Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
NSW Heritage Division 2015 Heritage Advisor Events, 20-21 August
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne, 26 August
Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
Broughton Hall walk, Lilyfield NSW, 5 September
Applications Now Open: Roving Curator Program 2016
Invitation for Public Comment on Draft Heritage Management Plans
Book launch and talk on architect Reuben Lane, 18 August, Sydney
Calling for local people and local projects for Green Army Round Four – The Hon Greg Hunt MP media release
14th DOCOMOMO International Conference, 6-9 September 2016, Portugal – call for papers
Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
ICOMOS Annual General Assembly 2015 – Preliminary Agenda
Special UIA website on Climate and Architecture
Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
Cultural Landscapes Publication News
Win a Free Booth and an Invitation to the CyArk 500 Annual Summit
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (F-T, 7-month contract), City Plan Heritage, Sydney
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, 1 x Senior, 1 x Junior, Heritage21, Sydney
1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
There are less than 30 days to register for the Fabric conference at the Early Bird rate. The conference will explore the tangible and intangible elements of buildings, areas and landscapes that are important to society and that form part of our evolving culture. You will hear engaging presentations by our keynote speakers Julian Smith from Willowbank in Canada, Susan Macdonald from the Getty Conservation Institute in the United States, and Dr Neale Draper from ACHM in Adelaide. The field trips on the Saturday of the conference provide you with four options to see urban regeneration at Port Adelaide, significant heritage buildings and sites in the Adelaide CBD, the cultural heritage values of the Mount Lofty Ranges, or traditional trades in practice at Adelaide Gaol – all part of your conference registration. The inclusive social events at the conference provide delegates with opportunities for catching up with friends and meeting new colleagues. We hope to see you in Adelaide at what is shaping up to be gem of a conference.
Heroes of Traditional Trades Photographic Competition
Lettering being applied to the conserved sculpture of Diana The Huntress for Sydney Botanical Gardens
by monumental mason Sach Killam of the Rookwood Cemetery Trust.
Image by Joy Singh of the NSW Government Architect’s Office.
A digital photographic competition is being held as part of the Fabric conference. Australia ICOMOS is concerned with the gradual loss of skills in traditional trades associated with heritage places in Australia. This competition seeks to record and celebrate people involved with the conservation of traditional trades, crafts or other practices. Entrants are required to send a single photograph of tradespersons in the act of making or with a finished product. The photograph should showcase the skill involved in the trade. Please download the HEROES_OF_TRADITIONAL_TRADES_photo_competition flyer for more information on the photographic competition submission guidelines.
2. Quality Conservation Forum at Fabric conference
Following consideration in early 2014 by Australian Heritage Agencies at HOCANZ of a proposal for an Australian Quality Framework to address shortcomings in Australian heritage conservation practice, Australia ICOMOS and the APT Australasia Chapter are moving to develop the Quality Framework proposal. Participation by heritage practitioners concerned about the loss of heritage conservation skills and experience will be important in ensuring that the proposed quality framework has a practical use.
You are invited to participate and to help shape this initiative. Click here for an early draft of the program, which is intended to convey information about the scope of the event. More information about the forum is available at the conference website.
Bookings for the Quality Forum can be made as part of the Fabric Conference registration process. Alternatively please RSVP to Mary Knaggs or Donald Ellsmore with your intention to attend and pay the $30 fee to cover refreshments on the day.
Should you have any questions regarding this invitation please contact:
- Mary Knaggs, Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Member – email Mary, or
- Donald Ellsmore, FAPT, Convenor, APT Australasia Chapter – email Donald
3. NSW Heritage Division 2015 Heritage Advisor Events, 20-21 August
The Heritage Division invites you to attend the 2015 Heritage Advisor Events
Detailed information about these events can be found online with both event programs available to download. The registration and payment form is also available on this page, and has been attached to this email for your convenience. Those who attend the Training and Refresher Workshop are also invited to attend the Network Seminar free of charge (valued at $50 per person). To register, please select the option for both events on the payment form.
Heritage Advisor Training and Refresher Workshop 2015
The Heritage Division of the Office of Environment and Heritage is delivering the annual Heritage Advisor Training and Refresher Workshop on Thursday 20 August 2015. The workshop is designed for heritage consultants who would like to work in local government heritage management, and current heritage advisors. The program is also highly recommended for local government planners, managers and heritage architects. The workshop will be presented at the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage, located at 3 Marist Place, Parramatta, NSW 2150.
Date: Thursday 20 August 2015
Time: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Location: 3 Marist Place, Parramatta, NSW 2150
Cost: $250 (including catering)
Heritage Advisor Network Seminar 2015
The Heritage Division of the Office of Environment and Heritage is delivering the annual Heritage Advisor Network Seminar on Friday 21 August 2015. The objective of the network seminar is to inform heritage professionals of shifting and improved strategies, and conservation techniques that ensure successful management of state, local and privately held heritage assets for the people of NSW. The network seminar will be presented at the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage, located at 3 Marist Place, Parramatta, NSW 2150.
Date: Friday 21 August 2015
Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Location: 3 Marist Place, Parramatta, NSW 2150
Cost: $50 (including catering)
If you have any questions about these events, or would like to discuss your attendance, please feel free to contact Xanthe O’Donnell by email directly. We look forward to seeing you in August!
4. Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific (CHCAP) seminar, Melbourne, 26 August
The next CHCAP seminar at Deakin University will be a presentation by Ass Prof Renate Howe, Deakin University on the Victorian Heritage Act Review.
Associate Professor Renate Howe will chair a discussion on the current review of the Heritage Act 1995 announced by Richard Wynne, the Minister for Planning. The need for updating the Act has long been recognised and a briefing of the proposed changes identified in the discussion paper will be provided by Steven Avery and Amanda Bacon of Heritage Victoria. The review is important as Melbourne and regional cities experience a period of population growth and development bringing significant implications for heritage management.
A copy of the discussion paper can be downloaded from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.
Renate Howe is an Honorary Associate Professor at Deakin University and a former member of the Heritage Council of Victoria.
Date: Wednesday 26 August 2015
Time: 12.00 noon
Venue: Theatre Room, Deakin Prime, City Campus, 3/550 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Email list: To be included in the CHCAP email newsletter distribution list, email Yamini Narayanan
5. Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
If you have been thinking of joining Australia ICOMOS and wish to take advantage of member rates, please submit your membership application to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 14 October 2015.
Visit the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website for information on membership, and to download the current application form.
6. Broughton Hall walk, Lilyfield NSW, 5 September
Broughton Hall is a part of Callan Park / Rozelle Hospital, the whole of which is listed on the NSW State Heritage Register as a purpose-designed state-of-the-art asylum to treat mental health. To quote Dame Professor Marie Bashir, who worked here, it literally saved 1000s of lives over decades, restoring people back to balance and life, many going on to become leaders in many fields.
Date & time: 1.00-3.00pm
Venue: meet at NSW Writer’s Centre
For more information, including how to book, download the Broughton Hall walk flyer.
7. Applications Now Open: Roving Curator Program 2016
Are you looking for professional assistance on an exhibition idea or project? Would you like to develop your team’s exhibition skills? The Roving Curator Program could be your answer!
The Roving Curator Program provides small museums and galleries with exhibition development assistance, including several days on-site advice as well as follow-up support. See guidelines for the types of projects and support available.
Applications are now open and close 13 October 2015.
> Guidelines and application form
For further information or to discuss your application, please email Kitty Owens, Manager, Exhibition Services, on call Kitty on (03) 8341 7342.
8. Invitation for Public Comment on Draft Heritage Management Plans
The following notice is in accordance with s341S6(b) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and Regulation 10.03C of the EPBC Regulations 2000.
The Department of Finance invites interested parties to comment on the following draft Heritage Management Plans (HMPs).
The preparation of these HMPs is consistent with the Australian Government’s commitment to managing Australia’s heritage in accordance with the EPBC Act.
Draft HMPs for public comment:
- Edward Braddon Commonwealth Law Courts, Hobart [opens PDF, 7 MB]
- The Commonwealth Offices Building, 4 Treasury Place, Melbourne [opens PDF, 12.8 MB]
Hard copies are also available at respective libraries:
- State Library of Tasmania
- State Library of Victoria
Comments can be made in writing or email to:
Compliance, Environment and Heritage
Property and Construction Division
Department of Finance
Treasury Building, Parkes Place West
by email to: environment&heritage@finance.gov.au
Comments are due by 26 August 2015. Comments received after this date will not be considered.
9. Book launch and talk on architect Reuben Lane, 18 August, Sydney
Reuben Lane’s Innovative Architecture

Date: Tuesday 18 August
Time: 6pm for 6.30pm start
Venue: Australian Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, NSW 2011
- Chris Johnson, Urban Taskforce
- Patrick Keane, Enter Projects
- Tom Breen & Georgina Michaelis, Warrah Society
- Chris Johnson
Reuben Lane was an innovative architect who designed the free flowing Breen House in the late 1960s, an innovative modular house design and a series of buildings based on Rudolf Steiner principles for people with disabilities. Patrick Keane will position the Breen House as one of Sydney’s most important modern houses, and Georgina Michaelis, the CEO of Warrah Society, will explain the importance of Reuben’s architecture for people with disabilities. Reuben Lane’s early career working with Oscar Niemeyer and his meeting with Le Corbusier will be presented. Reuben Lane: A selection of architectural works 1960–2000, a new book on Reuben Lane’s work, will also be launched at the talk.
Cost: FREE for Institute members | $10 Non-member | $5 Non-member students.
Register online or pay at the door. Numbers are strictly limited.
10. Calling for local people and local projects for Green Army Round Four – The Hon Greg Hunt MP media release
Australia ICOMOS is committed to the dissemination of relevant cultural heritage information. In line with this commitment we are circulating the following media release from the Hon Greg Hunt, dated 12 August 2015.
The Australian Government is calling for more local people to join the Green Army to work on local projects that will make a real difference to our environment.
Applications for projects under Round 4 of the Green Army programme are now open for projects.
We want local people to join the Green Army to work on local projects in our community, and we want local groups to come forward with ideas for projects.
Community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and others can now nominate for a new Green Army project that has a clear focus on conservation of the environment or National or World Heritage places.
For young Australians aged between 17 and 24, joining the Green Army means you’ll receive valuable practical experience and training while undertaking work that will improve the environment in our local community.
Round Four of the Green Army will consist of two streams. Stream 1 will focus on heritage projects that promote, protect and conserve Australia’s National and World Heritage which are listed for their natural, historic or Indigenous values.
Stream 2 will focus on projects that directly support the protection and recovery of threatened species, particularly actions for improving habitat. There will also be a focus on projects that address threats to the Great Barrier Reef.
The Green Army encourages practical action to support local environment and conservation projects across Australia and will provide training to thousands of young Australians by 2018.
Right across Australia, the Green Army is making a real difference to the environment and local communities through projects such as restoring and protecting habitat, weeding, planting, cleaning up creeks and rivers and restoring cultural heritage places.
In its first year, the Green Army has been a huge success with more than 700 community projects announced since it was launched in August 2014. More than 350 projects have already rolled out in urban, rural and remote areas. Many more will hit the ground in the coming years as the Green Army Programme builds to 1500 projects in 2018-19.
The Green Army will become Australia’s largest-ever team supporting environmental action across the country, building to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.
The Green Army is a major Government commitment with more than $700 million budgeted over four years.
This investment in the Green Army brings the Government’s total investment in natural resource management to more than $2 billion over four years.
Applications for projects under Round Four of the programme are now open and will close at 2pm AEST (Canberra time) on Wednesday, 16 September 2015.
Information sessions about how to get involved in the Green Army are running throughout August across Australia. They are an opportunity to find out about how to apply for a project under Round Four.
For more information about Round 4 including eligibility, project guidelines and application form and the full schedule of community information sessions go to www.australia.gov.au/greenarmy.
11. 14th DOCOMOMO International Conference, 6-9 September 2016, Portugal – call for papers
14th DOCOMOMO International Conference
‘Adaptive Reuse: The modern Movement Towards the Future’
6-9 September 2016
Lisbon, Portugal
docomomo International invites researchers and practitioners involved in the process of preservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement, to investigate on the theme: Adaptive Re-use, The Modern Movement Towards the Future.
For more information about the call for papers, visit the conference website.
Abstracts are due no later than 18 October 2015.
12. Heritage Council of WA’s eNewsletter out now
Read the latest edition of the Heritage Council’s eNewsletter, Heritage Matters.
13. ICOMOS Annual General Assembly 2015 – Preliminary Agenda
The 2015 Annual General Assembly will take place on the afternoon of 27 October 2015 from 16.00 to 18.00 in Fukuoka, Japan. Its preliminary agenda is now available and will focus on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget.
All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS will be dealt with by the next triennial General Assembly (2017, Delhi, India).
All members have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly by their National Committee within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes.
Download the Preliminary Agenda in English – French
Information & Registration (deadline 25 September 2015)
Inquiries: email ADCOM 2015
14. Special UIA website on Climate and Architecture
For World Architecture Day (5 October 2015) and in preparation for their participation in COP21 – the international conference and treaty negotiations on global climate change to be held in Paris this year – the International Union of Architects (UIA) is creating a dedicated website on the theme Architecture, Building, Climate: Responsible Architecture and Urban Design. The web site will highlight exemplary work and practices, as well as related events and activities.
In order to enrich this special website, and to reach a global audience, UIA is calling for material. For more information, download the UIA web material information leaflet.
15. Latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin available online
To read the latest Federation of Australian Historical Societies e-Bulletin, click on the link below.
16. Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) bulletin – available online
To view the latest issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.
17. Cultural Landscapes Publication News
Finally, cultural landscape papers from the 2013 Canberra ICOMOS heritage symposium and ICOMOS conference event are published. The papers were presented at the symposium organised by the International Scientific Committees on Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes titled Issues and Opportunities for Cultural Landscapes and Routes in the 21st Century and the Australia ICOMOS Conference Imagined pasts, Imagined Futures.
Australia ICOMOS Historic Environment, Imagined Cities and Urban Spaces, Volume 27 Number 1, 2015
This journal was first off the press and in this issue are 4 four papers from ISCCL members along with other national and International authors. As Canberra’s Centenary was the impetus for this heritage event, there is an fascinating scope of perspectives on imagined cities that includes youthful Canberra and the 2000 year old ancient central Beijing. Urban spaces is also a topic covering urban green systems, urban open spaces and Indigenous urban landscapes. The topical UNESCO HUL recommendations are discussed in 3 of the papers.
The journal is out in hard copy and will eventually be published on the Australia ICOMOS website.
Landscape Research Journal, Cultural Landscapes in the 21st Century – Issues and Opportunities, Volume 40, Issue 6, 2015
This special publication presents an arrangement of papers from mostly from international members of the ISC Symposium held as part of the ICOMOS Canberra heritage event. The papers cover rural landscapes in China, Sri Lanka, USA and Australia , landscapes of myth and ancient practice of Finland and Korea, and landscapes of Japan impacted by tragic disasters. Of special note is the paper on the landscape of Australia’s internationally acknowledged Burrup Peninsula, purported to be the world’s oldest and largest collection of rock art that the WA Government has shamefully deregistered from heritage listing.
The journal is expensive to purchase but hopefully the ISCCL and the NSC-CL & CR will receive copies of the papers that we can hold as a set on our websites.
18. Win a Free Booth and an Invitation to the CyArk 500 Annual Summit
Want to showcase your work on the world stage?
Join CyArk and Industry leaders at the premier event for 3D cultural heritage
Receive free admission, win prizes, connect with potential customers and
learn from experts in the field at the CyArk Annual Summit!
We are pleased to announce that CyArk will be hosting a Data Donation Drive in conjunction with the 500 Annual Summit. The Annual Summit is a great opportunity to connect with other scanning professionals, researchers and industry representatives. All Donations received before Tuesday 1 September will receive complimentary admission to the conference and will be eligible for additional prizes.
CyArk will be raffling free tickets to an exclusive VIP Dinner and one (1) booth at the 500 Annual Summit, among other prizes, to one of our Data Donation Partners. The winners will be selected on Friday 4 September.
All Data Donation Partners are invited to join us for a special cocktail reception on the evening of October 20 at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Other Benefits include:
- Free Attendance to the Summit
- Opportunity to be included in the 500 Challenge and recognition at the conference
- You retain ownership of the data
- Professional Archiving hosted by CyArk’s Partner, Iron Mountain
- Partner Page on CyArk’s website
- Mingle with Experts and Potential Customers
Donating Data from a past project is a great (and easy!) way to contribute to heritage preservation and bring publicity to your work and a favorite site. Consider sharing one of your favorites with the world by partnering with CyArk!
To Enter
- Email Makenna Murray with the name and technical specifications of the data set you wish to donate
- CyArk will review the site to ensure it meets the criteria and standards for archiving
- We will then send you a Data Sharing Agreement to review and execute
- Upon submitting your data, you will be entered in the drawing, to be announced Friday 4 September
19. SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant (F-T, 7-month contract), City Plan Heritage, Sydney
City Plan Heritage is currently seeking to appoint a Senior Heritage Consultant to join our team to provide high level cultural heritage consulting services to cover a maternity leave position.
The ideal candidate will have 5 or more years’ experience working in the heritage sector with a particular focus on report writing, undertaking heritage studies and providing heritage advice. A degree in cultural heritage or a related discipline is essential. Applicants must have a background in either Australian architecture or archaeology.
Membership of Australia ICOMOS (or eligibility for membership) is essential.
Applicants must be able to:
- Prepare a range of heritage reports including Heritage Impact Statements, Conservation Management Plans, and Heritage Interpretation Strategies
- Manage several projects simultaneously and cope with competing deadlines
- Undertake detailed historical research to the standard of a professional historian (including sourcing and analysis of archival sources) for Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Assessments, and Heritage Studies
- Work independently with no or minimal supervision
Appointment will be initially for 7 months, full-time, with the possibility of extension. The successful applicant will be required to start in mid-September 2015.
Please send your application, including a cover letter and CV, to Kim Bennett by email by 21 August 2015.
20. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
Lovell Chen is a contemporary Architectural and Heritage Consultancy practice with more than 30 years’ experience in design and heritage.
Our multidisciplinary team is unique in the field, combining architects and designers with historians, researchers, materials experts and a range of other specialists in aspects of our built environment.
Lovell Chen is seeking an experienced heritage consultant with a degree or equivalent in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design, history or related fields.
The right candidate will need to be able to multi-task and take on a wide variety of roles within a project team. The role involves research, site inspections, report writing (such as CMPs, HMPs, Heritage Impact Statements, Heritage Assessments and other heritage reports), client and consultant liaison and general office activity in order to meet deadlines, schedules, workflow and standards.
The role requires a working knowledge of the relevant methodologies and statutory frameworks, in particular the Planning and Environment Act and Heritage Act (Victoria)and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Australia).
You would need to be self-motivated and have attention to detail. Your role would also involve coordination and management of your own projects.
Skills required:
- MS Word (Advanced) – essential
- MS Excel, MS Power point, MS Outlook (Intermediate) – essential
- Adobe Photoshop – preferred
- Excellent writing skills – essential
- Excellent verbal and communication skills – essential
- Ability to manage own work and external consultants to meet deadlines
- Able to work autonomously as well as part of a team environment
- Driver licence – preferred
The salary is negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience. Lovell Chen is not offering sponsorship and as this position is permanent it is not suitable for people on a working holiday visa.
Please send your application including your CV and covering letter to Office Manager Ms Tamara Dulley by email.
Applications close Monday 31 August.
21. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, 1 x Senior, 1 x Junior, Heritage21, Sydney
Heritage Consultants – 2 Positions
1 Senior and 1 Junior
Heritage21 (which has recently been acquired by Rappoport Pty Ltd); is seeking 2 people to join their team. Heritage 21 is medium sized company specialising in reports and advice for Cultural Built Heritage.
Located in Alexandria, both positions are full-time.
Due to the increase in workload, Heritage21 is seeking the right candidates with a background in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design or related fields.
The successful applicant/s will need to:
- be able to work in a team and autonomously
- work collaboratively with clients and other external consultants
- be a self-starter and have attention to detail
- have an excellent command of the English language both written and verbal
- have good time management skills
- have a degree in cultural built heritage or associated fields
- demonstrate experience in preparing statement of heritage impacts; heritage advice (a different level would be expected for each position)
- have a working knowledge of NSW and local government statutory requirements
The successful applicants will hold a degree in the cultural built heritage discipline or associated field:
- The senior position – the successful applicant would have a minimum 4 years’ experience in a consulting role.
- The successful junior applicant would need to demonstrate their understanding of the industry and have undertaken associated studies as a minimum in experience
The two positions, at different levels, would include the preparation of:
- heritage assessments
- statement of heritage impacts
- conservation management plans
- heritage advice
For more information, or confidential discussion/enquiries regarding this position, please contact Sue, Business Development Manager at Heritage21, on (02) 9519-2521 or email your resume to Sue.
An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au