Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 712

  1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
  2. Happy Holidays
  3. Australia ICOMOS NSW Heritage Symposium 2016 – registrations open
  4. The People’s Ground, Melbourne 2016 – call for papers
  5. Australian Heritage Strategy now released
  6. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
  7. Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy & Park Lands Events Management Plan – public consultations
  8. Australia ICOMOS LinkedIn group
  9. Dates for Longford Academy 2016
  10. Save the Date: 2016 WA Heritage Management & Planning Seminar – ‘Industrial Heritage’, 27-29 April 2016
  11. Fabric 2015 conference and tour – a photographic essay
  12. RE-ORG Crowdsourcing Project Launch: Collection Storage Tips and Tricks
  13. Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal – nominations open
  14. Arte-Polis 6 International Conference, Indonesia, 4-5 August 2016 – call for papers
  15. Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter
  16. CIPA2017 symposium, 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada – call for contributions
  17. Torpedo History and Heritage conference, Croatia, 19-21 May 2016 – call for papers
  18. IIWC Annual Meeting and Historic Timber Structures symposium, 14-15 April 2016, Sweden
  19. University of Queensland’s Master of Heritage Management – launching in 2016
  20. NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes 2016 meeting: 18-20 March
  21. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
  22. News from the Best in Heritage
  23. ICOMOS International Conservation Center newsletters available online
  24. CHNT 2016 – Call for Session, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings proposals
  25. Round Four of Green Army projects ready to roll out with focus on protecting heritage sites and threatened species – Hon Greg Hunt media release
  26. SITUATION VACANT Project Architect / Graduate Architect, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners
  27. SITUATION VACANT Conservation/Heritage Projects Manager, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney
  28. SITUATION VACANT Objects Conservator, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney


1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season

The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from mid-afternoon Friday 18 December 2015 to Friday 8 January 2016 inclusive. The office will re-open on Monday 11 January 2016, and the first e-newsletter for 2016 will be published on Friday 15 January


2. Happy Holidays

The Executive Committee and I would like to extend Seasons Greetings and best wishes for 2016. We express our deep appreciation to the Australia ICOMOS community for its continuing dedication and care for our cultural heritage. This year has seen the active engagement of so many members across the country and internationally. The Annual General Assembly held in Fukuoka, Japan in late October was my first as official representative of Australia ICOMOS internationally, on behalf of the past President, Liz Vines. The event saw the election of our members Sheridan Burke as the Advisory Committee (ADCOM) President and Sue McIntyre-Tamwoy as an ADCOM Scientific Council member. The amount of support given to both individuals was evidence of the contribution and value that Australia ICOMOS provides to international cultural heritage affairs, and in particular to the ICOMOS community worldwide. I am honoured to have subsequently been appointed as the President of Australia ICOMOS at the outstanding ‘FABRIC’ Conference in Adelaide. At this conference opportunities for continued learning and professional exchange through presentations by the national and international speakers, several events and tours were reinforced.

As stated in my first note to you, the responsibilities of my role cannot be achieved without the support of fellow Executive Committee members and our members. I am grateful for the support I have received so far and look forward to our continued collaboration, in particular on the new Australian Heritage Strategy, and its actions where Australia ICOMOS is noted as a lead. I urge you all to post your thoughts and comments on this strategy at the Australia ICOMOS LinkedIn group discussion. I also urge you to keep ongoing contact with your respective State Representative and organise as many events as possible for exchanging ideas, while making submissions that influence and make a difference to lead and reinforce heritage best practice.

In 2016, the Executive Committee will be meeting in Sydney (20-21 February), Hobart (21-22 May), Brisbane (6-6 August) and Melbourne (during the conference). I look forward to seeing and catching up with you all during these meetings, and will enjoy the heritage discussions leading to the ‘People’s Ground’ conference in Melbourne. Preliminary details on the conference are in this E-News. Also diarise the Sydney symposium ‘Heritage in Context and Contention’ to be held on 19 February in Sydney.

Have wonderful, safe and happy holidays!

Kerime Danis,
President, Australia ICOMOS


3. Australia ICOMOS NSW Heritage Symposium 2016 – registrations open

Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce a One Day Heritage Symposium
‘Heritage in Context and Contention’
to be held on 19 February 2016, 8.30am to 4.30pm

The Symposium has been curated by Australia ICOMOS volunteer Kate Higgins and is particularly relevant to heritage practice at a local government level. There are two broad themes:

  • Contention: Realising good heritage outcomes within a contentious statutory environment. Case studies will be used together with an insight into the NSW Land and Environment Court. There will be at least 4 speakers on the Contention theme ending with a Q & A forum. At this stage speakers include Susan O’Neill (Commissioner, NSW Land and Environment Court), David Logan (GML Heritage), Mary-Lyne Taylor (Bartier Perry Lawyers) and Julie Walsh (Pikes and Verekers Lawyers).
  • Context: The important role heritage plays in creating liveable and delightful cities, towns and landscapes. Case studies will illustrate how this has been an can be achieved, with reference also to lost opportunities and lessons learnt. Again there will be at least 4 speakers ending with a Q & A forum. At this stage speakers include local council urban designers, Jan McCredie and Kate Napier.

The Symposium will provide a deeper understanding of heritage issues associated with the NSW Land and Environment Court (mirrored in similar statutory dispute bodies in most states and territories) and with urban design will provide an opportunity for advancing heritage conservation standards in Australia.

The final program for the Symposium including speaker biographies will be uploaded in the coming weeks. Updates will be emailed to those already registered. We are also working toward making this a CPD event for the various professions.

The symposium is being held in the McKell Building** courtesy of the NSW Government Architect’s Office, which celebrates 200 years of operation in 2016.

**Level 4 Conference Room, McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place, Sydney (diagonally opposite the Central Railway Station Clocktower)

Registration for this event is now open – places limited to 60 registrants

Cost: Australia ICOMOS members and students – $100, non-members – $130

Download the Draft program, AI NSW Symposium – 29 December 2015.


4. The People’s Ground, Melbourne 2016 – call for papers

The National Trusts of Australia and Australia ICOMOS joint conference will be held on 5-8 October 2016 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

At the 2015 ICOMOS Fabric Conference in Adelaide, delegates were challenged to re-evaluate the role of the heritage expert. In 2016 we want to build on these ideas, and the relationships between people, place and practice, theoretically and experientially.

The Melbourne Cricket Ground – popularly “The People’s Ground” – is the inspiration for this conference. This acknowledges that heritage is for and about people and community. Whilst place is central to conceptions of heritage, is it not intangible values – stories, memories, connections, emotions – that reveal and sustain our heritage?

One of our keynote speakers, Frank Vagnone, CEO of the Historic House Trust of New York, recently co-authored the ground-breaking Anarchists Guide to Historic House Museums. His thesis is the need to put the visitor’s experience at the centre. In his keynote, Frank will develop the larger application of his “disruptive” ideas to historic sites, cultural venues and practice.

The People’s Ground asks if a new hierarchy is emerging of how place and practice relate to people?

We are seeking papers by a diverse range of “heritage players” – heritage and GLAM practitioners, historians, social scientists, academics, archaeologists, architects, planners, ecologists, and community advocates – that interrogate and critique the intersections between people, place and practice, reflecting on the past 60 years of heritage practice in Australia, and looking towards the future. Intangible cultural heritage, landscape assessment and management (including the Historic Urban Landscape approach), Aboriginal heritage and the house museum sector are all particularly relevant to the conference theme, and are played out at the MCG, the conference venue.

To propose a paper, please submit a 300 word summary by 24 February 2016 at the conference website.


5. Australian Heritage Strategy now released

The Australian Government released the Australian Heritage Strategy, the first national strategy for the management of Australia’s magnificent heritage for the next ten years.

It sets in place a series of concrete actions to ensure that our magnificent heritage places are protected for future generations. These are based on national leadership, strong partnerships and engaged communities.

All input from stakeholders is appreciated in helping to shape the Strategy.

Further information, including a copy of the Strategy is available by clicking here.


6. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now

Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.


7. Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy & Park Lands Events Management Plan – public consultations

The Adelaide Park Lands Authority is pleased to release the draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy which sets the new vision for the future of the Park Lands. This vision responds to the ideas generated by the public through the Shape the Park Lands campaign held earlier this year, and extensive engagement with the State Government and Inner Rim Councils.

The draft Strategy aims to increase the quality and diversity of places and spaces across the Park Lands and to improve walking and cycling connections between the City and suburbs and between parks. This will help further increase the value people place on the Park Lands and their use of them. The Strategy responds to the City and inner metropolitan growth agenda and proposes enhancements which will support a growth in utilisation of the Park Lands by 15% by 2020 – from current 10 million visits per year to around 11.5 million.

Public consultation on the Strategy will open on 1 February 2016.

Have your say on the draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy

Comments on the Strategy must be received by 5pm Friday 26 February 2016.

Consultation to create a Park Lands Events Management Plan

We are also seeking your feedback in helping us create a Park Lands Events Management Plan. This document will be a guide to manage events in the Park Lands over the next 4 years. To help create the Plan, we are seeking input from the community and have created specific questions for Event Organisers and the General Public. Consultation closes 5pm, Friday 18 December 2015. A Plan will be developed for consultation in early 2016.


8. Australia ICOMOS LinkedIn group

Australia ICOMOS (AI) has created a LinkedIn group to provide a forum for Australia ICOMOS (AI) members and other experienced heritage managers (including future members we hope!) to discuss the conservation and management of heritage places, in particular within Australia and the Pacific region.

In line with the goals of AI, of particular interest are discussions around raising standards, promoting understanding – including influencing decision makers, and generating innovative ideas. The timing of this group reflects that we are keen to build on the momentum generated by the most recent AI conference in Adelaide.

AI members on LinkedIn are encouraged to apply for membership of the group here.

The group is administered by AI Vice President Ian Travers and members Diana Cowie and Flavia Kiperman and overseen by the AI Executive Committee.

All financial members of AI will be admitted as a matter of course.

For AI members who do not have a LinkedIn account but would like to join, a basic account can be set up for free via the LinkedIn homepage.


9. Dates for Longford Academy 2016

The next APT Longford Academy (LA7) will be held on 9-13 May 2016 at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates in Northern Tasmania.

An APT Masterclass on the conservation of wood carpentry and joinery will be held at Woolmers in Spring 2016 (dates to be confirmed).

Inquiries by email to APT Convenor 


10. Save the Date: 2016 WA Heritage Management & Planning Seminar – ‘Industrial Heritage’, 27-29 April 2016

Join the Heritage Council of WA in an exploration of WA’s diverse industrial past, from sandalwood to Super Pit. Held in Kalgoorlie, heart of the Goldfields, the seminar will begin with an optional day trip to the historic Sons of Gwalia minesite. Hear from a range of speakers from WA and beyond, and end with a tour of Coolgardie and its Goldfields Exhibition Museum.

More information is available on the website. To register your interest and be first to receive the full program, email the WA Heritage Council.

Registrations open in February 2016.


11. Fabric 2015 conference and tour – a photographic essay

Happy Christmas! The Fabric Conference Co-convenors have put together a collection of photographs taken at the conference for your holiday viewing pleasure. Relive the highlights, remember the drinks events, dinner and trade show and see if you can spot any new friends! Many thanks to our budding photographers – John Wadsley, Deborah Lindsay and Michael Queale and to Georgia for uploading the images.

Also check out the winner and shortlisted entries from the Heros of Traditional Trades photo comp.


12. RE-ORG Crowdsourcing Project Launch: Collection Storage Tips and Tricks

All around the world, collections in storage are at risk. RE-ORG International is an initiative to assist small museums, libraries and archives reorganize their collections in storage for better access and long-term conservation. Without proper storage, we stand to lose significant vestiges of our memory, identity and our past. RE-ORG encourages the reuse and re-purposing of existing equipment and space. Ideas are out there; sometimes all you need is a little inspiration.

For more information about this launch, click here.


13. 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal – nominations open

Nominations for the 2016 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal, are now open.

This national award recognises an individual’s significant contribution the Australia’s built, social, cultural or environmental heritage.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 26 February 2016, with the Medal winner announced at a dinner ceremony in Bathurst on Saturday 7 May 2016.

More information (including the nomination form) can be found on the Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal website.


14. Arte-Polis 6 International Conference, Indonesia, 4-5 August 2016 – call for papers

Arte-Polis 6 International Conference
Theme: Imagining Experiences: Creative Tourism and the Making of Place
Bandung, Indoneisa
4-5 August 2016

Building on the successes of the first five Arte-Polis international conferences and workshops in 2006-2014, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) is pleased to present Arte-Polis 6, an international conference and workshop. This biennial event is an initiative of the Architecture Program at ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development in collaboration with other creative institutions.

International Conference

The peer-reviewed Arte-Polis 6 international conference will critically address the theme Imagining Experiences: Creative Tourism and the Making of Place through four diverse tracks:

1. Creative Tourism, Community and Design Praxis
2. Digital Technology Enabling Creative Tourism and Experience
3. Creative Strategy, Innovation and Policy Making for Heritage and Cultural Landscape
4. Discourses on Creative Experiences in Tourism and Heritage

In conjunction with the main event, a round-table discussion on best practices of creating experiences in creative tourism will be held with features speakers from planners, architects & designers, managers and operators and community sectors.

The aim of Arte-Polis 6 is to connect together practitioners, academics, community leaders, local government officials, policy-makers and other professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and collaborative nature of creative communities in urban and rural places. Its objective is to share and learn the reflection of creativity from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative tourism on place-making.

The call for papers is now open and abstracts are due 15 February 2016.

Download the call for papers poster.


15. Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage newsletter

Click on the link below to read the latest newsletter from The Center for Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage.


16. CIPA2017 symposium, 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada – call for contributions

The organisers of CIPA2017, the 26th biennial symposium, to be held from 28 August to 1 September 2017, in Ottawa, Canada, invite contributions for this symposium. CIPA2017 will focus on Digital Workflows for Conservation.

CIPA is the ICOMOS International Committee on Heritage Documentation.

For more information about this, visit the symposium website.


17. Torpedo History and Heritage conference, Croatia, 19-21 May 2016 – call for papers

In May 2016, in Rijeka, Croatia, an International Industrial Heritage Conference will be organised. This conference’s main topic is Torpedo History and Heritage, and it is related to 150 years of invention (first successful testing) of Luppis-Whitehead torpedo in Rijeka. The goal of the conference is to stress the importance of preserving torpedo technology heritage all around the world. Torpedo heritage is a broad topic and on the conference we will deal with all aspects of torpedo heritage, not only as a naval weapon, but also with its significance in the development of naval strategy and naval technology, and its impact in naval strategy, from historical times to now.

This is the 7th International Industrial Heritage Conference which is held every two years, and the main organiser is Pro Torpedo, Society for promotion and preserving of Rijeka’s industrial heritage. Usually, from 100 to 150 participants from all around the world come to Rijeka’s conferences. After the conference, conference Proceedings will be published in a paper/CD form.

Rijeka is a town on the Adriatic coast and the main port of Croatia. In May, the weather is usually nice so we will organise some social activities as well. Therefore, please join us on this conference, with your paper or poster, or just as a participant, to be a part of the conference with the most renowned industrial and torpedo/navy heritage experts in the world.

Download the Call for papers – Torpedo History and Heritage and for more information about the conference visit the conference website.

Deadline for summary/abstract: 1 February 2016


18. IIWC Annual Meeting and Historic Timber Structures symposium, 14-15 April 2016, Sweden

Symposium and Discussion of the Principles for the preservation of Historic Timber Structures (1999)

Conference days will be on 14-15 April 2016. On 16 April there will be an excursion in the vicinity of Falun. On 17 April there will be a guided tour to Drottningholm castle for those still in Sweden.

For more information click on the links below.

**IIWC = ICOMOS International Wood Committee


19. University of Queensland’s Master of Heritage Management – launching in 2016

In recent years Heritage Management has developed into a growing area of employment in the public and private sector and a significant focus for global scholarship. The University of Queensland’s (UQ) new suite of postgraduate programs in Heritage Management allows graduates of archaeology, anthropology, history and related disciplines aiming to develop the advanced skills and knowledge required by employers in the global heritage sector. Complementing UQ’s well-regarded Museum Studies program, Heritage Management provides a nationally unique option for graduate students focusing on the management of heritage places within prevailing statutory frameworks, including World Heritage practice.

Watch the YouTube video – Download the UQ Postgraduate Heritage Management flyer.


20. NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes 2016 meeting: 18-20 March

Planning is well underway for the annual NSC meeting this time in Lithgow (north of Canberra).

The focus of the meeting is the challenge of heritage that is more than simply a single place for example the layers of industrial landscapes in Lithgow and the routes from Sydney over the mountains. Such heritage poses challenges for an identification and management system that works on a place level.

Commencing Friday evening there will be a (self-funded) get together meal. On Saturday Ray Christison and Iain Stuart will be conducting a guided drive/walk commending at 9 am to be followed by a meeting, lunch, presentations and discussion/workshop about the issues, hosted at the State Mine Site in Lithgow.

On Sunday there will be self-drive tour industrial and historic route options.

A flyer with more details will be out in January but in the meantime mark this event in your 2016 calendar.


21. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open

Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, approved by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme, are open until 15 January 2016.

The Masters Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 25,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as electronic application procedure, at the course website.


22. News from the Best in Heritage

Click on the links below for more information.

List of museum, heritage and conservation projects awarded in 2015

Video presentations from Best in Heritage 2015

Video presentation from EXPONATEC Cologne / Best in Heritage

 .. more coming up soon on our YouTube channel!

Short-list of laureates to be featured at Best in Heritage 2016


23. ICOMOS International Conservation Center newsletters available online

To read the latest issues, click on the links below.


24. CHNT 2016 – Call for Session, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings proposals

The 21st International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 2016) will take place at the City Hall of Vienna, Austria from 16-18 November 2016.

CHNT participants come from a diverse range of disciplines, including archaeology, anthropology, art and architectural history, computer science, geography, geomatics, historic preservation, museum studies, and urban history.

For more information, visit the call for papers webpage the conference website.

Submissions of Proposals for Sessions, Round Tables and Advanced Archaeological Trainings are due by 31 January 2016.


25. Round Four of Green Army projects ready to roll out with focus on protecting heritage sites and threatened species – Hon Greg Hunt media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Greg Hunt, dated 17 December 2015.

Protecting our national and world heritage icons and key threatened species is the major focus of hundreds of new Green Army projects to be rolled out across the country in coming months.

I am delighted today to announce 397 new Green Army projects under Round Four of the programme. This brings the total number of approved Green Army projects to 1,145 since the programme began in 2014.

Many of the new Green Army teams will work to support the delivery of targets set out in Australia’s Threatened Species Strategy.

Participants will carry out recovery actions for priority threatened birds and mammals or take action to reduce the impact of feral cats.

Overall, 311 of the new projects will support threatened species recovery, including 119 projects that will address priority threatened species under the Threatened Species Strategy.

Feral cat eradication will be a special focus of 93 of the projects.

Working on national and world heritage sites will be the focus for 106 new Green Army projects, including 32 that will directly benefit the Great Barrier Reef.

In Sydney, a Green Army team will work with the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust at North Head and Cockatoo Island, restoring 1.8 kilometres of 1930s stone wall and pre-WWII military tunnels.

In Melbourne, gardens at Rippon Lea Estate will be restored to their former glory with plantings of the period.

Other heritage icons that will benefit from a Green Army team include Victoria’s Great Ocean Road and Castlemaine Diggings, Parramatta Park in Sydney, Wodonga’s Bonegilla Migrant Camp and the Woolmers and Brickendon estates in Tasmania.

A total of 145 of the projects will be undertaken in remote Australia, many hosted by Indigenous groups.

In the Kimberley, Green Army participants the Nyul Nyul Women’s Rangers will expand an existing nursery in Beagle Bay to propagate native bush foods and bush medicine and revegetate National Heritage listed Monsoonal Vine Thicket sites on the Dampier Peninsula.

In Queensland, Green Army teams will work with the Girringun Aboriginal Corporation on a range of projects, including feral pig eradication on Hinchinbrook Island and water quality sampling and weed eradication in the upper Burdekin catchment.

The Green Army programme not only benefits the environment, but also provides participants with skills and experience they can use elsewhere the workforce.

The Green Army participants I’ve met around the country are impressive young Australians who are proud of the positive work they’re doing for the environment and their communities.

I look forward to meeting the next round of Green Army participants as these new projects are rolled out across the country.

A full list of approved Round Four projects is available at


26. SITUATION VACANT Project Architect / Graduate Architect, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners

Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners have a vacancy for a Project Architect or Graduate Architect with demonstrated, hands-on interest in heritage buildings for a full-time position. AutoCAD experience is an advantage.

Please apply in writing with CV to Sean Johnson, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners, 155 Brougham Street, Kings Cross, 2011, by email to Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners.


27. SITUATION VACANT Conservation/Heritage Projects Manager, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney

This permanent position is available for immediate commencement. Applications will be considered upon submission, up until Monday 25 January 2016.

International Conservation Services (ICS) has a vacancy for an experienced Conservation/Heritage Projects Manager located in Chatswood, Sydney.

Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering metal objects, sculptures, monuments and memorials, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts. The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.

For detailed information about this opportunity and to apply, click here.

Applications close Monday 25 January 2016. However, as the position is available for immediate commencement, applications will be considered as they are received.


28. SITUATION VACANT Objects Conservator, International Conservation Services (ICS) Sydney

This permanent position is available for immediate commencement. Applications will be considered upon submission, up until Monday 25 January 2016.

International Conservation Services (ICS) has a vacancy for an experienced Objects Conservator located in Chatswood, Sydney.

Conservation work undertaken by the Objects and Outdoor Heritage Team includes a wide range of work for public institutions and private clients covering metal objects, sculptures, monuments and memorials, organic and plastic objects, ceramics, stone and glass objects, and archaeological and industrial artefacts. The team also regularly consults on and writes condition assessments, maintenance plans and treatment proposals.

For detailed information about this opportunity and to apply, click here.

Applications close Monday 25 January 2016. However, as the position is available for immediate commencement, applications will be considered as they are received.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
