Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
Macquarie Bridge Reconstruction Tours, 23 April & 21 May, Parramatta
New Getty Conservation Institute publication available online
The People’s Ground, 5-8 October 2016, Melbourne – April update
Judges Announced for the Victorian Museum Awards 2016
AACAI NSW & ACT Wine, Cheese & Chat, 18 May, Sydney
Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 26 April
The Johnston Collection Inaugural Fundraising Dinner – save the date, Tuesday 19 July 2016
Seeking Information on Studies of Risks to Heritage from Coastal Processes/Sea Level Rise
International Workshops for Students – Autumn 2016, Florence
ISS Institute & George Alexander Foundation Fellowship – applications open
2016 CHASS Australia Prizes – applications open
Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners Workshop (SHAP) 2016, 13 May
ICOMOS participation at Habitat III – 17-20 October, Quito, Ecuador – a message from ICOMOS
International Symposium “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values” – proceedings now available
Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – call for applications
22nd Annual National Trust Heritage Awards – bookings open
Home-stay in Jinhua’s Historical Villages, June/July 2016
Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
Workshop – Capturing Memories: Oral History in the Digital Age, 14 May 2016, Sydney
Lanes and Neighbourhoods in Cities in Asia conference, Singapore, 30 June-1 July 2016 – call for papers
ISC-SBH Border Region Germany-France-Luxemburg Study Tour, 4-12 September 2016
CIAV International Scientific Conference, Sept/Oct 2016, Germany – call for papers
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Planner, Parks Victoria
SITUATION VACANT Commonwealth Heritage Manager, Norfolk Island
SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant – Environment and Heritage, RPS Group, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Call for consultants – World Heritage, UNESCO Yangon Office
SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist, GML Heritage, Sydney
1. Australia ICOMOS New Membership Applications
There are many benefits in joining ICOMOS – not only the fantastic people you will meet but Membership of Australia ICOMOS brings discounts at ICOMOS functions, at many conferences in Australia and internationally and on ICOMOS publications. The E-mail News provides a weekly bulletin board of information and events in Australia and overseas, including state based events, conferences and site visits, as well as information on heritage publications, funding and grant opportunities, course details and job offers. Members also receive a number of issues annually of the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. Applications for members to join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) are encouraged from all states and territories. For Young Professional and full Members, the International ICOMOS card gives free or reduced rate entry to many historic and cultural sites.
Australia ICOMOS welcomes new members and would like to encourage students and young cultural heritage graduates to apply for membership. There are various membership categories and applications can be made to the Secretariat:
- Those who are interested in ICOMOS but who do not meet the requirements for full membership, or else do not have heritage conservation as their core focus, could apply to become Associates of ICOMOS
- Those at the beginning of a career in architecture, archaeology, planning or history with 3 years’ experience and who are under 30 years of age may be eligible for Young Professional membership at reduced rates
For further information go to the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website, or download the Australia ICOMOS 2016_MEMBERSHIP Application Form.
Membership applications are only considered at meetings of the Executive Committee – in order for your application to be considered at the May 2016 Executive Committee meeting, please submit it to the Secretariat by COB Monday 25 April 2016.
If further information is required, email the Membership Secretary, Suzanne Bravery.
2. Macquarie Bridge Reconstruction Tours, 23 April & 21 May, Parramatta
Learn how life was lived in convict-era Australia
Macquarie Bridge Reconstruction Tour at Parramatta Park 23 April & 21 May 2016
Parramatta Park Trust (PPT) and NSW Public Works have announced the completion of the $300,000 restoration of the Governor Macquarie-era convict stone bridge over Murray Gardens Creek in Parramatta Park.
As part of the 2016 NSW National Trust Heritage Festival, PPT will run two tours to explore and interpret this remarkable conservation project. Join a tour to explore the journey of this heritage construction project and the rediscovery of the Murray Gardens Creek historic landscape.
Learn how life was lived in convict-era Australia – from Governor Phillip’s naval, grid-town layout of 1798 with its neatly arrayed convict housing complete with subsistent veggie patches to Governor King’s brewery (established to foil the Rum Corp’s alcohol monopoly) and the Macquarie Garden makeover.
Parramatta Park Cultural Heritage Officer Stephen Thompson said: “In 2014, Parramatta Park Trust partnered with the NSW Government’s Ministers Stone Program and NSW Public Works in a conservation project to restore the Bridge to the quaint arched structure of the Macquarie era.
“Working in Sydney sandstone, skilled artisans used 19th century stone masonry techniques, basing the design of the stone arch on watercolours done by colonial artist Joseph Lycett in 1820 to ensure its historical accuracy. The conservation of the 1818-1819 remnant sections of the bridge and the reconstruction of the stone arch is now complete. The bridge looks fantastic.”
What: 1820 Macquarie Bridge Reconstruction Tour
When: 23 April & 21 May 2016
Where: Murray Gardens, Parramatta Park
Time: 11.00am-12.30pm
Meet: at George Street Gatehouse
Cost: $10 ($8 for members of the National Trust)
Bookings: CLICK HERE
3. New Getty Conservation Institute publication available online
A new publication of the Getty Conservation Institute’s Heritage Values, Stakeholders, and Consensus Building project is now available on the web. The publication contains the proceedings of a GCI workshop held in December 2009 to explore the application of consensus building, negotiation, and conflict resolution concepts and strategies to the management of heritage places. These proceedings present nine papers from the workshop, including background papers concerning relevant challenges in heritage place conservation and management, and on dispute resolution and consensus building concepts and strategies, as well as case studies from diverse geographic and cultural contexts. Also included are recommendations made by workshop participants for promoting the application of dispute resolution methods to heritage management.
Visit the Getty Conservation Institute website for more information.
4. The People’s Ground, 5-8 October 2016, Melbourne – April update
The National Trusts of Australia and Australia ICOMOS joint conference will be held on 5-8 October 2016 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
For the latest update on the conference, click on this link.
5. Judges Announced for the Victorian Museum Awards 2016
Museums Australia Victoria is delighted to announce our judging panel for the Victorian Museum Awards 2016:
John M. Cunningham is the Director of McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery, and was previously Director of the Warrnambool Art Gallery. His curatorial work has focused primarily on the relationships between science, art and local knowledge.
Emily McCulloch Childs is a visual arts writer, researcher, publisher, curator, and co-Director of McCulloch & McCulloch. She is co-author & publisher of the 4th edition of McCulloch’s Encyclopedia of Australian Art and McCulloch’s Contemporary Aboriginal Art: the complete guide.
Michelle Smith is Senior Curator and Manager of the Gold Museum. She was previously Senior Curator of the National Wool Museum and has an extensive background working in regional as well as major city museums.
The Awards recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations whose commitment and passion contribute to the excellence of the Victorian museum and gallery sector.
The nomination process is simple, free, and open to both members and non-members, so why not nominate?
Nominations close Friday 13 May.
For more information, visit the Museums Australia (VIC) website or for more updates about the Awards, click here.
6. AACAI NSW & ACT Wine, Cheese & Chat, 18 May, Sydney
Wednesday 18 May 2016
National Archaeology Week at The Big Dig Centre
Time: 6.00 – 8.00pm
Topic: Sieving in Sydney
AACAI (Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists) NSW are pleased to present speakers intended to promote discussion on the methodologies used by consulting archaeologists when sieving. After a series of brief presentations (10-15 minutes each) a discussion of current practice and preferences will be held and guests are encouraged to discuss the issues over wine and some cheese.
Cost: Members & Students FREE, Non-members $10
For more information and RSVP details, download the AACAI NSW Wine Cheese Chat NAW Event 18 May 2016.
7. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 26 April
Deakin University’s Cultural Heritage Seminar Series is pleased to invite you to a presentation by Toby Juliff (Victorian College of the Arts) on “ ‘I’m only here for me dad’s sake’: affecting Critical Heritage and contemporary art”.
In 2001 the British artist Jeremy Deller re-imagined and re-enacted the Battle of Orgreave, an infamous 1984 clash of striking miners and police that led to widespread arrests and injuries on both sides. This project – named simply enough The Battle of Orgreave – was supported by UK-lottery funded art agency ArtAngel and took place 17 years to the day following the origin conflict. Employing former miners, their descendants, historical re-enactment societies and interested volunteers the ’84 battle was played out with foam bricks and plastic batons. The encounter, filmed by Mike Figgis for Channel 4, was seen by Deller as symptomatic of the strike and trauma for generations of local communities more generally. This study re-evaluates The Battle of Orgreave in terms of debates and sets of conditions emerging from Critical Heritage Studies that might offer a reading of the work as exemplifying an ‘affecting heritage’. In this reading, Deller’s project – ostensibly a conceptual participatory art event – can be re-evaluated for its efficacious demand for presence and the positive employment of critical tension in communities often isolated from both contemporary art and critical heritage. In bringing together multi-generational participants (many who were not present in 1984), supporters of the strike, social historians and, in a mostly advisory capacity, the ‘oppressors’ from the original conflict The Battle of Orgreave offers up a scenario in which to instrumentalise and facilitate empathetic performative gestures whilst retaining a critical voice cognisant of the emotional complexities of communities still struggling to find a critical voice to describe events in their own living history.
Toby Juliff is a graduate of the University of Leeds specializing in the history and theory of sculpture. Before arriving at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) he was lecturer in Critical and Contextual Studies at Leeds College of Art (2006-2012) and associate lecturer in Art History at the Open University, UK (2008-2012) where he taught on the MA Art History program. He has presented lectures at peer-reviewed conferences at the Courtauld Institute, University of London, the Universities of Amsterdam, Gothenburg, Paris, Bristol, Warwick, Glasgow, Leeds & Birkbeck College, London. Recent published papers include considerations of heritage and iconoclasm in contemporary London through a lens of contemporary participatory practices.
Date: Tuesday 26 April 2016
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin University Melbourne City Centre, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
RSVP: to Antonio Gonzalez by email
8. The Johnston Collection Inaugural Fundraising Dinner – save the date, Tuesday 19 July 2016
For more information click here.
9. Seeking Information on Studies of Risks to Heritage from Coastal Processes/Sea Level Rise
Tasmanian based consultants Anne McConnell and Kathryn Evans are currently undertaking a study of Hobart’s Coastal Heritage for the Hobart City Council as part of background research being undertaken for the preparation of a Coastal Hazard Strategy for Hobart. The aim of the heritage study is to understand the historical changes to the coastline over time, to identify the cultural heritage values of Hobart’s coastline, and to examine to what extent these values are at risk from current coastal processes and predicted sea level rise. The study will be used to inform the coastal adaptation planning work being undertaken by the Council.
The consultants are interested in any similar studies (both Indigenous and historic heritage studies) that may have been undertaken recently, but initial research suggests there are relatively few similar studies. If you are aware of such studies, we would appreciate hearing about them (and/or getting copies). If you can assist please contact Anne McConnell by email or by phone on (03) 6239 1494.
10. International Workshops for Students – Autumn 2016, Florence
The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco is pleased to announce that the autumn 2016 Program of International Training Workshops for Students is ready and on line. University professors, assistants, researchers and tutors are invited to select a group of their talented students and take part in one of the workshop at their choice (by writing to the Foundation by email).
The workshops are an occasion for intercultural and international encounters of students that learn, exchange ideas, artistic and scientific opinions and social experience in the context of Renaissance Florence. They get to know each others’ cultures, create life-long professional networks and friendships. The program includes lectures by experts and cultural visits. The final certificate of participation is issued to the attending students.
For conditions and more information click below on workshop of your interest.
Urbanism, Architecture, History Of Art
28 August 28 – 4 September 2016
The River and Its City – Landscape, Architecture and Art
Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Maya Kipiani, Nino Bugadze (Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia)
20-27 November 2016
Post Trauma Recovery of the City Centres In 21st Century
Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Amra Hadzimuhamedovic (International University of Sarajevo)
20-27 November 2016
“Piazza” in the Architecture of Florence
Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Sabina Hajiyeva (Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan)
20-27 November 2016
Architecture and the Identification Features of the Historical City
Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Fedor Perov (St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia)
Cultural Heritage, Human Rights, Social Science
13-20 November 2016
Dialogue Among Cultures Within the Framework of Eastern Partnership Programme
Workshop Coordinator: Prof. Bella Kopaliani (Tbilisi Technical University, Georgia)
Literature, History
20-27 November 2016
“Linguocultural Space of the City With Special Reference to the Dictionary Project” – Florence in the Works of World Famous People
Workshop Coordinator: Dr. Prof. Olga Karpova (Ivanovo State University, Russia), Coordinator: Nataliia Utkina (Ivanovo State University, Russia)
11. ISS Institute & George Alexander Foundation Fellowship – applications open
The George Alexander Foundation: 5 fellowships available at $10,000 each
The George Alexander Foundation and the International Specialised Skills Institute Inc (ISS Institute) are offering five international Fellowships in the amount of $10,000 (less GST).
Applications are open Australia-wide to people 35 years of age and under, and one of the applications categories is Heritage. For further information, please download the application form.
Applications close on Monday 23 May 2016 at 4pm.
12. 2016 CHASS Australia Prizes – applications open
The CHASS (Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) Australia Prizes honour distinguished achievements by Australians working, studying, or training in the humanities, arts, and social sciences (HASS) sectors, including academics, practitioners, philanthropists, policy makers, and students. The CHASS Australia Prizes are intended to draw international attention to Australia’s achievements in HASS.
For more information, click on the links below.
Nominations close on 30 June at 5pm (AEDT) – applicants are encouraged to apply early.
13. Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners Workshop (SHAP) 2016, 13 May

EMM Consulting is pleased to be hosting the Sydney Historical Archaeology Practitioners Workshop (SHAP) as part of National Archaeology Week.
This one day workshop is an opportunity for practitioners, students and anyone interested in historical archaeology to share ideas and find out about current and recent historical archaeology and heritage projects in and around Sydney (actually anywhere in NSW). It will be held at The Big Dig Centre, 110 Cumberland St, The Rocks.
Although we welcome presentations on a range of topics, the theme of Interpretation is a suggested focal point. Currently we have a range of speakers that are adding to the growing list, including:
- Christian Hampson (OEH) on the Heritage near me mobile application
- Suzanne Holoham (General Manager RAHS)
- Yann Tristan (Macquarie University) on the Bachelor of Archaeology program
- Liz Smith and Selina O’Regan (PACE officers, Macquarie University)
- Denis Gojak (Heritage Manager RMS)
- Steve Brown (University of Sydney)
If you would like to give a short (10-15 minute) presentation on a recent project or an update on a current project, talk to someone in the heritage team by contacting EMM Consulting by email or calling (02) 9493 9500.
Bookings can be made by clicking this link – cost of tickets range from $33 to $80.
14. ICOMOS participation at Habitat III – 17-20 October, Quito, Ecuador – a message from ICOMOS
“Habitat III” is shorthand for a major global summit, formally known as the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, to be held in Quito, Ecuador, on 17-20 October 2016. A stakeholder forum from 15-22 October will provide more opportunities for engagement.
The United Nations has called the conference, the third in a series that began in 1976, to “reinvigorate” the global political commitment to the sustainable development of towns, cities and other human settlements, both rural and urban. The product of that re-invigoration, along with pledges and new obligations, is being referred to as the New Urban Agenda. That agenda will set a new global strategy around urbanization for the next two decades.
Across the ICOMOS family, many National Committees and International Scientific Committees, as well as individual members have been working hard to mainstream cultural heritage into the Habitat program and the New Urban Agenda. ICOMOS is in the process of producing a Concept Note for the meeting to help in this process. CIVVIH, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Historic Towns and Villages, is the main body in ICOMOS with responsibility for this undertaking.
Over 20,000 ministers, academics and professionals working on all aspects of the urban landscape are expected to attend Habitat III. Many hope that there will be a strong showing of cultural heritage professionals at meetings in Quito to represent the interests of heritage. At the same time, we are aware of the date conflict with the upcoming ICOMOS Advisory Committee and Annual General Assembly in Istanbul (15-21 October 2016). The participation of National Committees and International Scientific Committees at the ICOMOS Advisory Committee and the Annual General Assembly is a priority. However, we will try to the best of our ability to ensure the presence of ICOMOS at Habitat III given its importance at the international level.
With Habitat III now only six months away, it is time to start considering your own country’s participation. Please do what you can to try to encourage cultural heritage professionals from your country to attend. It is possible to attend in various capacities. Some individuals may be included in the official, government delegations of their country. Others may go as part of their work with their employer or with other organizations.
Obtaining Accreditation
It may also be possible for ICOMOS National Committees and national heritage organizations to obtain special accreditation. This accreditation may allow organization members to attend as observers. ICOMOS is seeking special accreditation for itself, however the attendance rules have not yet been released so we do not know if this means ICOMOS representatives will be allowed to attend and if so, how many. For that reason, it would be very good if other ICOMOS National Committees would also seek their own accreditation or partner with other organizations in your country that may already have accreditation.
The deadline for applying for accreditation is 2 May. You can apply online here
Establishing Partnerships
ICOMOS and our partners are working to plan side events, booths, receptions etc. and to coordinate on our policy proposals. It will be very helpful for us to know all heritage-related persons that will be attending, whether as an official ICOMOS representative, in a private capacity, with another organization, etc.
It will also be helpful for us to know any organizations that will be present in Quito that may be interested in partnering with us to include heritage matters in those organizations work (ie their side events, booths etc.). This includes organizations of architects, planners, mayors etc. from your country. For example, the American Planning Association in the US has already indicated its interest to include ICOMOS and cultural heritage in some programming it has in mind.
Please notify Andrew Potts by email, Jeff Soule by email or Sofia Avgerinou-Kolonias by email with this information.
15. International Symposium “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values” – proceedings now available
The official proceedings of the ICOMOS International Symposium “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values” held in 2014 on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly in Florence are now available for purchase in e-book and hardcopy versions.
This main volume (ISBN ICOMOS 978-2-918086-02-04 / ISBN ESI 978-88-495-3057-5) contains the 196 papers presented by participants on the five themes of the Symposium and submitted in accordance with publishing guidelines, as well as “The Florence Declaration on Heritage and Landscapes as Human Values” in 3 languages, the papers presented at the Youth Forum and a selection of photographs of the event.
Only for Theme 1 “Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation”, a separate volume (ISBN ICOMOS 978-2-918086-14-7 / ISBN ESI 978-88-495-3021-6) comprising the papers presented on this theme is also available. Theme 1 papers are also included in the full proceedings above.
How to order
The e-book and hardcopy versions can be purchased from ESI Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. ICOMOS members can benefit from a 50% discount on the hardcopy version (+ shipping costs) by purchasing their copy through ICOMOS Italy, not via the editor, by contacting ICOMOS Italy by email.
Please note that the authors of the 196 presented papers will receive an access code to download a free PDF compilation of the papers, whose format is unlike the e-book that can be read on e-readers and other electronic devices.
Future publication
Later this year, another volume containing the papers selected for the Poster and General Interest sections, but not presented during the Symposium, will be published by ICOMOS Italy as an e-book with an ISBN. Its publication will be announced on the ICOMOS website.
16. Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developments – call for applications
The ITCILO (part of the UN system and training arm of International Labour Organisation) is launching a call for applications for the Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development, which will take place from 17 October 2016 to 13 October 2017.
The Master is designed by the University of Torino, the Politecnico di Torino and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), in collaboration with UNESCO and ICCROM.
The Programme provides a solid foundation in a variety of cultural economics topics and the value chain of cultural and natural sites. It explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse categories of UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites. The Programme also puts emphasis on strategic management competencies for the preservation and promotion of these sites as well as on monitoring the efficacy and adequacy of site management plans and associated cultural projects.
The Master will take place from 17 October 2016 to 13 October 2017 and is divided into three major learning cycles:
- The first cycle will be conducted through a distance learning component that will start on 17 October 2016 and will end on 18 December 2016.
- The second cycle, from 24 January 2017 to 18 May 2017, is a face-to-face learning period that will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO. Class attendance is compulsory for the entire period.
- The third cycle, from 25 May 2017 to 13 October 2017, will be a research and study period during which the students are expected to finalize their final project.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2016.
To apply please complete the online application form and for further information visit The International Training Centre website or email the Course Organisers.
17. 22nd Annual National Trust Heritage Awards – bookings open
The President Dr Clive Lucas OBE, the Chief Executive Officer Mr Brian Scarsbrick AM & the Board of the National Trust of Australia (NSW) invite you to the
The Awards are the pinnacle celebration for the heritage community.
With special guests, Minister of Environment and Heritage Hon. Mark Speakman MP and Master of Ceremonies Quentin Dempster.
11am – 2pm, Friday 6 May 2016
Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf
South Pier, Piers 19-21 | 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont Point NSW
Early Bird RSVP: Monday 18 April – Single tickets $115 | Table of 10 $1100
RSVP: Thusrday 28 April – Single tickets $125 | Table of 10 $1200
18. Home-stay in Jinhua’s Historical Villages, June/July 2016
The project is called Home-stay in Jinhua’s Historical Villages. Every session of the project will select around 40 international applicants for a three-week home-stay experience in the historical villages of Jinhua. During the stay, we will offer a comprehensive introduction to the history, customs and architecture of traditional villages, providing the participants with the opportunity to experience local culture and learn traditional handicraft. Applicants should have a strong interest in Chinese culture and/or the travel and tourism industry, but do not necessarily need to speak Chinese. Currently, our project is geared to two types of applicants:
1. On-campus students from prestigious universities. They only need to travel to Shanghai on their own. After that, all expenses for accommodation, transport, meals and so on will be paid by the project. We will also provide each participant with a personal spending allowance of RMB 750.
2. Recent graduates within 15 years. When they arrive in Shanghai, we will arrange pickup services, and they need to pay RMB 95 per day for accommodation. All activities are included.
The participants will be requested to make suggestions and/or produce materials about the conservation, development and use of the locations visited over the three weeks of their stay.
At present, we have held two sessions, which have ended in great success and have drawn extensive and continuous attention both at home and abroad. And now we are preparing for the third session, which will be held in Yuyuan, a Taiji astrological village, between June 22 and July 12, 2016. Besides the activities as organized in the previous two sessions, we are going to hold a grand traditional Chinese wedding ceremony for foreign couples from June 22 to 29.
For more information, click on the links below.
19. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, approved by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme, are open until 20 May 2016.
The Masters Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details at the course website.
20. Workshop – Capturing Memories: Oral History in the Digital Age, 14 May 2016, Sydney
A practical workshop for all interested in recording the experiences of family, friends, local community, history of museum items or any other project incorporating memories of the past.
Are you interested in recording the memories of your family, your community or your workplace? Then come along to this very popular and informative workshop to equip you to undertake oral history interviews. Workshop leaders will be Pauline Curby, an experienced oral historian and Andrew Host, whose 35 years’ experience as a sound engineer can help you get quality recordings that will stand the test of time. Both are members of Oral History NSW.
Date & time: 9.30am, Saturday 14 May 2016
Venue: RAHS, History House, 133 Macquarie St, Sydney
Cost: $105 non-members, $95 Oral History NSW & RAHS members. Morning & afternoon tea included.
For more information, click here.
21. Lanes and Neighbourhoods in Cities in Asia conference, Singapore, 30 June-1 July 2016 – call for papers
Lanes and Neighbourhoods in Cities in Asia
30 June – 1 July 2016
National University of Singapore
This conference is jointly organised by the Asian Urbanisms Cluster at the Asia Research Institute; National University of Singapore; and in collaboration with the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), The Netherlands.
The purpose of this conference is to focus attention on the concept and social meanings of one of the smallest social spheres of the city, the neighbourhood. The immediacy of this topic can be found in recent urban research positing that the neighbourhood is at substantial risk of fading into history as global mega-projects with vast footprints, master plans, and large-scale privatization of urban space are “kill[ing] much of the urban tissue” of smaller urban spaces. These are the place-based geographies of the city that have long provided for cosmopolitan diversity and in which marginalized populations are able to assert their agency in city-making (Sassen, 2016:1). Pursuing the “art of being global” (Roy and Ong, 2011), cities in Asia fall more and more within what can be called an “urbanism of projects” (Goldblum, 2015: 374), leading to a rupture with their historic organic urban growth. In that context, urban figures are given priority over urban texture: “While the pieces of cities are occasionally spectacular, the parts do not add up to anything larger nor do they contribute to the extended setting” (Chow, 2015: 4). The urbanism of projects also acknowledges the primacy of a “super urban network” over local urban territories, opening the way for a “splintering urbanism” (Graham and Marvin, 2001). Once low rise and organic, cities in Asia have engaged into a verticalization process in a functionalist perspective, especially in new urbanized areas flourishing at its edge. These steady transformations affect social cohesion and lead to re-compositions of the historical and structuring forms of lanes and neighbourhoods.
For more information, visit the conference website.
22. ISC-SBH Border Region Germany-France-Luxemburg Study Tour, 4-12 September 2016
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee
on Shared Built Heritage (ISC-SBH) Study Tour
German National Committee, in cooperation with
the national committees of ICOMOS Germany, France and Luxemburg
The German group of ISC-SBH, in cooperation with the ICOMOS National Committees of Germany, France and Luxemburg, is organizing a study tour in order to discuss and learn about the treatment of the shared built heritage in the border-region of France, Luxemburg and Germany, from 4-12 September 2016.
For more information, download the ISC-SBH Border Region Study Tour 2016 guide.
23. CIAV International Scientific Conference, Sept/Oct 2016, Germany – call for papers
The ICOMOS International Committee on Vernacular Architecture (CIAV) is holding a conference on the theme “The cultural landscape of the Wendland circular villages – conservation and rehabilitation of the vernacular heritage”, from 28 September to 2 October 2016, in Lübeln, Wendland, Germany
Abstracts are due by 30 April
For more information, download the CIAV.2016.Preliminary.Program&CFP.
24. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council
Heritage Officer
- Annual salary for 21 hours per week up to $54,908.65 + market rate allowance up to $6,260.47 + super
- Part time role – 7 hours per day, 3 days a week
- Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds
Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.
Your primary role is to provide advice on heritage-related development applications, mainly for buildings. You may also be required to provide advice on heritage matters in general. Assistance with the preparation of heritage conservation policy from time to time also forms part of the job.
Essential Criteria
- A tertiary qualification in architecture or an associated discipline and demonstrated skills and experience in building design
- Demonstrated knowledge of and current working experience with heritage conservation best practice in the built environment
- Demonstrated knowledge of and current working experience with NSW local and state heritage legislation and NSW Heritage Division guidelines
- Demonstrated current working experience in assessing heritage significance and carrying out heritage impact assessments in the built environment
- Demonstrated problem solving and negotiation skills
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Well-developed skills in the use of PC software including Word and Excel
- Demonstrated commitment to the provision of quality customer service
- A Class C driver’s licence
Desirable Criteria
- A tertiary qualification in heritage conservation or town planning
- Experience with appeals in the Land and Environment Court
- Mediation and facilitation skills and experience
How to apply
- Apply online by clicking here
- You will be asked to demonstrate how you meet each of the selection criteria
- If you have a separate statement addressing the selection criteria, please upload it as a cover letter and simply refer to it in the online questionnaire
- You will be able to upload 2 documents only
- For information on applying for Council jobs, click here
- For further information about the role, please contact Chris Bluett, Manager Strategic Planning on (02) 9391 7083 during business hours
- Our preference is for applications to be submitted online, however, we will accept hard copy applications addressed to Human Resources, Woollahra Council, PO Box 61, Double Bay, NSW, 1360
CLOSING DATE: Monday 2 May 2016
Woollahra Council is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. If you have any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at time of application.
We value
- Respect for people
- Integrity and excellent performance
- Professional, quality service
- Open, accountable communication
25. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Planner, Parks Victoria
Senior Heritage Planner, Parks Victoria, Position No. 29300
Parks Victoria is looking for a Senior Heritage Planner to join its Cultural Heritage Branch.
The Cultural Heritage Branch is part of Parks Victoria’s Visitor Engagement and Conservation Division. This Division bring together parks strategy, planning, regulation and programming for Park Victoria with a focus on delivery of frameworks, standards and advice. The Senior Heritage Planner will lead the provision of advice and support in relation to ensuring that park planning and direction are in line with heritage requirements.
Further information is available by clicking here, with applications being accepted until Friday 29 April 2016.
26. SITUATION VACANT Commonwealth Heritage Manager, Norfolk Island
The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development is looking for a talented site manager for the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) on Norfolk Island.
The positon requires a high level of self-motivation, strong leadership skills and the ability to operate independently in a dynamic, remote environment. The successful candidate will have a proven background in heritage management strategic planning, project management, consultation and negotiation. Previous experience and achievement in cultural tourism, marketing and or business development is also highly desirable. Key work will focus on increasing site visitation and revenues to protect heritage values and deliver economic opportunity for Norfolk Island residents.
Further information is available Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development website with applications being accepted until Friday 22 April.
27. SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant – Environment and Heritage, RPS Group, Melbourne
RPS is a global network of professionals who provide world-class consultancy solutions in energy, resources, mining, infrastructure, environment and urban growth. We have a highly motivated team of more than 4500 people globally who work from offices across the UK, Ireland, The Netherlands, United States, Canada, and the Asia Pacific and undertake projects in many other parts of the world. We employ over 900 people in over 20 offices in the Australia and Asia Pacific region.
With a diverse work portfolio in NSW, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland, RPS is looking to appoint a Senior Consultant who will play a key role in contributing to and identifying opportunities, in association with the Cultural Heritage team, to grow the division and expand its capabilities in Victoria.
For more information about this opportunity and to apply, click here.
Applications close Wednesday 27 April.
28. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced conservation architect to join our team.
The position is full time and involves: research, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to building owners and authorities, and the like.
Required qualifications
- Minimum Masters Degree in Architecture
- Minimum 3 years’ experience working as a conservation architect
- A working knowledge of Australian architectural history
- Capacity for design and detail resolution
- Proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe CS and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper
- Proficiency in sustainable design
- Good sense of humour
Interested applicants please forward your CV by email in the first instance.
If you wish to discuss the position, please call Roger Beeston (Director) on 0417 140 159.
29. SITUATION VACANT Call for consultants – World Heritage, UNESCO Yangon Office
A consultant with World Heritage experience in the Asian regional context is being sought to support activities related to World Heritage nomination, site conservation/management, and technical and institutional capacity building.
Under the authority of the Director of UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific, under the daily oversight of the Head of the Yangon Office and the technical supervision of the Chief of the Culture Unit of UNESCO Bangkok, the incumbent shall provide technical, coordinating and administrative support for World Heritage safeguarding programmes in the context of the Mekong cluster countries, with a primary focus on Myanmar.
For more information about this opportunity, download the Consultant – World Heritage, UNESCO Yangon document.
Deadline for applications: 29 April 2016
30. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist, GML Heritage, Sydney
GML Heritage (GML) is seeking to appoint a Senior Historical Archaeologist. This is a full-time position, based in Sydney.
GML is a vibrant, attentive and sustainable consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our multi-disciplinary consulting team has expertise in historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage and interpretation.
The successful applicant will be a Senior Archaeologist with a degree in archaeology and at least 6 years’ experience in historical archaeology. You will be highly skilled in managing historical archaeological fieldwork projects with experience as an excavation director for test excavations, monitoring and open area excavations. Demonstrated ability to obtain permits and approvals under the NSW Heritage Act is highly desirable. You will also have excellent communication and writing skills, the ability to prepare proposals and manage projects, and well developed experience in preparing archaeological assessments, research designs, heritage impact statements and other advice reports. Importantly, you will be a team player who works within time and budget constraints. A working knowledge of Aboriginal archaeology would be an advantage.
GML offers a fun, friendly and supportive work place. It’s a dynamic and fast-paced environment with a strong team culture. The successful applicant will take pride in working for an influential heritage consultancy that has an exciting portfolio of challenging projects across Australia and prides itself on the delivery of outstanding services. You will have the opportunity to work alongside enthusiastic and experienced practitioners. You will also mentor junior staff, liaise with statutory authorities and development and maintain effective client and stakeholder relationships.
GML has an ongoing commitment to innovation, continuous improvement and quality in everything we do, and you will have access to a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge. You will have knowledge of where the business is heading, and a hands-on role in implementing the firm’s strategic objectives. There are also a range of other employee benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities. And we love to celebrate birthdays and other significant life events!
A position description and person specification can be accessed on our careers page at GML Heritage website. For more information please contact Dr Janine Major, Archaeology Manager, on 02 9319 4811.
Please email your application to GML Heritage, and include a cover letter and resume, no later than Thursday 5 May 2016. Applications will be reviewed on submission.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au