Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
Book launch and talk on architect Reuben Lane, 18 August, Sydney
History Council of SA Annual Lectures, 7/8 August, State Library of SA/Mt Pleasant District History Room
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
News from Sydney Living Museums
Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 14 August
Colin Crisp Award – nominations close 31 July 2015
UNITAR 2015 Workshop report available
20C Heritage Society of NSW talk, 31 July, Sydney
Sydney Uni Postgrad Seminar on Heritage and the Arts in Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore and Burma, 12 August
Thompsons of Castlemaine Heritage Recognition Ceremony, 8 August, VIC
“SHIFTING CITIES: Urban Heritage in the 21st Century” conference, 12-14 November, New Jersey, USA
Seminar: “Conserving Post World War II Buildings”, 6 August, Sydney
Review of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986
“Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage” conference, March-April 2016, Taiwan – call for papers
News from CyArk
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
SITUATION VACANT Yangon Heritage Trust (YHT) Heritage Conservation and Legal Ownership Study – call for specialists
SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – update
We are pleased to announce the Fabric Conference Speakers Programme for the conference in November. There is a great line up of engaging speakers and interesting papers. We have five paper sessions with one session incorporated into the field trips on the Saturday.
We would also like to announce a partner rate for the field trips on the Saturday of the conference. If you are a conference delegate and your partner would like to accompany you on the Saturday field trip, they are able to do so at the rate of $110 per person. A pickup location will be arranged for partners prior to the tour start time of 10:00am. Buses will return to the city by 5:00pm on Saturday. Each trip includes lunch and snacks. Please refer to the Field Trips page of the conference website for further details of the individual tours. Please note that this rate is only available for accompanying partners (not conference delegates), and can be added to your existing registration.
2. Book launch and talk on architect Reuben Lane, 18 August, Sydney
Reuben Lane’s Innovative Architecture

Date: Tuesday 18 August
Time: 6pm for 6.30pm start
Venue: Australian Institute of Architects, 3 Manning Street, Potts Point, NSW 2011
- Chris Johnson, Urban Taskforce
- Patrick Keane, Enter Projects
- Tom Breen & Georgina Michaelis, Warrah Society
- Chris Johnson
Reuben Lane was an innovative architect who designed the free flowing Breen House in the late 1960s, an innovative modular house design and a series of buildings based on Rudolf Steiner principles for people with disabilities. Patrick Keane will position the Breen House as one of Sydney’s most important modern houses, and Georgina Michaelis, the CEO of Warrah Society, will explain the importance of Reuben’s architecture for people with disabilities. Reuben Lane’s early career working with Oscar Niemeyer and his meeting with Le Corbusier will be presented. Reuben Lane: A selection of architectural works 1960–2000, a new book on Reuben Lane’s work, will also be launched at the talk.
Cost: FREE for Institute members | $10 Non-member | $5 Non-member students.
Register online or pay at the door. Numbers are strictly limited.
3. History Council of SA Annual Lectures, 7/8 August, State Library of SA/Mt Pleasant District History Room
History Council of SA (HCSA) Annual Lectures – in conjunction with History Teachers’ Association of SA & Mt Pleasant District History Room
We are pleased to announce that the HCSA Annual Lectures, sponsored by the Cultural Fund of the Copyright Agency of Australia, will be held on Friday 7 August and Saturday 8 August. On both occasions, Dr Rosalie Triolo will present a talk titled: ‘Our schools and the Great War’.
What did Australian students learn during the Great War about the British Empire, its Allies and enemies? What values and activities were expected of students and teachers at the time? How did school communities respond to the death and wounding of people they knew? What were some of the war’s short-term and long-term consequences for daily school life? Why did some teachers and older students enlist directly from schools, and what were common experiences of ‘teacher-soldiers’? This highly visual keynote address will offer rarely considered perspectives on Australian experiences of the Great War, including numerous examples of South Australia’s experience.
City lecture
- The city lecture on 7 August will be held in conjunction with the History Teachers’ Association of SA: 5.45pm start in the Hetzel Lecture Theatre, State Library of SA.
- $2 donation, payable at the door. Wine and nibbles provided.
Country lecture
- The country lecture on 8 August will be hosted by Paula Bartsch and the Mt Pleasant District History Room: 5.15pm start in the Talunga Park Pavilion, Talunga Park Recreation Ground, Melrose St, Mt Pleasant.
- $2 donation payable at the door. Supper will be provided.
Bookings are not needed for these talks.
4. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s latest news
To read the latest news from Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
5. Australia ICOMOS membership application deadline for 2015 conference member rates
If you have been thinking of joining Australia ICOMOS and wish to take advantage of member rates, please submit your membership application to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email by COB 14 October 2015.
Visit the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website for information on membership, and to download the current application form.
6. News from Sydney Living Museums
To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.
7. Australia ICOMOS / DOCOMOMO Sydney Talk Series, 14 August
Come and hear the Secretary of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage, John Ward, speak about his involvement with Shared Built Heritage, and Cheryl Lappin, Senior Strategic Planner at Shellharbour City Council, enthuse about her experiences.
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage (ISC SBH) works closely with other ISCs and national ICOMOS committees, and forms partnerships with local organisations.
ISC SBH promotes awareness of the need to “share” the appreciation and the responsibility for many heritages in different countries, created by different peoples, with those having diverse cultural, religious and social backgrounds.
John Ward is a member of ICOMOS Canada. John qualified as an architect who commenced his extensive career with Heritage Conservation Directorate, Public Works and Government Services Canada at the National Capital offices in Ottawa-Gatineau, He had input into conservation guidelines, evaluations of federal heritage buildings, management plans for National Historic Sites of Canada, and strategic advice to the Parks Canada National Historic Sites Directorate. John has coordinated intervention reviews for Federal buildings, and provided heritage conservation advice for buildings around Ottawa Parliament Hill, the Central Experimental Farm, and Federal Heritage Railway Stations across the country. John also has experience as Heritage Planner with the City of Vancouver. John joined the Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, in 2010. His focus is on the conservation of heritage interiors, a variety of projects relating to the Parliament Buildings, the Canadian Supreme Court Building and advising on various historic museums, galleries and archive buildings.
Time & Date: Friday 14 August 2015, 5.00pm for 5.30pm start for talk
Cost: Members $10, non-members $15, payable at the door
Venue: NSW Government Architect’s Office, Level 4 Conference Room McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney (diagonally opposite the Central Station clock tower)
RSVP: via email to Kate Higgins by Monday 10 August
Please note: RSVP is needed because of secure building access and for catering purposes.
Download the DOCOMOMO_AUSTRALIA_ICOMOS_TALK_14_August_2015 flier.
8. Colin Crisp Award – nominations close 31 July 2015
Nominations for the 2015 Colin Crisp Award are now open and close on 31 July 2015.
The Award is Australia’s premier award for excellence in Engineering Heritage projects. It is awarded biennially at the National Engineering Heritage Conference and is conferred by Engineering Heritage Australia.
For more information, visit the Engineering Heritage Australia website.
9. UNITAR 2015 Workshop report available
The UNITAR Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, launched in 2003, has thus far comprised twelve annual Workshops held in Hiroshima and one in-country Workshop in India. It is presented by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office.
The 2015 Workshop, entitled Protection and Management Requirements for Nominations, examined the basics of the World Heritage regime, as well as focusing upon the expectations and requirements needed to effectively prepare a comprehensive World Heritage nomination. The workshop particularly focused on the fundamental need to prepare and implement effective management and protection of properties for their Outstanding Universal Value.
The report from this workshop can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
10. 20C Heritage Society of NSW talk, 31 July, Sydney
The Twentieth Century Heritage Society of NSW are hosting the following talk.
Palm Springs & Mid-Century Modern
presented by Annalisa Capurro
Friday 31 July 2015, 7.30-8.30pm
Tusculum, 3 Manning St, Potts Point
‘Mid-century Modern’ describes a period of architecture and design from the mid 1930s to the mid 1960s. Join designer, lecturer and mid-century specialist Annalisa Capurro as she highlights the revival of this previously unloved period of architecture focusing on Palm Springs in the United States.
For more information and to book (fee applies $15 – $25 depending on your member/student status), CLICK HERE.
11. Sydney Uni Postgrad Seminar on Heritage and the Arts in Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore and Burma, 12 August
The Sydney Southeast Asia Centre’s Postgraduate Seminar Series will devote a session to the discussion of Heritage and the Arts in Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore and Burma. Details below.
Wednesday 12 August 2015
Seminar Room 344, New Law School Annex, University of Sydney
More information on speakers can be found here.
This event is free and catered – people can RSVP via this link.
12. Thompsons of Castlemaine Heritage Recognition Ceremony, 8 August, VIC
Engineers Australia Victoria Division invite you to the Thompsons of Castlemaine Heritage Recognition Ceremony.
Date & Time
Saturday 8 August 2015, 10.30-11.00 am
Maldon Vintage Machinery Museum
For further information, please visit the Engineers Australia website.
The event is free, but RSVPs are appreciated.
13. “SHIFTING CITIES: Urban Heritage in the 21st Century” conference, 12-14 November, New Jersey, USA
The Program in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies (CHAPS) at Rutgers University is pleased to announce the international conference SHIFTING CITIES: Urban Heritage in the 21st Century, to be held in New Brunswick, NJ from 12-14 November 2015.
This international conference will examine the phenomenon of shifting populations and their connections to urban heritage.
For more information and to register, visit the conference website.
14. Seminar: “Conserving Post World War II Buildings”, 6 August, Sydney
The AIA NSW Chapter Heritage Committee will be holding a half day seminar on Thursday 6 August at Tusculum (3 Manning Street, Potts Point NSW) from 9am – 12.30pm and will address recent issues regarding the conservation of post war buildings.
Speakers will include Cameron Logan (University of Sydney), Meg Quinlisk and David Logan.
Cost: $50 for Institute, DOCOMOMO & ICOMOS Members; $80 for non-members
Please email Noni Boyd to make a provisional booking or for more information.
15. Review of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986
In December 2014 the Minister for the Arts appointed Mr Shane Simpson AM to undertake a broad-ranging, independent review of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986. Mr Simpson has now released a position paper, outlining a new model for the protection of cultural property. The position paper, along with a summary, is available here.
The position paper is being supported by a national, online survey, seeking public comment on the proposed model. The survey can be accessed at this link and will be open until 14 August 2015.
Information provided by stakeholders will be used in developing Mr Simpson’s final report, which is due to be presented to the Australian Government by 30 September.
The PMCH Act plays an important role in protecting Australia’s cultural heritage by regulating the export of objects that are significant to our history. It also provides for the return of foreign cultural property which has been illegally exported from its country of origin. The review intends to provide improved clarity on the processes and requirements of those importing and exporting cultural objects in Australia. The position paper proposes a simpler legislative framework, objective standards to define those objects being regulated, a flexible and risk-based approach to assessment processes, and clearer guidance to decision-makers throughout the process.
16. “Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage” conference, March-April 2016, Taiwan – call for papers
Inheriting the City: Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage
31 March – 4 April 2016
Taipei, Taiwan
Ironbridge International Institute of Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham and National Taiwan University
This Conference aims to provide critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and we invite papers from all disciplines and fields including: anthropology, architecture, archaeology, art history, cultural geography, cultural studies, design, ethnology and folklore, economics, history, heritage studies, landscape studies, leisure studies, museum studies, philosophy, political science, sociology, tourism studies, urban history, urban/spatial planning.
We welcome perspectives on all aspects of urban heritage / heritage in the urban context – world heritage, historic urban landscapes, colonial heritage, religious heritage, intangible heritage and traditions, museum heritage, food heritage etc.
For more information on the call for papers, visit the conference website and download the Call_for_Papers_Inheriting the City_Taiwan_2016 postcard.
Deadline for paper abstracts: 15 October 2015.
17. News from CyArk
- Topics and Speakers Announced
The 2015 Annual Summit is shaping up to be one of our best! Leading experts in preservation and technology will join us to discuss the risks facing cultural heritage, what is being done to address deliberate destruction and how emerging technologies can help in capture and dissemination. Learn more about our speakers and topics here». Early Bird Registration is available through 31 July.
- Sogi Power Plant Now Available Online
Data from Topcon Positioning Group’s participation in the digital preservation of the historic Sogi hydroelectric plant in Japan was recently unveiled at a special event in Bonn, Germany. The unveiling took place in conjunction with the recent UNESCO World Heritage Committee meetings. Experience the 3D model and watch the video of how the data was captured here»
- RCMP Schooner, St. Roch, Digitally Preserved in Partnership
Absolute Space Engineering of Vancouver, Canada, has been working with CyArk and the Vancouver Maritime Museum to Digitally Preserve the RCMP Schooner, the St. Roch. The St. Roch holds the distinction of being the first vessel to sail the Northwest Passage from west to east (1940-1942), the first to complete the passage in one season (1944), and the first to circumnavigate North America. Learn more about the St. Roch, VMM and Absolute Space here»
18. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, GML Heritage, Canberra
Position Vacant – Heritage Consultant (Canberra)
GML Heritage is seeking a dynamic and experienced cultural heritage specialist to enhance our multi-disciplinary consultancy. This is a full-time position, based in our Canberra office.
GML is a vibrant, attentive and sustainable consultancy that collaborates with clients and communities to deliver heritage services of enduring value. Our consulting team has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage, historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage management, and interpretation. We have a great portfolio of challenging projects and we take pride in delivering innovative and influential heritage advisory services of the highest quality.
The successful applicant will hold a degree (ideally with Honours or Masters) in a cultural heritage discipline and have at least two years’ experience in a consulting environment. You will have excellent writing skills, with demonstrated experience in preparing heritage advice, including heritage assessments, conservation management plans and heritage impact statements. Importantly, you will be a team player who is able to undertake large projects in multidisciplinary teams, and work within time and budget constraints. A working knowledge of NSW and local government statutory requirements is essential.
GML offers a dynamic and fast-paced working environment with a strong team culture. You will have the opportunity to work alongside enthusiastic and experienced practitioners in an engaged and collaborative environment. We have an ongoing commitment to innovation, continuous improvement and quality in everything we do, and you will have access to a stimulating training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge. You will also have knowledge of where the business is heading, and a hands-on role in implementing the firm’s strategic objectives. There are also a range of other employee benefits including an employee profit share scheme, loyalty leave, paid parental leave, income protection insurance, employee referral scheme, a health and wellbeing program, and fun social activities.
A position description and person specification can be accessed on GML Heritage’s careers page.
For more information please contact Rachel Jackson -Manager, GML Canberra, on (02) 6273 7540. Please send your application to GML Heritage by email.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 6 August 2015.
19. SITUATION VACANT Yangon Heritage Trust (YHT) Heritage Conservation and Legal Ownership Study – call for specialists
Heritage Conservation and Legal Ownership Study, Yangon
Yangon Heritage Trust and Pyoe Pin
To be completed by 1 Ocobert 2015
30 days in Yangon
The Yangon Heritage Trust (YHT) in partnership with local NGO Pyoe Pin is looking to commission an expert to undertake a in Yangon to assist in understanding and finding solutions for the complex problems associated with legal ownership and upgrading rights for historic buildings.
The heritage conservation effort in Yangon is facing a major legal roadblock. Firstly, establishing who owns a property is extremely difficult due to an undervalued, under-respected, multi-layered, contradictory legal ownership system which lacks reliable records and consistency. Secondly there is a particular challenge in Yangon arising from the downtown area being one of the very few contexts in Myanmar where freehold land exists. A landowner’s signature is required to undertake repairs to a building on his land (even if he does not own the land). In many cases, landowners are holding up repairs in the hope the building will be deemed unsafe and demolished to allow a high rise development. On top of this the Waqf system functions in Yangon.
YHT has an opportunity to present to the new national government, who will take power in March 2015, a set of recommendations around this issue and many others within a Special Development Plan for Yangon’s Downtown Conservation Area. This study must not only clarify the situation as it is now, but make politically palatable, actionable and achievable reform recommendations to remove disincentives and institute incentives for the proper conservation of Yangon’s unique cultural and built heritage.
1. Map out the current laws (customary and property) which apply to the ownership and regulation of major works to historic buildings in Yangon.
2. Map the incentives, interests, beneficiaries and maleficiaries of the current situation
3. Undertake a detailed analysis of key case study properties
4. Understand how the upkeep of historic buildings with multiple owners is being approved by authorities and why it is being blocked in certain cases.
5. Make recommendations on how legal ownership issues in Yangon can be resolved
6. Make recommendations on how a legal mechanism could be established to encourage/require building tenants and owners to invest in the upkeep of significant heritage buildings they own or live in.
7. Make recommendations on how the ability of landowners to block conservation works to buildings on their land can be resolved
Expert to have
1. legal background, preferably in property law
2. experience in undertaking assessments of complex and multilayered legal contexts
3. an ability to understand and interpret a poorly understood, complex, contradictory and multi-layered legal context
4. an ability to work in partnership with and through local legal specialists in order to understand local law written in Burmese
5. an ability to make recommendations on approaches to resolve the situation in Yangon based on an understanding of how other comparable contexts have dealt with these issues
Please express your interest in this opportunity to Rupert Mann, Program Manager, YHT by email.
20. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant, Lovell Chen, Melbourne
Lovell Chen is a contemporary Architectural and Heritage Consultancy practice with more than 30 years’ experience in design and heritage.
Our multidisciplinary team is unique in the field, combining architects and designers with historians, researchers, materials experts and a range of other specialists in aspects of our built environment.
Lovell Chen is seeking an experienced heritage consultant with a degree or equivalent in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design, history or related fields.
The right candidate will need to be able to multi-task and take on a wide variety of roles within a project team. The role involves research, site inspections, report writing (such as CMPs, HMPs, Heritage Impact Statements, Heritage Assessments and other heritage reports), client and consultant liaison and general office activity in order to meet deadlines, schedules, workflow and standards.
The role requires a working knowledge of the relevant methodologies and statutory frameworks, in particular the Planning and Environment Act and Heritage Act (Victoria)and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Australia).
You would need to be self-motivated and have attention to detail. Your role would also involve coordination and management of your own projects.
Skills required:
- MS Word (Advanced) – essential
- MS Excel, MS Power point, MS Outlook (Intermediate) – essential
- Adobe Photoshop – preferred
- Excellent writing skills – essential
- Excellent verbal and communication skills – essential
- Ability to manage own work and external consultants to meet deadlines
- Able to work autonomously as well as part of a team environment
- Driver licence – preferred
The salary is negotiable and will be based on your skill level and experience. Lovell Chen is not offering sponsorship and as this position is permanent it is not suitable for people on a working holiday visa.
Please send your application including your CV and covering letter to Office Manager Ms Tamara Dulley by email.
Applications close Monday 31 August.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au