeological Society, Canberra & District Historical Society and National Trust of Australia (ACT)
Inside Out / Outside In asks how people, practice and planning relate to place making, recognising and celebrating our spaces and shared cultural and natural heritage. The concept of landscape has moved on from its early meaning of open areas of land and planted gardens; based on only aesthetic appeal. How can we extend our understanding of our landscape, the natural, the built and the Indigenous, into better planning of our city, our suburbs and their settings and into a city that understands and draws from its cultural and natural heritage values; from the people, communities, and the environment that inhabit it and exude it?
We are seeking papers from a diverse range of viewpoints; from Aboriginal community members, heritage and museum and practitioners, educators and students, landscape architects, archaeologists, urban planners, property managers, ecologists, artists and community advocates that explore and examine the interactions between people, place and practice focusing on landscape assessment and management, interpretation, urban planning, Aboriginal heritage and intangible cultural heritage.
To propose a paper, please submit a summary to the National Trust (ACT) care of Liz McMillan by email by 27 May 2016.
Date: Saturday 23 July 2016
Venue: Mount Stromlo, Commonwealth Solar Observatory (CSO) Common Room
Cost: $75 non-members, $55 for members of host organisations, $30 concessions
Registration: Details will be available in May 2016
7. Initial Consultation – North Adelaide Former Channel 9 Site Development Plan Amendment (DPA)
The Adelaide City Council has decided to review the Development Plan policies affecting the former Channel 9 site in North Adelaide.
The former Channel 9 site is located north of Tynte Street, east of Wellington Square and west of Mansfield Street, with a narrow portion of the site extending through to Gover Street to the north.
With Channel 9’s shift to Pirie Street, a redevelopment opportunity has been identified involving:
- replacement of buildings constructed by Channel 9
- restoration and re-use of the Primitive Methodist Church on the south-west corner of the site and historic cottages fronting Tynte Street and Wellington Square
- return of the rest of the land to residential use
The site is in the North Adelaide (Historic) Conservation Zone. Council does not intend to alter the boundaries of this Zone, but will investigate height, density (plot ratio) and other policies to underpin a sensitive re-development of the former Channel 9 site.
A submission putting a case for policy changes to support redevelopment of the site, prepared by Graham Burns, a planning consultant with Masterplan Pty Ltd, on behalf of Tynte Street Development Pty Ltd, and further explanatory information prepared by Council is available at the Your Say Adelaide website.
During 2016, Council will prepare and seek formal comments on a Development Plan Amendment (DPA). To help inform the preparation of a draft proposal for formal consultation, initial feedback in invited until 10 June 2016.
Feedback may include:
- issues you consider should be taken into account or given priority in planning for the former Channel 9 site
- how you would like to be consulted once a draft DPA has been prepared by Council
These comments can be made via a feedback form at the Your Say Adelaide website.
Hard copies of the consultation pack and feedback form can be requested by emailing the DPA Consultation Team, or picked up from any of the Council libraries or community centres.
After considering the early feedback, Council may opt to endorse a draft DPA for consultation. Stage 2 consultation will include an 8-week minimum period to view and make submissions on the draft DPA. There will also be public information forums, a public hearing, and a range of other measures to inform people about the DPA and seek feedback.
Council and finally the Minister will then decide whether to finally approve the DPA, having considered submissions and any changes that may be warranted as a result.
For further information, please visit the Your Say Adelaide website or email the DPA Consultation Team.
8. Longford Academy Spring Session, 22-26 August 2016
APT Australasia Chapter is offering a Spring session of the Longford Academy at Woolmers in Tasmania to cater for those who missed out in Autumn. The program of three parallel activities includes a Master Class by Gary Waller in wood carpentry and joinery conservation for a limited group of developing practitioners.
Download the APT_Longford Academy_Spring_Program_Notice for more information.
Enquiries and applications to the APT Australasia Convenor by email.
9. Victorian Museums & Galleries conference, 5-7 October 2016, Phillip Island, VIC – super early-bird MA member registration ends 30 May
Registration is now open for the Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2016.
The Conference will be held in beautiful Phillip Island at the Cowes Cultural Centre on 6 and 7 October.
Under the central theme of Future-proofing, the Conference will consider the challenges facing museums and galleries, and focus on innovative ways to achieve financial, social, and environmental sustainability.
The event will include traditional keynotes, interactive discussions, lightning talks, focused parallel sessions, and a discussion panel.
An optional pre-Conference get-together will take place on Wednesday 5 October in the evening, and a Cocktail Dinner will be held on Thursday 6 October at Churchill Island Heritage Farm.
Detailed speaker and program information will be added to the Conference webpage as we progress with our planning.
- Super Early-bird now available for Museums Australia (MA) members (save $120 over the standard Member rate – be quick, numbers are strictly limited!)
For more information about this event and to register, visit the Museums Australia VIC website.
10. Imagine Ballarat East Discussion Paper – have your say
Now’s the time to have your say on the future of Ballarat East – Have we Captured Your Ballarat East?
The Ballarat East community have told us what they love, what they want to retain and what they imagine for the future of Ballarat East. The Imagine Ballarat East Discussion Paper brings together these ideas alongside other knowledge about the local area. This, along with further input from the local community, will inform the development of planning controls and other actions to guide the future of the Ballarat East area.
Download the discussion paper here and have your say.
Submissions close Tuesday 14 June 2016.
11. WeheartBendigo photo competition
What do you love about the heritage of Greater Bendigo? The Greater Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee would like to know.
Take a photograph of the heritage you love – it can be a person, a place or a thing – and describe in 25 words or less why you love it.
Enter via the WeHeartBendigo webpage or via Instagram with #WeHeartBendigo during the National Trust Heritage Festival, which runs until May 29.
There will be prizes awarded for the best photo taken each week, and prizes for the best photo and caption in the categories for Under-16s and Open.
Photos must be taken in the City of Greater Bendigo in the past 12 months and there is a maximum of five entries per person.
Competition closes 26 May 2016.
12. New Master of Professional Archaeology at La Trobe University
A new Master of Professional Archaeology is commencing at La Trobe University in Semester 2 (late-July) 2016.
The Master of Professional Archaeology is a specialist course that prepares students to work in commercial archaeology or progress to a research higher degree. Students acquire a range of workplace skills in archaeological field techniques, technical analysis, Aboriginal and historical archaeology, heritage management and business skills as well as research skills and practice. Students may elect to complete a research thesis.
A Graduate Certificate of Professional Archaeology (6 months full time) and Graduate Diploma of Professional Archaeology (1 year full time) are also being offered for professional development, specialist skills and as a pathway to entry into the Master of Professional Archaeology. A foundation Graduate Certificate in Archaeology is available to people with an undergraduate degree who have not previously studied archaeology.
Further details about the courses, admission requirements and enrolment are available from the La Trobe University website, or contact the Course Coordinator, Dr Anita Smith, on +61 3 94791248, or email Anita.
13. The Johnston Collection wins award at the 2016 Museums and Galleries National Awards Ceremony
The Johnston Collection has won the “Temporary or Travelling Exhibition Level 1” Award at the 2016 Museums and Galleries National Awards Ceremony held in Auckland.
The Award is for their very popular exhibition-house tour FEATHERING THE NEST | Richard Nylon Meets William Johnston (7 July 2015 – 20 October 2015).
In FEATHERING THE NEST Nylon explored the big issues of birth, love and death in semi-autobiographical narratives which he fused with the public and private life of William Johnston.
For more information about this, click here.
14. Book launch – Gardens of History and Imagination, Sydney, 23 June
The Independent Scholars Association of Australia and Sydney University Press invite you to the launch of Gardens of History and Imagination: Growing New South Wales, edited by Gretchen Poiner and Sybil Jack.
The book will be launched by Peter Watts AM.
Date: 23 June 2016, 6 for 6:30 pm
Venue: The Gallery Room at the Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW
Click here to RSVP by 15 June 2016.
15. Vienna Statement now online
The Vienna Statement was published during the 10th ICAANE at Vienna on 27 April 2016, during the Special Section “Heritage under Threat”. It communicates the commitment of the participants to safeguard and help to restore, document and conserve archaeological monuments in the countries of focus of the ICAANE, (International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East).
Download the Vienna Statement
16. Yangon Echoes presentations across UK

The authors of the publication Yangon Echoes are presenting their publication across the UK.
Yangon Echoes upcoming engagements
- 23 May (18:30) at the Royal Geographical Society, London
- 24 May (17:15) at SOAS, Brunei Gallery, Room B102, University of London
- 26 May (18:30) at Cowcross Gallery, London
- 1 June (13:00) at Manchester University
- 2 June (17:00) at Leeds University
- 7 June (12:00) at the Brighton Museum
- 9 June (13:30) at the British Museum
- 17 June (14:30) at Oxford University
- 28 June (17:30) at Strathclyde University, Glasgow
- 4 July (18:00) at Edinburgh University, College of Art
The Scotland events are in collaboration with the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Royal Society of the Arts, National Museum of Scotland, Asia Scotland Institute, Edinburgh World Heritage Trust, Glasgow Building Preservation Trust, Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies, Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland and Glasgow City Heritage Trust.
On 29 January 2017, the Yangon Echoes exhibition opens at the East West Centre, Honolulu, Hawai’i. The exhibition will be on show until 14 May 2017 and followed by a series of talks in US cities later in 2017.
Download the Yangon Echoes flyer.
17. Art&Archaeology2016, Jerusalem, 11-14 December 2016 – call for papers
The conference organisers invite you to participate in Art&Archaeology2016, the International Conference to be held in Jerusalem, 11-14 December 2016. It follows their successful Jerusalem Conference ART2008.
Art&Archaeology2016 aims to bring together a range of scholars, specialists and experts in the fields of archaeology, art, history, preservation, restoration and reconstruction of museum or archaeological objects, cultural heritage, researchers of ancient structures and measurement scientists and technologists.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 June 2016
Jerusalem, the holy site of three great monotheistic religions, provides a unique atmosphere of a modern vibrant society living alongside the archaeology and historical sites since the time of King David. It guarantees to provide you with an unforgettable experience.
For more information, visit the conference website.
18. Split Summer School, Croatia, 5-9 September 2016: applications open
Split Summer School (STSS) 2016 is now open for applications. University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy organizes seven different courses in the areas of civil engineering, architecture and geodesy. The goal of STSS is to enable students and young professionals coming from different countries and background an experience of multicultural and interdisciplinary studying focused on one of the seven subjects, while actively networking with each other and lecturers.
Summer School will be held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split, Croatia, 5-9 September 2016.
For more information, click on the links below.
19. MA (VIC) Masterclass: Loans and Deaccessioning, Melbourne, 14 June
This event is organise by Museums Australia (Victoria) [MA (VIC)]
Facilitated by Ian McDonald, Special Counsel at Simpsons Solicitors, and one of Australia’s leading copyright lawyers, the Masterclass will cover:
- Basic concepts including contracts, ownership, deeds, deaccessioning vs. disposal, and bailment.
- The wider ethical and legislative frameworks: the ICOM and MA ethical standards for loans and deaccessioning; the relevant provisions of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act and the Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Act; borrowing, lending and deaccessioning objects of unknown or doubtful provenance and objects from Indigenous communities; and borrowing exhibition items from trustees, curators
- Loan documentation and deaccessioning policies and procedures (what should be covered in policies, procedures and template documentation).
Enjoy learning in the beautiful surrounds of Heide’s sculpture park and lunch at Café Vue.
Date: Tuesday 14 June
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Heide Museum of Modern Art
Cost: MA Members $150, Non-members $300
20. ICOFORT 2016 International Conference on Military Heritage and Annual Meeting, 3-7 October 2016, Uruguay – call for papers deadline extended
ICOFORT 2016 International Conference on Military Heritage and Annual Meeting
“The Fortifications of the Southern Cone Santa Teresa and San Miguel
and its importance in the cultural landscape”
3-7 October 2016
Montevideo, Uruguay
Deadline for abstract submission extended to: 21 May 2016
This event promotes the disclosure that demonstrates the works which have been produced and may serve as a basis for the rescue, conservation and enhancement, at the same time providing space for reflection and the exchange of information regarding Research, Analysis, Management, Sustainability, Tourism, Conservation and Interpretation of Fortifications and Military Heritage.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Download the Android app or the iPhone/iPad app.
21. Applications open to a new MSc in Structural Engineering in Portugal – deadline 27 May 2016
The 2nd call for registration to STREMUM is open until 27 May. Candidates interested in applying to STREMUM may visit the webpage and submit their application form. Scholarships are available to outstanding candidates.
This new programme from the University of Minho, Portugal confidently addresses the emerging challenges of Structural Engineering, including Eco-efficiency, Advanced Design & Resilience, and a Smart & Sustainable Built Environment.
The programme faculty is committed to excellency, with leading international researchers and experienced technical consultants, including also:
- Editors of the “International Journal of Architectural Heritage” and “Transportation Geotechnics”
- Chairmen of COST actions on Towards the next generation of standards for service life of cement-based materials and structures, and Quality control plans for roadway bridges
- Members in ACI, CIB, IABSE, CEN, ISSMGE, fib, ICOMOS, TRB and RILEM Committees on concrete, masonry, timber, soils, and conservation, durability or strengthening, among others
Prospective students will have the chance to get involved in a friendly and multicultural atmosphere, at moderate cost, in a reputed engineering school, with excellent experimental and numerical facilities. Grants will be available for top students.
English is the official language of the programme and the hosting historical city of Guimarães provides the ideal cultural environment. Students wishing to learn Portuguese (not a requirement) will have courses available and will master the 6th most spoken language in the world and official language in 10 countries, according to Wikipedia.
We are fully committed to delivering a top quality, challenging and exciting programme, which adds a new perspective to the classical field of Structures in Civil Engineering. The course includes, besides the usual course based contents, truly project led education and soft skills. We aim at developing the students’ skills in communication, time management and leadership, while ensuring their capacity to develop independent work, grasp state-of-the-art complex concepts and reason analytically.
22. Call for Applications – ATCH Visiting Fellows Program: 2017
The ATCH (Architecture Theory Criticism History) Research Centre invites applications for the Visiting Fellows Program 2017. The program welcomes applications from scholars with varying levels of experience who are carrying out critical research in architecture.
The Centre supports innovative and interdisciplinary research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Architecture and its place within a larger history of ideas is a strong focus within the Centre. Bringing together Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Postgraduates and Academics from UQ’s School of Architecture, the centre offers a stimulating and rich environment for enquiry and debate. An active program of seminars, lectures, symposia, workshops and exhibitions is run throughout the year. For a full list of people and recent events please visit the ATCH website.
The Visiting Fellows Research Program supports short term residencies of one to three months for scholars to work on innovative research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Projects that overlap with the work of existing ATCH scholars will be favoured. The program welcomes applicants from all levels of academia but particularly encourages proposals from new and mid-career scholars. Visiting Fellowships are not open to postgraduate students.
The Visiting Fellows Research Program will provide a return airfare to Brisbane and a workspace within the centre. All Fellows will have access to UQ libraries, including the Fryer Library and Architecture and Music Library. Support for accommodation may also be available depending on the applicant’s financial circumstances.
Visiting Fellows will be required to present their research in progress in a public lecture, participate in seminars and conferences organised during their residency, and contribute to RHD events. Published outcomes of research undertaken during the Fellowship should acknowledge ATCH and the UQ School of Architecture.
While ATCH Visiting Fellows are solicited through the application round, the Centre also directly invites Fellows to participate in the program.
Expressions of Interest should address the following items, in this order:
- Name and contact details
- Citizenship
- Employment Status. Will the applicant be on sabbatical during the course of the Fellowship?
- Is the project supported by other sources of funding?
- Is financial assistance for accommodation requested, and if so, on what grounds?
- Preferred dates and duration of Fellowship
- Title of Research Project
- Research Proposal (1000 words)
- Relevance to ATCH Centre, and existing members’ work
- Relation of the project to the applicant’s past and future research
- Intended outcomes
- Names and contact details for three referees
Additional documents required:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Two samples of published written work (journal articles, pieces of criticism, book chapter, chapter from a submitted PHD thesis)
Applications should be submitted by email to Deborah van der Plaat by 1 June 2016.
For additional information please contact Centre Manager, Dr Deborah van der Plaat by email.
23. MayDay 2016

The meaning of MayDay
MayDay for cultural heritage fuses two concepts – the distress signal, and the first day of May – in order to create a memorable calendar date for events that improve disaster preparedness in archives, galleries, libraries and museums.
The MayDay call was originated in 1923 by Frederick Stanley Mockford (1897–1962). As senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London, Mockford was asked to think of a word that would indicate distress and be understood by all pilots and ground staff in an emergency. Since much of the traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the word “MayDay” from the French m’aider meaning ‘help me’.
For more information click on the links below.
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2016 Generic flyer
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2016 Background flyer
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2016 How will you celebrate
- Blue Shield Australia MayDay 2016 Logos
24. CHNT 2016, Vienna, 16-18 November – Call for Papers, Posters and Apps
The 21st International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2016) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 16-18 November 2016.
Re-use and Repurposing of Archaeological and Historical Material and Data
Ever increasing understanding of our primary sources and technological progress have led to higher and higher standards of recording and analysis in archaeological and historical research.
The corollary is an exponentially growing volume of archives about the past, including written and graphic documentation – both analogue and digital – as well as archaeological finds and samples and historical objects and documents of great scientific value. This heterogeneous collection is extremely precious, often being the only testimony left to witness research and scholarly activity. This data and material must be both securely stored and properly curated to ensure that it remains valid and accessible for reuse, repurposing and new research for both present and future generations. This year’s CHNT will examine ways of achieving these goals.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Submissions of Papers, Posters and Apps are due by 12 June 2016.
25. Travel & Dialogue International Workshop, Florence, May/July/September 2016
TRAVEL & DIALOGUE – Life Beyond Tourism Weekly International Workshop
Florence, 2016 May/July/September
(May 9-13, July 4-8, September 5-9)
Tourism is one of the world fastest economies and during the last decades has created a network of services that, thanks to the new technologies, connects the world. Tourism has in itself a powerful opportunity of intercultural dialogue. The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism have explored and studied, both in theory and practice, how this opportunity can be used as a tool for the rapprochement of cultures for their sustainable development.
For more information about these workshops, click here.
26. BPN E-News Autumn 2016 Edition
To read the latest newsletter from the Better Planning Network (BPN), click on the link below.
27. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
28. Arches workshop at CIPA Ottawa 2017
CIPA Ottawa 2017 is pleased to announce the support of the Arches Team from the Getty Conservation Institute and the World Monuments Fund in organizing a workshop on the use of this important Heritage Information Management tool and a special session on heritage inventories.
The paper management system will be launch very soon, looking forward for your contribution to the improvement of Digital Workflows in Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
29. SITUATION VACANT Tender opportunity: Interpretation Plan for Rockdale’s public buildings and certain landscapes
Rockdale City Council is calling for Expressions of Interest in the preparation of an Interpretation Plan of Rockdale’s public buildings and certain urban landscapes.
The objective of the Interpretation Plan will be to provide policies, strategies and detailed advice for interpreting Rockdale City Council’s public buildings and certain landscapes with a view to improving public access through knowledge and experience.
For detailed information about this opportunity, download the Rockdale City – Interpretation Plan – Expression of Interest document.
The closing date for expressions of interest is 30 May 2016.
30. SITUATION WANTED Person to provide mentoring in the area of intangible culture
Hatice Sitki has been fascinated by myths and symbols, irrespective of whether they are from a company’s own identity or a nation’s, or from a group fearing they might be losing their identity to the identity of peace. She has toiled and given a number of presentations without knowing that the field she is passionate about is called intangible culture. She wants to explore how an ideology – any ideology – manifests itself and how it can be used to be preserved, promoted, applied and branded. She is interested in investigating how to preserve the cultural identity of an indigenous group from dominant culture to enforcing peace using other cultures’ myths and symbols. She is seeking a mentor so that she has the opportunity to be a part of any projects they may be working on, in order to get started in this field, which she has discovered she loves. She is also the Founding President of SIETAR Australasia.
More information about Hatice, and her contact details, can be found at her website.
Feel free to contact Hatice directly if you are able to provide her with the opportunity to expand her knowledge and skills in the area of intangible culture.
31. SITUATION VACANT Volunteer Position, ICICH
ICICH is the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). The ICH board is currently seeking the assistance of a Young Professional member of Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on ICH who would be interested in working with the Board in a voluntary capacity.
The tasks required are negotiable but we envisage the role would include assisting with the following:
- regular updates to our website (no prior web experience needed instructions will be provided)
- minute taking at our monthly skype meetings (until our recently vacated Secretary General position is re-filled)
- working with the President to help organise a member event at the 2016 GA
- working with our membership secretary transferring membership data to the Gilles Nourissier Database, updating outdated contact details etc
If you are interested in assisting us please email Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy with a brief (max. half a page) description of yourself, your interest in Intangible Cultural Heritage and indicating your willingness to assist with the above tasks.
32. SITUATION VACANT Senior Conservation Project Officer (Buildings), Permanent full-time, PAHSMA
Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority is seeking to appoint a Senior Conservation Project Officer to facilitate the effective and efficient management of conservation tasks and projects, including building related projects, for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA).
Specific details as to the position (Statement of Duties and Application for Employment) are available through this link.
Advice to potential applicants is available from this link.
For more information contact Conservation Manager, Lucy Burke-Smith: (03) 6251 2363 or contact Lucy by email.
Applications close Monday 30 May 2016.
(Please note that the application deadline was extended by PAHSMA after this newsletter was published).
33. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer (Archaeology), Fixed term full-time, PAHSMA
Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority is seeking to appoint a Conservation Project Officer to assist with the effective and efficient management of conservation and infrastructure tasks and projects, including archaeology projects, for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA).
Specific details as to the position (Statement of Duties and Application for Employment) are available through this link.
Advice to potential applicants is available from this link.
For more information contact Archaeology Manager, David Roe: (03) 6251 2368 or contact David by email.
Applications close Monday 30 May 2016.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au