Report from 2015 US/ICOMOS Intern
US/ICOMOS 2016 International Exchange Program – call for applicants
Association of Critical Heritage Studies – Important Information about new website and membership database
Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 November 2015
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne
Museums Australia (VIC) Seminar: Rough Guide to Marketing
NICTA Scholarship – Smart Cities Historic Urban Landscapes
Comfort Futures: 1 day Workshop, 14 December, 2015, Melbourne
KAVHA Advisory Committee members – Australian Territory of Norfolk Island media release
Museums Australia (Vic) end of year celebration, 7 December
Preserving Paper Records – professional development course, Canberra
IUCN World Parks Congress receives national award – Hon Greg Hunt media release
Sydney Forum for Architecture & Urban Design event, Sydney, 26 November
Investigation into Historic Places – call for responses to Draft Proposals Paper
Planning Scheme Amendment C245 Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal – submissions invited
Renewed call: How do you deal with bird droppings on buildings?
Asia-Pacific Region Training Course on the Historic Urban Landscape Approach, December 2015
News from Old Parliament House
International Conference Tourism & History, Portugal/Brazil, March 2016 – call for abstracts
Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
National Trust Heritage Festival 2016 – call for events
Call for 2016 US/ICOMOS Summer Internship Program Hosts
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference, Amsterdam, 25-27 November 2015
SITUATION VACANT Project Architect/ Graduate Architect, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Adviser, City of Greater Bendigo
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer, Permanent full-time, Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority
SITUATION VACANT New senior leadership position, Robin Boyd Foundation, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Program and Projects Manager, Working Heritage, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Cultural Engagement Manager, National Trust of Australia (VIC)
SITUATION VACANT Urban Design and Heritage Advisor, City of Port Phillip, Melbourne
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Design 5 – Architects
It’s that time of the year again! Please join VICOMITES for a relaxed walk around Port Melbourne with a local history expert, accompanied by the ex-mayor of the City of Port Phillip, on Friday 27 November.
Where: London Hotel, 92 Beach Street, Port Melbourne
When: Friday 27 November 2015 at 5.00pm
Following that, we will go on to dinner at Orlando Thai, 321 Bay Street, Port Melbourne.
Please RSVP for the walk and/or dinner to Sue Hodges by email, or call 0411 336 902.
2. Report from 2015 US/ICOMOS Intern
Australia ICOMOS member Renee Muratore was given a placement on the US/ICOMOS Internship program for 2015. Renee was placed with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, based in Washington, D.C.
3. US/ICOMOS 2016 International Exchange Program – call for applicants
US/ICOMOS expects to support a number of internships overseas and within the United States in historic preservation during the course of 2016. This program provides unparalleled opportunities for preservationists early in their careers to gain hands-on experience in a country other than their own. The program is geared toward those nearing the end of graduate school or with 1-3 years of professional experience. Placements are made by matching the skills/experience of each applicant with the needs of each host organization.
Prospective Interns
Application procedures can be found on the Intern section of the US/ICOMOS website.
2016 Program Schedule
The program schedule for 2016 has not yet been updated on the webpage, however this is expected in the near future. The 2015 schedule is outlined below and can be used as a guide for the likely 2016 schedule.
Interns are selected on a competitive basis for participation in the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program. Internships are approximately 12 weeks in length (including orientation and the final program) and are usually held during the summer (from June to August), although some internships may be held at other times of the year. US/ICOMOS hosts all US and international interns for a program orientation in Washington, DC at the beginning of the summer. Interns then disperse to their various host organizations where they complete a preservation-related project designed by the host organization. At the end of the summer, all interns reconvene in Washington, DC for a final farewell program.
2015 Schedule
The program schedule for 2015 is set as follows (subject to minor variations in accordance with host organization schedules):
- Late January / early February – Applications from prospective interns due to US/ICOMOS
- Late May / early June – Intern orientation in Washington, DC
- June – August – Duration of summer Internships
- Mid-August – Final program for summer Interns and orientation for fall interns
Program Overview
Since the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program was created in 1984, more than 600 young preservation professionals and over 70 countries have participated. The aim of the program is to promote an understanding of international preservation policies, methods, and techniques and to enable interns to make professional contacts and form personal friendships that will ensure a continuing dialogue between countries.
The program began with a one-time exchange between US/ICOMOS and ICOMOS United Kingdom. It since has expanded to involve between 10 and 20 preservation professionals annually depending on the level of funding available. US/ICOMOS is always looking for preservation organizations both in the U.S. and abroad to host interns and participate in this exciting program of cultural exchange. The program is made possible through generous grants from many US foundations, government agencies and individual contributors, and ICOMOS National Committees of participating.
For more information, click here or email Brian Lione.
Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed by January 2016. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.
Applicants must be financial members of Australia ICOMOS – please note that both Full and Associate members of Australia ICOMOS can apply to this program – and have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.
Applications should be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Thursday 10 December 2015.
4. Association of Critical Heritage Studies – Important Information about new website and membership database

The Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) is network of scholars and researchers working in the broad and interdisciplinary field of heritage studies. The primary aim of ACHS is to promote heritage as an area of critical enquiry.
The ACHS has made many positive contributions to promoting heritage as an area of critical enquiry over the past few years and this week we are launching a brand new website.
The site is designed to be a platform for information sharing, networking and establishing communities between those with shared interests in heritage. Furthermore, there are pages dedicated to job announcements, PhD opportunities, book reviews, heritage journals and book series, etc.
As part of the re-launch of our website, we are also encouraging new members to join the ACHS.
The benefits of signing up include:
- The ACHS quarterly newsletter.
- Opportunity to promote your events to the world of ACHS
- Occasional announcements about events in your region, jobs, conferences or scholarship and funding opportunities. (we will NOT bombard you with emails)
- Access to the membership directory and ACHS community – members can find colleagues with interests and expertise for future collaborations.
- Updates about the ACHS Montreal 2016 Conference and other
ACHS events
If you would like to become a member, please visit the ACHS website, select ‘Get Involved’ and then ‘Become a Member’ from the top navigation menu. Under ‘Profile’ upload a recent photo of yourself, add a brief description of your interests and area of work and select your areas of Interest.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please email the ACHS or submit an online enquiry via the contact page on the ACHS website.
Tim Winter
President, Association of Critical Heritage Studies
5. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 November 2015
Fear and the historical past: emotion, temporality and the Ghost Tours of Port Arthur
presented by Dr Alicia Marchant
A complex place imbued with emotions and a multi-layering of grim history, Port Arthur has long been considered an important tourist destination, particularly for those seeking the ‘dark’. Ghost tours are becoming increasingly more popular. In this paper Dr Marchant will focus on the emotion of fear and what fear does with regards to animating the historical subjects, and creating affective connections to the past for ghost tour participants. In particular, what fear does with regards to the ways in which convict bodies of the past are imagined as physical and emotional beings.
Alicia Marchant completed her PhD in History at the University of Western Australia in 2012. A medieval and early modern historian, Alicia is interested in the history of emotions, concepts of heritage, materiality and dark tourism.
When: Wednesday 25 November 2015 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room
Download the ‘Fear and the Historical Past’ flier.
6. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne
The final CHCAP seminar for 2015 at Deakin University will be a joint presentation by Prof. Sue Balderstone and Margaret Birtley – “Ideals and Realities: Some reflections on heritage education, conservation and advocacy”.
Abstract: Sue Balderstone: ‘The Disappearing Australian City – Melbourne: how can we catch it?’
The 19th and early 20th century phase of Australian cities is fast disappearing, particularly in Melbourne. Increasingly dominated by high rise development, we have truly entered the “Asian Century”. Despite our efforts at listing, law-making, educating and guiding, Melbourne’s heritage buildings, precincts and parks are disappearing into a forest of towers. Is it too late to retain the urban landscape of our colonial legacy? What are the key elements that need to be protected and how can this be done? Sue Balderstone reflects on heritage conservation, education and advocacy over the past few decades and suggests a way forward.
Abstract: Margaret Birtley: ‘Staying fit for purpose in the museum domain’
The museum domain and the academic courses that help graduates find employment in that domain are intertwined but evolve at different speeds. Conversations around change in organisations can be ‘staid, stuck and sclerotic’. Academics may lament that practitioners don’t keep up with the literature of their profession. Museums may surprise by their innovative practice. The tribe of well-educated graduates embedded in collecting organisations can influence ethical practice. Both worlds – academic and practical – have been challenged by the need to co-operate beyond the boundary of the museum domain, with consequent gains and losses. Margaret Birtley shares some observations from her work with universities and collecting organisations over the last two decades.
Presenter bio: Susan Balderstone is a heritage consultant and Advisor on World Heritage to ICOMOS. She is Adjunct Professor in Cultural Heritage at Deakin University, where she was involved in setting up and teaching courses in Cultural Heritage, and is a Research Fellow with the Australian Institute of Archaeology. She worked in architectural conservation as Heritage Architect at Public Works Victoria for 20 years and has participated in international heritage projects in Asia and archaeological projects in the Middle East. She served on the Historic Buildings Council of Victoria, the Architects’ Registration Board of Victoria, the AusHeritage Board, and committees of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, and was awarded the Australian Public Service Medal for services to conservation.
Presenter bio: Margaret Birtley consults on heritage collections, their management and governance, and is the Executive Officer of the History Council of Victoria. She directed the Museum Studies program at Deakin for 11 years and has chaired its Academic Advisory Board for Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies since 2012. She contributed to A Study into the Key Needs of Collecting Institutions in the Heritage Sector (2002), Conservation Survey 2006 and the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries (2008). She led the Collections Council of Australia and is an expert assessor for the Australian Research Council. She has served many organisations including Museums Australia and ICOM’s International Committee for the Training of Personnel and was appointed to advisory roles by the Australian and Victorian arts departments and by Heritage Victoria. Her work in the museum domain has been recognised by a Lifetime Achievement Award from Museums Australia (Victoria) and as ‘Museum Professional of the Year’ by Victoria College, a predecessor of Deakin University.
Date: Tuesday 24 November 2015
Time: 12.00 noon
Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin Prime, City Campus, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Email list: To be included in the CHCAP email newsletter distribution list, email Yamini Narayanan
7. Museums Australia (VIC) Seminar: Rough Guide to Marketing
Discover the tricks to marketing your museum, gallery or organisation. The session, facilitated by Jareen Summerhill, Senior Manager, Brand and Audience at Museum Victoria, will be packed with practical tips and strategies to build and expand your audiences. The Museum Victoria team will also be sharing recent insights as to why people visit museums.
Date: Thursday 10 December
Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Venue: Melbourne Museum
Cost: Member $75, Non-Member $150
> Book now to secure your place
8. NICTA Scholarship – Smart Cities Historic Urban Landscapes
Campus: All campuses
In recognising the role that urban heritage plays as a social, cultural and economic asset in the development of cities, Ballarat was the first Australian city to join an international pilot program to implement UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) in September 2013. The HUL program vision is to help Ballarat grow without compromising its heritage. Working within the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation at Federation University Australia the project will build on the existing interoperable technologies to federate HUL information, data and databases for the City of Ballarat. The research will focus on developing visualisation tools capable of dynamically modelling data in international open standards format, being consumed from interoperable systems. The tools will be built upon software projects fostered and supported by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and use open data standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Scholarship Details:
- NICTA** Stipend (at the 2016 rate for APA equivalent – $26,288)
- Other top-up scholarship may apply
Scholarship Conditions:
Please refer to NICTA guidelines
NICTA scholarships are available to local and international students who are:
- Eligible for admission (and ultimately hold an offer to enrol) as a full-time PhD research candidate within a School or Department that offers postgraduate research programs related to NICTA’s areas of interest, at an Australian University that has partnered with NICTA.
- Undertaking or proposing research that is aligned with NICTA’s Research Groups, Business Teams and supervisory capabilities.
- Supervised by a University-appointed panel which includes at least one NICTA- employed researcher (co-supervisor of the student) and one academic in the University School of enrolment.
- Deemed competitive, in the joint NICTA-University selection process, as an applicant (or potential applicant) for an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) award.
Normally NICTA scholarships are only available to full-time candidates whose NICTA-supported research can be undertaken without third-party encumbrances that could affect the (resolution of) ownership of any resulting intellectual property. Students in receipt of an APA or similar award should be mindful of this condition.
Expressions of Interest:
Please send all expressions of interest to Dr Peter Dahlhaus by email.
Closing Date:
Closing date for this scholarship is 30 November 2015.
**NICTA = (National ICT Australia) is Australia’s Information Communications Technology (ICT) Research Centre of Excellence and the nation’s largest organisation dedicated to ICT research.
9. Comfort Futures: 1 day Workshop, 14 December, 2015, Melbourne
Examining the environmental consequences of indoor thermal comfort across the Asia Pacific
Free Attendance
Date & time: 10.00am – 4.00pm, 14 December 2015
Location: Deakin University Melbourne City Centre, Level 3, 550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
This one-day workshop addresses the future of thermal comfort and the environmental consequences surrounding the rapid uptake of air conditioning across Australia, Asia and the Middle East. As part of an ARC Discovery international collaboration, speakers will debate the future of thermal comfort and discuss how we might promote alternative comfort practices that reduce the carbon footprint of our built environment. The workshop will launch the project’s online knowledge platform.
Confirmed Speakers
- Tim Winter – Research Chair of Cultural Heritage, Deakin University
- Jiat-Hwee Chang – Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore
- Donald McNeill – Professor of Urban & Cultural Geography, Western Sydney University
- Yolande Strengers – Senior Research Fellow, Centre of Urban Research, RMIT
Please register at this link
Download the Comfort Futures Workshop flyer.
10. KAVHA Advisory Committee members – Australian Territory of Norfolk Island media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Gary Hardgrave, dated 13 November 2015.
I am delighted to announce the foundation members of the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) Advisory Committee. The members were selected after careful consideration of the balance of skills and experience necessary to deliver the priorities identified for KAVHA over the next two years, and following a call for expressions of interest from the Norfolk Island community.
Kristal Buckley of Melbourne is a lecturer in cultural heritage at Deakin University and a former international Vice-President of ICOMOS, the International Council of Monuments and Sites, which is a body responsible for the conservation of monuments and sites across the world. She is also a board member for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Committee, which represents three of the 11 historic sites, including KAVHA, together forming the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property.
David Evans of Norfolk Island is a landholder within KAVHA. His experience in working and living on the site and his connections to the community as a former Legislative Assembly member, and a member of the Council of Elders make a valuable addition to the Committee. Mr Evans is widely recognised internationally for his strong commitment to Norfolk Island culture.
Duncan Evans of Norfolk Island is a local business operator in tourism and shipping. He is also a member of the Norfolk Island Interim Advisory Council. He will contribute to developing the commercialisation of the KAVHA Site with his extensive experience and interest in commerce, tourism, marketing and economic development.
Kevin Sumption of Sydney is the Director of the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANNM) and has been an executive member on the boards for the Powerhouse Museum, Museums and Galleries NSW and Royal Museums Greenwich in London. He has extensive experience in museum curation, collection management, tourism and associated business management with a focus on digital curatorship and community outreach services.
The Committee will be chaired by Paul McInnes, the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Mr McInnes has extensive experience in cultural policy and cultural heritage management, including in senior leadership positions within the Australian Government.
I will be requesting members to place a high priority on developing a strategic vision for KAVHA which includes realising the economic potential of the site for the benefit the Norfolk Island community.
I look forward to the positive impact this group of highly skilled and experienced members will have on KAVHA’s future.
The Hon. Gary Hardgrave
13 November 2015
11. Museums Australia (Vic) end of year celebration, 7 December
Join Museums Australia (Vic) at the National Herbarium of Victoria to celebrate this year’s achievements and catch up with museum and gallery peers, colleagues and friends.
The National Herbarium of Victoria is home to a stunning collection of approximately 1.5 million dried plant, algae and fungi specimens from all around the world, and also houses an extensive botanical library and archive, as well as a collection of botanical art.
Hear from special guest, scientist and scientific communicator, and Director and Chief Executive of Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Professor Tim Entwisle.
Our MC for the evening will be the ever effervescent Kenneth Park, and as always the night includes the chance to win door prizes generously donated by Victorian museums and galleries.
Date: Monday 7 December
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Venue: National Herbarium of Victoria
Address: Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne
Cost: Members $60; Non-members $120
>> Book now to secure your place
12. Preserving Paper Records – professional development course, Canberra
Are you a Records Manager or librarian? Do you love and care for old documents?
Preserving Paper Records
University of Canberra Professional Development Course
Join our hands-on course led by expert teachers from the University of Canberra to get the low down on how to keep your records in tip-top condition – ready for their next big information assignment!
In this course you will get:
- Background information on how paper works and what makes it deteriorate
- Hands-on experience of the best ways of handling, storing and transporting paper documents
- Disaster recovery scenario – work through how to cope with a room full of soggy documents
- Contacts with people you can call on for advice and resource sharing
- Course booklet (digital or printed) for future reference
- Certification of Attendance
- Lunch and morning and afternoon tea
Date: Monday 7 December 2015
Venue: UC Conservation laboratory, Building 27C18, Bruce Campus
Cost: Professional $400/Full-time student $300
Bookings: email Mona Soleymani by Friday 27 November
Places limited.
13. IUCN World Parks Congress receives national award – Hon Greg Hunt media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Greg Hunt, dated 18 November 2015.
Last night hundreds gathered at the Australian Event Awards in Sydney to hear the sixth IUCN World Parks Congress named CIM Magazine best meeting or conference of the year by industry experts.
I would like to congratulate Parks Australia and the New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service on this great achievement.
Almost a year to the day, Australia hosted 6,000 delegates from more than 170 countries at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Parks Congress. More than 30 heads of state also came to Australia for this important forum.
The Congress was the largest event of its kind ever held, bringing together people from all walks of life – rangers, protected area experts, scientists, doctors, young people and businessmen – to find solutions to sustain and protect our planet.
At the Congress I was proud to demonstrate Australia’s commitment to parks and protected areas as key tools to deliver clean air, clean land and clean water that keep our country healthy.
The legacy of the Congress was ‘The Promise of Sydney’ – a pledge to work together over the next 10 years to deliver innovative solutions to the challenges facing our planet.
During the Congress I announced Australia’s own major promises – which we have delivered.
These include banning capital dredge disposal in the Great Barrier Reef, an historic agreement with China to ban mining in Antarctica, support for the international effort to fight wildlife crime, commitments to recover the rainforests of the Asia-Pacific and initiatives to halt threatened species loss in our parks.
Co-hosted by Parks Australia and the New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service, the Congress also gave us a chance to showcase our country and the beautiful city of Sydney to the world. It’s estimated that the Congress contributed around $40 million to the New South Wales economy alone.
Congratulations to all those involved in putting on this major event for Australia. I would particularly like to thank the team at Parks Australia who demonstrated the highest levels of dedication to ensure the Congress ran smoothly and delegates experienced a great welcome to Australia.
14. Sydney Forum for Architecture & Urban Design event, Sydney, 26 November
Miller’s Point – From Workers’ Housing to Luxury Living – What Have We Learned?
Illustrated Talks + Discussion
Date & time:
6.00pm, Thursday 26 November 2015
PIDCOCK: Architecture + Sustainability,
16 Kent Street, Millers Point, Sydney, NSW 2000
Non-members, non-concession holders: $5
SFAUDi Members, Concession holders and Students: free admission
Download the What Have We Learned? flyer for more information.
15. Investigation into Historic Places – call for responses to Draft Proposals Paper
In March 2014, the State Government requested the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) to undertake an Investigation into Historic Places on public land across Victoria. The Terms of Reference for the Investigation are available here.
The Notice of Investigation was published on 26 June 2014 and the first submission period closed on 8 September 2014.
The Draft Proposals Paper was released on Thursday 22 October 2015 and submissions in response to the paper are now invited until Tuesday 22 December 2015.
For more information about the submissions process, please visit the About Submissions page. Also see the Media Release.
Submissions are due by Tuesday 22 December 2015.
16. Planning Scheme Amendment C245 Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal – submissions invited
Provide your submission by 4 December 2015
The City of Melbourne has prepared Planning Scheme Amendment C245 Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal. This proposed amendment to the planning controls would change how the use and development of the Queen Victoria Market precinct can occur.
The current built form controls for the area surrounding the Queen Victoria Market were created some years ago. Since they were introduced, the city has undergone significant change and development controls need to be updated to recognize that the market precinct is now very much a part of the central city.
Planning Scheme Amendment C245 will help guide the use, development and protection of the Queen Victoria Market precinct, based on current and future needs. The proposed amendment will also allow the City of Melbourne to realise the vision outlined in the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan and meet our obligations set out in the agreement with the State Government for the future of the site.
Visit Participate Melbourne to view a copy of the documentation for Planning Scheme Amendment C245.
17. Renewed call: How do you deal with bird droppings on buildings?
A big thank you to all those anonymous heritage professionals who have participated in the on-line survey. Yet we need more responses, please. I fully realise how busy we all are, but it would be really great if those who have not yet participated, could find the time to do so. It will only take 10 minutes (or less) of your time. Please support this research.
The questionnaire can be found at this web address
Many thanks,
Dirk Spennemann
18. Asia-Pacific Region Training Course on the Historic Urban Landscape Approach, December 2015
The World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP) is happy to announce the Asia-Pacific Region Training Course on the Historic Urban Landscape Approach to be held in Shanghai, 14 -17 December 2015.
WHITRAP are able to provide partial scholarships to the participants. So in case you would like to recommend any participant please let WHITRAP know.
For more information click here.
Application deadlines
- 22 November 2015 (if visa for China is needed)
- 28 November 2015 (if lives in China or visa is not needed)
19. News from Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click here.
20. International Conference Tourism & History, Portugal/Brazil, March 2016 – call for abstracts
International Conference Tourism & History
University of Algarve, Faro (Portugal) / Caxias do Sul (Brazil) Portugal
10-11 March 2016
Abstract submission deadline – 30 November 2015
This conference aims to provide the ideal opportunity to present, share and reflect on the relationship between Tourism & History based on cultural heritage tourism (tangible and intangible) of the countries belonging to the Iberoamerican region, with particular emphasis on cultural heritage classified by UNESCO as “World Heritage”.
The sub-themes are:
- Theme 1. Tourist and cultural resources, products and experiences in the context of the ibero-american identity
- Theme 2. Cultural/Heritage Tourism & ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
- Theme 3. Cultural/Heritage Tourism & Marketing
- Theme 4. Tourism, History & Science
- Theme 5. Tourism & Intangible Heritage
- Theme 6. Tourism, Architecture and Design
Information on the Conference Theme, Call for Abstracts, Deadlines, Venue, Keynote Speakers and other information can be found on the conference website.
21. Scholarships for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions – applications open
Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, approved by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme, are open until 15 January 2016.
The Masters Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.
A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 25,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as electronic application procedure, at the course website.
22. National Trust Heritage Festival 2016 – call for events
The National Trust Heritage Festival is back again in 2016 and event staff are after entries to be nominated by December 13. They’ve embraced emerging Aussie artist Mulga to curate the designs for this year’s theme “Discoveries & Re-Discoveries”.
More info in the release below.
23. Call for 2016 US/ICOMOS Summer Internship Program Hosts
Some of you will know that one of our most beloved programs here at US/ICOMOS is our summer internship program, which we call “IEP” (International Exchange Program). For over 30 years, we have placed emerging US heritage professionals (graduate students and recent graduates) in summer heritage-related internships in other countries. AND, we place emerging heritage professionals from outside the United States with US-based heritage positions. To date, we have placed over 700 heritage professionals.
The key to this program is identifying Sponsors and Host Organizations. Host Organizations actually host the intern as an “employee” for the summer. Sponsors help arrange intern placements with other organizations. These organizations can be units of government, institutions, historic sites, and even private firm such as conservation architects.
Over the years, we have been pleased to work with a number of ICOMOS national committees, sometimes as Host but more often as Sponsors (ie. they arranged a placement with a heritage organization in their country). ICOMOS Australia, ICOMOS Turkey and — most recently in 2015 — ICOMOS India have been among our collaborators.
The 2016 Call for Hosts and Sponsors (see link below) explains our 2016 program in more detail and includes a link to an online form where organizations can indicate their interest in working with us. The deadline for submitting the form is 30 November 2015.
New for 2016, we are targeting intern placements to positions where the intern will have some exposure to work in one of the six Themes US/ICOMOS has adopted for our 50th anniversary. These include Climate change and heritage, Heritage in Times of Conflict and Disaster, World Heritage Management, Cultural Landscape Practice, Heritage as a Pillar of Sustainable Development, and helping diverse American communities tell their stories. This last Theme relates to United States communities that derive some aspect of their cultural identity from a place abroad. Sometimes diasporic, this includes the heritage of African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Filipino-American, etc.
One inestimable side benefit of the IEP has been the close relations it has created between us and other ICOMOS National Committees with whom we have partnered. Please have a look at the Call (link below) and consider submitting a proposal.
24. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
25. Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference, Amsterdam, 25-27 November 2015
Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference (HTHIC2015)
Preservation, Presentation, Promotion and Profit, Research Agendas, Best Practices and Hospitable Partnerships
Amsterdam, 26-27 November 2015
How to preserve heritage thanks to and despite tourism? What is the role of heritage in the identity and brand of a city, region or nation? How to use (digital) media to attract visitors and turn a visit into an inspiring experience?
Fascinated by these and related issues the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Elgin & Co. organise the second Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality conference.
For more information on this upcoming event, click here.
26. SITUATION VACANT Project Architect/ Graduate Architect, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners
Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners have a vacancy for a Project Architect or Graduate Architect with demonstrated, hands-on interest in heritage buildings for a full-time position. AutoCAD experience is an advantage.
Please apply in writing with CV to Sean Johnson, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners, 155 Brougham Street, Kings Cross, 2011, by email to Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners.
27. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Adviser, City of Greater Bendigo
Heritage Adviser
- Part Time (4 days per week)
- Salary Range $84,490 – $94,540 Pro-rata + Super
An excellent opportunity has arisen in the City’s Statutory Planning team for an experienced and dedicated Heritage Adviser to join the multidisciplinary team. The position will work closely with the Amendments, Heritage & Compliance Coordinator to help promote Bendigo’s unique heritage assets and ensure their heritage values are respected.
Excellent communication skills are essential for this role as you will provide the Community with technical heritage advice in a concise, clear and timely manner.
You will have relevant qualifications or substantial experience in architecture, building or design, heritage planning and conservation, or related discipline including assessing the heritage impact of development proposals.
If you require any further information regarding this position, please contact Emma Bryant, Amendments, Heritage and Compliance Coordinator Statutory Planning on (03) 5434 6017.
To apply please visit our website.
Applications addressing the key selection criteria must be received by close of business Monday 30 November, 2015.
The City of Greater Bendigo is a proactive and dynamic equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion.
28. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Project Officer, Permanent full-time, Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority
PAHSMA (Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority) is seeking to appoint a Conservation Project Officer to assist with the effective and efficient administration and management of conservation and infrastructure tasks and projects.
The Conservation Project Officer is responsible for assisting with designated projects that have an emphasis on conservation and infrastructure ensuring compliance with relevant legislation, standards of professional practice and the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter 2013 as well as assisting with planning, documentation and implementation of Conservation and Infrastructure projects within assigned resources and agreed timeframes. Duties include, but are not limited to:
- Management and administration of the Asset Management System;
- Assist with the procurement of goods and services including tender evaluation reports, requests for quotation, tender evaluations and contract award in accordance with Tasmanian State Government procedure
Specific details as to the position are available at this link, including supporting information:
- Statement of Duties
- Application for Employment
Advice to applicants preparing a claim for the position is available at this link.
For more information contact Conservation Manager Lucy Burke-Smith (03) 6251 2363 or email Lucy.
Applications close Monday 30 November 2015.
29. SITUATION VACANT New senior leadership position, Robin Boyd Foundation, Melbourne
The Robin Boyd Foundation is seeking a person to fill a new senior leadership position, 3 days a week, reporting to the Board. The title of the new position will be determined in light of who is appointed.
We expect that, the person in the new role will help the Foundation grow to a point where it needs a full-time Director to run its operations. And we expect that the person would make the short-list to fill that position.
The Board has created this new position in reflection of the Foundation’s burgeoning success and to help it advance into the next chapter of its life.
Detailed information about this opportunity is available at the Robin Boyd Foundation website.
Applications close Monday 7 December 2015.
30. SITUATION VACANT Program and Projects Manager, Working Heritage, Melbourne
Working Heritage is a Committee of Management appointed by the Victorian Government under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, to manage heritage properties that are located on Crown Land. These properties are conserved and developed for commercial and community uses. The income generated by Working Heritage properties is used to conserve, maintain and develop our existing and new properties.
Working Heritage is seeking a full-time Program and Projects Manager with heritage, building, design and planning project management skills to work with the Executive Officer to manage the Working Heritage property improvements program, analyse and develop new properties and projects, and supervise the work of the Project Officer.
To receive a detailed Position Description, or confidential discussion/enquiries regarding this position, please contact Ross Turnbull, Executive Officer at the Working Heritage on (03) 9600 1667.
Applications close 2pm, Monday 30 November.
31. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Engagement Manager, National Trust of Australia (VIC)
The National Trust of Australia (VIC) is seeking an energetic and dynamic Cultural Engagement Manager.
About us
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) is an independent, non-profit organisation supported by a large community base. We are Victoria’s premier heritage and conservation organisation and the major operator of historic places like Old Melbourne Goal, Polly Woodside and Rippon Lea Estate.
The role
This diverse role will allow you to harness your excellent management skills and be responsible for improving visitor engagement through planning of the presentation and interpretation of the trusts heritage sites and collections. The successful candidate will take a hands-on role in the delivery of programs, whilst driving change and innovation in the presentation of heritage tourist sites.
Further details including job description can be found here. For enquiries email National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
32. SITUATION VACANT Urban Design and Heritage Advisor, City of Port Phillip, Melbourne
Urban Design and Heritage Advisor – City Design
- Full-time, permanent position
- Band 8 ($100,968 – $113,149) + 9.5% Superannuation
- Excellent staff benefits, great office location and high profile project
Do you have strong passion for architecture and contemporary heritage solutions, as well as a desire to help build and shape a strong design culture for one of Melbourne’s key inner Councils? We seek a confident communicator with the ability to “think outside the square” and make it happen.
As Urban Design and Heritage Advisor, you will lead, participate in, and co-ordinate the delivery of architecture, urban design and heritage advice for City of Port Phillip’s planning permits and priority projects. This role will be primarily involved in planning permit referrals, Fishermans Bend, St Kilda Triangle, the Carlisle Street Supermarkets redevelopment, and State Government projects. You will also be responsible for coordinating the urban design awards and heritage advisory service. You will take a leadership role in the team and assist the Coordinator City Design.
To be considered for the position you must have relevant qualifications and considerable experience in architecture, heritage and urban design. You will also have a track record of delivering quality outcomes, preferably in a Local Government context.
In return we offer a vibrant and diverse work environment where employees are able to develop both professionally and personally whilst planning and delivering a range of important services to the community.
Please visit the website to view a copy of the Position Description. Further information can be obtained by contacting Rebecca Doherty or Damian Dewar on (03) 9209 6241.
Applicants must respond to the key selection criteria contained in the position description.
Applications close midnight Monday 23 November 2015.
33. SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Design 5 – Architects
Design 5 – Architects, a well-established practice based in Chippendale, Sydney, are seeking a Senior Architect with a minimum of 5 years’ experience to join our team on a range of conservation related projects. We have a broad range of interesting and challenging projects, from adaptive re-use and detailed conservation work to new structures in significant contexts. We are seeking someone with good design, contract documentation, and communication skills, and preferably proficient in Vectorworks. Knowledge of traditional construction and experience in running projects is essential.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au