Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – entry deadline extended to Saturday 7 November 2015
Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Save the date: 4 December 2015 – ‘Next steps in Implementing the HUL’
National Trust (ACT) Heritage Awards, 12 November
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne, 28 October
Keynote speech, tour and meeting of the Australia ICOMOS Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC, Adelaide, 5 November
UPDATE – Energy and Sustainability NSC Meeting + Tour of Old Parliament House
‘Motets in the Gaol’ – Polyphonic Voices at the Old Melbourne Gaol, Saturday 24 October
City of Vincent (WA) – Heritage & Eco Ideas Day, 7 November
Special TrustTalks Event: Remembering William Cooper – Melbourne, 9 November
Call for donations of conservation reference books
Copland Foundation grants and scholarships – closing date 15 November
Opportunities within the Asian Development Bank (ADB) seminar, video conference, 27 November
CHNT20 2015 – 2-4 November 2015, Vienna
“Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage” conference, March-April 2016, Taiwan – call for papers deadline extended
“Heritage in Transformation” conference, Poland – call for submissions deadline extended
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Nominations for AAA Awards – closing date: 30 October 2015
Contribute to online directory of museum studies and related programs
Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) conference, 6-10 June 2016, Montreal – call for paper and poster proposals
Survey: Impact of bird droppings on heritage buildings
SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Design 5 – Architects
SITUATION WANTED Italian Art Restorer seeking work
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisory / Consultancy Services (by tender), Queensland Rail
SITUATION VACANT Manager, Heritage Register and Permits, Heritage Victoria
1. Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – entry deadline extended to Saturday 7 November 2015
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition
We have extended the date for submission of entries, to encourage you to enter the competition! Online entries will now close Saturday 7 November 2015.
So, dig through your hard drives, search out the slide collection or flip through your photo albums – we want to see your photographic skill in capturing the tradespeople of heritage conservation!
The winning entry will receive $500 prize money, donated by the National Trust of Australia (South Australia).
You do not have to be attending Fabric 2015 to enter and non-ICOMOS members can also enter – so please spread the word!
If you are unable to contact your subject to get permission for your award-winning photo, don’t worry, just note this on the entry form. We will manage the copyright issue. If the subject is a group of people, please also still enter – permission not necessary.
As they say, “you have to be in it to win it”!
The Sydney Living Museums Soft Furnishings Group.
Image courtesy of Sydney Living Museums © Stuart Miller & Hayley Richardson
2. Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Following consideration in early 2014 by Australian Heritage Agencies at HOCANZ of a proposal for an Australian Quality Framework to address shortcomings in Australian heritage conservation practice, Australia ICOMOS and the APT Australasia Chapter are moving to develop the Quality Framework proposal. Participation by heritage practitioners concerned about the loss of heritage conservation skills and experience will be important in ensuring that the proposed quality framework has a practical use.
You are invited to participate and to help shape this initiative. Click here for the final program (note, this has been updated from last week), which is intended to convey information about the scope of the event. More information about the forum is available at the conference website.
Bookings for the Quality Forum can be made as part of the Fabric Conference registration process. Alternatively please RSVP to Mary Knaggs or Donald Ellsmore with your intention to attend and pay the $45 fee (note correction to fee) to cover refreshments on the day.
Should you have any questions regarding this invitation please contact:
- Mary Knaggs, Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Member – email Mary, or
- Donald Ellsmore, FAPT, Convenor, APT Australasia Chapter – email Donald
3. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Only a couple of weeks away until the Fabric conference in Adelaide. We now have over 200 registered attendees and numbers are growing each week. We are pleased to announce that the Governor of South Australia, His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AO, will officially open the conference on Friday morning.
The deadline for the photographic competition has been extended, so please have a look at updated details on the conference website.
For any other updates, please refer to the conference website.
4. Save the date: 4 December 2015 – ‘Next steps in Implementing the HUL’
Federation University Australia and Deakin University are together organising a symposium titled: ‘Next steps in implementing the ‘Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)’, a symposium in honour of Dr Ron van Oers’, to be held in Melbourne, Australia on 4 December 2015.
The symposium brings together Australian and international experts, researchers and practitioners, to honour and build on the late Dr Ron van Oers’ significant legacy in developing and activating UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (2011) by charting the way forward for the HUL in Australia and the potential contribution from Australia to the global community. We are especially keen to invite people that are ready to participate in the next steps – by creating and implementing the agenda for the future of this process.
Information about the program and how to register will be circulated soon – but for now, please ‘save the date’. If you are not currently on our circulation lists please send your contact details to Jolanta Nowak by email.
5. National Trust (ACT) Heritage Awards, 12 November
The National Trust of Australia, ACT invites you to the The National Trust (ACT) Heritage Awards Presentation 2015.
Date & time: Thursday 12 November, 6.00 – 7.00pm; drinks from 5.30pm, Awards from 6.00pm
Venue: The Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes ACT
RSVP Essential: ph (02) 6230 0533 or RSVP by email
Presentations will be by Mr Mick Gentleman, MLA
The National Archives is currently hosting an exhibition which will be open from 5pm for people attending the awards to view. Stories of our soldiers at Gallipoli – in their own words. Embark on a journey with our soldiers at Gallipoli. From the excitement of enlisting, to the terror of battle. Life would never be the same. A partnership exhibition based on a concept developed by the State Library of NSW.
Download the NT Awards Invite.
6. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne, 28 October
The next CHCAP seminar at Deakin University will be a presentation by Prof. Laurajane Smith, Australian National University on “Affective experiences: the embodied performances of heritage making”.
This seminar will summarise some of the findings of a recently completed project to explore the memory and identity work visitors do at heritage sites and museums in Australia, the United States, and England. Over 4,500 qualitative interviews were undertaken at 45 museums, exhibitions and sites across three countries. The research has documented a range of embodied performances that visitors undertake to affirm and negotiate not only particular historical narratives, but also the social and political values that underpin and inform those narratives. Developing the concept of ‘registers of engagement’, the research explores the agency of museum visitors in heritage making and illustrates the ways in which emotions are used by visitors to affirm or rework their commitment to particular understandings of both past and present.
Laurajane Smith is Professor and Head of the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, at the Australian National University, Canberra. She is editor of the International Journal of Heritage Studies, co-general editor with William Logan of the Key Issues in Cultural Heritage book series (Routledge) and founder of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies. She is the author of several books, most notably ‘Uses of Heritage (2006, Routledge) and is currently writing her next book based on over 10 years of research with visitors to heritage sites and history museums.
Date: Wednesday 28 October 2015
Time: 12.00 noon
Venue: Meeting Room 3, Deakin Prime, City Campus, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Email list: To be included in the CHCAP email newsletter distribution list, email Yamini Narayanan
7. Keynote speech, tour and meeting of the Australia ICOMOS Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC, Adelaide, 5 November
A meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage National Scientific Committee (NSC) will be held in association with the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conference. All are invited. It will include an update on activities, a keynote speaker, Mandy Paul (Senior Curator Exhibitions, Collections and Research, History SA) on Intangible heritage, difficult histories and the Migration Museum, and a specially tailored tour of the University of Adelaide Collections.
Mandy Paul’s talk will consider what impact does does migration have on intangible cultural heritage? How does a museum, established to interpret the history of migration to South Australia and to collect its material culture, document and contribute to the maintenance of intangible cultural heritage? What place does place play in remembering? And how can a museum negotiate the presentation of contested and difficult histories in the public realm?
Over the last two decades Mandy has worked in social history museums and as a consultant historian specialising in native title history. She holds postgraduate qualifications in history and museum studies, and her most recent exhibition and (co-authored) publication is Interned: Torrens Island, 1914-1915 (Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2014).
The meeting venue is the Ira Raymond Room, Level 3 Hub Central, North Terrace Campus, University of Adelaide, and the meeting will take place at 12.30-3.30pm, Thursday 5 November 2015.
To register please email the ICH-NSC.
8. UPDATE – Energy and Sustainability NSC Meeting + Tour of Old Parliament House
Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
We will start with a short NSCES meeting, and then have a tour of the energy and sustainability aspects of Old Parliament House, led by Andrew Klenke, Associate Director, Swanbury Penglase.
We would like to welcome all those with an interest in energy and sustainability in heritage. We encourage young members, students and young graduates to come along and join us. We invite you to actively participate in the committee and our projects.
WHERE: The Pilgrim Church Meeting Hall behind the Adelaide Town Hall
WHEN: 2pm Thursday 5th November 2015
Please RSVP by email if you are coming* – numbers for the tour are limited.
*Please bring your own (electronic or paper) agenda and location plans – click on link below for these.
9. ‘Motets in the Gaol’ – Polyphonic Voices at the Old Melbourne Gaol, Saturday 24 October
Music lovers around Melbourne might well choose to note 7:30pm on Saturday 24 October 2015 in their diaries…
Following a Christmas Eve broadcast on ABC and completing their successful 2015 season, Polyphonic Voices will be giving what is believed to be the first choral performance in the state-listed Old Melbourne Gaol.
The ensemble, which comprises former members of Melbourne University’s several chapel choirs and counts current AI Vice President Ian Travers as a founder member, will present a program of motets by the great masters of the choral tradition, ranging from Gregorio Allegri’s anguished Miserere to Eric Whitacre’s sublime Saint Chappelle.
Those familiar with the National Trust (VIC) managed site, including Australia ICOMOS members who attended the 2011 Watermarks Conference dinner there, may recall the wonderful acoustic and be able to fully appreciate that this promises to be a truly thrilling experience!
Download the Motets in the Gaol flyer and click here to book.
10. City of Vincent (WA) – Heritage & Eco Ideas Day, 7 November
The City of Vincent is holding a Heritage & Eco Ideas Day (Expo) on Saturday 7 November 2015 from 11am to 4pm. The event will provide information about how to restore, renovate & extend your heritage house to make it truly sustainable.
You can:
- View sustainability and heritage product selections under one roof
- Take advantage of a free design consultation
- Get the inside knowledge from presentations by design experts and restoration specialists
Visit the City of Vincent website for more information and download the Heritage & Eco Ideas Day 2015 flyer.
11. Special TrustTalks Event: Remembering William Cooper – Melbourne, 9 November
Special TrustTalks Event: Remembering William Cooper
Monday 9 November 2015
5.45pm for a 6pm start
National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
6 Parliament Place,
East Melbourne, Victoria

William Cooper was one of the greatest Australian activists of the twentieth century, and yet his story remains unknown to many. To celebrate Cooper’s life and legacy, the National Trust has invited his grandson Alf Turner (Uncle Boydie), who is a Yorta Yorta elder, and his great-grandson Kevin Russell, to share the extraordinary story of his historic fight for human rights.
This special talk will examine Cooper’s historic 1938 protest against Kristallnacht and the treatment of Jews in Germany leading up to World War II, which is now recognised both here and in Israel, as well as Cooper’s extraordinary Indigenous activism including his petition to George VI calling for Aboriginal rights, and the 1938 Day of Mourning. (Photo courtesy of Alick Jackomos, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, archive image JACKOMOS.A06.BW—N4416.34A.)
Enquiries: contact Felicity Watson at (03) 9656 9818 or email Felicity.
12. Call for donations of conservation reference books
In addition to a number of outcomes and recommendations, the ICOMOS Pasifika workshop, held in Levuka (Fiji) earlier this year identified a need to set up a reference book collection in the local library to assist those in Levuka with the management, maintenance and repair of their cultural heritage, particularly buildings, structures and landscape. Most of the buildings are of timber, similar to Queenslander construction, while others are of coral-concrete (similar to coralite) often with steel or iron reinforcing bars, rendered internally and externally. Roofs are of corrugated iron. Some of the churches have high quality stained glass. Levuka has suffered severe cyclone damage in the past and will no doubt be subject to these in the future. Water and termite damage are also big issues.
If any Australia ICOMOS members have appropriate conservation reference books they would like to donate for Levuka, please email details to Kerime Danis.
Kerime Danis
Australia ICOMOS Secretary
ICOMOS Pasifika Project Convenor
13. Copland Foundation grants and scholarships – closing date 15 November
The Copland Foundation Grants
The Copland Foundation funds projects throughout Australia that fall under the umbrella of Alex Copland’s interests, namely:
- The study, management, conservation, acquisition, and interpretation of collections
- The study, management, conservation, acquisition and interpretation of relevant historic architecture
- The provision of education programs, whether for staff of such museums, institutions, societies, organisations or for the general public
- The purchase of art works and/or other artefacts, to be identified on public display by the purchaser as a gift from the Copland Foundation
The Copland Foundation Attingham Scholarships
Each year, The Copland Foundation also provides scholarships to attend study programmes in the offered by the UK Attingham Trust that explore historic residences, their collections and landscapes.
Applications for grants and the scholarships close on 15 November.
Details and application forms are available on the Copeland Foundation website.
Please direct enquiries to the Copland Foundation by email.
14. Opportunities within the Asian Development Bank (ADB) seminar, video conference, 27 November
Austrade would like to invite you to attend the Opportunities within the Asian Development Bank (ADB) seminar. This will be held on 27 November 2015 and will be run via video conference at Austrade’s Sydney, Melbourne (2.30pm to 1.30pm) and Brisbane (1.30pm to 2.30pm) offices.
About the briefing
The ADB’s Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism in India has goals of developing and conserving natural and cultural attractions, improving basic tourism facilities and connectivity to tourist attractions, as well as building the capacity of sector agencies and local communities in the Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab. Mr Ron H. Slangen, ADB Urban Development Specialist and Mr Vivek Vishal, ADB Procurement Specialist will provide insights on the opportunities and challenges of these projects in India. For further information, please see the Asian Development Bank projects in India brochure and ADB press release.
Who should attend?
- Architects/Designers (conservation consultants, interiors, management and master plans)
- Professional restorers (handling/storage of cultural assets, archival management)
- Engineering firms
- Tourism service providers (market research, feasibility studies, tourism planning and destination management, and workforce training)
- Interpretation specialists (lighting, signage, acoustics)
- Landscaping and urban planning firms
- Universities
If you are interested in attending this seminar, please register here. Registration will close on 25 November 2015.
15. CHNT20 2015 – 2-4 November 2015, Vienna
Urban Archaeology and Public Relations
“New Technologies Enabling Archaeological Outreach”
The Urban Archaeology of Vienna and its cooperation partners are hosting the “20th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” (CHNT20 2015) from 2-4 November 2015 in Vienna, Austria.
For further information about this conference, visit the conference website – also join the forum.
The program is available at this link. Information about the conference rooms and social events is available here.
16. “Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage” conference, March-April 2016, Taiwan – call for papers deadline extended
Inheriting the City: Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage
31 March – 4 April 2016
Taipei, Taiwan
Call for papers deadline: 30 November 2015
In the context of rapid cultural and economic globalisation, over half of the World’s population now live in urban areas. Through rural migration, new economic opportunities and enhanced global mobilities, cities and towns have expanded dramatically resulting in challenges to their character and identity. ‘Inheriting the City’ invites academics, policy makers and practitioners to consider the ways that heritage is being protected, managed and mobilised in rapidly changing and pressurised urban contexts. This multidisciplinary event will explore the type of heritage, both tangible and intangible, that cities and towns will pass to future generations, and the processes through which the heritage of cities is being re-made, re-presented and re-used.
The conference will be held March 31 – April 4, Taipei City, Taiwan in the magnificent Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and will bring together academics, policy makers and practitioners from across the globe for a stimulating five days of presentations, study visits, discussions and networking . We are pleased to announce that the conference will be opened by keynote speakers Lai Chee Kien, Adjunct Associate Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Tim Winter, Research Professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Melbourne.
The Ironbridge Institute for Cultural Heritage aims to provide critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and we invite papers from all disciplines and fields including, but not limited to: anthropology, architecture, archaeology, art history, cultural geography, cultural studies, design, ethnology and folklore, economics, history, heritage studies, landscape studies, leisure studies, museum studies, philosophy, political science, sociology, tourism studies, urban history, urban/spatial planning.
For the full call for papers, broad themes, and further information, please visit the conference website and download the Call_for_Papers_Inheriting the City_Taiwan_2016 postcard.
To submit a paper, please send a 300 word abstract by email as soon as possible but no later than 30 November 2015.
This conference is organised by the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham, in association with: National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Central University and National Taipei University of Education.
17. “Heritage in Transformation” conference, Poland – call for submissions deadline extended
On 22-24 June 2015, the “Heritage in Transformation” conference was held to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of ICOMOS.
ICOMOS Poland are planning to edit the conference publication ‘Heritage in Transformation’ and invite authors to submit proposals of articles until 15 November 2015. Articles should be emailed to this address.
Download the Heritage in Transformation – Format publication for more information about this. Additionally, please note that the content of the articles is limited to the topics of the Conference.
18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
19. Nominations for AAA Awards – closing date: 30 October 2015
Nominations are called for the following four Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) Inc. Awards
Closing Date: 30 October 2015
1. Rhys Jones Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Australian Archaeology
The Rhys Jones Medal is the highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. It was established in honour of Rhys Jones (1941-2001) to mark his enormous contribution to the development and promotion of archaeology in Australia. The Medal is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field. Established in 2002, previous winners include Sue O’Connor (2011), Mike Morwood (2012) Richard Wright (2013) and Peter Veth (2014).
Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s archaeological career and how this work has benefited Australian archaeology, along with short supporting testimonials from other archaeologists, as well as a full list of the nominee’s publications. Note that nominees do not need to be members of the Association; be an Australian citizen; or work exclusively in Australia or on Australian material.
2. John Mulvaney Book Award
The Award was established in honour of John Mulvaney and his contribution and commitment to Australian archaeology over a lifetime of professional service. It acknowledges the significant contribution of individual or co-authored publications to the archaeology of the continent of Australia, the Pacific, Papua-New Guinea and South-East Asia, either as general knowledge or as specialist publications. Nominations are considered annually for books that cover both academic pursuits and public interest, reflecting the philosophy of John Mulvaney’s life work. Established in 2004, previous winners include Jane Lydon for “Fantastic Dreaming: The Archaeology of an Aboriginal Mission” (2010), Annie Ross et al. for “Indigenous Peoples and the Collaborative Stewardship of Nature” (2011), and Mike Smith for “The Archaeology of Australia’s Deserts” (2013).
Nominations must be for books written by one or more authors, but not for edited books, published in the last three calendar years (i.e. 2013, 2014 or 2015). The nomination must be accompanied by at least two published book reviews. A short citation (no more than one page) on why the book should be considered must also be included.
3. The Bruce Veitch Award for Excellence in Indigenous Engagement
This Award celebrates the important contribution that Bruce Veitch (1957-2005) made to the practice and ethics of archaeology in Australia. In particular, the award honours Bruce’s close collaboration with Traditional Owners on whose country he worked. It is awarded annually to any individual or group who has had long-standing and sustained engagement with Indigenous communities during archaeological or cultural heritage projects which have produced significant outcomes for Indigenous interests. Established in 2005, previous winners include Peter Veth (2010), Ken Mulvaney (2011), Ian McNiven (2012), Daryl Wesley (2013) and Sean Ulm and Amy Roberts (joint winners in 2014).
Nominees will have actively engaged with Indigenous communities to produce successful outcomes. The nature of nominations is flexible (e.g. video tape, audio tape, poster etc), considering the wide range of Indigenous collaborations and the remoteness of some communities. Nominators are strongly encouraged to include supporting statements from relevant Indigenous individuals or community organisations.
4. Life Membership for Outstanding Contribution to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc.
This award was established to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the objects and purposes of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Previous winners include Annie Ross (2010), Lynley Wallis (2012) and Fiona Hook (2013).
Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s contributions to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Note that nominees must be members of the Association.
Nominations for all Awards will be considered by the Executive of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. with advice as appropriate from senior members of the discipline. The decision of the Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Nominations should be addressed via email to the AAA President, marked private & confidential and for attention of Fiona Hook, current President of AAA, and sent to arrive no later than 30 October 2015.
Recipients of all awards will be announced at the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Annual Conference.
Dates: 1 – 4 December 2015
Location: Fremantle
Host: University of Western Australia
20. Contribute to online directory of museum studies and related programs
The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) is compiling an online directory of museum studies and related programs that will be available on the AAM website to assist those interested in pursuing or advancing a museum career. We would like to ask for your help in making this important directory happen.
If you are part of a museum studies or related program, we would like to include your program. So that we may have the most current information about your program, please take a moment to fill out this form. If there is more than one program at your institution, please fill out a form for each program.
If you know of a program that should be included in this directory, thank you for forwarding this email.
If you have any questions, please contact Greg Stevens directly by email.
21. Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) conference, 6-10 June 2016, Montreal – call for paper and poster proposals
The organisers of the Montreal ACHS 2016 Conference, with the theme “What does heritage change”, are calling for paper and poster proposals.
The session abstracts are available online as is the call for proposals.
Deadline: 1 November 2015
The proceedings of the Congress will be the subject of a publication, which will be issued in French and English. Each session chair will be in charge of selecting the best papers presented. A Scientific Committee will make the final choice. Other options for publication (electronic, or paper journals) will be made available to participants and will be announced soon.
More information is available at the conference website.
22. Survey: Impact of bird droppings on heritage buildings
A research project is under way to examine the issue of bird droppings on buildings and we need 10 minutes of your time. While we cannot promise you any immediate benefit from participating in this research, we assume that the outcomes of the study may well inform your professional practice.
Many commensal birds, such as pigeons, sea gulls, starlings etc., are on record as perching and roosting on buildings, statues and other heritage items. Their droppings not only create unsightly deposits, but also have deleterious effects on the fabric by aiding its decay. There are a large number of bird deterrent systems available on the market, but very few have been tested for their effectiveness.
The study has a number of components (field observation, experiment, survey). One of these is this on-line survey. We are seeking to gain an understanding of how heritage practitioners perceive bird behaviour in relation to heritage building conservation, to gauge what deterrence methods you have employed, and to what degree you perceive bird deterrent techniques to be effective when used. We would like to enlist your help as a heritage practitioner and will be asking you about your experiences
- What kinds of birds are the problem?
- What techniques have you used (if any)?
- What technique does, in your experience, work?
The study is being conducted by Melissa Pike (Honours Student) from the School of Environmental Sciences at Charles Sturt University and supervised by A/Prof Dr Dirk HR Spennemann and Dr Maggie Watson.
You are invited to participate in the research study by filling out an online survey which should take about 10 minutes of your time to complete. Be assured that the survey is fully ANONYMOUS. By participating, you give your consent for your information being used for the research study.
The Questionnaire can be found at this web address.
23. SITUATION VACANT Senior Architect, Design 5 – Architects
Design 5 – Architects, a well-established practice based in Chippendale, Sydney, are seeking a Senior Architect with a minimum of 5 years’ experience to join our team on a range of conservation related projects. We have a broad range of interesting and challenging projects, from adaptive re-use and detailed conservation work to new structures in significant contexts. We are seeking someone with good design, contract documentation, and communication skills, and preferably proficient in Vectorworks. Knowledge of traditional construction and experience in running projects is essential.
24. SITUATION WANTED Italian Art Restorer seeking work
Giovanni Galati is a skilled heritage conservator and restorer. He is looking for work from museums and/or private collectors. Giovanni has worked in the field for 20 years. He has worked collaboratively with many Italian museums and heritage institutions on antique paintings and oils, wooden and stone artifacts, and has excellent carpentry and antique furnishings restoration skills. He also worked 5 years on stone monuments and another 4 years on wooden roofs. Giovanni’s skills are listed in the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL) (conservator).
Email Giovanni directly if you have any work available for him.
25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Advisory / Consultancy Services (by tender), Queensland Rail
Queensland Rail has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Environment & Heritage Protection and the Queensland Heritage Council authorising Queensland Rail to self-regulate its compliance with the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and related statutory requirements.
A committee established and maintained by Queensland Rail (Queensland Rail Heritage Committee – QRHC) will have primary responsibility for operations described in the MOU. The MOU establishes a framework for and supports the delegation of some functions of the DEHP to Queensland Rail.
The QRHC includes representatives from business groups within Queensland Rail, a representative from DEHP and an independent heritage consultant with appropriate experience to provide advice and technical support.
The purpose of this tender is to have independent heritage advisory / consultancy services available to meet the intent of the MOU.
Closing date for tenders is Friday 13 November 2015 at 5.00pm Brisbane, Queensland.
For more information, click here.
26. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Heritage Register and Permits, Heritage Victoria
The position of Manager, Heritage Register and Permits with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Heritage Victoria, is now open for applications.
The Manager, Heritage Register and Permits leads a team responsible for the delivery of key statutory processes under the State Heritage Act 1995. The role has delegated decision-making responsibilities, and provides specialist high level advice and direction to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria, the Department and key stakeholders.
Please find the job description and other details at this link.
The nominated contact person for enquiries is Steven Avery, Manager Heritage Services on (03) 9938 6896. The nominated closing date is 4 November 2015.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au