AusHeritage, GML Heritage and Australia ICOMOS Sydney Talk, Friday 29 January
Save the Date – Jim Kerr Address on the International Day on Monuments and Sites, 18 April 2016
Australia ICOMOS NSW Heritage Symposium 2016 – limited places left
The People’s Ground, Melbourne 2016 – call for papers
Online heritage workshops, February and March 2016
NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes 2016 meeting: 18-20 March, Lithgow, NSW
Calling all emerging heritage professionals―let’s meet at Lithgow, 18 March 2016!
“Nature & Culture: Heritage in Context” conference, Prague, 16-18 May 2016 – call for abstracts
Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 4 February 2016
6th International Architectural Paint Research conference, New York, NY, 15-17 March 2017 – call for abstracts
Joint ISCTC & ISC20C conference, 10-13 March 2016, Italy
4th International Iconic Houses conference, 17-19 February 2016, Los Angeles, California
Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal – nominations open
CHNT 2016 – Call for Session, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings proposals
Call for papers for the 18th Assembly of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, Italy, 12-13 March 2016
Courses offered by PALRC in 2016
Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy & Park Lands Events Management Plan – public consultations
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2016 workshop – call for registrations
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Torpedo History and Heritage conference, Croatia, 19-21 May 2016 – call for papers
1st International Life Beyond Tourism Symposium, 3-7 February 2016, Italy – daily registration available
Arte-Polis 6 International Conference, Indonesia, 4-5 August 2016 – call for papers
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant (Senior), GML Heritage
SITUATION VACANT Consultant – Cultural Heritage Conservation, Culture Unit, UNESCO
SITUATION VACANT Role of Heritage Advisor, City of Canada Bay Council
SITUATION VACANT EOIs invited for Heritage Study for our Local Government Area, Goulburn Mulwaree Council
SITUATION VACANT Conservation/Heritage Projects Manager, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Objects Conservator, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney
1. AusHeritage, GML Heritage and Australia ICOMOS Sydney Talk, Friday 29 January
The Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Preparing for World Heritage in Taiwan
presested by Prof. Alex Ya-Ning Yen & Guo-Long Shy
Detail of traditional Fukkunese house, Kinmen island, Taiwan (photot courtesy of Peter Romey)
Prof. Alex Ya-Ning Yen, Director of the Center for Cultural Sites Rehabilitation and Development at the China University of Technology (Taipei) and Guo-Long Shy, Director-General of the Taiwan Bureau of Cultural Heritage, will speak about contemporary approaches to the conservation and management of cultural heritage in Taiwan. The presentation will cover current policy towards conservation in Taiwan, statutory controls and methodologies for both terrestrial and underwater heritage. The possible nomination of up to 18 sites in Taiwan for World Heritage listing will also be discussed.
AusHeritage Ltd, Australia’s network for promoting the Australian heritage industry internationally, has been awarded a grant from the Australia-China Council to support the visit to Australia of Dr Yen and Mr Shy. The visit will focus on inspections of and meetings with managers of some of Australia’s key World Heritage sites. The objective is to examine how World Heritage sites are managed in Australia, and to identify relevant approaches that may be taken up in Taiwan as they establish World Heritage level assessment and management standards for several significant and diverse sites across Taiwan.
Time & Date: Friday 29 January 2016, opens 5.30 pm for talk to start at 6 pm
Cost: Free
Venue: GML Heritage, Level 6 372 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
RSVP: by Monday 25 January by email to Tatiana Tauri. RSVP is essential because of secure building access and for catering purposes)
Download the World Heritage in Taiwan talk flyer.
2. Save the Date – Jim Kerr Address on the International Day on Monuments and Sites, 18 April 2016
Monday 18 April 2016, 5.30 – 7.30pm
Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House
Please join us for an intriguing night at the annual Address on the International Day on Monuments and Sites in memory of Dr James Semple Kerr and his contribution to heritage conservation in Australia. The 2016 inspirational speaker is yet to be confirmed.
COST: $40 Australia ICOMOS and National Trust members and students; $45 non-members.
Please monitor the Australia ICOMOS Friday e-news for more information and the link to the booking website.
3. Australia ICOMOS NSW Heritage Symposium 2016 – limited places left
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce a One Day Heritage Symposium
‘Heritage in Context and Contention’
to be held on 19 February 2016, 8.30am to 4.30pm
The Symposium has been curated by Australia ICOMOS volunteer Kate Higgins and is particularly relevant to heritage practice at a local government level. There are two broad themes:
- Contention: Realising good heritage outcomes within a contentious statutory environment. Case studies will be used together with an insight into the NSW Land and Environment Court. There will be at least 4 speakers on the Contention theme ending with a Q & A forum. At this stage speakers include Susan O’Neill (Commissioner, NSW Land and Environment Court), David Logan (GML Heritage), Mary-Lyne Taylor (Bartier Perry Lawyers) and Julie Walsh (Pikes and Verekers Lawyers).
- Context: The important role heritage plays in creating liveable and delightful cities, towns and landscapes. Case studies will illustrate how this has been an can be achieved, with reference also to lost opportunities and lessons learnt. Again there will be at least 4 speakers ending with a Q & A forum. At this stage speakers include local council urban designers, Jan McCredie and Kate Napier.
The Symposium will provide a deeper understanding of heritage issues associated with the NSW Land and Environment Court (mirrored in similar statutory dispute bodies in most states and territories) and with urban design will provide an opportunity for advancing heritage conservation standards in Australia.
The final program for the Symposium including speaker biographies will be uploaded in the coming weeks. Updates will be emailed to those already registered. We are also working toward making this a CPD event for the various professions.
The symposium is being held in the McKell Building** courtesy of the NSW Government Architect’s Office, which celebrates 200 years of operation in 2016.
**Level 4 Conference Room, McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place, Sydney (diagonally opposite the Central Railway Station Clocktower)
Registration for this event is now open – places limited to 75 registrants and not many places left
Cost: Australia ICOMOS members and students – $100, non-members – $130
Download the NSW ICOMOS 2016 Heritage Symposium – PROGRAM.
4. The People’s Ground, Melbourne 2016 – call for papers
The National Trusts of Australia and Australia ICOMOS joint conference will be held on 5-8 October 2016 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
At the 2015 ICOMOS Fabric Conference in Adelaide, delegates were challenged to re-evaluate the role of the heritage expert. In 2016 we want to build on these ideas, and the relationships between people, place and practice, theoretically and experientially.
The Melbourne Cricket Ground – popularly “The People’s Ground” – is the inspiration for this conference. This acknowledges that heritage is for and about people and community. Whilst place is central to conceptions of heritage, is it not intangible values – stories, memories, connections, emotions – that reveal and sustain our heritage?
One of our keynote speakers, Frank Vagnone, CEO of the Historic House Trust of New York, recently co-authored the ground-breaking Anarchists Guide to Historic House Museums. His thesis is the need to put the visitor’s experience at the centre. In his keynote, Frank will develop the larger application of his “disruptive” ideas to historic sites, cultural venues and practice.
The People’s Ground asks if a new hierarchy is emerging of how place and practice relate to people?
We are seeking papers by a diverse range of “heritage players” – heritage and GLAM practitioners, historians, social scientists, academics, archaeologists, architects, planners, ecologists, and community advocates – that interrogate and critique the intersections between people, place and practice, reflecting on the past 60 years of heritage practice in Australia, and looking towards the future. Intangible cultural heritage, landscape assessment and management (including the Historic Urban Landscape approach), Aboriginal heritage and the house museum sector are all particularly relevant to the conference theme, and are played out at the MCG, the conference venue.
To propose a paper, please submit a 300 word summary by 24 February 2016 at the conference website.
5. Online heritage workshops, February and March 2016
The University of British Columbia (UBC) Centre for Cultural Planning and Development is offering a new session of online heritage workshops this coming February and March. Taught by international experts and senior practitioners, these workshops can be taken individually for professional development, or applied to the UBC Certificate in Cultural Planning – an international professional learning program delivered 100% online.
Online Workshop: Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Three scheduled online sessions. Wednesday, February 10, 17 & 24, from 3.00pm-5.00pm (North American) Pacific Time.
- INSTRUCTOR: Marilyn Truscott, past-president of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) International Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Australia ICOMOS.
- Registration closes: 27 January 2016
Online Workshop: Historic Preservation and the Cities of Tomorrow
- Three scheduled online sessions. Thursday, March 3, 10 & 17, from 10.00am-12.00pm (North American) Pacific Time.
- INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Meeks, President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in Washington, DC.
- Registration closes: 18 February 2016
About the UBC Centre for Cultural Planning and Development
A legacy of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the UBC Centre for Cultural Planning and Development is an international centre dedicated to the creation and strengthening of a global community of professionals advancing cultural development as a vital component of successful communities and sustainable growth. Our online professional development courses and workshops are taught by international leaders in their fields, and designed to meet the needs of professionals working in all levels of government, arts and cultural organizations, heritage professionals, and cultural industries.
For more information about the program and other online professional development opportunities offered by the UBC Centre for Cultural Planning and Development, visit their website.
6. NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes 2016 meeting: 18-20 March, Lithgow, NSW
The focus of this NSC meeting is the challenge of heritage that is more than simply a single place for example the layers of industrial landscapes in Lithgow and the routes from Sydney over the mountains. Such heritage poses challenges for an identification and management system that works on a place level.
Commencing Friday evening there will be a (self-funded) get together meal. On Saturday Ray Christison and Iain Stuart will be conducting a guided drive/walk commending at 9 am to be followed by a meeting, lunch, presentations and discussion/workshop about the issues, hosted at the State Mine Site in Lithgow.
On Sunday there will be self-drive tour industrial and historic route options.
For more information, download the NSC-CLCR meeting, Lithgow flyer.
Emerging professionals – see next item for an event to be held during the Lithgow meeting.
7. Calling all emerging heritage professionals―let’s meet at Lithgow, 18 March 2016!
Lithgow, NSW, might not immediately come to mind as a meeting point for a group of emerging heritage professionals to gather, yet it is the venue to kick things off for 2016 as part of the National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes. The National Scientific Committee in addition to the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, are looking to future-proof their membership, while engaging fresh perspectives on the study and conservation of cultural landscapes. Both groups are made up of ICOMOS members (Australia & International), who undertake research, develop conservation theory, guidelines, practice notes, charters, and promote the exchange of ideas on cultural landscapes.
Ideally, the emerging heritage professionals event is focussed on ICOMOS members with less than ten years heritage experience, students studying heritage topics, and ICOMOS young professionals https://australia.icomos.org/get-involved/youngearly-career-professionals/. The Lithgow dinner and drinks is also an opportunity for anyone new to Australia ICOMOS and the National Scientific Committee to meet up and get to know some of the group’s more established members while sharing in debates about the nature (and culture) of cultural landscapes!
There will be further emerging heritage professionals events in 2016, so keep an eye out for more details as they come to hand!
Emerging Heritage Professions Drinks and Dinner
When: 6.30pm, Friday 18 March 2016
Where: Lithgow & District Workmen’s Club, 3-7 Tank Street, Lithgow, NSW
Who to contact
If you are keen to come along please RSVP to Paulette Wallace by email and remember to register with Juliet Ramsay by 29 February 2016 to attend the full weekend’s activities for the National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes – RSVP details and more information are available in the NSC-CLCR meeting, Lithgow flyer.
8. “Nature & Culture: Heritage in Context” conference, Prague, 16-18 May 2016 – call for abstracts
UMass Center for Heritage & Society
7th Annual Conference on Heritage Issues in Contemporary Society
Nature & Culture: Heritage in Context
16-18 May 2016
Prague, Czech Republic
The dichotomy between nature and culture in heritage conservation has often seemed like an either/or proposition. But in recent years, heritage designations at the international, national, regional and local levels are beginning to reflect the fact that nature and culture are indivisible. This is true for the application of all of heritage’s associated disciplines: landscape, architecture, archaeology, folklore, ethnobotany, history, ethnography, planning, agriculture and public health, just to name a few. In fact, there is probably no discipline in the humanities, social or natural sciences that is not affected by either culture, nature or, more often, both.
This three-day conference is the 7th in a series of annual conferences exploring the relevance of heritage in present-day society. This year’s conference is sponsored by the Center for Heritage & Society at the University of Massachusetts, in conjunction with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences. The Czech Republic is a particularly appropriate location to explore these themes since both nature and culture are an integral part of Czech culture and society.
The deadline for abstracts is 30 January 2016.
For more information, visit the conference website.
9. Port Arthur Talks, Thursday 4 February 2016
Bringing the Heritage Register to life
presented by Brett Torossi
To most Tasmanians, the Tasmanian Heritage Register is a list. Some have a deeper appreciation that it is a list of places that are of historic significance. To the Tasmanian Heritage Council it is something much deeper. Embedded within the physical fabric of each place is a collection of stories that give insight into the lives of Tasmanians through the stories of current and past generations. The Heritage Council has a long-term goal of bringing these stories to life so that each entry in the Register resonates with all Tasmanians, and ignites memories, stories and emotions that ensure the place’s future protection.
Brett Torossi is the Chair of the Tasmanian Heritage Council. She is a passionate Tasmanian, with a keen interest in Tasmania, its heritage, identity, brand and future. An acclaimed business woman, tourism operator and property developer, Brett has had extensive leadership and management experience on private, public and voluntary boards. A Trustee of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), a member of the Board of Tourism Tasmania, a Board member of the Tasmanian Development Board, a Board member of Creative Partnerships Australia, and a Board member of the Australian Festival of Voices, Brett has extensive experience in the areas of planning, historic cultural heritage, tourism, governance and the private sector, and was awarded ‘Tasmanian Tourism Champion’ 2014.
When: Thursday 4 February 2016 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room (rear of building), Port Arthur Historic Site
Download the ‘Bringing the Heritage Register to life’ flyer.
10. 6th International Architectural Paint Research conference, New York, NY, 15-17 March 2017 – call for abstracts
6th International Architectural Paint Research Conference
“Powers of Ten: Expanding the APR Toolbox”
Columbia University, New York, NY
15-17 March 2017
The 6th International Architectural Paint Research Conference organizing committee is sending out a call for papers and posters for its next meeting in New York City, March 15-17, 2017. Submissions are invited from APR specialists and advanced students, as well as members of related disciplines including art conservators, preservation architects, decorative painters, heritage managers and materials scientists.
There will be a session on APR standards led by the standards committee, as put into motion at the 2014 Stockholm APR conference.
For more information, visit the conference website and click on the call for abstracts link.
Abstracts must be submitted by 15 February 2016.
11. Joint ISCTC & ISC20C conference, 10-13 March 2016, Italy
The International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration (ISCTC) has proposed that a joint ISC meeting to further discuss and elaborate key issues concerning the protection and management of modern heritage should be timely in Europe. The conference is scheduled to take place from 10-13 March 2016 and will take place at the Auditorium al Duomo, Via dei Cerretani 54, in Florence, Italy.
As local, national and World Heritage identification of modern heritage places increases, the ICOMOS 20th Century Heritage International Scientific Committee (ISC20C) has developed guidelines and research to assist in the identification, documentation and listing of modern heritage. Currently the ISC20C is developing a thematic framework to assist in providing a contextual basis for comparing and verifying the significance of sites. Nowadays the process of assessing the value of pieces of heritage is carried out more quickly, and it is so important to discuss and define the criteria and the methodology to assess the value of potential heritage – this is also a challenge for conservation theory.
In 2014 the ISC20C published The “Madrid Document – Approaches for the Conservation of Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage”, which was presented to the ICOMOS General Assembly in Florence as a contribution to clarify this issue. It sets out a clear methodology to protect and manage the elements/objects considered as the modern heritage. It has been translated into twelve languages and can be downloaded from here. The Madrid Document is currently the focus of expansion in collaboration with ICOMOS ISCs IFLA and CIVVIH to broaden its scope to cover cultural landscapes and urban ensembles.
Some of the key issues have identified to be addressed as part of the joint ISC Conference include but are not limited to the following:
- Typology and terminology of the heritage of the 20th century, including ‘dark heritage’ of war and dictatorships
- Criteria of selection of the heritage of the 20th century
- Evaluation of mass/ serial production and of standardized products of the 20th century
- The Value of Thematic Historic Frameworks
- Approaches in the conservation of 20th century heritage
- Forms of protection of monuments and sites, including spacious urban, industrial and cultural landscape heritage areas of the 20th century
- What constitutes excellent examples of protection/ adaptation/ conservation of the heritage of the 20th century heritage?
Elaboration of the above-mentioned issues by the joint conference of ISC20C, ISCTC, and Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco – Life Beyond Tourism members will assist in the development of efficient protection of the modern heritage of the 20th and 21st centuries.
More details on the conference and paper proposals, and registration details are available in the ISCTC & ISC20C joint conference, March 2016 – Call for papers. Also, please refer additional questions to this email address.
12. 4th International Iconic Houses conference, 17-19 February 2016, Los Angeles, California
4th International Iconic Houses conference
A California State of Mind – The Modern House Museum in Southern California
Getty Center in Los Angeles
17 – 19 February 2016
Reservations and information – visit the conference website
ICONIC HOUSES is proud to present its 4th International Conference to be held February 17th to 19th at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Hosted by The Getty Conservation Institute and Getty Foundation at Richard Meier’s Getty Center, the event will feature more tours, more speakers, and more networking activities than in past conferences, all focusing on Modern residential architecture’s importance, its preservation, and its future.
The theme for the conference is A California State of Mind: The Modern House Museum in Southern California. Since Los Angeles is the spiritual home of the modern house, there will be several renowned Modern homes to visit (many of them not normally open to the public), both during the optional pre-conference tours and as part of the regular program. The story of the Mid-Century Modern movement will be told in one day with tours of the Gamble, Hollyhock, Schindler and Neutra houses, and there will be opportunities to visit landmark homes including the Eames House and several others. Guests will enjoy spectacular views at the closing cocktail party in Club James, the newest addition to the legendary Goldstein Residence, designed by John Lautner in 1963.
More information also available in the Press_Release_IHC2016.
13. 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal – nominations open
Nominations for the 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal, are now open.
This national award recognises an individual’s significant contribution the Australia’s built, social, cultural or environmental heritage.
The closing date for nominations is 28 February 2016, with the Medal winner announced at a dinner ceremony in Bathurst on Saturday 7 May 2016.
More information (including the nomination form) can be found on the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal website.
14. CHNT 2016 – Call for Session, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings proposals
The 21st International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2016) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 16-18 November 2016.
CHNT participants come from a diverse range of disciplines, including archaeology, anthropology, art and architectural history, computer science, geography, geomatics, historic preservation, museum studies, and urban history.
For more information, visit the call for papers webpage the conference website.
Submissions of Proposals for Sessions, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings are due by 31 January 2016.
15. Call for papers for the 18th Assembly of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, Italy, 12-13 March 2016
On 12-13 March 2016 the 18th Assembly of the International Experts of the Foundation will be held in Florence (Italy) on the topic:
Learning Communities for Intercultural Dialogue for Territorial Development
Communities of residents, travellers, service providers, on- and off-line mediators for a contribution to the UNESCO 2003 and 2005 CONVENTIONS
A New Commercial and Educational Offer
‘Culture for Dialogue’ – ‘Travel for Dialogue’
Life, Beyond Tourism
In this occasion we would like to invite specialists and focus on approaches/forms/methodologies of interaction between culture and travel-related activities, in order to recognize, protect and promote the authenticity of culture and cultural heritage and ensure sufficient revenues to allow its management and conservation thanks to the engagement of local stakeholders and visitors together. Needless to say, in that framework, we will also bring participants updated about the recent achievements of Life Beyond Tourism Initiative (and its recently issued training courses).
Download the Call for papers for the 18th Assembly
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2016
16. Courses offered by PALRC in 2016
The Protected Areas Learning & Research Collaboration (PALRC) is offering several new courses in 2016. Visit the PALRC website for more information.
NOTE: the course being run is association with the Tasmanian Land Conservancy is booked out but a winter option is under consideration. Contact Doug Humann by email if you are interested.
New course on protected area management in the Blue Mountains, March 2016
“Navigating complexity and uncertainty in protected area management”
Case study: The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
The Protected Areas Learning & Research Collaboration is offering a new course through the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute. The course takes participants into the heart of the Blue Mountains to explore the realities of managing a protected conservation area. Participants will engage with local practitioners engaged in on-ground conservation to develop an understanding of management challenges.
This is a five-day intensive residential course in the Blue Mountains, a 2-hour train ride from Sydney.
When: Monday 14 – Friday 18 March 2016.
Cost: $1900 including accommodation, most meals, local transport and course materials.
Further information click here and contact Dr Rosalie Chapple by email.
Download the Blue Mountains Protected Area Management case study – March 2016 flyer.
17. Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy & Park Lands Events Management Plan – public consultations
The Adelaide Park Lands Authority is pleased to release the draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy which sets the new vision for the future of the Park Lands. This vision responds to the ideas generated by the public through the Shape the Park Lands campaign held earlier this year, and extensive engagement with the State Government and Inner Rim Councils.
The draft Strategy aims to increase the quality and diversity of places and spaces across the Park Lands and to improve walking and cycling connections between the City and suburbs and between parks. This will help further increase the value people place on the Park Lands and their use of them. The Strategy responds to the City and inner metropolitan growth agenda and proposes enhancements which will support a growth in utilisation of the Park Lands by 15% by 2020 – from current 10 million visits per year to around 11.5 million.
Public consultation on the Strategy will open on 1 February 2016.
Have your say on the draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy
Comments on the Strategy must be received by 5pm, Friday 26 February 2016.
18. UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2016 workshop – call for registrations
The deadline for applications is: 7 March 2016
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office is calling for registrations for the 2016 Workshop, which will examine “World Heritage Basics and Justification for Inscription”.
The UNITAR Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, launched in 2003, has thus far comprised nine annual Workshops held in Hiroshima and one in-country Workshop in India. With over 300 Alumni to date the Workshops offer a set of innovative approaches to heritage conservation, including:
- The fusion of cultural and natural heritage management
- The recognition of both the tangible and intangible aspects of heritage values
- Focused analysis of specific areas of the nomination process
The 2016 Workshop, entitled World Heritage Basics and Justification for Inscription, will examine the expectations and requirements needed to effectively prepare a comprehensive World Heritage nomination. The workshop will particularly focus on the fundamental need to provide a Justification for Inscription in the World Heritage nomination.
The Justification for Inscription within any nomination document for a World Heritage property must address at least one of the ten criteria outlined in UNESCO’s Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, and focus on why the property is considered to possess “Outstanding Universal Value.” This workshop, utilising a careful focus on the Operational Guidelines, and the UNESCO Preparing World Heritage Nominations resource manual, coupled with interactive lectures, study visits, and real world simulation exercises, will allow for participants to gain knowledge and skills for more effectively developing the justification section in nomination documentation.
- The dates for the 2016 Workshop are: Monday 18 – Friday 22 April
- The Workshop will be held in: Hiroshima, Japan
19. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following links.
20. Torpedo History and Heritage conference, Croatia, 19-21 May 2016 – call for papers
In May 2016, in Rijeka, Croatia, an International Industrial Heritage Conference will be organised. This conference’s main topic is Torpedo History and Heritage, and it is related to 150 years of invention (first successful testing) of Luppis-Whitehead torpedo in Rijeka. The goal of the conference is to stress the importance of preserving torpedo technology heritage all around the world. Torpedo heritage is a broad topic and on the conference we will deal with all aspects of torpedo heritage, not only as a naval weapon, but also with its significance in the development of naval strategy and naval technology, and its impact in naval strategy, from historical times to now.
This is the 7th International Industrial Heritage Conference which is held every two years, and the main organiser is Pro Torpedo, Society for promotion and preserving of Rijeka’s industrial heritage. Usually, from 100 to 150 participants from all around the world come to Rijeka’s conferences. After the conference, conference Proceedings will be published in a paper/CD form.
Rijeka is a town on the Adriatic coast and the main port of Croatia. In May, the weather is usually nice so we will organise some social activities as well. Therefore, please join us on this conference, with your paper or poster, or just as a participant, to be a part of the conference with the most renowned industrial and torpedo/navy heritage experts in the world.
Download the Call for papers – Torpedo History and Heritage and for more information about the conference visit the conference website.
Deadline for summary/abstract: 1 February 2016
21. 1st International Life Beyond Tourism Symposium, 3-7 February 2016, Italy – daily registration available
1st International Symposium Life Beyond Tourism
Dialogue Among Cultures: Carnivals In The World
Florence and Viareggio, Italy
3-7 February 2016
The 1st International Symposium “Dialogue among Cultures – Carnivals in the World” will be held from 3-7 February 2016, in two different locations: 3-4 February in Florence, at the Auditorium al Duomo in via de’ Cerretani 54/r ; February 5-6 in Viareggio at Il Principino in viale Marconi 130 and at the Cittadella del Carnevale. On 7 February the programme includes the possibility to attend the Carnival parade in Viareggio with a reduced fee for the participants to the Symposium.
To facilitate the participation of visitors and auditors interested in the theme of the event, the organizers of the Symposium defined some special registration daily fees for the Florentine sessions, 3-4 February, as follows:
- Daily Fee for Auditors: € 75,00
- Daily Fee for Students Auditors: € 25,00
For more information, visit the official symposium webpage
22. Arte-Polis 6 International Conference, Indonesia, 4-5 August 2016 – call for papers
Arte-Polis 6 International Conference
Theme: Imagining Experiences: Creative Tourism and the Making of Place
Bandung, Indoneisa
4-5 August 2016
Building on the successes of the first five Arte-Polis international conferences and workshops in 2006-2014, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) is pleased to present Arte-Polis 6, an international conference and workshop. This biennial event is an initiative of the Architecture Program at ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development in collaboration with other creative institutions.
International Conference
The peer-reviewed Arte-Polis 6 international conference will critically address the theme Imagining Experiences: Creative Tourism and the Making of Place through four diverse tracks:
1. Creative Tourism, Community and Design Praxis
2. Digital Technology Enabling Creative Tourism and Experience
3. Creative Strategy, Innovation and Policy Making for Heritage and Cultural Landscape
4. Discourses on Creative Experiences in Tourism and Heritage
In conjunction with the main event, a round-table discussion on best practices of creating experiences in creative tourism will be held with features speakers from planners, architects & designers, managers and operators and community sectors.
The aim of Arte-Polis 6 is to connect together practitioners, academics, community leaders, local government officials, policy-makers and other professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and collaborative nature of creative communities in urban and rural places. Its objective is to share and learn the reflection of creativity from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative tourism on place-making.
The call for papers is now open and abstracts are due 15 February 2016.
Download the call for papers poster.
23. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant (Senior), GML Heritage
Position vacant – Heritage Consultant (Senior) – GML Heritage
GML Heritage is seeking a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist to enhance our business in the Heritage Places Team. This is a full-time position, based in Sydney.
GML is a vibrant, attentive and sustainable consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our multi-disciplinary in-house consulting team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, and interpretation. We have a great portfolio of challenging projects and we take pride in delivering innovative and influential heritage advisory services of the highest quality.
The successful applicant will hold a degree (ideally with Honours or Masters) in a built heritage discipline and have at least 10 years’ experience in consulting environment. You will have an excellent working knowledge of the built heritage environment and current heritage legislation in NSW, and the ability to make sound judgements and practical recommendations in relation to heritage projects and conservation, including assessment of impact and identification of lateral solutions.
You will have excellent writing skills, with demonstrated experience in preparing heritage advice, including project managing heritage assessments, conservation management plans and heritage impact statements. Importantly, you will be a team player who is able to undertake large projects in multidisciplinary teams, and work within time and budget constraints. A working knowledge of NSW and local government statutory requirements is essential.
GML offers a dynamic and fast-paced working environment with a strong team culture. You will have the opportunity to work alongside enthusiastic and experienced practitioners in an engaged and collaborative environment. We have an ongoing commitment to innovation, continuous improvement and quality in everything we do, and you will have access to a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge. You will also have knowledge of where the business is heading, and a hands-on role in implementing the firm’s strategic objectives. There is also a range of other employee benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities.
A position description and person specification can be accessed on our careers page at the GML Heritage website.
For more information please contact Claire Nunez—Manager, Heritage Places—on (02) 9319 4811. Please email your application to GML Heritage.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 10 February 2016.
24. SITUATION VACANT Consultant – Cultural Heritage Conservation, Culture Unit, UNESCO
Consultant – Cultural Heritage Conservation, Culture Unit
Under the authority of the Director of UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education and the direct supervision of the Chief of the Culture Unit, the contractor will assist the Culture Unit, primarily with programmes related to the conservation of immovable cultural heritage.
Specifically, the contractor will work on the following tasks:
1. Assist with the coordination of the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation:
- a. Provide support in implementing the annual awards cycle, including organizing the call for entries, review of entry submissions, liaising with entry submitters, organizing the jury meeting, notifying entry submitters of the jury decisions, and coordinating on the organization of ceremonies;
- b. Contribute to the promotion of the Awards and the development of new partnerships/sponsorships;
- c. Coordinate the development of Awards-related website, print publications and other promotional media;
2. Provide support to the development of new initiatives regarding cultural heritage and cities:
- a. Contribute to the substantive preparations and organization of the proposed conference on “heritage and metropolis” planned for November 2016;
- b. Identify speakers and participants, undertake research and develop additional concept notes and other supporting documents as necessary;
3. Provide technical inputs into the implementation of activities related to UNESCO Bangkok’s activities on cultural heritage protection, including conservation and management of World Heritage sites in the cluster.
For more information about this opportunity, download the Consultant – Cultural Heritage Conservation: Terms of Reference.
The closing date for applications is 17:00 Hrs (Bangkok time), 24 January 2016.
25. SITUATION VACANT Role of Heritage Advisor, City of Canada Bay Council
Expressions of Interest – Role of Heritage Advisor
The City of Canada Bay Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced registered architects for the role of Heritage Advisor for two (2) days per week. The position description can be downloaded from here as well as Council’s Code of Conduct and Statement of Business Ethics.
Submissions should address the criteria and capabilities outlined in the Brief and be received by Council no later than 4pm, Friday 5 February 2016, marked to the attention of Paul Dewar.
For more information about this opportunity, including how to submit an Expression of Interest, visit the City of Canada Bay Council website.
26. SITUATION VACANT EOIs invited for Heritage Study for our Local Government Area, Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Goulburn Mulwaree Council invites you to provide an Expression of Interest to carry out a Heritage Study for our Local Government Area (LGA). Enquiries and responses can be directed to Emma-Jayne Leckie by email by close of business Friday 29 January 2016.
The EOIs received will be assessed and a maximum of five consultants will be invited to submit a quotation to carry out the work in accordance with Council’s procurement policy.
Please provide information on your team’s:
- qualifications
- experience
- examples of past relevant projects
- demonstrate how you would provide best value for money
- contact details for two referees for whom you’ve done similar work in the past five years
The purpose of the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Government Area Heritage Study is to identify, evaluate and provide conservation recommendations for items, places and precincts of heritage significance. This will be done primarily through the consolidation of existing studies and background information into one document that is a reference for Council, landowners and the community. The study area is the Goulburn Mulwaree Council LGA, a municipality that was created in 2004 by the amalgamation of the former Mulwaree Shire Council and Goulburn City Council areas. There are currently over 350 heritage items and two heritage conservation areas listed in Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2009.
Background & Study Requirements
Council has commissioned a number of thorough reports over the years that cover various aspects of heritage – see list below. These various studies are to be used as the basis of this comprehensive Heritage Study for Goulburn Mulwaree. The goal of this study is to pull the existing information together into one document and in doing so fill any gaps taking into account contemporary heritage management principles and approaches. The identification of any new heritage items or conservation areas will be informed by Council’s existing potential items list and any nominations made by stakeholders.
In that regard, Council is seeking:
- A Heritage Study for the whole LGA that will make recommendations to inform the review of GMC Local Environmental Plan 2009 (LEP) and Development Control Plan 2009 (DCP)
- Statements of Significance for all heritage items and Heritage Conservation Areas (HCA) with updated inventory sheets for inclusion on the NSW Heritage Inventory Database
- Inclusion of recommendations from the existing Archaeological & Aboriginal studies
- Improved management of heritage in GMC through easily accessible information on heritage places and guidelines on any changes required to policy e.g. development controls
The study is to be led by the selected consultant with input from the community during the public exhibition process and conducted in accordance with the Office of Environment and Heritage Division’s guidelines for undertaking Heritage Studies. The study team is to include an historian.
Payments will be made at milestone stages during study preparation. The study is to be completed within 40 weeks of appointing the successful consultant.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council Heritage Documents
- Bungonia – Investigation into a potential HCA, Louise Thom Heritage, 2015
- GMC Heritage Strategy 2015-2018, GMC, 2014
- Proposed listings and amendments Goulburn Mulwaree heritage schedule – LEP, Heritage Archaeology, 2012
- GMC Aboriginal Heritage Study, Australian Museum Heritage Services, 2012
- GMC Archaeological Management Plan, Edward Higginbotham, 2010
- Goulburn CBD Master Plan, specifically Heritage report and Conservation Principles and Guidelines, Edaw and City Plan Heritage, 2008
- Mulwaree Shire Heritage Study, Heritage Archaeology, 2004
- Goulburn Heritage Study, Lester Firth, 1983
27. SITUATION VACANT Conservation/Heritage Projects Manager, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney
This permanent position is available for immediate commencement. Applications will be considered upon submission, up until Monday 25 January 2016.
International Conservation Services (ICS) has a vacancy for an experienced Conservation/Heritage Projects Manager located in Chatswood, Sydney.
Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering metal objects, sculptures, monuments and memorials, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts. The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.
For detailed information about this opportunity and to apply, click here.
Applications close Monday 25 January 2016. However, as the position is available for immediate commencement, applications will be considered as they are received.
28. SITUATION VACANT Objects Conservator, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney
This permanent position is available for immediate commencement. Applications will be considered upon submission, up until Monday 25 January 2016.
International Conservation Services (ICS) has a vacancy for an experienced Objects Conservator located in Chatswood, Sydney.
Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering metal objects, sculptures, monuments and memorials, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts. The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.
For detailed information about this opportunity and to apply, click here.
Applications close Monday 25 January 2016. However, as the position is available for immediate commencement, applications will be considered as they are received.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au