Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – entry deadline extended to 12 October 2015
Indigenous Bursary for the Fabric Conference – deadline: 7 October 2015
New Western Australian Heritage Act – public comment invited
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne, 30 September
Annual Meeting of the Australia ICOMOS Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC, Adelaide, 5 November
NSCES Meeting, Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
Update on the NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes (NSC-CLCR)
Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, Thursday 15 October
‘Motets in the Gaol’ – Polyphonic Voices at the Old Melbourne Gaol, Saturday 24 October
Caring for Stonework seminar, Brisbane, 6 October 2015
Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
Fleet Street Heritage Precinct Symposium, 12 October, Parramatta, NSW
APTCCARN 4th Meeting, 25-27 November 2015, Taiwan
“Heritage Destruction in the Middle East” symposium, 15 October, Melbourne
News from Sydney Living Museums
Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
Survey for young heritage professionals
Aerial Archaeology conference, February 2016, Rome – call for papers
“Heritage in Transformation” conference, Poland – photos & call for submissions
“We have to build a town, a whole town” conference, Darmstadt, Germany, April 2016
14th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016 – call for papers
SITUATION VACANT General Manager, Woolmers Estate, Tasmania
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Graham Brooks and Associates, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Project Archaeologist, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
SITUATIONS VACANT 3 x Lecturing positions, University of Queensland
1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
The Australia ICOMOS conference will include over 60 paper presentations from speakers throughout Australia and overseas, keynote presentations and a panel session on Sunday afternoon where questions can be raised with a panel of experts. Conference registration includes the welcome reception on Thursday evening at Adelaide Town Hall, conference attendance on Friday and Sunday including morning and afternoon tea and lunches, Trade Fair and breakfast at Adelaide Gaol on Saturday morning, a day of field trips (choice of 4) and lunch on Saturday (field trips include conference paper presentations), and the networking function at the Art Gallery of South Australia on Friday night.
We are excited to welcome our keynote speakers: Susan Macdonald from the Getty Conservation Institute in America, Julian Smith from Willowbank in Canada, and Adelaide-based Associate Professor Neale Draper from ACHM. We also have invited expert, Peter Cox from Carrig Conservation International, who will be the opening speaker at the Special Session on Environmental Sustainability.
The conference will cover issues such as:
- understanding and stewardship of traditional and technical conservation skills
- engagement of communities in conservation
- advancing conservation knowledge
- exploring new technologies, and
- fostering of training opportunities for the future conservation and interpretation of heritage fabric
Don’t forget to enter a photograph in the Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – see item 3.
We look forward to seeing you in Adelaide in November.
2. Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Following consideration in early 2014 by Australian Heritage Agencies at HOCANZ of a proposal for an Australian Quality Framework to address shortcomings in Australian heritage conservation practice, Australia ICOMOS and the APT Australasia Chapter are moving to develop the Quality Framework proposal. Participation by heritage practitioners concerned about the loss of heritage conservation skills and experience will be important in ensuring that the proposed quality framework has a practical use.
You are invited to participate and to help shape this initiative. Click here for an early draft of the program (note, this has been updated from last week), which is intended to convey information about the scope of the event. More information about the forum is available at the conference website.
Bookings for the Quality Forum can be made as part of the Fabric Conference registration process. Alternatively please RSVP to Mary Knaggs or Donald Ellsmore with your intention to attend and pay the $45 fee (note correction to fee) to cover refreshments on the day.
Should you have any questions regarding this invitation please contact:
- Mary Knaggs, Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Member – email Mary, or
- Donald Ellsmore, FAPT, Convenor, APT Australasia Chapter – email Donald
3. Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition – entry deadline extended to 12 October 2015
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition
– online entries close midnight Monday 12 October 2015
$500 prize money donated by the National Trust of Australia (South Australia)
Please circulate details of the competition to your colleagues.
Entrants do not need to be ICOMOS members and
do not need to be attending the Fabric Conference
Hobart CWA members with their wares. Photo by Matthew Devine.
A digital photographic competition is being held as part of the Fabric conference. Australia ICOMOS is concerned with the gradual loss of skills in traditional trades associated with heritage places in Australia. This competition seeks to record and celebrate people involved with the conservation of traditional trades, crafts or other practices. Entrants are required to send a single photograph of tradespersons in the act of making or with a finished product. The photograph should showcase the skill involved in the trade. Please download the HEROES OF TRADITIONAL TRADES photo competition flyer for more information on the photographic competition submission guidelines.
Entries must be received by email by midnight Monday 12 October 2015.
4. Indigenous Bursary for the Fabric Conference – deadline: 7 October 2015
A bursary is available to contribute towards the cost of attending the Australia ICOMOS 2015 Fabric Conference. The bursary is designed to help an Indigenous participant who may otherwise find it difficult to participate. It is sponsored jointly by two National Scientific Committees (NSC) of Australia ICOMOS – the NSC for Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes (NSC-CLCR) and the NSC for Intangible Cultural Heritage (NSC-ICH).
The successful applicant will also be invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC to be held in association with the Conference.
The bursary will:
- cover one Conference registration; and
- contribute up to $120 towards travel costs associated with attendance
A panel from the NSC’s bursary organising committee will review all bursary applications and make an offer based on the merit of the application.
Download further details about the bursary and the application form here.
Applications must be received by 7 October 2015.
5. New Western Australian Heritage Act – public comment invited
On 12 August 2015, Heritage Minister Albert Jacob released the Heritage Bill 2015 (Exposure Draft) for stakeholder and community consultation.
Known as a Green Bill, it is the culmination of the 2011 review of the Heritage Of Western Australia Act 1990, the first major initiative of the State Cultural Heritage Policy.
Feedback from the Heritage Green Bill will help inform new heritage legislation that is open, transparent, simple to operate and easy to understand, and able to reflect best practice in the recognition and protection of heritage places.
Submissions close Friday 25 September 2015.
More information is available at the links below.
6. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne, 30 September
The next CHCAP seminar at Deakin University will be a presentation by Dr. Linda Young, Deakin University on “Why are there so many writers’ house museums in the UK?”.
The largest segment of Famous Person house museums in the UK is writers’ houses, usually explained as self-evident sacred places of literature. This paper revises that expectation in terms of the identity-articulating role of museums. It suggests that the exposition of the museum as an agent of national discourse accommodates the older role of pilgrimage and the modern dynamic of tourism to create a hybrid institution with a variety of sources of affective power.
Writers’ house museums are framed by the canon of English literature developed in the 18th-19th centuries. Their ambit expresses the cultural power of the British nation—and some resistance to it—first within the union, then within the empire and latterly in the age of devolution. Practical limits to the act of house museumization mean that the literary canon and the body of houses have never been equivalent. Yet the construct has proved strong enough at the turn of the 21st century to survive the impacts on literature of popular culture, deconstruction, multiculturalism and the possibility of the death of the canon. It is proposed that this endurance derives from the profound, if subliminal, national consciousness of English literature and the plasticity of concepts of national identity.
Dr Linda Young is a historian by discipline and teacher of heritage and museum studies by trade. Her book on the history of historic houses as a species of museum, The nation at home, will be published by Altamira (Rowman & Little) in 2016.
Date: Wednesday 30 September 2015
Time: 12.00 noon
Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin Prime, City Campus, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Email list: To be included in the CHCAP email newsletter distribution list, email Yamini Narayanan
7. Annual Meeting of the Australia ICOMOS Intangible Cultural Heritage NSC, Adelaide, 5 November
The Annual Meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage National Scientific Committee (NSC) will be held in association with the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conference. All are invited. The meeting will include an update on activities, a keynote speaker, Mandy Paul (Senior Curator Exhibitions, Collections and Research, History SA) on ‘Intangible heritage, difficult histories and the Migration Museum’, and a specially tailored tour of the University of Adelaide Collections.
The meeting venue is the Ira Raymond Room, Level 3 Hub Central, North Terrace Campus, University of Adelaide, and the meeting will take place at 12.30-3.30pm, Thursday 5 November 2015.
To register please email the ICH-NSC and see the next Australia ICOMOS newsletter for further information.
8. NSCES Meeting, Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
National Scientific Committee for Energy and Sustainability (NSC-ES) Meeting
Adelaide, Thursday 5 November 2015
A NSC-ES meeting is being held in Adelaide before the start of the Fabric Conference. We would like to welcome all those with an interest in energy and sustainability in heritage. We encourage young members, students and young graduates to come along and join us. We invite you to actively participate in the committee and projects.
WHERE: the Meeting Hall behind the Adelaide Town Hall
WHEN: 2 – 4pm, Thursday 5th November
Hope to see you there.
Helen Wilson and Rachel Jackson
NSCES Convenors
9. Update on the NSC on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes (NSC-CLCR)
Having done a great job on NSC-CLCR co-ordination since 2010, Kirsty Altenburg and Rachel Jackson have stepped down and Juliet Ramsay (cultural landscapes) and Sue Rosen (cultural routes) are taking on the task.
We extend a welcome to all those interested in cultural landscapes and cultural routes. We also encourage young members, graduates, undergraduates to join and participate in the work and interests of the committee. Annual meetings include field trips, symposia and discussions on issues raised by our membership. Project initiatives are welcome.
NSC Membership
Australia ICOMOS now requires NSC members to complete a membership form even if you have been an NSC member for many years. There is also an Australia ICOMOS policy that requires the coordinators to review membership every 3 years. Some members’ emails no longer work and a recent review of the list has meant that some names have been discontinued due to lack of contact.
Therefore we ask NSC-CLCR members to check if you recently received minutes from the meeting held at Port Fairy. If you haven’t, then your name is no longer on the members’ list. If you wish to re-establish your membership you will need to fill out the membership form. The current NSC-CLCR list of names and the NSC membership form is on the Australia ICOMOS website. Please send your completed membership form to Juliet Ramsay by email.
Lithgow May 2016
The next NSC meeting is to be on and in the industrial heritage landscape of Lithgow either commencing on the 12 or the 19 March 2016. The tentative program includes an informal pub dinner on the Friday night, a guided walk around Lithgow’s industrial townscape, inclusive of parks and civic spaces on the Saturday morning with a meeting and workshops in the afternoon. There will be an Out-of-Lithgow self-drive excursion on the Sunday morning. A presentation by a TICCIH representative is included as well as a dinner or pre-dinner talk on the history of Lithgow. There will be parallel workshop sessions on current NSC CLCR projects, particular topics and Lithgow questions. Arrangements are currently being refined. This promises to be an interesting event so please mark it in your calendar.
10. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO / AIA NSW Chapter Sydney Talk Series, Thursday 15 October
Disaster Planning and Recovery for Cultural Heritage
presentation by Catherine Forbes
Disaster Risk Management Planning: The Rocks, Sydney
Although built cultural heritage contributes to the structure, grain and character of our cities, it is rarely considered in emergency planning. Yet the loss of built cultural heritage following disaster is often greatly mourned by local communities. Focusing on The Rocks heritage precinct, this presentation will outline the process of disaster risk management planning for places of cultural heritage significance. It will examine vulnerabilities and risks to the built fabric and heritage values, and discuss mitigation, preparation, response and recovery strategies to minimise risks and losses to cultural heritage from disaster.
Disaster Response and Recovery: Rebuilding Nepal
The Gorkha Earthquake of April 2015 caused extensive damage across areas of Nepal, extending from the mountain villages of Gorkha, through the World Heritage sites of the Kathmandu Valley to the base camp of Everest. The impact of the quake has been immense and rebuilding will take many years. This presentation will look at the input of heritage professionals and others to the recovery and reconstruction process – through damage assessment, provision of training, providing culturally appropriate solutions to reconstruction issues, and promoting the use of local materials, knowledge and skills.
Catherine Forbes
Catherine Forbes is an architect and Built Heritage Specialist with GML Heritage, a member of the Australian Institute of Architects and an expert member of ICOMOS-ICORP (International Committee on Risk Preparedness). Catherine has been involved in post disaster recovery through Emergency Architects Australia and undertook the UNESCO International Training Course in Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, in 2014. She is currently involved in the Rebuilding Nepal network and village reconstruction with Healthabitat.
Time & Date: Thursday 15 October 2015, 5.30pm for 6pm start
Cost: Members $10, non-members $15 payable at the door
Venue: NSW Government Architect’s Office Level 4 Conference Room McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney (diagonally opposite the Central Station clock tower)
RSVP: by Monday 12 September 2015 to Kate Higgins via email
Please note: RSVP is needed because of secure building access and for catering purposes.
Download the AICOMOS-DOCOMOMO-AIA NSW Chapter talk 15 October flyer.
11. ‘Motets in the Gaol’ – Polyphonic Voices at the Old Melbourne Gaol, Saturday 24 October
Music lovers around Melbourne might well choose to note 7:30pm on Saturday 24 October 2015 in their diaries…
Following a Christmas Eve broadcast on ABC and completing their successful 2015 season, Polyphonic Voices will be giving what is believed to be the first choral performance in the state-listed Old Melbourne Gaol.
The ensemble, which comprises former members of Melbourne University’s several chapel choirs and counts current AI Vice President Ian Travers as a founder member, will present a program of motets by the great masters of the choral tradition, ranging from Gregorio Allegri’s anguished Miserere to Eric Whitacre’s sublime Saint Chappelle.
Those familiar with the National Trust (VIC) managed site, including Australia ICOMOS members who attended the 2011 Watermarks Conference dinner there, may recall the wonderful acoustic and be able to fully appreciate that this promises to be a truly thrilling experience!
Download the Motets in the Gaol flyer and click here to book.
12. Caring for Stonework seminar, Brisbane, 6 October 2015
The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) invites you to the following seminar:
featuring Andrew Ladlay, Heritage Architect for Treasury Casino & Hotel and
Vince MacKenzie-Ross, Queensland Heritage Masonry
2-5pm, Tuesday 6 October 2015
Ryan’s Private Dining Room
Treasury Casino and Hotel, 130 William St, Brisbane
$40 Other Guests
The seminar includes the presentation, scaffold tour and afternoon tea. A demonstration of techniques of stone masonry will also be held in Queens Gardens.
Only a few places are left, so complete the Caring for Stonework booking sheet quickly to secure your place.
Download the Caring for Stonework invitation.
13. Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
If you have been thinking of joining Australia ICOMOS and wish to take advantage of member rates, please submit your membership application to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 14 October 2015.
Visit the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website for information on membership, and to download the current application form.
14. Fleet Street Heritage Precinct Symposium, 12 October, Parramatta, NSW
Hosted by the North Parramatta Residents Action Group (NPRAG), supported by National Trust Australia (NSW) & Parramatta Female Factory Friends
8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday, 12 October 2015
Parramatta Leagues Club, NSW
For more information and to book a place, click here.
15. APTCCARN 4th Meeting, 25-27 November 2015, Taiwan
Embracing Cultural Materials Conservation in the Tropics
Conservation Center, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
25-27 November 2015
In 2015, APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Tropical Climate Conservation Art Research Network) will hold its 4th Meeting in Taiwan at the Conservation Center, Cheng Shiu University. With a focus on Asia Pacific’s diverse climate, history and future, the meeting aims to embrace cultural materials conservation in the region, our experiences and the future. Issues such as developing a regional practice of cultural materials conservation within the needs, resources, communities and geographic place will be addressed. This is in light of recent extreme weather events, the current reality of the environment and sustainable practices.
Registration is open and the full program is now available online.
Registration fees include attendance at the conference, conference program including the abstracts, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and site visits. The conference dinner is an additional cost. There are two full registration fees and a student fee.
- Full Registration: USD$200 US
- Local registration: USD$150
- Full Registration-Student: USD$100
- Late Registration-after 30 October: USD$300
- Conference Dinner: USD$50
For more information, visit the conference website or contact:
- Dr Nicole Tse by email, Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Dr Ioseba Soraluze by email, Conservation Center, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
16. “Heritage Destruction in the Middle East” symposium, 15 October, Melbourne
Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
Heritage Destruction in the Middle East: Beyond the Media Hype
15 October, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Deakin University Melbourne City Centre
This half-day public symposium focuses on the recent heritage destruction in Syria and Iraq by ISIS. Presenters will bring to the table a variety of interpretations on the factors driving the destruction and the challenges of mounting effective responses.
Please RSVP by email by Friday 9 October if you would like to attend.
17. News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
18. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.
19. Survey for young heritage professionals
Two students from the MA in World Heritage Studies from the Brandenburgische Technische Universität – Cottbus-Senftenberg in Cottbus, Germany, have been working in collaboration with ICOMOS for the past couple of months, through their vice-president Mr. Toshiyuki Kono, to explore the possibility of starting a programme of ICOMOS aimed to young professionals of the international community, specifically to those related to the heritage fields.
As part of this exploration, one of the first steps is to run a survey within the different networks in which students and alumni belong to, in order to have a better understanding of what role and importance ICOMOS has for them. Since the whole project is aimed to a young demographic, the survey is open to students from all levels of higher education, starting from the Bachelor (or equivalent) degree, both undergoing their studies as well as graduates.
With this goal in mind, they have developed a questionnaire which is open until 30 September 2015.
To access the survey, follow this link
Below is a message from Mr. Toshiyuki Kono regarding the importance of helping with this survey:
“International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), founded in 1965, is one of the most important organizations in the field of conservation.
ICOMOS is identifying its long- and midterm strategies. For this purpose, ICOMOS conducts an on-line survey which is addressed to young professionals as non-ICOMOS members.
Your response will tremendously help us to make our organization more beneficial for young professionals.
We guarantee that your response will be used strictly for internal purposes and that your data will be carefully administered.
I thank you in advance for your kind collaboration!”
20. Aerial Archaeology conference, February 2016, Rome – call for papers
2nd International Conference of Aerial Archaeology
“From Aerostats to Drones: aerial imagery in Archaeology”
3-5 February 2016
Rome, Italy
The organisers of this conference are inviting abstracts. Abstracts (stating affiliation of the authors) should not exceed 500 words (including title), and should indicate in which session they could be presented.
For further information, see the Aerial Archaeology CFP or visit the conference website.
PLEASE NOTE: there are conflicting deadline dates for the submission of abstracts – the CFP states 10 October 2015, website states 20 September 2015. Individuals who wish to submit an abstract should contact the conference organisers.
21. “Heritage in Transformation” conference, Poland – photos & call for submissions

On 22-24 June 2015, the “Heritage in Transformation” conference was held to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of ICOMOS. The events were attended by more than 200 people, representing the National and Scientific Committees of ICOMOS from around the world.
The Polish National Committee ICOMOS would like to thank all the participants of these events and all the people and institutions that support their organization.
You can also view photos of the founding Congress in 1965, which took place in Poland.
ICOMOS Poland are planning to edit the conference publication ‘Heritage in Transformation’ and invite authors to submit proposals of articles until 30 September 2015.
Download the Call_for_submissions-‘Heritage_in_Transformation’ for more information about this.
22. “We have to build a town, a whole town” conference, Darmstadt, Germany, April 2016
On behalf of ICOMOS Germany and the Monument Conservation Authority in Hessen (Germany) we would like to draw your attention to the conference “We have to build a town, a whole town” – The Darmstadt Artists’ Colony on the Mathildenhöhe, which will be taking place in Darmstadt, Germany, in April 2016 and will be focussing on artists’ colonies in the late 19th/early 20th centuries.
The conference is meant to be part of the preparation for a nomination of the Mathildenhöhe for the World Heritage List.
The Call for Papers ends on 18 September 2015 and more detailed information can be found in the Artists_Colony_Mathildenhöhe_Darmstadt_2016 call for papers.
23. 14th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016 – call for papers
DOCOMOMO International invites papers for the 14th International DOCOMOMO Conference, “Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement Towards the Future” that will take place in Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016.
The Call for Papers is open until 18 October 2015.
For more information see the 14th_IDC_Call_for_Papers and also visit the conference website.
24. SITUATION VACANT General Manager, Woolmers Estate, Tasmania
Woolmers Estate, a non-profit organisation one of Australia’s premier UNESCO World Heritage listed Convict Sites, is situated in picturesque Longford, Tasmania. The site is home to a variety of World Heritage Listed buildings and accommodation, a collection of historic items and a soon to be developed multi-purpose visitor’s centre with meeting rooms, offices and a restaurant/function centre.
The Woolmers Foundation are seeking an experienced General Manager (GM) with a passion for conservation, presentation and community engagement to oversee the management of this amazing piece of history.
Working alongside the Site Manager, Business Administration Officer and volunteers from the community the GM undertakes a variety of tasks from writing funding submissions and conservation management through to community engagement and event organisation/management.
The successful applicant will have demonstrated site/property management experience and a passion for conservation World Heritage. Their management skills will cover a broad range from Human Resource Management through to financial management and budgeting. A well-established record of involvement in marketing and community/stakeholder engagement will also form part of their history.
The remuneration package is negotiable depending on skills and experience but can include accommodation, fuel and other consumables/resources plus an annual salary.
Applicants should apply in writing by addressing the selection criteria in a covering letter and emailing this along with your current resume.
Applications can also be made via our website, where a full position description and selection criteria are available for download.
Further enquiries can be directed to Nick Hutchinson at Professional Edge on (03) 6332 2560.
Applications will be treated in strict confidence.
Applications close on 1 October 2015.
25. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Graham Brooks and Associates, Sydney
Graham Brooks and Associates is a well-established heritage consultancy practice, respected for our role in heritage asset management, advisory services and liaison on heritage issues. Our multi-disciplinary team provides services ranging from conservation and adaptive re-use advice, skilled liaison with government bodies throughout NSW, and the preparation of heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, cultural tourism and interpretation plans, in addition to Land and Environment Court appeals. We have a broad base of private, corporate and government clients, offering the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of challenging projects.
We are seeking a highly motivated Heritage Consultant who can work both independently and as part of a medium sized team of skilled professional staff.
You will have considerable experience in the heritage field. You will have had prior experience in complex heritage assessments, a familiarity with the relevant legislation and excellent project delivery skills. You will also have a strong track record of establishing trusted advisor/client relationships. Your role will include the provision of responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice to clients, architectural colleagues and building contractors.
The ideal applicant for this position will have:
- Relevant professional qualification/s
- Minimum five years’ experience in Australian heritage conservation practice
- Familiarity with traditional building construction methods and materials
- Experience in adaptive re-use projects
- Familiarity with New South Wales heritage legislation
- Skills to liaise and negotiate with government agencies, clients, architects and the community to facilitate positive heritage outcomes
- Demonstrated historical research skills
- Demonstrated ability to prepare heritage impact statements, conservation management plans, archival recordings, and interpretation plans
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to meet deadlines and balance priorities
Desirable but not essential:
- Post-graduate qualifications in Heritage Conservation, Conservation Architecture or other related conservation fields
- Australia ICOMOS membership
This position is full time and Graham Brooks and Associates are not offering sponsorship. Those wishing to apply for this position are encouraged to submit a cover letter and their resume to Graham Brooks and Associates by email.
Applications close Friday 2 October.
26. SITUATION VACANT Project Archaeologist, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority has a vacancy for a Project Archaeologist to lead a series of excavations at the Port Arthur Historic Site as part of the current phase of the Penitentiary Precinct Conservation Project. The successful applicant will also be responsible for compiling a full report on the work and assembling a complete excavation archive.
The new excavations will focus on the ablutions yard area that formed part of the penitentiary’s infrastructure in one of the site’s areas that is best suited to investigations of convict labour and behaviours.
Details of the vacancy are available online, where there are links to:
- The full Statement of Duties
- The required Application Form
- Advice for Applicants
Applications addressing the selection criteria for this fixed-term contract position close on Monday 28 September. An appointment will be made on the basis of a merit-based selection process.
Please contact David Roe by email for further information on the project.
27. SITUATIONS VACANT 3 x Lecturing positions, University of Queensland
The School of Architecture at the University of Queensland offers a three year Bachelor of Architectural Design and a two year Master of Architecture that are professionally accredited. Postgraduate training in research is provided through the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. The School of Architecture has an international profile for its design education and the high quality of the buildings and publications of staff and graduates. It is the home to two successful research centres, the Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism and History (ATCH) and the Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC).
Click on the links below for more information about these three opportunities.
Lecturer in Architecture (Communications)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
University of Queensland
Senior Lecturer in Architecture (History and Theory)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
University of Queensland
Senior Lecturer (Design and Practice)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
University of Queensland
Applications for all three positions close 9 October 2015 (11:55 PM) E. Australia Standard Time.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au