Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 687

  1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – registration open!
  2. ACT & Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2015, 18 July – registration open
  3. Special issue of Historic Environment for 2016: ‘Citizen Heritage’ – call for papers
  4. Apply now – HDR Scholarships in the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
  5. Review of the Victorian Heritage Act 1995
  6. QLD Heritage Council Appointments – call for EOI
  7. Parliamentary Friends of History & Heritage – new Federal Government Initiative
  8. Queen Victoria Market Renewal Project – Final Draft Master Plan released
  9. News from Sydney Living Museums
  10. Green Globe Awards – specific heritage buildings category
  11. Heritage Tasmania expert resigns blaming political interference
  12. Applications open for heritage grants for private owners (WA)
  13. 2015 Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture: Monuments of Remembrance, Saturday 25 July, NGV, Melbourne
  14. Sydney’s industrial heritage – proposed new listings on exhibition for comment
  15. Hazel de Berg Award for Excellence in Oral History – nominations close 30 June 2015
  16. Save the Date (15 September): Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum 2015; speakers announced
  17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available
  18. 1st International Life Beyond Tourism Symposium, 3-7 February 2016, Italy – call for papers
  19. Young Researchers In Archaeology Conference, Lisbon, 24-24 October 2015 – 2nd call for abstracts
  20. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 2016 conference, Belgium, September 2015 – call for papers
  21. ICOMOS-CyArk Memorandum of Understanding – message from ICOMOS President
  22. Course on Conservation of Built Heritage 2016, Italy, 4 March – 29 April 2016
  23. Join the Arches Project in Asia in August to learn more about Arches
  24. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, 1 x Senior, 1 x Junior, Heritage21, Sydney
  25. SITUATION VACANT Yangon Heritage Trust (THT) Tourism Study – call for specialists


1. Australia ICOMOS FABRIC 2015 Conference – registration open!

We are very pleased to announce that registration for the Australia ICOMOS 2015 conference, Fabric – The Threads of Conservation, 5-8 November 2015, Adelaide, South Australia is now open!

Consider registering and paying before 30 June to take advantage of the end of financial year!

The program is action packed, with three full days of papers, keynote speakers and plenary sessions – debating issues relating to social fabric, the conservation of fabric and the challenges of fabric and place. The conference also includes a day of field trips around Adelaide, the Mt Lofty Ranges and Port Adelaide, ISC/NSC meetings, a spectacular conference dinner in the 1870s Mortlock Chamber and social events at Adelaide Town Hall and the Art Gallery of South Australia. Come and join the heritage debate, catch up with colleagues and enjoy the best of South Australia!

Early bird rates will apply to registrations that are complete and paid for by 8 September 2015. We strongly recommend that you book as soon as possible, as there are limited seats for some social events – first in, best dressed!

Click on the links below for more information.

More information will be added to the website over the coming weeks.

Please direct any queries to Bradley Hayden via email.

We look forward to welcoming you to Adelaide for the conference in November.

Australia ICOMOS members please note: In order for you to be able to enjoy membership rates for the conference, please ensure that your membership fees are paid and up-to-date for the 2015/2016 financial year before you attempt to register for the conference at the member rate. We appreciate your cooperation in relation to this matter.


2. ACT & Region Annual Heritage Partnership Symposium 2015, 18 July – registration open


Date: Saturday 18 July 2015

Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building Theatre, Building 120, Australian National
University, Acton

Cost: $70 full, $50 members of the host organisations, $30 concessions, full-time students and speakers.

Register for this event by completing the form below.


3. Special issue of Historic Environment for 2016: ‘Citizen Heritage’ – call for papers

‘Citizen Heritage: provoking participation in place through digital technologies’
Special Issue of Historic Environment, 2016

Guest Editors

Hannah Lewi, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne
Wally Smith, Dept. of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne

Call for Papers

Historic Environment is the refereed journal of Australia ICOMOS. We invite papers for a special issue titled ‘Citizen Heritage: provoking participation in place through digital technologies’. Papers should critically explore how new modes of community participation and collaboration in heritage sites and areas can arise in tandem with the creative deployment of digital and mobile technologies and media. By adopting the term ‘citizen heritage’ we are consciously borrowing from the field of citizen science to signal a shift towards distributed forms of grass-roots knowledge production and experience surrounding the heritage, history and memory of local places. We are especially interested in work that extends broad themes in heritage studies to include new modes of interpretation and curation, community heritage, citizen participation, and digital media. Papers might take the form of theoretical investigations that draw from heritage, museum and memory studies. Or they might be critical appraisals of innovative technologies and applications. In the first instance, please submit an extended abstract of your proposed paper following the details below. We will then invite authors of selected abstracts to develop a full paper.

Timeline of key dates

  • 24 June 2015: Call for extended abstracts/papers
  • 10 Aug 2015: Submission of extended abstract
  • 17 Aug 2015: Invitations to authors of selected abstracts to submit full papers
  • 4 Dec 2015: Submission of full papers
  • 15 Feb 2016: Acceptance decisions and reviewer reports sent to authors
  • 22 Mar 2016: Authors return revised and final version of papers to editors

Submission details

  • Please send an abstract of 800 words (maximum) outlining your paper proposal
  • Include names of authors; affiliation; 100 word biography on a separate cover page
  • Send correspondence to Hannah by email and/or Wally by email

The biographies of Hannah Lewi and Wally Smith, guest editors for this special issue, can be read in the call for papers document – click on the link below.

*This special issue is part of work being carried out through an Australian Research Council grant*


4. Apply now – HDR Scholarships in the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation

The Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADICG) is seeking outstanding scholars for four full-time PhD projects and scholarships in the area of social sciences and humanities.

These scholarships will align with one or more of the Institute’s four research streams:

  • Culture and Heritage
  • Development and Human Rights
  • Diversity and Identity
  • Governance and Security

Applications close 24 July 2015.

For more information email the ADICG team.

To apply visit the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation website.


5. Review of the Victorian Heritage Act 1995

The Victorian Government is undergoing a review of the Victorian Heritage Act 1995.

Interested parties are invited to participate in the consultation process and comment on any changes or improvements you think could be made to the Heritage Act. Consultation will occur between June and August 2015 and written submissions are required by 31 August 2015.

A discussion paper and information on how to make a submission can be accessed from the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure website.

Workshops will be held on 21 July 2015 at Level 15, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne. There will a morning workshop between 10am and midday, and an afternoon workshop between 2pm and 4pm.

To attend, please RSVP by email with ‘RSVP’ as the subject, identifying your preference for the morning or afternoon workshop. Numbers are limited and attendance will be on a ‘first come’ basis. There will also be forums held in Ballarat, Bendigo, Warrnambool and Traralgon over July.

Further information on these regional events and other workshops are available from the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure website.

Should you require any further information please email the Heritage Act Review team or telephone (03) 9208 3059.

This is an exciting opportunity to help shape the future of heritage protection in Victoria.


6. QLD Heritage Council Appointments – call for EOI

The Queensland Government is calling for nominations for membership of the Queensland Heritage Council from people with appropriate knowledge, expertise and interest in heritage conservation.

The Queensland Heritage Council is the state’s peak body on heritage matters. It works to identify and protect places of significant heritage value for the community and future generations. The Council is established by the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, which requires it to act independently, impartially and in the public interest.

It is the policy of the Queensland Government to support and encourage equity and diversity on its boards. Persons from rural and remote areas, women, younger persons and persons from ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply.

For an information pack please call (07) 3330 5859 or email QLD Heritage Council.


  • Send covering letter and CV to Executive Officer, Queensland Heritage Council, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, GPO Box 2454, Brisbane QLD 4001 OR
  • send your application by email to the QLD Heritage Council

Closing date: 6 July 2015


7. Parliamentary Friends of History & Heritage – new Federal Government Initiative

On Wednesday this week, I attended a planning meeting of the Parliamentary Friends of History & Heritage, held at Parliament House, Canberra, convened by Hon Eric Hutchinson (Federal Member for Lyons) and Hon Laurie Ferguson (Federal Member for Werriwa) as Co-Chairs of this initiative. The Department of Parliamentary Services granted formal approval for this Parliamentary Friendship Group at the 44th Parliament on 19 March 2015. The meeting was attended by the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Greg Hunt, who indicated strong personal support for this friends group, and outlined its goals. Refer to the linked document below for more information.

Australia ICOMOS is pleased with this initiative which allows advocacy bodies like the Federation of Historical Societies, Australia ICOMOS, and Australian Council of National Trusts to contribute to the heritage debate and hopefully provide an avenue to influence policy.   

Elizabeth Vines
President, Australia ICOMOS


8. Queen Victoria Market Renewal Project – Final Draft Master Plan released

The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Project is entering its next important phase with the finalisation of the Master Plan.

The Final Draft Master Plan is the result of feedback from thousands of passionate members of the community and traders who participated in three comprehensive stages of consultation. This feedback has been incorporated in the Final Draft Master Plan together with the key findings from the third phase of community engagement around parking, opening hours, heritage and public spaces. It gives a clear direction to move forward with the renewal of this Melbourne precinct.

The Final Draft Master Plan highlights the crucial role of traders, noting that successful and prosperous traders are essential to a successful market. It includes outcome focused priorities, together with key improvements and issues to be resolved.

The Final Draft Master Plan has been released to the public prior to Council’s final consideration in July. To find out more, view the Final Draft Master Plan on Participate Melbourne until Friday 10 July or come to an information session between 9am-2pm Saturday 20 June, right in the heart of the market at the Community Engagement Hub at 452 Queen Street, Melbourne.

In another exciting development for the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Project, on Friday 12 June the Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Lord Mayor Robert Doyle announced the nomination of Queen Victoria Market for possible inclusion on Australia’s National Heritage List. Read the City of Melbourne’s media release.


9. News from Sydney Living Museums

To read the latest news from the Sydney Living Museums, click here.


10. Green Globe Awards – specific heritage buildings category

The Green Globe Award has a specific award category for heritage buildings under Excellence in Sustainability. The Green Globe Award is a well-known, leading award for management of environmental issues in NSW. More information about the nomination of any heritage buildings for this award can be accessed here: Green Globe Awards – Heritage Buildings category. You can nominate a heritage building for any other category as well if you can make the case for it.

Heritage colleagues are encouraged to nominate any worthy heritage properties so we can demonstrate that heritage and sustainability are two sides of the same coin.

More information about the awards, can be found at the Green Globe Awards website.

Nominations close 5pm, Monday 13 July 2015.


11. Heritage Tasmania expert resigns blaming political interference

David Scott has resigned from his role at Heritage Tasmania, partway through a review of the heritage register designed to identify 1,650 properties for removal, blaming political interference for his decision to quit. David’s letter of resignation is now in the public domain, and can be accessed by clicking here.

Australia ICOMOS will be seeking further information on this matter.  


12. Applications open for heritage grants for private owners (WA)

Private owners of State Registered heritage places can now apply for heritage grants of up to $100,000 towards the cost of urgent conservation work to their properties.

Heritage Minster Albert Jacob said $1.273 million was available under the State Government’s 2015-16 Heritage Grants Program to help private owners conserve and revitalise their properties.

The grants program, overseen by the Heritage Council of Western Australia, offers dollar-for-dollar funding for urgent conservation works or documentation to help plan future works.

Applications for the 2015-16 Heritage Grants Program close at 4pm, Wednesday 22 July 2015.

Click here for more information. Also visit the WA State Heritage Council website.


13. 2015 Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture: Monuments of Remembrance, Saturday 25 July, NGV, Melbourne

2015 Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture: Monuments of Remembrance
Saturday 25 July 2015, from 2-3pm
Theatre A Ground Level, The Ian Potter Centre, NGV Australia Federation Square

Free but bookings essential 

Duldig Studio, in association with the National Gallery of Victoria, is proud to present the 2015 Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture: Monuments of Remembrance by Dr Bronwyn Hughes, art historian and heritage consultant.

The Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture was established to commemorate the life and work of the internationally recognised sculptor Karl Duldig and his wife, the artist and inventor, Slawa Duldig (née Horowitz).

In this Monuments of Remembrance lecture, Dr Bronwyn Hughes will examine the impetus and values that underpinned the First World War commemoration movement through war monuments of national importance to the seemingly insignificant local memorial. It will explore how Australian expectations, economies and aesthetics changed in the 1920s and 1930s post-War society and compare commemorations after the Second World War brought new, and sometimes different, responses in the 1950s.

The lecture is in association with NGV’s Follow the Flag: Australian Artists and War 1914-45 exhibition.

For further queries, please contact Duldig Studio via email or phone (03) 9885 3358.

Download the 2015 Duldig Lecture – Monuments of Remembrance media release for more information.


14. Sydney’s industrial heritage – proposed new listings on exhibition for comment

Comments are invited on the City of Sydney’s proposed heritage listing of industrial and warehouse buildings. Sixty-four listings are proposed for more than a hundred industrial sites across two-thirds of our local area, as shown in the attached map. These listings will be on exhibition from 2 June 2015 and open for comment until 30 June 2015. Some of the subject sites are pictured below.

These listings were recommended in a recently completed heritage study; believed to be the first large-scale council study of industrial heritage in New South Wales. This study and the recommended listings seek to better acknowledge the value of this under-recognised form of heritage.

For more information, click on the links below.


15. Hazel de Berg Award for Excellence in Oral History – nominations close 30 June 2015

Oral History Australia has established an award to recognise people who have made an outstanding contribution to the cause of oral history in Australia. The Award is not restricted to members of Oral History Australia. The inaugural award was presented at the International Oral History Association Conference Sydney in 2006. To commemorate her pioneering work in oral history, the award has been named the Hazel de Berg Award for Excellence in Oral History.

The recipient shall be the nominee deemed by the National Committee of the Oral History Australia to have made an outstanding contribution to the cause of oral history in Australia over a considerable period of time. Relevant activities are many and varied and include:

  • Promotion and raising of awareness of oral history, within the oral history profession, with historians, with organisations and within the general community
  • Volunteer work with communities, not-for-profit groups and with oral history associations
  • Initiation of and contribution to oral history projects documenting Australia’s past and contemporary history
  • Recording and documentation of oral history
  • Preservation and archiving of oral history collections
  • Research involving assessing oral history
  • Publication of papers, journal articles and books
  • Education and/or teaching including conduct of seminars and workshops
  • Mentoring
  • Such other contributions to oral history considered worthy of recognition

Anyone may make a nomination and there is no impediment to a person nominating them self. This national award presents the opportunity to give public recognition and encouragement not only to the recipient but to the important role of oral history.

Closing date for nominations for the 2015 Award: 30 June 2015.

See further details and download nomination form from the Oral History Australia website.

The award will be presented at the Oral History Australia Conference, Perth, WA, 9-12 September 2015.


16. Save the Date (15 September): Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum 2015; speakers announced

The organisers are thrilled to announce their first confirmed speakers for the inaugural edition of the Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum.

The Forum will be a one-day event dedicated to discussing trending topics in the museum and gallery sector. Held on Tuesday 15 September at the Melbourne Museum, the event will consist of a morning plenary session, three parallel sessions, and conclude with a panel discussion. Join them afterwards for informal drinks at the Pumphouse Hotel to continue the conversation (complimentary drink included with registration).

The Victorian Museums & Galleries Forum will take place every other year in Melbourne, alternating with our State Conference in regional Victoria.

For more information, click here.


17. Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin available

To read the latest Cambridge Heritage Research bulletin, click on the following link.


18. 1st International Life Beyond Tourism Symposium, 3-7 February 2016, Italy – call for papers

1st International Symposium Life Beyond Tourism
Dialogue Among Cultures: Carnivals In The World
Florence and Viareggio, Italy
3-7 February 2016

The Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco with his International Institute Life Beyond Tourism, the University of Nariño, Pasto, Colombia, with the collaboration of Carnival Foundation of Viareggio (Italy), invite papers for the above symposium.

The Symposium offers an academic reflection on the international Value of Intangible Heritage as defined by UNESCO, or rather practices, representations, knowledge and techniques that must facilitate a strong sense of cultural identity (UNESCO, Declaration of 2003) among the communities, groups and individuals. This Cultural Heritage is showed in different sectors of human activity: art, economics, sociology, anthropology, architecture, engineering, etc.. So the Carnival plays an important role in the cultural world because it proposes to protect an important traditional heritage and to strengthen the cultural and social integration between East and West.

Deadline for individual abstracts on papers or performances: 11 July 2015, 12pm Italy time

Languages: English, Spanish and Italian

See the official symposium webpage for more information

Queries: by email to the organisers


19. Young Researchers In Archaeology Conference, Lisbon, 24-24 October 2015 – 2nd call for abstracts

JIA 2015 VIII Young Researchers In Archaeology Conference
Between science and culture: from interdisciplinarity to the transversality of archaeology
21-24 October 2015
Lisbon, Portugal

The organisers of the above conference invite all non-doctorate students and researchers to send their abstracts of communications, posters, illustrations and video or audio works that match the various themes.

For more information, click here and here.

The deadline to for abstracts is 10 July 2015.


20. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 2016 conference, Belgium, September 2015 – call for papers

10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC)
13-15 September 2016
Leuven, Belgium

Deadline: 10 July 2015

The Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation and the Civil Engineering Department of the Catholic University Leuven, with the support of the UNESCO chair on preventive conservation, maintenance and monitoring of the monuments and sites, will organize the 10th anniversary edition of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC2016).

The theme of the conference is “Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls”, which emphasizes the importance of all steps of a restoration process in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the structural behavior of built cultural heritage. Papers are invited for presentation and poster sessions on general topics and specific themes. Leuven is a well-known historic city hosting one of the oldest Universities in Europe and two World Heritage sites. It is located in the heart of Belgium, close to Brussels. It has easy public transport access to the most important heritage cities in Belgium and neighboring countries. The conference will be hosted in the historic university facilities of the KU Leuven.

We welcome you to join international experts for the 10th anniversary edition of the SAHC meetings to discuss and review upcoming trends and technologies in the analysis of historical constructions.

For more information visit the conference website.


21. ICOMOS-CyArk Memorandum of Understanding – message from ICOMOS President

Dear Members and friends,

As we are all well aware, the world has experienced a tremendous loss in the past months with the intentional destruction of the cultural heritage of several countries in the Middle East and Saharan Africa, most notably in Iraq and Syria. As announced earlier, I have appointed an ICOMOS Working Group under the tenacious leadership of Samir Abdulac and Bijan Rohani to track the destruction and formulate an adequate and forceful response on the part of ICOMOS.

To further mitigate current and potential future losses of cultural heritage within the region and with the advice of our CIPA and ICORP ISCs, ICOMOS has formalized an MOU with CyArk, a non-profit organization focused on the 3D digital recording and archiving of cultural heritage, to launch a program for the emergency documentation of high risk cultural heritage.  The initiative, named Projec Anqa  for the Arabic word for the Phoenix, intends to deploy teams of international professionals, paired with local professionals to document the at-risk sites in 3D before they are destroyed or altered.

In brief, the notion behind Anqa is that while many heritage sites and museums are located in inhospitable conflict zones, there are many sites in the surrounding regions that are accessible and can be rapidly and inexpensively digitally recorded now as a preventive measure lest they, too, be targeted for destruction.  The data generated will be instrumental in general risk preparedness for the sites as well as in recovery once the much anticipated peace returns to the region.  The data can also provide detailed documentation of the sites and objects which can aide in countering illicit antiquities trafficking.  

The program will utilize new technologies which allow complex recording to take place in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods, creating detailed maps and models of sites in days instead of weeks or months. This critical work will bring many important benefits from providing tools to aide in site management or if needed, reconstruction, to training locals, to recording the stories of the sites for education and interpretive use.

We are executing Project Anqa along three critical paths: 1. Pursuing relationships with cultural ministries throughout the region to secure permissions to access the sites as well as logistical support to perform the 3D documentation work. 2. Soliciting funding from interested sponsoring governments, foundations, corporations and individuals. 3. Mobilizing teams with the skills and technology required to collect the data.

We welcome your assistance on any of the three above paths, which are being pursued concurrently.  We plan to announce the program at the World Heritage Committee in Bonn where CyArk will also be present.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me or CyArk’s Vice President Elizabeth Lee if you are interested in participating.

Gustavo Araoz
President, ICOMOS


22. Course on Conservation of Built Heritage 2016, Italy, 4 March – 29 April 2016

ICCROM is pleased to advise that the training Course on Conservation of Built Heritage will be held in Rome from 4 March – 29 April 2016.

The course aims at serving a wide range of conservation practitioners and decision makers by placing technical issues within the broader conservation context in order to link them to planning and management concerns. 

We are interested in inviting applications from mid-career professionals and other decision makers in conservation, with at least four years of experience, from different disciplines (architects, archaeologists, engineers, planners, site managers, etc), either in a position to influence practice or having the potential to do so in the short or medium term. 

For more information, visit the ICCROM website.

Applications should reach ICCROM by 28 August 2015 to ensure inclusion in our selection process.


23. Join the Arches Project in Asia in August to learn more about Arches

The Arches Project invites you to attend any of three upcoming opportunities to learn about the Arches heritage inventory and management system. Information will include an overview of the Arches system and the new functionality available in version 3.0. There will be no attendance fee for any of the sessions.

  1. SINGAPORE: 24 August 2015; Nanyang Technological University
  2. HONG KONG: 27-28 August 2015; University of Hong Kong
  3. TAIPEI: 30 August 2015; Arches Workshop at the CIPA 2015 Symposium, China University of Technology

These events will cover the following topics:

  • An overview of the management of heritage data in Arches, including international data standards, graphs, controlled vocabularies, and integration with external web services
  • System design and capabilities, including system architecture, creating and managing data, searching and reporting functionality, and geospatial layers
  • Arches deployment, including installation, data import and export, and configuration and potential customization
  • The Arches community, including how to participate

These activities will also include information on the new functionality available in version 3.0 of the software, the project roadmap, as well as the various ways in which Arches is being implemented by a range of organizations.

Click here for more information


24. SITUATIONS VACANT Heritage Consultants, 1 x Senior, 1 x Junior, Heritage21, Sydney

Heritage Consultants – 2 Positions
1 Senior and 1 Junior

Heritage21 (which has recently been acquired by Rappoport Pty Ltd); is seeking 2 people to join their team.   Heritage 21 is medium sized company specialising in reports and advice for Cultural Built Heritage.

Located in Alexandria, both positions are full-time. 

Due to the increase in workload, Heritage21 is seeking the right candidates with a background in heritage, town planning, architecture, urban design or related fields. 

The successful applicant/s will need to:

  • be able to work in a team and autonomously
  • work collaboratively with clients and other external consultants
  • be a self-starter and have attention to detail
  • have an excellent command of the English language both written and verbal
  • have good time management skills
  • have a degree in cultural built heritage or associated fields
  • demonstrate experience in preparing statement of heritage impacts; heritage advice (a different level would be expected for each position)
  • have a working knowledge of NSW and local government statutory requirements

The successful applicants will hold a degree in the cultural built heritage discipline or associated field:

  • The senior position – the successful applicant would have a minimum 4 years’ experience in a consulting role.
  • The successful junior applicant would need to demonstrate their understanding of the industry and have undertaken associated studies as a minimum in experience

The two positions, at different levels, would include the preparation of:

  • heritage assessments
  • statement of heritage impacts
  • conservation management plans
  • heritage advice

For more information, or confidential discussion/enquiries regarding this position, please contact Sue, Business Development Manager at Heritage21, on (02) 9519-2521 or email your resume to Sue.

An attractive salary package, commensurate with experience, will be offered.


25. SITUATION VACANT Yangon Heritage Trust (THT) Tourism Study – call for specialists

The YHT will be undertaking a study looking at sustainable heritage tourism for Yangon’s proposed Downtown Conservation Area (DCA). This project, will be recommendation focussed.  A lead consultant would need to be in Yangon for 28 days and be prepared to undertake intensive research and write recommendations based on that research and YHT’s broad vision for the heritage tourism sector in Yangon.

YHT is moving ahead with its major piece of work at the moment, the Special Development Plan. This will be a document setting out a vision and actionable items of reform designed to conserve heritage and unlock the economic and liveability potential of the DCA. Senior government officials and businesspeople have expressed a desire for this plan and it will be presented to the incoming government in March 2016.

Having already undertaken a real estate study, comparative legislative study and currently commissioning a legal ownership study, transportation, pedestrian access and parking study- the YHT is now looking to employ a specialist to come to Yangon for one month to look at tourism.

The study will broadly look at (both domestic and international):

  1. Understanding existing hotel bed capacity, pricing and types of accommodation available
  2. Understanding the most visited sites in Yangon and who is visiting
  3. Looking at macro data on who is visiting Yangon generally and trends
  4. Looking at how long people spend in Yangon and why
  5. Identifying places which would be activated to attract visitors into the downtown
  6. Commenting on how much income this could generate for the city and its residents based on different projections
  7. Identifying how the places identified in point 5 could be activated and what will be required to do so
  8. Identifying guidelines to ensure that tourism does not adversely impact the liveability of Yangon for local residents

These Terms of Reference will evolve over the coming weeks once a specialist has been identified in this area.

Please express your interest in this opportunity to Rupert Mann, Program Manager, by email, and include your experience in this area and your CV. Expressions of interest should be forwarded by 15 July 2015.

Report to be submitted by 1 October 2015 or earlier.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
