2016 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2016, Sydney – registrations open
Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 22 March
“Heritage and China” round-table, Friday 18 March, ANU, Canberra
Tour of Adelaide Oval, 10 April 2016 (SA)
2016 Hunter Bona Fide History Awards – nominations open
Are you from, connected with or just know Ballarat East? If so, the City of Ballarat would like to hear from you
2016 National Trust Heritage Festival – starts 16 April
Australian Heritage Week, 16-24 April 2016
Five Year ACT Heritage Strategy 2016-2021 – have your say
2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal – nominations deadline extended
Professional Historian’s 2016 Conference: “Working History”, 19-20 August, Melbourne – call for papers
Art&Archaeology2016, Jerusalem, 11-14 December 2016 – call for papers
Community Heritage Grants 2016 – applications open
ICOFORT 2016 International Conference on Military Heritage and Annual Meeting, 3-7 October 2016, Uruguay – call for papers
Friends of Australian Rock Art tour to Burrup Peninsula, July 2016
ISS Institute & George Alexander Foundation Fellowship – applications open
“Conservation of the Built Environment: ASEAN Perspective” conference, 15-17 December 2016, Thailand – abstracts due 15 March 2016
Intangible Cultural Heritage talk – save the date: 7 April, Sydney
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Fellowship Report: Jennifer Dickens “Stone Conservation Course – ICCROM”
Longford Academy, 9-13 May 2016 – fully subscribed
CHNT 2016, Vienna, 16-18 November – Call for Papers, Posters and Apps
“Historical Perspective of Heritage Legislation” conference, 12-13 October, Tallinn, Estonia – call for presentations
Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
Museums Australia (VIC) events, 28 April – Melbourne / 19 April – Geelong
SITUATION VACANT Architectural Technician, Andronas Conservation Architecture, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Various positions, Heritage 21, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (full-time), City Plan Heritage
SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Consultant, RPS Australia Asia Pacific, Newcastle
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
1. 2016 Jim Kerr Address, 18 April 2016, Sydney – registrations open
Australia ICOMOS in association with the Sydney Opera House
and the Heritage Council of NSW are pleased to host the
2016 Jim Kerr Address
18 April 2016 from 5.00 pm
The 2016 guest speaker is the cultural media expert and philanthropist Joe Skrynski AO. Joe’s talk is titled “From Griffin to Utzon and From “The Man from Snowy River” to “Go Back To Where You Came From“.
The event will take place in the Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House. There will be an optional short tour of the Sydney Opera House at 3.00pm. Please note that places for this tour are limited.
- 3.00- 5.00pm: (Optional) tour of Sydney Opera House
- 5.00 – 5.45pm: Refreshments & Networking
- 6.00 – 7.30 pm: Jim Kerr Address
COST (including refreshments)
- Australia ICOMOS / National Trust members: $40
- Non-members: $45
- Full-time students: $35
2. Deakin University Cultural Heritage Seminar, Melbourne, 22 March
Deakin University’s Cultural Heritage Seminar Series is pleased to invite you all to the first seminar of their 2016 series, a presentation by Claudia Garcia and Dr. Eduardo Perez (La Trobe University) on “Archaeology for the masses: World Heritage Chichén Itzá, the New Seven Wonder of the World”.
Archaeology in Mexico is of public interest due to its link with education and tourism with an important federal investment on research and architectural restoration since the beginning of the 20th century. Using the case of World Heritage Chichén Itzá, this paper will outline the contestation in the double advocacy of the archaeological sites as tourism and educational spaces. To do this, the authors first will provide a historical and archaeological overview of Chichén Itzá and the principal problems in the particular context of the media phenomenon of the New Seven Wonders. The second part of the seminar will contextualize the development of archaeology within national and international frameworks on the protection of cultural heritage and local current transformations to favour mass cultural tourism industries, to further highlight the challenges for conservation and interpretation that archaeological heritage in Mexico faces in the new change of strategy.
Claudia A. García Solís is a conservator graduated from the National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museology in Mexico and MA in Archaeology by the Autonomous University of Yucatan, Claudia possesses more than 15 years’ experience in the management, conservation and investigation on mural painting mainly, and architectural sculpture in the Mayan region. In 2011, she received the National Conservation Award Paul Coremans for the conservation project of Mayapán. Conservator working at the National Institute of Anthropology and History (Yucatan), currently she is a doctoral candidate at La Trobe University (Australia), writing a dissertation on Chichén Itzá’s politics of management of archaeological heritage.
Dr. Eduardo Pérez de Heredia is a historian and archaeologist. Eduardo has worked in the Maya area since 1988 in different archaeological projects like Uxmal, Kabah, Uxul and Chichén Itzá, both as a field archaeologist and as archaeological materials analyst. As Director of Chichén Itzá between 2006 and 2008 he coordinated the first Management Plan of the site. His publications include a range of topics from Prehispanic to historical. He has participated in various recent projects of dissemination as the Museo del Mundo Maya in Mérida, and the Digital Museum at Campeche. He is currently collaborating with epigrapher Peter Biro in a new interpretation of Chichén Itzá that combines epigraphy, iconography and archaeological evidence.
Date: Tuesday 22 March 2016
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin University Melbourne City Centre, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
RSVP: to Antonio Gonzalez by email
3. “Heritage and China” round-table, Friday 18 March, ANU, Canberra
The Australian Centre on China in the World & The Centre for Heritage & Museum Studies presents a Round-Table Discussion on “Heritage and China”, Friday 18 March, 3:00–5:00pm at the Australia National University (ANU), Canberra.
As a result of the ideological shift toward the revitalization of ‘traditional culture’ (chuantong wenhua 傳統文化), China ratified the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in 1985. To date, the country has had forty-eight of its national sites listed as World Heritage sites. During an era of profound political and socio-economic transformations, the central state has recognised the significance of conserving culture to construct a national identity and promote Chinese civilization. Cultural heritage has been discursively framed as an ‘invented tradition’ to construct a harmonious and continuous past and to reinforce national coherence and collective memory. The Chinese government emphasizes the significance of the nation as a distinct entity deserving the world’s recognition and respect, an action that has been framed by Wang Gungwu as ‘restorative nationalism.’
For more information, see the Heritage and China flyer.
4. Tour of Adelaide Oval, 10 April 2016 (SA)
To celebrate this year’s International Day on Monuments & Sites, ‘the heritage of sport’, SA ICOMOS members can undertake a tour of Adelaide Oval on Sunday 10 April 2016. The tour will be run by one of Adelaide Oval’s expert volunteer guides. The tour will take you behind the scenes at Adelaide Oval and include access to restricted areas, such as the old scoreboard, media and player areas. Commentary on the place’s heritage will also be provided by ICOMOS member Michael Queale of Grieve Gillett Anderson who wrote the Conservation Management Plan for the place.
Tour costs are $22 (adult) and $12 (child), to be payable in cash to Deborah Lindsay, State Rep on the day of the event. The tour will start at 10:15am and go for approximately 90 mins, however we are required to meet at 10am. Anyone is welcome to attend the tour – the cost is the same for family members. ICOMOS members will go for a social drink afterwards in a nearby café or pub.
RSVP is essential to confirm the group booking – to book please email Deborah Lindsay by Friday 1 April.
Please have correct money ready on the day for payment, and Deborah will check you off the list.
5. 2016 Hunter Bona Fide History Awards – nominations open
The Hunter Heritage Network is pleased to announce the 2016 Hunter Bona Fide History Awards open. The Awards draw inspiration from the Latin ‘bona fide’ meaning ‘In Good Faith’ – genuine & trustworthy.
The aim of the Awards is to celebrate outstanding scholarship and service to Australian history and heritage in the Hunter Region, and at the same time, inspire young people to get involved in historical research, identification, advocacy and documentation of local heritage.
While fiercely contested, the Bonas are lots of fun. Nominations close on 30 March 2016.
The award winners will be announced at a ceremony on 17 April 2016. Nominations are invited from individuals, groups, businesses and organisations that have made a contribution to the history and heritage of the Hunter Region.
For further information visit the Hunter Bona Fide History Awards website.
6. Are you from, connected with or just know Ballarat East? If so, the City of Ballarat would like to hear from you
Imagine Ballarat East is a new project organised by the City of Ballarat in response to community concerns. It aims to develop a vision for Ballarat East’s sustainable future in collaboration with the local community and other stakeholders. The hope is to develop new controls for inclusion in the Ballarat Planning Scheme and other required actions. The project also aims to develop a ‘community map’ highlighting the great things about Ballarat East – designed solely by the local community.
The City of Ballarat would like to receive comments from as many different and varied people as possible to get a true representation of Ballarat East.
Ways you can get involved:
1. Share your photos, stories and what it is that makes Ballarat East special to you with the innovative new online tool TimeCapsule
2. Complete a survey online
3. Write to the City of Ballarat by mail or email. Send in comments on the Draft Community Map or tell us the things that are important to you and send it in by 1 April:
Strategic Land Use Planning
City of Ballarat
PO Box 655
Ballarat VIC 3353
If you would like any further information please email Maya Dougherty, Strategic Planner, City of Ballarat.
The Imagine Ballarat project implements UNESCO’s Historic Urban Landscape approach (HUL).
Find out more about the HUL in Ballarat.
7. 2016 National Trust Heritage Festival – starts 16 April
From 16 April till the end of May, join the National Trust in celebrating Australia’s unique and diverse heritage across every region of the nation. There are over 1,200 exciting events organised by local communities waiting to be discovered. Rediscover the cultural make-up, places, customs, architecture, landscape and histories of these areas through tours, exhibitions, talks and performances. In 2016 the National Trust Heritage Festival theme is Discovery & Rediscoveries. Discovery can encompass the experience of discovering something for the first time or rediscovering something that has been lost, forgotten or concealed.
To discover more events and information, visit the National Trust Heritage Festival website.
8. Australian Heritage Week, 16-24 April 2016
Australian Heritage Week is taking place from Saturday 16 to Sunday 24 April 2016 and includes the International Day for Monuments and Sites, endorsed by UNESCO in 1983, which is held each year on 18 April. Australian Heritage Week is an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the stories and places that make our communities special and collectively help shape our nation.
Australian Heritage Week sees a range of historic, natural and Indigenous heritage events happening across Australia, from open days to bush walks, performances and ghost tours, workshops and celebrations. By bringing a focus to the immense range of heritage events and experiences on offer, this special week provides an opportunity for people to enjoy a great day out and celebrate Australia’s heritage.
If you are holding an event for Australian Heritage Week, please go to the Australian Heritage Week website to register your event.
9. Five Year ACT Heritage Strategy 2016-2021 – have your say
The ACT Minister for Planning, Mr Mick Gentleman MLA, has announced the commencement of a six week period of public consultation to inform the development of a new Five Year ACT Heritage Strategy 2016-2021.
“The Heritage Strategy will be an important framework for the recognition, protection, conservation and promotion of heritage places and objects in the ACT and will set a clear direction for a five year period from the date of its commencement,” Minister Gentleman said.
The ACT’s unique story of our rich and diverse heritage will be recognised through the Strategy. It will provide a vision for the ways in which we can incorporate our heritage places and objects into our future city.
“Our heritage places and objects provide us with a sense of pride, place, identity, and belonging,” said Minister Gentleman.
“The Strategy provides us with an opportunity to revisit what is important about our heritage places and objects, to reshape the way that the community and visitors think about and engage with their heritage, and to refocus resources to ensure that the highest priority areas receive the greatest attention,” Minister Gentleman said. “I encourage all those with an interest in the ACT’s heritage to have a say and provide valuable input toward the Strategy.”
Three informal information sessions will be held on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 February 2016 and provide the community with valuable opportunities to speak with Heritage staff, learn more about the Strategy and provide their feedback. Feedback can also be provides online, via email and post.
The discussion paper, and details about the information sessions and how to submit feedback is available online.
Public comment is being sought until 9am, Tuesday 29 March 2016.
10. 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal – nomination deadline extended
Nominations for the 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal, are now open.
This national award recognises an individual’s significant contribution the Australia’s built, social, cultural or environmental heritage.
The closing date for nominations is 5pm AEST, 24 March 2016, with the Medal winner announced at a dinner ceremony in Bathurst on Saturday 7 May 2016.
More information (including the nomination form) can be found on the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal website.
11. Professional Historian’s 2016 Conference: “Working History”, 19-20 August, Melbourne – call for papers
The Professional Historians Association of Victoria (PHAV) will be hosting the 2016 Professional Historian’s Conference “Working History”, scheduled for the 19-20 August in Melbourne.
The call for papers is now open, and abstracts are due by 31 March 2016.
For more information see the Working History – Call For Papers.
12. Art&Archaeology2016, Jerusalem, 11-14 December 2016 – call for papers
The conference organisers invite you to participate in Art&Archaeology2016, the International Conference to be held in Jerusalem, 11-14 December 2016. It follows their successful Jerusalem Conference ART2008.
Art&Archaeology2016 aims to bring together a range of scholars, specialists and experts in the fields of archaeology, art, history, preservation, restoration and reconstruction of museum or archaeological objects, cultural heritage, researchers of ancient structures and measurement scientists and technologists.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 June 2016
Jerusalem, the holy site of three great monotheistic religions, provides a unique atmosphere of a modern vibrant society living alongside the archaeology and historical sites since the time of King David. It guarantees to provide you with an unforgettable experience.
For more information, visit the conference website.
13. Community Heritage Grants 2016 – applications open
The Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program provides grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as libraries, archives, museums, genealogical and historical societies, multicultural and Indigenous groups. The grants are provided to assist with the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant collections of materials that are publicly accessible including artefacts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs, and audio visual material.
Since 1994, $5.7 million has been awarded to community organisations throughout Australia.
The 2016 grant round will open on 7 March and close on 9 May.
For more information, visit the Community Heritage Grants website read the media release and download the 2016 Community Heritage Grants flyer.
14. ICOFORT 2016 International Conference on Military Heritage and Annual Meeting, 3-7 October 2016, Uruguay – call for papers
ICOFORT 2016 International Conference on Military Heritage and Annual Meeting
“The Fortifications of the Southern Cone Santa Teresa and San Miguel
and its importance in the cultural landscape”
3-7 October 2016
Montevideo, Uruguay
This event promotes the disclosure that demonstrates the works which have been produced and may serve as a basis for the rescue, conservation and enhancement, at the same time providing space for reflection and the exchange of information regarding Research, Analysis, Management, Sustainability, Tourism, Conservation and Interpretation of Fortifications and Military Heritage.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 April 2016
For more information, visit the conference website.
15. Friends of Australian Rock Art tour to Burrup Peninsula, July 2016
The mysteries of the ancient rock art of Murujuga (the Burrup Peninsula) in WA’s Pilbara region are yours to experience by joining the annual tour offered by Friends of Australian Rock Art (FARA). Each year the voluntary group takes a coach of tourers to learn about this globally significant rock art.
The tenth annual Tour in 2016 takes place from July 16 to 24, and there are currently 25 seats available on the air-conditioned coach. The cost for coach travellers is $2500 twin share ex-Perth, which includes all transport, accommodation, meals, expert guiding and information. There are also 8 places left for independent travellers who join the Tour from Karratha.
For more information, click on the links below.
16. ISS Institute & George Alexander Foundation Fellowship – applications open
The George Alexander Foundation: 5 fellowships available at $10,000 each
The George Alexander Foundation and the International Specialised Skills Institute Inc (ISS Institute) are offering five international Fellowships in the amount of $10,000 (less GST).
Applications are open Australia-wide to people 35 years of age and under, and one of the applications categories is Heritage. For further information, please download the application form.
Applications close on Monday 23 May 2016 at 4pm.
17. “Conservation of the Built Environment: ASEAN Perspective” conference, 15-17 December 2016, Thailand – abstracts due 15 March 2016
ICOMOS Thailand, together with the Faculty of Architecture, the Architectural Heritage Management and Tourism Programme, and the Chalermprakiat Institute of Thai Art and Architecture, Silpakorn University, will jointly host an International Conference on the theme of “Conservation of the Built Environment: ASEAN Perspective” during 15 – 17 December 2016 at Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.
The main objective of the theme is to obtain an overall perspective on the undertakings concerning conservation of the built environment being carried out in ASEAN member countries.
For more information, click on the links below.
18. Intangible Cultural Heritage talk – save the date: 7 April, Sydney
A visiting colleague from the UK, Yvette Staelens, will be presenting some of her research into the intangible heritage of the Cornish diaspora, focusing on traditions such as Cornish Folk Carols that took root in the Colonies (including Australia).
This talk will be in the series of occasional Thursday evening ICOMOS/DOCOMOMO/AIA talks and will be on Thursday 7 April 2016.
More details regarding the venue to follow.
19. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following links.
20. Fellowship Report: Jennifer Dickens “Stone Conservation Course – ICCROM”
Jennifer Dickens’ “Stone Conservation Course – ICCROM” Fellowship Report has been published on the website of the International Specialised Skills Institute. Click on the link below to access the report.
21. Longford Academy, 9-13 May 2016 – fully subscribed
The 5-day program at Longford is now fully subscribed. Late registrations will be added to a waiting list.
Limited places are available for two structured single-day workshops at Woolmers and Brickendon on 11 and 12 May click on links below for more details.
The next program in advanced conservation techniques will be a Master Class in wood, carpentry and joinery to be held at Woolmers in late August 2016. Expressions of interest for this event can emailed to the APT Australasia Convenor.
22. CHNT 2016, Vienna, 16-18 November – Call for Papers, Posters and Apps
The 21st International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2016) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 16-18 November 2016.
Re-use and Repurposing of Archaeological and Historical Material and Data
Ever increasing understanding of our primary sources and technological progress have led to higher and higher standards of recording and analysis in archaeological and historical research.
The corollary is an exponentially growing volume of archives about the past, including written and graphic documentation – both analogue and digital – as well as archaeological finds and samples and historical objects and documents of great scientific value. This heterogeneous collection is extremely precious, often being the only testimony left to witness research and scholarly activity. This data and material must be both securely stored and properly curated to ensure that it remains valid and accessible for reuse, repurposing and new research for both present and future generations. This year’s CHNT will examine ways of achieving these goals.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Submissions of Papers, Posters and Apps are due by 12 June 2016.
23. “Historical Perspective of Heritage Legislation” conference, 12-13 October, Tallinn, Estonia – call for presentations
The ICLAFI+NORDIC+BALTIC “Historical Perspective of Heritage Legislation” conference, to be held 12-13 October in Tallinn, Estonia, will commemorate the 350th Anniversary of the 1666 Conservation Act by King Charles XI of Sweden and 50th Anniversary of Tallinn Old Town Conservation Area.
Call for presentations, deadline of submission of abstracts: 1 April 2016
The aim of legislation through all times is to regulate peoples’ interests and behaviour and thus it reflects contemporary problems. But the rules act also as the generators of values. The target of the conference is to discuss the correlation between legislation and common values. The presentations both on history and contemporary issues are expected and the conference will work in sections accordingly.
Conservation Act by King Charles XI of Sweden from 1666 is not the earliest heritage protection act in Europe, but very influential as the Swedish Kingdom those days included the present Nordic and Baltic countries (Sweden, Finland, Estonia and parts of Latvia, Germany and Russia) and is the ground of current legislation in Sweden and elsewhere. And it is important also because of the the essence – it did not cover only the property of the King and the Church, but also the Viking age heritage, folk art and tales, ruins of buildings that are out of use, sacred groves and springs etc. The Act regulated the excavations of old graves; it forbid the reuse of ancient monuments as building materials, and the relocation of monuments, etc. Most of the issues covered are still relevant today. For example one can see the ties between forbidding excavation of the graves except for scientific purposes with the contemporary problem of metal detectorists and the obligation to safeguard the valuables from the widespread illicit trade.
Tallinn Old Town Conservation Area was first of the kind in former Soviet Union setting strict regulations to the development processes and has influenced not only the development but also the common understanding of heritage values.
For more information, email Riin Alatalu (President of ICOMOS Estonia, Vice-President of the International Committee on Legal, Administrative & Financial Issues – ICLAFI).
24. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.
25. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.
26. Museums Australia (VIC) events, 28 April – Melbourne / 19 April – Geelong
Seminar: It’s a Kid’s Thing
Hear from producers and programming staff about the planning and briefing process for exhibitions and programs for the very young (aged 0-5):
- Kathy Fox, Exhibitions Producer, and Georgie Meyer, Education and Community Programs Manager, Museum Victoria, will be discussing the plans and processes involved in creating the new Pauline Gandel Children’s Museum at Melbourne Museum.
- Kate Ryan, Children’s Programs Curator, National Gallery of Victoria, will speak about the NGV’s suite of innovative early childhood programs including their Summer Children’s Festival.
- Professor Marc De Rosnay, University of Wollongong, will talk about the Early Start Discovery Space, tagged as Australia’s only dedicated “children’s museum”.
- Ebony Bott, Producer, Participation, Family and Youth Programs, Arts Centre Melbourne
- Robyn Ellard, Public Libraries Team, State Library of Victoria, will share their experiences of producing programs for pre-schoolers
Date: Thursday 28 April – please note: date changed online after newsletter published
Time: 10am – 3pm
Venue: Melbourne Museum
Cost: MA Members $100, Non-Members $200
> Book now to secure your place
Seminar: Exhibitions & Storytelling
Join Culture Victoria and MA (Vic) for a workshop covering exhibition development and digital storytelling. Kitty Owens, MA (Vic)’s Roving Curator, will run a practical session on creating exhibitions and displays. Learn how to create an appealing display, write engaging text, and produce quality labels for a small themed exhibition. See how Culture Victoria uses stories and storytelling to explore the people, places and events that have shaped Victoria. Hear from Malcolm McKinnon, a social history documentary and multimedia maker, who has created numerous stories from community collections. Malcolm will explore how to identify and tell the key stories in your collection. He will look at what works in the online space, and give some simple examples of how to create online stories which are achievable for community collecting organisations.
Date: Tuesday 19 April
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: Geelong Library and Heritage Centre
Cost: Free, bookings essential
> Book now to secure your place
27. SITUATION VACANT Architectural Technician, Andronas Conservation Architecture, Melbourne
Andronas Conservation Architecture is a small, award-winning practice of architects with more than 25 years’ experience in the conservation of heritage buildings.
We are seeking an Architectural Technician to join our team. The right candidate would have a suitable University or TAFE qualification and at least 3 years’ graduate experience. They should be able to demonstrate a high standard of skill in planning & contract documentation, have an understanding of construction techniques/methods and materials, and have a good understanding of the building code, regulations and standards etc. Although not essential, experience in Contract Administration would be looked upon favourably.
The role involves producing drawings for contract documentation and heritage planning permits, client & consultant liaison, and general administration in order to meet deadlines, schedules and standards.
You would need to be organised and self-motivated, be comfortable in following instructions, and you would need to be able to work both autonomously and collaboratively.
Key Requirements
- A general interest in built heritage
- AutoCAD (Advanced)
- Adobe Photoshop (Intermediate)
- MS Word, Excel & Outlook
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
In turn, we offer a friendly, supportive and flexible working environment. We encourage learning and provide avenues to furthering your professional development.
This role would be full-time and ongoing with a salary commensurate with experience.
Andronas Conservation Architecture is not offering sponsorship for this role and, as this position is permanent, it is not suitable for people on a working holiday visa.
Please send your application (including your CV, a covering letter and sample folio) to Ms Mim Butcher via email.
Applications close Monday 21 March 2016.
28. SITUATION VACANT Various positions, Heritage 21, Sydney
About Heritage 21 (H 21)
H 21 is a medium sized heritage consultancy specialising in cultural built heritage, based in Alexandria, operating throughout NSW. H 21 assists town planners, architects, owners, managers and developers of heritage properties through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
Positions available at Heritage 21
Due to growth and recent restructure at Heritage 21, various positions have become available for the right people to join their team; from intermediate (3-5 years’ experience) and senior positions (6 years plus). The roles and positions will vary due to the wide range of projects.
What Heritage 21 offers
H 21 offers career progression and opportunities with the recent introduction and implementation of a “Job Ready Graduate” program for the successful candidate(s).
What Heritage 21 is looking for
H 21 is looking to employ enthusiastic people, with a degree or equivalent with a background in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design or related fields, and/or someone who may be studying towards a master of heritage conservation or similar. The right candidates will need to have strong communication skills, including a good command of the English language, excellent writing and general research skills. H 21 are looking for the right people, who will have the ability and willingness to take on a wide variety of tasks and have the determination for the development and knowledge of their skills heritage skills.
The roles are permanent full-time position and located at Alexandria. The successful applicants will be required to have appropriate tertiary qualifications. Attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered for each position.
Please email your resume to Sue; or for a confidential discussion/enquiries regarding this position, please contact Sue Rosenberg on 0412 486 777.
29. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (full-time), City Plan Heritage
City Plan Heritage is currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join our team to provide high level cultural heritage consultancy services.
The ideal candidate will have 5 or more years’ experience working in the heritage sector with a particular focus on report writing, undertaking heritage studies and providing heritage advice. A degree in cultural heritage or a related discipline is essential. Applicants must ideally have a background in archaeology (preferred) and/or Australian architecture.
Full International Membership of Australia ICOMOS (or eligibility for full international membership) is essential.
Applicants must be able to:
- Prepare a range of heritage reports including but not limited to Heritage Impact Statements, Conservation Management Plans, Archaeological Assessments and Heritage Interpretation Strategies
- Manage several projects simultaneously and cope with competing deadlines
- Undertake detailed historical research to the standard of a professional historian (including sourcing and analysis of archival sources) for Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Assessments, and Heritage Studies
- Work independently with no or minimal supervision
The successful applicant will be required to start late March/early April.
Please send your application, including a cover letter and CV, to Kim Bennett via email by close of business Monday 28 March 2016.
30. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Consultant, RPS Australia Asia Pacific, Newcastle
Want to bring excitement to historical heritage and archaeology in Australia?
RPS has an established reputation for using new technologies to better understand historical archaeology and heritage.
We are currently seeking a qualified historical archaeologist or heritage planner to assist the RPS Newcastle office. This opportunity will allow you to continue to develop your knowledge and experience within the Cultural Heritage field whilst being recognised as a key contributor to various existing and future projects throughout NSW.
For more information and to apply, click on this link.
31. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect, RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, Melbourne
RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants Pty Ltd, based in St Kilda, Melbourne, are seeking an experienced conservation architect to join our team.
The position is full time and involves: research, design, documentation and contract administration of building works to places of heritage significance (both conservation and adaptive reuse works) and providing advice to building owners and authorities, and the like.
Required qualifications
- Minimum Masters Degree in Architecture
- Minimum 3 years’ experience working as a conservation architect
- A working knowledge of Australian architectural history
- Capacity for design and detail resolution
- Proficiency in AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe CS and Revit pref. + pencil and butter paper
- Proficiency in sustainable design
- Good sense of humour
Interested applicants please forward your CV by email in the first instance.
If you wish to discuss the position, please call Roger Beeston (Director) 0417 140 159.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au