Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – entry deadline extended to 12 October 2015
Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Indigenous Bursary for the Fabric Conference – deadline: 7 October 2015
History Council of Victoria Annual Lecture, Melbourne, 22 October
Book Launch, Every Story Counts, 17 October, Wollongong
Annual Meeting of the Australia ICOMOS Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC, Adelaide, 5 November
NSCES Meeting, Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
Nominations open for the 2016 WA Heritage Council’s Heritage Awards
Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, Thursday 15 October
Invitation for Public Comment on Draft Heritage Management Plans
REMINDER – Applications Now Open: Roving Curator Program 2016
Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
Fleet Street Heritage Precinct Symposium, 12 October, Parramatta, NSW
Two Engineering Heritage Victoria events, 10 & 11 October 2015
“Heritage Destruction in the Middle East” symposium, 15 October, Melbourne
Ochre Spinifex & Foil exhibition, University of Sydney
‘City to the Lake’ project works – public comments invited
Nature/Culture Connections at the IUCN World Conservation Congress – call for proposals
Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
Review of the National Capital Plan
Student competition for Masters’ work
Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 14 October 2015
News from ICCROM
14th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016 – call for papers
News from Sydney Living Museums
News from CyArk
News from Old Parliament House
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Adviser, City of Greater Bendigo
SITUATION VACANT Project Architect, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners
SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Management Officer, National Parks & Wildlife Service (NSW)
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Graham Brooks and Associates, Sydney
SITUATIONS VACANT 3 x Lecturing positions, University of Queensland
1. Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – entry deadline extended to 12 October 2015
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition
– online entries close midnight Monday 12 October 2015
$500 prize money donated by the National Trust of Australia (South Australia)
Please circulate details of the competition to your colleagues.
Entrants do not need to be ICOMOS members and
do not need to be attending the Fabric Conference
Atlas Gouverneur at Wrought Artworks, Eveleigh, NSW.
Image courtesy of Steel Windows and Doors in Sydney.
A digital photographic competition is being held as part of the Fabric conference. Australia ICOMOS is concerned with the gradual loss of skills in traditional trades associated with heritage places in Australia. This competition seeks to record and celebrate people involved with the conservation of traditional trades, crafts or other practices. Entrants are required to send a single photograph of tradespersons in the act of making or with a finished product. The photograph should showcase the skill involved in the trade. Please download the HEROES OF TRADITIONAL TRADES photo competition flyer for more information on the photographic competition submission guidelines.
Entries must be received by email by midnight Monday 12 October 2015.
2. Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Following consideration in early 2014 by Australian Heritage Agencies at HOCANZ of a proposal for an Australian Quality Framework to address shortcomings in Australian heritage conservation practice, Australia ICOMOS and the APT Australasia Chapter are moving to develop the Quality Framework proposal. Participation by heritage practitioners concerned about the loss of heritage conservation skills and experience will be important in ensuring that the proposed quality framework has a practical use.
You are invited to participate and to help shape this initiative. Click here for an early draft of the program (note, this has been updated from last week), which is intended to convey information about the scope of the event. More information about the forum is available at the conference website.
Bookings for the Quality Forum can be made as part of the Fabric Conference registration process. Alternatively please RSVP to Mary Knaggs or Donald Ellsmore with your intention to attend and pay the $45 fee (note correction to fee) to cover refreshments on the day.
Should you have any questions regarding this invitation please contact:
- Mary Knaggs, Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Member – email Mary, or
- Donald Ellsmore, FAPT, Convenor, APT Australasia Chapter – email Donald
3. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Only 35 more sleeps until the Fabric conference in Adelaide, which runs from 5-8 November 2015. We are pleased to announce there are over 190 people registered for the conference. We have reached capacity for our welcome reception on Thursday night, but there is still an opportunity to attend the networking function at the Art Gallery of South Australia on Friday night (part of your conference registration). On Saturday morning all full conference delegates are welcome to attend the breakfast and Trade fair at the Old Adelaide Gaol, before leaving on their choice of field trips for the rest of the day.
The conference dinner on Saturday night will be an amazing evening. It is being held in the historic Mortlock Chamber at the State Library of South Australia.
Richard Heathcote, Director of Carrick Hill historic house and garden in Adelaide, will host the evening. Richard previously managed Rippon Lea Estate, the National Trust’s flagship property in Melbourne. Our guest speaker is Dr Alice Gorman, MAACAI, an internationally recognised leader in the emerging field of space archaeology. Alice’s presentation will be about how shadows at the Apollo lunar landing sites contribute to their fabric and cultural significance. The dinner will include a three course meal, four hours of drinks and a band for entertainment. Details of the dinner cost are on the website or in the registration brochure.
We are also extremely pleased to announce that the plenary session on Sunday afternoon will be chaired by Professor Richard Mackay, AM, founder and ‘Director of Possibilities’ at Mackay Strategic. Richard has worked in cultural heritage management for more than 30 years. The plenary session will include short presentations from our three keynote speakers and an opportunity to ask questions about some of the big picture issues around Fabric.
For further information about the Fabric conference, please visit the conference website.
4. Indigenous Bursary for the Fabric Conference – deadline: 7 October 2015
A bursary is available to contribute towards the cost of attending the Australia ICOMOS 2015 Fabric Conference. The bursary is designed to help an Indigenous participant who may otherwise find it difficult to participate. It is sponsored jointly by two National Scientific Committees (NSC) of Australia ICOMOS – the NSC for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes (NSC-CLCR) and the NSC for Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH).
The successful applicant will also be invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC to be held in association with the Conference.
The bursary will:
- cover one Conference registration; and
- contribute up to $120 towards travel costs associated with attendance
A panel from the NSC’s bursary organising committee will review all bursary applications and make an offer based on the merit of the application.
Download further details about the bursary and the application form here.
Applications must be received by 7 October 2015.
5. History Council of Victoria Annual Lecture, Melbourne, 22 October
‘Australia’s Big Science Picnic, 1914: Some New Evidence’
Professor Lynette Russell, FRHistS, FASSA, of Monash University, will deliver the 2015 Annual Lecture of the History Council of Victoria. This event is arranged with support from the Old Treasury Building, Melbourne.
DATE: Thursday 22 October 2015
TIME: 6 pm (light refreshments) for 6.30 pm (lecture)
VENUE: Old Treasury Building, 20 Spring Street, East Melbourne
TICKETS: $15 per head – click here to book
Your contribution to this event will help the History Council of Victoria to promote History in Victoria.
In 1914 the Australian Federal Government sponsored the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to travel to Australia for their annual conference. Over 150 scientists were fully funded by the Australian Commonwealth government and they travelled on three ships especially commanded for this purpose. Across five major cities public talks, demonstrations and excursions familiarised the visiting scientists with Australian natural and hard sciences, geology, botany as well as anthropology. In fact, in terms of anthropology the congress presented a unique opportunity to showcase Aboriginal culture. This lecture draws on recently uncovered archival materials from Oxford’s Bodleian Library and considers the personalities, logistics, events and outcomes of this massive undertaking. In terms of outcomes just two of the Association’s recommendations were to establish a Commonwealth Scientific Institute (later CSIRO) and to develop a national telescope at Mt Stromlo. Although these were delayed by the outbreak of the Great War, it is clear that this Big Science Picnic was no mere singular event, but rather the BAAS in Australia left a legacy we are still beneficiaries of today.
Professor Lynette Russell is an Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow (2011-2016) at Monash University and was visiting fellow at All Souls College Oxford 2014-2015. She completed a PhD in history from the University of Melbourne and has taught and researched in the area of historical and Indigenous studies for nearly twenty years. She is author or editor of ten books. Her current work is in the cutting edge area of anthropological history. She is an elected fellow of Cambridge University’s Clare Hall, AIATSIS and the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Royal Historical Society.
6. Book Launch, Every Story Counts, 17 October, Wollongong

Every Story Counts – Recording Migration Heritage, A Wollongong Case Study
Written by Meredith Walker, Edited by John Petersen
Realised and published by Illawarra Migration Heritage Project Inc
Recording migration heritage, and in particular people’s memories of migration and settlement, provides first-hand perspectives on Australian history. Meredith Walker’s thematic framework provides a new and innovative approach to recording the migration experience. It gives voice to memories which would not be heard or shared and ones which are rarely documented formally. They are however, part of the kaleidoscope of stories that bring us together as a nation.
Date & Time: 11am, 17 October 2015
Venue: Wollongong Art Gallery
- Keynote Speaker: Dr Glenn Mitchell, School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong
- Traditional music and songs performed by Claudio Iacono
- Light refreshments provided
RSVP by email by 12 October 2015
7. Annual Meeting of the Australia ICOMOS Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC, Adelaide, 5 November
The Annual Meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage National Scientific Committee (NSC) will be held in association with the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conference. All are invited. The meeting will include an update on activities, a keynote speaker, Mandy Paul (Senior Curator Exhibitions, Collections and Research, History SA) on ‘Intangible heritage, difficult histories and the Migration Museum’, and a specially tailored tour of the University of Adelaide Collections.
The meeting venue is the Ira Raymond Room, Level 3 Hub Central, North Terrace Campus, University of Adelaide, and the meeting will take place at 12.30-3.30pm, Thursday 5 November 2015.
To register please email the ICH-NSC and see the next Australia ICOMOS newsletter for further information.
8. NSCES Meeting, Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
National Scientific Committee for Energy and Sustainability (NSC-ES) Meeting
Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
A NSC-ES meeting is being held in Adelaide before the start of the Fabric Conference. We would like to welcome all those with an interest in energy and sustainability in heritage. We encourage young members, students and young graduates to come along and join us. We invite you to actively participate in the committee and projects.
WHERE: the Meeting Hall behind the Adelaide Town Hall
WHEN: 2 – 4pm, Thursday 5th November
Hope to see you there.
Helen Wilson and Rachel Jackson
NSCES Convenors
9. Nominations open for the 2016 WA Heritage Council’s Heritage Awards
The Western Australian Heritage Awards were established in 1992 by the Heritage Council to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of individuals and organisations to heritage in Western Australia.
The awards showcase excellence in revitalising heritage places, setting standards for future interpretation, conservation and adaptive reuse of places on the State Register of Heritage Places. It also recognises those individuals that have been instrumental in elevating the value of heritage, securing its place in Western Australia’s future.
The award categories acknowledge the commitment and successes of individuals and organisations, and the diversity of heritage projects across the State.
Nominations close at 4pm, Monday 7 December 2015.
For more information, click on the links below.
- Search for new WA heritage champions begins (media release)
- Awards page of the WA State Heritage Office
10. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, Thursday 15 October
Disaster Planning and Recovery for Cultural Heritage
presentation by Catherine Forbes
Disaster Risk Management Planning: The Rocks, Sydney
Although built cultural heritage contributes to the structure, grain and character of our cities, it is rarely considered in emergency planning. Yet the loss of built cultural heritage following disaster is often greatly mourned by local communities. Focusing on The Rocks heritage precinct, this presentation will outline the process of disaster risk management planning for places of cultural heritage significance. It will examine vulnerabilities and risks to the built fabric and heritage values, and discuss mitigation, preparation, response and recovery strategies to minimise risks and losses to cultural heritage from disaster.
Disaster Response and Recovery: Rebuilding Nepal
The Gorkha Earthquake of April 2015 caused extensive damage across areas of Nepal, extending from the mountain villages of Gorkha, through the World Heritage sites of the Kathmandu Valley to the base camp of Everest. The impact of the quake has been immense and rebuilding will take many years. This presentation will look at the input of heritage professionals and others to the recovery and reconstruction process – through damage assessment, provision of training, providing culturally appropriate solutions to reconstruction issues, and promoting the use of local materials, knowledge and skills.
Catherine Forbes
Catherine Forbes is an architect and Built Heritage Specialist with GML Heritage, a member of the Australian Institute of Architects and an expert member of ICOMOS-ICORP (International Committee on Risk Preparedness). Catherine has been involved in post disaster recovery through Emergency Architects Australia and undertook the UNESCO International Training Course in Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, in 2014. She is currently involved in the Rebuilding Nepal network and village reconstruction with Healthabitat.
Time & Date: Thursday 15 October 2015, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $10, non-members $15 payable at the door
Venue: NSW Government Architect’s Office Level 4 Conference Room McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney (diagonally opposite the Central Station clock tower)
RSVP: by Monday 12 September 2015 to Kate Higgins via email
Please note: RSVP is needed because of secure building access and for catering purposes.
Download the AICOMOS-DOCOMOMO-AIA NSW Chapter talk 15 October flyer.
11. Invitation for Public Comment on Draft Heritage Management Plans
The following notice is in accordance with s341S6(b) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and Regulation 10.03C of the EPBC Regulations 2000. The preparation of these Heritage Management Plans is consistent with the Australian Government’s commitment to managing Australia’s heritage in accordance with the EPBC Act.
The Department of Finance invites interested parties to comment on the following draft Heritage Management Plans:
- John Gorton Building, Parkes, ACT [opens PDF, 19 MB]
- Treasury Building, Parkes, ACT [opens PDF, 24 MB]
- Customs Marine Centre, Neutral Bay, NSW [opens PDF, 16 MB]
Hard copies are also available on request via environment&heritage@finance.gov.au
Comments can be made in writing or email to:
Compliance, Environment and Heritage
Property and Construction Division
Department of Finance
Treasury Building, Parkes Place West
Comments are due by 21 October 2015. Comments received after this date will not be considered.
12. REMINDER – Applications Now Open: Roving Curator Program 2016
Are you looking for professional assistance on an exhibition idea or project? Would you like to develop your team’s exhibition skills? The Roving Curator Program could be your answer!
The Roving Curator Program provides small museums and galleries with exhibition development assistance, including several days on-site advice as well as follow-up support. See guidelines for the types of projects and support available.
Applications are now open and close 13 October 2015.
> Guidelines and application form
For further information or to discuss your application, please email Kitty Owens, Manager, Exhibition Services, on call Kitty on (03) 8341 7342.
13. Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
If you have been thinking of joining Australia ICOMOS and wish to take advantage of member rates, please submit your membership application to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 14 October 2015.
Visit the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website for information on membership, and to download the current application form.
14. Fleet Street Heritage Precinct Symposium, 12 October, Parramatta, NSW
Hosted by the North Parramatta Residents Action Group (NPRAG), supported by National Trust Australia (NSW) & Parramatta Female Factory Friends
8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday, 12 October 2015
Parramatta Leagues Club, NSW
For more information and to book a place, click here.
Use the promotional code FLEET2151 for the general public ticket to be discounted 50% (cost normally $20 incl. morning and afternoon tea) – NOTE: this code is limited in numbers.
The organisers are also offering a delegate table to any organisations that would like to book a table of ten. Instead of the cost of $40 per person, it would be $250 for the table. To take advantage of the delegate special, contact Suzette Meade by email.
15. Two Engineering Heritage Victoria events, 10 & 11 October 2015
Engineering Heritage Recognition Ceremony: Bethanga Bridge
Saturday 10 October 2015, 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm
The Bethanga Bridge is a long, nine-span, riveted-steel, variable depth, Pratt-Truss road bridge over the flooded valley of the Murray River, now part of the Hume Reservoir.
For more information, click here.
Engineering Heritage Recognition Ceremony: Eldorado Dredge
Sunday 11 October 2015, 11:15 am to 12:15 pm
The long-disused Eldorado Gold (and tin) Dredge, sitting in its last working pond near the small township of Eldorado in north-east Victoria, is the largest and most intact surviving bucket dredge in Australia.
For more information, click here.
16. “Heritage Destruction in the Middle East” symposium, 15 October, Melbourne
Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
Heritage Destruction in the Middle East: Beyond the Media Hype
15 October, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
This half-day public symposium focuses on the recent heritage destruction in Syria and Iraq by ISIS. Presenters will bring to the table a variety of interpretations on the factors driving the destruction and the challenges of mounting effective responses.
Please RSVP by email by Friday 9 October if you would like to attend.
Download the Heritage_Destruction_in_the_Middle_East flier.
17. Ochre Spinifex & Foil exhibition, University of Sydney
Tin Sheds Gallery
Tuesday – Friday, 11am – 5pm
24 September – 6 November

Interrogating three materials, Ochre Spinifex & Foil presents new pathways in Australian design knowledge arising from the 2-way exchange of Indigenous and non-Indigenous science. Across the main space of the gallery visitors will move between the spinifex and foil exhibits, to a darkened tableau of ochres in an adjoining room.
For more information, click here.
18. ‘City to the Lake’ project works – public comments invited
The ACT National Capital Authority (NCA) has received a works approval application from ACT Government’s Land Development Agency for construction of the West Basin Foreshore part of the ‘City to the Lake’ project. NCA welcomes community feedback on the proposed development of the West Basin Waterfront by close of business Tuesday 20 October 2015.
More information on this matter can be found by clicking here.
19. Nature/Culture Connections at the IUCN World Conservation Congress – call for proposals
Nature/Culture Connections at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Hawaii, September 2016
Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2015.
Submit proposals via the website.
This is a request for your proposals to be made as part of a proposed Culture/Nature Journey within the “Forum” at the next IUCN World Conservation Congress – WCC 2016. WCC takes place between 1-10 September 2016, and the Forum will be between 2-5 September.
IUCN and ICOMOS, with a growing group of our members and partners, envision a high profile theme at the IUCN World Conservation Congress with multiple components that will address the interconnected character of natural and cultural heritage. We think this is a vital issue, of growing importance to our work on conservation, globally and locally. The theme, potentially to be called the “Culture/Nature Journey” will include diverse elements, but its success relies on members and partners of IUCN and ICOMOS making your proposals before 15 October, so they can be considered within the overall programming for the whole of WCC.
For more information, download the Call_for_Proposals_Culture-Nature_journey_WCC2016.
20. Read Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania, click here.
21. Review of the National Capital Plan
This process is currently underway with an exposure draft released and a period for public comment undertaken. The plan has not been reviewed since 1990 but there have been countless amendments that have found their way lodged into the planning instrument resulting in numerous heritage concerns. A particular concern is Lake Burley Griffin and its landscape setting. This is Australia’s greatest designed landscape yet shamefully it has no heritage listing protection and rubbery planning policies. Subsequently there are continual incremental developments proposed and undertaken on the lake’s landscape open space. We are now awaiting another round of public consultation on the National Capital Plan Review.
An advocacy group commenced early this year – Lake Burley Griffin Guardians. Information about the group, its goals, its submission and its major concerns particularly relating to the National Capital Plan review can be found on the Guardians website (see link below). We encourage ICOMOS members to consult the website for further information and suggestions that can assist you in planning advocacy.
22. Student competition for Masters’ work
The Polish National Committee of ICOMOS are holding a student competition for the best masters-degree work performed at institutions of higher education that is concerned with cultural heritage protection issues.
The deadline for submission of works is 15 October 2015.
For more information, download the Rules of competition JAN ZACHWATOWICZ Award 2015.
23. Port Arthur Talks, Wednesday 14 October 2015
Bushfire on the Tasman Peninsula: past and present
presented by Peter Middleton, Tasmania Fire Service
In recent years, parts of the Tasman Peninsula have known bushfires all too well. With the January 2013 bushfires destroying over 200 homes and properties and covering an area over 20,000ha’s, this reminded us of the uncontrollable nature of bushfires that burn out of control. But the Tasman Peninsula has seen many devastating fires both natural and human caused over the years, including two of historical significance at Port Arthur in 1895 and 1897.
Come along to this interesting talk to hear about how bushfires have impacted and shaped the Tasman Peninsula as well as hear about the predicted bushfire season for 2015/16. This talk will also allow for discussion, questions and an opportunity for community members to contribute to the work of the Tasmania Fire Service Bushfire Ready Neighbourhoods program.
Peter Middleton is the Community Development Coordinator at Tasmania Fire Service. His role develops community capacity to prevent, prepare for and respond to bushfires and fires in the home. Peter coordinates the Bushfire Ready Neighbourhoods program (National Resilient Australia Award winner 2014) which aims to increase shared responsibility and has a vision that ‘we all play a part – individuals, fire agencies and communities’. He has hands on firefighting experience as a Volunteer and Remote Area Firefighter in Australia for 15 years, including being on the front line at the height of the January 2013 bushfire on the Tasman Peninsula.
When: Wednesday 14 October 2015 at 5.30pm
Where: Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room
Please RSVP your attendance by calling (03) 6251 2324
Download the ‘Bushfire on the Tasman Peninsula’ flier.
24. News from ICCROM
To view the latest news from ICCROM, click here.
25. 14th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016 – call for papers
DOCOMOMO International invites papers for the 14th International DOCOMOMO Conference, “Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement Towards the Future” that will take place in Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016.
The Call for Papers is open until 18 October 2015.
For more information see the 14th_IDC_Call_for_Papers and also visit the conference website.
26. News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
27. News from CyArk
- 20 Days until the 500 Summit in Berlin–Register Today
CyArk is delighted to present our final keynotes and a full program for the 2015 CyArk 500 Annual Summit. Layla Salih of the Iraq Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Ms. Barbara Schneider-Kempf, Director General of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) will join us to deliver opening remarks and a keynote address on the morning of October 20. Learn More»
- Digitally Preserving the Symbol of Berlin
On the eve of the 25th Anniversary of German Reunification, learn about the Brandenburg Gate’s 227 year history at the center of German Culture and Politics from Marie Curie Fellow and Project Mosul Co-Founder, Chance Coughenour. CyArk has partnered with the University of Stuttgart’s Institute for Photogrammetry and Iron Mountain to digitally preserve the iconic symbol of Berlin. Read more»
- Why Should you Attend the CyArk 500 Annual Summit?
Still not sure whether you should make the trip to Berlin this year? Learn more about the presentations, technology showcase and attendees from Vice President, Elizabeth Lee, here and check out presentation’s from past Summits here on our YouTube channel. We hope to see you there!
28. News from Old Parliament House
To read the latest newsletter from the Old Parliament House, click here.
29. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Adviser, City of Greater Bendigo
Heritage Adviser
- Part Time (2 days per week)
- Salary Range $75,249 – $82,007 Pro-rata + Super
An excellent opportunity has arisen in the City’s Statutory Planning team for an experienced and dedicated Heritage Adviser to join the multidisciplinary team. The position will work closely with the Senior Heritage Adviser to help promote Bendigo’s unique heritage assets and ensure their heritage values are respected.
Excellent communication skills are essential for this role as you will provide the Community with technical heritage advice in a concise, clear and timely manner.
You will have relevant qualifications or substantial experience in architecture, building or design, heritage planning and conservation, or related discipline including assessing the heritage impact of development proposals.
If you require any further information regarding this position, please contact Caroline Grylls, Acting Manager, Statutory Planning on (03) 5434 6313.
Applications addressing the key selection criteria must be received by close of business Monday 12 October 2015.
Further information including the position description can be located on the website at Employment Opportunities.
30. SITUATION VACANT Project Architect, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners
Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners have a vacancy for a Project Architect with demonstrated, hands-on interest in heritage buildings for a full-time position. AutoCAD experience is an advantage.
Please apply in writing with CV to Sean Johnson, Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners, 155 Brougham Street, Kings Cross, 2011, or submit an application by email.
31. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Management Officer, National Parks & Wildlife Service (NSW)
Location: Hurstville
Vacancy Ref: OEH 318-15
Job Title: Senior Project Management Officer
Classification/Job Grade: Clerk Grade 9/10
Employment Status: Temporary Full-Time (1 role available up to 24 months)
Agency overview
The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage aims to enrich life in NSW by helping the community to conserve and enjoy our environment and heritage.
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) manages, conserves and cares for land in national parks and reserves. NPWS links customer, conservation and cultural outcomes in a sustainable way by building participation in the management and use of parks.
Manage the development and implementation of a range of projects across the NPWS. Develop strategies and solutions to manage contentious/sensitive issues and provide comprehensive advice to senior management.
For more information, including the position description, click here.
Applications close 11.59pm, 5 October 2015.
32. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Graham Brooks and Associates, Sydney
Graham Brooks and Associates is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field. You will have had prior experience in complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation and excellent project delivery skills. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
The ideal applicant for this position will have:
- Relevant professional qualification/s
- Minimum five years’ experience in Australian heritage conservation practice
- Familiarity with traditional building construction methods and materials
- Experience in adaptive re-use projects
- Familiarity with New South Wales heritage legislation
- Skills to liaise and negotiate with government agencies, clients, architects and the community to facilitate positive heritage outcomes
- Demonstrated historical research skills
- Demonstrated ability to prepare heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, and interpretation plans
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to meet deadlines and balance priorities
Desirable but not essential:
- Post-graduate qualifications in Heritage Conservation, Conservation Architecture or other related conservation fields
- Australia ICOMOS membership
This position is full time and Graham Brooks and Associates are not offering sponsorship. Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to submit a cover letter and their resume to Graham Brooks and Associates by email.
Applications close Friday 2 October.
33. SITUATIONS VACANT 3 x Lecturing positions, University of Queensland
The School of Architecture at the University of Queensland offers a three year Bachelor of Architectural Design and a two year Master of Architecture that are professionally accredited. Postgraduate training in research is provided through the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. The School of Architecture has an international profile for its design education and the high quality of the buildings and publications of staff and graduates. It is the home to two successful research centres, the Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism and History (ATCH) and the Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC).
Click on the links below for more information about these three opportunities.
Lecturer in Architecture (Communications)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
University of Queensland
Senior Lecturer in Architecture (History and Theory)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
University of Queensland
Senior Lecturer (Design and Practice)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
University of Queensland
Applications for all three positions close 9 October 2015 (11:55 PM) E. Australia Standard Time.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au