Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 706

  1. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 November 2015
  2. Guided tour of The Abbey, Annandale, 19 November
  3. US/ICOMOS 2016 International Exchange Program – call for applicants
  4. Save the date: 4 December 2015 – ‘Next steps in Implementing the HUL’
  5. Port Arthur Historic Sites mark a big year – PAHSMA media release
  6. Culture for Sustainable Cities conference, China, 10-12 December 2015
  7. Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
  8. News from Sydney Living Museums
  9. Broadbeach Burial Ground Commemoration, 15 November, Surfer’s Paradise QLD
  10. City of Vincent (WA) – Heritage & Eco Ideas Day, 7 November
  11. Special TrustTalks Event: Remembering William Cooper – Melbourne, 9 November
  12. News from ICCROM
  13. Copland Foundation grants and scholarships – closing date 15 November
  14. 18th National Conference on Engineering Heritage, 7-9 December 2015, Newcastle
  15. International Conference Tourism & History, Portugal/Brazil, March 2016 – call for abstracts
  16. “Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage” conference, March-April 2016, Taiwan – call for papers deadline extended
  17. “Heritage in Transformation” conference, Poland – call for submissions deadline extended
  18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  19. International Conference, “Conserving Living Urban Heritage”, India, 26-28 November 2015
  20. Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – now online
  21. News from Old Parliament House
  22. Survey: Impact of bird droppings on heritage buildings
  23. Call for 2016 US/ICOMOS Summer Internship Program Hosts
  24. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
  25. “Review and finalize best practices (standards and guidelines) for archaeological heritage management at World Heritage Sites” conference, Florence, Nov-Dec 2015
  26. International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR), Lisbon, June-July 2016 – call for papers
  27. National Trust (ACT) Heritage Awards, 12 November
  28. SITUATION VACANT Resident Exhibition Specialist, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  29. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisory / Consultancy Services (by tender), Queensland Rail
  30. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Heritage Council Secretariat, Heritage Council of Victoria
  31. SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Design 5 – Architects
  32. SITUATION VACANT Archaeologists for research, Port Arthur Historic Site


1. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fear and the historical past: emotion, temporality and the Ghost Tours of Port Arthur
presented by Dr Alicia Marchant

A complex place imbued with emotions and a multi-layering of grim history, Port Arthur has long been considered an important tourist destination, particularly for those seeking the ‘dark’.  Ghost tours are becoming increasingly more popular.  In this paper Dr Marchant will focus on the emotion of fear and what fear does with regards to animating the historical subjects, and creating affective connections to the past for ghost tour participants.  In particular, what fear does with regards to the ways in which convict bodies of the past are imagined as physical and emotional beings.

Alicia Marchant completed her PhD in History at the University of Western Australia in 2012.  A medieval and early modern historian, Alicia is interested in the history of emotions, concepts of heritage, materiality and dark tourism.


When: Wednesday 25 November 2015 at 5.30pm

Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room

Download the ‘Fear and the Historical Past’ flier.


2. Guided tour of The Abbey, Annandale, 19 November


The Abbey, 272 Johnston Street, Annandale was built by John Young c1882. Its elevated corner position, scale and distinctive Victorian Free Gothic style make it a memorable landmark structure.

The property, altered and neglected over time, was in an advanced state of disrepair when purchased by the present owners in 2009. A program of staged conservation works was undertaken in 2010 – 2014, and included, restoration, adaptation and refurbishment of the main house (stage 1), stables (stage 2), kitchen wing (stage 3) and landscape.

The project has unified and enlivened the house and demonstrates an exceptional commitment on the part of the owners and great dedication and skill on the part of all involved in the project.

Letizia Coppo will take the tour. Letizia is a senior associate at Design 5 – Architects Pty Ltd. She has over twenty-five years’ experience in the conservation and adaptive reuse of a broad range of significant heritage buildings and their settings. These include industrial, commercial, institutional and residential buildings. She has also provided conservation management and strategic planning advice for many culturally significant places.

Date & time: Thursday 19 November 2015; meet at 5.15pm outside 272 Johnston Street, Annandale

Cost: Members $10

RSVP: by Monday 16 November 2015 to Kate Higgins by email

Places limited.

Download the The Abbey tour flyer for more information.


3. US/ICOMOS 2016 International Exchange Program – call for applicants

US/ICOMOS expects to support a number of internships overseas and within the United States in historic preservation during the course of 2016. This program provides unparalleled opportunities for preservationists early in their careers to gain hands-on experience in a country other than their own. The program is geared toward those nearing the end of graduate school or with 1-3 years of professional experience. Placements are made by matching the skills/experience of each applicant with the needs of each host organization.

Prospective Interns

Application procedures can be found on the Intern section of the US/ICOMOS website.

2016 Program Schedule

The program schedule for 2016 has not yet been updated on the webpage, however this is expected in the near future. The 2015 schedule is outlined below and can be used as a guide for the likely 2016 schedule.

Interns are selected on a competitive basis for participation in the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program. Internships are approximately 12 weeks in length (including orientation and the final program) and are usually held during the summer (from June to August), although some internships may be held at other times of the year. US/ICOMOS hosts all US and international interns for a program orientation in Washington, DC at the beginning of the summer. Interns then disperse to their various host organizations where they complete a preservation-related project designed by the host organization. At the end of the summer, all interns reconvene in Washington, DC for a final farewell program.

2015 Schedule

The program schedule for 2015 is set as follows (subject to minor variations in accordance with host organization schedules):

  • Late January / early February – Applications from prospective interns due to US/ICOMOS
  • Late May / early June – Intern orientation in Washington, DC
  • June – August – Duration of summer Internships
  • Mid-August – Final program for summer Interns and orientation for fall interns

Program Overview

Since the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program was created in 1984, more than 600 young preservation professionals and over 70 countries have participated. The aim of the program is to promote an understanding of international preservation policies, methods, and techniques and to enable interns to make professional contacts and form personal friendships that will ensure a continuing dialogue between countries.

The program began with a one-time exchange between US/ICOMOS and ICOMOS United Kingdom. It since has expanded to involve between 10 and 20 preservation professionals annually depending on the level of funding available. US/ICOMOS is always looking for preservation organizations both in the U.S. and abroad to host interns and participate in this exciting program of cultural exchange. The program is made possible through generous grants from many US foundations, government agencies and individual contributors, and ICOMOS National Committees of participating.

For more information, click here or email Brian Lione.


Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed by January 2016. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.

Applicants must be financial members of Australia ICOMOS – please note that both Full and Associate members of Australia ICOMOS can apply to this program – and have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.

Applications should be emailed to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by COB Thursday 10 December 2015.


4. Save the date: 4 December 2015 – ‘Next steps in Implementing the HUL’

Federation University Australia and Deakin University are together organising a symposium titled: ‘Next steps in implementing the ‘Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)’, a­ symposium in honour of Dr Ron van Oers’, to be held in Melbourne, Australia on 4 December 2015.

The symposium brings together Australian and international experts, researchers and practitioners, to honour and build on the late Dr Ron van Oers’ significant legacy in developing and activating UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (2011) by charting the way forward for the HUL in Australia and the potential contribution from Australia to the global community. We are especially keen to invite people that are ready to participate in the next steps – by creating and implementing the agenda for the future of this process.

Information about the program and how to register will be circulated soon – but for now, please ‘save the date’. If you are not currently on our circulation lists please send your contact details to Jolanta Nowak by email.


5. Port Arthur Historic Sites mark a big year – PAHSMA media release

Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from PAHSMA, dated 2 November 2015.

Successful conservation works on the Penitentiary, winning two national tourism awards and strong visitation growth across its sites were just three highlights of a busy year for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA)

The results were recorded in the Authority’s Annual Report for 2014-15, which has been tabled in State Parliament.

Other achievements included establishing a sales and information outlet at Brooke St Pier, a sound financial result, a successful volunteer partnership with Community Volunteers Australia at the Coal Mines, a visit by the Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister, further strengthening of the relationship between PAHSMA and the Dunhuang Academy in China, and conservation works on the Matron’s Quarters at the Cascades Female Factory.

The Penitentiary conservation works necessitated the closure of the building, and its disappearance from view for the visitor, for a period of almost nine months. Despite this, according to PAHSMA Chair Professor Sharon Sullivan, there was little negative impact on or feedback from visitors.

“The Authority and its staff were very grateful for the understanding and support shown by visitors during this period, and did our best to ensure that visitors had alternative ways of appreciating this great building.”

“In January the building was reopened to the public. The work was carried out by a great team who designed and implemented the stabilisation that represented cutting-edge technology and design, and has already won a number of awards for heritage conservation and project management.”

Two major Australian Tourism Awards is an achievement of which the Authority and its staff are justifiably proud.

“These awards are especially important to the Board and staff of PAHSMA, whose policy and practice is that conservation and tourism go hand-in-hand, and indeed enhance each other. Our increasing visitor numbers at all three sites, and the visitor feedback commending our efforts, continue to support this approach,” said Professor Sullivan.

The year saw healthy growth in visitor numbers, with 272,653 daytime visitors coming to the Port Arthur Historic Site and 28,663 visiting the Cascades Female Factory Historic Site. Both are all-time records and reflect a 7.7% increase on the previous year at Port Arthur and 22% at the Female Factory. Ghost Tour numbers also increased by 1.03% on the previous year with 34,097 participating in this popular night time activity. PAHSMA continues to manage visitation to the Coal Mines employing a low-profile approach, while recording 13,450 visitors for the year.

Chinese visitors continued to visit Port Arthur in ever-growing numbers. PAHSMA’s ‘China Ready Program’ has done much to accommodate them, including the employment of Mandarin speaking guides.

Preparations commenced during the year for the 20th anniversary of the Port Arthur Massacre, which will occur in April 2016 and will be a poignant and challenging time for many people closely affected by this tragic event. PAHSMA has formed a working group to liaise with appropriate stakeholders in organising a fitting commemoration for this significant anniversary.

The 2014-15 PAHSMA Annual Report is available from here.


6. Culture for Sustainable Cities conference, China, 10-12 December 2015

In the framework of the Culture and Sustainable Urban Development Initiative, launched by UNESCO to nourish the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UNESCO will convene an International Conference on Culture for Sustainable Cities, in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China, from 10 to 12 December 2015. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government and with the support of the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO.

For more information, download the Culture for Sustainable Cities leaflet.


7. Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news

To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click here.


8. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


9. Broadbeach Burial Ground Commemoration, 15 November, Surfer’s Paradise QLD

In 1965 soil contractors working at Broadbeach disturbed human remains. The discovery was recognised as a traditional Aboriginal burial ground. You are invited to hear about this important aspect of Queensland Aboriginal history.

Sunday 15 November, 11.00am – 2.30pm
Gold Coast and Hinterland Historical Society

RSVP to Michael Aird by email or phone 0417 760 160

For more information, download the Broadbeach Burial Ground Event invitation.


10. City of Vincent (WA) – Heritage & Eco Ideas Day, 7 November

The City of Vincent is holding a Heritage & Eco Ideas Day (Expo) on Saturday 7 November 2015 from 11am to 4pm. The event will provide information about how to restore, renovate & extend your heritage house to make it truly sustainable.

You can:

  • View sustainability and heritage product selections under one roof
  • Take advantage of a free design consultation
  • Get the inside knowledge from presentations by design experts and restoration specialists

Visit the City of Vincent website for more information and download the Heritage & Eco Ideas Day 2015 flyer.


11. Special TrustTalks Event: Remembering William Cooper – Melbourne, 9 November

Special TrustTalks Event: Remembering William Cooper

Monday 9 November 2015
5.45pm for a 6pm start

National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
6 Parliament Place,
East Melbourne, Victoria










William Cooper was one of the greatest Australian activists of the twentieth century, and yet his story remains unknown to many. To celebrate Cooper’s life and legacy, the National Trust has invited his grandson Alf Turner (Uncle Boydie), who is a Yorta Yorta elder, and his great-grandson Kevin Russell, to share the extraordinary story of his historic fight for human rights.

This special talk will examine Cooper’s historic 1938 protest against Kristallnacht and the treatment of Jews in Germany leading up to World War II, which is now recognised both here and in Israel, as well as Cooper’s extraordinary Indigenous activism including his petition to George VI calling for Aboriginal rights, and the 1938 Day of Mourning. (Photo courtesy of Alick Jackomos, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, archive image JACKOMOS.A06.BW—N4416.34A.)

Bookings: click here

Enquiries: contact Felicity Watson at (03) 9656 9818 or email Felicity.


12. News from ICCROM

To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.


13. Copland Foundation grants and scholarships – closing date 15 November

The Copland Foundation Grants

The Copland Foundation funds projects throughout Australia that fall under the umbrella of Alex Copland’s interests, namely:

  • The study, management, conservation, acquisition, and interpretation of collections
  • The study, management, conservation, acquisition and interpretation of relevant historic architecture
  • The provision of education programs, whether for staff of such museums, institutions, societies, organisations or for the general public
  • The purchase of art works and/or other artefacts, to be identified on public display by the purchaser as a gift from the Copland Foundation

The Copland Foundation Attingham Scholarships

Each year, The Copland Foundation also provides scholarships to attend study programmes in the offered by the UK Attingham Trust that explore historic residences, their collections and landscapes.

Applications for grants and the scholarships close on 15 November.

Details and application forms are available on the Copeland Foundation website.

Please direct enquiries to the Copland Foundation by email.


14. 18th National Conference on Engineering Heritage, 7-9 December 2015, Newcastle

18th National Conference on Engineering Heritage
“From the past to the future”
7-9 December 2015

The 18th Australian Engineering Heritage Conference is fast approaching.

The preliminary program is now available, click here.

The organising committee looks forward to welcoming you to the Newcastle Museum at a time of rapid change.


15. International Conference Tourism & History, Portugal/Brazil, March 2016 – call for abstracts

International Conference Tourism & History
University of Algarve, Faro (Portugal) / Caxias do Sul (Brazil) Portugal
10-11 March 2016

Abstract submission deadline – 30 November 2015

This conference aims to provide the ideal opportunity to present, share and reflect on the relationship between Tourism & History based on cultural heritage tourism (tangible and intangible) of the countries belonging to the Iberoamerican region, with particular emphasis on cultural heritage classified by UNESCO as “World Heritage”.

The sub-themes are:

  • Theme 1. Tourist and cultural resources, products and experiences in the context of the ibero-american identity
  • Theme 2. Cultural/Heritage Tourism & ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
  • Theme 3. Cultural/Heritage Tourism & Marketing
  • Theme 4. Tourism, History & Science
  • Theme 5. Tourism & Intangible Heritage
  • Theme 6. Tourism, Architecture and Design

Information on the Conference Theme, Call for Abstracts, Deadlines, Venue, Keynote Speakers and other information can be found on the conference website.


16. “Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage” conference, March-April 2016, Taiwan – call for papers deadline extended

Inheriting the City: Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage
31 March – 4 April 2016
Taipei, Taiwan

Call for papers deadline: 30 November 2015

In the context of rapid cultural and economic globalisation, over half of the World’s population now live in urban areas. Through rural migration, new economic opportunities and enhanced global mobilities, cities and towns have expanded dramatically resulting in challenges to their character and identity. ‘Inheriting the City’ invites academics, policy makers and practitioners to consider the ways that heritage is being protected, managed and mobilised in rapidly changing and pressurised urban contexts. This multidisciplinary event will explore the type of heritage, both tangible and intangible, that cities and towns will pass to future generations, and the processes through which the heritage of cities is being re-made, re-presented and re-used.

The conference will be held March 31 – April 4, Taipei City, Taiwan in the magnificent Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and will bring together academics, policy makers and practitioners from across the globe for a stimulating five days of presentations, study visits, discussions and networking . We are pleased to announce that the conference will be opened by keynote speakers Lai Chee Kien, Adjunct Associate Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Tim Winter, Research Professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Melbourne.

The Ironbridge Institute for Cultural Heritage aims to provide critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and we invite papers from all disciplines and fields including, but not limited to: anthropology, architecture, archaeology, art history, cultural geography, cultural studies, design, ethnology and folklore, economics, history, heritage studies, landscape studies, leisure studies, museum studies, philosophy, political science, sociology, tourism studies, urban history, urban/spatial planning.

For the full call for papers, broad themes, and further information, please visit the conference website and download the Call_for_Papers_Inheriting the City_Taiwan_2016 postcard.

To submit a paper, please send a 300 word abstract by email as soon as possible but no later than 30 November 2015.

This conference is organised by the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham, in association with: National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Central University and National Taipei University of Education.


17. “Heritage in Transformation” conference, Poland – call for submissions deadline extended

On 22-24 June 2015, the “Heritage in Transformation” conference was held to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of ICOMOS.

ICOMOS Poland are planning to edit the conference publication ‘Heritage in Transformation’ and invite authors to submit proposals of articles until 15 November 2015. Articles should be emailed to this address.

Download the Heritage in Transformation – Format publication for more information about this. Additionally, please note that the content of the articles is limited to the topics of the Conference.


18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


19. International Conference, “Conserving Living Urban Heritage”, India, 26-28 November 2015

The UNESCO Chair, Culture, Habitat, and Sustainable Development at Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, invites practitioners and researchers inducing historians, architects, heritage conservationists, faculty members of universities and institutions to participate in the International Conference, “Conserving Living Urban Heritage: Theoretical Considerations of Continuity and Change”, to be held in Bangalore on 26-28 November 2015.

Click on the link below for more information.

1. Conference Flyer which has details of the Conference Program

2. Registration form for the Conference

The conference has a number of well-known speakers from India and overseas who are experts in their fields. We encourage you to please attend and participate in an event, which seeks to be one of many in the future, to help guide the direction of heritage conservation in India.


20. Engineering Heritage Australia Quarterly Magazine – now online

Engineering Heritage Australia’s Quarterly Magazine can be downloaded from here.


21. News from Old Parliament House

To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click here.


22. Survey: Impact of bird droppings on heritage buildings

A research project is under way to examine the issue of bird droppings on buildings and we need 10 minutes of your time. While we cannot promise you any immediate benefit from participating in this research, we assume that the outcomes of the study may well inform your professional practice.

Many commensal birds, such as pigeons, sea gulls, starlings etc., are on record as perching and roosting on buildings, statues and other heritage items. Their droppings not only create unsightly deposits, but also have deleterious effects on the fabric by aiding its decay. There are a large number of bird deterrent systems available on the market, but very few have been tested for their effectiveness.

The study has a number of components (field observation, experiment, survey). One of these is this on-line survey. We are seeking to gain an understanding of how heritage practitioners perceive bird behaviour in relation to heritage building conservation, to gauge what deterrence methods you have employed, and to what degree you perceive bird deterrent techniques to be effective when used. We would like to enlist your help as a heritage practitioner and will be asking you about your experiences

  • What kinds of birds are the problem?
  • What techniques have you used (if any)?
  • What technique does, in your experience, work?

The study is being conducted by Melissa Pike (Honours Student) from the School of Environmental Sciences at Charles Sturt University and supervised by A/Prof Dr Dirk HR Spennemann and Dr Maggie Watson.

You are invited to participate in the research study by filling out an online survey which should take about 10 minutes of your time to complete. Be assured that the survey is fully ANONYMOUS. By participating, you give your consent for your information being used for the research study.

The Questionnaire can be found at this web address.


23. Call for 2016 US/ICOMOS Summer Internship Program Hosts

Some of you will know that one of our most beloved programs here at US/ICOMOS is our summer internship program, which we call “IEP” (International Exchange Program). For over 30 years, we have placed emerging US heritage professionals (graduate students and recent graduates) in summer heritage-related internships in other countries. AND, we place emerging heritage professionals from outside the United States with US-based heritage positions. To date, we have placed over 700 heritage professionals.

The key to this program is identifying Sponsors and Host Organizations. Host Organizations actually host the intern as an “employee” for the summer. Sponsors help arrange intern placements with other organizations. These organizations can be units of government, institutions, historic sites, and even private firm such as conservation architects.

Over the years, we have been pleased to work with a number of ICOMOS national committees, sometimes as Host but more often as Sponsors (ie. they arranged a placement with a heritage organization in their country). ICOMOS Australia, ICOMOS Turkey and — most recently in 2015 — ICOMOS India have been among our collaborators.

The 2016 Call for Hosts and Sponsors (see link below) explains our 2016 program in more detail and includes a link to an online form where organizations can indicate their interest in working with us. The deadline for submitting the form is 30 November 2015.

New for 2016, we are targeting intern placements to positions where the intern will have some exposure to work in one of the six Themes US/ICOMOS has adopted for our 50th anniversary. These include Climate change and heritage, Heritage in Times of Conflict and Disaster, World Heritage Management, Cultural Landscape Practice, Heritage as a Pillar of Sustainable Development, and helping diverse American communities tell their stories. This last Theme relates to United States communities that derive some aspect of their cultural identity from a place abroad. Sometimes diasporic, this includes the heritage of African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Filipino-American, etc.

One inestimable side benefit of the IEP has been the close relations it has created between us and other ICOMOS National Committees with whom we have partnered. Please have a look at the Call (link below) and consider submitting a proposal.


24. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online

To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.


25. “Review and finalize best practices (standards and guidelines) for archaeological heritage management at World Heritage Sites” conference, Florence, Nov-Dec 2015

You are invited to the international conference “Review and finalize best practices (standards and guidelines) for archaeological heritage management at World Heritage Sites”, in Florence, 30 November – 3 December 2015.

The conference is co-promoted together with the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) and high reputable specialists and experts from all over the world will deliver their reports at the conference.

The participation of external observers is welcome and a special section of the program will be just dedicated to Q&A; an extraordinary opportunity for upgrading skill and knowledge in management of world archaeological heritage sites and for extending professional and scientific contacts.

Program and conditions of participation are available on the Foundation’s Life Beyond Tourism Portal.


26. International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR), Lisbon, June-July 2016 – call for papers

Abstract submission deadline – 15 November 2015

The CERU – European Centre on Urban Risks – is very pleased to welcome you to the International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR).

ICUR intends to gather practitioners, researchers and other specialists that study or deal with different risks on urban areas, in order to share their experiences and practices, to discuss risks from diverse perspectives and to cope with the latest results of research.

The conference topics will range from the concepts and methods on risk management to the risk assessment of a variety of urban risks, like the risks induced by natural and technological hazards, environmental, health and societal risks, and also comprising topics dedicated to risk treatment and communication.

This wide range of topics makes this conference a valuable gathering place for all players involved in urban risk related issues, as well as for different stakeholders. The conference will be bilingual (English and Portuguese), although the use of English will be encouraged due to the selection of the best papers to be published in a peer-reviewed international journal.

The event will be held in Lisbon on 30 June-2 July, 2016. Lisbon is a wonderful city and is very much worth visiting, especially in summertime.

Click on the links below for more information.


27. National Trust (ACT) Heritage Awards, 12 November

The National Trust of Australia, ACT invites you to the The National Trust (ACT) Heritage Awards Presentation 2015.

Date & time: Thursday 12 November, 6.00 – 7.00pm; drinks from 5.30pm, Awards from 6.00pm

Venue: The Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes ACT


RSVP Essential: ph (02) 6230 0533 or RSVP by email

Presentations will be made by Mr Mick Gentleman, MLA.

The National Archives is currently hosting an exhibition which will be open from 5pm for people attending the awards to view. Stories of our soldiers at Gallipoli – in their own words. Embark on a journey with our soldiers at Gallipoli. From the excitement of enlisting, to the terror of battle. Life would never be the same. A partnership exhibition based on a concept developed by the State Library of NSW.

Download the NT Awards Invite.


28. SITUATION VACANT Resident Exhibition Specialist, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Resident Exhibition Specialist, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

LookEar is a Melbourne-based heritage interpretation design company that was part of an international team that designed a series of museum exhibition spaces in the world heritage site of Atturaif, on the outskirts of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A resident person is now required to work as part of the Site Management Team during the documentation, fabrication and installation phases. The position is for an initial period of approx. 10 months with a possible extension.

Tasks include:

  • Provide day-to-day input and advice regarding the contractor’s detailed designs, documentation, fabrication and installation of the museum exhibitions
  • Represent LookEar on all design decisions and provide on-going feedback and information to the Australian-based support team

Applicants should have qualifications and experience in relevant disciplines such as graphic design, interior design, industrial design and/ or museum studies. Applicants also need to be aware that Saudi Arabia can be a challenging place in which to live, and need to be mindful of their abilities to successfully deal with a variety of day-to-day issues.

A full position brief with selection criteria is available on request.

For further information contact David Huxtable by email or on 0419 592 886.


29. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisory / Consultancy Services (by tender), Queensland Rail

Queensland Rail has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Environment & Heritage Protection and the Queensland Heritage Council authorising Queensland Rail to self-regulate its compliance with the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and related statutory requirements.

A committee established and maintained by Queensland Rail (Queensland Rail Heritage Committee – QRHC) will have primary responsibility for operations described in the MOU. The MOU establishes a framework for and supports the delegation of some functions of the DEHP to Queensland Rail.

The QRHC includes representatives from business groups within Queensland Rail, a representative from DEHP and an independent heritage consultant with appropriate experience to provide advice and technical support.

The purpose of this tender is to have independent heritage advisory / consultancy services available to meet the intent of the MOU.

Closing date for tenders is Friday 13 November 2015 at 5.00pm Brisbane, Queensland.

For more information, click here.


30. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Heritage Council Secretariat, Heritage Council of Victoria

The position of Manager, Heritage Council Secretariat with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Heritage Victoria, is now open for applications.

The Manager, Heritage Council Secretariat, oversees all the day to day operations of the Heritage Council of Victoria. The position is responsible for co-ordinating the appointment of Heritage Council members, the delivery of the Council’s appeal functions, the preparation of its Annual Report and budget, the conduct of all Council meetings and Committee meetings and the delivery of its project work, as well as ensuring compliance with relevant legislation including the Financial Management Act 1994 and the Freedom of Information Act 1982. 

This is an ongoing position.

For more information, click here.

Applications close at midnight Wednesday 11 November 2015.  


31. SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Design 5 – Architects


Design 5 – Architects, a well-established practice based in Chippendale, Sydney, are seeking a Senior Architect with a minimum of 5 years’ experience to join our team on a range of conservation related projects. We have a broad range of interesting and challenging projects, from adaptive re-use and detailed conservation work to new structures in significant contexts. We are seeking someone with good design, contract documentation, and communication skills, and preferably proficient in Vectorworks. Knowledge of traditional construction and experience in running projects is essential.

Email CV to Design 5


32. SITUATION VACANT Archaeologists for research, Port Arthur Historic Site

Excavations at Port Arthur: archaeologists wanted!

The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority is seeking a professional excavation crew for the next round of research at the World Heritage-listed Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania. In 2016 a major excavation will be conducted targeting the ablutions yard area of the penitentiary complex at the heart of the convict-era settlement. We are seeking qualified and experienced archaeologists for the excavations (5 positions) and to undertake site excavation recording and surveying (1 position).

Details of the vacancies, Statements of Duties and Application Forms are available from the Tasmanian Government website at. Applicants should follow all of the instructions carefully.

Additional background material on the excavations and notes for the excavation crew about working at Port Arthur are available from David Roe (contact David by email). Candidates for the positions will find it useful to consult this additional material before completing their application.

The 2016 excavations will be the largest ever undertaken at Port Arthur. The crew will have a rare opportunity to be a part of a major research excavation that seeks to better understand the history of this key site and of the hidden behaviours of the convicts who once were its main occupants.

Applications close on 13 November.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
